✨️She/Her✨️30+✨️Pretending to be creative, one fandom at a time~♡
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OTP Drawing Challenge Day 3-(crying) (I May Have Been Listening To Otetsu's "Candy And Chains" When I

OTP drawing challenge day 3-(crying) (I may have been listening to Otetsu's "Candy and Chains" when I drew this...)
“Gunther? Dearest, what is it? What’s wrong? …I can’t help you if you won’t talk to me…”
Ever since her brain injuries, Nerr has been… apathetic towards most things in life at best. Strong emotions don't come as easily to her as they once did. However, if you dare even look funny at Elise or Gunther, she will come after you like a pack of savage wolves. Unfortunately for her, some problems can’t be stabbed away. Spending three months in complete isolation and constant fear of his life (in Valla) took it’s toll on Gunther, whose life up to that point hadn’t exactly been pleasant. Sometimes, he just needs to vent. She gets that… but she doesn’t like it. She wants his sadness and pain to be a physical thing that she can maul.
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Alternatives for 25 overused words in writing
1. Interesting- note worthy; thought-provoking; fascinating; attracting; appealing; attention-grabbing; captivating; gripping; invigorating; engrossing; engaging; electrifying.
2. Beautiful- striking; stunning; magnificent; lovely; charming; gorgeous; radiant; dazzling.
3. Good- acceptable, wonderful, exceptional; positive; brilliant; first-rate; notable; stellar; favorable; superb; marvellous; prime.
4. Bad- awful; lousy; poor; unacceptable; crummy; dreadful; rough; inferior; substandard; atrocious; appalling; dreadful; defective.
5. Look- glance; fixate; observe; stare; gaze; peer; scan; watch; study; browse; eye; glimpse; review; inspect.
6. Nice- lovely; superior; pleasant; satisfying; delightful; likeable; agreeable; correct; adequate; swell; fair; okay; approved.
7. Very- extremely; exceedingly; exceptionally; immensely; tremendously; abundantly; particularly; remarkably.
8. Fine- satisfactory; worthy; respectable; exquisite; suitable; well; imposing; decent; admirable; praise-worthy; decent.
9. Happy- cheerful; delighted; pleased; content; amused; thrilled; elated; thrilled; ecstatic; on cloud 9.
10. Really- genuinely; truly; honestly; actually; undoubtedly; certainly; remarkably; incredibly; downright; unquestionably; extremely.
11. Sad- miserable; gloomy; devastated; down at heard; distraught; distressed; dispirited; sorrowful; downcast; feeling blue; desolate.
12. Big- massive; huge; giant; gigantic; enormous; large; colossal; immense; bulky; tremendous; hefty; sizable; extensive; great; substantial.
13. Shocked- taken aback; lost for words; flabbergasted; staggered; outraged; astonished; astounded; stunned; speechless; appalled.
14. Small- tiny; petite; mini; miniature; microscopic; minuscule; compact; pocket-sized; cramped; puny; undersized; limited; meager; modest; minute; pint-sized.
15. Angry- irate; enraged; touchy; cross; resentful; indignant; infuriated; wound-up; worked-up; seething; raging; heated; bitter; bad-tempered; offended; frustrated.
16. Know- understand; comprehend; realize; learn; perceive; recognize; grasp; sense.
17. Change- alter; transform; replace; diversify; adjust; adapt; modify; remodel; vary; evolve; transfigure; redesign; refashion; advance; transition; shift; adjustment.
18. Old- aged; ancient; matured; elderly; senior; veteran; decrepit; seasoned; venerable; past one’s prime; doddering; senile.
19. Think- ponder; reflect; conceive; imagine; contemplate; consider; determine; realize; visualize; guess/assume; conclude; envision.
20. Funny- comical; ludicrous; amusing; droll; entertaining; absurd; hilarious; silly; whimsical; hysterical; joking; witty; facetious; slapstick; side-splitting; knee-slapping.
21. Go- move; proceed; advance; progress; travel; walk; journey; depart; exit; flee; make one’s way; clear out; get underway.
22. Give- grant; donate; hand-out; present; provide; deliver; hand over; offer; award; bestow; supply with; contribute to; send; entrust.
23. Get- acquire; obtain; receive; gain; earn; gather; collect; buy; purchase; attain; score; secure; take possession of; grab.
24. Easy- effortless; simple; clear; smooth; straightforward; uncomplicated; painless; accessible; apparent; basic; plain; child’s play; facile; elementary; cinch.
25. Fast- agile; brisk; rapid; nimble; swift; accelerated; fleeting; high-speed; active; dashing; winged; hurried; turbo.
Gotta capitalize on that boobs-and-butt pose all the kids love so much. So what if it makes a rather competent artist look like they have no idea how bodies work? Sex sell, and what's sexier than women who have no bones and are made of rubber?
The only thing I like more about Kozaki's art in comparison to the various images in Heroes is that the characters look more mature. The Robins look like they're 18/19 in Awakening, about how I imagine them. In Heroes, they're about 16 if I'm being generous. I thought Chrom was around 20. Nope, Heroes confirms that he too is sixteen. Thought Lissa was sixteen, but clearly she's ten.
Chereche is the only woman who looks older than 15. Tiki is especially ergegious since she looks almost exactly the same as an adult and child in Heroes. Just... god damn, Japan- enough with the giant, moe eyes. If Kozaki is one of the few artists they can find capable of drawing adults, I hope IntSys keeps bringing him back rather than get it in their heads to hire any of these people.
FE Heroes vs FE Awakening
Since I enjoyed seeing the differences between the FE artwork, here’s one for Awakening. Kozaki sure does like drawing characters from the back.
Also, everyone has a full body except Robin.

