Demon Slayer Au - Tumblr Posts
Demon Slayer x Monster hunter AU
I've been playing "Monster Hunter Stories 2" for a while now and recently I had the idea of creating an AU on Demon Slayer based on the world of Monster Hunter, it's more like a crossover between these two.
To put it simply, each demon slayer character will have his own monstie, as in monster hunter stories, with his own armor matching the monstie (ex. for Tomioka I gave him the Lagiacrus with the armor to match it)
for the moment this AU is still a WIP but I already have the characters with their monsties ready, the only one partially developed is Gyutaro who will be the first of this series.
Half-Demon! Tanjiro AU Masterpost
(This has been my comfort AU for a while)

I personally love the idea of Tanjiro having some properties of a demon, but he can still keep his humanity. So here are some details about the AU! (Keep in mind that I haven’t finished the manga)
In this AU, Tanjiro couldn’t fully cure his demon side even after defeating Muzan, but he was able to regain his humanity. His body changed quite a bit and some of the changes are:
He doesn’t need to eat people and he could use his blood to make other demons regain their humanity.
He can bring back dead demons by rebuilding them using their Blood Demon Art remnants
He can also turn people (both dead and alive) into half demons
However, he cannot bring back a human if their head was destroyed
And he can’t bring back demons that don’t have a Blood Demon Art
He can control water to fight off hostile demons and to defend himself. Tanjiro can also use it to heal people.
When he’s pissed, Tanjiro can turn water into fire and use it as a heatwave (he’s only done this once though)
Tanjiro grew quite a bit. Now he’s 6 feet and 4 inches tall

When he is ready for battle, his fangs and claws come out and his eyes become those of a demon.
When he isn’t fighting, he just looks like a normal human with tiny micro fangs.
When it comes to sunlight, he can go out in the daytime, but his skin is extremely sensitive. He can’t stay out for too long, otherwise he gets an extreme sunburn.
After every battle, he needs to regain his strength by sleeping.
Tanjiro can also purr! He usually does it when he’s happy, sick, or injured.
He will occasionally hold someone who is sick or injured close and purr so that they can heal faster
The power of the blood demon art gets halved when they become half demons. This has angered quite a few demons when Tanjiro tried to convert them
Tanjiro still prefers to use his sword in battle. He only uses his fangs and claws if he has to.
He’s quite cuddly and his bigger stature makes him a giant teddy bear
Demons can communicate using a language of growls (it’s really cute!) and now Tanjiro can do that too
They can also communicate telepathically with Tanjiro like Muzan was able to do
When demons suffer from panic attacks or get too flustered, they lose control of their voice and they start growling, roaring and crying
Half demons also have human disguises, so they can walk through villages with no suspicions
He is the new Demon King! It take him a minute to get the hang of it, but he figures it out!
Tanjiro also is incredibly proud of the demons who’ve made progress
Everything here applies to Nezuko too, except the height change, water powers, ability to bring back demons, and the role as Demon King

In this AU, Tanjiro and Zenitsu are dating while Inosuke and Nezuko are just vibing and doing their own thing.
Feel free to ask me any questions or have me write drabbles about the AU! If I get any questions, I’ll link them to this master post.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
More Information!!
How the demons are doing
Zohakuten and Karaku chat ai!
Tanzen Headcanons!
OC information!
Chat With Half-Demon Tanjiro!
Hashira Information!
Incorrect Quotes!
“Drink the Juice!”
More incorrect quotes!
When the Emotional Support Needs Help (warning comfort vore)
The Friendly Beast: Tanjiro vers. (contains comfort vore)
The Friendly Beast: Gyutaro vers. (Contains comfort vore)
When Worlds Collide
Flying High
You Can Trust Me (contains soft vore)
Safety From The Sun (contains comfort vore)
Lost And Found (contains soft vore)
Brotherly Troubles (contains soft vore)
In The Belly of The Beast (contains soft vore)
I’ll Keep You Warm (Contains soft vore)
Traveling Within a Harpy (contains soft vore)
Protected by a Friend (contains soft vore)
Mom Mode (contains soft vore)
More information on my Half-Demon! Tanjiro AU!
I really want to elaborate more on my AU, specifically about the demons and how they are dealing with the changes. So, here are some headcanons about them!
Here is the original Mastpost!

