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Forced To Believe-Dean Ambrose X OC The Shield Story Chapter 1- So, You Wanna Wrestle?

Forced To Believe-Dean Ambrose x OC The Shield Story Chapter 1- So, you wanna wrestle?

Forced To Believe-Dean Ambrose X OC The Shield Story Chapter 1- So, You Wanna Wrestle?

Author's Note: When I first published the story, a lot of these scenes, including about the Indies were flashback scenes later in the story but I made this first chapter to be an introduction on how Melanie got started in wrestling and how she met Jon and so on. But if you want to just go straight to her debut in WWE, you can just proceed to chapter 2. :) Also a lot of these gifs and photos are not mine. Credit to all the owners.

Word count: 10,000+

Warning: And just a warning, she has an asshole boyfriend during the Indies and there is some verbal abuse in this chapter with him just to warn y'all. And he had cheated on her and so on. 

Chapter Summary:  A young Melanie looks to her cousin to get her a job so she can build money to begin wrestling. She proceeds to meet Jon Moxley and builds a strong friendship with him while thriving in CZW.  She begins dating a fellow Indy wrestler who isn't all who he seems to be 






"Come on Mimi! I NEED~ this!" a 16­-year­-old Melanie pestered her big cousin. 

She had been asking her 20-year-old cousin to pull some strings and get her a job so she could raise money to wrestle. It had only been a couple of years ago that she found out that the Ninth Wonder of the World, Chyna, is her cousin, and began to watch any type of wrestling she could. Whenever it was live on TV or tapes, she knew this was what she wanted to do.

"You are not messing up that face of yours." Mimi huffed, sternly gazing at her cousin, ignoring her pleading green eyes.

Melanie ran a hand through her straight, dark brown hair. What would it take for her to just say yes? She really wanted this.

"Please. I really want to wrestle. I need the money so I can start learning."

"Want." Mimi corrected, rolling her eyes.


"Ugh. Why don't you be a model like me? Or go into business for college just like your mom wants?"

"No way! I'm tired of people telling me what I should do in life. I know this is what I want to do. I've been watching the wrestling team at school, it's so awesome! Wrestling is great!"

Mimi scoffed. She couldn't believe her ears. "Oh ho the wrestling coach is responsible for this?"

"Well remember the time I had to stay after school to make up a gym class? That's when I saw the wrestling team up close and personal. He even has a couple students that go to local independent wrestling companies! Ain't that cool? Now come on! Do this for me! I do everything for you. Return the favor. I'll even pay you in back rubs or something!"

"You're gonna be the death of me...fine. I can pull some strings." Mimi sighed.

"YES!" Melanie jumped on her for a big hug.

"Ew! Get off of me! No touching!" Mimi shoved her off. "You owe me. You're lucky you have a cousin who models and knows people. Let's go."

Just a few days later, Melanie was already working as a waitress in a local restaurant thanks to Mimi pulling some strings. The employees kept a strict eye on her, since she was only 16, and were cautious about underage drinking since there was also a bar. But after a few months, she gained their trust. Melanie enjoyed the job and was very grateful. One step further until she could finally learn how to wrestle.

During one weekend, the restaurant was very busy and crowded as 18-year-old Jon Good, Cody Hawk, and a couple of his HWA (Heartland Wrestling Association) guy friends managed to take the last available table to celebrate a good day's work of wrestling.

"Laurer, take care of that table." The manager called before walking back into the kitchen.

"No problem!" The teen made her way over to Jon's table. "Hey, dudes. What would you like?"

Everyone made their orders and then she turned her attention to Jon. "And you?" she inquired kindly.

Making eye contact with the girl, he shrugged and scratched the back of his head. "Ah, just a beer." He replied in his slightly high-pitched voice.

"May I ask how old you are?"

"18..." he let out a sigh, awaiting rejection.

Melanie observed him for a while. He looked around her age and decided to give him a break. His group looked like they were celebrating. 

She looked around and said in a low voice, "Okay, look I'll give you only two beers, max. But you gotta promise me that you won't drive if you drink these beers tonight, got it?"

Jon did a double-take at the female. He wasn't expecting that kind of answer. Nor kindness.

"A-­all right. Thanks," he answered with appreciation in his voice.

"No problem, man," she replied and turned to Cody Hawk. "I'm guessing you're responsible for everyone, tonight. Make sure he gets home safely. Don't want the dude to get in trouble with the police for underage drinking."

Cody smiled and nodded. "Yes ma'am."

A couple months later, Melanie is back at the restaurant, working hard. She still was nowhere near the amount of money to get wrestling gear, lessons, and other things, but she was still going to be persistent. She knew it was going to be hard work. Heading over to a table, she noticed some familiar faces.

Cody Hawk looked up and observed her for a couple of seconds before something clicked in his brain. "Hey, I remember you. You told my boy, Jon, to not drink and drive."

A smile came across her lips as the fond memory popped into her head. "Oh yeah! Nice to see you, guys again! How have you been?"

"Great. I see you're still working here."

"Yeah, trying to save money to wrestle."

The word wrestle made Jon's ears perk up as he turned to study her. "Really? You wanna wrestle, huh?" Jon inquired.

Melanie nodded eagerly. "Definitely. My dream is to become a wrestler. Someone who can wrestle guys, not just chicks. I want to be taken seriously. Right now I'm trying to save up money to get the gear and learn. This job has kind of been helping, but I'm grateful that it's something." she shrugged but the guys listened intently, nodding at her aspiration in approval. 

After making more small talk, she takes their orders. When she comes back, she gives them their beers and places a free beer in front of Jon. "This one is on me. Again, no drinking and driving, ya hear?"

Jon looked down at the drink, then back at her, surprised at the nice gesture. "Yes ma'am." he chuckled and thanked her as she took her leave.

"Wrestler huh? Hey, that's actually pretty cool, maybe we'll see her around one day." One of the boys said.

"She sounds serious." Another guy at the table commented.

"Very. We should give her a big tip." Cody suggested.

"Let's do it." Jon happily agreed.

After they leave, Melanie heads back to the table to clean up and sees a big lump under the check. She carefully opened it, and the sight caused her eyes to water.

"Oh my gosh." she chuckled while internally screaming in her head. She finally had enough money for the next steps to wrestle. How can she ever repay them for such a life-changing gesture?


At the age of 21, in 2009, she managed to get a job at CZW, thanks to her high school wrestling coach, and began getting trained by Drake Younger. He was a CZW veteran and an awesome guy to be around. After he told her some good tips and advice on wrestling, she finally went backstage to walk around. She was nervous because this was her first time going to an independent wrestling company after her school wrestling coach got her there. She would be on her own and would have to fight her way to become a WWE Diva. It was her goal and she would have to make sure she put in a lot of effort.

She wasn't going to get into the WWE just because she was related to Chyna. You don't get a VIP pass like that. You need to work and that's what Melanie was happy about.

"Hi!" A female voice called out. Melanie turned around to smile. "Are you new?"

"Yeah. I'm Melanie Laurer."

"Hey, girl. I'm Chrissy Rivera. Nice to meet you." She gives her a friendly hug. "Aren't you related to Chyna?"

"Yep." Melanie grinned as they started to click.

"Wow! That's awesome! So are you wrestling or being a manager?"


"Really? This is going to be good. You're going to do just fine, here. Welcome to the CZW family."

"Thanks, I'm glad to be here."

"Hey, we should hang out tonight. The roster is going to a bar. You should come."

"Sure, that'll be great!"

"Sweet. Come on, I'll introduce you to the roster."

While Chrissy introduced Melanie to most of the roster, they were very welcoming towards her and couldn't wait to see her in action. After the icebreakers, Chrissy had to get ready for the show, so Melanie started to walk around again to get familiar with the surroundings. She was really happy to wrestle somewhere in her hometown in Philly. After thinking about CZW, her thoughts were interrupted after she saw a guy who was over six feet tall, and had dirty blond hair.

The guy's eyes light up. "It's you. I never got your name from the couple of times I saw you at the restaurant."

Melanie took another look at him and smiled. It was that guy she gave the free beers to. What were the odds of seeing him again?


"Nice to meet you, I'm Jon."

Melanie stuck out her hand and shook his. "Nice to meet cha."

They start walking together. "You're something, you know that? You cared about me, although we were strangers. At first, I was like, this chick is cool as shit for giving me beer although I was 18. But to hear you tell Cody to make sure I get home safe, got to me. No other chick has said that to me. It's just the little things like that, I appreciate."

"Ah, it's not a problem. I should really be thanking you, Cody, and your friends for giving me that money so I can start training."

"Cody can see a great upcoming wrestler when he sees one. It looks like he has faith in you."

"I'm honored. So how long have you been here?"

"A few months. When do you start wrestling?"

"Next show in a dark match."

"Cool. I'll be seeing you in action, soon. You know the roster is going out to a bar, after the show."

"Yep. Chrissy told me."

"Are you coming? You should~" Jon nudged her with a boyish grin

"Hah hah. Yeah. Sounds like a plan."


"So where are you from?"

"Cincinnati. You?"

"Ohio, huh? I bet you've been wrestling all over. I'm from Philly."

"Philly, huh? Nice. I'll catch you later. It's nice to see you again."

"Nice to see you again, too." Melanie watched him leave.

'I think I'm going to like it here.' she thought.

After that, Melanie sat in the crowd and was able to get an idea of CZW by watching the show. Everything was so intense, and it made her look forward to her debut even more. She admired the hardcore wrestling and how involved the fans were.

During the next show, Melanie went against a local female wrestler in a dark match. Her parents were there to watch despite reluctantly going to see her get hurt. Melanie lost her first match, but gained respect for her hard work and heart, to not give up so soon in the match.

After the show, Melanie packed up her gym bag and heard someone knocking on the door.

"Yeah?" She turned.

"Hey, sorry to bother you. Just wanted to say that you were great out there. Good match."

"Thanks! Hopefully, I'll win next time. I'm Melanie by the way."

"Greg. I was wonderin'...uh, you mind if I take you out to dinner, tonight? I'd love to get to know you more."

Surprised at the sudden question, Melanie thought about it for a few moments. "Yeah, why not."

'Next week'

Wearing dark blue skinny jeans, and a cut-up CZW shirt that stopped in the middle of her stomach, Melanie watched in the front row with disapproval on her face of Moxley screwing Devon Moore from winning Robert Anthony's CZW World Heavyweight Championship. Jon started bragging about being the best wrestler with Robert Anthony and being CZW Legends which made her shake her head. But then it caught Robert's attention and he pointed her out.

"Do you disagree toots?" Jon asked with a smug look.

"Chicks can't handle us." Robert bragged. Melanie's scowl made them laugh. "She better be glad we even looked at her because we're the best wrestlers in this company."

Rolling her eyes, she gives him the middle finger as the crowd 'ohs' and cheers. Jon and Robert chuckle to themselves before turning their attention back to Devon Moore who was down and out. As soon as they were about to attack him again, the Briscoe brothers came out to even the odds. They start arguing with them until Joker runs down the ring with a chair and starts attacking Devon and the Briscoe brothers. The crowd cheered as they threw out Moxley and the others out of the ring.

Jay Briscoe grabbed a mic and offered up a challenge to have all the titles on the line, in a match, next month.

"Hey Moxley, you're out of luck, buddy. You ain't got no title. You're just a goofy motherfucker." He exclaimed as the crowd cheered.

"Uncalled for!" One of the commentators said.

Melanie started laughing. Jay knew how to have the best one-liners.

"And what are you laughing at? Huh?" Jon walked over to her, towering over her since she was sitting down.

"A goofy motherfucker." She bluntly declared, slowly standing up. "Who else?"

"You're not even worth my time..."

"I believe that I am. I'll take you down anyplace, anytime." She shrugged.

"Do you know who you're talkin' to? I'm Jon Moxley." He began to get in her face.

"In one ear, out the other..." She looked at her nails as the crowd 'oohed'.

Fed up, Jon grabbed a fan's drink and dumped it on top of her head.

"What is he doing!?" One of the commentators exclaimed.

Melanie gasped and looked at her wet clothes as Jon laughed in her face. The crowd started chanting 'Kick his ass!' while Melanie tried to adjust her hair and clothes.

"Big-­fucking-­mistake!" she growled with rage and smacked him right across the face.

"Damn~!" The Briscoe brothers exclaimed as Jon stumbled back. The crowd went wild when Melanie jumped over the barricade and started unloading on Moxley, throwing in punches. Robert and Joker look on in shock as she gave Jon a kick out DDT on the ground.

"You're gonna get it now!" Robert yelled but she slid into the ring before him and Joker could get her.

Melanie grinned at what she had done and high-fived the Briscoe brothers.

"Do they know this woman!?" One commentator wondered.

Meanwhile, Moxley is helped up by Robert and Joker. He rubbed the side of his cheek and then the top of his head, glaring at the woman who assaulted him. She blew him a kiss and innocently shrugged.

