sisterofsomeone - I’m Just A Whore (endearingly)
I’m Just A Whore (endearingly)

18+ only! spam posting blog: hahaillmurderyouHi! I’m Caitlin, I’m 23, intp-t, She/herI’m a hopeless romantic with terrible commitment issues but a massive whore for Changbin, Namjoon, DK and Mingi 🫠

158 posts

Shout Out To All The People Who Identify With Gifted Kid Burnout Syndrome Who Are Probably Just Neurodivergent

shout out to all the people who identify with gifted kid burnout syndrome who are probably just neurodivergent but werent diagnosed as a child, who used to devour books like it was nothing and never really understood why the protagonist would leave their cool fantasy world behind to go back home at the end of the story, and who are now extremely disappointed in reality and use escapism as their primary coping mechanism. how’s that bisexuality and deep-rooted anger at the school system going for you?

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More Posts from Sisterofsomeone

3 years ago

Last Breath

- Izuku Midoriya x gender neutral!reader

- Warnings: angst, nonspecific illness, death

- Summary: deku is struggling with losing you so suddenly, thinking he will never be happy again

- Author Note: I’m not sure why I’m in such an angst mood lately, but I just want to write sad bnha/haikyuu lately...


The two of you had fallen fast and hard. Deku loved your eyes and the way you smiled at him, you loved his hair and the way he felt against your skin. Everyone said that you two were destined to be together forever, and you believed them all. Deku and you married eventually, welcoming three beautiful children into the world together. You had so many plans, so many dreams together, none of them involving you becoming ill.

It started as a small cough, a slight fever. But soon you were rushed into hospital, and the outlook was dire. Deku kept his head up, forcing a smile for your sake. But you could feel the end coming, repeatedly telling Deku to let you go. But he couldn’t, you two had been together forever, you two were destined to be together. He couldn’t imagine a life without you by his side. But the time came for you to part ways, promising that you’ll see each other again someday. He told your children, holding them as close as he could, trying to soak up all their pain and take it upon himself. He knew in them you lived on; you were still here in spirit. The double bed you had once shared was now too big, the house too quiet. The body he used to pull close in his sleep was nowhere to be found and your side of the bed was cold. He heard your voice sometimes, turning with tears in his eyes expecting you to be there. You never were. He felt so alone, so lost without you. His mother came to help with the children on days he couldn’t manage to get out of bed. On days he could he threw himself into the most dangerous fights, hoping deep down that this was going to be the day he got to see you again. He was drowning in grief, swimming further and further down and struggling for air. Your friends tried to get through to him, but he ignored their pleas and just kept pushing on. He didn’t want to get better, didn’t ever want to find happiness again without you by his side. They never understood, how could he ever be happy without you in his life? He just wanted you, to see you smile, to hear you laugh. He just wanted his soulmate back.

He grew old without you, saw your kids age and change without you there with him. He watched your daughter marry a wonderful man, walking her down the aisle as a proud father. He held your first grandchild in his arms, crying when they were named after you. He saw your oldest son off to college, waved as your youngest son left to travel the world. He always felt you by his side, felt your presence in your now-empty house. He was old and tired, feeling the tug of old age pulling him towards you finally. So he allowed himself to sleep and drift away with a soft smile on his face.

He blinked his eyes open, hearing you humming that familiar tune and feeling your hands moving through his hair. He smiled up at you as beautiful as he remembered. Tears started to fall from his eyes, and you smiled softly down at the man lying in your lap. You placed a soft kiss against his lips, and he was finally happy.

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3 years ago

Alone, like always

- Matchablossom with jealous gender neutral!reader

- Warnings: angst, jealousy

-Summary: you have been Joe’s friend since childhood, but you’re completely in love with him. You hoped he would feel the same way, that he would come around and see that you were all he needed. But he didn’t, he was lost as soon as Kaoru came into his life.


You walked along the river bank, your hand feeling cold in the absence of his warm hand wrapping around yours, his fingers intertwined with your own. You try to mimic the feeling yourself, threading your own hands together and squeezing. But it’s not the same as you imagine. His hands would feel larger, more all-encompassing. He wouldn’t be harsh, holding you delicately and watching you blush under his gaze. But Joe doesn’t even know how you feel.