When it came to converting into a half demon, he was rather cautious about the idea, mostly because he didn’t want to lose his “family” and strength
Nezuko managed to convince him by promising to stick by his side while he works out the changes
They spent a lot of time together, which brought them closer and formed a genuine bond
This drove Inosuke insane though
Tanjiro was pretty weary about their relationship, but he eventually grew fond of the little guy
It took quite a while for Rui to truly come out of his shell
But when he did, everyone realized just how touch starved the poor baby is
He melts when given any form of physical affection and he is quite clingy
I headcanon that Rui has OCD, mostly because he likes everything in their proper roles, so I think he would make sure everything is clean and orderly
He tends to get flustered when he is dealing with large messes, so either Nezuko or Tanjiro has to calm him down
Despite the Kamado siblings’ affection and stability, Rui still feels like he’s missing something in his life
That is, until Tanjiro introduces him to Akaza (Tanjiro decided to introduce all the demons to each other)
Akaza and Rui immediately get along and become friends
Eventually, Akaza introduces Rui to the other upper moons (plus Enmu since he’s usually around Douma)
Akaza was rather nervous about introducing Rui due to the moon’s chaotic nature and Rui’s OCD
However, Rui sees that they have a deep connection despite the chaos and decides to stick around
Akaza: Sorry if they’re a bit chaotic kid, bu-
Rui: They’re perfect
Akaza: Huh?!
With time, Rui learns more about the upper moons and they grow on him
Akaza and Kokushibo are Rui’s father figures
Daki and Gyutaro are very close to Rui and they often hang out with the Kamado siblings
Finally Douma and Enmu sometimes drag Rui in one of their pranks or adventures
The Kamado siblings notice that Rui is less tense, more open minded and is a lot happier
Half demons mature and grow, so Rui and Daki do mature and actually get older as time passes
Although he still goes to the Kamadoi’s for comfort, he truly feels like he has a family with the upper moons


I feel like he would be more open to becoming a half demon (I mean it’s better than dying, right?) so he takes up on Tanjiro’s offer
Akaza regularly has to pull Douma out of trouble, either it be pranks that have gone too far or making him act like a gentleman
Whenever anyone is sick, you can expect Akaza to come over and try to take care of them
He did NOT like Zenitsu when they officially met, but they became mutual once he learned that Zenitsu wasn’t that big of a pervert (mostly because he’s dating Tanjiro)
Akaza deeply respects Tanjiro and they tend to work together on projects involving the demons
Akaza wanted to repair his relationship with Rengoku (which yes, Tanjiro was able to bring him back) and Rengoku has rather nervous to do so
They became great friends, but Giyuu (who Rengoku is dating) doesn’t really trust Akaza
Let’s just say it took a LONG time before Giyuu trusted him
Akaza gives advice to the women (both demons and humans) on how to defend themselves from perverts
Akaza is typically with Rui and Kokushibo, probably doing some father - son activities
Akaza actually gets with Kokushibo after realizing that Koku could be soft
Akaza is a tsundere, hands down.
He’ll never admit that he likes being the little spoon or that he loves sitting in Koku’s lap.
He also finds Koku’s final form hot. (He doesn’t have a monster kink though)
Akaza: is there a Mrs, Kokushibo?
Douma: Are you fucking flirting with Kokushibo’s final form?
Akaza: He’s fucking HAWT!
During his free time, Akaza usually like to either read or take long walks,
Rui is usually by his side on said long walks


As you can probably expect, Enmu did not want to become a half demon
But after a long battle with Tanjiro, he eventually gave in
This is mostly due to his bitterness towards Tanjiro after he killed Muzan
Tanjiro quickly learns about his relationship with Muzan and instantly knows that it was a toxic relationship and Enmu doesn’t see that
Everyone tries to tell him that their relationship was toxic, but Enmu just gets pissed off
Tanjiro notices a strange smell that Enmu has and decides to look into it
He found out that Enmu couldn’t differentiate dreams and reality as a human and that he didn’t feel most pain, which made Tanjiro even more curious
It wasn’t until Enmu pointed out a suspicious flower that Muzan used to make him eat did Tanjiro finally realize what was going on
Turns out, Enmu had been given drugs as a kid and Muzan had kept him on those drugs to stay numb
Tanjiro knew he had to convince Enmu that Muzan was making him take drugs
It took a while for Enmu to believe him, but when he did, Enmu fell into a deep depression
Tanjiro had tried many different ways to make feel better (having him take care of people, saying kind things to him, etc)
Eventually, Tanjiro had him meet the upper moors, which introduced him to Douma!
At first, Enmu was quite distant and confused why Douma would take interest in him, but spending time with Douma made him come out of his shell
Douma showered him with affection, which made Enmu feel special and wanted
They would go on a lot of adventures together and they would pull pranks on people
After a while of this, Enmu started feeling strange and he went to Tanjiro to know what that feeling was
Enmu: What the hell is this feeling?! It feels so strange!
Tanjiro: Awww, that’s love, Enmu!
Enmu: What the fuck is that?
Both Tanjiro and Zenitsu would help him with confessing to Douma
They ended up deciding to confess on Valentine’s Day (There’s simply nothing more romantic than that)
Turns out, Douma was also planning to confess, so they just ended up being a flustered mess while Tanjiro and Zenitsu were giggling in the distance
At first, Enmu didn’t understand how Douma could do something nice for him
He thought that he always would have to do something nice for Douma
So when Douma treats him, Enmu.exe stops working
They go on a LOT of dates (usually little adventures)


