Izuku X Y/n - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

You and I 03

You And I 03

Whether in canon or in fantasy, whether already in love or falling, whether naughty or nice, You and Izuku always find your way to each other.

You And I 03

I do not share J.K. Rowlings disgusting views on Transpeople and all the other shit she is sprouting about people in the LGBTQ+ community.

That woman may have written Harry Potter, but it belongs to us fans now.

Miss Rowling, if you ever read this fuck you and your bigoted views!

The story takes place in the Hogwarts Legacy-Vers.

I freaking love this game!

I tried to not say what House the reader belongs to, so you can be in the House you want.

Now on with the story.

Hogwarts Legacy AU NSFW

Quiet giggles could be heard around the empty halls of Hogwarts.

A male voice shushed a female and the female just giggled more.

Well, you couldn't help yourself.

After, begging for weeks you finally got Izuku to be daring and to break into the Prefect Bathroom to take a bath.

Sometimes you wonder how he landed in Gryffindor, then you remember how he practically fought with Bakugo from Slytherin during Quidditch for the Golden Snitch and you got it.

Under the Disillusionment Spell, you avoid without problems the Prefects who made their rounds.

Finally, you enter the bathroom and dispel the spell.

"Oh I still think this is a bad idea.", mumbled Izuku, while you were busy putting a locking spell on the door.

No one should disturb you.

"Come on Izuku, baby, it will be fun.", you grinned. "Besides Sebastian and Demeter break her in regularly to take a bath and probably to fuck."

Your boyfriend made a face.

"Of course, Sallow gave you this idea."

"And Demeter gave me the Spells."

"Hufflepuffs seem so nice, but all are horny!"

You winked at him and took slowly your clothes off.

Izuku blushed and started to undress as well.

"Love, sleeping in a bed together or at the Room of Requirements is something different than the Prefect Bathroom! If they catch us, Black will give us hell!"

"I would more worry for Professor Weasley, but relax Izu, okay?"

Naked you embrace him and kiss his cheek.

"It will be okay, alright?"

Your boyfriend signed and hugged you back.

Finally, he follows you in the water.

Oh, it was amazing and with all the bubbles, you two had fun making them poop.

Then you washed each other, which of course led to heavy petting and sooner than you could shout Expelliamus, you rode Izuku in ecstasy.

"Oh, baby! Just like that!", you purred.

His dick filled you up completely and hit your G-Spot.

"You are so beautiful, my love.", he moaned, his hand wandering over to your clit, rubbing it in time with his hard trusts.

Oh fuck, you would never get tired of this.

You were addicted to Izuku.

You were so happy his family had moved in your Third Year to Scotland and you both literally crashed against each other.

Best. Day. Ever!

Your lips found each other as you reached your climax together.

Izuku cums filled your pussy, making you purr in delight.

You both enjoyed the aftermath of your session as you heard how someone used Alohomora on your lock spell.

Like two deers Izuku and You turned your heads towards the door.

Oh no, they got you!

"Sebastian! See, I told you I heard noises!"

It was Demeter Somerset, your friend, beside her Sebastian Sallow, her boyfriend, who dramatically closed his eyes with one arm.

"Wow, you kids! Shouldn't you be in bed and not fuck in the Prefect bathroom?!"

Demeter hit him with her elbow in the side.

"Sebastian you gave her the idea and don't play the saint, we are here often enough as well."

The Slyterhin boy just smiled, while his girlfriend rolled her brown eyes behind her glasses.

"[Your Name], Izuku, we are so sorry, we will leave you be."

"Yeah, sorry and try not to get caught!", saluted Sebastian as he followed Demeter out of the bathroom.

You and Izuku turned to each other and couldn't help but laugh.

You had luck that it was just your friends, however it was for the best to call it a night.

Fast you dried and got dressed.

Then like always Izuku escorted you to your Common Room and you said good night with a kiss.

Hogwarts was truly magical mostly because you have found the love of your life there.


Demeter Somerset is my Hogwarts Lecagy Character/Self-Insert, proud Hufflepuff and of course, dating our favourite Slytherin boy Sebastian Sallow.

I made the timeline intentionally vague.

Only that you aren't Third Year more.

Same with Demeter and Sebastian they aren't Fifth Year anymore, but are they your classmates or your elders or one of them your House Mates you decide. ;D

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3 years ago

Last Breath

- Izuku Midoriya x gender neutral!reader

- Warnings: angst, nonspecific illness, death

- Summary: deku is struggling with losing you so suddenly, thinking he will never be happy again

- Author Note: I’m not sure why I’m in such an angst mood lately, but I just want to write sad bnha/haikyuu lately...


The two of you had fallen fast and hard. Deku loved your eyes and the way you smiled at him, you loved his hair and the way he felt against your skin. Everyone said that you two were destined to be together forever, and you believed them all. Deku and you married eventually, welcoming three beautiful children into the world together. You had so many plans, so many dreams together, none of them involving you becoming ill.

It started as a small cough, a slight fever. But soon you were rushed into hospital, and the outlook was dire. Deku kept his head up, forcing a smile for your sake. But you could feel the end coming, repeatedly telling Deku to let you go. But he couldn’t, you two had been together forever, you two were destined to be together. He couldn’t imagine a life without you by his side. But the time came for you to part ways, promising that you’ll see each other again someday. He told your children, holding them as close as he could, trying to soak up all their pain and take it upon himself. He knew in them you lived on; you were still here in spirit. The double bed you had once shared was now too big, the house too quiet. The body he used to pull close in his sleep was nowhere to be found and your side of the bed was cold. He heard your voice sometimes, turning with tears in his eyes expecting you to be there. You never were. He felt so alone, so lost without you. His mother came to help with the children on days he couldn’t manage to get out of bed. On days he could he threw himself into the most dangerous fights, hoping deep down that this was going to be the day he got to see you again. He was drowning in grief, swimming further and further down and struggling for air. Your friends tried to get through to him, but he ignored their pleas and just kept pushing on. He didn’t want to get better, didn’t ever want to find happiness again without you by his side. They never understood, how could he ever be happy without you in his life? He just wanted you, to see you smile, to hear you laugh. He just wanted his soulmate back.

He grew old without you, saw your kids age and change without you there with him. He watched your daughter marry a wonderful man, walking her down the aisle as a proud father. He held your first grandchild in his arms, crying when they were named after you. He saw your oldest son off to college, waved as your youngest son left to travel the world. He always felt you by his side, felt your presence in your now-empty house. He was old and tired, feeling the tug of old age pulling him towards you finally. So he allowed himself to sleep and drift away with a soft smile on his face.

He blinked his eyes open, hearing you humming that familiar tune and feeling your hands moving through his hair. He smiled up at you as beautiful as he remembered. Tears started to fall from his eyes, and you smiled softly down at the man lying in your lap. You placed a soft kiss against his lips, and he was finally happy.

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Y'all I love izuku with all my heart he's so underrated cus everyone thirsting over bkg and aizawa 💀

I mean same but look at the babyyyyyyyyy

Wish a I had more requests for him in the 50 submissions in my box 😭 I'm working on them guys I promise but I gotta do em one at a timeee

But I've already done two and a half today yippee

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Anyone character u want x punk delinquent male reader tall af loads of piercings and wild hair🫦🫦


what are we talking about 😩🫦

I'm gonna have fun with this yall

Also this is giving me MAJOR Asuka Langley introspection vibes rn from evangelion.

Namsmnxnd y'all rlly gave me creative freedom so i took that bitch and RAN anskbsnsbx

This is literally a random fanfic idk why I decided to make it literally the most emotional wreck of a group of words to have ever existed.