"I think so but she made a statement, going after Moxley of all people. Is she nuts? She must be!" The second commentator declared.

"Allow us to introduce the new bombshell in CZW. Melanie!" Jay raised her hand as the crowd cheered. "Sorry Jon, but you got your ass kicked!" he laughed as the crowd agreed. Jon started yelling at them and began to get restrained by Robert and Joker. Melanie laughed at his struggle but then Jon broke free and slid into the ring. "Run Melanie, run!"

Melanie slid out of the ring and sprinted backstage with Jon tailing right behind her as the others followed them.


'After the show'

Melanie was in a locker room, frowning at her phone.

"You all right?" Jon popped his head into the room.

"Yeah, fine. What's up?" She looked up from her phone.

"All right, what's wrong?" He pulled up a chair and sat in front of her. He could tell something was on her mind and he wasn't leaving until she was happy again.

"Nothing's wrong."

"Bullshit," he exclaimed and started staring at her until she gave him a valid answer.

"I hate it when you do always know when I'm upset even if I try to hide it." she groaned and let out a long sigh. "My boyfriend canceled our date. We were supposed to go to a concert. He knows how badly I wanted to go to see my favorite band. And now I have no one else to go with. I don't want to go alone. Might as well sell these tickets..."

"Or...I could go with you," he suggested, raising his eyebrows.

Hearing his offer, her eyes lit up. "Really?" She started to grin.

"There's that grin I've been waiting for." A half smile came across his face. "Yeah, why not? I wouldn't mind going with you."

"Thank you! I promise you'll have a lot of fun." They stood up and she wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly. "Gross you're still sweaty." she laughed and released him.

"Shut it." He let out a laugh.

"My night just got better. But are you sure you want to go? I don't want you to think you have to go, to make me feel better." She brought up as she gave him a ticket.

Jon checked out the ticket before looking at her. "I like hanging out with you, Melanie. You're not one of those annoying ring rats, and you're someone I enjoy being around. Plus, I like the band."

"Thanks. It starts in two hours. We should get ready."

When the show was about to start, Jon and Melanie got to their seats which were near the stage but still in the middle of the crowd.

"I missed this. It's been a while since I've been to a concert. Hey, you ever crowd-surfed before?" she asked.

Jon shook his head, "Nah, have you?"

"Oh yeah! Consider this your lucky day. Come on." she grabbed his hand.

"Whoa, whoa, where are you taking me?" He let out a laugh.

"You and I are gonna crowd surf. It'll be fun."

"All right, I'll be a daredevil tonight."


After the concert, Jon walked Melanie home. Ever since she and Greg started dating, she decided to move in with him. But it seemed like their relationship was a bit rocky now because he never wanted to do anything with her anymore. But she didn't want to worry Jon about that.

"That was awesome!" he shouted excitedly.

"Haha! Told you! I kind of thought you were having fun when you kept wooing and hollering." She giggled. Jon put an arm around her shoulders and started singing one of the band's songs, in a fake tone-deaf voice. Melanie started to laugh at his goofiness. "You're gonna wake up the neighbors."

"Ah, the hell with it." he carried on. She decided to join him, in singing the song until they reached Greg's apartment.

"That was fun. Thanks for hanging out with me."

"Ah, no problem. Wouldn't mind doing it again."

"Of course. You'll be my new concert buddy." She embraced him but the door opened to reveal Greg looking at them with an annoyed expression.

"About time you got home." Greg retorted, scowling at Jon.

Melanie sighed and released Jon. "Sorry, the concert went on a little longer than usual. Thanks for coming with me, Jon. I'll see you later." She smiled and headed inside

"Yeah..." Jon nodded and stared down Greg before he headed inside with her.


After another show, Melanie grabbed her bags and met up with Jon, who was getting ready to leave.

"Hey, are you doing anything, tonight?" She asked hopefully.

"Nah, why?" he questioned as he put on his gym bag.

"I was wondering if you wanted to meet my parents and have dinner with us. They don't bite, I swear. My mom is the overprotective one, not my dad, he's the carefree type." She smiled, hoping he'd say yes.

Jon liked her sweet request but wondered if it would be a good idea.

" sure about this?"

"Of course! It'll be fun." she guaranteed.

"All right, all right. I'll go. Just for you."


When they arrived at her parents' place, she walked inside with him.

"Melanie! You're home!" Jane, her mother, rushed over to give her a big hug and kiss on the cheek. "Oh, who is this?"

"Mom, dad, this is my friend, Jonathan Good. I met him a couple times when I was working, and recently reunited with him while I was starting out in CZW."

Her father, Diego, began to grin. "Nice to meet you! Melanie has told us all about you."

"She has?" Jon asked with surprise as Melanie quickly stomped on her father's foot.

"Hey!" Diego exclaimed

Melanie shot him a glare and cleared her throat. "Anyway, can he stay for dinner?" she asked

"Why not? The more the merrier!" Jane replied, looking overjoyed, and walked back into the kitchen.

"Dinner should be ready soon," Diego informed the two and walked upstairs.

Melanie sighed out of relief and gave Jon a low five. "Mission accomplished, they love you."

"Glad to hear. So...what have you been saying about me?" he nudged her

"Let's not get into that right now." She punched him on the shoulder.

"Uh-huh." He smirked

After dinner, Melanie went back to Greg's place and set down her bags. "I'm home!" She announced but didn't hear a response. "I guess he isn't here." She checked the time, seeing it was only 10:30. But then she started hearing weird noises in the bedroom.

"Don't let this be what I fear..." She muttered to herself and opened the bedroom door to see Greg sleeping with a local female wrestler. The sight made her sick to her stomach, and she couldn't control her anger anymore. "Are you fucking kidding me!?" She shouted.

The sound of her angry voice made Greg and the girl scramble out of bed.

"Mel, I can explain­-"

"Explain!? You've got to be joking." She retorted. "Why the hell would you do this? Why would you­- I can't. I'm fucking done. No." She tried to wipe her tears and stormed off.

Greg quickly got dressed. "Get out of here." He pushed the girl out of the apartment. He needed to fix this. He should've asked what time she was coming home. He couldn't lose Melanie. He was the next woman on his list to screw. And they just started dating. He really screwed up.

"Mel, I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry. It won't happen again, I promise." He tried to hug her as she struggled to push him away. "Please, I'm sorry! I'll change."

Hearing how sad his voice was, made her even more upset. It sounded sincere to her, but she failed to notice the fakeness of his voice, and she unfortunately decided to take him back.


'To The Ring'

At a CZW arena, Moxley walked out with a cocky grin on his face. He had a microphone in his hands and went straight over to Melanie's parents, who were in the crowd to watch their daughter in action.

"Well, well, look who it is. Melanie's parents. I always think about why and how you raised a bitch of a daughter." He disrespected them as the CZW crowd booed. Jane's jaw dropped, shocked at the words coming out of his mouth, while Diego didn't look too happy.

"How dare you!?" She shouted and gave Moxley a stinging slap to the face, earning cheers from the crowd. "How dare you talk about our daughter like that!?"

Chuckling, Moxley responded, "Is that all you got, grandma? You're a bitch just like your skanky daughter. And I bet you're a­-"

His speech was cut short when Diego's fist met his jaw. The crowd went wild and chanted 'Holy Shit'

"Don't you ever disrespect my daughter or my wife ever again! You hear me, amigo?" Diego's thick accent came in.

Pissed, Jon struck Diego with a cheap shot and tossed him over the barricade, as Jane screamed. The crowd continued to boo Moxley as he dragged him into the ring.

"Stop! Stop!" Jane pleaded, scared for her husband

"Shut your fucking mouth!" Jon shouted back at her, in a harsh tone, making her quiet. He got in the ring and began stalking Diego from behind. But before he could attack, Melanie rushed down the ring, earning loud cheers. She ran as fast as she could as she slid into the ring. But unfortunately, Jon escaped before she could get to him. The crowd booed and chanted 'Pussy' at him.

"Are you friggin' kidding me, right now? You're really gonna do this?" She glared at Jon before helping her dad.

"Thank goodness for Melanie, coming down before Moxley did something worse." One of them commentators said.

'To Greg's Place'

"Can you fucking cook me something, already? You're taking too long." Greg grumbled as he watched TV in the living room. Melanie had made him a chicken pot pie but dropped it in front of him, after tripping over his shoes. Greg rolled his eyes. "You are such a stupid screw-up. Pick that shit up and cook me another plate."

Melanie sighed and cleaned the mess up. "Can't we just order takeout?"

"Listen you little bitch, I fuckin' said make me another plate, got it?"

Melanie quickly nodded and went back into the kitchen, wiping the tears from her face. Lately, it seemed like Melanie was the only one who wanted to be in the relationship now. He said he would change, but it seemed like he had gotten worse. It was starting to frighten her. But she thought he would change, so she decided to continue to stay.

Later on, Greg stepped out and Melanie's phone started to ring. "What's up, Jon? You all right?"

"Yeah, uh, you mind if I crash at your place? I don't think I'll be able to make it to Chrissy's." He sounded tired, probably from the show.

"Yeah, of course. Come on."

"Great, I'll be there, soon."

After five minutes, she let him in and let him crash on her bed, but then Greg came back.

"What is he doing here?" Greg scowled, displeased at another man at his place

"Oh, he couldn't make it back to Chrissy's place, so I decided to let him crash here for tonight," she replied.

"Great..." he sarcastically replied, walking into the living room.

"What's your problem?" she snapped, following him

"I just don't like you being around all these half-naked guys."

"Just because you decided to quit wrestling, doesn't mean I have to. You wrestled there before. Why can't I? Please don't tell me you're jealous..."

"I'm going out. Don't wait up for me." he brushed her off and left the apartment.

Melanie rolled her eyes again. "Wasn't planning to..." she headed back into her bedroom to see Jon relaxing on her bed.

"He's annoying the crap out of me," he grumbled.

"Agreed." she crossed her arms. She was getting tired of Greg's jealousy. She's been nothing but loyal to him.

"Why are you still with him?"

"Couples argue. We're not perfect." She sat down on the bed next to him.

"Where did he go anyway?"

"Who knows? He usually stays out all night..."

"Ever get suspicious?"

"No. I love him and trust him," she replied with a little doubt in her voice. "I'm so glad you won the title."

"Me too," he grunted and held his arm. "Can I get a massage?"

"It'll cost you." she chuckled.


"Grapes I mean."

"Grapes? Just grapes? All right, I can live with that."

As she started to massage his arm with long strokes and circular motions, she couldn't help but feel the firm muscles on his arm. She shook the thought out of her head and noticed that he had fallen asleep after a few minutes. Melanie relaxed next to him and turned to watch him sleep.

Admiring the peaceful look on his face, she brushed some hair from his face.

'So adorable...' She thought with a small blush. 'Wait...adorable...? Oh no, I think I may be crushing on Jon.'

Was it wrong to like a guy while you're dating someone who really doesn't give you the time of day anymore? Someone who doesn't support what you want to do in life?

Jon rolled over to the side and rested his head against her chest. "D­-dude, you're on top of me." She chuckled but Jon mumbled and snuggled into her. She ran a hand through his hair before going to sleep, enjoying the cute moment.

'Next Day'

Shivering and soaked from the rain, Melanie managed to find Chrissy's place and knocked on the door.

"Holy shit! Melanie! Are you okay!?" Chrissy let her in her place and set her on the couch. Melanie shivered violently. "You look like shit. What happened?"

"I­-I was waiting for G­-Greg and he didn't show up." she stuttered as she dried herself off with a towel.

Jon walked into the living room and spotted Melanie's alarming condition. He began to look worried. "Mel? What the hell happened!?" He rushed to her side.

"She was waiting for Greg and he didn't show up," Chrissy replied with resentment. "We need to call him."

Two hours later, Greg walked into Chrissy's place while Melanie rested on the couch in blankets.

"Dude, where the hell were you? We've been calling you for hours." Jon asserted

"I was out at the club with some chicks, why?" Greg shrugged, with no care in the world.

"Seriously? You're at the club when your girlfriend is sick?" Chrissy exclaimed in disbelief.

"She'll survive." he bluntly replied.

Melanie opens her eyes. "W­-where were you? I waited for you." She said in a weak voice.

"Try not to strain yourself, hon." Chrissy expressed her concern.

"What do you mean wait?" Jon asked, turning to Greg.

"Crap...I forgot. We were supposed to go out for dinner. How long was she out there?" Greg sighed.

"Waited about three hours." Melanie weakly replied.

"Three?" Jon asked in shock.

"Three!? You're so faithful, unlike some people." Chrissy glared at Melanie's boyfriend.

"Let me get this and Melanie were supposed to have dinner tonight and you never showed up? You do realize it's raining, right?" Jon crossed his arms.

"Look, things happen. It's all right." Greg put his hands up in defense.

"No, it's not all right. She may have gotten seriously sick because of you." Jon replied with a frustrated growl.