He also didn’t want to convert, so Akaza and Kokushibo had to hold him down and force him to take Tanjiro’s blood
Tanjiro had to keep an eye on him for a while to make sure he wasn’t going to eat anybody
Douma eventually gave up eating people and started pulling pranks instead
He’s the number one troublemaker in the upper moon and can make a normal situation into one of chaos and anarchy
When Tanjiro hosted the demon meet and greet, Douma’s attention immediately went to Enmu, mostly because he found Enmu quite fashionable
When Douma started falling in love with Enmu, he was also very confused
Douma: Whay the fuck am I feeling this way towards a man?!
Akaza: You might be bisexual dude
Douma: *confused screaming*
Douma loves it when Enmu lulls him to sleep with his powers
In turn, Douma takes care of Enmu and makes some fantastic meals
Douma will happily listen to Enmu when he’s either talking about the demon ranks and/or trains
However, Douma can be quite reckless on their adventures, which sometimes causes them to get hurt
One time, Enmu ended up getting severely injured because of Douma’s recklessness
Basically, they entered an area of the Humanoid island where dangerous monsters were found
They barely got away, but they were haunted by an evil being named Kingu Akuma
That was one of the few times Douma actually cried
Despite the heartache of this event, something awakened in Douma that would help him deal with a bigger problem later on
Kingu Akuma harassed them and made them paranoid
He also reminded them of their pasts over and over again
Unfortunately, this made Douma remember the traumatic event that made him lose his emotions
(I’m not going to say what that moment was here since I can explain it better when I write the chapters. Let’s just say it is based on an actual theory. People believed this might’ve happened to him because of how the cult dehumanized him)
However, he also felt a painful feeling that he couldn’t quite figure out
He didn’t realize what that awakened emotion was until he reunited with Inosuke
Although Inosuke didn’t remember what happened to his mother, Douma remembered it vividly
Douma couldn’t understand why he felt so horrible when he was around Inosuke until he confronted Tanjiro about it
Tanjiro was horrified by Douma’s confession, but was willing to help him due to Douma’s willingness to change
Douma then proceeded to tell Inosuke what he did and well Inosuke didn’t take it well (he tried to kill him)
Due his guilt, Douma tried to hang out with Inosuke, but Inosuke was having none of it
It stayed like this until Inosuke was forced to fight off against a rabid ram demon (I’ll elaborate on this fight in a different post)
Inosuke came very close to death, but Douma saved him from getting mauled by the demon
Together, they finished off the ram and came to a mutual understanding
Although Inosuke can’t forgive him for killing his mother, he can understand that Douma is trying to make things up and so tries to develop a deeper relationship with his stepfather
Due to the he harassment by Kingu, guilt, and retrieving his memoriess, Douma went insane and he tried to unalive himself
Akaza stopped him from going through with it and told him that the only way to get rid of Kingu is to face your past
That’s when Douma went to Shinobu for therapy
She saw his memories and was horrified
Shinobu had to rescue a child version of him (his humanity) from Kingu inside his mind
After some time, he gathered the courage to face Kingu and fight him
Douma couldn’t defeat him (since Kingu is the god of chaos and suffering)
However it did end with Kingu realizing that Douma has changed and he leaves Douma (kinda like how Death did to Puss)
Both Akaza and Kokushibo care for Douma, but they often get annoyed by him
Gyutaro hates him due to Douma pestering both him and Daki (They have a typical annoyed child and jerk father relationship)
Douma finds this hilarious and continues teasing them

Daki and Gyutaro

Daki was quite open to converting (mostly because she was convinced by Nezuko)
However Gyutaro had to be convinced by Daki in order to convert
Once they were converted, both Tanjiro and Nezuko wanted to shower them with affection (they felt that they deserved a better life than what they had)
At first they were very off putted by this, but they eventually warmed up
The Kamado siblings taught them more about their relationship and how to properly show love
Gyutaro: What the hell are you doing?
Tanjiro: Giving you something you never got, a hug.
Gyutaro: …
Gyutaro: *gross sobbing ensues*
Gyutaro constantly goes to Tanjiro for advice on how to be a better older brother
Gyutaro has also accidentally called Tanjiro “dad” a few times which sent Daki into hysterical laughter
Although Daki and Nezuko had to work out their relationship, they eventually became best friends
Nezuko would occasionally host a girl’s night out and Daki would be there right beside her
Both Daki and Gyutaro prefer to be around the Kamado siblings (mostly because they find comfort in them)
When they are around the other demons, they are usually dragged into their nutty shenanigans
Daki really loves being around Rui
She is like a mother to him and Daki smothers him in affection like Nezuko does
Gyutaro melts when he’s complimented (especially on his appearance)
Nezuko made Gyutaro a blanket with heating pads so Gyutaro doesn’t get cold and he loves it to death
They are very curious and love learning about the world
Lastly, they both just really love each other and they are learning to accept themselves

