sirsirsonson - It’s An Abstract Kind Of Stupidity, Kinda
It’s An Abstract Kind Of Stupidity, Kinda

I’m just a guy that likes animation, dnd, and weapons. I may also use this as a place to put down my homebrew ideas

68 posts

Atlas (very Rare Or Legendary) Requires Attunement A Weapon That Preys On The Question What If Superman

Atlas (very Rare Or Legendary) Requires Attunement A Weapon That Preys On The Question What If Superman

Atlas (very rare or legendary) requires attunement A weapon that preys on the question “what if Superman was evil?” Does bludgeoning equivalent to hit die size (E.g. wizard does 1d6 bludgeoning while barbarian does 1d12 bludgeoning) On attunement, the wearer gains these benefits: **hold up the sky**: lifting, pushing, and pulling weight is equivalent to having 50 str **ever vigilant**: wearer has advantage to con and str saves and checks, and no longer requires rest or food Curse: **heroic sacrifice**: the wearer is turned lawful good and is compelled to do heroic acts of self sacrifice, wether to save a burning orphanage, or catch a bullet for a king. Should the wearer die during such a heroic event, the wearer will become chaotic evil with the stats of a solar, believing that they have ascended to cleanse the world of its sins and send the pure to a world where they live forever (not unlike scp-2200) I put a lot of effort into this, both stats and design

More Posts from Sirsirsonson

6 years ago
Beast Talon1d6 Slashing Damage, Light, FinesseYou Can Use Your Full Action To Unleash The Beast Within

Beast talon 1d6 slashing damage, light, finesse You can use your full action to unleash the beast within the blade, fusing the blade with your arms. When fused, you have claws that do 1d4 piercing or slashing and forearms blades that do 1d8 slashing damage. When fused you can attack with both claws and blades at the same time, as an attack action you can pounce on an enemy, the must make a dc 15 strength save or be knocked prone and take attack damage

Inspiration shamelessly stolen from daemonstar

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6 years ago

I’m going to judge you, 10/10



6 years ago
Guitara Vbora (great Club) Requires Attunement From A Bard Or A Yuan-tiA Large Guitar That Seems To Be

Guitara víbora (great club) requires attunement from a bard or a yuan-ti A large guitar that seems to be covered in large snake scales and a giant tooth for a pick. This thing is strong enough to be used as an improvised greatclub and enchanted with bardic magic so you can attack with this using your casting stat and does additional 1d4 thunder damage on hit You know the poison spray and pocket sand cantrips and can cast speak with animals at will, but it only works on snakes (basically you speak parseltongue) Once a day you can cast these spells: Invisibility Fly Protection from good and evil Goodberry Thunderous smite Dominate person Enhance stat (constitution)

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6 years ago
Wyrmcutter (very Rare) GreataxeRequires AttunementA +2 Greataxe Made Of The Parts Of A Dragon And Combined

Wyrmcutter (very rare) greataxe Requires attunement A +2 greataxe made of the parts of a dragon and combined with the power of said dragon. The weapon does additional 1d8 damage based on what type of dragon it was made from (ex. A black wyrmcutter does bonus acid damage).On attunement the user gains +2 to constitution and can cast dragon breath 5 times a day, the damage is dependent on the dragon’s color. Constitution is your casting modifier unless you have the spellcasting feature

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6 years ago

A campaign set in the jojo’s bizarre adventure universe (I don’t know what’s going on here, I just want to be involved)

A campaign set entirely in the Firefly universe.