"It's so cold..." Melanie shivered

"Come on, let me get you some warmer clothes." Chrissy helped Melanie in her room. After she got Melanie situated, she let her rest on her bed before walking back into the living room. "What the hell is wrong with you!? Why would you go to a club when you were supposed to have dinner with Mel?"

"Look, the reason I went to the club is because she doesn't do crap for me. Every time I want some, she refuses. We rarely do anything anymore, and all she focuses on is her family and wrestling career. What about me? I'm important too!"

"Un-­fucking­-believable..." Jon mumbled and shook his head in disgust

"And you should respect her interests and take an interest in the things she likes to do." Chrissy lectured

"Wrestling with half-naked men? I'll pass...she better be glad I approve of her doing this." Greg glared at them.

"Don't talk about her like that," Jon growled. "Why are you trying so hard to get in her pants, anyway?"

"Because she's hot. And she's starting to annoy the hell out of me with this waiting crap." Greg replied, making his intentions clear

"Why are you talking about her like that? Is that what you wanted? To get in her pants and then leave? That's not cool..." Chrissy crossed her arms and gave him a stern look.

"I'm tired of her talking about her virgin crap. Who is going to wait that long for her? I don't think I can do this, anymore." Greg admitted, revealing his impatience.

"She can do whatever the hell she wants and if you don't like it, get the hell out of here. And if she doesn't want to do it yet, then respect her wishes. And if you truly loved her, you would wait until she's ready." Jon exclaimed angrily.

"Jon." Chrissy put a hand on his arm to calm him down. "You talk about her like you own her. You don't. Plus, you wrestled in CZW, so why are talking so badly about wrestling?"

"Probably because Mel is better than him and he quit wrestling." Jon chuckled while Greg gave him an annoyed look.

"Whatever. I'm out of here." Greg headed for the door.

"And you're not going to stay with her and make sure she's okay?" Chrissy called out but he shut the door. "What an asshole! I cannot believe this!"

"I know..." Jon shook his head. Melanie managed to get out of bed and goes into the living room. "Mel, what are you doing out of bed?"

"I'm fine. I'm just..." She started to feel light-headed and began to fall down before Jon caught her in his arms.

"I got you," Jon murmurs and picks her bridal style. He walked her back into the bedroom and set her on the bed.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled.

"It's not your fault." He reassured.

"Yes it it me?" She managed to say. "Ever since I told him I was still a virgin and wanted to wait, he's been a little distant. What did I do? I love him."

As much as Jon wanted to vent to her about what an ass Greg is, he decided against it. "I know I screwed ring rats, but you're different because you make chasing worthwhile. You're not easy like those ring rats I screwed. Stay that way. It's a good thing. Continue to wait until you're ready."

She smiled and closed her eyes. "You're so good to me."

Jon gave her a half smile as she started to sleep again. He looked at what she was wearing. She was wearing one of his shirts and thought it looked cute on her. He headed out the room and saw Chrissy grinning at him.

"You like her, don't you?" she teased.

"Uh, why would you think that?" Jon rubbed the back of his neck.

"You're so caring and protective. You don't do that to any of the other girls." she chuckled. "I think it's cute. Now if only she could break up with Greg."

During a CZW show, Melanie was in the ring, wearing her wrestling attire which was jeans, a white tank top with a black bra with fingerless gloves. She was in the ring with another bombshell. All of a sudden, Moxley's theme comes on.

"Great..." Melanie rolled her eyes.

"Introducing your special guest referee for this contest, Jon~ Moxley!" The announcer announced as Melanie's jaw dropped and the other bombshell looked confused.

"What? What!?" Melanie screamed as Jon came out with a cocky grin on his face.

Jon waved at her as he got in the ring. "Hello, Melanie."

"Fuck you." She snapped and gave him the middle finger.

"I'd love to fuck you."

Melanie sighed loudly as the bell rang three times. "Stay out of my way." she pointed to him and circled around the ring with the bombshell. Near the end of the match, Melanie hit the bombshell with a roundhouse kick to the face. She waited for her to get on her knees to run to the ropes but all of sudden, Moxley hit her with the Moxicity, knocking the wind out of her.

"What!?" The first commentator exclaimed. "What the hell was that!? That was crap!"

The bombshell crawled over to Melanie and went for the pin. Jon quickly counted to three as the crowd booed. He raised the bombshell's hand and then she left the ring.

Meanwhile, with Melanie, she held her head and glared at him, sliding out of the ring. "Bullshit..."

Moxley grabbed a mic and began to cut another promo on her, "Melanie has no fucking talent in this company. She fucked with me too many times and she should have saw this coming. The bitch had it coming."

Melanie went on to get a chair while Jon's back was turned from her.

"Uh oh. Melanie does not look happy." The second commentator said.

"She's about to explode!" The first commentator replied, anticipating what she was about to do.

Melanie slid back into the ring and waited for Jon to turn around. As soon as he did, she hit him in the face with the chair as the crowd cheered.

"Fuck you!" She hit him five more times.

"She just hit Jon Moxley with a chair!" The first commentator yelled.

She threw the chair away and started unloading on him as she kept yelling curse words. A few refs ran down the ring to separate the two. The refs got Jon out of the ring while Melanie went to get a mic.

"Hey! Hey, Moxley! That was a bullshit move, dude. You want to fuck with me? Big mistake. So, if you want to get your ass kicked, I have no problem!"

"You can't do shit to me!" Jon yelled back.

"Don't think this is over. I'm not done with you yet, motherfucker! You want to fuck with me? Get in this ring and fight me!" Melanie yelled as the crowd cheered in agreement.

Jon looked at the crowd and then back at her. He decided to take her up on her offer and got on the apron. But then he smirked and jumped off as the crowd booed him.

"You're not worth my time." He shrugged

'Next Week'

During a CZW show, Moxley and Sami thought it would be hilarious to sneak into Melanie's locker room, go through her bags, and take all her clothes and wrestling attire while she was in the shower. After waiting about ten minutes, they see her walking around, frantically backstage with a towel on, trying to find her clothes. From her facial expression, they could tell that she was very worried.

"Well, well...if it isn't little miss Melanie. Nice towel." Mox greeted her with a smirk, eyeing her up and down

"Wonder where your wrestling attire is...isn't your match up next?" Sami added.

"Still can't find them? So...I guess this means you're wrestling...naked tonight."

"Can't wait to see that!" He high-fived Moxley.

Melanie bitterly chuckled. "You two are a bunch of dicks..." she tried to walk away but Jon blocked her way. "...Move..."

"Oh, I'm not leaving. I like what I see. I like what I see, a lot..." He checked her out

"Out of the way."

"Hey, hey hey...leaving so soon?" He asked as he blocked her way again, making her bump into his chest.

"I'm gonna give you ten seconds to defend yourself if you don't get out of my way..." She threatened, making Sami laugh out loud.

"And what are you gonna do, Melly Belly? Kick us in the balls?" Sami suggested.

"Not a bad idea!" she swiftly kicked them both in the balls, before walking away.


A couple weeks later, Melanie was forced to become Sami and Jon's valet after they won a tag team match for her services for a couple months for a storyline. During her time with the both of them was a lot of chaotic mess.

For instance:

'Moxley vs Brain Damage'

Near the end of the match, Melanie ran out with a chair as the crowd booed her. She slid in the ring, making sure she didn't get cut from all the glass scattered around. She was about to hit Brain Damage but he moved out of the way, making her hit Jon instead

Melanie's eyes widen. "Shit! Sorry!"

"Melanie! What the fuck!?" Sami yelled as he ran out.

"I said I was sorry!" she yelled back.

"Fuck him up!" Sami yelled while she rolled her eyes.

She turned around to see Brain Damage with a drill in his hands. She looked a little taken aback since he was so bloody and glaring at her. She took a step back and turned around, about to run out of the ring but he grabbed her by the hair. She screamed as the crowd cheered and started chanting 'Cut her open!'

Sami ran into the ring and was about to hit him with a bat but Brain Damage threw Melanie on the mat, and luckily Jon caught her from hitting the glass. Brain Damage shifted his attention to Sami and threatened to drill him until Jon caught him in a roll-up pin for the win.

Melanie slid out of the ring and hugged Jon as he stumbled down on the ground while Sami met up with them at ringside.

"Here is your winner! Jon Moxley!" The announcer declared

"Fuck him up!" Sami yelled

"Are you okay!?" Melanie asked Jon.

"You worry a lot," Jon smirked, enjoying her concern. "I like it."

"Are you serious? You almost got your head cut open! How can I not be worried?"

"I'm fine. It's just a fucking scratch."

"A big fucking scratch."

Later, she hung out with Jon and Sami to watch the rest of the matches. The crowd was loud and hyped during Nick Gage's match against Thumbtack Jack. Melanie, as always, had a bowl of grapes in her hands, popping them in her mouth like they were candy.

"Mel you look like you gained weight. Eating too much grapes?" Sami teased and poked her stomach.

Melanie chuckled. "Okay...don't be a dick."

"Haha, I'm just messin' with ya." Sami laughed.

All of a sudden they hear loud 'Ohs' and 'Holy shit' chants from the crowd after Nick got thrown into the light tubes, that were propped between the ropes.

"Damn! Is he really hurt?" She cringed and started to look concerned when people started to help him.

"I think so, a doctor is rushing over to him," Jon replied as they watched people take him to the back. There was blood all over him and the doctor had to use towels under his arm to stop the bleeding.

Melanie started to look nervous. "This is why I hate light tubes."

After the show, Melanie drove Jon back to his place which he shared with Chrissy Rivera. Jon was bloody from head to toe, and seriously needed a shower.

"Take a long, hot shower. I'll make you a cheese steak." Melanie headed to the kitchen and placed her bag on the counter. Jon looked at her taking out the ingredients to make the food, and chuckled.

"Only you would have that in your bag."

Melanie was about to answer but stopped herself before pondering. "...I...crave things. I did go to the store before we left the event,"

Jon examined the scars he received from his matches at the tournament. "Oh? Finally lost your card and got pregnant? Was that why Sami said you gained weight?"

"No, and no I'm not pregnant." She firmly noted.

"All right then." He headed to the bathroom but seconds later he came back out. "Wait, shouldn't you be with your boyfriend? You know how overprotective he is."

Melanie rolled her eyes and started to become annoyed. "Can we not talk about him?!" She snapped, getting negative memories of Greg.

"Whoa, calm down. I didn't mean to make you mad." He put his hands up in defense.

Melanie ran her hands through her hair and sighed. "Just forget it. I just...I just want to be with you, right now."

"Well, I'm here. Now what's going on with you and him?"

"Take a shower." She evaded.

"Not until you answer my question."

"You should really wash that blood off."

"What is going on?"

"Can you please just drop it!?"

"I know something is wrong. I'm not gonna stop asking you until you tell me." Jon persisted. Melanie gave him a stern look and started preparing his meal. "So now you're ignoring me, huh? I think I know what it is. Looks like you haven't been getting a lot of attention."

"Or maybe it's because I still have my card. He keeps trying to pressure me. It's turning me off and he gets really angry."

Jon rested his elbows on the counter. "You just need to relax."

"You should take a shower."

"You should take one with me." He suggested.

Melanie stopped what she was doing and looked up at him. "Are you serious?"

"No joke." He replied with a serious face.

"Jon, I'm still with him."

"Do you want to stay with him?

"I...don't know."

"You're blinded by love."

"I'm not."

"Yes, you are. The guy cheated on you several times and you're still with him. It's okay to just say fuck you, I don't want to be with you anymore. I think you want to believe you're still in love with him so that your relationship with him can still last. That's not love."

"I love him, Jon. End of discussion."

Jon showed a mischievous look on his face and walked around the counter. "Well if you loved him so much, you wouldn't be staring at my chest this whole time."

"Was not..." She mumbled as he got behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Well if you loved him so much, would you let me do this?" He started to lightly kiss the smooth skin of her neck. Melanie immediately started to relax despite trying not to enjoy the skilled mouth of Jon's. Unfortunately, the pleasure didn't last long because he released her. "Haha, the look of disappointment on your face is hilarious. So much for loving that guy. That was fun wasn't it?"

"Jon." She gave him a stern look while rubbing her neck.

"All right, all right. I'll be in the shower while you continue to pretend you don't want me to kiss your neck again...and in other places." He goes into the bathroom.

Melanie exhaled and sat on the couch, in the living room. She ran her hands through her hair. Was it cheating to get a love mark from another man, let alone having one of your best guy friends give you the love mark. And it felt good? But you're dating someone who disrespects you? She should really break up with Greg. What is the point anymore?

After Jon took a shower, he walked back out in his shorts and no shirt. "All right, do you wanna have sex or not?"

"Jon!" Melanie exclaimed, while he gave her a grin. "This is serious!"

"I am serious. Do you or not, in general?"

"I do but­-"

"Then get over here."

"I don't want to be treated as some play toy or ring rat. I'm not like that and I don't want to just lose it like that."

"Losing it isn't going to be perfect. Just as long as you trust someone. Do you trust Greg?"