Masterlist <3

Izuku x Male!Reader - Delinquent

Anyone Character U Want X Punk Delinquent Male Reader Tall Af Loads Of Piercings And Wild Hair

This feeling started during the UA Sports Festival.

You had been plotting to take the spot of one of the 1-A students this year and secure your future as a hero, much like Hitoshi Shinsou. Except, you picked Izuku out of everyone there to prey upon because he looked the kindest. He looked the weakest.

He had those big, green doe eyes like that of a baby deerling, and it made you irrationally angry.

You had so much hatred for the world around you. Your childish wish to 'become the best' and 'save everyone' faded over time, and the only reason you wanted to rise to the top at this point was spite.

Growing up, noone had cheered you on, or encouraged you to persue your interests. You were told that it's better to stick to what you know, and that dreams of the future were destined to be just that. Just dreams.

Over time, you had lost interest in persuing hobbies, or making friends, and had grown to be jealous of all of the kids around you that had what you couldn't get. It was a sinking, lonely feeling, that kept an iron grip on your heart.

It's not like you had some tragic backstory. You were just neglected, like a whole fucking lot of other kids out there. It just affected you in a slightly different way. It had made you bitter.

When you had gotten into UA High, that was when the imposter syndrome really hit. That must've been what drew you to Shinsou, one of your closest and first friends.

Once again, you were bitter about being put in some second rate class and pushed aside. It's like the world was purposely trying to tell you over and over again, that you're nothing special. You're replaceable at best. It had you absolutely livid.

So, naturally, you displaced your anger onto an unsuspecting target, Izuku Midoriya.

You took note of all of his weaknesses and his interests, and during the last stage, when the two of you were paired up for an individual battle, you tried your absolute best to crush his spirit.

You were jealous that he was so happy. That he was so completely perfect. He had a happy childhood and a strong quirk, and so, so many friends he could surround himself with. He had hobbies, and interests, and he was so fucking special that All Might himself was picking favourites. Oh yeah, you noticed that. It only fuelled your spite and hatred.

Underneath all of the brooding looks and big talk was just a little kid, throwing a tantrum at the world because "It's not fair! Why didn't I get what he did?! Why don't real heroes think I'm strong? Why didn't I get parents who love me?! He has friends, he has hobbies, he has dreams! Everything they said I couldn't have, he has in abundance!! Why not me?!!"

Recovery Girl would say something about needing to 'heal your inner child' or whatever the hell that means.

You tried so hard to crush Izuku, and if he were anyone else, it would've worked. You had learned from the best after all, how to crush a person's spirit. But no, apparently, he was special.

Every time you insulted him or told him harsh truths about every one of his dreams and interests, reciting things your parents had told you, he winced, and you couldn't tell why you hated to see it.

You spilled you heart to this boy unknowingly, your fight being a screaming match that noone but the two of you could hear over the clash of earth and Izuku's strength. You had sent boulder after boulder at him, moving the ground beneath him and wearing him down as much as you could, but he refused to give up, and your body started to tire.

'Oh. So that's why he's special. He's just not like me.'

Those were your thoughts as you were knocked to the floor, the world spinning around you as time seemed to slow to a stop.

He didn't give up when things got rough. But you did. You lay on the floor, taking in the sight of the clear blue sky, so close but so far away, the stands full with cheering onlookers disappearing into the background. It's all just white noise now.

You're absolutely gutted at the loss, and the only spirit left crushed was yours, while Izuku was filled with more resolve than ever.

He was just fundamentally better than you, then.

But that's not fair...

Your face was caked in sweat and blood and most definitely tears as you layed on the floor, barely conscious after Izuku's last attack. Your piercings, which had been a result of your boredom while fucking around with a needle, were literally pissing with blood, and your head was swimming in the pain that encompassed your body.

You barely even noticed when the mossy-headed boy had picked you up, carrying you to the infirmary bridal style.

What you said during your fight had struck a chord in his heart, like it had been plucked straight out, not because you had insulted besically everything he had ever loved or associated with, but because he could perfectly translate what you were saying into what you really felt now that he looked back on it.

You were just so angry, and scared and alone. He wanted to stay by your side. He wasn't pitying you. He was just trying to make friends with the guy who'd almost beaten him during their matchup.

That's what made you hesitantly accept his proposal of friendship when you had next awoken, though you gave him no shortage of side-eye.

Over the course of the next few years, the two of you had actually became real friends, best friends, and you had realised that the feelings you were developing towards him were a little more than just friendly. He had shown you what it was like to actually enjoy things, and have meaningful conversation, and he had helped you make more friends. You had fallen head over heels for him.

Because of him, you were doing better in your classes, and had actually started attending them again. You were picking less fights with random classmates. You had even started to study for written tests, instead of just leaving them blank. Izuku was, and is still so proud of you.

He had treated you like you were an equal, and you had let him into your fragile little heart. Now you were in love.

You had kept it a secret though. Izuku couldn't know that you were in love with him. You had no doubt in your mind that Izuku wouldn't treat anyone differently for being gay, but that's not what you were worried about. You just couldn't handle rejection. Your entire childhood and the years you spent craving acceptance proved that. But you were weak for the moss-top.

Everytime he would bat his eyes at you, or give you that world ending grin that literally set fire to every negative emotion you've ever felt in your life, your heart stuttered. He gave everything meaning.

So when you and Izuku sat in his room and he was once again studying the five piercings on your face, one on each side of your nose, your septum, your bridge, and one little stud at the corner of your lip, you learned in close to plant a kiss to his lips, which were so close to yours that you couldn't help yourself. You were a second away from dreading your fatal mistake until you felt him lean closer, not pulling away or recoiling from you.

The kiss deepened as you let a whimper slip past your lips, which he eagerly swallowed, taking charge of the kiss and pushing you down on the mattress so gently.

That was how you ended up where you are now, naked and writhing under a sweaty, breathless greenette who slowly grinds his hips to meet yours.

He moans as you buck your hips up, pushing him further inside of you as his cheeks flush and he pulls you close. Izuku holds you as you mewl and shiver, kissing you gently and making sure you're okay.

Once you're fully adjusted to the feeling of the intrusion you whine and claw at his back, being oversensitive as he pushes in and out again and again, chasing the pleasure that your wet warmth gives him.

"God- It feels so good- t-to finally get to do this with you... Hah- I love you~"

If someone had told you in the past that you would cry when losing your virginity to Izuku Midoriya, you would've laughed and probably beat the messenger half to death, but now here you are, sniffling and crying into Izuku's neck as he chuckles and runs a soft, but strong hand through your hair.

"I- I love you- Izuku!- Please-!"

Your moans fill the quiet of the room, the only other sounds being Izuku's soft breathing and the rain outside the window, while you and your lover interlock your hands and become one.

He reaches down to stroke your neglected skin, your back arching and drool running down your chin. Your thighs shake and this idiot chuckles again, letting himself move his pelvis a little harder and faster, his abs flexing and rippling with each little movement and reducing you to a little melted puddle in his firm embrace.

Oh, he knows exactly where your prostate is, and he's just teasing you at this point, but you don't even get the chance to huff in annoyance before he suddenly changes his mind, his thrusts becoming more intense and his heart set on bullying the little button inside of you.

He gets exactly what he wanted when you sob and release a steady stream of cum that doesn't shoot, but leaks from you and rolls down your length pitifully, tears running down your face while he reaches his own orgasm deep inside of you. His abdomen twitches and he groans so needily, pulling you closer by the waist in a way that has your eyes rolling back, feeling his hot seed filling every crevice inside of you.

God, he is special. He's everything.