"NOOOOOOOO! I won't let you arrest him!"- me, everytime I play Conquest.
I'm kinda curious, how do you think F!Kamui would tell Xander she's gonna marry Shura?

I don’t normally do this but I thought the answer was too funny not to do. And it’s been a while since I’ve drawn Kamui being a hornbag.

❝ I was exiled and alone. My only choice was to steal or die. You can guess what I chose. I’ve been here ever since, searching for others like me and trying to stay afloat… ❞
Who would've guessed that someone who appreciates the steps forward a company was making in terms of making their games more interesting and adding replay value hates seeing them throw all that progress in the garbage in favor if "staying true to the original"? If the orginals are so fucking great, don't remake them in the first place- just port them, then you won't have to deal with people who expect updated mechanics to go with their updated graphics.

@time-unwinds-slowly Don’t even get me STARTED
This game has the pacing of a fucking freight train. Not only does it dump piles and piles of utterly useless information on you, it does so for MINUTES. With NO GAMEPLAY. It’s just TWO PEOPLE TALKING on a screen without any movement, engagement, or interest.
And I would be fine with this. I really would. I can take heavy handed exposition with a grain of salt. But that’s only if I care about it. This game sets up its world ridiculously poorly. It doesn’t give me reason to care about the fate of either of the two countries, and doesn’t enforce the differences between the two. In Fates, Nohr and Hoshido were two clear, distinct worlds, with different slang, different clothing styles, and different game mechanics to press this. This is the same with Awakening, where the countries were at least distinct by their character design and goals. Zofia and Rigel do not have these things. The countries never feel separate or relevant a lot of the time, the only clear difference I see being that Rigel was more religious (Or was it Zofia? If I’m being honest, I don’t even remember what side Celica was fighting for), and that “Rigel is cold” compared to Zofia. Everything else is literally TOLD to you by a NARRATOR, one of the huge nos in movie making and story writing, without being that enforced in the game elsewhere
The characters in my opinion are the thing that’s most offensive about the game (and not politically lol, just as in something it did wrong). This game is marketed with the notion that having no supports in a Fire Emblem game is more realistic, and therefore better, but all it does is strip the characters down of any depth or potential they might have. These characters are incredibly dry, barely written, and nothing quite as magnetic as we’ve seen from the other fire emblem characters in recent years, even with hours of fully voiced dialogue. It’s bad, really bad, and I found myself not caring or being invested in any of the plot because of this. The only good, dynamic, and developed character was Berkut, who literally wasn’t even in the original Fire Emblem Gaiden and added later. It’s a major weak spot that was supposed to be a selling point, and it’s lack of good characters weighed heavy on the game as a whole.
Lastly I gotta rant about the character design real quick. Not only was it flat and uninspired, it’s use of muted colors and unoriginal design really put the already dull characters at an even greater disadvantage. This game may not have the stiffing amount of fan service that Awakening or Fates did, but all it did was give us boring, flat character design that’s easily forgettable (Except for the Saint class design. That was amazing.) This unfortunately, is due primarily to the fact that Kozaki was not a part of the production team, and since he’s a genius when it comes to character design and meaning in character design (minus the fanservice), his absence is tangibly felt.
All I’m going to say to wrap things up here is that this game may have been great in its hay day, but it’s outdated, and that can be felt extremely clear here. There’s a reason Gaiden itself only sold around 300,000 copies, and there’s a reason that the franchise as a whole was starting to fade before Awakening came. Awakening and Fates are stories more suited for a modern era of gaming, with exciting, engaging and layered characters you want to invest into. Echoes doesn’t have this, and it suffers because of it.