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Hear me out..
Demon Slayer X Puss in Boots: The Last Wish AU
Don’t worry this isn’t overtaking my Half Demon! Tanjiro AU. I just thought this was neat!
Akaza - Puss (Akaza would have an arrogant personality and he definitely would love to be known as a legend. I can also see him saying many of the things Puss says)
Kokushibo - Kitty (Koku is very serious like Kitty and he would definitely have a grudge if Akaza abandoned him. It’s also an excuse for me to ship them lol)
Tanjiro - Perrito (What can I say? They both have a pure heart and they love to help anyone around them)
Rui - Goldie (This is obvious. They both want a family and they’re very bossy.)
Sekido - Papa Bear (both are very aggressive and tough)
Aizetsu - Mama Bear (This boy definitely would act like a mother to Rui fr fr)
Urogi and Karaku - Baby Bear (the more argumentative moments are Urogi while the funny ones are definitely Karaku’s)
Douma - Jack Horner (Both are soulless monsters)
Zenitsu - Jiminy Cricket (I can just see Zenitsu in those moments the cricket has with Jack)
Gyutaro - Death (The sickles are perfect. His build is perfect. His personality is perfect. Just about everything is perfect! And Gyutaro with red eyes is just badass!)
Just some food for thought. This is definitely a fun idea though!
Half-Demon! Tanjiro AU
Chapter Three:
The Spider’s Old
Stomping Grounds
Warnings: Just some blood
Word Count: 2727
“Oh! Brother, I brought you your haori!” Nezuko chirped happily as she held up the green and black checkered cloth. The fabric was freshly washed and it smelled of sweet lavender. Tanjiro took in the soft scent. To him, this was a sign of relief and comfort. “Thank you, Nezuko.”
The Kambako squad warmly watched the young slayer fiddle with his haori. The fabric struggled to fit over his new body, which made the young boy feel rather awkward. “I guess I’ll have to adjust it, huh?” Nezuko awkwardly chuckled as Tanjiro looked at her, a nervous smile on his face.
Unfortunately, a throbbing pain struck the younger Kamado. She gripped her head and snarled in pain. Inosuke immediately went to her side and put an arm around her. The rest of the slayers looked worried, but not shocked. However, a look of concern spread across Tanjiro’s face.
“What’s wrong, Nezuko?!” Tanjiro tenderly approached his sister and crouched in front of her. “She’s been having these spats where her demon side is fighting for control.” Giyuu’s voice was dim and worried. “Tamayo’s having some faults.” Sanemi huffed irritably at Giyuu’s words.
Tanjiro thought for a moment, looking at his hand. He is now the new Demon King, or at least the leader of this new group of creatures. Why wouldn’t he be able to help her? Tanjiro looked at his beloved sister worriedly before cutting his hand open with his claws.
Everyone stood in disturbed shocked as Tanjiro let a few drops of his blood drip into the suffering demon’s maw. “I hope this works..” Tanjiro muttered anxiously. Nezuko snapped her jaws shut, swallowed the blood and shook her head. Then it seemed like something had clicked within her.
She looked up at Tanjiro, both eyes being demon-like, then to the other group members. They all leaned in curiously, not knowing what was going on. Nezuko stared at her own claws before looking back up at her brother. She was smiling with no sense of bloodlust in her eyes. “Thank you, brother!”
The young demon hugged her brother tightly as the Kamaboko squad cheered. “So, are we just gonna let this happen?! How do we explain this?” Sanemi whispered harshly to Giyuu. Tomioka turns and shakes his head. “They aren’t bloodthirsty, so I doubt there would be any argument, especially since they’ve done so much to help us.”
Sanemi knew that the Water Piller knew what he was talking about, so he left it at that. “Come on, young Kamado.” Giyuu said, warmly. “It’s time you’ve come home.” Tanjiro’s eyes water a tad when he said this. Zenitsu clung to Tanjiro tightly as Inosuke and Kanao helped him up. “Thank you.” Tanjiro mews in a sweet, honey-like tone. “Thank you so much.”
To many amongst the corps, the return of the young, yet powerful slayer was worthy of celebration. Aoi and and young girls at the butterfly mansion celebrated with a massive feast, to which many slayers attended. Tanjiro couldn’t help, but cry with everyone’s love and affection.
