✨️She/Her✨️30+✨️Pretending to be creative, one fandom at a time~♡
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Our Boi Shura Knows The Importance Of Showmanships
Our boi Shura knows the importance of showmanships

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More Posts from Silvershadow1711
In my headcanon, Gunther has had sex with both men and women not because he had an epiphany that "I'm sexually attracted to both genders", but because he had an epiphany that "I would literally stick my cock in a beehive if it would help me forget how terrible my life is for five minutes." He spent the majority of his youth using sex as an escape rather than for any kind of gratification, just as people use drugs and alcohol. His exile to the Northern Citadel was the first time in twenty years he could wake up not hungover and naked in a stable with three strangers, and it provided the time for a lot of soul searching. He's a demisexual, not that he would know that term. I base my logic on the fact that he's canonically in love with a woman who can also be a man and is, regardless of gender, always an eyeless dragon.

Shura is a precious cinnamon roll that needs to be loved and protected

OTP Challenge
Day - 3: Crying
So yeah I uploaded day 2 and 3 on the same day because I had spent a lot of my free time (what little I had) yesterday working on day 2 so I’m doing 2 for 1 today..yay!
So In Liara’s Story (link here) Shura will be introduced a lot earlier. Why? Mokushu and Kotaro will be a MUCH bigger threat. They will be looking in her story a lot more as her path goes on and her path converges with the thief’s. Without spoiling TOO much….Kotaro will escape the trap he sets and Shura comes very close to getting his revenge after slaughtering numerous ninja. Hoewever..he does not get that revenge and he breaks down, feeling as if he failed his people again as he has his whole life. Its at that point Liara feels compelled to comfort him, swearing that she would help him and Kaze get their revenge. It is the first time he could remember being embraced ever since he was a small child shortly before his family was destroyed. Later that evening when the army has returned to camp Shura pledges his full loyalty to her, asking to formally be her retainer. He doesn’t know why someone would waste so much time on him, but he will gladly devote his life to her. She only accepts under one condition: that she sees Kogha rebuilt and his dreams come true.
That thing about how cats think humans are big kittens is a myth, y’know.
It’s basically born of false assumptions; folks were trying to explain how a naturally solitary animal could form such complex social bonds with humans, and the explanation they settled on is “it’s a displaced parent/child bond”.
The trouble is, cats aren’t naturally solitary. We just assumed they were based on observations of European wildcats - but housecats aren’t descended from European wildcats. They’re descended from African wildcats, which are known to hunt in bonded pairs and family groupings, and that social tendency is even stronger in their domesticated relatives. The natural social unit of the housecat is a colony: a loose affiliation of cats centred around a shared territory held by alliance of dominant females, who raise all of the colony’s kittens communally.
It’s often remarked that dogs understand that humans are different, while cats just think humans are big, clumsy cats, and that’s totally true - but they regard us as adult colonymates, not as kittens, and all of their social behaviour toward us makes a lot more sense through that lens.
The like to cuddle because communal grooming is how cats bond with colonymates - it establishes a shared scent-identity for the colony and helps clean spots that they can’t easily reach on their own.
They bring us dead animals because cats transport surplus kills back to the colony’s shared territory for consumption by pregnant, nursing, or sick colonymates who can’t easily hunt on their own. Indeed, that’s why they kill so much more than they individually need - it’s not for fun, but to generate enough surplus kills to sustain the colony’s non-hunting members.
They’re okay with us messing with their kittens because communal parenting is the norm in a colony setting, and us being colonymates in their minds automatically makes us co-parents.
It’s even why many cats are so much more tolerant toward very small children, as long as those children are related to one of their regular humans: they can tell the difference between human adults and human “kittens”, and your kittens are their kittens.
Basically, you’re going to have a much easier time getting a handle on why your cat does why your cat does if you remember that the natural mode of social organisation for cats is not as isolated solitary hunters, but as a big communal catpile - and for that purpose, you count as a cat.
When you reblog your old shit cuz it's buried WAAAY down at the end of your page

Ugh, finally finished this monstrosity. Joining the fe amino inspired me to stop being lazy