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♡︎𝐂𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐈𝐳𝐮𝐤𝐮 𝐌𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐲𝐚♡︎

Day 2 of Kinktober 2022

Summary: while visiting to drop off your husband's bento, he pulls you into his lap to give himself a little stress relief during work.

Props to my beta for today @sasualblxd - thank you so much again! <3

-1,055 words.

Buff, muscled arms hold you down by your waist, circled around you and sat firmly in place. The both of you sit in his office at work, the bento box you had dropped by to gift him with sat waiting for him on the desk neatly, set aside for lunch.

Daylight spills through the gaps in the blinds while the sound of pen scratching on paper is filtered to the back of your mind, the only thing occupying your thoughts right now being your husband.

Keening whines slip past your bitten, plumped lips as you shift on Izuku's lap, causing a hand to trail back to your waist from where it was rested at your belly and hold you firmly. You can't even see if you've affected him in the slightest.

His breath on your neck is even, though it still raises the tiny hairs there and gives you goosebumps. It feels like every sense has been dialed all the way up to eleven, every press of his chest against your back or twitch of his fingers setting you alight.

Warmth pools in Izuku's lap, where the two of you are currently connected, and you have no idea how the poor man's jeans are going to survive the flow of slick that leaks down his cock. You're soaked.

You had soaked through your underwear before he even took his pants off.

It was just a nice, simple gesture. Bring him his lunch, because he left it on the counter on accident. You didn't mean for it to turn into this.

He had beckoned you closer with a curl of his fingers as you were just about to leave, taking your wrist in his hand and guiding you slowly to sit on his lap. At first you were a little bit bashful, giggling at him and telling him to get on with his work, but then his expression had darkened. He gave you a mischievous smirk that had you melting in seconds, and for a minute you're stuck thinking about how much he's grown from that shy, awkward boy into someone much more confident, more himself.

That is, until you felt his lips press a soft kiss at your neck, accompanied by a hand up your skirt. Immediately you were bright red, eyes wide and jaw clamped shut as his hand slid further up your thigh. The pads of his fingers were a little rough from scarring, but otherwise soft and very gentle against smooth skin, carressing stretch marks as they ascended.

Eventually, after what felt like hours, his fingers pressed against the soft fabric of your new underwear and slowly massaged the warmth beneath. It didn't take much for your breath to shorten and your underwear to darken with slick, and your legs shook a little as you sat across his lap, half facing him. You slapped your hands over your face to hide your expression, and keep him from observing you, but that just wouldn't do for him, and he easily pulled the offending appendages away. Sometimes you forget how much muscle is hidden beneath that baby-face of his.

He chuckled at your squirmy reaction, tearful eyes locking with his and giving him that much more satisfaction. He really could be a horrible tease when he wanted to.

The hand at your pussy started to rub a little harder, pressing down over the panties to dip into you a little and leave you grinding down against his lap and fingers for more, and soon enough he was pushing your panties aside to slip two thick fingers inside of you without saying a word, busying himself with leaving dark hickeys at your neck and covering every inch of skin with a kiss.

Your mouth finally opened in a silent moan, and a hand reached back up to cover your mouth so that his co-workers in the neighboring rooms didn't hear anything suspicious, and luckily Izuku didn't seem to have a problem with that while he worked on fingering you open.

His breath had started to get short too, and you had most definitely picked up on the bulge that was pressed up against your ass.

He's always loved every second of having his fingers inside of you to feel the soft, spongey walls and the twitching of your insides around his digits, left sensitive from the scarring even after all these years. But he didn't mourn the loss of the feeling once he pulled them out, rubbing his fingers and thumb together and smirking at you while he exposed your juices, watching in amusement as you turned your head away and shut your eyes out of sheer embarrassment.

Now, you're sat facing forward on his thick cock while he does his paperwork, writing reports for recent missions and putting his signature on damage or rescue forms.

Another bead of slick rolls down to pool at his balls and he shivers at the feeling. He can't get enough of it when you're dripping around him, and he can't help but be proud of how fast he had you soaking through your underwear for him. That must be a new record.

"Good girl..."

His voice is smooth and shows no sign of desperation or tension even as his cock twitches inside of you, sending a jolt of pleasure straight through your core and causing another wave of slick to leak from you. Izuku sighs at the feeling of your warmth pooling around the tip of his dick and your insides spasming around him, every small twitch taking him closer to his orgasm.

Pink lips shine and catch the light as your tongue darts out to lick them, and you grind down against him once more to feel that pleasure, your back arching and your thighs squeezing together, but you still receive little to no reaction until he's done, and his hands rub circles on your waist and pull your hair out of your face gently.

"Okay, baby. You want some more?~"

His smile is soft and genuine as he peeks his head forward for you to see him, and his chin rests on your neck. The greenete's voice is smooth like butter and peppy as always, but there's an undertone of lust and hunger that you just know is there, lurking behind innocent freckles and kind eyes.

© 2022 not-your-fucking-kacchan

◃ 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 | 𝐍𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 ▹

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2 years ago

Cyan/Izuku Midoriya

Izuku x reader

Cyan/Izuku Midoriya

Summary: Reader has moved to Japan (not specified from where) in order to attend the prestigious UA high school. The first day at their new school doesn't start out too great but eventually their able to make a new friend.

TW: A bit of teasing, not suggestive, mentioned bullying, didn't go into details though, referring to people as quirks, it happens like once but still.

Genre: Fluff, one-shot


A/N: I took way too long to make this but on the bright side, I aced my exams! Anyway, I actually got way too invested in the reader's backstory. Don't know if you can tell but I really wanted to go in depth but if I did I'm pretty sure it would have turned out too wordy. I might use these two again, I'm invested in their story lol.

Mornings weren't usually as chaotic as this. No matter how begrudgingly, you would always wake up to your alarm, get ready, and head out the door in a respectable amount of time.

You recently moved to Japan in order attend the prestigious UA high school. Apparently you still weren't used to the time difference. You sprinted all around your apartment frantically grabbing what you could.

Notebooks, textbooks, pencils, pens, maybe a hair brush by accident. You weren't quite sure. You stumbled into your desk grabbing at a cyan journal that read "Quirk Notes" and stuffed it into your school bag. You would hate to leave that the very day you went to meet so many new people.

Once you had everything required for your first day, or more accurately, whatever you could grab on you way out, you bolted out the front door. Running down the stairs of the apartment building, you tried your best not to trip, finally making it to the sidewalk. You started to make your way towards the school, power walking, to keep from running into someone.

Once you arrived at the school you made your way to the classroom, stopping just short of the large and intimidating door. You took a deep breath, not only nervous about meeting so many new people at once but also the punishment that would no doubt take place due to your tardiness.

Not a great first impression.

You opened the door slowly, hoping at the very least you wouldn't interrupt in the middle of a lecture. Once the door was opened just enough to see inside you poked your head in.

'Where's the teacher? ' you asked yourself. You stepped into the classroom warily, but didn't see anyone. Did you come too early? No, you saw other classrooms in session as well as other students rushing through the halls on your way to the much too hard to find class. You walked to the other side of the room, looking out the windows, trying to find the answers to your questions.

The answer seemed to come from a distant explosion.


Midoriya was simultaneously on cloud nine and in fear for his life. On one hand he got another chance to see Kacchan's quirk in action during training, even if he isn't fighting the blonde himself. On the other hand Izuku was pretty sure a good 45% of the explosions were sent his way on purpose.

Soon the sparring session was over and in favor of avoiding Bakugo's heated glares Midoriya let his eyes wander around the facility. Towards his classmates, his teacher, and- oh that's new.

