Ive Read This This Morning And Since Then Its Not Getting Out Of My Head!I Mean This Is Exactly How Jimmy
I’ve read this this morning and since then it’s not getting out of my head! I mean this is exactly how Jimmy would react. He wouldn’t care that Gary’s trans or that she’s a girl. Gary would still be his enemy and an ashole towards Jimmy and since we’re in Bullworth he wouldn’t even get in trouble for harrassing girls, because they would either not know or not care about it. And Jimmy would be accepting, because he’s actually a really nice guy, I mean the only scene in the game I remember when he was a little bit of an as was when he told Pete to act more cool and went flirting with Christy. But usually he’s totally accepting. He makes out with guys and girls, he doesn’t mind Edna spitting in everyones food, he brought Pinky flowers, because he rememberd she liked them! He’s actually a nice guy and really accepting. Which is kind of amazing in Bullworth, where most people are assholes and make fun of everyone for everything. I mean Jimmy wasn’t even mean to Gary when he tried to murder him! He just asked why. He only became angry when Gary insulted his mother. So canon Jimmy would be the kind of person that would adress Gary right, even if she was his enemy. And Pete would of course be the only person who would get stuff like that right from the beginning, because he’s a nice guy and intelligent, so he knows that stuff like that is important and absolutly fine and nothing you make fun of. And Gary really wouldn’t change much. I mean even if Gary would be born a girl she would have short hair and wear trousers, because it’s more practical. Especially in a place like Bullworth where guys harrass girls all the time. And Gary is way to lazy to correct everyone about calling her a guy, because they’re all going down anyways, so why care what the scum of Bullworth says? And why on earth would anyone want to live in the girls dorm? I mean there are women patrolling there all the time, so no room to be alone and make plans, and there are the other girls and I’m pretty sure Gary would not get on with most of them.
I think trans!girl Gary would be interesting in context of the game.
Like, she’s not particularly concerned about transitioning and fighting to have the school recognize she’s a girl puts her in the girl’s dorm which she has absolutely no interest in, so as long as she’s rooming with Pete, she’s actually pretty chill with how things are.
Petey is the only one who corrects people because it’s a big deal for him. Even Gary doesn’t always, but then most people aren’t usually talking to her about her.
But Jimmy is venting to Petey mid-game about how Gary’s been fucking shit up like, “God, what is his problem?” and Petey just laughs and is like, “Yeah, she’s out of control.” And Jimmy doesn’t understand but he doesn’t call him out on it because maybe it was a slip up or Pete’s making a bad joke??? But he just. Keeps. Doing it.
So finally Jimmy asks him about it and Pete’s like, “No, Gary’s a girl?” and Jimmy laughs, but Petey remains straight faced.
“Gary’s a girl?”
“Gary’s a girl.”
And Jimmy just sort of accepts it and the game moves on as it is, except Jimmy never ever misgenders Gary again cause, yeah, okay, Gary’s a girl.
And then, y’know, you fastforward a little bit, and I get my Smopkins, and Jimmy introduces Gary to people as his girlfriend, and they laugh, and Jimmy just cocks this threatening eyebrow until they nervously stop laughing and it’s great.
Sometimes when she feels like it, she steals Zoe’s skirts and sweaters cause she feels cute but she doesn’t like shopping for clothes a.k.a Gary is a lazy piece of shit.
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Marriage Names
8. “No way. Rationale? It’s half a biological impulse, and half a contextual thing. Biologically, the word ‘domain’ keeps popping into my head. That sounds misogynistic, I know. But at my core, when all is said and done, I believe that the family is my domain. For instance, in any hypothetical state of emergency, I’m going be the one to sacrifice my life to save my wife and children. I should be the one whose name lives on.”
— Raul, 29
I think it’s really unimporant what your surname is, but I just like this answer.As long as he’d sacrifice his life for his family he’s fine to keep his name. I mean he has the right prioritys obviously!My parents aren’t married and I have my mothers surname and I am glad for that, because my initals would be annoying with my fathers surname. But that’s literally the only reason.But I think it’s something everyone should decide for themselfes.If you want your husbands surname, take it.If you want your wifes surname, take it.If you want a double-name, take it.If you want to keep your name, take it.If you want to change both of your name, do it.Whatever.It’s your marriage, nobody should tell you what name you should take on!
Len being in prison on Barrys Birthday and when the Rouges get him out they kidnap Henry Allen and drop him off at Starlabs, so he can spend the day with his son.
