✨️She/Her✨️30+✨️Pretending to be creative, one fandom at a time~♡
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More Posts from Silvershadow1711
Have some old Pokémon fan art. I only ever draw fan art of characters I like, which usually seem to be rather unpopular characters, so no one pays it much mind. I don't mind; I like looking at it, and that's all that matters to me. And I know, I know, you're not supposed to shade with black, but fuck you art rules! I was lazy and didn't want to be fucked with using an actual palette. Damn, the seam of his fly is so off center...
who run the world? girls!!!
Would that I could figure out how to gouache like this...
Practice painting of Camilla, done in gouache.
Some Fates sketches I'm working on. I start things, then never feel like finishing them...
Continued from this initial sketch, it’s more of my Kitsune!Gunter AU, from Fire Emblem Fates. Here’s Gunter, aka Gunther, hanging out with fellow kitsune Kaden, just shooting the breeze.
Confession: I designed a pourpoint doublet for Gunter to wear under his armor, because I wasn’t in the mood to draw armor. Love a good doublet, though.