A figure stood at the entrance of the facility. They didn't seem to be someone he recognized so he looked to his teacher for assurance that this wasn't a surprise attack from the LOV. Aizawa turned towards their visitor and just sighed. "I suppose you're the new transfer then"

"Um- yes sir" the person replied with a bit of hesitation.


Aizawa briefly halted the training session in favor of you to introducing yourself to the class. He asked that you refrain from sharing your quirk, for an extra layer of training you guessed. Even if you wouldn't be able to participate in training today. As punishment for being late you had to sit out and complete a small amount school work that you missed in your absence.

Once the words started to melt together into one giant blob of grammar and numbers, you allowed your eyes to wander over to your classmates, trying to see what quirks you could make out just by looking.

There was one boy who had multiple arms, all connected by a thin layer of skin. Another who had circular shaped elbows that you later learned were some form of tape despencer. There was someone else who seemed to have a quirk that was a tail mutation, he used it well. There was also...floating..gloves? It was a bit hard to see from a distance, you guessed it was an invisibility quirk but there was no way to figure out more that that without getting closer.

Once it was time for the non-hero work related classes you did all you could to learn about every quirk in the room. A creation quirk, a sort of engine based quirk, multiple mutation quirks, and you finally found out what the bird guy's quirk is, who you now know as Tokoyami. You quickly learned who caused the explosions that you saw earlier today, Bakugo, and how, as well as who was able to withstand the detonations, Kirishima.

Soon enough the day was over, and although you weren't able to learn about everyone quirks, you were satisfied.

Outside of school, you didn't have much else planned. When you moved to Japan it was alone, your parents stayed back home, their jobs requiring them to. So seeing as you had a painful amount of free time, you opted to take some time to polish off your observations from the day in your notebook.

You were beginning to regret that decision.

You squinted at the bright pages in annoyance. While, yes, the sun did provide good lighting for your notes, it might have been a bit too good. It was hard to read or write anything when the white of the page jumped at you with a vengeance, causing a slight pain to form behind your eyes. Unable to complete your notes on a boy's, Kaminari you believe, electricity quirk, you had just about given up when a shadow cast over your paper.

Looking up, you were met with a tuft of green hair and a pair of the most beautifully expressive eyes you've ever seen, that only seemed to brighten with every passing second. A pretty and dark green that reminded you of emeralds. Long eyelashes too? damn. Freckles dotted his face, creating swerving constellations. Under his eyes, on his cheeks, down to his chin and– Was his mouth moving? Was he talking? To you? Oh.

As you blinked back into reality you realized that he was in fact talking, just... maybe not to you. Or anyone really. He was just as much in his own world as you were. You smiled a bit, giving yourself a few extra seconds to appreciate the boy as his gaze flicked to and fro, over your notes you realize.

As much as you were enjoying the view, he was starting to lean in a little closer, and if he snapped out of it on his own and realized you were starring, it was bound to get awkward.

"So, are you interested? " The muttering halted. He blinked once. Twice. Then his eyes widened and he turned beet red, more than you thought possible, the red of his cheeks now complementing the dark green of his eyes. Adorable.

So you opted not to back away as he leaned in closer. It gave you a better view of his freckles. Who could blame you?

Sadly, as soon as he became aware of the space, or lack thereof, between the both of you he jumped back as if he had been burned. He quickly apologized, tripping over his words.

Trying not to feel insulted, you give him a reassuring smile, hoping it calms him down even a little. "Woah! It's completely fine! I was just wondering if you had an interest" His apologies broke off into a strained sentence.

"If– If I'm interested? " He tensed and his eyes grew wider, the blush on his face still prominent. "Yeah" you chirped "I've always been interested in quirks myself, but I rarely meet people who appreciate them as much as I do. Usually people only care about their own quirks or don't bother imagining what they could do if they just broadened their point of view. "

He made a little sound reminiscent of an "oh" as he broke the eye contact you were so thoroughly enjoying. His shoulders dropped a bit, but when he looked back to you, his eyes seemed to twinkle with curiosity as well as a bit of something else. You decided to process that later.

"Y–yeah. I like quirks. Well I mean of course I like them. It would be kind of weird if I didn't. Not that someone has to like quirks in order to be normal–" You let out a breath of laughter.

"Don't worry. I get what you mean" huh— you've been smiling a lot during this conversation. "Actually, I'm surprised that a big shot like you is even interested in stuff like this." You teased before continuing, your smile dipping a bit.

"Most times when people hear that someone actually enjoys studying quirks they just stick their nose in the air, assumimg that for a person to be so interested in other people's quirks they must have a pretty weak quirk themselves" You rolled your eyes in exasperation as you thought back to all the lost causes that you had to deal with through school.

"Or no quirk at all"

"Huh? " you hadn't quite heard him.

He seemed surprised that he had said anything at all. "Oh no-nothing! I was just saying that people like that can be tiring to deal with! "

Your smile became a bit strained. The idea of anyone having malicious intent toward this boy gave you a gross feeling in your chest. Yeah, definitely processing that later. Or maybe not. Who knows?

"As much as I'm enjoying this angle, would you like to sit? My neck is starting to hurt" you laughed. He turned red once more, sputtering out apologies. The corner of your mouth quirked up a bit. You decided you liked that look on him.

Before he could go into another spiral, you grabbed a hold of his forearm, briefly appreciating the muscle he no doubt worked hard to build, and pulled him around to sit beside you. His word vomiting had ceased and he had went silent. You looked to his face- a bright red, his lips pressed into a hard line. You couldn't help but smile as you leaned in front of him so you could see him completely. He in turn did everything possible to not look you in the eye.

Maybe your first day wasn't as bad as you thought. You were looking forward to the rest of the school year.

Tags :
7 months ago
Zukuu, You Have To Stop Making Faces At Him.

“zukuu, you have to stop making faces at him.”

insulted, izuku splutters. breaking eye contact to gasp at you.

“ i wasn’t making a face ! was i..?” he trails off, you giggle, you turn your back to your boyfriend once again to continue wiping down the last of the dishes.

“he’ll pout harder if you keep making that scary face.”

“i-i wasn’t trying to scare him !” your boyfriend exclaims, looking at your baby cousin again and slumping when he sees the pout still fixed onto his face, visibly dimming “i don’t understand what i did wrong..”

“zuku, i already told you. kuma always looks like that. you’ll get used to it.” you reassure, a teasing smile on your face. your boyfriend seems undeterred by your explanation and hides his face behind his hands again, peeking through his fingers hoping to see even the minuscule crack of a smile on your younger cousin’s face.

your aunt had asked you to babysit your younger cousin takuma after suddenly being called in for work and having no one to watch over him for the day. you were free, and agreed to help her out, takuma was a sweet little boy and you didn’t get to see him super often. so the more you could the better ! unfortunately this fell on the same day as when your boyfriend was meant to come over to your house, but ever the loving, helpful boyfriend he is, izuku insisted on wanting to come over to help you out. he gets to spend time with you and get along with a cute baby, that sounded like a great time to him. and not to brag, but kids always seemed to love him.

every kid except for takuma apparently. the little boy’s face seemed permanently stuck with a frown. his eyebrows stood furrowed and his chubby pinch-able little cheeks puffed out, obviously unhappy with izuku’s presence.

you’d tried to tell izuku that this was just takuma’s resting face. that he looked at everyone this way and that it always surprised strangers. but as loving and doting as he is, your boyfriend could aslo be endearingly stubborn. he was determined to get takuma to smile at him at least once today. and now it looked like he was trying peekaboo. you couldn’t help but snort at your boyfriend’s laughable attempts at making your little cousin’s poker face crumble. “aw man, that one usually always works..” you hear him mumble. you put the final plate into your cupboard and turn with a sigh.


