skeeballcatt22 - SkeeBallCatt22

19, she/her, Hermitcraft, original work, and more

204 posts

HCAU Idea #3

HCAU Idea #3

A bit of a wacky one:

Keralis and Xisuma meet up for tea every week. It's just their little thing! One week, Xisuma has waited for a long time. Keralis can be late some weeks, but he always signals to Xisuma that something has come up or if he can't come at all. This week: nothing. Worried, Xisuma starts messaging him and even calls him, but Keralis doesn't answer at all.

Xisuma goes to his base only to find Keralis mortally wounded. After getting him to a safe place, Xisuma checks to see if he missed any chats. He didn't.

His com buzzes one last time to show the message: "Herobrine has left the server." Weird he didn't see "Herobrine" log in, even weirder that his father was on his server messing with his hermits

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More Posts from Skeeballcatt22

1 year ago

HCAU (Limited Life) Idea #4

Jimmy died first every time. There was no denying it. It didn't matter who won, how they one, hell, it didn't even matter if they were a traitor. And it really didn't matter how Jimmy died.

Limited Life is Jimmy's chance. But as time ticks down, he's getting pretty damn close to 0. He needs to kill. So when he feels a little push from Joel as he drops TNT, he forgets who he made an alliance with. He grabs Joel's leather jacket and uses him as leverage to get back on the stone platform, swinging Joel into the TNT explosion.

Grian steps back in horror before Jimmy realizes that he's had an opportunity to live this entire time. He grabs Grian over the new hole he's created, lights his lighter, and set Grian's wings on fire, before dropping him down.

He will be the winner this time.

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1 year ago

HCAU Idea #6

Doc turns into a mutant creeper like a werewolf. For many seasons, he's managed the whole thing: redstone devices, potions, etc. It's partially emotionally based, so if he's feeling good, on his meds, and healthy, nothing will go wrong. While some hermits know about it, notably NHO and Xisuma, most don't need to cause it's not a problem. People like Ren know on a base level something like that can happen, but it's not likely.

But following The Incident of season nine, Doc had a few days where he didn't take the potion. Like BC, a few skipped days can spell disaster. Mutant Doc, as I'll call him, is kinda harmless. If he's in a secluded area and the other hermits aren't near him, he'll be occupied by sheep and zombies and such. The problem emerges in the morning.

Doc is extremely tired after these nights. Even after drinking the potion daily, it takes a second to get back into his system, so he has to deal with it for a few more days. He wants to keep it a secret, as to not worry anyone, but the exhaustion causes him to forget to take the potion, and the redstone devices don't work effectively when he's not at his best. Cue spiral and hurt/comfort shenanigans.

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