Resolutions - Tumblr Posts
Want to learn something new in 2022??
Absolute beginner adult ballet series (fabulous beginning teacher)
40 piano lessons for beginners (some of the best explanations for piano I’ve ever seen)
Excellent basic crochet video series
Basic knitting (probably the best how to knit video out there)
Pre-Free Figure Skate Levels A-D guides and practice activities (each video builds up with exercises to the actual moves!)
How to draw character faces video (very funny, surprisingly instructive?)
Another drawing character faces video
Literally my favorite art pose hack
Tutorial of how to make a whole ass Stardew Valley esque farming game in Gamemaker Studios 2??
Introduction to flying small aircrafts
French/Dutch/Fishtail braiding
Playing the guitar for beginners (well paced and excellent instructor)
Playing the violin for beginners (really good practical tips mixed in)
Color theory in digital art (not of the children’s hospital variety)
Retake classes you hated but now there’s zero stakes:
Calculus 1 (full semester class)
Learn basic statistics (free textbook)
Introduction to college physics (free textbook)
Introduction to accounting (free textbook)
Learn a language:
Ancient Greek
Japanese (grammar guide) (for dummies)
Russian (pretty good cyrillic guide!)
How do you overcome doubt?
How do you overcome doubt?
While the phrase, "Think Positive" comes to mind, it doesn't convey the right meaning of what I would prefer you to focus on. Yes, the Republican's are about smaller government, apparently limited if not incapable of doing anything government, it will eventually back fire on them. No, instead, what I would prefer that you think about is a future where issues are raised, addressed, and dealt with in a positive context.
If you ever get the chance, watch the first episode of, "How to get away with murder". There they show how court room debates work. Bury the Evidence, Discredit the Witnesses, Provide an Alternative Killer, and finally ... Leave the Jury with an OVERWHELMING Sense of DOUBT.
DOUBT leaves you dead locked in 2 fears. Damn'd if I do. Damn'd if I don't. What doubt takes away from you, is your ability to see a positive future outcome. A point where the issue can be addressed and resolved.
We need to teach people how to discuss issues, discuss how an issue affects them, and discuss solutions.

First of all - Happy New Year to all 4 of my lovely followers.
Second - I am starting fresh and making it my new year’s resolution to not only like posts on tumblr, but also to reblog them so others might have the pleasure of enjoying them as well.
Last night I read a post and the comments asking readers and people who browse and enjoy original and fan art to try and take the time to not only click the like button but to reblog them as well. While I did find the tone of the post to be quite confrontational, after a night of rest and some thinking - plus looking back and realising that I have only commented on maybe 50 fics on A03 in the entire time I have been using the site that maybe a little effort on my part wouldn’t go astray.
So my resolution is to interact more with writers and artists when I enjoy their work. I cannot guarantee that I will be successful, but I am willing to try.
My own resolutions are the same as they were near the beginning of 2020. If your resolutions were important back then, I think despite everything that’s happened in the months between, they are worth doing now.
🌠Get a minimum of 8 hours of sleep per night 💤
📴 Do not spend more than 24 hours per week on the internet 💻
🌈♪♫ Try to practice music or art weekly 🎨🎻
🌎 Strive for a more healthy, eco-friendly lifestyle🍇
🍒🌿 Try to exercise for at least 1 hour daily 🏹
🌼🌷Never skip reading the Bible🌱🍓
🎭Use my bullet journal at least once a week🎂

now that we’re in the second half of 2020, i decided to revisit the new year resolutions i made in the beginning. i haven’t achieved a lot of them, so i reworked them and set goals for the remaining months of 2020 to be able to achieve them, or at least be closer to achieving them than i am right now. my main thing, though, is to make sure to keep them calm and fun. hard work and discipline is important but i figured out if i make these feel like a chore, i won’t achieve them at all. do you have any mid-year resolutions, or just little goals you want to achieve for july??

The goods reolutions you’re not going to take, My Life, part II
by all accounts, 2022 was a miserable year IRL. work and health tag-team bullied me all year, with recurring stomach issues that knocked me out for weeks at a time, and a work environment so untenable that i couldn't compile any code for months – i had to write it all blind!
but when the going got tough IRL, i kicked ass online, finally resolving threads started years ago. like streaming more than in the past 3 years, finishing my site redesign (4 years), making a new stream highlights video (5 years), and releasing a new Retrush demo (8 years!!!)
so as the year draws to a close, i'm not making any resolutions about what i'll accomplish online, because i know that i'll be drawn to it no matter what happens.