“no no, i got it.” without realizing it, izuku’s brows furrowed in concentration, which your baby cousin unfortunately mistook for a challenge, furrowing his eyebrows even harder and even huffing at him. the nail in the coffin it looks like, izuku gasps, looking at your cousin with a betrayed expression “ ah ! what’d i do ?!”

“you were glaring at him !” you giggle, your boyfriend throws his head back, exasperated. you pull out a chair and sit next to him, giggling and pulling on takuma's pudgy cheek. said little boy does not break eye contact with izuku. you can admit he's acting kind of strange. was he actually going out of his way to challenge him ? the thought makes you giggle again. you turn to look at your boyfriend's pouty face looking at the exchange between you and your cousin.

"i didn't mean to glare at him.." he whines, leaning into your touch when you put your hand in his hair.

"i know."

"i felt like we were making progress."

"i..kinda doubt that," you snort, scratching at his green locks. desperately, he looks back at you wide eyed "but we were i swear ! it felt like he was starting to like me !"

"mhm ?" you break into a fit of laughter, and soon after izuku joins you, laughing softly to himself and shaking his head. takuma blinks at you both in confusion, and it makes you smile harder. seeing you laugh so hard makes izuku smile harder too, cheeks glowing a cute pink.

"i..sound crazy don't i ?" he asks, grinning at you. you pretend to think it over to tease him, and he huffs affectionately.

"hmmm, a little." izuku shakes his head, dropping it in shame as he stares at his lap. he heaves a heavy sigh and it makes you giggle a little bit more.

"i really don't know what i'm doing wrong, babies usually like me.."

"but i told you you're not doing anything wrong, izu." you reach to pinch his cheeks next, he yelps a little. "kuma's only lookin' at you 'cus you're new. he'll get used to you in no time, kay ?" you smile. a beat passes and izuku nods, smiling back at you.

"but i don't know, he kinda looks like he has it out for me.." he whispers, you assume so takuma doesn't hear. how thoughtful.

"yeah i did think it was kinda strange how he hasn't stopped looking at you.."

he drops his head back at your words "i thought so..!"

"but that doesn't mean he doesn't like you, per se..maybe he's just weary of you !" izuku leans back, placing a hand over his chest like he's actually been struck. he looks over at takuma still sitting proudly in his high chair like a king.

"what's there to be weary of ? i'm really nice, i promise !" takuma's only answer is a blink "that's really intense.." you're boyfriend sweat drops, "i don't think i've had anyone look at me like that before."

"shouldn't you be used to being glared at by now since you've known bakugou since you were kids ?"

"i don't even think kacchan was this bad." you scoff, slapping at his sturdy arm. "don't say that, you liar !" your boyfriend laughs to himself. struggling to hold your laughter back as you play fight. you're interrupted by takuma's whine. his poker face finally somewhat melting as he pouts, big eyes going glossy as he reaches out for you with chubby little fingers. you immediately zoom over to the child's side.

"aaww babyy," you coo "you wanna be wif me, yeah ? cuutieeee," your voice rises up an octave. izuku blushes at how cute you look and he hates himself for feeling a smidge jealous your cousin had managed to grab your attention. he shakes his head to rid himself of those childish thoughts.

you hop the baby up in your arms to readjust him, tickling his little tummy which earns you a giggle, izuku feels his jaw drop to the floor so hard if he were in a cartoon it'd make a comically loud clang sound, now he's a bit jealous of you.

"i think he's a little hungry, i'll be right back izu." you press a quick kiss to his cheek before bounding off to go get the toddlers bag that your aunt had entrusted to you in your room. the little contact alone makes heat blossom all the way to izuku's neck and he can't fix his lips to say anything, nodding dumbly.

the last thing he sees before you leave the room is takuma's gaze fixed to him. izuku sends him a determined smile and a wave. he'll win him over soon enough.

Zukuu, You Have To Stop Making Faces At Him.

Tags :
8 months ago



- COMPLETELY UNAWARE of the affect he has on you

- the way he gazes at you when you speak, those glowing emerald eyes so deep, so intense that you can't help but look away, getting all shy and tripping over yourself, overwhelmed by his undivided attention (it always makes you worry that there might be something on your face)

- that pretty smile of his that captivates you, so much so that when it dissipates into a lowered frown, the feeling resonates (IT MAKES YOU GIGGLE N KICK YOUR FEET WHEN THE SMILE IS ESPECIALLY TOWARD YOUU)

- and just his overall character and personality

- izuku's the sweetest guy you've ever met—caring, considerate, selfless, sympathetic

- he's observant, noticing, and he knows exactly what to say when you're discouraged or upset (pretty ironic how he doesn't notice your feelings)

- not only that, he's super admirable—he's an ambitious one, working hard for his goal to be a pro hero, with perserverence and commitment

- this guy has you in a chokehold

- and what better way to show a bit of your love than giving him gifts?

- on holidays, you take your time and consideration to write him a letter from the heart, along with organizing a thoughtful gift bag of something you made for him, bought, or both—valentine's, christmas, his birthday

- and you always send one of his friends to give it to him, it saves you the embarrassment

"Hey, Midoriya!! Here, it's from y/n!"

"For me? Tell her I said thank you!..But, why didn't she give it to me herself?"

- HM I WONDER WHY (they're discreetly aware of your feelings it's kind of obvious with the way you act around him and the gift giving only confirms it)

- of course they tease him about it and stuff, but he always sees it as you being nice

- so when you finally muster up the courage to confess your heartfelt feelings for him on the last day of your 4th year, he's absolutely stunned

"Wait...really!? You like me? As in you see me as something more than-? As in a boy..friend that goes on dates and stuff!?"


- he thinks he's just an average guy, a huge nerd with a dream


- you having feelings for him will never cross his mind so it'll come as a GREAT surprise to him

- izuku will be absolutley and utterly clueless


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2 years ago


➳ Izuku Midoriya x gn!reader


— content warnings: none

— word count: 0.2k

Falling for a pro hero was easy, it was like breathing, it just happened naturally.

Even with his strict schedule, he always managed to make time just for you, only making you fall for him even harder.

He was always protective over you, as he got older he became less shy and more open about voicing his opinions, meaning he had no trouble telling you how he felt about some of the people you would go out with.

He had even gone as far as keeping other men away from you when you were together.

After all of this, how could you not fall in love with him?

So finally after agonizing weeks, maybe even months of keeping your feeling secret, you were finally going to tell him.

You had finally decided that you were going to tell Izuku that you love him, when a notification popped up on your phone.

It was about a recent interview with the pro hero Deku, and some new breaking news.

After quickly clicking on the article, you felt your heart shatter in your chest.

"Pro hero Deku tells reporters about his recent engagement and plans for his future.."

Engagement? You didn't even know he was dating anyone, let alone having plans to get engaged.

It was at this moment you realized that you never even had a chance with the boy, he was a pro hero and you were a mere civilian.

All that you would ever be to the hero was a friend.


copyright 2021 heizenka, all rights reserved. I do not allow my creations to be published of translated anywhere else so please do not repost.

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2 years ago

LISTEN 👂agedup!reader x agedup!deku

This poor man is probably in so much pain.His body had to withstand so much stress and violence since he was a 15year old kid . Numerous injuries and a long relationship with hospital beds.

He would FOLD if his partner gave him a message. Or even a rough rub down. That mountain of a man is putty in your hands, as you work out all the knots in the muscles he built trough out his career.(You always appreciate his nice back too 🫦) . He was a GIVER his entire life, let him be greedy for once and enjoy the worship your magical hands give him.

