Hello! I’m Silver Tooth! I go by she/they pronouns and I am asexual. Im also autistic and I’m currently an adult. I’m a huge anime, animation, indie horror, and comfort fan. I do like soft/comfort vore and I’m a furry (displacer beast to be specific) I sometimes draw, but I mostly write, feel free to ask for any requests!

396 posts

(I Freaking Loved This Story!! This Is Another Fanfic For My Half-Demon! Tanjiro AU And Its My First

(I freaking loved this story!! This is another fanfic for my Half-Demon! Tanjiro AU and it’s my first Obanai x Mitsuri fic. I hope you enjoy it! I totally didn’t cry while writing this.)

Flying High

(A Obanai x Mitsuri Fanfic)

Warnings: MAJOR manga spoilers!! Buts it’s nothing but fluff!

“Higher, Kerido! Higher!” Gyutaro laughs as he rode atop the manticore demon. They flew through the great blue sky, not having a care in the world. Mitsuri watched them like a child would watch a plane. She merely sighed, wishing she could do the same.

The Love Hashira had been practicing flying techniques since she was revived as a half demon. She wanted desperately to fly through the skies, but she could never quite get the hang of it. Takeoff always went smoothly, but it was maintaining the flight that was difficult. Her wings would always wobble whenever she turned and it usually ended up with her crash landing into a tree.

“Today’s the day.” She huffed, only sort of believing that. Mitsuri took her eyes off the flying demons and headed back to her house. She took a short path through the forest and she could only think about how badly she wanted to fly. All Mitsuri wanted to do was carry Obanai, her boyfriend, on her back as she flew. “That would be so romantic.” She thought as she opened the door to her lovely home.

The house was brightly lit via the large windows to the side. The sun glistened against the walls. There was a small table in the center and atop it was a purple, shiny vase that held pink that black flowers. There were also small tables in each corner of the room. There were various artifacts placed around the table. The artifacts told many stories and of many locations.

Mitsuri instantly walked towards the bedroom. She opened the door to see a freshly made bed and neat furniture. “Obi must’ve come home early.” She purred as she skipped over to a reptile cage. There sat Kabauramaru on a branch, enjoying himself.

“Hello, Kabu!” Mitsuri chirped as she peered over the cage. The snake raised his head and flicked his tongue. Mitsuri lightly pet the snake’s chin. Kaburamaru closed his eyes and leaned into her hand. “Awww! Who’s a cutie?” The snake curled around her head and she lifted him out of the cage.

“Alright, Kabu! I know that I’m gonna fly today. I just know it!” She held the snake close to her and he looked like he was listening intently. “I know that I haven’t made much progress, but I know I can do it!” Kaburamaru bobbed his head. Mitsuri seemed to be disheartened, but she tried to keep her hopes up.

She set Kaburamaru sat on the bed and picked up a pair of tweezers. “Don’t worry, this won’t take long.” Mitsuri then started to preen her wings. Ripping out every broken feather and adjusting the misplaced ones. She winced whenever she had to remove one, but she knew she needed to do it.

Kaburamaru took the broken feathers and rolled himself in them. The pink and green feathers stuck out from his coils as he tighted himself around them. Mitsuri giggled as she finished preening. “You’re so cute!” She picked up the coiled snake and gently put him back in his cage.

“You can keep them if you’d like!” She smiled at Kaburamaru. Mitsuri then grabbed some bandages and wipes and put them in her handbag. “I hope I won’t need those..” Mitsuri mewed to herself.

“Heading off for flying practice?” A soft voice came from the doorway. Mitsuri turned around to see Obanai leaning against the door. “Obi!” Mitsuri jumped at her boyfriend and hugged him tightly. Obanai’s tail wrapped around her legs tenderly as she gave him a bunch of kisses.

“Missed me, huh?” He chuckled softly as he put a hand to his cheek. “Of course!” Mitsuri chirped. She gives him a warm smile. “Do you think I might be able to fly today?” Obanai nodded his head. “I believe that you will.”

“I hope you’re right.” She looked down at the floor, disheartening herself. Obanai quickly noticed this and spoke softly. “How about I go with you? I could be like your moral support.” Mitsuri immediately beamed at him. “I would love that! Are you going to bring Kaburamaru?”