Kiriya was rather curious, though, on how such a transformation was possible. He wasn’t skeptical of Tanjiro’s humanity in the slightest, but he wanted to understand his new form better. Within three days of the young slayer’s return, Kiriya had sent a crow out to seek for him.
The large crow perched on the window of the Butterfly Mansion’s kitchen, where Tanjiro was helping Aoi prepare for that day’s dinner. “Young Kamado! Young Kamado! The Master requests for your presence! Caw!” Both Tanjiro and Aoi looked rather surprised.”He wants to see me?” Tanjiro asked, confused.
“Oh yes he does! Caw!” The crow laughed rather oddly. Tanjiro thought about the request for a minute. “Well, I guess it does make sense.” Aoi tapped his shoulder. “You might not want to be late, you know.” Tanjiro blushed in embarrassment. “Right! I’ll be on my way then! Have a good day, Aoi!” Tanjiro mews sweetly as he runs off. Aoi smiles softly, watching him. “I hope the same for you.”
It didn’t take long for Tanjiro to reach the Master’s mansion. His new form increased his speed and endurance, which helped him get to the estate in less than five minutes. Once he got there, he knocked on the door. A male Kakushi answered the call. “Ah! Lord Kamado! You’re here!” The Kakushi said warmly.
“Hello, Mister. I heard that the Master has requested for me?” Tanjiro tilted his head slightly. The Kakushi nodded calmly. “Right this way.” He lead the young slayer through the Master’s voluminous mansion. As Tanjiro passed the many areas that he became so familiar with, memories of Kagaya filled Tanjiro’s mind. Thus, making him tear up.
“We’re here.” The Kakushi announcer politely. Tanjiro shook his head to shake off those thoughts. “Right! Thank you!” The Kakushi opened the door to the meeting room, letting Tanjiro inside.
Kiriya was sitting in front of two of his sisters, Nichika and Kanata. “Ah! Tanjiro! It’s lovely seeing you again.” Kiriya’s face brightened as soon as he saw the boy. “Same goes for you, Master.” Tanjiro sat on his knees in front of them. “Mind if I ask, why have you called me here?”
Kiriya closed his eyes before starting his speech. “I have brought you here because I’m curious what you are capable of in this new form. I don’t mistrust your humanity, since you are showing no signs of bloodlust, but I’m curious as to what this new species entails.”
Tanjiro’s questions only grew as the boy spoke. Did he want him to train to find his Blood Demon Art? Did Kiriya want to perform experiments with his blood? Tanjiro had not a single clue. “What do you mean, Master?”
The boy gathered his thoughts to hopefully make more sense. “I request that you log any new abilities and information in your journal. That’s really the best way we can discover more about this.”
Tanjiro nodded with understanding. “I see. I will make sure to log everything, Master!” Tanjiro bows loyalty. “How should I try to go about this?” The young slayer tilted his head with curiosity.
Kiriya put a hand to his chin. “I’m not sure..” Kanata then shuffled closer to her brother and whispered to him. Kiriya looked intrigued by what she was saying and nodded slowly. “That sounds like a good idea.” Kiriya hummed softly.
Tanjiro waited patiently for his orders, curious as to what they were talking about. Kiriya then looked up at him with a pleasant smile. “We would like you to go to where one of your old missions took place. That might give us some information.”
Tanjiro nodded his head, agreeing with the suggestion. “That makes sense. My demon cells might react due to my past memories.” Kiriya smiled. “Exactly. Could you bring your sister as well?” Tanjiro returned with a heavenly smile. “Of course! Is there anything else you need?”
“That’s it, young Kamado. You are dismissed.” Kiriya clapped his hands together. “Right! Thank you, Master!” Tanjiro stood up from the meeting and walked out, wondering what place he would decide to travel to.
“So what made you decide that Mount Natagumo was the best choice?” Nezuko asked curiously as the trudged up the dark and ominous mountain. For her, this seems like one of the more unlikely places that would yield any results.
“Well, it was our first mission where we had to fight a Moon. Not to mention, this is where the Hashiras found us.” Tanjiro’s enthusiasm seemed to fizzle out for a moment. “And I don’t feel ready to confront everything that happened..”
Nezuko nodded, understanding her brother’s pain. “That’s okay. Even if nothing happens, this will still be a great time!” Tanjiro looked over at her, smiling warmly. “ will be.” He then rumbled softly before continuing their way up the mountain.
