Hermitcraft Idea - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

HCAU Idea #1

MCC puts everyone on a boat for an end of the year party. They're all having a great time until Grian (or whoever you want the protagonist to be) gets violently ill. There is only a day and a half left on the trip, so they leave him in med bay. He wakes up to the smell of blood and is forced to kill Mumbo (or whoever fits best) because he's been attacked. While he was getting rest over the past *two days*, the boat was infected with some sort of zombie virus. His only condolence is that the people who he kills will respawn back home, safe and sound.

The boat is headed to the edge of the world and Grian (or whomst), who is only partially immune, is getting more ill and has an insatiable hunger. All he wants is to go home, but there isn't any speedy way to save him.

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1 year ago

HCAU Idea #3

A bit of a wacky one:

Keralis and Xisuma meet up for tea every week. It's just their little thing! One week, Xisuma has waited for a long time. Keralis can be late some weeks, but he always signals to Xisuma that something has come up or if he can't come at all. This week: nothing. Worried, Xisuma starts messaging him and even calls him, but Keralis doesn't answer at all.

Xisuma goes to his base only to find Keralis mortally wounded. After getting him to a safe place, Xisuma checks to see if he missed any chats. He didn't.

His com buzzes one last time to show the message: "Herobrine has left the server." Weird he didn't see "Herobrine" log in, even weirder that his father was on his server messing with his hermits

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1 year ago

HCAU (Third Life) Idea #5

Grian dedicated his first life to protecting Scar. What they didn't consider is if Scar died before Grian lost his first life. So Scar comes up with a plan. Grian must bring him back to the dead.

In this hypothetical, Scar died earlier, leaving Grian alone in the hostile world, and his only choice, his promise, was to bring him back from the dead.

Some people might be interested in the actual Third Life implications, but also consider how things go over when they return to Hermitcraft? This is HCAUs after all lmao...

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1 year ago

HCAU Idea #6

Doc turns into a mutant creeper like a werewolf. For many seasons, he's managed the whole thing: redstone devices, potions, etc. It's partially emotionally based, so if he's feeling good, on his meds, and healthy, nothing will go wrong. While some hermits know about it, notably NHO and Xisuma, most don't need to cause it's not a problem. People like Ren know on a base level something like that can happen, but it's not likely.

But following The Incident of season nine, Doc had a few days where he didn't take the potion. Like BC, a few skipped days can spell disaster. Mutant Doc, as I'll call him, is kinda harmless. If he's in a secluded area and the other hermits aren't near him, he'll be occupied by sheep and zombies and such. The problem emerges in the morning.

Doc is extremely tired after these nights. Even after drinking the potion daily, it takes a second to get back into his system, so he has to deal with it for a few more days. He wants to keep it a secret, as to not worry anyone, but the exhaustion causes him to forget to take the potion, and the redstone devices don't work effectively when he's not at his best. Cue spiral and hurt/comfort shenanigans.

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1 year ago


So at the end of Grian's Evolution series, the watchers take him. The actually reason for him leaving Evo was to join Hermitcraft. Do you see where I'm going with this. THE HERMITS ARE THE WATCHERS.

So when Grian is taken by the watcher's, he's mind is erased and he doesn't even realize what the hermits did. Until Pearl. She is brought into Hermitcraft under the guise she believes in everything they offer. She then tries to break Grian out with the help of everyone's favorite sheriff/ property police.

I guess it doesn't have to be Jimmy, but who doesn't love some Jimmy. We could even get rancher angst if so desired (I desire it)

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1 year ago

HCAU Idea #8

There should be a zombie AU, but instead of Minecraft zombies and that really cool mod for 100 days where they mutate... it's Resident Evil. Not an exact AU with character trade offs (EX: Leon Kennedy = Mumbo Jumbo)

Instead, the mold, the t-virus, or las plagas, has invaded the sever, turning things like creepers, zombies, and skeletons are mutating rapidly into new and horrifying monsters. It's either find a cure, or leave the server.

Some people will get infected and survive, some will get infected and die. I predict this AU should end in a huge explosion.