Hantengu Clones

I feel like Aizetsu would be the most willing to covert, but the others need some convincing
Sekido was definitely the hardest to convince, no doubt about it
Urogi and Karaku are best friends and they always cause chaos
Sometimes they’ll accompany Enmu and Douma on their adventures
Sekido usually has to pull them out of trouble
Urogi is definitely Aizetsu’s emotional support
Sometimes Urogi can go a bit overboard, but he tries his best to comfort Aizetsu
All the clones see themselves as brothers
Aizetsu and Genya do become friends, but it took quite some time for that to happen
They usually just have really interesting conversations. That’s how they usually hang out
Karaku, Nezuko, and Daki will always make sure that someone looks great for a date!
Sekido is the unofficial eldest brother, the other clones hate this
All the clones may tease Aizetsu, but if anyone else messes with him. They will have hell to pay
Aizetsu prefers to be around the Kamado siblings, they’re just so calming
He just gets overwhelmed easily, so he prefers to be in quiet places
Sekido hides his feelings and he’ll never admit to enjoying anything
Whenever Zohakuten needs to be formed, Urogi and Karaku usually try to have Aizetsu initiate it because he’s a lot more gentle than Sekido
Zohakuten is like a little angry gremlin
He will immediately attack anyone who calls him cute
Zohakuten: I’m not cute!
Zohakuten: I’m into hardcore death metal!
Zohakuten: I’ve got a scar!
Zohakuten: I branded myself with a hot iron once!
Zohakuten: I’m into Big Dumb Sweet Men!
Zohakuten: Don’t judge me, I’m not cute!
Despite Zohakuten’s efforts, Mitsuri still loves him
The wooden dragons are like little puppies that annoy Zohakuten
The only person that Zohakuten truly likes is Rui
You just can’t hate Rui
Hantengu actually prefers to be separated
He lives in constant fear so it’s nice to find happiness in the clones


He was also willing to be converted (mostly because he’ll still be able to stay alive)
At first, Kokushibo would be incredibly jealous of Tanjiro
Because of this, Tanjiro decided to try to spend more time with him
Tanjiro found out about his brother and decided as a peace offering, he would help Kokushibo learn the various techniques of sun breathing
Although he doesn’t really learn it, they become close and they form a strong friendship
When He, Tanjiro, Douma, and Inosuke were fighting the jaguar demon, Tanjiro basically gave a speech about how no matter how powerful or weak the younger brother is, they will always look up to the older one
Kokushibo was deeply moved by this
Kokushibo deeply respects Tanjiro for defying his fate in a much more honest and honorable way than he did
He is Tanjiro’s right hand man and will always help him with plans
Kokushibo is pretty much the leader of the upper moons when Tanjiro isn’t around
He is like the stern father while Akaza is more of a relaxed father towards the moons
Kokushibo is also very peaceful and prefers to paint and draw alone
He gives great advice to the other demons on how to handle their changes
Kokushibo usually has to get the other demons out of trouble
He has a major sweet tooth, but the only ones who know this are Akaza and Mitsuri
Sometimes, he’ll eat some sweets with Mitsuri
Kokushibo: How the hell did you guys turn a picnic into a forest barbecue?!
Douma: *holding the match* I didn’t do it
He always helps Tanjiro convert other demons
(Okay time for some Kokuaka headcanons!)
Let’s be honest, Kokushibo would be dense af. He would have no clue that Akaza had feelings for him and Koku would have no idea that he loved Akaza back
He’d just think that he felt a strange feeling when he’s with Akaza
Kokushibo eventually figures it out after seeing Tanjiro’s and Zenitsu’s and Douma’s and Enmu’s relationships grow.
At the start of their relationship, Kokushibo was very closed. He acted very stoic, believing that this was they way to earn anyone’s affection
Eventually, Akaza softens him up. He makes Koku realize that it’s okay to show emotion
Kokushibo adores warmth (he’ll never admit it though). He loved to be close physically to his friends and always carries heating pads on him.
Kokushibo is actually really good with kids, surprisingly.
Poor babe gets a lot of headaches so he carries medication on him and he prefers to be awake at night
Although he has to put up with the craziness of the upper moons, he still loves them and will always help them

Tanjiro is incredibly proud of them and the progress that they have made
Tanjiro being a proud dad is so freaking cute
I love this AU and I’ve had a lot of fun with it! Speaking of fun, here are some incorrect quotes because why not?
Douma: *chugs mayo*
Enmu: Hmm that looks like our bedsheets
Akaza: *chokes on water*
Kokushibo: *gasps and covers Rui’s ears*
Tanjiro: I’m very uncomfortable with the energy we have created in this room
Rui: Every family has a gay cousin
Enmu: Bitch we don’t have a gay cousin
Enmu: Wait
Enmu: I am the gay cousin oH mY gOd
Tanjiro: Why were you calling me those awful things when we fought?
Gyutaro: Those were auful things?
Tanjiro: *starts tearing up out of guilt*
Gyutaro: WAIT, I’M SORRY!!
“Drink the Juice!”
(A Half-Demon! Tanjiro post!)
Douma: Akaza..
Douma: What the fuck is that?
Akaza, holding a jug of juice: It’s “Respect Women” Juice.
Douma: *leaps on table and hisses aggressively*
Akaza: Oh come on, Douma! It’s not gonna kill you!
Akaza: *smirks* But I know who can!
Douma: Please don’t bring him into this.
*Tanjiro suddenly appears*
Tanjiro: What’s wrong?
Akaza: Douma’s not taking his weekly dose of juice.
Tanjiro: Douma…
Douma: *continues hissing*
Tanjiro: I hate to do this to you, BUT AS YOUR KING I DEMAND YOU TO DRINK THE JUICE!
Douma: Are you going to chop my head off if I don’t?
Tanjiro: Well no. That would be unreasonable.
Akaza: I think it’s reasonable.
Douma: Well if you’re not going to chop my head off, THEN YOU CAN’T MAKE ME DRINK IT!!
Tanjiro: Oh I think I can.
Tanjiro: Akaza, hand me the record player please.
Akaza: Already on it. *hands him the record player*
Douma: Please don’t do this.
Tanjiro: Rui, hand me the record please.
Rui: Here you go. *hands him the record*
Douma: Please god no.
Tanjiro: One last time, D R I N K T H E J U I C E!
Douma: NO!!!
Tanjiro: Fine. *puts the needle on the record player and plays trashy country music*
Douma: NOOOOOO!!
(I thought this was funny. Also I do like country music, but I don’t think Douma does)
Tanzen Headcanons For My Half-Demon! Tanjiro AU!

