Hermitcraft Au - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago
Massive Art Dump
Massive Art Dump
Massive Art Dump
Massive Art Dump
Massive Art Dump
Massive Art Dump
Massive Art Dump
Massive Art Dump
Massive Art Dump
Massive Art Dump

Massive Art dump 😍😍😭😭

I forget to post here

Credit to @doctorsiren for the Featherweight AU character Dr Clockwork and @shewreckz for the Scott Pilgrim Ghoul AU (I've already posted the Gideon one but that was the no colour one)

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8 months ago



@doctorsiren What have you done to me with that sad Minecraft block men fanfic au of yours😔😔


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2 years ago

Zedaph :D

Zedaph :D

This little drawing is from an AU that I just created, it's called "My Tiny MCYT's". It's basically about the antics of these little ones and the disasters they cause around the house.

Now, why is Zedaph sleepy? It's because Zedaph, Tango and Impulse decided to share the sleeping space, their three beds are next to each other and I think the other two's snoring didn't let him sleep very well- I think it's better that I let him rest a little on my pillows, maybe he can sleep more peacefully

Don't worry, no one will disturb him while he sleeps.

Zedaph :D

Look! He fell asleep! :D Apparently, he needed a little peace to sleep -w-

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2 years ago

Hi again :D! I'm alive! Ok guys let me explain what is this :3

So, this week I been playing Pokemon Go (Apart from being an idiot day and night- the truth is I had hardly done anything-) I had the idea of ​​making a little drawing of a Pokemon AU from Hermitcraft, I had seen some fanarts of something like that with DreamSMP (I loved them- they are fabulous) and well, the first thing I thought was that certain Pokemons reminds me a lot of Bdubs, Tango and Keralis, so here is the result :3 now that I also know about the new Tango skin I will soon make another drawing or so I hope (although it may not seem like it, it took me 13 hours- yes- 13) I hope you like the drawing :3

Hi Again :D! I'm Alive! Ok Guys Let Me Explain What Is This :3

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1 year ago

Myths and Stupid things AU masterpost (Hermitcraft Greek mythology AU)

Since ancient times the gods of this great world did their thing, having fun in the legendary place called Olympus, in this story things are somewhat different, starting with the myths and then their adventures I will tell the stories of these gods. welcome to the beginning of this AU :D!

MAIN TAG: Myths and Stupid things AU

Character Tags:

#Apolo!Grian #Artemis!Pearl #Aphrodite!Ariana #Ares!Scar

Drawings: [I will put them here]


Grian and Pearl, sun and hunting

Ariana, the only Aphrodite

Scar, war and bravery

(more soon)

All the fics will explain the lore, There will be two stories, one of the myths and the other of the stupidities that will surely, both will be in my ao3 account, today I will publish the first fic, I hope you like this AU <3

Tomorrow I will upload the Heathers based AU masterpost and also the first fic

And I have a question, Would you like me to also include the members of Empires SMP?

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1 year ago

AU proposal for all the hermit and Last of Us fans out there:

Last of Us but Grian as the mother spore controls all the zombies.

Scar could also like lead a group of survivors.

Just think about it…

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2 years ago
For The Last Two Years I Have Been Writing A Story About Hermitcraft. It All Started When I Read That
For The Last Two Years I Have Been Writing A Story About Hermitcraft. It All Started When I Read That
For The Last Two Years I Have Been Writing A Story About Hermitcraft. It All Started When I Read That
For The Last Two Years I Have Been Writing A Story About Hermitcraft. It All Started When I Read That
For The Last Two Years I Have Been Writing A Story About Hermitcraft. It All Started When I Read That
For The Last Two Years I Have Been Writing A Story About Hermitcraft. It All Started When I Read That
For The Last Two Years I Have Been Writing A Story About Hermitcraft. It All Started When I Read That
For The Last Two Years I Have Been Writing A Story About Hermitcraft. It All Started When I Read That
For The Last Two Years I Have Been Writing A Story About Hermitcraft. It All Started When I Read That
For The Last Two Years I Have Been Writing A Story About Hermitcraft. It All Started When I Read That

For the last two years I have been writing a story about Hermitcraft. It all started when I read that wonderful Hermitcraft story, "And The Universe Shifts" and the amazing, "Red Sun Never Sets". These stories where so incredible I wanted to see more of that universe so I was inspired to write a fic of my own, a very challenging thing considering I have Dyslexia and struggle deeply with reading/writing. But it's been an incredible journey writing this story, I have pushed myself to the limits as a writer and have gotten some amazing feedback, advice, and corrections from y'all. And just recently I started drawing fart (fan+art) for each chapter, which has been a truely intimidating because I'm not confident in my art skills. But I've really grown as the chapters went on and I'm thankful to have pushed myself. Now I'm working on an animation, something I NEVER thought I could do. This has been very fun, thank you Hermitcraft community for just being awesome and inspiring us to creatively push yourself in building, redstoning, drawing, gaming, animating, storytelling, and more.