Tanjiro could tell that they were getting close to where the battle had taken place due to the faint smell of demon blood. The large and luscious forest loomed over them, which only added to the uneasiness. “I forgot how creepy it was up here.” Nezuko chuckled softly.
Tanjiro squinted his eyes, then rubbed them. “Brother, is everything alright?” Nezuko mewed with worry. “I’m vision was just a bit blurry.” However, when Tanjiro stopped rubbing his eyes, nothing changed. Red specks floating aimlessly in the air made him believe that his vision was faltering.
“Nezuko! Do you see those?” Tanjiro pointed in the air with absolute curiosity and shock, but the younger demon couldn’t see anything. “I don’t see anything, but trees and stars. Are you sure you’re alright?”
Tanjiro shook his head, yet the specks still stuck around. He tried to grab one, but his hand phased right through it. “What are these?” Tanjiro muttered to himself. Nezuko’s concerned only worsened. “Tanjiro..” Nezuko rumbled with concern.
Tanjiro couldn’t get his mind off of them. Something was calling to him, like a deeply ingrained instinct that’s finally bubbling to the surface. These specks..meant something, but what? Tanjiro was lost in his thoughts, until a sharp pain shot through his palm.
“Ow!” Tanjiro hissed as blood dripped from his hand and onto the forest floor. “Tanjiro! Are you okay?!” Nezuko yelped, tushing to her brother’s aid. “I’m fine. The wound’s already healing up.” Tanjiro’s gentle voice was telling the truth since the cut was healing up.
However, something odd happened. The specks began to glow and they finally appeared to Nezuko. “Woah! Are these-?” Tanjiro nodded in response to Nezuko’s question. The specks crawled closer to the small pool of blood. “Maybe if..” Tanjiro thought to himself.
The young slayer focused his energy on his blood, which resulted in the specks being drawn to the red liquid. They swirled around it like dancing fireworks. Nezuko could only stare in amazement as the red lights danced. Then, the red lights started to form a person.
They came together, like a puzzle and it’s many pieces, to form a small child. The strange thing was..the Kamado siblings knew this child. The red specks..were the ashes left behind after Rui died. A glowing red body sat before the Kamado siblings, who were awestruck.
The red glow died down, revealing the small demon child. Tanjiro’s eyes widened as he looked over at the demon. “Tanji..” Nezuko muttered with shock. “Wha-where..” Rui whispered weakly, opening his eyes.
The small demon child yelped in surprise. “What’s going on?!” Rui whinced, anxiety rising within him. He never expected to see these two again, but something was different. Rui looked closer at Tanjiro’s scarlet eyes..It can’t be..
“Are you alr-?” “Are you going to kill me again?” Tanjiro was cut off guard by Rui’s question. The young demon child shook slightly. He had no idea why he was here or what the Tanjiro wanted from him. “Why would I do that?”
“You’re the new Demon King. You’re a lot more powerful than when I first met you.” Rui shook more as he thought about the situation. He thought that the slayer must be trying to punish the ones who hurt him.
However, Tanjiro wasn’t cruel hearted. Although he didn’t know how this was possible, something told him that this was an important decision. Nezuko seemed to be on the same page as she waited for his answer. “You’re right. I have been training to get better, but I’m not going to hurt you.”
“Then, what do you plan to do with me?” Rui shook with fear as he looked into the eyes of the new Demon King. Tanjiro had to make a difficult decision. On one hand, he would be scrutinized by the slayers, Sanemi specifically. On the other, something was telling him that this little demon deserved better.
He remembered how Rui reached out to him when he was dying. He remembered how badly this demon child wanted a family. Even going so far as to try to take his sister. Rui’s scent was also different now as well. It was more human and emotional, not vicious and rotten. Tanjiro knew what he had to do.
“Would you like to come with us?” Tanjiro asked softly. Nezuko raised an eyebrow, but she trusted his judgment. “What? Why would you want to take me? Especially after all I’ve put you through..” Tanjiro knew that something was different about him. “Well, something tells me that you’re not a vicious monster, just a hurt and lonely child.”
This almost brought the young demon to tears. He remembered the kindness that Tanjiro showed him during their fight. He realized that this new Demon King wouldn’t hurt him. “But what another other slayers? They won’t be too happy.”
“They took a risk with me, so why can’t they take a chance with you.” Nezuko smiled warmly. “Plus, if you were really like the way you were back then, you would try to attack us or run away.” Tanjiro nods. “She makes a fair point. Do you remember your human past?”
