silvershadow1711 -  Crux of What?
Crux of What?

✨️She/Her✨️30+✨️Pretending to be creative, one fandom at a time~♡

830 posts

When You Reblog Your Old Shit Cuz It's Buried WAAAY Down At The End Of Your Page

When you reblog your old shit cuz it's buried WAAAY down at the end of your page

Ugh, Finally Finished This Monstrosity. Joining The Fe Amino Inspired Me To Stop Being Lazy

Ugh, finally finished this monstrosity. Joining the fe amino inspired me to stop being lazy

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7 years ago

Florida: the USA's Australia...



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7 years ago

Our boi Shura knows the importance of showmanships

silvershadow1711 -  Crux of What?
silvershadow1711 -  Crux of What?
7 years ago

Who would've guessed that someone who appreciates the steps forward a company was making in terms of making their games more interesting and adding replay value hates seeing them throw all that progress in the garbage in favor if "staying true to the original"? If the orginals are so fucking great, don't remake them in the first place- just port them, then you won't have to deal with people who expect updated mechanics to go with their updated graphics.

@time-unwinds-slowly Dont Even Get Me STARTED

@time-unwinds-slowly Don’t even get me STARTED

This game has the pacing of a fucking freight train. Not only does it dump piles and piles of utterly useless information on you, it does so for MINUTES. With NO GAMEPLAY. It’s just TWO PEOPLE TALKING on a screen without any movement, engagement, or interest.

And I would be fine with this. I really would. I can take heavy handed exposition with a grain of salt. But that’s only if I care about it. This game sets up its world ridiculously poorly. It doesn’t give me reason to care about the fate of either of the two countries, and doesn’t enforce the differences between the two. In Fates, Nohr and Hoshido were two clear, distinct worlds, with different slang, different clothing styles, and different game mechanics to press this. This is the same with Awakening, where the countries were at least distinct by their character design and goals. Zofia and Rigel do not have these things. The countries never feel separate or relevant a lot of the time, the only clear difference I see being that Rigel was more religious (Or was it Zofia? If I’m being honest, I don’t even remember what side Celica was fighting for), and that “Rigel is cold” compared to Zofia. Everything else is literally TOLD to you by a NARRATOR, one of the huge nos in movie making and story writing, without being that enforced in the game elsewhere

The characters in my opinion are the thing that’s most offensive about the game (and not politically lol, just as in something it did wrong). This game is marketed with the notion that having no supports in a Fire Emblem game is more realistic, and therefore better, but all it does is strip the characters down of any depth or potential they might have. These characters are incredibly dry, barely written, and nothing quite as magnetic as we’ve seen from the other fire emblem characters in recent years, even with hours of fully voiced dialogue. It’s bad, really bad, and I found myself not caring or being invested in any of the plot because of this. The only good, dynamic, and developed character was Berkut, who literally wasn’t even in the original Fire Emblem Gaiden and added later. It’s a major weak spot that was supposed to be a selling point, and it’s lack of good characters weighed heavy on the game as a whole.

Lastly I gotta rant about the character design real quick. Not only was it flat and uninspired, it’s use of muted colors and unoriginal design really put the already dull characters at an even greater disadvantage. This game may not have the stiffing amount of fan service that Awakening or Fates did, but all it did was give us boring, flat character design that’s easily forgettable (Except for the Saint class design. That was amazing.) This unfortunately, is due primarily to the fact that Kozaki was not a part of the production team, and since he’s a genius when it comes to character design and meaning in character design (minus the fanservice), his absence is tangibly felt.

All I’m going to say to wrap things up here is that this game may have been great in its hay day, but it’s outdated, and that can be felt extremely clear here. There’s a reason Gaiden itself only sold around 300,000 copies, and there’s a reason that the franchise as a whole was starting to fade before Awakening came. Awakening and Fates are stories more suited for a modern era of gaming, with exciting, engaging and layered characters you want to invest into. Echoes doesn’t have this, and it suffers because of it.

7 years ago

Sorry, but even though I can see you've got your heart in the right place, I can't agree with this. The problem is, a lot of them DON'T grow into maturity. They're surrounded by sychophants who tell them every duece they ever drop is god's gift to this world, and they grow into horrible, insufferable adults with terrible art styles who vomit horrible art all over places like dA and tumblr that other people are forced to witness. And god forbid if someone tries to give them some advice to make their art match their age- they baaaw to their legion of white knights, who defend them no matter how much of a cancer they are.

This issue with everyone spending all their time online and attached to social media like it's life support is that children these days haven't learned to keep anything to themselves. Does everyone REALLY need to put ALL their yaoi sparkle wolf OCs up on a public forum- and that's the crux of the problem here; the internet is PUBLIC. Showing your art to your friends at school is different from putting it up on a billboard. If people see something they deem as cringeworthy, they're going to comment on it, as is their right. If you don't want people complaining about what you do, don't put it out in the open for people to see. I have so many fanfics that I would never post online, because they're personal, very cringe worthy things I did for myself. I know people would say it's mary sue smut, so I keep it where no one else can read it because, believe it or not, it's possible to create something and NOT imeadiately put it up on display.