(In this AU, Tanjiro and Zenitsu start dating and I want to elaborate on their relationship!)
First, let’s start with how they realized they had feelings for each other!
When Tanjiro went missing (to overcome Muzan’s control), Zenitsu couldn’t handle the grief he felt
He felt like he lost his source of stability and love
After all, Tanjiro was the first person to truly see the value in him
Nezuko tried her best to stick by his side and comfort him during that time, but it just couldn’t fill the hole in his heart
It was basically one of those situations where the character realizes that they are in love, but their special person is gone
When they finally found Tanjiro in his Half-Demon state, the trio was overwhelmed with joy
Tanjiro then picked them all up and swung them around in pure happiness (he’s a big boi, okay?)
However, Zenitsu didn’t tell Tanjiro his feelings out of fear of rejection (also because gay relationships weren’t all too common back then)
For Tanjiro, he realized he had feelings for Zenitsu when he forced Tanjiro to look after his injuries (which Tanjiro neglected to take care of)
Tanjiro loved how Zenitsu cared for him and made sure that he would take care of himself
Despite this, they didn’t confess to each other for quite some time
They both ended up telling Nezuko and Inosuke about their feelings for each other
This made Nezuko and Inosuke team up and try to get them to confess (this also made Nezuko and Inosuke fall in love)
They managed to convince Tanjiro and Zenitsu to confess to each other by getting the Hashiras into the situation and having them give their support on their same sex relationship
So on one faithful Valentine’s Day, Tanjiro and Zenitsu finally confessed their love for each other (They ended up being sobbing, flustered messes afterwards)
Now on to more general headcanons!
They are both HUGE cuddle bugs!
Once they are cozy and in each other’s embrace, it is physically impossible to move them until morning
Zenitsu is the little spoon, there’s no debate (I mean Tanjiro’s freaking HUGE!)
Tanjiro’s purring makes him irresistible for Zenitsu
His gentle sound, purring, and soft growls make one of the most heavenly sounds Zenitsu’s ever heard
Picnics in the lush forest are their ideal dates! (Bonus if there’s fireworks!!)
When it come to housework, they both work together to make sure that it’s done
Tanjiro is an excellent cook (his sense of smell makes him an expert) and Zenitsu will never stop complimenting it
We all know that Tanjiro is tone deaf, but i believe that Zenitsu has a great singing voice and Tanjiro will occasionally ask Zenitsu to sing him his mother’s lullaby
Zenitsu gets absolutely flustered whenever Tanjiro compliments him or does something nice for him
Both Tanjiro and Nezuko nuzzle to show affection
So when Tanjiro nuzzles Zenitsu, Zenitsu’s face goes entirely red
Tanjiro sometimes kneads his claws like a cat against pillows, blankets, or even Zenitsu.
Yeah it kinda hurts, but Zenitsu loves it and urges him on
They are both there to help each other
Tanjiro will always comfort Zenitsu when he’s stressed and Zenitsu will always make sure that Tanjiro is doing well and taking care of himself

Despite knowing that Tanjiro will never betray him, Zenitsu still gets INSANELY jealous
He mostly gets jealous when Tanjiro spins anyone else around (he does that when he’s happy) or when he holds someone and purrs to heal them
Of course, no healthy couple doesn’t have no arguing
They don’t argue too often since they usually have great communication, but sometimes they do
When they do argue, they usually have to be apart for a little while
But after they’ve calmed down, they talk about the issue and make the other person understands their situation and tries to fix it
The two major ones they’ve had were about Zenitsu’s jealousy and Tanjiro’s self neglect
Despite this, they always stick by each other’s side
(I hope you’ve enjoyed these headcanons! This ship is my personal OTP for Demon Slayer and I love their relationship!!)
Also I hate autocorrect
Do I Have OCs For My Half-Demon! Tanjiro AU? You Bet!
Unfortunately I don’t have many drawings of them so I’ll have to describe them. (I’m sorry I’m terrible at drawing!)
Kerido (A Friendly Demon)
Art done by @kurumi-igarashi