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7 months ago




I’ve never been comfortable with love, rarely found comfort in another person. Except him, cradled in his arms on a Tuesday night. My leg over his, his between mine. My arms around his neck and fingers twisting the green curls in my fingers. He peppers kisses against my chest and collarbone, “I can’t believe we’re about to be second years” I murmur. My breath hot against his skin as his hands slide up my tank top.

“I want to marry you” Izuku whispers, so faint I can barely hear it. In the privacy of my room with my fan blowing the words wish away into nothingness.

“I do too” I agree, a little more firm. A little more existant than his, I lay next to him a happiness of just existing next to him. Of being with him, a hopefulness of the future.

Oh how quickly that was ripped away from me. A startling Saturday morning, knocks on doors. Shouts from downstairs. Letters taped to doors, each one. Even mine. Scribbled handwriting and some stains through the ink. I stare at it as I ride the elevator down. Baggy sleep shorts and one of his shirts I took last night after we did our homework together.

Gone, just like that. Like he just disappeared; gone out to nowhere. Izukus excuse to leave me after telling me he loved me. Because he was worried about my safety. Mine and everyone else’s.

“How do you feel y/n?” Momo asks as I stare in silence at my letter. Biting at my lips and picking at my fingers, “y/n?” She repeats my name softly. Passing me a cup of green tea. It shakes in my hand that I grasp for it. Her reflexes catch it from my slippery grasp and she sets it on the table. She sits next to me, a friend from my elementary days. A girl I’ve known my whole life. She wraps an arm around me and holds me to her.

“I don’t understand” I repeat again and again, as if the more I say it the clearer his reason for leaving me will become. Leaving me after I’ve told him how many times I’ve been left. In this same situation, again and again I have loved and love has been ripped away from me, “why would he leave? He’s safest here?” I try to make sense of it. But there is none.

No logic was made in his choice to leave. But he still left, “he told me he loved me” I whisper, “he thought I was asleep but I wasn’t and he told me he loved me. And now he’s gone”

I’m still reeling from this, standing slowly. Iida chastises me but I’m in my own world. One where I need to lay in bed and mope, wail and cry until the hurt leaves my body. Until I don’t want to run out and find him, I’m too tired to keep begging for someone’s love and affection. I don’t have it in me anymore to love. And maybe that sounds selfish but to be gifted a note that says he wants to protect me and the school but still leaves me. Knowing it may hurt me more than death to see him leave.

I close my door, sinking to the ground on shaky legs and sore bones. A lump shoves itself into my throat; I bow my head and I’m overwhelmed by the smell of him. The sweet cinnamon of his cologne. Vomit biles in my throat as I rip the shirt off. A desperate attempt to rid myself of him. A shoving cleanse of everything he’s gifted me.

Tears fall down my face, thick hot tears fall down my cheeks. Bowing at the curve of my lips, snot running down my nose. I’m shirtless crying in my dorm room, wailing and sobbing like some stupid girl but the boy I loved and the boy who told me he wanted to marry me just left me. Left me with no good explanation. God I want to die.

Air doesn’t feel like it’s air, and I can’t breathe. I’m weak as Momo lets herself into my room. Quiet and gently she grabs a shirt from my closet and tugs it over my shoulders.

“Shh. I know y/n just breathe”

I don’t fight her, I don’t fight as she lifts me into my bed. And lays with me, I don’t fight. I don’t have anything to fight. As the tears fall from my face and collect on my pillow, as they stick my eyelashes in clumps. As my nose runs and tears fall into my open mouth.

“He told me he wanted to marry me..” I hiccup against her skin, “and then he left me”

I repeat it again, softer this time. Like the way Izuku said he wanted more, more than just a girlfriend, “he told me he wanted to marry me, and then he left me”

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2 years ago

Deku X Reader

Missing Date Night

You had planned this date months ahead to your boyfriend’s busy schedule, but it seems like he forgot yet again.

Contains: slight angst, fluff ending

Deku X Reader

You were so excited about your date that you took the time to remind Izuku about it every 5 minutes. Purging his phone with various messages of Hope you’re excited for tonight!! And Don’t forget it’s at 6 <3.

You put on your favorite outfit for this date, taking extra time to get ready, and drove to the restaurant. Not only was it difficult to get a reservation there, but this restaurant was also a huge staple for your relationship with Izuku, since you had your first date here.

The waiter lead you to the far back where the private dinning area was hidden. This was the only way you could share private time with your boyfriend out in public. Under normal circumstances he would be bombarded with fans asking for pictures and autographs. The crowd would separate the two of you for who knows how long, but nothing would happen this time. Everything would perfect.

That’s what you thought at least. Sitting there patiently waiting for your green haired partner to arrive.

You held onto hope, ordering drinks and food for the both of you. All the hope you had dwindled away when the restaurant started closing at 10.

The entire time there was spent by yourself and the sympathetic waiter. “I’m sure he’ll show soon,” she said. “Maybe he’s busy. I’m sure being the number one hero is a hard job.” She even brought you a free dessert when closing hours hit as an apology for kicking you out.

You weren’t sure what made you feel worse: knowing that you were walking away from this date by yourself or how small the waiter made you feel with her empty promises.

The urge to reach for you phone and contact Izuku took over you with an overwhelming rage. How could he forget about you? Were you really not that important to him? Are you really that forgettable?

A confrontation was forming in your mind the entire way home, but it wasn’t used. Because he wasn’t home. There was no sign that he had ever been home to get ready for your date.

You couldn’t contain yourself anymore, typing aggressively while tears made your hands slick. Why aren’t you home yet?

He never opened the message.

It was 1 in the morning when Izuku finally made it home, exhaustion pulling at his body. He took his time taking off his shoes when a takeout box caught his eye. He hurriedly grabbed his phone, checking the date, as dread swept over him. How did he forget? Sure he had a ton of work to do, but you had planned this date for the longest. He knew how excited you were to have your own time with him away from his work.

He knocked on the bedroom gently, not expecting to find you asleep. When he saw the dried tears on your face his heart sank. He had to make this up to you somehow.

You felt soft kisses on your face the next morning and promptly turned over not wanting to talk to the man in front of you. He didn’t deserve your attention today, not after what he did to you last night. A sigh could be heard, “I deserve that,” Izuku said. “I’m sorry about what happened yesterday, baby. I really am.”

“Where were you,” you mumbled, your arm hiding your face from him.

“The agency.” You hummed knowing that would be his answer. “I got caught up in work an—“

“And you lost track of time, I know,” you sniffled.

He reached out turning you to face him and wiping the tears from your face. “I’m really sorry, honey. I promise I’ll make it up to you.”

You averted your eyes from him, “I’m tired of all the empty promises Izuku. I just…you never following through with what you say.”

“I know darling…I know. I can keep the promise this time though. I have today off and rescheduled our dinner date. See,” he held his phone out. Showing the time of the reservation. “I made breakfast too.”

“Izuku…,” he reached out to hold you whispering apologies in your ear. He knew he could unintentionally ignore you at times when he’s deep in his work, but it was never like this.

“How about this. Next time there’s a date I’ll plan it. It’ll be harder for me to forget if I coordinate it, you know?” You nodded against his chest, attempting to collect yourself.

You would do anything to fix the bumps in your relationship with Izuku and you can tell he would do the same. That’s what made you love him so much.

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1 year ago

Deku X Reader

Love Sick

Love Sick Deku that lays in bed at night remembering the first day he meet you, the medic at UA. He remembers the way his heart swelled at the first sight of you and how soft your hands were as you examined his injuries. The way your voice sounded so sweet as you suggested different ways to prevent future injuries.

