sergeant-macho-nacho - Manmade Horrors, Art, Nature
Manmade Horrors, Art, Nature

Pro-lifers, Transphobes, and anyone else who wants to take rights away are not welcome here

507 posts

Sergeant-macho-nacho - Manmade Horrors, Art, Nature

sergeant-macho-nacho - Manmade Horrors, Art, Nature

More Posts from Sergeant-macho-nacho

6 months ago


6 months ago
By Foodloversfarm

by foodloversfarm

6 months ago
Waterlilies, Detail, 1907 By Claude Monet

Waterlilies, detail, 1907 by Claude Monet

6 months ago

U.S. conservatives always talk about creating jobs but get SO MAD whenever anyone mentions banning prison labor like imagine the insane ammout of jobs that would be created literally overnight if companies in your country had to actually employ people instead of using slave labor from people that got caught with weed 10 years ago.