Oh, and if you're interested in checking it out, here's the links-

And the Universe Shifts ~

and the universe shifts (ATUS) (37691 words) by aayaptre

Chapters: 18/18

Fandom: Hermitcraft, Minecraft (Video Game)

Rating: General Audiences

Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply

Characters: Grian, Mumbo Jumbo, Iskall, Scar - Character, Joe Hills, Cubfan, Stress - Character, False - Character, Cleo, Xisuma, Basically Every Hermit, Doc

Additional Tags: Evo AU, Angst, Minor Violence, Grian has a bad time The Fanfic, Hurt/Comfort

Series: Part 1 of ATUS Works


"They were playing a game, they called it a game, it was one he couldn’t win. He played anyway."


Grian's been running for a long time, and knowing him, he's going to be caught eventually.

The Red Sun Never Sets ~

The Red Sun Never Sets (27242 words) by ThaneZain

Chapters: 25/25

Fandom: Hermitcraft SMP

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Warnings: Major Character Death

Characters: Mumbo Jumbo, Grian, Iskall, Pablo Punchwood - Character

Additional Tags: Rated For Violence, Cussing, Redstoner AU, major character death but not permanent, Psychological Trauma, Recovery, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, idk i need to add better tags now that its two years old, but i still dont know how to ao3, have fun I guess


Mumbo wakes, finding himself stranded in a strange, flat world with a glaring red sun always directly above him. He compulsively builds redstone circuits, barely realizing the deadly traps he's creating. When his friends arrive to bring him home, the acts he commits prove how far gone he is and how long it will take for him to return, fully, from the hollow world of the red sun

And my story: Forbidden or Forgotten/ On your preferred reading platform.

Archive of Our Own ~

Forgotten or Forbidden (268172 words) by JeanBasener

Chapters: 43/?

Fandom: Hermitcraft, MindCrack RPF, Video Blogging RPF, third life - Fandom, Empires SMP, Dream SMP, Minecraft - Fandom, 3rd life - Fandom, SciCraft

Rating: General Audiences

Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply

Relationships: Oli & His Panda Hat

Characters: MumboJumbo, Evil Xisuma, Keralis, Docm77, BdoubleO100, Hypnotized - Character, HelsKnight, Biffa (Video Blogging RPF), GeminiTay (Video Blogging RPF), Pearl | PearlescentMoon, Herobrine (Minecraft), Skizzleman (Video Blogging RPF), Pungence, Zedaph (Video Blogging RPF), Charles | Grian, Viktor | Iskall85, EthosLab (Video Blogging RPF), Xisumavoid (Video Blogging RPF), FalseSymmetry (Video Blogging RPF), Daniel M. | VintageBeef, Astrozoan (Video Blogging RPF), ZombieCleo, Ryan | GoodTimesWithScar, Rendog (Video Blogging RPF), Joe Hills, xBCrafted (Video Blogging RPF), TinFoilChef (Video Blogging RPF), Jevin | iJevin, Bryce | fWhip, Cubfan135 (Video Blogging RPF), Tango Tek (Video Blogging RPF), Welsknight Gaming, impulseSV (Video Blogging RPF), Jimmy | Solidarity, Taurtis (Video Blogging RPF), Lizzie | LDShadowLady (Video Blogging RPF), Scott | Smajor1995 | Dangthatsalongname, Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF), Alex Edgar | PauseUnpause, Br0dyman (Video Blogging RPF), Joel | SmallishBeans, 3rd Life SMP Ensemble, Natalie Arnold | StressMonster101, Martyn Littlewood | InTheLittleWood

Additional Tags: Friendship, Adventure, Mystery, NoShip, AllHermitsMajorlyFeatured, Fight Scenes, Special Guest Appearances - Freeform, Watchers, Heist, Wilderness Survival, Courtroom Drama, Post-Apocalypse, Alternate Universe - Magic, Prophecy, Pirates, foundFamily, Survival Horror, Ratings: PG, Hurt/Comfort


Grian whispers to MumboJumbo: Tomorrow morning, bring rope!

Xisumavoid whispers to EthosLab: We need to talk.

Tango whispers to ImpulseVS: You ok?

Welsknight whispers to Hypnotized: Bring med stuff

ZombieCloe whispers to JoeHills: Why aren't you answering?!

