skwittles821 - In desperate need of a creative outlet
In desperate need of a creative outlet

(He/Him) Enjoyer of various things and sometimes creator of things.

64 posts

Skwittles821 - In Desperate Need Of A Creative Outlet - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago
Goddess Of Wisdom Master Of War

goddess of wisdom master of war

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6 months ago

rip mother trauma, you died as you lived: intentionally vague, somewhat unsettling, and yet in the end, comforting

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6 months ago

My kinda apocalypse

skwittles821 - In desperate need of a creative outlet
skwittles821 - In desperate need of a creative outlet
6 months ago

So, Swinzy survived (sort of), Baxford’s still alive, Dark Sonia’s still alive (or whatever she is).

Hey United Baronies

So, Swinzy Survived (sort Of), Baxfords Still Alive, Dark Sonias Still Alive (or Whatever She Is).

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6 months ago

Morning after listening to the Wisdom Saga and I went back to WotM where Ody sings “ATHENA, BADASS IN THE ARENA” and couldn’t get the heavy emotional part of Love in Paradise where he screams her name again out of my head so now I can’t stop thinking about like

*Heavy emotional moment, somber music, the echoing words of all who have fallen surround Odysseus atop the cliff as he screams out.*


*music stops. A sniffle.*

“Badass in the arena… 😔”

“Unmatched witty and queen of the best strategies we’ve seen… 😞”

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6 months ago

Good ending: Odysseus never actually says his name

I would like to highlight this chat response to “Remember Them” cutting out in the livestream

I Would Like To Highlight This Chat Response To Remember Them Cutting Out In The Livestream
6 months ago
Phineas Keeps Collecting Fold Creatures That Haunt Jonas
Phineas Keeps Collecting Fold Creatures That Haunt Jonas

Phineas keeps collecting fold creatures that haunt Jonas

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6 months ago

"You have just described to me what's down there. Almost word for word. The hunger. The voice in the night asking "what if". The pain. The questions. The unknown. It lives in you now. And it waits for you below."

"You are more prepared than you could possibly imagine. You have already seen its face. Though you do not yet know its name. You are ready. As ready as you could ever be. But when you see what waits for you, will you flinch?"

-Mother Trauma, Moonward Part 2

8 months ago

The Midst experience:

phineas what the hell

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9 months ago
9 months ago

This was so incredibly and hilariously petty of Spahr, a Top 10 Jonas Spahr Being Extremely 30ish Moment to me:

(Weepe) Oh, I beg to differ, Mr. Consector.
(Weepe) I just wanna lend my support to, um, Mr. Consector here, [end text]
Narrator 1: (Weepe) I really am very sorry to hear that, madam. My condolences. But your Adsecla, Mr. Consector…
(as Weepe) Hey there, Imelda, Mr. Consector.
(Weepe) Very well, if you insist, Imelda, Mr. Consector.
(Weepe) Imelda. Mr. Consector.
Mr. Consector, Madam Notary, [end text]
Narrator 1: (Spahr) "You sure they won't?" Spahr asks. "Mr. Tripotentiary seems to make up his own rules as he goes along. We gotta be careful."

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9 months ago


Okay so

We are CANON and STILL there’s no name for Jonas/Phineas ship!

I’m kidding of course BUT:

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9 months ago


Prisioner In Hades???! More Likely Than You May Think!

prisioner in hades???! more likely than you may think!

closeup below

Prisioner In Hades???! More Likely Than You May Think!

that's it bye!

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9 months ago

pour one out for the actual plan the Breach had for blowing up the Central Vault. it was ELEGANT, a work of true beauty. of course it couldn't be allowed to survive reality. 😔

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9 months ago
Phineas Thatch as illustrated at the Loxlee Gala in Season 1, Episode 8: Gala. A Tumblr text post is overlaid: you should be able to say "line" if you don't know what to say in a social situation.
Moc Weepe as illustrated in Imelda's home in Season 3, Episode 12: Interest. A Tumblr text post is overlaid: if we ignore all the stuff that's gone wrong I've kind of had nothing but wins
Lark as illustrated in Season 1, Episode 7: Scry. A Tumblr text post is overlaid: "source?" divine intuition, gut instinct, and cryptic symbolism from my dreams
Saskia Del Norma as illustrated in Season 3, Episode 14: Shindig. A Tumblr text post is overlaid: I don't "zone out". Being zoned out is my default state, and I occasionally zone back in to check how things are going.
Jonas Spahr as illustrated in Season 3, Episode 3: Change. Movers are taking furniture away in the background. A Tumblr text post is overlaid: I don't smoke for the obvious reasons of not wanting to develop an addiction to nicotine but god do I so often feel the emotion "I need a cigarette".
Olga Costigan as illustrated in Season 3, Episode 8: Fault. Jonas Spahr is also pictured but is not the focal point. A Tumblr text post is overlaid: you make it seem like bloodlust is a bad thing
Kozma Laszlo as illustrated in Season 2, Episode 18: Boss. A Tweet is overlaid: I feel like at this point, if I unclench my jaw and relax my shoulders, I will probably dissolve like cotton candy in the rain.

I had this sitting in my drafts for SO long struggling to decide what Spahr and Lark text posts I was gonna pick that better images for Weepe and Saskia dropped and I had to redo them both (Saskia's TWICE).

