I Just Think Maruki Deserved A Crying Sprite Of His Own. You Know, As A Treat!

I just think Maruki deserved a crying sprite of his own. You know, as a treat!
Moooore pain with screencap edits using it!

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concept art of an alternative thief outfit for sumi feat. akesumi meep
So I have been struggling with my own Odile Sumi redesign and this is what I came up with so far using her concept art as a chart of some sort. Like parts of her canon design is fine actually (the coat is to die for!) and it can actually still fit the theme I'm going for but idk. I'm still thinking about it.

Full notes to help:
-White in lining and underside of coat (inspired by the P5 Manga Vol. 11 cover)
-White ruffles and either black or white gloves (the latter because, I still like the potential symbolism) [fixed errors]
-Shoes either stay black or changed to red.
-End of coat tails inspired by Ella
-Replace with tights.
-Black feathery skirt
-Definitely a haircut like my own edit/HC. New ribbon? Unsure.
-White border on the mask (also inspired by P5 Manga cover)
Further notes not pictured:
-The possible red shoes idea was recycled from an idea I had for a redesign I did a while back. It would have been a reference to the film, "The Red Shoes."
-The symbolism thing I think about with the gloves: So... I very briefly mused about it a long while back but I can't help but feel like her having red gloves can not only be her whole thing with Joker but also symbolic of her subconsciously thinking she still has "Kasumi's blood" on her hands since during her boss fight, she outright feels like she "killed" her sister and would rather run away from the truth of it all. Her gloves changing could be symbolic of her acceptance of it, that it wasn't really her fault. White or black is what I'm still deciding on since both could coordinate well but I'm also tired of the small amount of gatekeeping with the idea of, "gloves = elemental affinity" thing. Overanalyzing? Yes, but still would have been neat!
-I'm not SUPER confident in it but I want to attempt it too so... I just want to make her look different, but I worry about it still feeling like a Joker knock-off. I had more majorly different design ideas, but they didn't click oddly. Also small confession: Her, Joker, and Zenkichi (and my PT Maruki to an extent) being coat tail besties is becoming my lifeblood! Still feedback would be nice if you so desire!
Bigger version of the manga cover (I know it's probably the lighting but I love how there's a border on her mask and how there appears to be white on the inside and lining her jacket a bit):

And yes, the coat tail idea was loosely inspired by Valjean's design but probably different. Sumi and Zenkichi bonding make my brain go brrrr!

Human!Sophia v.3.0
A New Pair of Shoes...
Just a small ficlet I put together to get back into the swing of writing after being away from it from so long due to holiday rushes killing my motivation. After that back to me and CreepyMarsh's "Prison of Grief" fic! This is based on a handful of posts on here discussing Sumire getting Odile/The Black Swan from Swan Lake instead of Cendrillon. Namely in her true awakening and I loved the story of Swan Lake so I felt like it would fit her well (as much as I like Cendrillon in general)! So, this is my own take on the scenario and seeing if I fully like the idea! Verdict? Yes, yes I do (Sorry Cendrillon...)! But here it is under the cut! Also Sumire cutting her hair Mulan style makes my brain go brr!