Bully prison AU
Why did no one ever a Bully Prison AU Like all the Bullworth students are in a for-some-reason-gender-mixed prison. And the Nerds are the guys who are there for stuff like hacking into bank accounts so no one takes them seriously.
Earnest had an illegal porn website and stole private pictures and videos and woman and sold them online. He still gets beaten up for that in prison. Especially since one of these woman is in the very same prison. Beatrice did something but no one knows exactly what. Just that she was in science and that she bribed some people into stuff and they busted her really late.
Algie is the one that no one thinks will survive prison. But he makes it, because he made money before prison and just pays Jimmy to protect him. He produces illegally alcohol in prison and sells it, so the others leave him alone.
Bucky did some experiments that blew up. Really bad. Because you have to be good at least a but in chemistry if you want to produce Crystal Meth.
Cornelius is actually the nice guy that keeps himself in the background even for a Nerd. And he does all that theater-therapy-group-stuff. He tricked in university and used their money for his own stuff.
Donald is the one who did the worst stuff besides Earnest. He took revenge on some guys who bullied him and started with stealing money online and ended with attempted murder.
Fatty is the guy that cuts his money on hygiene-products and buys food instead and that’s why the inmates leave him alone. He used to produce drugs, mostly LSD.
Melvin did something remotely normal to get into prison. Like robbing a bank. It was to please his father who said, that real man steal money with a gun and not a computer.
Thad built weapons and sold them illegally. He still does that in prison, that’s why people don’t trust him. He is like MacGyver.
The Bullies are the criminals who are there for small but consistent stuff. Like nothing serious, but they frequently go back to prison, because they get caught quiet often.
Russell is actually not a bad guy, but he tends to get really brutal if someone hurts his friends or little animals. And he snaps and because he’s so strong it ends up really bad. But he really looks out for his guys and no one tries the prison fight stuff with them.
Davis had a normal life and then his cousin did some mean stuff to him and Davis got dragged into it. And now he’s in for the much worse stuff his cousin did instead of the small stuff he did.
Ethan is a burglar. They called him the ninja, because no one ever saw him. But then they found the loot at his place. He and Vance fight occasionally, but it’s mostly teasing, since they are in prison and Vance is mostly flirting. Ethan just doesn’t get it until Vance is released and Ethan has to wait until Vance is back once more. Witch happens a lot.
Tom’s paranoia took over at some point and he punched some totally innocent guy and that was just one punch too much.
Trent got teenagers into the criminal life. He is one of the people who go the theatre-therapy-group because he did play theatre in school too. He still thinks Cornelius is weird. Also he and Kirby are in a relationship, but only in their cell when it’s dark, because Kirby doesn’t want anyone to know; also they are in different cliques.
Troy is not the brightest bulb so he got caught. And he gets caught a lot.
Wade is in more often than out because whenever he gets angry he punches someone who pisses him off. He still does that in prison and it annoys the guards a lot.
The Preps are in for stuff like not paying taxes and because they get sued a lot.
No one knows what exactly Derby did, but the list is long. But they got him in for tax evasion and now he’s stuck as long as his lawyer can’t get a better deal.
Bif is Derby’s muscles, he got in with Derby because he knew about all the stuff Derby did and now they are imprisoned together and Bif is still protecting Derby.
Bryce used to be rich but his father lost all their money so Bryce had to steal it from the company he was working at.
Chad had a dog called Chester. And some scum was jealous of Chad and let it out on Chester. Chester survived but the attacker not so much.
Gord had his hands on too many secretaries. Male and female. And well one woman said it was rape (it wasn’t. she just wanted money). He pays Lola for Sex but is up for it with anyone.
Justin had a sports team. They weren’t good so he hooked them up on steroids. But that team is still really okay with him, because they wanted to win no matter what as well.
Parker was caught with too many hookers. Way too many!
Pinky stole a lot of stuff. She is a princess and pretty stuff, should belong to princesses. But the jewelry store wants it back anyways. Derby doesn’t look after her much, even though they are related, because Bif taught her how to box and she hits harder than a lot of the guys.
Tad got back onto his father. But his father had more money so Tad’s in prison, instead of his abusive father.
The Greasers are the real criminals. They are into some serious shit but try to not get caught too much. Mostly they beat up people, rob them, break into the homes of rich people and do illegal car races. Also they steal anything with tires. They are like the Italian Mafia, just smaller.