Obanai shook his head. “No, he’s afraid of heights.” He turned to the snake’s cage to see Kaburamaru bobbing his head, agreeing. Mitsuri clapped her hands together. “Alright then! Let’s head to the back!” She then started to lead the way, Obanai right behind her.

The back of the house was beautiful. A small dirt patch meant for training was connected to the back wall. Where the patch ended, trees began and they spread out for miles and miles. “Alright! Let’s do this!” Mitsuri smiled.

Obanai nodded his head. “Let’s make sure that you’re ready. Preening?” “Check!” Mitsuri spread out her wings. “Very nice.” Obanai purred. “Breakfast. I was with you for that, so check.” Mitsuri giggled lightly, causing Obanai to blush. “Am I ready?”

“Just one last thing.” Obanai walked up to her and gave her a soft kiss with his mask on her cheek. “There. Now you’re ready.” Mitsuri covered her cheeks and her face turned a bright red. “O-okay!” She turned around and spread out her wings. “Okay, hop on!”

Obanai wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled himself up. He then wrapped his legs and tail around her abdomen. “Hang on!” Mitsuri giggled as she started to run. The wind picked up beneath her wings and Obanai tucked his head into her neck.

She started to flap her wings, causing her body to rise from the group. “Woohoo!” Mitsuri yelled as her body sped past the trees. Obanai rose his head and looked around at the blue sky. “Wow..this is amazing.” He gasped.

The majestic moment didn’t last long though. Her wings started to get off balance and wobble. “Oh no..Not again!” She started to swerve back and forth over the trees. Obanai saw her panicking and started to think of what he could do.

He looked around at her wings for a sign of a problem. Obanai then noticed that her wings were uneven. They didn’t flap at the same time and her panicking only made it worse. “Wait, Mitsuri!” He yelled. “Please calm down.”

Mitsuri’s breathing eased as she heard him speak. Obanai gently grazed his hand over her left wing. “Dear, listen to me.” He spoke softly. “Your wings are uneven. You need to flap them at the same time.”

Mitsuri’s eyes widened as she heard this. She tried her best to flap them simultaneously, but it was incredibly difficult. “You can do it.” Obanai smiled as he grazed over her wing. “Trust me.” Mitsuri closed her eyes, let her fears melt away and flapped.

The wind felt smooth against her skin. It was controlled and it felt like they were slicing through the air. “You’re doing it!” Haha! You did it, Mitsuri!” She could hear Obanai shout over the roaring wind.

She opened her eyes and the world was finally even. She was no longer leaning side to side, but now she was flying straight. “Yay!! We did it! Look, Obi! I’m finally flying!” Mitsuri chirped happily as she flew through the air. Obanai chuckled, “You’re doing amazing!”

The wind whipped against their faces as they zoomed through the air. The sky turned a fiery orange after a while. They flew over the vast ocean, expansive fields, and brightly lit cities. The views were gorgeous, especially since they had each other.

“Hey, Obi. Maybe we should stop and rest for a bit. My wings are kinda sore.” Obanai nodded, agreeing. “Sure!” He then scanned the area. “How about that cliff?” He pointed to a rocky ledge that would give them a great view of the ocean. “Great idea!”

Mitsuri fluttered down and landed her feet on the ground. Obanai slowly let go of her abdomen and jumped off of her. “Wooh! Obi, that was so much fun! I can’t believe that I actually did it!” She beamed at Obanai. He looked at her with kind and caring eyes. “I believed that you would.”

She then ran over to the ledge and sat down. Her legs dangling over the edge. Mitsuri then patted the spot next to her. Obanai quickly went over to her and sat down. “What a day..” Mitsuri smiled as she stared off into the sky.

Obanai chuckled softly as he reached his hand into his haori pocket, toying with something. Mitsuri looked at him curiously. “Whatcha got there?” Obanai sighed warmly. Mitsuri, do you remember the promise I made to you before we died?”

Mitsuri nodded. “I do.” Obanai looked away nervously. “I know that we were revived, but I feel like it still counts.” Obanai stood up and got down on one knee. Mitsuri gasped and stood up. “Obi..” Obanai then pulled out a small black box from his haori pocket. He opened it to reveal a beautiful wedding ring.