"No, not at all."

"Do you trust me?"


"There you have it." He sat down on the couch, next to her.

"I feel like you're treating this like a joke."

"Melanie." He began in a deep tone. "I don't mind deflowering you right here, right now if you want me to. I'm not one for doing that romantic crap, but I know I can make you feel special, unlike that jackass...only if you let me."

"You've screwed so many girls."

"And so has he. But I know I can screw better than him. And you'll be the first I do it with meaning."

"You're my best friend."

"Wouldn't that be a better choice?"

"We're not even together."

"I can change that." He smirked. "Just stay here with me."

The temptation was building as she started to ponder about his offer but sighed. "I really want to, but this will be the first place, he'll try to find me. You know he doesn't like you. And what you did is going to really trigger it."

"So, are you planning on telling him about what we did?"

"What you did."

"What we did. You didn't stop me. And I saw that look of disappointment when I stopped."

Melanie sighed. "No, I'm not going to tell."

"How are you gonna explain to him about that mark?" He looked at the love mark on her neck.

"I'll just put makeup on it. No big deal."

" can you deal with that loser?"

"I don't give in to his pressure."

"I almost pressured you."

"No, you didn't. You see the thing is, I just feel really comfortable with you."

"Glad to hear," Jon cracked a smile


It was a day before Thanksgiving. Melanie was in her street clothes and had her gym bag on her. She saw Jon, tying his sneakers in his locker room. "Hey, how are you spending Thanksgiving? Going home to your family?" Melanie grinned.

"Uh, yeah..." Jon lied

"That doesn't sound so enthusiastic. Are you all right?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Dude, you can tell me if something is on your mind. What's up?"

"Just drop it, okay?"

"No, I'm not going to drop it. What is the big deal? It's supposed to be a happy time. A happy time with you spending Thanksgiving with your family."

He sighed. "That's the thing...I'm spending Thanksgiving alone."

"What?" she exclaimed as he explained his past and how he was raising himself at an early age. "I'm sorry...I didn't know you had it rough like that..."

He shook his head. "Doesn't matter."

"Yes, it does. Look, why don't you stay with me and spend Thanksgiving with my family?" she happily suggested. "You've met my parents before."


"Why are you being so difficult? No one should be alone for Thanksgiving."

"Well, maybe it's because it wouldn't be right, to spend Thanksgiving with your family. We're different people, Melanie. You're daddy's little girl, and I'm just a bad guy. Your family wouldn't accept me. Or accept me hanging out with you."

"Stop it. They accepted you before when I introduced you to them. You are welcome there, anytime, Jon. Just come with me, okay?"

"Melanie, just stop, all right? I'm not going."

"You are being ridiculous, right now. I don't get why you would want to spend Thanksgiving alone when you have a family who loves you and treats you like their own son. My father and mother love you. They truly love you, Jon."

"Mel, I'm sorry, but I can't. I don't want them to think of me differently because of my past."

"Are you fucking kidding me, right now?" She threw her arms up, sighing loudly.

"No, I'm not fucking kidding, right now." Jon snapped.

Melanie rolled her eyes. "You think they are going to abandon you because of your past? Who gives a shit? Let's move on and focus on now. Not the past." she replied as Jon stood up, about to leave. She pushed him back to keep him from leaving. "You know what Jon? I wish you would let me in because I'm one of your female friends who isn't trying to screw you, break your heart, or want you for your looks. I'm here because I care about you and you are my best friend. Okay, so you're violent, I've seen your matches, but I don't care. You're you. So, I'll take no for an answer. But if you want to talk to me, don't call me, don't text me, and don't even email me. You're gonna have to see me face to face, at my place. I'll leave my window unlocked for you. I just hope you come."


'Later, at night'

It was raining and Melanie was in her room, sleeping while her TV was on. All of a sudden, her window opened and Jon slid in like he usually would whenever he'd visit from time to time. He shut the window but it made a sound and Melanie woke up, holding her chest, breathing heavily.

"You scared the crap out of me,"

"Sorry..." he murmured

"I didn't think you'd come." she looked at him and got off the bed to hug him. He was soaked. To his hair, to his leather jacket and gray short-sleeved shirt and jeans. It made her PJs a little damp.

"Ah...I gave it a lot of thought."

"Glad you came. Wow, you're soaked." she ran her right hand through his damp hair. "You should change into some warmer clothes." she goes to her dresser. "Remember the shirt and sweatpants you lent me when I forgot to bring changing clothes during one of the CZW shows? I still got them."

"Thanks." he takes the clothes from her. "I thought you were going to do an all-nighter tonight."

"Trust me, I wanted to but my mom wants me to help cook with her. Early."

"So glad I'm not you, right now."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. You should help."

"I'll think about it." he smiled warmly, taking off his leather jacket.

Melanie laughed as he stared to remove his shirt, "Don't change in front of me,"

"Don't like what you see?" he teased, making her face warm

"That's not what I meant. Go in my bathroom and change." she pointed to the door in her room.

"You sure you don't want to see what I got under my pants?"

"Haha. No." Her blush continued to get worse.

"Come on, I know you do. Want me to tell you how big I am?"

"No! Bathroom, now!" She laughed and pushed him

Jon laughed and did what he was told. "Okay! Okay!"

Moments later, he came out of the bathroom and saw Melanie lying down on the bed. He decided to lie down on the floor.

"Why are you sleeping on the floor, man? Get your ass on the bed." She looks down at him.

"You sure you want me in the same bed as you?"

"Why'd you think I'd let you sleep on the floor? Get up here," she demanded as he stood up to get under the covers with her. "You are warm! I love it. Hold me," she snuggled into him.

Jon chuckled and wrapped his arms around her waist. In the morning, he woke up first and saw Melanie sleeping. He gently moved some hair from her face and smiled down at her. He was thankful for her, letting him in her life and family with a past like his. She was really something.

"Stop staring, you're making me blush..." Melanie mumbled.

"I make you blush? Sweet..." he replied with a victorious grin. "Hey, do your parents know I'm here?"

"Yeah," she replied. "We should get up unless you want my mom to throw a bucket of water on you. She did that to me last Thanksgiving and it was not pretty."

After they get situated, they go downstairs and into the kitchen to see Jane cooking. "Melanie! Jon! Good morning!" Jane grinned.

"Where's dad?" Melanie asked as she gave Jane a kiss on the cheek.

"Out for a morning jog. He should be back soon. Would you two mind helping out with the pies?"

"Sweet, you got pecan pie." Jon grinned as he saw the pecan pie box on the counter.

"Melanie requested it." Jane smiled.

"Really?" Jon looked at Melanie with admiration in his eyes. Seeing her nod in approval, he replied, "Wow...thanks, Mel! I appreciate it!"

"Not a problem!"

"Thanks for having me here."

"Oh Jon, you are always welcome here. I love you like a son, sweetie." Jane gave him a kiss on the cheek and a warm hug. Jon hugged her back, feeling the love and affection.

Melanie smiled at the two. "Now are you glad you came?"

"Completely," Jon replied

After they helped out, Jon and Mel hang out in her room. "My mom usually stays at home, while my dad teaches at his dance studio." she put her hair in a bun.

"Ah, I see. Your dad is Puerto Rican, right?"

"Yeah, and my mom is English. They married when I was born. So whenever my age is, that's their anniversary. I think it's pretty funny."

'Weeks Later'

Jon puts on a shirt with jeans after a match. "Hey, happy birthday!" Melanie smiled as she had her gym bag in her hands.

Jon flashed her a small smile. "Thanks."

"So, doing anything special tonight?"

"Probably getting drunk at the bar with the guys. Nothing new."

Melanie looked at him in slight shock. "No gifts?"


"No cake?"


"Okay, you're coming with me tonight."

"Birthday sex? We can do it right here."

"No silly!" Melanie laughed, getting used to his flirty and playful advances. "I'm going to take you out."

"Shouldn't a guy take out a girl for lunch or dinner?"

"It's your birthday, and you really should do this instead of drinking at a bar. Come on, please? I promise it'll be worth it."

"I can't resist your charm. Fine..."

"Awesome! Let's go."

"In this?" Jon looks at his casual clothing.

"We're going to a diner. I would always go there as a teen after school. Casual clothing is fine." she reassured.

Jon and her drive to a diner called 'Johnny Rockets'. Jon reluctantly got out of the car as he watched how excited Melanie looked to be at the diner again.

"Uhhhh you sure about this?" he asked.

"Shh!" Melanie grabbed his hand and dragged him into the diner.

"Melanie! Good to see you again, sweetie." A woman in her mid-40s greeted her with a bubbly smile.

"Hi! It's my friend's birthday today, thought I might treat him to one of my favorite spots to eat."

"Oh wow, he's handsome. Lemme get you two a table. Right this way."

"Thanks, Miss Amy."

"Melanie, I told you about calling me Miss. Just call me Amy."

"Habit." The Philly girl shrugged

"So, who is the birthday boy?"

"I'm Jon."

"Nice to meet you, sweetie. Check out the menu. You'll love it here. I'll be back in a few minutes." Amy, the waitress walked away.

"Find anything?" Melanie asked.

"A lot of stuff here..."

"I always get a Philly cheese steak."

"Guess you are a Philadelphian." Jon lets out a chuckle.

"Yep! Once in a blue moon, I'll get a cheeseburger and fries."

After a couple minutes, Amy returned. "Mel, the usual? Philly cheese steak?"

"Yes." she answered and gave her the menu.

"And what about you, pumpkin?" Amy asked.

"Ah...I guess I'll get the Rocket Double and some fries." Jon confirmed.

"What are your drinks?"

"She'll get a Sprite and I'll get a Diet Coke," Jon answered for Melanie and himself as Melanie snapped her head to him in astonishment.

"How'd you know I like Sprite?" Melanie asked

"I've been observant." Jon grinned

"What a good friend he is. I'll be back with your orders." Amy said and grabbed Jon's menu. She put her pen in her long black hair which is wrapped up in a bun and walked away.

"That's cool how you know I like sprite. I guess I gotta remember the stuff you like."

After they ate, Amy brought out a birthday cake with 25 candles on it. "I baked you a small cake. Happy birthday." Amy smiled.

"Thanks, I owe you." Melanie replied.

"No worries! It's on the house sweetie," Amy walked away.

"This cake is for me? Seriously?" Jon asked as he stared at the cake in awe. It simply said 'Happy 25th Birthday Jon!'

Melanie laughed. "Yes! Now make a wish!"

Jon chuckled softly and nodded. "All right." he blew out the candles. "You really didn't have to do this for me."

"Can you please stop saying that? I wanted to do this for you. You can return the favor if it makes you feel better. Now let's eat some cake!" Melanie exclaimed and cut a piece of vanilla cake. She dipped her right index finger on the icing of her slice and put it on Jon's nose. "Haha, couldn't resist."

"Cute..." Jon took a napkin and wiped his nose as he grinned. After they have dinner, Jon drove Melanie home and walked her to her doorstep. "Thanks for tonight. You were right, this was better than the bar."

"See! I told ya! Thanks for taking me home."

"No problem."

"Oh, before you go, I got you something," Melanie remembered as she dug in her pockets.

"You got me a gift?" Jon questioned in surprise.

"Of course, dude!" she took out a black leather bracelet. "I made it myself. My mom's sister knows how to make bracelets and taught me how. Sorry I didn't wrap it but I hope you like it." she looked nervous, anticipating his reaction.

"Hell yeah, I do!" He wrapped his arms around her and twirled her around.

"Hahaha! I'm glad!"

'A few days later'

Melanie was in tears of frustration as she knocked on Jon's door. Jon opened it and Melanie gave him an apologetic smile and wiped her tears.

"Sorry to come here unexpectedly. I...I didn't have anywhere else to go." She sniffed and he let her in.

"What's wrong?" He embraces her.

"I'm so stupid. I'm so stupid!" She released him and started pacing around.

"What happened?" He shut the door and turned his attention to her.

"He cheated on me, again. I don't understand. I thought we were doing so good." She sighed. "I'm sorry, I keep venting to you with all my problems. You know what? I should get him back. Get some revenge. How about you kiss me? How about that?"

"H­-hey." Jon got pushed down on the couch and she straddled him. "Mel." He tried to reason.

She sighed and got off him. "What's gotten into me?" She ran her hands through her hair. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen. I'm just not myself. Ugh, and now you think I'm crazy. I'm sorry."

"It's no problem." He fixed his shirt.

"No problem? I just straddled you. Weren't you going to­-"

"Mel, I'm not going take advantage of you when you're like this. You need to cool down and clear your head. You just need to think."

Melanie exhaled. "Thanks. That makes me feel a lot better."

He stood up and noticed a small bruise on her hand. "Did he hit you?"

Melanie looked away. "...Almost. He grabbed me pretty hard."

"You're getting out of that relationship. Now."

"It's nothing really-­"

"Are you kidding me? Ever since you started dating him, you've been losing your mind. You're getting out of this unhealthy relationship. Now. He isn't going to drag you down from being a great wrestler just because he isn't."