Love Sick Deku who comes back to your office the next day with another injury on his arm. He couldn’t help but love the way you scolded him for his actions. He knew he should’ve been paying attention to what you were saying, but he couldn’t bring himself to heed your warning. Especially when you gave him an earful after showing up 2 weeks in a row. Every time there was a request to see you you knew it was him. You couldn’t help the sigh you let out wherever you saw his injuries.

Love Sick Deku who denies it every time his co-workers call him out for getting hurt on purpose. He can’t help that the villain manages to hit him every time. Even when he just stood there and took the hit, he did it for quirk analysis. Everyone knew the truth though, especially Bakugo. “If you don’t go ask her out I’ll do it myself.” Deku couldn’t help the way his eyes lit up at his friend’s suggestion. “You would do that for me Kacchan?” “Hell no! I’ll ask her to go on a date with me.”

Love Sick Deku who walks into the office bashfully asking to see you once again. He hated to admit it, but he knew if Bakugo asked you out you would most definitely say yes. He was tense the entire time you examined him. There wasn’t much to say since he only had a single scratch on the back of his hand, but you couldn’t stop your curiosity. “Have you been getting hurt on purpose?” Deku’s attention snapped to you immediately, “What makes you think that?” “You’ve been in here for the past 2 weeks and now you’re here with a simple scratch.”

Love Sick Deku who inhales deeply before professing his love for you in one breath. He continues to ramble on about how much he loves you before asking the most important question. “In short I wanted to ask you if you would go out with me?” Your silence had his mind racing. Maybe he got there too late and Bakugo already asked. Maybe you have a boyfriend already. “I’d love to go out with you.”

Love sick Deku whos every concern left his mind at those few words. He couldn’t help the way he picked you up and swung you around. Date ideas rushing through his mind. He put you down quickly, realizing how close you two were. “I’ll see you this weekend at 12 okay,” he yelled rushing out the door. You couldn’t even mention how you didn’t get his number before he was gone.

Love sick Deku who did came back the next day to get your number.

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1 year ago

Hey! I was wondering if you could write Izuku x reader he thinks the reader is somewhat enigmatic because no one knows anything about them, so he tried to and realizes that they don't have any friends? Sorry if it's kinda angsty 😅 and feel free not to write it if you don't want. (If you do, could you make it gender neutral?) Thank you and I love your writing <3

Of course I can! thank you so much for sending this request in it was so much fun to write. I hope this met up to your expectations. I decided to add a little bit of angst for flavor. Once again thank you for this request and feel free to make another one if you would like. 😊

Izuku X Reader

Strangely Alone

Izuku has an analysis page for everyone and when I say everyone I mean everyone. He even goes into to a deep dive of what everyone can do and how they interact. For example, Bakugo can only make a few large explosions before his quirk dwindles out, and he always smells like sugar when he walks by.

He did this list for every person he met hero or not, but there was one person that he was missing. You.

He could never understand you and your habits, he couldn’t even understand your quirk. It caught him by surprise at first. The thought of him not knowing anything about you only made him more curious.

He took his time watching you, hoping to find any pattern in your movements or other mannerisms. Yet, he found nothing. You didn’t talk to anyone in class, not even at lunch when everyone has a chance to mingle. Everyday you sit by yourself with no one to talk to, in fact, it seemed that no one tried to talk to you. You kind of reminded him of Shoto and his quiet ways, but Shoto became friendlier over time unlike you.

You always sat with you head in the clouds or writing in your notebook. He would even catch some of his friends whispering about you and how you were still “studying” even though the exam was over. Little did they know that you heard every word they said.

It’s not that you wanted to sit by yourself with your book as your only form of company. You wanted to talk, to laugh, to have friends. You wanted it all, but it was hard for you when it came to those types of things. You didn’t realize how much the lack of friendship would affect you.

You made efforts to talk plenty of times before, but no one ever heard you. No one besides the half asleep teacher at least, he didn’t count in your book. You even found yourself crying at some point, all the frustration of trying to make new friends slowing breaking you down.

The more you sat alone the worse the thoughts got. Why am I always alone? Why is talking so hard for me? Is one person too much to ask for? You had to keep your head down to hide the tears, each thought slowly consuming you.

Izuku noticed you sitting by yourself once again, but something seemed different about it this time. You weren’t writing anything down or eating, you were just sitting by yourself. Something about you called to him. Without hesitation he grabbed his tray, ignoring all of his friends questioning faces, and walked to your table.

“Is this seat taken?” He questioned. You looked at him in awe, your eyes shining for your tears. You shook your head, allowing the green haired boy to take a seat. “Today’s training was really difficult, right?” He was trying to make any attempt at a conversation and his efforts seemed to be paying off.

“It was, but I’m sure there was a good reason for it. We all know how our teacher is.”

Izuku agreed with you and continued to make small talk. By the end of the period you found out that you had some things in common. You both liked the same hero’s and both struggled in the same subject. Ther was even a small disagreement over what kind of katsudon was better. Yours was obviously better.

The bell marking the end of lunch caught you by surprise. The time never went by this fast when you sat alone. You liked the change. You liked the company. “Can we eat together again tomorrow?” You asked as you put your tray away.

“Of course.” Yeah. You definitely liked the company.

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8 months ago

Visuals: Final PT

Izuku Midoriya x Black female reader (Y/N L/N)

Visuals: Final PT
Visuals: Final PT
Visuals: Final PT
Visuals: Final PT
Visuals: Final PT
Visuals: Final PT
Visuals: Final PT
Visuals: Final PT
Visuals: Final PT

Tags :
8 months ago

A scenario where your pro hero husband Izuku refuses to let you go on about your day before getting you in ✨bed✨

Pt 1.

It’s been three days. Only three! You won’t deny that you miss Izuku but this is ridiculous. The weekend is usually the time you and your pro hero husband can relax and breathe each others air for more than 30mins without being interrupted. But this weekend in particular you’ve both been uncharacteristically preoccupied with everything in your lives but your marriage. Izuku misses you, and you miss him just the same but this is absurd ; the love of your life is sitting on the hood of your car cross legged, hands in his lap, and patiently waiting for you to get out and lay one on him as you promised to do last night. But that was before he decided he needed to stay in his office after hours on a weekend no less. Disappointed you had forced away the ache in between your thighs and the longing in your heart to be held by your husband as you went to sleep. When morning came he was fast asleep beside you and as much as you wanted to cuddle up in his embrace, you had an agenda to follow for the day and could not be dismayed . You were almost out the door when your drowsy husband all but tackled you, spewing apologies from his lips for staying in his office late and begging you to allow him to make it up to you.

That was 30mins ago. You’re running behind schedule because your husband is being childish.

Exasperated you pointlessly ask, “Izuku please move.” You might as well had been talking to a brick wall, you’ve been doing this for past 20 minutes. He stares at you and with all seriousness and says “Y/n, if you don’t get out of the car I’m going to crush it; and then you can spend the rest of your day taking a Uber around the city.” You narrow your gaze at him, “You wouldn’t.” “Try me.”, he replies. Holding your gaze he lifts his finger towards the sky while you see green sparks flying around him. He takes his pointed finger and effortlessly starts to press it through the hood of your car. You sit up panic laced in your voice as you plead with your irrational husband. “Okay! Okay stop! I’m getting out of the car.” He gives you a victorious smile knowing you’ll comply for the sake of your baby (the car he bought you for your first anniversary). With a frustrated sigh you exit your now dented car slamming the door behind you and you catch a look at your giddy husband making his way off the hood of your baby. The dimple that only comes out when he smiles is so adorable that you want to smack it off his face for distracting you from your anger for even a second. Not giving him a second look you infuriatingly stomp back to your shared apartment with a satisfied husband on your trail.