Rui nods slowly, tearing up while thinking about his deceased family. “I do..I’m sorry.” Tanjiro gave him a warm smile. He picked up the small demon and held him close to his chest. “That settles it then! We can help you! We promise.” Nezuko nodded in agreement with her brother.
Rui sighed as he rested his head against Tanjiro’s chest. There he felt the gentle touch that he craved for decades. He weeped quietly as he listened to Tanjiro’s heartbeat. “Are you okay?” Tanjiro asked the demon. “Yeah..” Rui purred. “Thank you for giving me a chance.”
“Of course.” Tanjiro hummed sweetly. “What do you plan on telling the others?” Nezuko asked him worriedly. “I’ll show them that he’s not a threat.” Tanjiro huffed with a determined voice.
“How did this happen?” Kiriya asked with a curious and confused expression. Tanjiro, who is holding Rui, sat in front of the Master. Sanemi and Giyuu stood behind the young slayer. Sanemi was scowling while Giyuu was more curious and worried about Tanjiro. Rui looked like he was trying to hide in Tanjiro’s haori.
“When I went to Mount Natagumo, I saw red ashes floating around me. I accidentally spilt some blood which attracted the ashes. Then well..something inside told me to concentrate on it.” Tanjiro said softly as he held the small demon. Kiriya was curious, looking at the Lower Moon.
“It’s because of Muzan’s cells.” Sanemi scowled. “We don’t know that, Shinazugawa.” Kiriya turned to him, then back to Tanjiro and Rui. “I’ll give him the blood test.” Kiriya grabbed and small knife and sliced his forearm.
Everyone held their breaths as they waited to see what Rui would do. Rui looked at the blood, then up at Kiriya. He didn’t jump on the leader or even salivate. Rui merely shrugged and looked away.
All the slayers were shocked at this. Even Nezuko salivated when Sanemi gave her the test. “How is this possible?” Giyuu whispered under his breath. Kiriya looked up at Tanjiro once again. “How did you do this?” Tanjiro shrugged. “My best guess is that my blood can bring humanity back to demons.”
Kiriya nodded. “How odd..” He inched closer to the small demon. “Master, with all respect, this demon is nothing but a threat! He’s killed humans!” Sanemi roared. Despite Sanemi’s words, Rui reached out a hand to Kiriya. Kiriya did the same. “He has a heartbeat. Tanjiro’s right..”
Tanjiro smiled at both of them with warmth. Kiriya looked up at him. “You may convert others as long as you keep an eye on them.” Tanjiro let out a sigh of relief. “Thank you, master. I won’t let you down!” Tanjiro held Rui close to him as they walked out of the meeting room.
“Master, please! That thing is dangerous!” Sanemi was borderline panicking. “Shinazugawa, I know that this is hard for you, but that little half-demon is no longer dangerous.” Sanemi huffed angrily while Giyuu looked at Kiriya.
“Master, what made you decide this? I’m not mad, just curious.” Kiriya nodded understanding his concern. “I believe that something major is coming. Tanjiro was given a gift, one that Muzan didn’t have. That demon has his humanity, making him a half-demon.” He stares off into the sky. “I trust young Kamado’s judgment.”
Author's note: I recently got a comment that made my day and managed to pull me out of my writer's block. So, thank you!
Half-Demon! Tanjiro AU
Chapter Four:
Happy Birthday!
Warnings: Some small angst
Word Count: 3158
“So, we’re just going to keep a demon here?!” Zenitsu practically squealed to Tanjiro. The Kamados decided that the best place for Rui, or at least the best place for him at this moment, would be at the Butterfly Estate. It was a cozy and comfortable environment. Perfect for a demon trying to adjust to a new life. Tanjiro also figured that the girls wouldn’t mind him, since Rui is a child.
And to an extent, Tanjiro was right. Aoi was a bit nervous, not even really speaking to Rui when they introduced him. However, Sumi, Kiyo, and Naho adored him. They smothered the small demon with affection, which both confused and warmed him. Zenitsu and Inosuke were obviously rather surprised when Tanjiro brought the small demon home.
“It’s okay, Zenitsu. They performed the blood test on him. He’s okay.” Tanjiro crouched down next to Rui, who was covering his ears and wincing like a hurt puppy. “Oh yeah? What if he’s just faking?! He’ll kill us in our sleep!” Zenitsu’s voice was filled with confusion and fear. Rui only winced even more. “Please stop yelling..”
