Odin - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

OP why did you tag this as incorrect norse mythology, when I'm 100% sure that canonically happened 😂

Odin: There’s a thin line between being a genius and being a fucking idiot. Frigg: Loki uses that line as a skipping rope.

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4 months ago
Mood Board For The Rune Raido!!!!

Mood board for the rune ❤️Raido!!!! ❤️

Associated with bright red, Thor, Odin, and Forseti. It is also associated with mugwort, the elder tree, travel and relationships and taking risks!! It is also associated with dark green malachite, and another crystal I will have to look up. It’s also associated with crows!! (Maybe ravens too? I dunno) It is also associated with the stomach, so i am assuming that it’s also associated with intuition and when we get butterflies of excitement and nervousness and that it encourages us to look past those butterflies and embrace adventure!! 🦋🧈

It’s also associated with the smell of aloe vera, which reminds me of my grandma 🥺🌸

It might sound a bit plagiaristic at the beginning of this post, but this is my source!! Yay and please let me know what your experiences with this rune are if you feel like!! 🥰🥰🥰

Raidho Rune
Vikings of Valhalla US
Raidho speaks of the exciting adventure of external and internal journeys, as well as the perpetual spiritual search of mankind. The 5th run

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1 year ago

That's mother fucking Oden

god-of-idiots - The lord

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8 years ago

Perhaps the best chapter yet! OMG I’m fangirling so hard right now!!

Blind Date, Ch 9


Synopsis: Saga was blinded in a freak accident at Stark Industries and ever since, Tony Stark and the Avengers have been helping her. Well, they think they’ve been helping, actually they’ve been holding her back, refusing to let her learnt to be self-sufficient.

Loki finds himself imprisoned in Stark Tower but when the Avengers have to leave, Loki finds a way around their security and encounters the blind doctor. He quickly finds himself intrigued by her and unlike her friends, he doesn’t go out of his way to “help” her perform simple tasks.

Both misfits in their own way, they quickly form a strong but needless to say, the Avengers don’t take kindly to the budding  friendship.

Based on this imagine

AN: Unbeta’d, please forgive any mistakes

Previous Chapters: Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - Chapter Five -Chapter Six - Chapter Seven - Chapter Eight - 

Chapter Nine

Saga’s concentration had been off ever since Loki left. One day, he’d said. It was now twelve days and counting.

“Hey, darlin’ you doin’ okay?”

“Tony, you don’t need to check up on me every hour.”

“I know, I want to, and it’s not every hour.”

“Gloating doesn’t look good on you-”

“Are you kidding Gloating looks great on me-”

“-And in any case you’re wrong, Loki is coming back.”

“-But anyway, I’m  not gloating, I’m worried.”

Keep reading

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4 years ago







Valhalla does not discriminate against the kind of fight you lost. Did you lose the battle with cancer? Maybe you died in a fist fight. Even facing addiction. After taking a deep drink from his flagon, Odin slams his cup down and asks for the glorious tale of your demise!

Oh my god, this is beautiful.

A small child enters Valhalla. The battle they lost was “hiding from an alcoholic father.” Odin sees the flinch when he slams the cup and refrains from doing it again. He hears the child’s pain; no glorious battle this, but one of fear and wretched survival.

He invites the child to sit with him, offers the choicest mead and instructs his men to bring a sword and shield, a bow and arrow, of the very best materials and appropriate size. “Here,” he says, “you will find no man who dares to harm you. But so you will know your own strength, and be happy all your days in Valhalla, I will teach you to use these weapons.”

The sad day comes when another child enters the hall. Odin does not slam his cup; he simply beams with pride as the first child approaches the newcomer, and holds out her bow and quiver, and says “nobody here will hurt you. Everyone will be so proud you did your best, and I’ll teach you to use these, so you always know how strong you are.”


A young man enters the hall. He hesitates when Odin asks his story, but at long last, it ekes out: skinheads after the Pride parade. His partner got into a building and called for help. The police took a little longer than perhaps they really needed to, and two of those selfsame skinheads are in the hospital now with broken bones that need setting, but six against one is no fair match. The fear in his face is obvious: here, among men large enough to break him in two, will he face an eternity of torment for the man he left behind?

Odin rumbles with anger. Curses the low worms who brought this man to his table, and regales him with tales of Loki so to show him his own welcome. “A day will come, my friend, when you seek to be reunited, and so you shall,” Odin tells him. “To request the aid of your comrades in battle is no shameful thing.”


A woman in pink sits near the head of the table. She’s very nearly skin and bones, and has no hair. This will not last; health returns in Valhalla, and joy, and light, and merrymaking. But now her soul remembers the battle of her life, and it must heal.

Odin asks.

And asks again.