"But I­-"

"You can stay with me. Okay?"

"This is happening so fast."

"Then just spend the night. No way in hell I'm letting you go back there. We'll pick up your stuff tomorrow."

She gave him a small smile. "Thanks. I appreciate this."

"No problem. Come on, let's just chill and watch a movie to get your mind off things."

After they get situated and sit on the couch, Jon hands her a bowl of popcorn made from the stove. She popped one in her mouth and looked at the popcorn weirdly. "Uh...what the heck is in this?"

"Oh, Chrissy and I started to put random crap in our popcorn and I decided to make this. You like? I put cinnamon in it." Jon grinned.

Melanie started to smile and popped another one in her mouth.

"It's...freakishly good. Wanna play Truth, Truther, or Truthest?" She suggested as she sat next to Jon on the couch, pretzel style.

"What the hell, all right." he shrugged, turning his head to her instead of the TV. "Truthest."

"Hm...ever got arrested?"

"Oh yeah." He replied and began to tell her the crazy stories. It amused Melanie in some way, but she did feel bad. But he reassured her that he was fine. "Stop being such a cutie, and stop worrying so much. I'm fine."

"All right, all right." She accepted his wishes and popped another grape in her mouth. After several back-and-forth questions, it was back to Jon.

"Truther." He replied.

"How many chicks have you slept with?"

"A lot."

Melanie rolled her eyes out of amusement. "You're a piece of work. Truthest."

"How many people have YOU slept with?"

"Still none." She shrugged

The next morning, Melanie got ready to leave. "Thanks for spending the night with me."

"No problem. What are friends for? Those horror movies we watched were so corny though. We gotta find some good ones." Jon brought up. "I'll make sure to find something better."

"Great. So what are your plans for today?"

"Wrestle, drink some beer, screw a couple of chicks. The usual."

"Ah...I see. Well, I hope you have fun."

"Thanks, I will. Is that jerk gonna yell at you again?" He asked as they start walking down the street.

"He just...really envies you for some reason. I always see him getting so hyped up, around you. It's like a competition, every time he sees you."

"Melanie. Remember what I told you. End it and be careful."

She nodded. "I will. Don't worry. I know how much you care." She smiled and he headed off to the gym to train, while she continued walking down the street.

Greg quickly appeared behind her, giving her an annoyed look. "Well well. It looks like you seem to leave, every chance you get, to wrap your arms around him and make sure you're the only important woman in his life." Greg berated her as she quickly turned around.

"You scared me." She held her chest. "And what are you talking about? It's not like that."

"Oh really? Then where were you last night?"

"At a friend's. I slept over."

"With whom exactly?"

"Look, don't tell me how to live my life-"

"Shut up. The way he touches and looks at you, disgusts me. Stop seeing him."

"But I­-"

"I wasn't asking for your permission. You are going to stop seeing him. And if I catch you with him, it won't be pretty, got it? You are my business and I demand to know everything that you are doing. You're not gonna talk to him ever again, you hear me?"

Something inside of her clicked, and she couldn't take it anymore. "You know what? No. I'm not going to stop seeing him."

"What did you just say?" He glared at her.

"You are the biggest asshole, ever. I'm done. I can't take it anymore. I'm breaking up with you. All you do is treat me like shit, you screw all these skanky ass bitches, and you don't give me the respect I deserve. So you know what? Fuck you, and have a nice life."

Greg let out a laugh. "You can't break up with me."

"I just fucking did. I'm out of here." She turned and stormed off.

"You're gonna regret this!" He yelled.

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More Posts from Smolwritingchick

1 year ago

Forced to Believe Chapter 7- The Shield's Girl

Forced To Believe Chapter 7- The Shield's Girl

Chapter Summary: Morgan continues to manage The Shield and play her part in making sure they win their matches

Words: 2,000+



The Shield are in the ring cutting another promo. "When we arrived to the WWE, we said we would bring justice to an unjust world and that's just what we've done." Ambrose said.

"Brick by brick by brick, we have torn down the wall of injustice that has been building up in this company for years. From the moment we began our crusade at Survivor Series until, well, right now, not a person that has stood in our way has been able to stop us. As a matter a fact, we changed the course of WWE we stopped Ryback for becoming WWE champion." Seth spoke.

"No one can stop the hounds of justice. Not the great one." Roman recalled.

"Not even a giant...Not a warrior..." Morgan added.

"And not even the champ." Ambrose said. "But those men, were mortal. Last week, we look at immortality right in the face, we forced injustice to the Undertaker." The crowd cheers for Taker. "Deadman, Phenom, call him whatever you want, but call him a victim. For too long The Undertaker has been justice for the WWE, generations bowed down to him, but you see, The Shield bows to no one."

"Rest in peace." Roman said the catchphrase as the titantron shows a promo about what The Shield did to The Undertaker last Friday.

"Thing is, justice doesn't care if you're undefeated at WrestleMania, doesn't care if you're the champion, justice doesn't care who you are. When your number gets called, justice strikes without warning. Without mercy." Ambrose continues.

"And John Cena, Ryback, despite The Shield's repeated lessons of justice­-" Morgan began but got cut off.

'We're a three man band!'

3MB comes out as Morgan starts to look annoyed. 

"Morgan doesn't look too happy about 3MB interrupting her." King said

"Shield, shut up." Heath spoke on the mic as the crowd cheered at his statement

"Whoa, wow." King said, taken aback.

"You think you got business with John Cena and Ryback? You got some unfinished business with 3MB tonight!" Heath continued.

"I'm sorry but did you just interrupt me?" Morgan asked in a stern voice.

"Yeah, we did. Problem?" Heath questioned, not bothered.

"I'm sorry but do you know who I am? I break faces and I don't mind breaking yours. I'm more dangerous than I was when I wasn't with The Shield. I kicked the Undertaker in the face! In the face! You can't touch this!" Morgan yelled. "...But you three are really killing my vibe so how bout you and your little boy band that isn't going anywhere, head back to the locker room before things...get a little Morganized..."

"Morganzied?" Cole asked as she earns a few cheers, while The Shield smirked at her comment.

"You see, back at TLC you did an injustice," she went on. "You messed with the Spanish announce team. Did you really think you were going to get away with it? I wanted some revenge of my own for that. I have been waiting to kick you three in the head and give you three a backfire. And...tonight may be my night."

"Are you done, sweetheart?" Heath asked 

Morgan's jaw drops. "Excuse me?"

"I don't think 3MB listened to Morgan." Cole said with amusement.

"Bad move, they'll regret it later." JBL warned

"No one wants to hear you. Now if you excuse me, I'll be getting back to these three men in the ring. Not the Philly bombshell." Heath said, ignoring her.

Morgan scoffed and dropped the mic. She was about to get out of the ring but Rollins grabbed her by the waist, holding her back. 

"Who the bloody hell do you think you are?" Drew asked. "We were mere seconds from showing Triple H exactly how we rock and roll. But no, you, The Shield decided to crash our party."

"But now, we crash your party and rock your face!" Jinder said as Rollins released Morgan once she calmed down. 

"You got to be kidding me..." JBL says as Roman looked amused.

Heath kicks the steel steps and so does Drew and 3MB surround the ring.

"This might be interesting." King looked on.

"I admire their courage." JBL bluntly said, knowing what was about to happen.

All of a sudden, Morgan grabs Heath by the hair and throws him in the ring. 

"Whoa!" King exclaimed as the crowd cheers when she gives him a quick backfire. 

The rest of 3MB were about to attack her but The Shield gang up on them and start to take control. Then, Kane's theme comes on as The Shield look alert while Kane and Daniel Bryan walk out. When Team Hell No gets in the ring, The Shield quickly leave and watch as Team Hell No fight 3MB. Daniel starts kicking 3MB and then starts throwing them out of the ring with Kane.

"Does everybody hate 3MB?" JBL asked as Daniel started doing the yes chants. "Think The Shield are gonna come back?"

"Maybe not." King replied.

Morgan tweets twice, 'Got some revenge tonight. I thank Team Hell No for helping me out. Thanks for those kicks Daniel. #IOweYou'

'That will be the #LAST time 3MB will interrupt me. Wonder who will be on my list to get #Morganized'


During The Shield's match against Team Hell No and Cena, Daniel throws Roman out the ring as the crowd goes wild. Daniel tries to crawl toward his team to make a tag as The Shield desperately tries to get Roman back in the ring. 

"There's some panic in the team of The Shield." King said. 

Kane gets tagged in and starts to take control of Ambrose. Rollins gets in the ring, only to get his throat grabbed and thrown out the ring by Kane.

"And the numbers are in the favor of Team Hell No and John Cena." Cole looked on. Kane throws Ambrose out the ring and gets out the ring. "Oh no."

Kane takes the top off the announce table as the crowd's cheers get louder. 

"Hey! What are you doing!?" Morgan yelled, getting nervous.

"What is Kane doing here?" Cole called out

"He wants some payback for his brother." JBL noted.

"No, don't do it!" Morgan shouted as she ran toward Ambrose and Kane. The crowd was shocked by her outburst.

"Did she just defend Ambrose?!" King asked in disbelief.

"I think hell has frozen over!" JBL exclaimed.

"Look at Morgan, trying to beg for mercy." Cole said as she continued to beg Kane

"I don't think that's going to happen though."

"Don't do it, don't do it! Please! I'm sorry! We're sorry! We didn't mean to powerbomb your brother! I didn't mean to kick him in the face! We're sorry! Just don't hurt him! Please!" Morgan pleaded

"Is she trying to sweet talk Kane?" King asked.

Kane looks at her and then he grabs Ambrose into the chokeslam hold.

"No!" Morgan shouted

Rollins runs to hit Kane but Kane hits him to the floor and releases Ambrose. In the ring, Cena is talking to the ref and that gave time for Ambrose to do the DDT on him as Morgan grins.

"That's what I'm talking about!" she applauded. 

Ambrose crawls back into the ring. The ref starts counting and Kane gets back up at 9.

"Wear him out!" Seth exclaimed as he watched Ambrose take control of Kane in the ring.

"I beat your brother and I'm gonna beat you!" Ambrose yelled at Kane. 

Ambrose does the Undertaker's taunt and runs toward the ropes only to get caught in a chokeslam.

"Chokeslam!" Cole shouted. "Kane finds an opening." 

Ambrose tags Reigns while Kane tags in Cena. 

"Here comes Cena!" Cole went on as Cena started to take control.

Morgan gets on the apron. "Hey!" she yelled and then started trash talking to him. 

Cena looks amused and runs toward her, pushing the ropes she was holding on. It makes her lose her balance and grip as she begins to fall back.

"Whoa!" she shrieked, mentally preparing for the pain of the ringside mat to hit her back. 

But she ends up getting caught bridal style by Ambrose as she falls into his arms. He lets her down and releases her and Morgan slams her hands on the apron.

"Are you kidding me!?" She screamed as Cena and the crowd laughed

She tries to get back in the ring but Ambrose holds her from behind by wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Calm down, calm down," Ambrose murmured in her ear.

"Is it me or is Ambrose and Morgan really touchy." King pointed out in concern.

"Indeed they are, King." JBL replied, liking it.

"First he saves her, then she returns the favor, now this?"

"She got brainwashed by Ambrose. That's why she's acting like this." Cole declared.

"For crying out loud, she is not brainwashed. She believes in The Shield." JBL disagreed. 

Ambrose releases her and gets back on the apron as the crowd starts chanting 'Harley Quinn'

"I am not Harley Quinn!" Morgan screamed at the crowd as Cole laughed. She turns to him, pointing at him who had his reading glasses on, "This is all your fault, four eyes!" 

"What? I didn't do anything." Cole exclaimed as she went to continue watching the match.

As Morgan watches, she sees Cena preparing for his signature move. Cena looks at her and does the 'You Can't See Me' taunt, earning a glare from her. He then performs the five knuckle shuffle on Reigns. During that, Seth runs to get on the turnbuckle to deliver a cross body on Cena, only for Cena to pick him up easily.

"That is God-given strength." JBL looked on, impressed.

"Cena pulls through!" Cole exclaimed. 

Cena prepares for the Attitude Adjustment but his leg gives out and Reigns spears him for the win.

"Yes!" Morgan yelled and ran in the ring to hug Reigns. Seth ran in too, joining the hug. 

"And the winners of this match, The Shield!" Justin announced as Ambrose rolled into the ring to celebrate with his team


The titantron is darkened and the crowd can hear someone getting beat up. Ambrose picks up the camera as the crowd cheers. 

"Doesn't it just break your heart when the champ becomes the chump?" Ambrose asked.

"The so called Phenom isn't so phenomenal," Seth added.

"We broke John Cena, we broke the Undertaker, and we're gonna break the deadman's little brother next." Reigns said with confidence.

"Kane, you are so misguided. You think justice is taking vengeance on your family? That's just your head messing with you, justice is when we put the raging monster down. And that's you." Ambrose continued.

