trans christian, any pronouns. artist at heart, programmer by trade. this is my journal of sketches, project notes, and assorted thoughts – spanning games, technology, creativity, neurodiversity, and more!
970 posts
By All Accounts, 2022 Was A Miserable Year IRL. Work And Health Tag-team Bullied Me All Year, With Recurring
by all accounts, 2022 was a miserable year IRL. work and health tag-team bullied me all year, with recurring stomach issues that knocked me out for weeks at a time, and a work environment so untenable that i couldn't compile any code for months – i had to write it all blind!
but when the going got tough IRL, i kicked ass online, finally resolving threads started years ago. like streaming more than in the past 3 years, finishing my site redesign (4 years), making a new stream highlights video (5 years), and releasing a new Retrush demo (8 years!!!)
so as the year draws to a close, i'm not making any resolutions about what i'll accomplish online, because i know that i'll be drawn to it no matter what happens.
no, my resolution for 2023 is to improve my IRL, so that this year is not as miserable as the past two have been.
there's a lot of effort to put in, for sure. i need a new job, i could stand to get some health screenings, lots of things are falling apart and need fixing, and if i'm lucky i might even be moving by years end...?
but more than that, i want to focus on the little things. like getting out of the house more and talking to people. or when i finally unpacked my bookshelf a couple months back. or getting some new clothes, so i'm not wearing the same shorts as i was before high school.
for the past several years i've been fighting hard to maintain what i have... but "what i have" was made for the me that i was five or ten years ago. i'm a different person now! and i need new things that make me happy, rather than old things that are just familiar.
then, once i've bolstered my IRL with stronger foundations, more joy, new inspirations, less stress... online stuff will naturally follow.
i will always want to create. resolutions are for putting in the work.
so instead of resolving to stream once a month or whatever, i resolve to better my circumstances... so that i can stream whenever i want, not just when i "find the time."
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new stream archive, in which we beat the final boss of Splatoon 3 and finish the game's story... eventually! my ADHD took us on quite the journey to get there ^^;
by all accounts, 2022 was a miserable year IRL. work and health tag-team bullied me all year, with recurring stomach issues that knocked me out for weeks at a time, and a work environment so untenable that i couldn't compile any code for months – i had to write it all blind!
but when the going got tough IRL, i kicked ass online, finally resolving threads started years ago. like streaming more than in the past 3 years, finishing my site redesign (4 years), making a new stream highlights video (5 years), and releasing a new Retrush demo (8 years!!!)
so as the year draws to a close, i'm not making any resolutions about what i'll accomplish online, because i know that i'll be drawn to it no matter what happens.
no, my resolution for 2023 is to improve my IRL, so that this year is not as miserable as the past two have been.
there's a lot of effort to put in, for sure. i need a new job, i could stand to get some health screenings, lots of things are falling apart and need fixing, and if i'm lucky i might even be moving by years end...?
but more than that, i want to focus on the little things. like getting out of the house more and talking to people. or when i finally unpacked my bookshelf a couple months back. or getting some new clothes, so i'm not wearing the same shorts as i was before high school.
for the past several years i've been fighting hard to maintain what i have... but "what i have" was made for the me that i was five or ten years ago. i'm a different person now! and i need new things that make me happy, rather than old things that are just Good Enough.
then, once i've bolstered my IRL with stronger foundations, more joy, new inspirations, less stress... online stuff will naturally follow.
i will always want to create.
resolutions are for putting in the work.
so instead of resolving to stream once a month or whatever, i resolve to better my circumstances... so that i can stream whenever i want, not just when i "find the time."
new stream archive, in which we start Splatoon 3's story mode and play some Turf Wars! not spoiling anything here, that's what the video is for ✨
okay, those two sketches plus a couple pages of other assorted sketches tell me i'm on the right track.
basically i've finally put two and two together on a "beginner" drawing lesson that finally makes drawing a much more straightforward process
this is a big breakthrough for me. i feel like i've finally found the piece i've been missing for ten years and now i can finally put into practice all those art lessons that i've looked at from afar but never understood... and actually have fun doing it, not feel like i'm slamming my head against the wall
of course i'll do a writeup once i've got this locked down for sure