And the words pour out like poisoned water, things she couldn’t tell her husband or children. The pain of chemotherapy. The agony of a mastectomy, the pain still deeper of “we found a tumor in your lymph nodes. I’m so sorry.” And at last, the tortured question: what is left of her?

Odin raises his flagon high. “What is left of you, fair warrior queen, is a spirit bright as fire; a will as strong as any forged iron; a life as great as any sea. Your battle was hard-fought, and lost in the glory only such furor can bring, and now the pain and fight are behind you.“

In the months to come, she becomes a scop of the hall–no demotion, but simple choice. She tells the stories of the great healers, Agnes and Tanya, who fought alongside her and thousands of others, who turn from no battle in the belief that one day, one day, the war may be won; the warriors Jessie and Mabel and Jeri and Monique, still battling on; the queens and soldiers and great women of yore.

The day comes when she calls a familiar name, and another small, scarred woman, eyes sunken and dark, limbs frail, curly black hair shaved close to her head, looks up and sees her across the hall. Odin descends from his throne, a tall and foaming goblet in his hands, and stuns the hall entire into silence as he kneels before the newcomer and holds up the goblet between her small dark hands and bids her to drink.

“All-Father!” the feasting multitudes cry. “What brings great Odin, Spear-Shaker, Ancient One, Wand-Bearer, Teacher of Gods, to his knees for this lone waif?”

He waves them off with a hand.

“This woman, LaTeesha, Destroyer of Cancer, from whom the great tumors fly in fear, has fought that greatest battle,” he says, his voice rolling across the hall. “She has fought not another body, but her own; traded blows not with other limbs but with her own flesh; has allowed herself to be pierced with needles and scored with knives, taken poison into her very veins to defeat this enemy, and at long last it is time for her to put her weapons down. Do you think for a moment this fight is less glorious for being in silence, her deeds the less for having been aided by others who provided her weapons? She has a place in this great hall; indeed, the highest place.”

And the children perform feats of archery for the entertainment of all, and the women sing as the young man who still awaits his beloved plays a lute–which, after all, is not so different from the guitar he once used to break a man’s face in that great final fight.

Valhalla is a place of joy, of glory, of great feasting and merrymaking.

And it is a place for the soul and mind to heal.

THIS! This is the Hanged God who owns my loyalty, Old One-Eye who’s call I answer above all.

He is not one to turn the brave aside, asks no more than what one can give (Even if, at times, it doesn’t look that way.)



It hurts so much when people thank god for making them strong enough to defeat cancer. Because my mom didn’t win her battle. Thank you, @prismatic-bell.

I’m so sorry for your loss. My grandfather is losing this same battle a little at a time, and I swear I will physically fight anyone who says he “didn’t try hard enough.” He’s the strongest man I know.

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7 years ago
Obi Sketch (60 Minutes)
Obi Sketch (60 Minutes)

Obi sketch (60 minutes)

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7 years ago
Odin Standard (remodel) Sheet, Featuring Official Card Art, Model Sheets And Lots Of In Game Model Screen

Odin Standard (remodel) sheet, featuring official card art, model sheets and lots of in game model screen shots.

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7 years ago
Odin Art By Marsalinapocalypse

Odin art by marsalinapocalypse

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8 years ago
I Am (not) THOR By Luffie

I am (not) THOR by luffie

A Thor-like fan art sketch that I just did. I was inspired by one of Esad RIbic’s sketch (I think it was him). In the future, he will have more distinct design to separate himself from Thor.

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5 years ago

A little ironic meta. I hated this scene in TR too.

Same Bullshit Energy
Same Bullshit Energy
Same Bullshit Energy
Same Bullshit Energy

same bullshit energy

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5 years ago
Thor 2 Is Basically About Everyone Threatening Loki Not To Betray Thor And Loki Just Not Taking Any Of
Thor 2 Is Basically About Everyone Threatening Loki Not To Betray Thor And Loki Just Not Taking Any Of
Thor 2 Is Basically About Everyone Threatening Loki Not To Betray Thor And Loki Just Not Taking Any Of
Thor 2 Is Basically About Everyone Threatening Loki Not To Betray Thor And Loki Just Not Taking Any Of
Thor 2 Is Basically About Everyone Threatening Loki Not To Betray Thor And Loki Just Not Taking Any Of
Thor 2 Is Basically About Everyone Threatening Loki Not To Betray Thor And Loki Just Not Taking Any Of

thor 2 is basically about everyone threatening loki not to betray thor and loki just not taking any of their shit for serious

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5 years ago

There’s something that’s been bugging me about the first Thor film for a while, which is the fact Thor’s great “revelation” is this nebulous thing that is implied to have occurred but isn’t really actually presented to the audience? Like, yes, it would be a great shock to be dropkicked off your home planet and lose your fancy magic powers, but I’m not sure where and how that leads to “I was wrong to re-ignite war against our hereditary enemies, obviously they are people too, and I must stop Loki because Genocide Is WrongTM”. 