Johnny nearly killed a man who he caught with Lola. And he beat up a lot more they just do not know. He would have killed all of them, but his gangs always hold him back.
Norton used his sledgehammer on someone.
Peanut hold Johnny back from killing someone, but got thrown in prison with him, because they thought he was helping Johnny.
Lola is a hooker. She was caught one time too often. She still lets guys onto her for money. Johnny is not pleased, but he can’t do too much, since they are in prison.
Hal crushed a man’s ribs, because he insulted his chubby girlfriend. She visits him a lot.
Lefty sold cigarettes to children when they caught him. And then they found some stoles cars in his garage.
Lucky shared his garage with Lefty.
Ricky beat the new boyfriend of his ex into the hospital.
Vance is in for a little bit of everything. They couldn’t catch him on the big stuff though. He hooks up with Gord sometimes, because he has a crush on Ethan, but Ethan doesn’t get his flirting most of the time.
The Jocks used to be Justin’s sports team. They knew about the steroids and they actually said that they knew about them, but along steroids there were more issues. They tend to get into fights with anybody who goes on their turf.
Ted is their leader only because he had the most important position on the team. He used to date Mandy, but broke up with her, after her naked pictures from his! phone got into the internet. He actually called out that has was taking steroids much longer and even other drugs, that were illegal to own in the first place.
Damon punches his manager’s lights out, after he told him, that Damon’s career in sport was over.
Bo paid referees so his team would win and especially he would be on the field. He tried the same thing with the judges.
Casey threw his father’s alcohol into the steroid mix and is in for aggravated assault against said father and the neighbors that called the police and the police.
Dan was involved in his brother Thad’s weapons business, so when they got onto him for the steroid stuff, they got onto Thad’s work as well and drove them both to prison.
Juri is only in prison in America, because in his home county he might be executed for them same stuff. And they don’t want to lose and athlete that well. Steroids or not.
Kirby busted Luis, so he could get out of the steroid affair, because he didn’t take any. But Bo got behind that and attacked Kirby and they both ended in prison for mayhem. He is the cellmate of Trent and they have a relationship, but only in their cell, because they are in different cliques and Kirby is afraid the other guys might try to rape him, if they found out.
Luis is in because Kirby busted him for harassment against female fans. He used to get them drunk, so they would let their guard down and he could get it going with them. He did know it was wrong, but that somehow didn’t stop him.
Mandy is in for attacking Earnest, after she found out he published her photos and videos from her and Ted in private. She didn’t want to take them in the first place and only did it, because it made Ted happy. She regrets it and is off for good with Ted.
The Townies are the ones with life sentences.
Edgar is in for murder. He threw a man into acid on the chemical plant where he was working. The man insulted him a lot and Edgar snapped and pushed him into the acid.
Omar is a pyro. He started little but then it led him to burn houses down. And one of them was still inhabited. Clint and Henry are twins. They are insane, but too dangerous for leaving them in an asylum. They killed a bunch of teenagers after these teenagers killed their farm animals.
Duncan used to produce drugs, but then he got caught and killed the witness. He is up for sex with the other Townies, if they want to.
Gurney is a serial rapist. He is looked away most of the time, so he doesn’t have a change to get near the female inmates.
Jerry may or may not have killed his mother. He doesn’t talk about it.
Leon was in for stealing a TV but then killed the librarian Mrs. Carvin and has to stay now.
Otto was into gambling. He didn’t have the money so he loaned it from a loan shark who wanted it back. Long story short, he is never getting money ever again.
Zoe is the only one of the Townies who’s not in for good because she’s too smart to get caught. She killed her rapist Mr. Burton, but the jury claimed it was not that bad and really understandable. So she just has a long sentence instead of forever and goodbye.
The Non-Clique Students are the ones from a new prison; they have been to prison before, but not this one.
Angie slaughtered a man who owned a rabbit farm. They never found the body and she is most likely going to get out for it, for the lack of evidence, but for now she is locked up and only in for trespassing.
Christy Martin is in for huge damages on reputation on several men. She accused them for rape to get attention.
Constantinos is in for attempted suicide that nobody noticed, he tried to comic suicide by cop, but they only shot him in the leg and he is in for causing a riot.
Eunice is in blackmailing a surgeon to get her free operations in plastic surgery.
Gordon claims it was a really dangerous fight, but it actually a really unfair fight. He used gun at a knife fight and shot his opponent in the leg, because he isn’t the best shot (he aimed for the shoulder).