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9 months ago
Midst Fan Discord
Whatever talk is, it can happen.
When you need server or when you are looking for a community of fans, stay calm and do not panic. Think Midst Fan Discord. 
The magic is in the members. It is universally wherever Discord is. 
They are everywhere. Just like you can be! 
You are a person who likes Midst. The average discord format 
makes it easy to get the right amount of conversation you NEED!
Midst Fan Discord: That's what.
Need it, join it, it will.

If you are a person who likes Midst, then Midst Fan Discord is for you!


Many channels to discuss Midst with fellow fans!

People who understand your Midst obsession!

Spoiler channels for both public release and early release!*

Talented artists sharing fan art!

Valorous Conversation!**

Channels to discuss Not-Midst!

Third Person lurking below the surface!

Endearing weirdos to theorize with!

Midst Emotes you can use! (made by the ever wonderful @elfietheespeon)

skwittles821 - In desperate need of a creative outlet

CLICK HERE, join now!

* Spoilers are taken pretty seriously on the server. Both public and early release have separate channels, so spoilers are kept away from those who aren't caught up!

** conversations may no longer be Valorous

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10 months ago

love how anyone scrolling "#brunch" will be met with cute food pics and this abomination

(Credit To @Kupahdraws On Twitter For The Pose)

(Credit to @Kupahdraws on Twitter for the pose)

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10 months ago

The parallels between Coda and Baron: a yap

Most of this is copy and pasted from the discord with some adjustments. I figured I might as well post it to the world for others to see, so enjoy!

When you really think about it, Coda and Baron are pretty much the same episode. Besides the obvious parallel of Kozma and Concords fates, there’s A LOT of other similarities. They’re both about a meeting between Weepe and his current main opposing force. Both Concord and Lazlo have ulterior motives and want something more from him. They both attempt to have the power in the conversation before it quickly and suddenly gets shifted to Weepe, and then there’s also just Weepe. In both meetings, he is self medicating either with his own Syringe Nutcracker Combo™ or with the Big Ass Machine™ in his mansion. And then, both times, he uses his own fold blood to jellify the rival. Also, both episodes HEAVILY focus on the mystery of “what the fuck is going on with Moc Weepe”. Coda introduces his fold ailment and his connection to the mothers (thanks to the appendix), and Baron fully explains the story.

Furthermore, identifying the differences between the two scenes is just as interesting, because to me it really represents everything in Weepes life that has changed between the two episodes. In Coda, he’s at the Cabaret, he’s not (super) fucked up and the biggest thing in his life at that time is the exact subject of the conversation: the breach route. He kills Concord in order to continue the one real thing on his mind, being his own rise to power.

And then in Baron, he’s in his new mansion with his new status that he now has purely BECAUSE of what he did to Concord in Coda, he’s all fucked up and weird thanks to his rise to power, the scope of his life has gotten a lot bigger and the conversation topic is, again, the biggest thing in his life currently: The Trust, and him getting revenge on the very person who fucked him over all those years ago.

I feel like this could be used to make a secondary yap about the parallels of Kozma Lazlo and Atticus Concord as characters, but I’ll leave that for someone else to pick up.

Yap over.

TL;DR: I fucking love this podcast.

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10 months ago

I am looking respectfully

Distinguished New Character Art Is Up On For Fold Subscribers To Explore!

Distinguished new character art is up on for Fold subscribers to explore! 🧡 ⚪ ⚪ ⚪

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10 months ago

what is Midst about?

Oh, this is a QUESTION.

Midst is space fantasy New Weird about three people whose lives are disrupted when The Trust, a society based around quantifying the value of good and bad deeds, takes interest in the planet-like islet of Midst.

Midst is about how the moon will explode and the government will spend more time talking about how bad this is for the economy than organizing disaster relief.

Midst is about what happens if The Good Place point system was an economic policy.

Midst is about a cult expanding its sphere of influence and its attempts to maintain hold on a cast of new converts, increasingly disillusioned devotees, and escaped apostates.

Midst is about the mechanics of blame, guilt, fault, accountability, and culpability and how emphasizing sole individual responsibility (for good and bad) deflects from the role of institutions, structures, environments, cycles, and ideologies in perpetuating harm.

Midst is about trying to balance the metaphorical books by making them very much not-metaphorical and how understanding that you can never (figuratively) zero out in reality shapes the way different people face or run from what they've done, hope for redemption and absolution (or not), and relate to themselves and others.

Midst is about taking the phrase capitalism as religion literally.

Midst is about a murder case in a frontier town that swiftly escalates into a major public scandal that reaches into the highest ranks of the federal capital and threatens to destabilize its most prominent institutions.

I promise none of these are exaggerations in the slightest.

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10 months ago

A visualized Midst season 3 timeline, so far

I spent an ABSURD amount of time putting this together, so I figured I’d put it here. This is for non-members, but don’t pay mind if you aren’t caught up with season 3.

A Visualized Midst Season 3 Timeline, So Far

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10 months ago

Andrew “it should be on a banjo” Prahlow

Outer Wilds Is A Fantastic Game. No I'm Not Talking About The Existential Content I Mean The Different
Outer Wilds Is A Fantastic Game. No I'm Not Talking About The Existential Content I Mean The Different
Outer Wilds Is A Fantastic Game. No I'm Not Talking About The Existential Content I Mean The Different
Outer Wilds Is A Fantastic Game. No I'm Not Talking About The Existential Content I Mean The Different

outer wilds is a fantastic game. no i'm not talking about the existential content i mean the different developer team descriptions that play in the credits along with a kazoo cover of the main theme if you manage to break the fabric of spacetime

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