Especially since the fate of the Jotnar is never picked up again? It’s just kind of assumed that- well, that no one on Asgard gives a shit if they did all die from delayed effects of the planet getting a hole punched into it. Despite Thor apparently  believing that preventing such warranted smashing the Bifrost?

Granted, Asgard seems to rely on the Bifrost to the exclusion of possessing spaceworthy craft, so they couldn’t render aid if they wanted to? 

But it’s weird that the last act of Thor hinges on Thor having had some great realization and it just-isn’t there?

Why did you change your mind, Thor? 

Was Darcy watching Schindler’s List for one of her classes or something? Considering what is revealed about the war with the Svartalfar, does Asgard even have a concept of genocide, or is it simply considered a “dishonorable” tactic that is nevertheless lauded in practice because “yay, we won’t have to worry about that enemy anymore”.

What made you change your mind, Thor?

Why did you break the bridge when you had gleefully murdered someone for an insult 3 days before?

Why did you change your mind?

What made you change your mind?

…and why didn’t it seem to stick?

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5 years ago

Literally can’t believe that it took the official marvel press release about it for everyone to finally accept that Loki was being Big Controlled by Thanos in avengers like…what the good fuck did everyone think he was doing in this scene. he looks UNHINGED. like he just got hooked up from that succ machine in Monsters Inc that drains your skin of all its melanin 

Literally Cant Believe That It Took The Official Marvel Press Release About It For Everyone To Finally

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3 years ago

I HATE when they call him Laufeyson!

What is the reason? Besides his true parentage I don’t see any other. This drives me nuts! Fact 1: Loki despised his biological father, he just killed him. Laufey just abandoned Loki  when Loki was a hopeless infant. Who wants a father like that? Fact 2: In “The Dark World Prelude”, which is considered as a canon for MCU, Odin called Loki “Laufeyson” as a greatest insult.

Fact 3: Loki accepted in “Infinity War” that he is a brother of Thor, he is son of Odin. He said with great understanding, adressing himself as “Odinson”.

For me he is an Odinson. I know Odin wasn’t a good father neither but this places Loki in Odinson Family, where he belongs, with his beloved brother (after all he sacrificed himself for Thor...)