"Justice is inescapable, you can do all the running and hiding you want but sooner or later, it's gonna catch up. Now Kane, we put your brother down." Seth said.

"And I kicked your brother straight in the face as he rested in peace." Morgan spoke up, reminiscing on how good it felt to do so.

"And it could of been a whole lot worse. You don't believe? You don't believe us? But, by the end of the night, you're gonna believe."

"You're gonna believe in The Shield" Roman said and dropped the camera as the camera showed Daniel Bryan hurt.

'In The Ring'

During Dean's match against Kane, Kane hits Ambrose off the top rope. 

"Get up Dean! Get up!" Seth yelled.

Kane chokeslams Ambrose as The Shield start to get upset and worried. Morgan bangs on the mat.

"Come on Dean!" Reigns starts to throw a fit. 

Kane was about to do the tombstone piledriver but Rollins gets on the apron and Kane releases Ambrose to kick Rollins in the face. Morgan goes to check on him after he hits his face off the announce table. 

Ambrose clotheslines Kane out of the ring but gets his feet grabbed by him as he pulls him out and bounces his head off the announce table. Reigns tries to hit Kane but Kane throws him to the steel steps. 

Morgan looks shocked at the chaos and starts to back up once Kane turns his attention to her. 

"I didn't do anything, why are you looking at me?" she asked with her hands up in defense.

Later on, Ambrose rolls back in the ring and hits Kane's injured knee before taking the victory after hitting him with his finisher. Afterward, Rollins, Reigns and Ambrose hit Kane with the triple powerbomb.

"Pick em' up..." Morgan ordered as they picked Kane up for her. "I'm not sorry about what I've done to your brother. He deserved it. Just like you deserve this." she said before giving him a hard spinning kick to the face.

'Next week, Raw'

Morgan wears Black pants, black boots, a black tank top with fingerless black gloves and her hair is in a ponytail. She watches The Shield's match against The Usos and Kofi, managing them at ringside.

"Damn!" Morgan yelled in shock as she saw Seth kick one of the Usos off the apron after giving the other a scoopslam.

"Rollins with a cheap shot." Cole said. 

Kofi looks upset but the ref tells him to stay on the apron. Later on, Ambrose gets tagged in and so does Kofi as he takes control of Ambrose. Later Kofi does a crossbody on him but Reigns breaks it up. An Uso and Roman fight outside the ring and then he clotheslines them outside the ring.

"Freaking clothesline!" JBL exclaimed. "Wow!" 

Kofi was on the top rope and as Reigns distracts the ref Morgan quickly pushes Kofi off the top rope so Dean can do his finisher for the win.

Morgan shrugged. "Nothing personal..."

The Shield celebrate in the ring and have their fists out. "Believe In The Shield!" Roman yelled

"This is a dangerous, dangerous team boys." JBL announced. "This is their yard. They own it."

'Welp. #NothingPersonal WWEUsos TrueKofi #BelieveInTheShield' Morgan tweets.


During Dean's match with Daniel Bryan who has Kane at ringside, Daniel traps him into the No Lock.

"No! No!" Seth exclaimed. 

The Shield start to panic. Seth Rollins tries to get in the ring but Kane and the ref try to stop him. Meanwhile, Roman Reigns breaks up the submission. Morgan looks relieved as Kane gets attacked by Rollins and Reigns. 

"What the hell!?" She yells as Kofi runs in and attacks Ambrose. 

The ref rings for the bell as Ambrose wins by DQ. The crowd cheers for Kofi.

"Kofi getting himself some!" Cole exclaims. Then Team Hell No and Kofi fight off The Shield and throw them out the ring. Morgan helps up Ambrose.

"Are you kidding me!? He was about to win!" She yells at Kofi. Kofi's theme comes on as The Shield escape and look mad.

'Unbelievable! #Injustice! TrueKofi had no right to interfere while #MyJoker was about to win!' Morgan tweets.

'Next week, Smackdown'

Ambrose wraps his arms around Morgan's waist, standing behind her, resting his chin on her shoulder as they watch Seth and Roman's match against the Usos. 

"Ugh...they make me sick..." Cole gagged.

JBL laughed. "Not to me. I love these two."

"How can she let him touch her? After all those months of going against The Shield and slapping Ambrose. She hit him with all those chair shots, does she not remember that? He had to had done something JBL. It's like as the weeks are going by she is changing for the worst,"

"For the better, Cole. For the better. She has probably opened her eyes to see what a great man Ambrose is,"

When one of the Usos hits Rollins out the ring, Ambrose and Morgan release each other and look at the chaos. Reigns spears the other Uso to win the match. 

Afterward, the hounds of justice start attacking the fallen Uso while Morgan watches in delight. Then Kofi comes to their rescue but The Shield throws him out the ring. They start to continue their attack with the fallen Uso but then Kofi comes back in with the chair and hits Ambrose as the three male Shield members get out the ring.

Morgan shrieks and ducks from Kofi's chair shot and quickly gets out of the ring. The Shield regroup as Kofi's theme comes on. The Philly diva shakes her head and glares at Kofi as he talks trash to The Shield. 

"What you gonna do? Come on!" Kofi yelled

'Almost got #Whacked in the face by a chair. Not pretty.' Morgan tweets.


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1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 2- My WWE Debut

Forced To Believe Chapter 2- My WWE Debut

Author's Note: Here we have some more filler before going straight to the main roster. When I wrote this I focused more on what happens onscreen instead of offscreen but as the story progresses I started adding more on what happens with Melanie 

The Jake Roberts OC is from an old fanfic friend of mine back on's site, magmon1000. I decided to keep it in!

Chapter Summary: Melanie continues her wrestling career in TNA and FCW before finally getting called up to debut on the main roster at Survivor Series 2012 as Morgan Lopez. She has some words to say about The Shield which begins to make her a target of the group

Words: 9,000+


"There are some crazy-looking guys here. Especially with a lot of tattoos and gothic clothing." Leah, Melanie's friend from the gym said as she walked into her locker room after the CZW show was over

Melanie had met her when she was training to become a wrestler. Leah had helped her work out, thanks to her high school wrestling coach and they have been friends ever since.

Melanie removed her ponytail and laughed. "You'll get used to it. I did after a month. Jon broke me out of my shell and now I can't get enough of everyone. We're always hanging out."

"Yeah, and you and I are having a night out. Just the two of us. We gotta talk."

"Something up?" she asked with concern. She wore a black tank top, leather pants, a leather jacket, and black boots, already ready to hang out with Leah.

"It's my boyfriend. I think he's cheating on me..." Leah looked down.

"What? No way. Come on, let's go to the bar."

Melanie drove Leah to a local bar in South Philly, downtown, and sat at the counter. "What can I get you ladies?" A female bartender asked

"I'll take a Heineken," Melanie replied as she immediately received one

"Give me the strongest drink you have," Leah replied sadly.

"Whoa! No. Don't listen to her. Give her a Heineken just like me please." Melanie declared. After the bartender gave Leah the same drink, she walked away to attend to another customer. "What the hell is the problem? Breathe. Don't do anything reckless, right now."

Leah bursted out in tears and Melanie sighed. Leah would get really emotional when it came to relationships and overthinking. "We were doing so good..."

"And you still are. Leah, get it together. He's not cheating. You gotta remember that his work hours are hectic. And remember that he always comes home to you right after he's done work and spends as much time as he can with you."

Leah nodded and wiped her tears. "You're right."

"You have a good man, Leah. I know it."

"Heh, you are like my own Doctor Phil."

"Hardy har har. I'm not a man and don't have a mustache."

"All right, let's drink!" Leah took a big gulp of her drink as Melanie laughed.

After a while of drinking, the girls start to feel a little tipsy. But Melanie was still able to do her own thing. Leah on the other hand just kept laughing.

"Hey look, it's Jon." Leah pointed out. Melanie saw Jon hanging out with Sam Johnston (Sami Callihan) and they were goofing around. The girls get off the counter and walk around the bar a little.

"I'll see him in a bit," Melanie nodded.

Leah sobered up after a while and prepared to leave, "I'm gonna go. Got to go to the gym tomorrow."

"All right." Melanie smiled and gave her a big hug goodbye.

"Bye, Mel Mel. Thanks for the advice. I can't wait to see my boyfriend when he comes home now." Leah waved and left the bar.

When Melanie turned around, she got her waist grabbed by someone. Turning her head back, she saw Jon grinning down at her.

"I thought you said you weren't coming to the bar." he chuckled and released her as she laughed and turned to face him. He definitely was a little intoxicated

"Girl talk."

"You and your girl talk."

"It's what chicks do for your information." she pushed him slightly as he had his hands up in defense.

"All right bombshell, do what you want. I don't want to get hit with that finisher of yours."

"Damn right."

Sami walked over to the two. "Hey, Mel."

"Sup?" she gives him a grin.

Suddenly Jon grabbed Melanie by the waist from behind and licked the side of her face slowly as she quickly closed her eyes

"Your face is tasty," he said drunkly.

"Oh my gosh! Ew!" she exclaimed, getting released by him as she wiped the side of her face. "What is wrong with you?" She laughed.

"He's been licking a lot of people lately. You'll get used to it." Sam replied, amused.

"I just hope that's the only thing he's doing with that tongue of his," she mentioned

"Wanna take shots?"

Melanie nodded. "Why not."

After 4 rounds of drinking, Melanie was wasted. Jon grabbed her by the waist to help her up. He had eaten and sobered up and watched them take shots. And seeing she was at her limit, it was time for her to go home.

"Yeah, it's time to go home. I'm gonna take her to my apartment. She won't be able to drive." Jon brought up as he said goodbye to Sam. He got a hold of Melanie's car keys and helped her out of the bar.

"I'm not drunk, I can drive. Whoa!" Melanie slurred as she fell down but Jon caught her and picked her up bridal style.

"Yeah, you're drunk all right."

He drove to his apartment with Melanie continuously laughing in the backseat. "Pickles are so are Cheese Its. Cookies and cream! I want some cookies and cream." she slurred as he let out another laugh.

It was quite funny how she mumbled random things. This was the start of how their random word conversations would start from time to time.

Once he arrived at his apartment, he helped her inside. He knew it would take time for her to sober up, so he decided to just give her some water and let her lay on his bed. Once she got settled, he went to the living room and started to watch some TV.


During a Pro Wrestling Talk Show, Melanie was dragged by Sami and Jon to watch Drake Younger talk and answer questions. She was highly annoyed with Moxley who began making smart-ass comments.

"Would you cut it out!?" She hissed and kicked his leg while Drake started talking about his time in Amsterdam and who he hung out with.

As Sami and Moxley continued shouting smart remarks, Drake had enough.

"If you got a problem, you can come down here. You can come down here and say something if you got a problem." Drake spoke and stood up to try to find out who was talking.

"You're a worthless champion, Drake!" Sami shouted.

"Paper champion," Moxley commented.

"Step out in front of the light," Drake shouted back as the host tried to convince Drake to not do anything reckless. As soon as they did, Drake looked surprised. "OH~ Sami! You wanna do this here? You wanna do this here?" he got provoked while Jon and Melanie walked onto the stage.

"God I am so embarrassed..." Melanie mumbled as Jon and Sami stood behind the desk. The host got out of the way, while Melanie stood in between Drake and the Switchblade Conspiracy. "Drake, I am so sorry for their actions."

"Oh no, don't apologize for them, Melanie. Don't apologize." Drake gently moved her out of his way.

"Aye! Get your hands off of her." Moxley pointed while Melanie sighed at his possessiveness.

"We are taking over this show!" Sami stated. "Sit down and answer our questions!"

Moxley answered the phone. "Hello? Okay, I'll ask him right now." He put his feet on the desk. "Drake, the people wanna know why you aren't cool anymore? Man, you used to be so cool. You used to be like one of the guys. I remember the first time I ever met you." he starts talking about the good times he had with him. "Now you're just a big star!"

"The CZW champion," Sami added

"You are the World Heavyweight Champion, and you think that you're too good for me and Sami now. But you're not. You're still just like us Drake. I taught you the figure four, you wouldn't even know that if it wasn't for me, and I still do it better than you."

"Can we not do this, here?!" Melanie shouted as Drake traded words with Sami and Moxley.

"Don't look at my eyes, Drake! I'm like Medusa! Don't look at my eyes, Drake!" Sami yelled.

"Out of respect for this show, I'm not gonna do this here. But I swear when you guys step through my house, I will slice you, from ear to ear, chico." Drake threatened them and left while Jon and Sami continued shouting at him.

"Answer this Drake! You got me booked in Germany for a hardcore match! You know I don't do that shit! Answer that Drake!" Sami screamed.

Melanie glared at her teammates while Jon shot her an innocent look. "What?"

"Don't 'what' me! This is fucked up. You dun fucked it up! And you guys decided not to unfuck it! What the hell was that?" Melanie snapped

"Chill MelBelle. This is our show now." Sami looked at the camera. "Hello, viewers. Welcome to our show now. Welcome to our show! We call this the Switchblade hour power and we will do whatever we want. Whenever!"