Kerido is the definition of a sunshine character. He’s incredibly happy and optimistic despite being a demon.
He has the traits of a manticore (that also applies to his Blood Demon Art). Kerido has the dark purple tail of a scorpion, the black and purple wings of a dragon, and the paws of a lion. Kerido also has long, black, wild hair and black eyes with blue pupils (kinda like Kaigaku). He has a pretty muscular body, but he has a soft belly. Kerido’s most notable feature is the right side of his face. The left side looks normal and pretty, but the right side is heavily scarred. It looks like someone took a cheese grader to his face. He ended up getting that scar in a carriage accident when he was a human child. He’s really insecure about it since it grosses people out when he’s eating or drinking. Kerido usually wears a black kimono with purple lightning and black pants.
Now for his role in the story! Kerido is actually Gyutaro’s boyfriend! Gyu accidentally found him one night in the forest. Kerido was just minding his business and humming. Originally, Gyutaro couldn’t believe that someone could be so happy despite going through so much, but he quickly warmed up to him. Kerido’s happiness is contagious
Kerido ended up flying across Tokyo with Gyutaro on his back. He’s got a massive wingspan, so it was easy. Gyutaro was instantly charmed by the manticore demon.
And well..they just hit it off from there! They’re pretty much the body positivity couple. Kerido makes Gyutaro feel better about himself and his body while Gyutaro makes Kerido feel better about his scar and belly.
Kerido constantly encourages everyone around him. He just can’t help it! However, when it comes to sexual things, Kerido can be really dense. It’s just one of the faults of having a sunshine boyfriend. Zenitsu has the same problem with Tanjiro.
Strifles (The Child Demon)
My baby boy, Strifles is a little child demon. He used to live with his abusive older brother before he was rescued by Tanjiro, Daki and Gyutaro.
Strifles is a hybrid of a demon and a humanoid (more on them later). He has short, messy, black hair and the same eyes as Kerido. He also has cat like paws and a black and blue cat tail. He usually wears an oversized navy blue kimono and black pants.
Strifles also has an undead Maine Coon cat named Nibbles. He was able to summon the kitty using his Blood Demon Art. His older brother has it too, but on a much stronger level. Remember my Gyutaro fic, The Friendly Beast? Well Strifles’s older brother is the jaguar demon!
Basically, Strifles bumped into Daki and Gyutaro and begged them to save him from his brother. They were confused at first until they saw the his older brother was trying to eat him! They had to fight a whole army of undead jaguars, summoned by his older brother, but they couldn’t do it alone.
Tanjiro, Kokushibo, Douma, and Inosuke showed up to help. They also became overwhelmed by the jaguars (and my third OC), but Tanjiro ended getting so pissed off by the abuse that Strifles was going through that he burned all the jaguars and the older brother with his sun breathing
Strifles now lives with the other demons. He very shy and quiet, but he very sweet and always tries to help. He’s best friends with Rui and he’s pretty much glued to Gyutaro’s side. He also loves being around Kokushibo and Daki, but he’s scared of Douma and Enmu.
Jackyll (The Villain)
This piece was done by @shycroissanti

Jackyll is a ram humanoid demon. Basically, humanoids are anthropomorphic animals that were persecuted by humans because they were believed to be demons. However, only a few of them actually are. Now they live on a secluded island where they have rebuilt their civilization. The doesn’t mean that they’re safe, though.
Humanoids have demons too and Jackyll is the most powerful one. Humanoid demons only eat humanoids, not humans, and they’ve actually have been around before Muzan became a demon. However, they couldn’t become more powerful due to humans discriminating humanoids and due to a very powerful humanoid slayer!
Jackyll has the strength of Kokushibo and he’s incredibly power hungry. He has black fur with blue, purple and green striped horns and hooves. He can create dangerous shockwaves that can knock a person back. He also hits incredibly hard with his hooves and horns. He also has an “X” shaped scar on his snout that Muzan left on him.
He was there at the battle of the jaguar demon. He was hoping to use Strifles as an eternal food source, but Inosuke and Douma fought him off. (Douma almost died though.) Then Tanjiro, the demons, and the Hashiras learned all about the humanoids from Tamayo.
Jackyll isn’t finished yet. He teams up with Gyokko so he could steal Muzan’s blood. They end up finding some in Muzan’s abandoned lab, but Jackyll drinks all of it and devours Gyokko. Jackyll grows six tentacles on his back that have blades at the tips. He is also a lot more powerful than before.
He then proceeds to make his way to the Infinity Castle. All the demons try their best to stop him, but almost all of them nearly die (Gyutaro almost gets ripped in half and Douma’s face was shredded).
He was about to kill Akaza and Kokushibo when Tanjiro rushes in front of them and takes the hit. Tanjiro then fights off the ram. He’s just as fast and powerful, but his duty to protect his own fuels him to take the ram down. Tanjiro ends to defeating Jackyll by cutting off one of his horns.
Hear me out..
Demon Slayer X Puss in Boots: The Last Wish AU
Don’t worry this isn’t overtaking my Half Demon! Tanjiro AU. I just thought this was neat!
Akaza - Puss (Akaza would have an arrogant personality and he definitely would love to be known as a legend. I can also see him saying many of the things Puss says)
Kokushibo - Kitty (Koku is very serious like Kitty and he would definitely have a grudge if Akaza abandoned him. It’s also an excuse for me to ship them lol)
Tanjiro - Perrito (What can I say? They both have a pure heart and they love to help anyone around them)
Rui - Goldie (This is obvious. They both want a family and they’re very bossy.)
Sekido - Papa Bear (both are very aggressive and tough)
Aizetsu - Mama Bear (This boy definitely would act like a mother to Rui fr fr)
Urogi and Karaku - Baby Bear (the more argumentative moments are Urogi while the funny ones are definitely Karaku’s)
Douma - Jack Horner (Both are soulless monsters)
Zenitsu - Jiminy Cricket (I can just see Zenitsu in those moments the cricket has with Jack)
Gyutaro - Death (The sickles are perfect. His build is perfect. His personality is perfect. Just about everything is perfect! And Gyutaro with red eyes is just badass!)
Just some food for thought. This is definitely a fun idea though!
I’m thinking about doing something y’all!
I’m thinking about writing actual chapters for my Half-Demon! Tanjiro AU. I have so many ideas for it and I feel like the best way to go about it would be to write it out as an actual fanfic with chapters.
If people like this idea enough then I’ll start writing it as chapters and I’ll link them to my masterpost.
Don’t worry, requests are still open! In fact, I’m working on one right now! So yeah! If y’all think it’s a good idea, I’ll write chapters for my AU!