“Is he a training dummy?” Inosuke snorted with his raspy voice. “No. He’s not a punching bag nor is he going to kill us. Please just listen to him.” Tanjiro spoke softly as to not agitate the small details further. Nezuko put her hands over Rui’s to soothe his senses. The Kamado siblings knew that all this change was a lot for anyone to handle.
After a few seconds of silence, Rui looked at Nezuko, who nodded reassuringly. He took a deep breath and looked at Zenitsu and Inosuke. “I’m not going to hurt anyone here. I know that it’s hard to believe me, but I’m telling the truth.” Rui spoke with a shaky, yet soft voice.
Zenitsu closed his eyes and listened to the small demon’s sound. Rui’s body rhythm sounded strange. It wasn’t like a demon’s or a human’s. It was..a combination of both? Growls and purrs could be heard from inside him, but they were much more soft and gentle. Zenitsu was surprised by the demon’s sound, so he kept his composure. “Fine..fine..but you’re keeping an eye on him.”
Tanjiro smiled and sighed in relief. “Don’t worry, Zenitsu. Everything will be okay, right Rui?” The young demon rumbled sheepishly. “Right.” Everything felt incredibly overwhelming to Rui. He was terrified that the slayers’ prejudices would lead them to kill him at any opportunity they might get.
Tanjiro squeezed his hand lightly, reassuring the small demon. Rui looked up at the much larger demon, who tilted his head and smiled. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, Rui stepped forward with the Kamado siblings and headed further into the Butterfly Estate.
Everything felt so foreign, yet so familiar-like an old children’s book being dusted off after years of neglect. The white walls were blinding to the young demon. Such brilliant light was striking, especially since Rui hasn’t seen this kind of light in decades. In a way, he missed this beauty. It vaguely reminded him of what he missed when he was human.
“Here. This room hasn’t been taken by any guests.” Aoi huffed coldly. Both Rui and Tanjiro felt a sharp chill crawl up their spine, thus making the small demon wince. “Thank you, Aoi.” Tanjiro gave her a small smile as both he and Nezuko led Rui inside.
The room wasn’t too different from the others. A neatly made futon rested in the back-center of the room. A small desk sat on the right side while a bookshelf covered the left. Two warm lamps were hung on the walls above the futon. Thus providing the room with light and fire, along with the window of course.
Rui took a few steps into the room, scanning the scene. “I know it isn’t much.” Nezuko said softly. “But we hope you like it.” Rui looked around for a few more seconds, being particularly mesmerized by the lamps. “It’s cozy..I like it.” He turned to the others with a warm smile. “Thank you.”
“Of course, Rui. Make yourself at home.” Tanjiro beamed with happiness, glad that the demon liked his new living space. “I know that this is a lot of change, but we’ll help you get used to it.” Rui hummed as he heard Tanjiro speak, pleased and warm.
“Caw! Caw!” A sharp screech broke the tender moment. Matsuemon came swooping in through the bedroom window, carrying a letter in his talons. “A letter for Tanjiro! A letter for Tanjiro! Caw!” The crow continued to screech, flying in circles above them.
Rui squeaked with surprise when the crow flew in, while Tanjiro smiled at the bird. “Ah! Thank you, Matsuemon! Who is it from?” The crow cawed and landed on his shoulder. “See for yourself!” Tanjiro gently took the letter from his crow. Nezuko and Zenitsu tried to look over his shoulders while Inosuke climbed his back and peered over his head.
The letter read as follows, “Dear, Tanjiro, I just heard of what happened at the Infinity Castle and your transformation. I hope you’re doing okay, since dealing with the changes and the opinions of the other slayers must be incredibly difficult to deal with. I haven’t told father yet because I don’t want him to cut off communication between us. Please let me know how everything is going as soon as possible. I’m just really worried about you. Sincerely, Senjuro Rengoku.”
Tanjiro smiled warmly at the thought of the young boy. “Senjuro’s just too sweet.” He hummed softly. Rui tilted his head in confusion. “Senjuro? Who’s that?” Nezuko looked up at Rui. “Oh, he’s an old friend of ours. Senjuro is the brother of one of our best mentors.”
