trans christian, any pronouns. artist at heart, programmer by trade. this is my journal of sketches, project notes, and assorted thoughts – spanning games, technology, creativity, neurodiversity, and more!
970 posts
Tomorrow For My Birthday I Am Streaming My Unfinished "magnum Opus" Mari0 Level Pack From Ten Years Ago,

tomorrow for my birthday i am streaming my unfinished "magnum opus" Mari0 level pack from ten years ago, Zeta
and i am going the DISTANCE to show it as close to the original vision as possible. like adding all of the custom music that wasn't supported at the time (40+ tracks!)
i won't have time to build the few unfinished levels that remain but i *am* finishing the big final boss, which was maybe 25% done. to preserve its original vision i'm building it out with modern tools like custom enemies and event scripting – the result will be well worth the effort
i'm doing all of this while trying not to spoil myself on the rest of Zeta's level design, so that my reactions to it after 10 years are genuine... Zeta has this baffling yet strangely compelling design ethos that i want preserved in amber – from a younger me trying to "take level design seriously"
if you enjoyed my stream of my first level pack, New Super Mario World, then you're going to LOVE this
Zeta is a little more mature, a LOT more ambitious, and not a single iota more professional or respectful of the player's time. it's gonna be a riot
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More Posts from Skysometric
In which we try out a new stream format where chat votes on the games I play, and they IMMEDIATELY go for the meme pulls. I don't blame them, I'd do the same... if I wasn't the one playing it.
getting everything set up for the Fortune Cookie stream tonight! adding in the last few games in our library just so everything's up for grabs
if you don't know what Fortune Cookie is, every ~30min i pick 5 random games from our library and chat gets to vote on which game i play next
my partner and i have a lot of unique titles in our shared library so i think it'll be a treat 💙
i've been meaning to try this for a while and if it goes well we might make it a monthly thing!

added a bunch more posts to the #backdated tag as part of an ongoing effort to archive my legacy on Twitter and all the good threads i wrote that i never crossposted here... for some reason. good thing Tumblr lets me just set any arbitrary date when i post something, or this wouldn't be possible!
i've still got plans to do a proper Twitter archive site, but that's a huge project and i am still mega busy! in the meantime, spending a little time digging through my archives once in a while is a great way for me to relive some of my history and see how far i've come.
like a journal! which is what this blog was supposed to be... hence the crossposting.
2020 and 2021 were banner years for my journey of self-discovery... it's wild to look back on what has and hasn't changed since then. i miss being as chatty on main as i was back then, but i sure don't miss the constant emergencies and major stressors!
after so many years of keeping my thoughts to myself, i have finally learned that
you can just talk to people, actually
nothing gets done without communication