Instead of trying to tell people "don't have opinions if they're mean" maybe teach kids that they shouldn't expect to have praise heaped on them for every little thing they do. And if a few negative comments are enough to make you stop doing something you enjoy, then you probably didn't enjoy it that much to begin with. When people says something is "cringe", they usually have a reason for saying it (unless they're being trolls, but if you're going to be online, you need to learn to deal with trolls anyway). I get encouraging kids, but for fucks sake, they need to grow a thicker skin. This generation's gonna end up running away from a picture of someone frowning if this shit continues...

Another reason to stop ‘cringe culture’

I’m a teacher. Today I was covering for a grade 9 science class. Decent kids, if a bit rowdy, and didn’t want to do their work. Wtv, it was textbook work. Not the point.

1 girl (reminder that these kids are, like, 14/15) was doodling bust portraits (head & shoulders) in an art book. I had a squiz and asked her if they were her characters. She said they were and excitedly told me she had so many characters for this one story of hers. I laughed about how I wished I could draw mine, and moved on.

Later in the class, I hear her enthusiastically telling her friend all about her main OC - a gay kitsune prince with a tragic past. It was so, pure, classic Deviant Art: my first OC. And you know what? I loved it. I was just sitting there half overhearing, smiling to myself and glad that her friend was engaging and interested in her story and characters.

This is a girl who will become a creator. She will draw and write and imagine, get better and better. She’ll probably move past this stage and start making more nuanced characters (she was already lamenting she didn’t have enough girl OCs). But this is where she started. This is where so many of us started. I had a tiger catgirl, goth witch/sorceress OC in high school. I found my original design for her recently. Look what I create now.

Let kids be kids. Let them explore and invent and go wild and be cliche and make overpowered OCs. Let them have their anthropomorphic animal OCs. Let them try everything before they settle into maturity.

For fucks sake; let them have fun.

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7 years ago

Such a great ship. I need more of this in my life



Yeah I know something so simple and quick. Not. I’ve never really…drawn stuff like this (even though I really want to get into drawing hentai)


30 Day OTP Challenge

Day 2 - Kiss

With a book in her hand, the princess had been long delved into a novel Leo recommended. She hadn’t read it for some time, but finding it in the market of a small town her team had visited proved fruitful for the pickup. Only being a quarter of the way through i she was reaching a decision point in the nove. Either to full throttle complete it most likely thorough the night and next day or put ito down and let it collect dust.

Jakob had poured a fresh cup of tea as she reached for it a knock onthe door could be heard. When it opened immediately she smiled.

“I am still never gonna be used to not hearing Jakob or Felicia ask before entering, you just barge in.”

Backing up the thief gave a small bow, smirking up at her. “May I..ahem..fuck how do I ask this? I heard that boy ask this a milion times.”

Liara’s face fell into the book a little bit, trying to conceal her laughter.

“What’s so funny?” He asked, walking over to squat down in front of her seat. “What ya laughing at?”

“I am just thinkng of all the times I will have to speak for you when we meet with royalty in different places.”

He scoffed at the idea, his hands folded as he bounced on the balls of his feet. The thief came more alive any time he spent around her, a stark contrast to the man the army had met.

“Don’t scoff Shura. You will one day be my husband, you will have to accompany me for many diplomatic ventures we come across.”

Realizing the wording she chose she turned to the man, ready to apologize. “I-I’m sorry I don’t want to push you to do anything th-”

He had leaned in closer to her, his eyes softening for her. It was a sight to her, one only she saw.

“I would die a happy man to just hear ya call me your husband.” He whispered, “One day Liara, I promise you that. Ya gonna have to put up with me for the rest of my life…” He looked down, a smile still holding firm on his face. “and our kids…”

Setting her bok pages down she fully faced him, leaning down to meet him. “Shura….you being so close I’m wondering if you’re going to give me a kiss with that dreamy statement you flirt.”

His face was bright red, almost stammering at her reply. He could try to be romantic and smooth, but he always stumbled up on it. How Niles and Laslow continued to do it he couldnt’t understand.

Taking a deep breath he looked at her, her cheeks taking on a shade of pink as his eyes locked with her.s. “I-I don’t wanna steal a kiss…I want ya to give me one.”

Leaning down the princess pressed her lips to his,  a slow and warm kiss that made his heart beat rapidly.

Before he could feel his sanity slip the man pulled away and stood up. Taking her hand he pressed a kiss to it, getting a jump out of her. “I will be returning to my quarters milady. have a good night, Liara.”

Liara wanted to protest, asking him to spend the night proved fruitless. She was surprised when he had told her he would not spend a night with her until they would spend every night together. Instead she simply allowed him to follow his heart.

“Goodnight love.” She let slip, covering her mouth at the pet name. Her embarrassment was settled by a short chuckle as he left the room, closing the door behind him.

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