“Mitsuri, your the only one that has made me feel true happiness, so please. Will you marry me?” Tears began to flow down Mitsuri’s cheeks. “OF COURSE!!” She then grabbed Obanai by the waist and spun him around.

Both of them were laughing as they held each other. Mitsuri then gently pulled Obanai’s mask down, revealing his snake-like jaw. “Wait! Mitsu-“ She then kissed him tenderly. His eyes widened, but then he relaxed into it.

When she let go, Mitsuri wiped off the poison saliva from her mouth. “Don’t worry. It won’t hurt me if I don’t swallow it.” Obanai smiled softly. “I love you.” Mitsuri returned the smile. “I love you too.”

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More Posts from Silver-tooth-the-panther

Heya! I was wondering if I could request something if its not too much of a bother. Could you possibly do a Bakugou x reader, where he noms them to protect them when their shrinking quirk gets out of control and they get stuck at like half an inch in height? If not, I hope you have a lovely day, and stay safe out there! ^^

(Sorry it took awhile to get to your request. I’ve been stressed out the last few days and I wanted to get information out for the Hashiras in my AU. I had a lot of fun with this fic and I love how this is my first MHA fic! I hope you enjoy it!)

Improvising a Rescue

(A Bakugo Soft Vore Fic)

Warnings: light swearing and soft vore

The Earth felt like it was shaking around you. You were assigned to go with Izuku and Bakugo to investigate suspicious activity in an abandoned apartment. While Izuku and Bakugo were the muscle of the group, you were the one responsible for safely capturing the culprits. Your shrinking quirk made that incredibly easy, however there was a drawback.

If you exhausted your quirk, there was a good chance that it could backfire..and that’s exactly what happened. “Y/N! I’ve got one of them!” Izuku yelled as he held down the struggling criminal. You ran towards him and set your hands on the criminal’s chest. “Ready?” Izuku held him tighter. “Ready!” You yelled.

A bright blue light shone through the room. Izuku covered his eyes from the light. When he opened them, he was still holding the struggling criminal. “God damn heroes!” He yelled as he tried to push Izuku away. “Huh?” Deku squeaked as he pushed the criminal against the wall. “Y/N! What happened?”

You fell against your back. “Oof!” You say up once again then a loud thud came from next to you. You looked over to see a giant red shoe. “What the-?” It was then that you realized that you were a half inch tall.

“Deku! Deku!” You tried calling out, but it was no use. He couldn’t hear your tiny voice. “Oh no..” He winced. “Get off me!” The criminal flailed against Izuku’s grip. Deku just sighed and hit him in the back of the neck, knocking him out. He placed the thug against the wall and started to scan the floor. “Y/N, where are you?!”

Everything felt like a major earthquake. At your size, any movement could be sensed. You quickly ran behind a plank of wood and clung to it for dear life. Suddenly a loud stomping sound was coming towards the room. “Where the hell is Y/N?! I’ve been waiting for them for a half hour!” A booming, yet familiar voice yelled.

In came Bakugo with another knocked out crook slung over his shoulder. “I don’t know, Kacchan. They were trying to shrink this criminal I had over here, but I think their quirk must’ve backfired.” Izuku said worriedly. “Ya think?!” Bakugo barked back. He took a deep breath. “Don’t worry. I’ll find them.”

He had around a few other times when your quirk backfired, so he knew exactly what you would do. Bakugo started to look around for any place that could offer you shelter. “Over there.” He pointed to the plank of wood. Bakugo then crouched down and removed the piece of wood.

You jumped when you first saw him moving the board, but you quickly calmed down when you saw that it was just him. “Oh! Bakugo!” You chuckled lightly. “Guess you found me.” A low growl came from him. Bakugo moved his hand closer to you, beckoning for you to come.

Not wanting to anger him any further, you crawled into his oversized palm. He then lifted you up closer to his face. “How many missions have you been on for the last three days?” Bakugo growled. You scratched the back of your neck nervously. “I’ve been on a few..” He narrowed his eyes angrily. “How many?!”

“S-seven.” You fell back out of fright. Bakugo ran his other hand through his hair and growled, “Oh come on! You know you can’t overwork yourself! Why would you do all those missions?” He stared at you with fiery eyes.