The very thought of the Flame Hashira brought sadness to them all. “But he’s gone now..” Zenitsu’s voice was soft and sorrowful. Rui could tell that whoever this person was, he clearly meant a lot to them. “I’m so sorry..He must’ve had a deep bond with you.” They all nodded. “He was one of the best.” Tanjiro whispered.
“Hey! Isn’t it Dencuro’s birthday tomorrow?” Inosuke perked up, lightening the mood. “I believe so!” Tanjiro's voice grew with excitement. “So you can remember his birthday, but not his name? You make no sense.” Zenitsu scoffed, huffing in agitation. “Well, at least he remembers his birthday!” Nezuko purred with enthusiasm.
“But he hasn’t celebrated his birthday since…” Tanjiro rumbled softly. He wanted to celebrate the special occasion with Senjuro, but the young slayer knew that Senjuro wouldn’t enjoy it. It just felt empty without Rengoku. The others seemed to feel the same, looking down with guilt.
Rui put a hand to his chin, thinking. Then, an idea hit him. He wasn’t sure if the others would like it though. “I have an idea.” The small demon spoke up. The group turned their attention to him. “Sure, what is it?” Tanjiro sounded like he was trying to hold back tears.
“Well..since you were able to bring me back by accident, maybe you can…” Rui’s voice faded by the end. He really didn’t know how the group of slayers would react. The squad all looked at each other. Some of them nodded slightly. “It’s worth a shot, don’t you think?” Inosuke’s usually raspy voice sounded rather soft. They were actually considering the idea!
Tanjiro looked at his claws, getting lost in his mind. He seemed to be the only one who can create these kinds of beings. “If it makes Senjuro happy,..” Tanjiro turned to the others with a determined smile. “Then it’s worth a shot!” The group cheered with enthusiasm. Rui smiled to himself, glad that he was helping them.
Within a few hours, the group-plus Aoi and the triplets-planned everything out for Senjuro’s birthday. Aoi and the triplets would help make the food and set up the decorations, while the Kamaboko squad would go invite Senjuro, Giyuu and Sanemi. Rui said he preferred to stay out of their way, since he doesn’t want to scare Senjuro.
Thus when the sun rose on the next morning, everyone was up and ready to get everything prepared. Kanao went to gather Giyuu and Sanemi, Nezuko went to get Senjuro, and Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke traveled to Kaikoma Mountain.
“Are you sure that it would be okay if I came with you?” Senjuro spoke softly. “I know that all of you are extremely stressed.” Nezuko smiled with warmth. “Don’t worry about it, Senjuro. Tanjiro is really excited to see you again.” Senjuro returned the smile. “Alright then..I’ll go get father.”
“Why would I go to some kid’s birthday?” Sanemi scoffed bitterly. “Relax, Shinazugawa.” Giyuu spoke softly, motioning Sanemi to calm himself. “Plus, he’s the brother of Kyojuro Rengoku. He really needs this.” Kanao said in a gentle and sympathetic tone. Sanemi went quiet for a moment before sighing heavily. “Fine.”
The main trio scaled the large mountain. The twilight sun brought the mountain to life, making a perfect spectacle of light and shadow. Tanjiro looked around at all the various graves that littered the landscape. It filled him with great sorrow that so many slayers lost their lives fighting to protect the innocent.
Both Zenitsu-who was carrying a shovel-and Inosuke seemed to share the same sediment as they traversed the mountain in silence. Although many scents hit Tanjiro’s sharp nose, there was only one that he was looking for. “I’ve caught it!” Tanjiro broke the somber silence. “You did?!” Inosuke yelled. “Then let’s go!”
The trio ran after the scent, leading them to a grave on the northern side of the mountain. “This should be it.” Tanjiro whispered as they all stared at the beautiful gravestone. It spoke of achievements, honorable bravery, and a beautiful heart. The Kenji was so elegantly written that it could put a grown man to tears.
“Well, what are you waiting for, Monjiro? Dig him up already!” Inosuke’s impatience was understandable since even he was moved by this great hero. Tanjiro nodded slowly as he reached out for the shovel, which Zenitsu willingly gave. Both Tanjiro and Inosuke-who used his bare hands-swiftly dug through the grave.
“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!” Tanjiro apologized profusely as they dug through the soil. “Tanjiro, you do realize that, if this works, we will be doing him a huge favor?” Zenitsu asked with a bit of sarcasm. However, he did appreciate how respectful Tanjiro was. Within a few minutes, the trio reached the mysterious wooden box.