Every time you talk to him, eat at his restaurant or skate with him at S, his mind is always elsewhere. His eyes don’t focus on you, don’t drink you all in like you do to him. You spend every second you can imprinting the image of the man in your mind, wandering thoughts leading you to dirty dreams at night. But he was never doing the same to you, his thoughts never once lingered on you for more than a moment before his beloved clouded his thoughts again. You spent years by his side, growing up as neighbours and basically becoming family to one another, but he meant so much more than that to you. You knew you were in love the second you found out what the word meant, all those years ago.

It all changed when he met Kaoru. That snake in the grass who stole his heart from you, stole your Joe from you. He took one look and that was it, he was smitten. The two of you became three, then Adam showed up. Joe cried on your shoulder when he found out about those two, Kaoru and Adam stealing secret kisses and longing glances. Joe came to you for comfort. You thought this was it, the moment he realised you were all he ever needed, all he would ever need. But it wasn’t. He cried and cried, poured his heart out to you, to his friend. But you were just angry, hopelessly in love with this broken man in front of you that you couldn’t do anything to make him feel better. You cried with him, not being able to hold back the tears as your heart broke. He thanked you for being there for him, thanked you when you offered for him to stay the night. He was so lucky to have a friend like you. It stung, it really did.

Joe spent years pining over Kaoru while you watched from the sidelines. Soon Adam had gone, the boys shocked when he turned aggressive. They tried to bring him back, but they couldn’t and Kaoru was broken. That’s when everything changed for the worst. The shared glances, the not-so-subtle touching thighs, the petty arguments, the closeness. They were falling for each other right in front of your eyes and you were breaking in front of theirs’ but they were too oblivious to notice. You tried to remind Joe of your time together before Kaoru showed up, the years spent as a pair, the power team. But it was too late. He was Kaoru’s, and you were all alone.

You walked along the river bank holding your own hand, intertwining your own fingers as the two men in front of you called your name.

“Y/n! Hurry up! We’re gonna be late!” You smiled back at them, Joe’s arm slung over Kaoru so nonchalantly. You imagined that warmth and it brought tears to your eyes. Trying to blink them away you turned your head towards the water.

“You two go ahead. I’ve got some things to think about.” Joe nodded and told you to not take too long, that they’d miss you, but they left you there. Alone, like always.

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3 years ago

What a year this week has been.

3 years ago

Run in with Oikawa

- Toru Oikawa fic x fem!reader fic

- Warnings: mentions of sex, alcohol, spanking

- Summary: while working the graveyard shift at your part time job, a friend of yours comes in drunk and is a little flirtatious before he runs his big mouth off and embarrasses himself


Oikawa was the setter for your school’s volleyball team, and god was he handsome. You’d admired him from a far since starting high school, but soon enough being in all the same classes payed off and you came to call him a friend. Nothing close, a simple hello and a casual chat during lessons and an invite to any parties he held. You’d never been one of his girls, the ones he would flirt with and maybe date for a week or so before moving on. Honestly? You weren’t sure if you were grateful for being looked over or not. You hated the idea of being used like that, as some sort of ego boost, but the way your mind wandered during the nights and the name that you found yourself moaning quietly during your alone time made you question it all. Truly, you wanted him to fall all over you, tell you how hot you made him feel, how much he needed you. You wanted him to say the things he said to his girls but about you. You wanted Oikawa to want you.

“Hello, can I help you?” You were trying to stock shelves at your part time job when you heard the bell above the door ring, you put on your shit-eating customer service grin and wandered out from between the shelves, halting and dropping your smile when you locked eyes with Toru Oikawa.

“Well, I didn’t expect to run into you here y/n.” He purred, sounding drunk. You forgot he’d invited you to a party tonight. “To be honest though I’m relieved, thought you’d blown me off for someone else. I get jealous over my girl.” He winked at you and sent you the signature smirk that turned your stomach in knots.

“Oikawa leave her alone, she’s trying to work!” Iwaizumi landed a solid smack to the back of Toru’s head, the crack loud against the soft hum of the fridges and freezers around the three of you.