no, my resolution for 2023 is to improve my IRL, so that this year is not as miserable as the past two have been.
there's a lot of effort to put in, for sure. i need a new job, i could stand to get some health screenings, lots of things are falling apart and need fixing, and if i'm lucky i might even be moving by years end...?
but more than that, i want to focus on the little things. like getting out of the house more and talking to people. or when i finally unpacked my bookshelf a couple months back. or getting some new clothes, so i'm not wearing the same shorts as i was before high school.
for the past several years i've been fighting hard to maintain what i have... but "what i have" was made for the me that i was five or ten years ago. i'm a different person now! and i need new things that make me happy, rather than old things that are just familiar.
then, once i've bolstered my IRL with stronger foundations, more joy, new inspirations, less stress... online stuff will naturally follow.
i will always want to create. resolutions are for putting in the work.
so instead of resolving to stream once a month or whatever, i resolve to better my circumstances... so that i can stream whenever i want, not just when i "find the time."
by all accounts, 2022 was a miserable year IRL. work and health tag-team bullied me all year, with recurring stomach issues that knocked me out for weeks at a time, and a work environment so untenable that i couldn't compile any code for months – i had to write it all blind!
but when the going got tough IRL, i kicked ass online, finally resolving threads started years ago. like streaming more than in the past 3 years, finishing my site redesign (4 years), making a new stream highlights video (5 years), and releasing a new Retrush demo (8 years!!!)
so as the year draws to a close, i'm not making any resolutions about what i'll accomplish online, because i know that i'll be drawn to it no matter what happens.
no, my resolution for 2023 is to improve my IRL, so that this year is not as miserable as the past two have been.
there's a lot of effort to put in, for sure. i need a new job, i could stand to get some health screenings, lots of things are falling apart and need fixing, and if i'm lucky i might even be moving by years end...?
but more than that, i want to focus on the little things. like getting out of the house more and talking to people. or when i finally unpacked my bookshelf a couple months back. or getting some new clothes, so i'm not wearing the same shorts as i was before high school.
for the past several years i've been fighting hard to maintain what i have... but "what i have" was made for the me that i was five or ten years ago. i'm a different person now! and i need new things that make me happy, rather than old things that are just Good Enough.
then, once i've bolstered my IRL with stronger foundations, more joy, new inspirations, less stress... online stuff will naturally follow.
i will always want to create.
resolutions are for putting in the work.
so instead of resolving to stream once a month or whatever, i resolve to better my circumstances... so that i can stream whenever i want, not just when i "find the time."
2023 Resolutions In Review
it's new year's resolution season, and for me, that means looking back as much as looking forward. yesterday i wrote about all that i accomplished this year, and today, i want to look at the resolutions i wrote for 2023. i got so much done that, surely, i knocked those out of the park… right?
so as the year draws to a close, i’m not making any resolutions about what i’ll accomplish online, because i know that i’ll be drawn to it no matter what happens. no, my resolution for 2023 is to improve my IRL, so that this year is not as miserable as the past two have been.
uh. Shit
okay, so… i definitely neglected my IRL this year, in favor of creativity. i'll freely admit that some of it was escapism, throwing myself into the act of creation so that i could get away from how i felt about my life. but other parts of it were to get something off my plate, so that i could handle my IRL with more grace and less stress. so it wasn't all bad!
but this quote especially hits like a truck:
then, once i’ve bolstered my IRL with stronger foundations, more joy, new inspirations, less stress… online stuff will naturally follow. i will always want to create. resolutions are for putting in the work.
the sad truth is that i did not get the stronger foundations that i wanted; most of my year was spent in survival mode until i could get home and create again. i want to create out of joy, not escapism! to be clear, there's nothing wrong with the latter – but only i have the tools to get out of survival mode, and i did not accomplish that this year.
i did, however, put a dent in the mountain of stress. here's some things i tackled IRL:
my partner and i put a LOT of effort into improving her mental and physical health this year, getting her to new appointments and treatment and professional help that she did not have last year. i consider this our biggest IRL accomplishment of 2023!
with good budgeting, my partner and i were able to upgrade our computers, phones, and consoles. every single device i just listed was 5-10 years old and falling apart at the seams, so these were very necessary upgrades! all of them have contributed to us getting more creative work done this year, like my upgraded computer allowing me to stream more often – as well as getting more rest.
we also got out of the house more, picking random nights to go shopping, go to the park, or just get food. it's nice to be able to do that again, after the pandemic locked us in the house for so long… but we're just natural couch potatoes anyway lol
i have a psychiatrist and a therapist now! i don't get to see them often due to my health insurance, but it's a good start and something i may be able to invest more into in 2024.