Tanjiro opened the box to find Kyojuro Rengoku resting peacefully with his hands laying across his chest. Bandages covered his belly and his left eye. “He looks so peaceful.” Tanjiro’s soft, delicate voice spoke with warmth. He took a deep breath. “Well, here goes nothing.”
Tanjiro cut the palm of his hand open with his claws, letting the blood drip into the Flame Hashira’s maw. He retracted his hand when it healed up and watched the calm body. The trio watched in anticipation for any sort of movement or action. After two minutes of waiting, their hope began to fade.
“I guess I can only bring back demons.” Tanjiro winced softly. He put his hands together and started to pray for him. With great sorrow, the other two followed suit. They felt like they failed both him and his brother.
That was..until Zenitsu heard a loud, thumping sound. “Guys, did you hear that?” Zenitsu sniffled. The other two looked up at him in confusion. More sounds could be heard from the Flame Hashira’s body. Even a lively scent suddenly filled the air.
“Woah..give him some space.” Tanjiro said in disbelief as they all walked out of the grave. Within a few seconds, sharp claws grew on Rengoku’s hands. Slim, mid-length horns tore through the skin and grew on his head. The horns started with a black color at the base, then they transitioned into a bright orange at the top. Flame-like patterns grew on his body like marks, one of which grew over his left eye. Small fangs sprouted from his canines.
The Flame Hashira coughed, sitting up to aid himself. All three of the young slayers watched in awe as they watched their beloved mentor come back to life. “Wh-where am I?” Rengoku gasped, rubbing his eyes. He ripped off the bandage that covered his left eye, revealing a black demon’s eye with his normal pupil.
He looked up at the trio with absolute surprise in his eyes. “Wha-“ “Big brother!” Inosuke and Zenitsu rushed to Rengoku, almost tackling him with a hug. “Guys, give him some space. He just woke up.” Tanjiro was excited as well, but he didn’t want to overwhelm Rengoku.
“No need to worry!” The Flame Hashira laughed as he hugged them back. Tears were running down all their faces as they reunited. Tanjiro couldn’t believe that this plan actually worked! Rengoku was back and he was just like how he was at the Mugen Train.
After a few minutes of enjoying each other’s company, Rengoku looked up at the trio. “So, what happened while I was gone?” Then, Tanjiro began to explain everything that happened. From what happened right after the Mugen Train, to the Final Battle, and finally to this new discovery. “A lot has happened since you’ve been gone. I hope you’re no-“
Rengoku then pulled all three of them into a warm, tight hug. “I’m so proud of you.” He spoke with the utmost softness and sincerity. “You’re not mad that you’re a demon?” Zenitsu asked shyly. “Mad? Why would I be mad?” Kyojuro asked with a big smile. “I’m not frothing at the mouth or attacking anyone, am I?”
The trio shook their heads. “Then, why would I be mad?” The Flame Hashira laughed, making the others smile. They helped him out of the grave and started to descend the mountain. “The reason why we brought you back now was because today is Senjuro’s birthday.” Tanjiro said as they walked.
Rengoku nodded, smiling. “So that’s the reason. Thank you!” He purred with happiness. “Does he know?” Zenitsu shook his head. “No, it’s a surprise.” The Flame Hashira looked up at the flaming sky. “I’ll definitely be happy to see him again.”
Once they got to the Butterfly Estate, Aoi rushed them inside. “Come on! They’re going to be here any minute!” Aoi was also excited to see Rengoku after all this time. She led them to the kitchen-where the scents of many delicious foods could be found-and led Rengoku to a corner where various other presents were.
Inosuke brought a stool over for Rengoku to sit on while Zenitsu brought a blanket. Tanjiro covered the Flame Hashira with the blanket. Luckily, the blanket made it look like whatever was under it was misshapen. Then, the sound of the door opening caught their attention. Aoi put a finger to her lips as the guests came in.
Senjuro looked rather nervous as he walked beside his irritable father, Shinjuro. Giyuu and Sanemi came in behind them, followed by Nezuko and Kanao. “Happy birthday, Senjuro!” Everyone in the kitchen shouted and cheered, making Senjuro smile and blush shyly. “You didn’t have to.”
“Oh nonsense.” Aoi said firmly. “Everyone deserves to celebrate their birthday.” She gave him a bowl of sweet potatoes and Miso soup. “I know that it’s his favorite food, so I made it specifically for you.”