Pt2 here

Pt2 -your pro hero husband Izuku making it up to you for staying late at work the night before <3 18+ minors DNI SMUTT AHEAD Im barel

Sooo how’d I do for my first piece of literature?? Plz let me know I can handle constructive criticism😭 if yall like it I’ll drop the part 2 with smut bc I know yall like that 😂 ~𝒶𝓊𝓉𝒽ℴ𝓇-𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓃

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8 months ago

Yall idk how to write about eating pu$$y send help.

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8 months ago


-your pro hero husband Izuku making it up to you for staying late at work the night before <3

18+ minors DNI SMUTT AHEAD

Im barely in the door when- again, im practically tackled by my husband and I’m starting to feel a sense of Deja vu. “Izuku at least shut the door.”, I protest as his lips latch onto the base of my neck.

The door slams and I catch a glimpse of black whip disappearing into his body, I roll my eyes but he finally captures my lips and I sigh into the kiss. Before I can comprehend his actions he’s already hooked his hands under my thighs slammed me on the kitchen island before resuming his relentless touches.

I’ve missed this, THIS is what I’ve been craving all weekend to be held to be touched by my husband ; and the hardness of him grinding into me tells me he misses this just as much as I do. Although clearly not enough to come home at a decent hour last night.

Irritation rolls through me at that thought, of me going to bed last night with an ache only he can satisfy; it pisses me off. Izuku senses the change in the atmosphere and pauses his advances, he eyes me hesitantly before repeating his words from earlier this morning. “Y/N, I’m sorry I didn’t come home last night. I running behind of paperwork at the office and there wasn’t enough time in the day to get it all done.”

He averts his eyes seeing your unforgiving gaze remains unmoved, “I 𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 for you last night. I lathered myself in shea butter, sprayed some expensive ass perfume, and put on the sexiest pair of underwear I own. Just for you to text- not even call! And tell me you weren’t coming, that you preferred paperwork over me.”

Okay so you were being a bit dramatic but you were tired of being the understanding wife waiting for when her husband can free up his time with her and pretending to be okay when he cancels on you; it doesn’t help that you were really horny last night.

You look up at izuku who’s giving you an apologetic look as he gives you his full attention, you avert your gaze as you cross your arms and a pout forms on your lips.” And it didn’t help that I 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 needed your help last night.”

He pauses the circles he’s been drawing circles on your still clothed thigh and looks up at you, that all too familiar 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 glazing his eyes. “Yeah?” He breaths, scarred hands snaking around you to touch the bare skin underneath your shirt.

You suck in a breath at the contact, “What did you need my help with ?” You flush under his intense gave, if you were a few shades lighter he might actually see pink. Responding to your silence he begins to plant soft kisses on your jaw, neck, and the space in between your collar bone and breast.

“ Baby,” he reaches up and unclips your bra. Again he says “𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲,” this time is thumb is teasing the underside of your breast. “How can I make it up to you if you don’t tell me what you needed..what you still need.”

A shudder rolls through me as he finally runs his hands over my breast. My legs spread for him unconsciously and he takes the opportunity to step further in between them, before I can protest he reaches for the hem of my shirt and pulls both my shirt and bra over my head.

In a swift movement his lips clasp over my nipple and he sucks the soft skin into his mouth while his hand gives the other breast some attention. My breath hitches as he drags his teeth over the sensitive bud, I stifle a moan to prevent giving him the satisfaction of any more reactions from me; he’s still in the dog house.

He chuckles under his breath at your defiance, thinking to himself because what’s about to be 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 funny is how quick you forgive him after he tongue kisses your lips; and if it wasn’t clear he’s not talking about the lips on your face.

Izuku cleans you back on the island , lifts your hips and tugs off your undergarments with ease. You shiver at the contact of your bare body with the coolness of the island. All you see is his green curls from your spot on the island as he dips his head in between your legs and starts trailing wet kissing on your thighs , deliberately slowing up as he nears the place you need him most.

He licks and kisses you everywhere teasing your entrance and denying you any of the delicious friction you crave. “𝐈𝐳𝐮𝐤𝐮.” He smiles against your core amused by your breathy whines, he lifts up from in between your thighs tilting his head he smiles at the fucked out expression you wear on your face though you’ve been nowhere near fucked yet.

“Hm, you ready to speak up yet?” You frown at him not finding his teasing amusing at all. He spreads your thighs slightly pushing them towards you, “what do you want baby?” Deciding to give up the stubborn act so you can get laid and get out you mutter a reply “You.” “What was that ? I really need you to speak up sweetheart.”

With his reply you almost kick the shit eating grin off his face. Tired of the banter you turn your attention towards the ceiling and sigh. “You Izu, I’ve wanted- 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐝 you all weekend.” You miss the way izuku’s eyes soften at your confession, “So if you would do me a damn favor for once this whole-“ Your words are replaced with a strangled moan as your husband sucks your clit into his mouth.

You tangle your hands in his hair as you open your legs to give him more access. Hes not taking his time with you as he would normally do, hes licking and tasting 𝐬𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 you; he groans against your core relishing the taste of his beautiful wife.

You’re desperately grinding against his face chasing your climax but just as you’re about to reach its peak he pulls away with a lewd smack of his lips. You whine in protest, “ Izuku please, why’d you stop?” He rising from his place in between your thighs, grabbing them and pulling you towards the edge; he tenderly grabs your face.

“You can come on my tongue later, right now I need you to come on me.” You roll your eyes, “Your tongue IS a part of y-“ he cuts you off my slamming himself into your warmth. You swear you almost fall off of the island, the sudden reunion of your bodies almost being too much.

Izuku wraps an arm around your waist before you have the chance to tip over, bringing his face close to yours. “Just shut. Up. And let me fuck you like I was supposed to last night.”

You can taste yourself on his tongue as he kisses you, he pulls his hips back just to slam back into you and you moan against his lips. He’s looking into your eyes as he penetrates you over and over and saying your name as a silent prayer “f-fuck Y/N, I’ve missed this I’ve missed you baby.”

You can only gasp and moan in response your climax resurfacing. “Don’t stop Izuku.” He doesn’t respond, just ruts into you with newfound purpose. “I’m so sorry for not giving you this last night but I’m here now.” He sharply thrust into you, “This what you wanted?” Angling his hips to hit the spot you’ve needed most and now you’re coming undone.

Your shaking as your orgasm rips through you, tightening your arm around his neck you look into your husbands eyes, “Izuku.” You strain a breath, “ I know baby,” his hips are stuttering now, his pace becoming sloppy. “Fuckk I know.” His lips find yours and he’s spilling into, grinding against your hips and riding out his high.

He holds you both there for a moment panting, breathing in each others air. Moments pass and he breaks the silence, “So-“ he pulls back to look at you, a satisfied grin spreading across his face; “you still mad at me?” He tilts his head to see the frown etched on your face.

“Yes.” He smiles, “Guess I’ll have to keep making it up to you then.” He starts to move inside you again. You pull away from him, “Izuku no! I have places to be today.” “ I can’t let the love of my life leave the house still mad at me.” He slides back into you and he’s here to stay. You ended up canceling your plans due to your hangover from multiple orgasms your husband forced, fucked, and sucked out of you until you finally accepted his apology.

RIP Y/N’s back it will be missed. 🙏🏽

I’m sorry the smut was short guys it’s my first time and I’m learning how to write it hope u enjoyed <3 -𝒶𝓊𝓉𝒽ℴ𝓇𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓃

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