“Will you stop hitting me Iwa-chan!” Toru pouted and blushed a little, throwing the candy bar at the spiker’s head in retaliation. Iwaizumi dodged effortlessly, seemingly less intoxicated than his friend.

“Please forgive him, he’s had way to much to drink and is acting like a child.” You giggled a little, raising a hand to your mouth in an effort to hide your growing smile and blushing face.

“It’s fine don’t worry about it. To be honest, I would have ditched this place if I knew I was one of your girls Oikawa.” You weren’t sure where this sudden burst of confidence came from, maybe you thought he wouldn’t remember this exchange in the morning? But it definitely got his attention now. Toru straightened up, poking his tongue out at Iwaizumi who rolled his eyes right back at him.

“See! She likes me!” He laughed, throwing an arm around you like it was no big deal while you malfunctioned beside him. You felt a sudden flush of heat rise to your face and your eyes went wide. You gawped up at the setter, your mouth opening and closing all by itself but no words spilling out.

“You alright there pet?” He cocked his head and raised an eyebrow at you before a playful smirk tugged at his lips. “Or have I broken your brain?” He winked and leant down to whisper in your ear.

“If you’re this lost now pet, imagine what you’ll be like when you’re all fucked out of your mind on my cock.” His warm breath hit your ear and the angle sent it washing over the back of your neck. His overture sent a shiver down your spine and started a spark between your legs. His hand slid from your shoulders to your waist, before he sent a smack to your arse.

“Toru! You can’t just do that! I’m so sorry y/n, please forgive him, he’s a fucking pervert when he’s pissed.” Iwaizumi was shocked at his friend’s forwardness, pulling him away from you as you tried to regain some semblance of composure. You just stared open mouthed and red faced at the pair, Iwaizumi smacking the setter repeatedly on the head and calling him all sorts of names.

“I-it’s okay! I mean, he’s just drunk after all.” You managed to grab their attention now, both the boys stopping their fight to look at you. Rubbing your thighs together and fiddling with your fingers you managed to make eye contact with Toru.

“You know y/n, I’ve been trying to think of a way to ask you out for ages.” He started before slamming a hand to his mouth. He what?

“Okay, that’s enough from me tonight! Bye!” And with that, he was gone, dropping all the snacks he’d grabbed and running out of the store. Iwaizumi just chuckled.

“What, what did he just say?” Iwaizumi smiled softly to himself and shook his head in utter disbelief. You weren’t sure if he heard you, but you were cut off when he started to talk again.

“He’s had a thing for you for a while -“ he glanced to the store entrance and turned back to you once he saw Oikawa was out of earshot. “- He’s been trying to think of a way to ask you out. Was gonna do it tonight I think before you said you couldn’t go. He’s been trying to make you jealous with those girls from his fan club for ages. I told him you’re too dumb to notice but he wouldn’t have it, wanted to have you confess to him I think. Probably something to do with his ego.” You blinked a few times and found yourself running a hand over your face.

“You don’t believe me?” You shook your head no and Iwaizumi seemed to find that quite amusing. “Just you wait, he’ll be kicking himself in the morning. Your lessons might get a bit awkward after tonight.” With that he waved goodbye and left the store smacking Oikawa again when he caught up to him. Oikawa turned and met your gaze before you sheepishly smiled at him, giving a small wave. His face went red and he scrambled to hide his embarrassment from you. You’d never seen him so flustered before, and knowing it was you who did it made your heart skip a few beats. The pair eventually left the front of the store, leaving you be.

Oikawa likes me? You smiled softly to yourself, still feeling the slight sting of his smack, the heat of his skin on yours and the tingling between your thighs. You began to start working again traipsing back to the shelves you had your head hurried in not half an hour ago, moving the tins from the boxes by your feet to their place on the shelf all the while blushing like a mad woman. You were definitely going to enjoy school on Monday.

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3 years ago

Ummm... I’ve bleached my hair and I’m wearing a black hoodie... so I just scared myself by looking like Shigaraki...

I now know the terror of seeing Shigaraki in the middle of the night when you least expect it 😂

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