Senjuro teared up as he thought about his dear brother. Shinjuro merely looked away, not wanting to admit that he missed him as well. “It just isn’t that same without him here.” Senjuro murmured softly. Tanjiro smiled gently at Senjuro. “Hey, Senjuro. I have a little surprise for you.”
“You do?” Senjuro asked curiously. Tanjiro led him to the corner where the blanket was. “Take the blanket off.” Tanjiro hummed in a motherly tone. Senjuro grabbed the blanket and gently pulled it down.
Everyone-other than the ones who already knew-was absolutely shocked to see Rengoku sitting there. “Surprise!” His voice boomed with excitement as he slid off the chair. Both Senjuro and Shinjuro stared at him in awe, not knowing what to say.
“B-brother?” Senjuro slowly approached the Flame Hashira. “Yes, I’m home, Senjuro.” Kyojuro spoke with tenderness and warmth. Then, Senjuro burst into tears as he hugged his brother tightly. “I’ve missed you so much!!” His tears dripped onto Rengoku’s uniform. “I’ve missed you too..”
Shinjuro slowly walked up to his sons. Tanjiro felt himself getting tense due to their last interaction. “Kyojuro? Is that really you?” His voice was firm and emotionless. “Yes, father. It’s me. I still have every bit of my humanity intact.” Shinjuro put a hand on the Flame Hashira’s shoulder. “Son..I’m so sorry.”
He pulled both of his sons into a hug, sobbing. Tanjiro let out a sigh of relief. The joy shared by the Rengoku family was contagious. Everyone seemed so happy and hopeful to see Kyojuro’s return. Giyuu even hugged the Flame Hashira at the first chance he got.
“Long time no see, Rengoku.” Sanemi couldn’t help but smile. “Same here, Shinazugawa. I’ve missed you as well!” Aoi passed out food for everyone, which certainly pleased Rengoku. Laughter and joy filled the air for today was Senjuro’s special day. A day he never thought he would have again.
A few hours passed by and everyone was still happily conversing. Kyojuro walked up to Tanjiro-who was happily watching everyone else-and sat beside him. “Thank you, young Kamado. You have no idea how much this means to me and my family.” Kyojuro’s voice was softer than normal. “Of course! It was the least I could do.”
Rengoku closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again. “Where’s the little spider demon?” Tanjiro was caught off guard by this. “Do you mean Rui?” Rengoku nodded. “Oh well..he didn’t want to scare Senjuro, so he wanted to stay in his room.”
“Do you mind if I see him?” Rengoku purred curiously. “Sure! I can go get him.” “There’s no need to.” Rui walked out and stopped beside them. “I’ve been listening the whole time” Rui was fidgeting with some of his spider webs. “I just wanted to make sure nothing bad would happen.”
Kyojuro went over to the young demon and crouched down. “So you were the one who Tanjiro brought back..” He seemed like he was in awe. “Yeah..” Rui began to repeatedly adjust the top of his kimono, seemingly never being satisfied with its placement. Kyojuro then picked up the young demon, catching him off guard. “You are a miracle.”
Both Rui and Tanjiro were surprised by this, but it did melt their hearts. “Do you really mean that?” Rui asked. “I do!” Rengoku purred with warmth. He then turned to Tanjiro. “Do you think we can bring back the others?”
Tanjiro smiled hopefully. “That’s a possibility! If I can bring you back..then I can do the same for everyone else!” Kyojuro laughed enthusiastically. “Well, what are we waiting for?! Let’s bring them home!”
Authors note: Thank you to everyone who has enjoyed this story! I actually cried a few times while writing this.
Kny! Rui is one of my fav so i drew him.

Hi I'm looking for a demon slayer fic where Y/N eats Muzan and becomes the new demon king and trys to befriend the uppermoons. They save Rui and writes letters to Tanjiro and Nezuko and leaves them at their old house to attempt to make up what muzan did. They went to a festival with Daki, Nakime and Rui. They experiment with their resistance to the sun.
Sorry that's all the details I can seem to remember right now. Please help me find this fic, it was on Ao3 if that helps.
Wait — if Jinsei uses thread breathing could you please draw him doing string figures w/ Rui ? (Kimetsu academy au)
I just thought of this silly idea -

Yup!! ❤️❤️