sirsirsonson - It’s An Abstract Kind Of Stupidity, Kinda
It’s An Abstract Kind Of Stupidity, Kinda

I’m just a guy that likes animation, dnd, and weapons. I may also use this as a place to put down my homebrew ideas

68 posts

Guitara Vbora (great Club) Requires Attunement From A Bard Or A Yuan-tiA Large Guitar That Seems To Be

Guitara Vbora (great Club) Requires Attunement From A Bard Or A Yuan-tiA Large Guitar That Seems To Be

Guitara víbora (great club) requires attunement from a bard or a yuan-ti A large guitar that seems to be covered in large snake scales and a giant tooth for a pick. This thing is strong enough to be used as an improvised greatclub and enchanted with bardic magic so you can attack with this using your casting stat and does additional 1d4 thunder damage on hit You know the poison spray and pocket sand cantrips and can cast speak with animals at will, but it only works on snakes (basically you speak parseltongue) Once a day you can cast these spells: Invisibility Fly Protection from good and evil Goodberry Thunderous smite Dominate person Enhance stat (constitution)

  • drapersbobbie
    drapersbobbie reblogged this · 6 years ago

More Posts from Sirsirsonson

6 years ago


Wondrous item (uncommon)

A small, purple velvet bag with the words “dr. Wondertainment’s thunder in a bag!” With a text below saying “lightning in a bottle not included” the bag has 6 balls, you can throw a ball at an enemy to cast these spells:

Radiant word: 1

Toll the dead: 1

Thunderclap: 1

Thunder wave: 2

Shatter: 3

You regain 1d4+2 balls each day

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6 years ago

Pocket sand

Pocket Sand

Evocation Cantrip

Verbal, somatic, material(optional) (some sand or dirt)

Casting time: 1 bonus action

Range: 5 ft

Duration: 1 minute

A simple but effective spell from the wise Dale Gribble. You throw some sand in an enemy’s eyes, they must make a con save or be stunned and blinded for 1 minute, they can reroll their save at the beginning of their turn, at level 5, 11, and 17, the duration increases by 1 minute

Using the material component means they must make the save with disadvantage

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6 years ago
Camatoz (claws) Very Rare, +2On A Hit, The Target Takes Additional 1d6+2 Slashing And 1d4 Necrotic Damage.

Camatoz (claws) very rare, +2 On a hit, the target takes additional 1d6+2 slashing and 1d4 necrotic damage. the user heals half the total damage. While wearing camatoz, the wearer gains a climbing speed equal to there walking speed and a glide speed of 45. The user’s jump distance is doubled while wearing camatoz.

the edgier twin of papillon

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6 years ago

A combustion propelled repeating crossbow

Otherwise known in monster hunter as a bowgun

A gun that shoots arrows instead of bullets

6 years ago
sirsirsonson - It’s An Abstract Kind Of Stupidity, Kinda

So many demons are classic big humanoid things with maybe a few animal parts to make them Different. But why limit yourself? Make some demons whose flesh happens to look like parts of plants! A massive grey creature, mostly spherical, with only stubby legs. It’s dotted all over with blinking red eyes, glittery and malevolent. When the huge mouth opens, a clawed tongue lashes out to snare mortals. Or a demon that mimics ivy, its hideously warm tendrils growing rapidly along walls and ceilings, ready to drop down and inject abyssal toxins into some hero.

Plants are freaky, especially roots. Think of some more monsters for your own games, and scare your players!