Jon answered the phone again. "Hello? Uh, I think he left the studio. Hold on wait can we get Drake back in?" He looked at Sami and Melanie.

"You're joking right?" Melanie scoffed

"Let me talk to him." Sami grabbed the phone.

"Drake!? Drake!? I'll be back. Let's go Mel." Jon grabbed her hand.

She swiftly took her hand back. "Whoa whoa, why do I have to go­-hey Put me down! Jon!" She proceeded to get lifted up and put over Moxley's shoulder.


'Time Skip'

It was 2011 and Melanie had just got off the phone with Dixie Carter. She explained to her that she had caught her interest and would love for her to be a part of TNA, so she happily accepted. Melanie was in shock. It may not have been a wrestling company like WWE but TNA is still up there. She had her last match with Jon and he won from the Moxicity. After a bunch of tears and a farewell speech for the CZW crowd, she enjoyed the last night with the CZW crew with a goodbye party. 

"You're moving on up, girl." Chrissy wiped her tears.

"Ugh, no tears! You're gonna make me cry, again!" Melanie embraced her.

After saying goodbye to some other friends, Jon and Mel decide to go take a walk together, outside.

"Can't believe you're leaving."

"Hey, we'll keep in touch. I never forget those who have helped me over the years. Large or small."

Jon smiled, but he had to admit, he felt saddened that she was leaving him. "Here." He takes off his chain. "I want you to have it."

"Your chain?" She grinned and received it. "Really?"

"I want to see you with it on when you're TNA."

"Your wish is my command." She put it on. "I hope we get to wrestle in the WWE together. You're gonna make it. Trust me. We both will,"

"Thanks, Mel. You too."

"It's almost time for me to go. I hate goodbyes. Especially when you get to leave your family like this. Thank you, Jon. Seriously. These past few years with you have been super awesome. Next stop is WWE for us both."

"Hell yeah." He wrapped her arms around her, hugging her tightly. He really did not want to let her go, but he knew how much she wanted to wrestle in WWE, and TNA would be the first step.

As she started walking away, she stopped and turned back around. "This is gonna be super selfish of me, but­..."

She stood on her tippy toes, wrapping her arms around his neck, pressing her warm lips against his cool ones, softly. Jon widened his eyes in surprise. He wasn't expecting that, but he was not complaining as he kissed her back, tilting his head to the side. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her in closer. It felt really good to kiss the girl he's been crushing on for the past few years.

As she pulled back, he already started to miss her warmth. She smiled at him. "I'll see you soon."

"Definitely." He smirked softly


'Against All Odds'

In TNA, during Madison's match against Mickie James, Melanie ran down the ramp and tossed Madison some brass knuckles.

"Who the hell is that?!" Taz looked on from commentary

"I don't know but she seems to be buddies with Madison!" Mike Tenay yelled.

Madison hit Mickie in the face with the brass knuckles and stole the victory. Melanie celebrated with Madison as Tara recovered from getting hit by Mickie with Madison's glove.

"Finish her!" Madison ordered and Melanie connected with a hard sidekick to the face to Mickie.

In the next few weeks, Melanie had been introduced by Madison, claiming to be her new bodyguard. Week after week she would attack all of Madison's opponents for her, but then things got rocky. There was one time when she actually failed to attack Mickie and caused Madison the match. She was not happy.

"You are such a distraction! You keep making me lose every single match! You don't do your job right at all! You are worthless!" Madison exclaimed and pushed her after each sentence. Melanie had enough and kicked her in the stomach, laying her out with a kick-out DDT.

"I'm sorry, who is worthless?" Melanie mocked before getting out of the ring.

For the next few weeks, Melanie would interfere in Madison's matches.

"What are you doing here!?" She exclaimed as Melanie walked down to the ring with a smile. 

Madison was having a match with Velvet Sky and was about to win once she hit the Rayne Drop on her but turned her attention to Melanie. Melanie was wearing a similar attire to Madison's Queen Bee gimmick but it was black. Velvet then managed to roll her up for a pin to win as Melanie laughed. Madison started to freak out as Velvet gets out of the ring.

But then the next week, Madison decided to turn the tables. While Melanie was facing Tara, Madison's music cued up and Melanie turned her attention to the stage. Madison walked up with a grin and did her trademark princess wave to add insult to injury.

Melanie glared at her but then turned around to get clotheslined by Tara. Madison looked on in delight but then Jake Roberts walked down the ring.

"Uh oh, Madison better run while she can. Melanie's friend, Jake Roberts isn't going to stand and let her distract Melanie." Mike said. As Madison taunted the crowd, she turned around and ended up shrieking and ran around the ring, away from Jake.

"Who do you think you are sneaking up on me like that!? Go away! This isn't any of your business!" She exclaimed. Meanwhile, in the ring, Melanie and Tara wrestled back and forth but then Melanie gave her a kick in the face as she dropped to the mat.

"Get the heck out of here!" Melanie yelled at Madison. She walked to the ropes and looked her at ringside, in front of her. The ref had his attention on Jake, trying to make him go back to the locker room.

Madison took this advantage and grabbed Melanie by the ankles to slide her out of the ring and started unloading on her with punches.

"Madison is a hell cat," Taz exclaimed

"You think you can beat me, Melanie!? Huh!?" She screamed. As the ref tried to get Jake to leave, Jake walked around the ring and grabbed Madison off of her as the crowd cheered. He picked her up over his shoulders as Madison started freaking out from being up in the air so high since he was so tall.

"Oh no he got Madison!" Taz laughed.

"Good!" Mike chuckled.

Melanie recovered and looked at Jake. "Thank you! Don't let her leave, I'm not done with her yet." she got in the ring as Tara recovered from her kick. They wrestled some more as Jake held Madison. She tried kicking and screaming at him but he wouldn't budge.

"Let me go!" Madison screeched. Boy did she have an unpleasant screech. Melanie managed to hit Tara with her finisher called the backfire which was her trademark kick-out DDT and pinned her for the win,

After Melanie won, she motioned Jake to put Madison in the ring. After he did, she speared her and started unloading on her until Madison escaped and ran away.

"Looks like Madison's plan backfired," Mike said.

Then the next week, during Madison's match against Mickie James, The rhythm from Madison's 'Killa queen' theme comes on which caught everyone's attention, but the lyrics were different and said, 'Let's Kill The Queen' instead of 'She's a Killa Queen'

Melanie had come out with a proud smile on her face as Madison's jaw dropped in shock.

"How dare you use my music!?" She yelled. "You are going to kill me!? How dare you!"

"Kill the queen? I think Melanie is on a mission to take Madison down and take her title." Taz said on commentary.

After Mickie got the win from the distraction, Melanie got in the ring and waited for Madison to get up. When Madison turned around, she got hit with the backfire as Melanie grabbed her Knockouts championship and raised it up in the air to loud cheers from the crowd. And then dropped it on Madison's knocked-out body, staring at her with a smirk.

As the two kept bickering with mind games, they finally battled it out and Melanie won the Knockouts title from her. She held it for a couple more months before dropping it to Velvet Sky. After dropping the title, weeks later she started to become AJ Styles' biggest fan, admiring his wrestling and wanting to hang with him more.


AJ was walking backstage and Melanie ran over to stop him. "Hi AJ!" She grinned.

"Hey, Melanie." AJ greeted, slightly confused.

"I just wanted to wish you luck on your match. You are just so awesome in the ring. I really admire you." She smiled brightly.

AJ chuckled, flattered at her words. "Thanks."

Then a week later, she watched AJ's match at ringside.

"What are you doing here?" AJ exclaimed

"Cheering you on!" She replied like it was the most obvious thing ever

Then after that, AJ decided to let her watch his matches. Then over the next few months, they became good friends and great tag partners as they took down whatever opponents were in their way. But that all came crashing down on the Thursday after Against All Odds in 2012. AJ was up against Robbie E for the Television Champion.

"Come on AJ!" She cheered on. But then, Daniels and Kazarian walked down the ramp. "AJ!" She got on the apron.

AJ looked confused while he was on the other apron, looking at Melanie as she tried to motion him to turn around but it was too late. The ref called for the bell when AJ was attacked by Kazarian.

"Your winner by disqualification, AJ Styles." Christy Hemme announced as Melanie went to help him. But when she tried to, AJ got up and immediately pushed her away.

"What is your problem?" She exclaimed.

"If you hadn't distracted me, I could have taken them out!" He yelled at her.

"Are you serious? You are blaming this on me?"

"You keep distracting me!"

"I was only trying to help-"

"I don't want your help! You are always in the way! I don't want you around anymore! I'm tired of this!"

"You know what? Fine! Be that way! Don't come crying back to me when you need me to help you, got it?" She bumped her shoulder against his, walking past him to leave. 

He had no right to take his anger out on her like that. She knew he was going through a lot since Kazarian abandoned Styles during their match with Samoa Joe and Magnus to be with Christopher Daniels but he needed to get it together.

After that, Melanie was called up for FCW and she immediately asked for a release. She went straight to Florida, reuniting with Jon and meeting everyone else. She had a new character and the name was Morgan Lopez. And she vowed to make Morgan Lopez an amazing homegrown name in the WWE.

Spending time in FCW with Jon was fun as they continued to spend time together as best friends and were even put into a storyline together with his character Dean Ambrose obsessing over her



Morgan is backstage with Summer Rae. "Hello, Morgan." Summer Rae grinned

"Hey Summer, what's up?" Morgan smiled

"So, what do you think about Dean Ambrose? You think he's cute?"

Morgan gave her a confused look and retorted, "You're joking, right? That guy is crazy and obsessive."

"Am I now?" She heard a raspy voice behind her as she widened her eyes. Summer quickly left the scene as Ambrose sniffed Morgan's hair and put some hair behind her left ear. "You know what I like about you? Everything. You can be so pure and innocent but also feisty and determined. It drives me crazy. I think I found my mate," he smirked and walked away while Morgan looked creeped out. 

In the ring, Morgan got distracted by Dean during her match against Raquel Diaz and got pinned by a roll-up pin to lose the match. "Are you freaking kidding me!? What is wrong with you?" She exclaimed as she recovered from the pin. Dean just looked amused as he stood on the apron, watching her.

"You think this is funny?" She retorted before giving him a stinging slap in the face as the crowd 'Ohed' in response.

Ambrose slowly turned his head toward her and grinned.

"She just slapped the crazed Dean Ambrose and I think he liked it," William Regal called on commentary, bewildered.

'Next week on FCW' Morgan bumped into Ambrose backstage and glared at him. "What do you want?" She spat

"You know Morgan...when you slapped me...I have never felt so alive," he admitted, reminiscing on the slap. She looked confused as he went on, "You know, I really think Morgan Ambrose has a nice ring to it, don't you think?"

She stared at him like he was crazy. Not him putting her name with his last name.

"What is wrong with you?" she shook her head

"You made me like this Morgan. I think about you every day, night, week, month, second, whatever. I just want you to acknowledge me."

"What­-you're­-you're insane!" she quickly got away from him once again

'Next Week'

Dean was lying down on a lounge chair, while James Bronson was sitting beside him. "Well, seems that you obsession with being the best in the world. And I admire that. And it also seems that you have an obsession with Mister William Regal. But I also see that you have an obsession with Morgan Lopez. Tell me your thoughts on Morgan," James said.

"Do you really have to ask? You already know. Everybody already knows. She...she completes me. Everything about her is...perfect. Her smooth skin...her beautiful smile...she's a doll. I know her better than she does. I know everything about her. She needs to understand that I'd do anything for her. Morgan belongs to me and if any man in this arena has a problem with it, I will lay them out. And the one man who Morgan seems to be around with often is..." Ambrose growled. "William Regal..."

"We're making progress here. This is good." James looked at his notes.

Later on, Morgan was backstage and couldn't help but watch Dean Ambrose cutting a promo at ringside.

"You know Morgan, I don't like to be ignored. I will find a way to get your attention. Even if it means getting your loved ones involved." Dean dropped the mic as she looked confused by his statement


A few weeks later, backstage, a fight erupted between Bronson and Ambrose. He put Dean into a submission from behind, on the ground.

"Give up! I wanna hear you say it!" Bronson yelled. "You wanna give up!?"

All of a sudden, a few refs and FCW superstars rush to his aid and try to make Bronson break the hold.

"Stop it! What are you doing!?" Morgan yelled as she marched over to them.

"Give up you piece of shit!" Bronson yelled.

"Enough!" She yelled and Bronson let go of the hold. "That was not cool at all, who the hell do you think you are? He did nothing to you! What are you trying to prove?"

"Morgan, stay the hell out of my way. I don't have to listen to you since you're one of Maxine's assistants. Get out of here."

She glared at him while Bronson smiled smugly and walked away. She turned her attention to Ambrose. Although she didn't like him, she was hoping that he was okay. She decided to kneel down and help him.