Ivan is mostly asleep but no one dare to come near him, because he’s in for attempted murder. But no one knows why he tried to kill the man.
Lance is imprisoned for the same reason as his brother Bo. He tried to bribe the judges (it runs in the family). He got a much longer sentence than for just assaulting a woman he liked (she obviously didn’t like him back).
Ray was just in a new prison but now he was already brought to the Bullworth prison. He is really scared and tries to hold back. He was on hallucinogens and smashed a whole Walmart.
Trevor is 100 % sure he is just in prison because he is black. He might be right, because the evidence on him for kidnapping was really thin.
The little Kids are the new inmates who weren’t imprisoned before.
Gloria is the only one in her family who didn’t try to bribe the judge. She just tried to defend herself, because she didn’t have the money for a lawyer. Well she had the money, but it was the money from her robbery and she couldn’t use it.
Karen punched her neighbor straight into hospital and herself in prison. He should not have made fun of her.
Melody was caught shoplifting a lot, but this time it was jewelry worth the whole courts income. She is actually getting along fine in prison.
Pedro does not like being in prison. He pushed a man off a bridge onto the train tracks.
Sheldon thinks that the guards are actually nice people and thinks they like him, which they do not. He’s in for ownership of quite a lot of marihuana.
The Prefects are the head guards and love to let their anger at the inmates.
Crabblesnitch is the head of prison, Miss Danvers is still his secretary, Edna is still a horrible cook and the teachers are the prison staff.
And the main characters:
Jimmy is obviously there for basically everything, from harassment, threw assault, to graffiti, shoplifting, trespassing, violence and more. He does basically everything for everyone for getting money. And he makes out with everyone as well. Mostly Zoe though, they are on the same level and he was caught when he helped Zoe to get rid of Burton.
Pete got caught for something nobody knows. But he is facing quiet a long time and Gary was involved. He stays near Gary because he’s afraid that the guys might try something. He befriends Jimmy quickly, because he thinks Jimmy is a good chance, that the prison has someone that is actually halfway decent.
Gary is in for attempted murder along with a bunch of other things. One of them dragged Pete in, even though he was actually trying to make it better. And he shares a cell with Pete, who is not completely with that. And Gary well he tries to take over the prison.
That got way longer than I thought it would.
Hero: a Definiton
Today I read in our Newspaper a questioning who was the favourite Superhero and well, of couorse nobody who really knew much about comic books was asked. So naturally the best know was on top: Superman.
But that was not what botherd me! I like Superman and I liked the other heros in that list, but they were not all Superheros. Super means [above, over, beyond] so it means Over-hero, over-human. That means not any kind of hero is a superhero. Most are just norman human heros. And then there are the anti-heros of course aswell who have anti-heroic traits. I guess you could get the very-intelligent heros in an extra category, since they are beyond human intelligence, but that is more of an average thing but still humanly possible. While meta-humans or aliens clearly have powers above human possibliltys. Gods have these too, but gods are, well gods. So they should have an extra cathegory aswell.
In conclusion this makes the following groups: Superheros: Heros with powers beyond human powers. Example: Superman, Captain America, Spiderman, Wonder Woman, most of the X-Men Heros with a high intelligence: [People, not necessairily humans] with a high intelligence, but no powers. Example: Batman, Ironman
Heros: norman People without powers, that have heroic traits. Example: Green Arrow, Nightwing, Speedy, Batgirl, Kim Possible
Anti-Heros: Heros with anti.heroic traits. Example: Deadpool, Red Hood, Rorschach Gods: Mythological gods. Thor, Odin
The Rouges and the Flash meet some kind of meta, that can maipulate a lot of people at the same time, to follow him. And he attacs the Flash and the Rouges equally. So then the Rouges hide in their safhouse and Barry and Cisco are walking down the street of that safehouse, then the Meta and his followers attack. But the can’t do anything, because he tries to control Barry and they didn’t find a solution to that, also he can’t harm the civillians. And there are a lot of them. So they try to hide and Len sees the though the outdoor cameras and sends Barry a text to get in there, and since there is no other solution they go. And then Lisa lets Cisco sleep in her bed, while Barry and Len spend the whole night talking. First it’s just about the meta they try to deafeat, but then they talk about everything, because they have to stay awake, in case something happens, and stuff like that leads to the obvious date of the two of them, after Team Falsh and the Rouges have defeatet the Meta all togehter.