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1 year ago

HCAU Idea #9

I've got it. The best idea. This is the idea that trumps all others. I present:


Create a new tomodachi island, and write what happens. You don't need to make any of the choices! You don't even need to think about who to ship or not to ship! Finally, an AU that all I need to do is write... I don't even need to decide what's going to happen! Ah, and AU where the work is done for me. I can't think of a better idea... actually...

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1 year ago

HCAU Idea #10

I'm on a role: SIMS

Create a sims world and go ham. Do whatever you want. go crazy. Then, make notes. Who knows who? Who owns a business? Cottage Core? Just kidding, I didn't buy that pack because I have a crippling fear of chickens. You can make Mumbo a real scientist but nothing actually works because heaven forbid something you bought WITH REAL MONEY FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE OF MAKING UR SIM A SCIENTIST WORK--

Sorry about that. I actually think this could be fun just because of how wild the sims gets. With mods and CC, you can do a lot of funny things, and I think, if I'm going to consider a tomodachi life AU, Sims is the only next step.

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1 year ago

HCAU #11

It's HCBBS and the world is actually ending. Impulse and Iskall are the only ones who survived. Will they get to the next season, or are they stuck on the empty server forever.

A thin idea but there's some to work with. Maybe the guys who went on vacation also survived and the people that made the cult are actually dead or smth.

Another HCBBS idea is that during the switch, the hermits do a sort of personality swap. I think Cub and Scar would be funny in this situation, but there are tons to go off here with Grian and Zed, Tango and False, ect.

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1 year ago

HCAU #12

Another weird one in the same vein as Tomadachi Life and The Sims: Poptropica. I was watching a random ranking video and was like: Wow, what if Hermitcraft? Like I do with most things.

I had the idea for perhaps my song fic fan fics where I stick a hermit into some random setting. There are tons of islands to choose from and a bunch of hermits to put on them, and that's a lot of combinations.

I'm not super interested in this one, but some of those islands have cool themes and visuals that would be fun to explore.

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1 year ago
More Connections Fr Fr. Here's Xisuma And EX Being Wacky

More Connections fr fr. Here's Xisuma and EX being wacky

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1 year ago
Doc Looks A Little Weird, But These Are Old Anyways. HERMITCRAFT MARCHING BAND. Ill Draw Some More With
Doc Looks A Little Weird, But These Are Old Anyways. HERMITCRAFT MARCHING BAND. Ill Draw Some More With
Doc Looks A Little Weird, But These Are Old Anyways. HERMITCRAFT MARCHING BAND. Ill Draw Some More With

Doc looks a little weird, but these are old anyways. HERMITCRAFT MARCHING BAND. I’ll draw some more with ✨updated graphics✨

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1 year ago

HCAU #14

Man, not 14.

Anyways, here's my brainrote I came up with at 8 I'm the morning:

Back in the day, Biffa and Xisuma were The Agents of TEA, and they fought against The Angels with Broken Halos. But what if this conflict was more than silly antics, and comes back to haunt the Hermitcraft server.

This is kinda just a watcher story with an Xisuma twist, but there are some interesting things back in season one that could be interesting.

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1 year ago

HCAU #15

I know I just posted one of these, but want to put this out into the universe:

Plants Vs. Zombies AU.

How would that work? Simple just give them different designs. This isn't really an au as much as me wanting to draw Xisuma in Zomboss armor and make Tango either the burning stump guy or the fire dragon plant. I might work on this tomorrow and post it we'll see

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1 year ago
Hear Is This Beautiful Art I Did Just Now Across Several Hours I Couldve Been Doing French Homework.

Hear is this beautiful art I did just now across several hours I could’ve been doing French homework. Context in pictures below

Hear Is This Beautiful Art I Did Just Now Across Several Hours I Couldve Been Doing French Homework.
Hear Is This Beautiful Art I Did Just Now Across Several Hours I Couldve Been Doing French Homework.

There is no context. I have none. I guess, Hear I Go Again specifically from Rock of Ages movie soundtrack

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