Warning: Major P5R spoilers and a tw for blood!
“That’s strange… I don’t sense any Shadows.”
“Yeah, I don’t know why but… There aren’t any Shadows in the area.”
What? That is strange… Maybe Dr. Maruki didn’t sense us? No… That can’t be it… Why do I still feel strange though? I’m free right? I’m not Kasumi… Not…
“Aight, just a little more to go.”
Sumire looks up at Ryuji as they stop for a moment. Haru gives her a look of concern.
“Violet, are you holding up okay?”
She perks up and gives a confident look, “Yes!”
Am I…? Urgh, stop it Sumire!
That strange feeling she had been getting comes back again which immediately causes her expression to fall, catching everyone’s attention now, “Sorry, it’s just… I feel just a little off…”
All of a sudden, her outfit flickers back to her winter uniform, causing her to flinch in surprise, “My outfit!”
What?! No…
It’s Ren’s turn to feel concerned now, “You sure you’re okay?”
As if on cue, she’s back in her outfit again. She tries to go back to her confident demeanor, but it falters, “I let my guard down for a second, but I swear I’m fine!”
She shakes her head, now looking guilty, “So sorry for making you all worry.”
“Are you?” Stop it!
“Looks like it’s not stable yet…”
She sees Ren looking to be in thought.
“Huh? N-No! I’m stable! I’m fine!”
“More deception? So much for learning dear…”
She winces at the harsh words as Akechi sighs, That’s fine and all, but don’t hold us back, either.”
She looks downward.
Hold back…
His stern tone becomes somewhat less harsh, “If you push yourself harder than you’re capable of handling, you’ll endanger everyone on your side, too.”
She gives a sad sigh.
He’s right… Why do I keep doing this to myself?
“Why indeed…”
Who are you? You sound like Cendrillon but–
“Enemies approaching!”
They all go on alert as Futaba continues, “They’re fast… I dunno what the heck they are, but we’d better move it.”
Sumire grits her teeth, a strange new feeling slowly coming to the surface as Morgana speaks, “Should we get back to it? If things start looking bad, we’ll retreat right away. Until then, we’ll back you up with everything we’ve got!”
They all nodded as they continued onward.
What is all this? My outfit… This voice that sounds familiar but also doesn’t… What’s wrong with me? What are all these feelings?
“What do you think? Do you hate him for casting that spell?”
No! He’s done bad things but… I don’t hate him.
“Then who do you really hate? Who are you afraid of? Who are you running from still?”
Running… Hate… Fear… Truth.
“You’re getting close little duck…”
Duck? What are you–
They ascend a flight of stairs when Futaba shouts, “Above us!”
They all dodge and scatter as Shadows fall from above before surrounding Sumire after she gets separated from them.
Oh no… Nononono!
She wildly looks around in fear as they close in on her with everyone looking on with panic in their expressions as Yusuke shouts, “Violet!”
No… Wait! I can do this! I can–
She dramatically pulls off her mask, “Cendrillon!”
Nothing happens, increasing her confusion and panic, “What?!”
What’s happening to me?! Where is she?! Someone… Please…
“You know why… She’s gone. Destroyed along with your illusion, it’s only me now…”
But… She was…
They start to get even closer as Makoto notices the issue, “Her Persona’s…”
“You were a sham… A fake… You weren’t being honest…”
A fake… Deception… One I made for myself… Lying to myself…
“Not on my watch!”
Ryuji and Makoto were about to run in to help her when she stops them, her voice sounding different, calm, “Please, stay back!”
Her stance shows the same emotion, “I appreciate it…”
She unsheathes her rapier, “...But allow me.”
They were all silent, stunned, and even Akechi is taken aback.
“There you are… Keep going little duck. How do you really feel? Are you done running?”
She remains unflinching as the Shadows continue to hone in, “I chose to stand on my own and fight.”
“It’s time I stop being helpless!”
Lies… Coward… No more!
She grips the hilt tightly before raising her blade, “I hung my head low…”
No more living a fantasy!
“...And took your hand…”
Kasumi… I’m so sorry! I promise… For your dream…
“But I knew all along deep down…”
OUR dream!!
The blade hovers over her ponytail, “Pretending to be Kasumi was not the right way…”
“And who are you? Who shall you be? A shallow imitation of someone you cherished… Or who you really are?”
“The weak, insecure Sumire…”