Demon Slayer Au with Malaysia Barat as a Demon Slayer and Malaysia Timur as a Demon.
Demon Slayer AU where everything is the same except Yoriichi is a ghost.
He’s corporal/people can see him, he can change his appearance from when he was a kid to when he was old.
He follows Tanjiro around. They met sometime before the Hashira Training Arc for sure, but how early depends on what the writer decides. Has he been there since pre-canon? Or did he show up after the Entertainment District Arc (would honestly make most sense since Tanjiro didn’t know about Sun Breathing until after Mugen Train, but again this is an AU).
He meets Muichiro, and after it clicks that he’s Michikatsu’s descendant Yoriichi follows him around too, eager to be close with the family he could never have.
Depending on when they met, Yoriichi could help Muichiro recover is missing memories earlier than in canon.
Other things about/to include in the AU:
Kamaboko Squad centric (Tanjiro, Nezuko, Inosuke, Zenitsu, Kanao, Genya, AND Aoi and Senjuro)
each member gets a one-on-one interaction with him at some point, which will add to their own personal character growth
Whether or not Yoriichi can physically interact with others is up to the writer
making him able to fight demons seems kinda OP, so unless the writer can find a way to make it make sense about how he can maybe don’t do that
maybe he can exude enough strength to stun demons, but not fully kill them
can he pick things up, or do they just pass through him?
He helps train Tanjiro, making him more proficient in Sun Breathing
this can give Tanjiro more time to hone is Water Breathing. It always irked me that Tanjiro didn’t practice Water Breathing as much when he discovered Sun Breathing (don’t quote me on that, I get my info from TikToks and reaction videos. But why learn two breathing styles and not increase your skill in both?)
this can allow a Giyuu training session in the Hashira Training Arc that we didn’t get to see
Expanding on Yoriichi changing his age: I feel like the older he presents himself, the more power he would have. So when he’s fighting, he’s somewhere between his 20s and 80s. However, because this takes up a lot of energy, when he’s not fighting he’s typically in the form of himself as a child or in his teens
whether or not his mentality/maturity is affected when he’s at different ages is up to the writer so long as it’s not portrayed in an erotic/kinky way
Yoriichi can give tips to the Hashiras that those in the Sengoku Era used (information always has the potential to be forgotten, so maybe there were some tricks that were forgotten about?)
can provide more information about Muzan and his weaknesses, since he was the only swordsman who came close to killing the Demon King
Interactions with Lady Tamayo and Yushiro!
Fluffy moments! Slice of Life, Found Family, all the tropes! Let him be the father to the Kamaboko Squad that they never had/lost (let him have the chance to be the father he never got to be)
Lots of interactions with Genya (is my favoritism showing?)
bonding over being the younger brother
bonding over their endless love for their older brothers
bonding over their older brothers who do so much to hurt them, but they just can’t stop admiring them
Let Yoriichi give Sanemi a talking to
yes, I understand why Sanemi acted towards Genya the way he did. He wanted to protect him, keep him out of danger. However. Good intentions DO NOT give you a free pass on bad actions.
the way that Sanemi treated Genya was cruel and frankly unacceptable; he could’ve gone about it in a much more mature manner
Interactions with Giyuu and Yoriichi!!
mostly bc Giyuu is my fav Hashira, but I notice a lot of similarities between them
Maybe Yoriichi can provide information about Kokushibo/Uppermoon 1?
Yoriichi has the flute that Michikatsu gave him with him in his ghost form
Additional weaknesses up to the writer (this goes for powers too)
Kamaboko Squad showing Yoriichi present-day things
A mix of fluff, angst, etc.
rating is up to the author
ANY SHIP is welcome so long as it is:
not a pro-ship
treated respectfully/with some level of understanding
^^continuing from this, it doesn’t matter if you include SaneKane, SaneGiyuu, ShinoGiyuu, ShinoMitsu, SaneMitsu, ObaGiyuu, UzuRen, or any other pairing, polyamorous included. It doesn’t matter if there’s no ships at all. Everyone has there own preferences, and it’s up to both the reader and the writer to be respectful about it
This is all I’ve come up with for now! I’ll most likely come back and add more at some point, but if you have any ideas or suggestions let me know too!
If you end up using this idea, credit me with my Tumblr, and if you want to as well my AO3 which can be found in my profile :)