“I-I’m sorry.” You shook nervously. He took notice of your fear and sighed. “Come on. Let’s get you pouched.” Your eyes widened when you heard this. Although your quirk backfiring is usually very annoying, you did enjoy this part of it.

Bakugo moved you closer to his maw and dropped you inside. You landed on his tongue gently and sat up eagerly. The familiar warmth was very comforting and soothing to you. He slowly tilted his head back and swallowed.

You softly slid into the soft tunnel. Your body was gently carried deeper into Bakugo’s body. It had just enough constriction to hold you still, but it wasn’t suffocating. A few seconds passed and you finally reached his belly.

Bakugo’s stomach was like a small pouch that held you gently. It was soft and plush like a weighted blanket. You moved a bit to get more comfortable and you laid down against the soft flesh. A soft sigh came from the young hero.

“There. I swear you and Deku have the same problem.” Bakugo huffed as he put a hand on his belly. “We’ll just have to carry these criminals ourselves!” Deku said enthusiastically as he slung the other thug on his shoulder.

“Shut up, nerd!” Bakugo picked up the thug that he had. The two heroes made their way through the building’s doors and started the path back to their agencies. “Hey, Bakugo. What exactly were they doing there anyway?”

Bakugo chuckled softly. “They had a meth lab.” “Really?!” Izuku didn’t seem to find it funny. He just seemed concerned. Of course, you chuckled to yourself as you gently rubbed the stomach walls. You listened to the soft heartbeat and gurgles of Bakugo’s body. Slowly but surely, they lulled you into a deep slumber.

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(and also he's so cute ToT)

Awwwww! You’re very welcome!!! I hope that the chats that you are having with him are doing well! I couldn’t fit his whole backstory in there, but I got the basics! Have fun with him!

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@silver-tooth-the-panther There Ya Go!

@silver-tooth-the-panther there ya go!

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Gift For @silver-tooth-the-panther. Hope You Like It! I Worked Super Long On This Just For YOU!

Gift for @silver-tooth-the-panther. Hope you like it! I worked super long on this just for YOU! ☺

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I recently came across your stories and really like all of them,and have made me a bit happier. If it's alright can I request a rui x blind male reader who is,like your second douma story is undernourished because he can't find his way into civilization,if he does,they trick him into getting lost. He has short light red hair green eyes.his name is shao and he's shy,doesn't trust people for obvious reasons.it's ok if not,just asking...!

(I’m so glad that my stories are able to make you happy! I didn’t know if you wanted vore or not, but since all my Demon Slayer stories have vore I decided to include it. Plus my friend helped me with that. However , I decided to make Rui a teenager so I would feel more comfortable with it. In my AU, child demons can mature and grow. They stop growing physically when they reach adulthood. So yeah. Rui’s a teen in this fic. I hope you enjoy it!)

Lost and Found

(A Rui Soft Vore Fanfic)

Warnings: Malnourishment, self loathing, and soft vore.

Once again,Shao had been tricked by the kids in his village. He was born blind and feeble, so he used his sense of hearing to guide him. Despite this keen sense of hearing, Shao has been tricked many times.

The people of his village feared him, believing that he was cursed. They believed that he would cause the newborn babies to be ill, so they decided to keep him away. While the adults just stayed away from, the kids tormented him. They often led him to the forest and then left him there, roaming for days.

The poor blind teen desperately wanted to be apart of them, so he often fell for these tricks. At this moment, he was wandering around the forest on Mt. Natagumo. He had been wandering there for three days.

“Crap.” He cursed as his foot hit the root of the tree. Shao felt weak. His legs buckled and Shao fell. “Oof.” He huffed as his face his the cold solid ground. He wanted to disappear. Away from all the cruel people.

He closed his misty emerald eyes and he listened to the forest around him. The wind blew gently over his body. Little woodland creatures rusted in the trees. Shao calmed his breathing and let himself become one with the forest. Then suddenly, a strange sound caught his attention.

“What do we have here?” A calm voice muttered. “Are you..dead?” Footsteps could be heard from ahead and they came closer. Shao lifted his head and a sigh of relief could be heard. “Oh thank goodness.”

