skwittles821 - In desperate need of a creative outlet
In desperate need of a creative outlet

(He/Him) Enjoyer of various things and sometimes creator of things.

64 posts

The Parallels Between Coda And Baron: A Yap

The parallels between Coda and Baron: a yap

Most of this is copy and pasted from the discord with some adjustments. I figured I might as well post it to the world for others to see, so enjoy!

When you really think about it, Coda and Baron are pretty much the same episode. Besides the obvious parallel of Kozma and Concords fates, there’s A LOT of other similarities. They’re both about a meeting between Weepe and his current main opposing force. Both Concord and Lazlo have ulterior motives and want something more from him. They both attempt to have the power in the conversation before it quickly and suddenly gets shifted to Weepe, and then there’s also just Weepe. In both meetings, he is self medicating either with his own Syringe Nutcracker Combo™ or with the Big Ass Machine™ in his mansion. And then, both times, he uses his own fold blood to jellify the rival. Also, both episodes HEAVILY focus on the mystery of “what the fuck is going on with Moc Weepe”. Coda introduces his fold ailment and his connection to the mothers (thanks to the appendix), and Baron fully explains the story.

Furthermore, identifying the differences between the two scenes is just as interesting, because to me it really represents everything in Weepes life that has changed between the two episodes. In Coda, he’s at the Cabaret, he’s not (super) fucked up and the biggest thing in his life at that time is the exact subject of the conversation: the breach route. He kills Concord in order to continue the one real thing on his mind, being his own rise to power.

And then in Baron, he’s in his new mansion with his new status that he now has purely BECAUSE of what he did to Concord in Coda, he’s all fucked up and weird thanks to his rise to power, the scope of his life has gotten a lot bigger and the conversation topic is, again, the biggest thing in his life currently: The Trust, and him getting revenge on the very person who fucked him over all those years ago.

I feel like this could be used to make a secondary yap about the parallels of Kozma Lazlo and Atticus Concord as characters, but I’ll leave that for someone else to pick up.

Yap over.

TL;DR: I fucking love this podcast.

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skwittles821 - In desperate need of a creative outlet

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* Spoilers are taken pretty seriously on the server. Both public and early release have separate channels, so spoilers are kept away from those who aren't caught up!

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