Bdoubleo100 whispers to GoodTimesWithScar: WHERE ARE YOU GRACIOUS MAYOR?!

StressMonster101 whispers to Iskall85: Haven't seen you, want to get together? :)

Keralis whispers to Xisumavoid: DOC'S GOAT! NOW!

iJevin whispers to Zedaph: Somewhere no one will see us

XBcrafted whispers to TinFoilChef: Need your help!

Grian whispers to MumboJumbo: Thanks for everything, spoon.

Secrets revealed, backs knifed, friends scream. Stretched fine as canvas will Hermitcraft frame the portrait of tragedy? The Hermits must use silly tactics, preserve through hopelessness, and sacrifice everything to protect their beautiful home!


Or Wattpad~


Forgotten or Forbidden {A Hermitcraft Story}
Stretched fin as canvas, will Hermitcraft become the portrait of tragedy? Another burning sun rises over season seven...


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2 years ago

Working on the next chapter for "Forbidden or Forgotten" but my health hasn't been great. I'm planning to publish it on Wattpad and Archive soon, it's definitely a very challenging but fun chapter for me to write. Really pushing myself with this one. And I really hope y'all will enjoy it. Anyway, in the mean time take this doodle I scetched-

Working On The Next Chapter For "Forbidden Or Forgotten" But My Health Hasn't Been Great. I'm Planning

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2 years ago
Some Forbidden Or Forgotten Art For You, I Extremely Enjoy Writing Etho And Grian, Their Dynamic Is So
Some Forbidden Or Forgotten Art For You, I Extremely Enjoy Writing Etho And Grian, Their Dynamic Is So

Some Forbidden or Forgotten art for you, I extremely enjoy writing Etho and Grian, their dynamic is so compelling. They're definitely two of my favorite Hermits to watch on Hermitcraft so I tried to craft the narrative so that their roles in the story complemented each other.

I really want to redraw this art tho, I want to fix some stuff like the hands and overall body proportions. Maybe I'll draw digital version.

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2 years ago

Haha, pretty rusty so far but excited to see where I take it. I want to give more facial expressions and add more motion to the photo, hopefully then it will be the intense mood I'm going for.

Haha, Pretty Rusty So Far But Excited To See Where I Take It. I Want To Give More Facial Expressions

Working on some Cleo & Joe art for future chapters of Forbidden or Forgotten. I don't know which chapter, I'm just really desperate to draw Zombiecleo, her whole esthetic is sooooo fun to work with.

These are the first sketches, show you more as it goes on!👍

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1 year ago

Chapter 46 Cover Art, Forgotten or Forbidden (A Hermitcraft story)

FINISHED WITH THE CHAPTER! Here's the art, I think it turned out really good. I really tried to push myself in very aspect of this chapter, because this one was important. This one was a Xisuma ​​centered chapter and I hope you guys really like it, it overall personally really ment a lot to me while writing it. Links included if your interested in reading. <3

Chapter 46 Cover Art, Forgotten Or Forbidden (A Hermitcraft Story)
Forgotten or Forbidden {A Hermitcraft Story}
Stretched fin as canvas, will Hermitcraft become the portrait of tragedy? Another burning sun rises over season seven...
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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1 year ago

We did it!!! Chess and I recorded the first audio chapter of Forgotten or Forbidden (A Hermitcraft story)! Been a year in a making but finally so excited to bring voices to my story!! =DD

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1 year ago

Chapter 6: Audio version of Forgotten or Forbidden (a Hermitcraft Story)

I feel the pressure to keep up with the Hermit-tumblr (that needs a better name) peoples. So here you go future friends and fellow Watchers~

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4 years ago

Anarchy!HermitCraft au? Anarchy!HermitCraft au!

So I got this idea while watching FitMC videos about 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. For those who don’t know, an anarchy server is a server where griefing and pvp is allowed. Basically there are no rules, hence the anarchy. Some anarchy servers like 2b2t allow using hacked clients and have unrestricted chats, some don’t. 2b2t itself is really old and has a really rich history because groups of players form and break really quickly, all pursuing their own goals.

The idea of a world where you can explore chaos and anarchy without anyone truly getting hurt is really interesting to me. If it is to you too, you should check out some videos by FitMC on YouTube. That being said, you should be aware that the community of 2b2t is extremely toxic, which I want to make clear that I don’t support in any capacity.

Anyways, I’ve written a few ideas for what the hermits might be like in a server like this, where the players all run amuck with insatiable thirsts for destruction. I’m thinking I’ll write a little intro to what the world I’m imagining looks like first, then post some headcannons I have for individual hermits.

Would anyone in the HermitCraft community be interested in this? Either hearing about it or even adding to it? I’d really like to explore this idea!

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