Ok so for the past months my brain has been screaming nothing but Demon Slayer so i scrounged up this poster of basically an ‘Everybody lives and theyre all happy’ au. Redesigning them was honestly such a pain but still fun 😭
![WISTERIA STREET CONTENT BOYS This Is An Actual Ws Canon Ep That Id Like To Script Sometime :]](
WISTERIA STREET CONTENT BOYS ‼️‼️‼️this is an actual ws canon ep that id like to script sometime :]

A small sibling swap im working on very much inspired by @wisterialilies Headcanons of daki being Tanjiros sister but im working on the other pair of the swapped siblings.
Edit: here be the headcanons may add more later
Nezuko as Gyutaro’s sister
Early life (human life)
* When Nezuko was born Gyutaro was fully enamoured by her as she came out so pretty compared to him and vowed to keep her safe.
* She might not be the prettiest girl in rashomon riverbank she is definitely one of them, her kind and gentle personality mixed with her look’s definitely has her get given gifts by a few admirers that she has.
* Even though she wasn’t born overly pretty her mother still tries to kill her as an infant due to just not wanting to raise another child.
* Tries her best to take care of Gyutaro as much as he takes care of her.
* She is proud to call Gyutaro her brother and she has to hold herself from saying something when she hears people talk badly about him.
* Once old enough she does start work as a courtesan just so she and Gyutaro can survive.
* Definitely called Gyutaro mom once it emotionally broke him so she never said it again.
* She has a good head on her shoulders thanks to her big brother she is cautious with who she helps as kindness is a rarity where they live.
Demon life
* while nezuko isn’t in love with muzan but she definitely admires him.
* The only demons she keeps her kind personality for is her brother Gyutaro, Her lord Muzan, Nakime and Akaza.
* Mainly eats people that remind her of those that spoke horribly about her brother or that remind her of her and Gyutaro’s mom.
* Likes to do makeovers with Gyutaro when she’s not working just so she can see her big brother.
* As in canon Gyutaro still lives inside her when she’s pretending to be a human courtesan.
* When the demon duo have their heads cut off by tanjiro and co she actually cried and thanked Gyutaro for being such a good big brother to her.
* She also refused to let him walk into hell alone but instead of getting onto his back she walked beside him
* Instead of using an obi she uses the fire that she was burned with, it doesn’t hurt who she deems family or is just close to her. It can also power up other demons slightly.
* She doesn’t keep a stock pile of humans to eat, the ones she captures are eaten that night.
side note: tanjiro would be adorable as girl

(While this art is SFW, my blog is not. Do not follow my account if you are below 17. I will block you. I block ageless blogs too.)

An fanart for this amazing fic pls go check it out
-` 𝕄𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕤 ´-

【 𝙃𝙖𝙜𝙖𝙣𝙚𝙯𝙪𝙠𝙖 𝙃𝙤𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙪 𝙭 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 】
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6 (Ending)

【 𝙑𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙢𝙤𝙠𝙚 𝙎𝙖𝙣𝙟𝙞 𝙭 𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙘𝙝 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 】
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

【 𝘿𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙣 𝙎𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙚𝙧 𝙈𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙞𝙙/𝙋𝙞𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙨 𝘼𝙐】
Kanae meets Sanemi and Shinobu is trying to grill Giyuu alive
Giyuu is saved yay
The Butterfly Pirates info
Lionfish based merman Kyojuro and Betta fish based Akaza (ft Inosuke)
Barmaid Mitsuri
Sea creatures they're based off
Sanemi stares at Kanae's poster
Yooo Giyushino crumbles 🤭
How Tanjirou and Kanao met + doodles
Injured Kanae

【 𝙐𝙣𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙙 𝙉𝙚𝙯𝙪𝙠𝙤 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨 】
The first
The second
The third
The fourth
The fifth

【 𝙂𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙁𝙡𝙖𝙜𝙨 𝙎𝙝𝙚𝙣𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙖𝙣𝙨 】
Chibi Tanjirou, Luffy and Izuku
Tanjirou's forehead
Ft. Nezuko and her Blood Demon Art
One day at the park...
They have tragic siblings yeah

"Bodyguard? More like Buddy-guard! "
Enter Rafael (Astra's second eldest brother)
Here's a AO3 fic
Sun and Moon (Sol and Mani) dragons
Listen, KNY Mermaid/Pirate AU but the men are the mermaids and the women are the pirates --

Edit: Giyuu got saved yay

Like father like son 🍠✨
I AM OBSESSED . and i have baptized the baby kyo junior ✨
Look at the camera !

I can't get enough of drawing them 🥺
I feel like chibi would have a habit to chew on colorful clothes for some reason :')
And yeah , i still haven't given a single thought to who the mother could be . . .