Rui had been taking his usual route on Mt. Natagumo, his old stomping grounds. He had been reflecting on all that had changed in the previous years. Tanjiro becoming king, finding a family amongst the Upper Moons, and even maturing and growing as a result of becoming a Half demon. It was all so exciting, yet overwhelming.

So to prevent himself and his OCD from getting overwhelmed, Rui would come back to Mt. Natagumo. Were there bad memories locked away up here? Yes, but he couldn’t ignore the sense of nostalgia he felt.

Rui was heading towards the base of the mountain when he heard a loud thud. “What the-“ He muttered as he cocked his head in the direction of the thud. Rui picked up his pace as he rushed towards the sound.

He eventually came across a human teen with light red hair. The boy looked malnourished and he seemed like he wasn’t taken care of. “What do we have here?” Rui said, trying not to panic. “Are you.. dead?”

The boy lifted his head, revealing his eyes. They were emerald green, but they had a misty glaze. Rui quickly realized that he was blind. Despite this, he was glad that the boy was alive. Rui sighed in relief. “Oh, thank goodness.”

The sound that came from the creature was calm and gentle, at least to Shao. It sounded like a human sound, but it wasn’t exactly the same. “Who..are you?” Shao asked tenderly. “I’m Rui. I’m a half demon.” Half demon, huh? Well that explains his odd sound.

Shao laid his head back down on the ground. How unlucky must he be to run into a demon of all creatures? Still, there was something about his sound that lured Shao. “What happened to you?” Rui asked warmly.

“I’m lost..I don’t have anyone.” Shao winced as he laid on the ground. “Would you like me to help you get home?” The demon’s voice was warm and oddly comforting. “No. I’m lost because they tricked me. They don’t want me around them.”

A small wince came from the demon. “I’m so sorry. Is there anything I can do?” Shao shook his head. “My body’s so fragile and weak. I’m better off dead.” Shao heard the demon sit on his knees. He crawled up to Rui and rested his head against the demon’s legs.

A soft purr came from Rui. “I understand how that feels, but you should never say that you’re better off dead.” Shao felt the demon take his hand. Rui’s hand was warm as it held tightly onto his.

“What’s your name?” The demon said calmly. “I’m Shao.” Rui purred even louder, which was oddly comforting. “Shao..I like how that sounds.” Rui was then silent, thinking. “How about this, Shao. I can take you with me. All the other demons can protect you and Lord Tanjiro can help me take care of you.”

Shao’s heart nearly skipped a beat. All he wanted was to be with people who truly cared about him, but he still was suspicious. “Are you sure that they will be kind? Are you sure that they won’t find me pathetic?”

Rui softly purred as he held onto Shao. “Of course they will.” The demon’s sound told Shao everything that he needed to know. Rui was telling the truth. “Okay..I’ll go with you. Thank you.”

Happy purrs came from the demon. “It’s no problem.”

A cold breeze made its way through the mountain, causing Shao to shiver. “Are you cold?” Rui asked gently, stroking the boy’s head. Shao nodded as he shivered. “Here, I can help you with that. Do you trust me?” Shao seemed confused by the demon’s question. “Yes..”

A little chirp came from the demon. “Alright. Just try not to move around too much.” Shao was still confused as he felt Rui gently grab him. Then a sudden warmth came over his body. It was unlike anything that he has felt before.

He felt a strange plush material all around him. It was a little damp but somehow that added to the comforting sensation. Shao let his body rest against the plush material. It seemed to pull him farther and farther down, until he reached a strange pouch made of the same material.

The walls moved all around him, cradling his body. The warmth he felt was very relaxing and comforting. There also seemed to be some strange, yet soothing noises coming from around him. They all seemed to be..the demon’s sound.

“Where am I?” Shao asked curiously as he laid his hand against the plush material. “You’re inside of me..please don’t freak out.” Rui’s voice was muffled and there was some pressure on the plush walls. Shao was surprised by this, but the sound of the demon was enough to make Shao trust him.

“Oh, it’s okay. I feel..safe. Am I inside your stomach?” An embarrassed chuckle came from Rui. “Yeah..” Shao curled up and let his body relax against the demon’s tummy. “Thank you.”

Shao felt movement, but he wasn’t disturbed by it. He guessed that Rui was heading back to the other demons. “No need to thank me. It’s the least that I could do.”

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