If I see now  Loki Laufeyson anywhere, I’m in a killing spree :E

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3 years ago

“Thor” (2011) - kilka słów o filmie

Dzisiaj zaczynam mój cykl recenzji i jako pierwszy na tapetę wezmę film „Thor” Ogólnie nie ma chyba rzeczy, która by mi się w tym filmie nie podobała. Wszystko było zrównoważone - i humor i tragedia, tak samo jak sceny akcji i sceny z dialogami. Najbardziej mnie interesował ten film ze względu na pokazanie dość skomplikowanej relacji pomiędzy braćmi. Coś-tam w sieci poczytałam (na szczęście unikając jakichś większych spoilerów) i wiedziałam, że na to muszę zwrócić uwagę. Jak już wiecie pewnie, dla mnie ten temat jest nieobcy - sama mam w domu wciąż rywalizujących ze sobą dwóch synów, tak też bardzo zwracam uwagę na tego typu wątki we filmach. Stąd też zaciągnęłam dzieciaki do oglądania niegdyś Jurassic World. Dlatego też tak bardzo wyszukuję drobnych szczegółów w relacji Data-Lore. I dlatego zawsze lubiłam dynamikę Dantego-Vergila w DMC. No i tutaj mamy kolejny przykład. Mamy klasyczny przykład jednego brata żyjącego w cieniu drugiego, z jednej strony zazdrosnego i podstępnego, ale mimo wszystko łączy ich silna więź. Thor jest wg mnie postacią bardzo pozytywną, bo traktuje brata na równi z sobą, co widać zwłaszcza w tej wyciętej z filmu scence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P23aKF-694k no i między nimi jest jednak prawdziwa miłość braterska, co się daje odczuć w wielu momentach. Jedyne co, to Loki się trochę pogubił, zwłaszcza, gdy dowiedział się o swoim pochodzeniu i to było już równią pochyłą dla niego. Jest mi tak naprawdę go strasznie szkoda, zwłaszcza że naprawdę chciał zdobyć uznanie ojca :( Szkoda, że doprowadziło go to do autodestrukcji i został przeciągnięty na ciemną stronę mocy. Yyy, nie to uniwersum, sorry ;) Co do innych postaci, to również bardzo pozytywnie je odbieram. Przyjaciele Thora - każdy miał inny charakter, ale jednak potrafili razem stawić czoła największym niebezpieczeństwom. Frigga też widać, że bardzo kocha swoich synów. Odin - jak to Odin, musi zgrywać twardego i bezwzględnego króla, ale stara się być dobrym ojcem dla Thora (co prawda tylko dla Thora, bo ojcem dla Lokiego jest fatalnym, ale pomińmy ten fakt milczeniem). W tym miejscu muszę pochwalić grę aktorką Anthonyego Hopkinsa, naprawdę dał z siebie wszystko (pomimo, że jego postać pół filmu przespała ;)) Jeśli już o aktorach mowa, to wiele osób źle ocenia Natalie Portman jako Jane. A mnie się nawet podobała. Była chemia między nią a Thorem, no, może nie taka wielka jak między Thorem a Lokim, ale mimo wszystko Jane i Thor do siebie pasują i fajna z nich parka. Skoro już o Jane mowa, to czas powiedzieć co nieco o przygodach ziemskich Thora. Było naprawdę wesoło (świetne gagi, jak na przykład trafił do szpitala, albo jak się upijał z Selvigiem) - wszystko związane z tropem tzw. "fish out of water" w przypadku naszego głównego bohatera świetnie się sprawdziło. Były też sceny wzruszające (jak np. Thor nie mógł wyciągnąć Mjollnira, albo gdy myślał, że jego ojciec nie żyje). Podobały mi się też ogólnie jego interakcje z ziemskimi przyjaciółmi oraz z rządowym SHIELDem. W filmie została zachowana równowaga jeśli chodzi o wydarzenia pokazane w Asgardzie oraz na Ziemi, a wszystko się ze sobą pięknie połączyło w finale. Dość tragicznym finale, bo tak naprawdę Thor stracił i Jane i brata... Tak czy owak podobała mi się przeplatająca się przez wątek Asgardu polityczna intryga. Świetnie były pokazane delikatne stosunki dyplomatyczne pomiędzy mieszkańcami Asgardu i Jotunami. Delikatne, bo jak wynika, ani jednych ani drugich lepiej nie tykać nawet kijem, bo wojna wisi na włosku - jedynie roztropność Odina jakoś przeciwdziałała wybuchowi konfliktu. Widać to chociażby po scence, kiedy Laufey nazywa Thora "księżniczką" i to wystarcza, aby obie strony zaczęły się srogo lać ;) Szczerze mówiąc z całego filmu nie zostało jedynie wyjaśnione, jaką drogą Jotunowie dostali się na początku filmu do Asgardu, aby skraść szkatułę, bo to, że nie użyli Bifrostu jest pewne (Heimdall czuwa - BTW, kolejna bardzo fajna postać, pomaga przyjaciołom Thora w - bądź co bądź - rebelii). Wiadomo jedynie, że Loki ich tam wprowadził, a znając Lokiego jestem skłonna przypuszczać, że użył jakichś swoich tajnych dróg. Hmm, co tam jeszcze mogę dodać... Ogólnie postacie super, historia super, relacje pomiędzy bohaterami genialne, no i nie ma bata, Thor musiał pokazać gołą klatę - i to też na plus <3 <3 Z kobiecych postaci najbardziej mi się podobała Darcy - fajna laska i potrafi strzelać taserem :D Podobały mi się też szczegóły i szczególiki, które albo zauważyłam sama, albo doczytałam potem w tv tropes. Były nawet wystąpienia cameo. Aha, no i bardzo się cieszę, że pokazali chociaż przez chwilę Sleipnira (konia Odina). Kiedyś interesowałam się nieco mitologią skandynawską (za czasów jeszcze Sg-1, gdzie Thor, jak może niektórzy pamiętają, był kosmitą), więc od razu zwróciłam na to uwagę. A Loki jest śliczny... Od dzisiaj jestem w #teamloki

Ogólnie wyszła z tego bardzo szekspirowska opowieść (nic dziwnego, w końcu ma znakomitego szeksprirowskiego reżysera) z rewelacyjnie napisanymi postaciami, tymi dobrymi, jak i złymi i niezłą dwuwątkową fabułą. Mój ulubiony film w MCU, jak do tej pory.

Ocena 9/10

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6 years ago

The first time i like a translation to German better than the original sentence

Okay. We're in Thor: the Dark World. Thor is talking to his father about brining peace to the nine realms. He flatters his father. Odins answear is the part I am reffering to. In German he says: "Du musst denken ich sei ein Bär, dass du mir so viel Honig ums Maul schmierst." Which translates to: you must think I am a bear that you cover my face in honey. A bear--> strong, a fighter --> also flatters a king I grew up with that saying and i didn't think much about it, because i had only seen the movie in German. But today I watched the movie in English for the first time and I lost my shit at this: "You must think i am a slice of bread that you butter me so heavily" Bread. I know now that it is a similar saying to my german one but still. Now all I can picture is a piece of bread with the allfathers face on it.

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