speaking of which, i got to try ADHD meds this year. they didn't work out… but i did try, and it was worth the effort of trying. i would like to try again next year, though i am not making it a resolution.
i wouldn't call this an accomplishment… but we lost two cats this year, and while we'll miss them dearly, it does mean a lot less cleaning and chores to take care of our remaining two cats. having four cats was a commitment we did not choose in the first place, and it was a sore spot for many reasons – but we did our best to care for them anyway.
it's a lot for one year! and i did accomplish my goal of being less miserable than last year… it's just not everything i hoped for, resolved for. i've allegorically polished up my house, but the house itself is still built on shaky ground.
i would say something like, "oh well, there's always next year!" and in truth, there are a lot of opportunities on the horizon that could very well bring the stronger foundations i'm looking for. but i am not going to make the same resolution again… because, quite frankly, i don't know what it takes to get out of survival mode! and i can't possibly predict how a year will go, or what the whims of my ADHD will decide to focus on. i'd rather play it by ear, and just… try to be cognizant of how much i'm leaning on escapism.
so here ends this resolution… but 2024 brings new possibilities, and maybe they'll lead me to where i was already headed.
keeping my new years resolutions simple this year. in 2024:
🏳️⚧️ i'm finally gonna start hormones! 🏳️⚧️
So this one was a little play on the New Years Resolution. There is always someone I know that is announcing “New Year, New Me” and I have this petty part of me that wants to write them all down and announce them later in the year, maybe at their Birthday or the following Christmas. I don’t, and I also don’t do resolutions, and this is about someone else trying to avoid the pressure to make…
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Katherine the Great
I will be honest here, no memory of writing this, but it seems a wonderful choice to post right at the New Year. I am not a resolution type of girl, and sometimes I think people need to work a little more on being happy with who they are, rather than trying to become someone who will be happy. Controversial opinion, I know. Please note, I do not condone smoking in any way, shape, or…
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heartwarming resolutions to have not only for the new year, but for every day
tell the people you love that you love them
tell yourself that the people you don’t love or necessarily like are still vaild to someone in some way. no, you don’t have to tell them that too
allow yourself to live in the moment
keep working towards self-love
now spread that self-love to those around you
get involved with movements that you stand behind
educate yourself fully on the movements that you stand behind
open your eyes, really open your eyes to nature/ it’s a beautiful place
give more
give to yourself too
practice breathing exercises when you feel anxious
allow yourself to feel pain and grief and anger
now force yourself to think positively and move forward
spend more time doing the things you love
spend time doing the things you always said you’d love to do
practice coexisting and understanding
open your heart to the expression of others
love love love
it's that time of the year, when you think in the next 12 months you're going to conquer all the mountains in the world.
i'm seeing these posts so i'm gonna do it just for fun (knowing i'll get five notes at most), but writer's version:
100 notes and i'll try to post regularly on instagram.
200 notes and i'll make a routine to write daily.
300 notes and i'll start to exercise, drink more water, eat fruit and study more.
500 notes and i'll FINISH WIPS (works in progress).
1k notes and i'll EDIT MY BOOK.
2k notes and i'll propose marriage to my best friend.
5k notes and i'll go to mexico to see a boy (please don't) (i'll never get 5k (i hope)).
EDIT: Y'ALL ARE CRAZYY. crying bc now i'll have to do the stuff but i love you all.
I love you.
Want to learn something new in 2022??
Absolute beginner adult ballet series (fabulous beginning teacher)
40 piano lessons for beginners (some of the best explanations for piano I’ve ever seen)
Excellent basic crochet video series
Basic knitting (probably the best how to knit video out there)
Pre-Free Figure Skate Levels A-D guides and practice activities (each video builds up with exercises to the actual moves!)
How to draw character faces video (very funny, surprisingly instructive?)
Another drawing character faces video
Literally my favorite art pose hack
Tutorial of how to make a whole ass Stardew Valley esque farming game in Gamemaker Studios 2??
Introduction to flying small aircrafts
French/Dutch/Fishtail braiding
Playing the guitar for beginners (well paced and excellent instructor)
Playing the violin for beginners (really good practical tips mixed in)
Color theory in digital art (not of the children’s hospital variety)
Retake classes you hated but now there’s zero stakes:
Calculus 1 (full semester class)
Learn basic statistics (free textbook)
Introduction to college physics (free textbook)
Introduction to accounting (free textbook)
Learn a language:
Ancient Greek
Japanese (grammar guide) (for dummies)
Russian (pretty good cyrillic guide!)