As if everything is moving in slow motion, she slices her ponytail off. The ribbon unravels as her hair is now short and choppy, going down to at least the tip of her chin.
“...Dies today!!!”
Everyone looks on in awe with Haru giving a quiet, “Violet…”
Sumire pants until a pain suddenly surges through her head and her eyes turn yellow as she screams.
“At long last… You have finally understood yourself… My dear little duck…”
She powers through it to the best of her ability as she reaches for her mask, “You… You all were the only ones who stayed true to yourselves… Including you Kasumi…”
She grabs it with both hands as her screams increase in volume and starts to bleed.
“Now… Now it’s my turn… No more lies and illusions, no more running, I’m done with all of this…”
“Yes! Unleash your fury!”
It comes off, her skin feeling like it’s being torn off as she screams but then her expression turns into a fierce glare as she looks up with an outstretched hand while still bleeding.
“Come… My true self… ODILE!! If you don’t answer my call now… Then how else can I make our dream come true… How else will I be better without your aid? Answer me!”
She finds herself in a white void, the voice now much calmer and kinder.
“My, my… Such tenacity… Such passion… So you have finally decided to stop living an illusion... No longer a mere duckling but a strong, graceful swan…”
Sumire could have sworn she saw Cendrillon but then she dissolves into black feathers into a ballerina with black wings, pale white skin, and a feathery black tutu with a red ribbon tied around her waist. The Persona outstretches her hand.
“In that case, I shall gladly lend you my strength... I am thou, thou art I... “
Sumire’s eyes widen as she sees Kasumi in the Shujin uniform, smiling as she whispers, “Sumire…”
“A new pair of shoes in order, now step forward and be reborn!”
She takes her hand and gasps, blue flames surrounding her, which makes the others gasp as well as Ryuji tries to run in again, “Violet!”
Akechi stops him, “Don’t, look…”
Odile’s wings wrap around her until unfurling, revealing Sumire in a new outfit and her hair styled differently. She calmly does a fouetté before facing her new Persona. Her true Persona.
“Shall we dance now… My dear swan?"
Sumire faces the Shadows with a determined look, “Certainly!”
The others finally join her as they Shadows fully unmask and reveal themselves to be Loas. Sumire maintains her composure, eyes now filled with determined fury.
“That’s it… I’m done running from myself! From everything! I’ve been selfish… But that ends here! I’m Sumire Yoshizawa! I am me! No one else!”
Ryuji grins, “Yeah, you tell ‘em!”
Futaba joins in, “Go, Violet! Give ‘em hell!”
Sumire smirks, “Yes! I thank you Dr. Maruki… But I don’t need this illusion anymore!”
She gets into a fighting stance:
“Let us finally dance, Odile!!"
Sumire doing a fouetté during this awakening is intended to be a reference to Odile's dance in the ballet having the ballerina playing her perform 32 fouettés in a row which is apparently considered to be one of the most difficult to perform in ballet.

I have debated between Odile or Odette but then I read a synopsis on the movie, "Black Swan" and it became a contributing factor in choosing Odile:

I can't help but feel like Sumi during that point wouldn't be the common definitions of innocent or fragile. Her innocence is long gone, what's next is her picking up the pieces. So, I guess that's why Odile vibed more (kinda helped by the fact that Odile's character is open to a lot of interpretation in the ballet since it's so vague so she could either be a full-on villain or even a victim being used by her father depending on who you ask).
Third tier would maybe be name after the ballerina mentioned in the first image (Pierina Legnani) if anything. Especially since Legnani apparently previously performed in Cinderella so it's a nice bit of irony.
Odile's Compendium Entry: "The daughter of the sorcerer Rothbart, she was transformed into a dark doppelganger of the Swan Princess Odette in order to trick Prince Siegfried into proclaiming his love for her instead so that the spell will never be broken."
Odile Sumire design edit is coming soon! Or at some point. It's a W.I.P.
I hope you guys enjoyed this!!

So something hit me: Futaba and Haru's "wishes" were to have their dead relatives back from the dead albeit idealized versions of themselves while Sumi's was to CONTINUE BEING her dead relative but an idealized version of them. Holy shit guys... The parallels/foils!