"I got him." She stated and the refs and superstars left the scene.

'Later' Morgan was ordered to be the ref for Bronson's match and ended the match once he made his opponent tap. She scowled at him and decided not to raise his hand. When his opponent recovers, Bronson puts him in another submission hold. 

"Enough! Back off! You won the match already!" She yelled and tried to break the hold. A moment later Bronson broke it and stood up.

"What did I say about getting in my way, little girl? Stay out of my way!"

"Just leave already." She tried to step up to him. "You've won, just leave. Please."

"Leave? How about you make me. Make me Morgan! Make me leave! What are you going to do? Nothing! So shut your mouth!"

The crowd booed him but then Regal got in the ring and attacked him.

"Regal isn't going to stand for such disrespect. And now Regal is attacking Bronson and putting him in the Regal Stretch!" One of the commentators exclaimed as Morgan stepped away from the action. "And now Garret Dylan is out here." The commentator added as he attacked Regal.

Bronson and Garret gang up on him while Morgan tried to stop it. She does but then the two males turn their attention to her.

"Stop it!" She yelled but Bronson grabbed her by the hair. 

All of a sudden, Ambrose rushes into the ring and hits Garret with a lariat. Bronson threw Morgan to the mat while the impact made a loud noise which made the crowd 'Oh' in response. She held her head and crawled over to one of the bottom turnbuckles to lean on. Regal managed to put Garret in the Regal Stretch, while Ambrose put Bronson in the Regal Stretch too.

"Oh, it hurts right?! It hurts!?" Dean taunted Bronson.

"What is going on!?" The commentator exclaimed as Morgan looked on in shock. "Is this really happening!? The heck is going on?"

Ambrose and Regal look at each other and release their submissions. They stared at each other and Regal pointed at him and got out of the ring.

Morgan held her head and tried to recover and saw Dean, who was shirtless and in jeans, staring at her intently. She couldn't help but feel a little bit attracted to the crazy man. To his hair, his hairy chest, and the way he was watching her, it was clear that Ambrose really wanted her. After all the times he tried to get her attention, this one took the cake. He finally did something normal for a change and saved her from Bronson, with help from Regal. She tried to stand up but failed and Ambrose got out of the ring. He walked around the ring and decided to carry her bridal style as the crowd cheered.

Morgan reluctantly wrapped her arms around his neck but began to like the position she was in.

"Is Morgan smiling?" The commentator asked as she started to look happy while Ambrose carried her backstage.

'Next Week'

Morgan was in the mirror, primping, and caught Dean in the mirror, wearing a white shirt and jeans.

"I've been looking for you," she said and continued putting on her lip gloss. "You know, I keep replaying that incident in my head, of what happened last week. When you saved me, after all we've been through. I just want to know why. Why did you save me?" she turned around while he walked up to her.

He grabbed a piece of her brown hair and sniffed it. "Maybe it's because I couldn't take it if something bad happened to you. It was a reflex to save you. No one is going to hurt you, Morgan. No one." He declared and walked away.

Later on, Morgan watched his match against an FCW superstar at ringside and Dean hit the kickout DDT that she used, The backfire. Bored, Morgan began walking away as Dean looked surprised. "Morgan's leaving." A commentator says. "And look at the face of Ambrose. He isn't too happy about that."

Ambrose pinned his opponent for the win and didn't even wait for the ref to raise his hand. He instantly slid out of the ring and ran after her. "Morgan! Morgan! Where is she? Where is she!?" He screamed.

He started seething and ran his hands through his hair. He groaned loudly and held his heart. "She broke my heart. She broke my dare she do this? How dare she do this to me!? She took advantage of me and played with my feelings! I thought she was going to love my match and praise me but I guess I was wrong. I'm not good enough for her, aren't I? She believes I'm not good enough for her. She isn't going to get away. She is going to feel my wrath!" Dean continued. "I don't care how long I have to wait, I will make her acknowledge me! I will take my aching heart and tear it apart for her! I will even die for her! Does she not know that she completes me? Does she not know that I want her to look at me and praise me? I guess she doesn't seem to care. But don't worry..." He began to smirk. "She will. I will make sure she cares. She'll see real soon! I vow it!" He yelled at the camera and stormed off.


During the next episode of FCW, Husky and another superstar start brawling in the ring with the ref out cold. Before this, they had a match but it quickly escalated into a brawl. "Enough! Enough, stop this!" Maxine, the FCW general manager, walked out with Morgan and William Regal. Morgan had continued to be Maxine's assistant when she wasn't doing matches on FCW. "I need some help, get some help! Now!" She saw officials and FCW Superstars running in the ring, trying to break it up. One of the superstars who ran was Dean Ambrose. "Go! Go!" She exclaimed.

Maxine decides to get on the apron when she sees the fight isn't getting separated.

"Maxine look out!" Morgan shouted but it was too late because she accidentally got bumped into Brad Maddox while she was trying to get in the ring. Maxine held her head and was down on the mat as Regal and Morgan came to her aid. "Are you okay?"

The fight went on outside as Ambrose, Maxine, Morgan, and Regal were left in the ring. Ambrose glanced at Regal and Morgan and then back at the fight while he was on the apron. He decided to attack Regal from behind.

"Dean!" Morgan yelled as Maxine crawled away from the fight. "What are you doing!?"

Ambrose started unloading on him. But then Regal gave him a hard punch in the face as Ambrose stumbled back and got out of the ring. Regal took off his jacket as Maxine and Morgan stood in the middle of the ring, between the two men who were at ringside. Maxine glanced at Ambrose and William and started to smile.

"What are you planning?" Morgan asked, knowing that smile Maxine was showing.

Maxine's FCW theme played out in the arena as Ambrose and Regal stared each other down while Morgan looked worried.

"Was this what Ambrose meant when he said he would go after one of Morgan's loved ones? Regal and Morgan have gotten close over the months of FCW." An FCW commentator says

"Please don't tell me you're going to make them have a match." She pleaded with Maxine.

"I got this handled," Maxine reassured her. Before Ambrose left to go backstage, Regal applauded him.

Afterward, Morgan rushed after Regal. "Regal, please don't tell me you are going to wrestle Dean. Maxine said she made the match. Don't do it. Please don't wrestle him. You did it once, you don't need to do it again."

Regal lifted up her chin and smiled at her. "This needs to be done, Morgan. This is going to be closure."

'Next Week' Norman Smiley, who has the FCW heavyweight championship in his hands, Maxine, and Morgan, who was still Maxine's assistant, were in the ring while Maxine talked about having an eight-man elimination tournament. "In this tournament, the participants will compete against each other, over the next couple weeks. And then the final four will compete in a fatal four-way match. And whoever wins will be the new FCW world heavyweight champion."

"Let's please bring out the participants," Maxine announced as they walked out one by one. "FCW 15 champion, Seth Rollins! Leo Kruger! Big E Langston! Leakee! Showtime Percy Watson! Damien Sandow! Dean Ambrose! And Husky Harris! Gentlemen as you know, you will be competing against each other over the next couple of weeks."

Morgan couldn't help be feel an intense gaze in her direction. 'Don't look. Don't look, Morgan. Do not look.' she tried to warn herself as she tried to continue listening to Maxine. But after a few moments, she decided to look as she locked eyes with Ambrose. 'Just my luck. Why would you look at him? Why?'

Ever since Dean attacked Regal, they have gone at it while Morgan got stuck in the middle. She is close to Regal and admires his ring work. But she doesn't want him to get hurt because Ambrose is a dangerous man. But there was a small part of her that was interested in the weird guy.

"But right now, Damien Sandow and Leakee, you will compete right now in a match. And Morgan here will be the special referee for the tournament matches for the next few weeks." Maxine declared, making Dean smirk and the crowd cheer. "The rest of you please leave the ring."

"Wait, what?" Morgan snapped her head to her. "I don't even have a shirt-"

"Taken care of," Maxine replied.

"Why me?"

"Why not? You are my assistant after all."

"But why can't a regular ref do it?"

"It's done, Morgan."

Morgan exhaled while everyone left the ring but her, Leakee, and Damien. She received a referee shirt and put it on while standing in the middle of the ring.

"Why me...?" She mumbled

During another episode of FCW, Summer and Morgan were backstage.

"You know you got a psychopath staring you down, hard, over there, right?" Summer asked, glancing at Ambrose, watching Morgan from afar.

"Don't push it..." Morgan mumbled. "This whole situation is just really weird..."

Audrey Marie walked over to them, making Morgan even more annoyed. She couldn't stand her. She was exceptionally aggravating and just wanted to smack the stupid grin off her face.

"Wow, I'm so glad I'm not you, Morgan. Because I'm the diva's champion! Yeah!" Audrey bragged and showed off the title.

Without thinking, Morgan slapped her in the face before storming off.

"Whoa!" Summer exclaimed and started to laugh while Audrey rubbed her cheek, still stunned at the assault.

"What was that for!?" Audrey yelled.


Morgan walked backstage, trying to cool off but got stopped by Maxine.

"Why would you slap the diva's champion?" Maxine asked with an annoyed face expression

"She deserved it," the Philly wrestler shrugged

"Look, you can't just do that. You slapped the diva's champion, Morgan. You're supposed to be my assistant."

"I know that. It just happened...I'm sorry, okay?"

"Look I'm going to have to force action. You will not be in the number one contender diva battle royal tonight."

"What!? Maxine please­-"

"It's done. I'm sorry but this needs to be done-" Maxine trails off as she watched her storm off. She sighed and shook her head. "She never listens anymore..."

Later on the night, Morgan was sitting down on a chair backstage, burying her head in her hands, while the diva battle royal was going on. She was filled with mixed emotions. Anger, sadness, defeat. She had always dreamed of being the FCW Diva's champion, to prove that she should be here. But the dream was never going to happen because she decided to slap the diva's champion. From afar, Ambrose was watching her intently and walked over to her.

"Just go away, please." She mumbled but Dean sat next to her.

"You should release it," Dean responded.

"Release what?" She sat up to glance at him.

"All that frustration and anger. Show them that you should be in that battle royal." he goes on, making her more irate about the situation. She stood up and headed off to the ring. "Release it, Morgan! Release it!" He shouted.

Morgan didn't know why she went along with what he said, but she should prove to the FCW Universe and the divas that she was not a fragile diva and deserved to take a shot at the championship. As soon as she walked out, she saw AJ, Aksana, Raquel, and Naomi still wrestling in the ring while Audrey was at ringside, watching on.

"Wait a minute, why is Morgan out here? She's not in this match." Byron brought up on commentary.

"This is going to be very interesting," Regal spoke, fully intrigued at the situation.

"Oh!" Byron shouted as Morgan speared Audrey out of her chair and started unloading on her. "Morgan is going after Audrey!"

"This is what Morgan needed. She needs to show this side more often." Regal said while Morgan threw her face first to the ring post, making the crowd 'Oh!' at the impact. She slid into the ring and gave Aksana and Naomi a double clothesline and started unloading on AJ with punches.

"Hey! What the hell!?" Raquel shouted and grabbed her off of AJ but got shoved back

"Fuck off!" Morgan shouts and continued beating up AJ.

"I have never seen this side of Morgan before," Regal murmured.

"You and me both!" Byron said as Raquel grabbed Morgan off of AJ again and tried to punch her. Morgan blocked the punch and threw her into the ring post, hurting her arm. She slammed her down before throwing her, AJ, and Naomi out of the ring. Morgan turned her attention to Aksana and gave her the backfire while the crowd cheered. "Morgan just went on a meltdown!" He exclaimed while she exhaled and ran a hand through her hair.

"Indeed. Very interesting. And I think I know who triggered it." Regal said as she walked backstage

"Who the hell do you think you are!?" Maxine marched over to her. "Didn't I say not to get involved!?"

"And?" Morgan bluntly asked.

"And!? You just ruined the match! For the next few weeks, you will not be here until after the number one contender and Audrey have their match. Do you understand me!?"

"I don't care anymore. And I don't care about being your little assistant." she stepped up to her. "And if you ever yell at me know what? I'll just let my actions speak for me."

"Excuse me? Do you know who you're talking to!?" Maxine shouted as Morgan left. "Unbelievable. What has gotten into this girl?"


'Survivor Series 2012'

In 2012, heading backstage for Survivor Series, Melanie was called into Triple H's office for a meeting.

"You wanted to see me?" She sat down in front of his desk. He seemed to be in a good mood, so she had a feeling she was going to be getting good news.

"Yes, I did. I guess you're wondering why I called you here for Survivor Series."

"Very curious." She let out a chuckle.

"Consider yourself a WWE Diva, now. You've moved up from NXT." He casually announced with a big smile.

Melanie broke out in a short laugh. "Are­-are you serious?"

Paul smiled and nodded, shaking her hand. "Welcome to the main roster, Melanie. You've earned it."

"Thank you. Thank you so much for this opportunity. Oh my gosh. Wow. I can't believe it. Thank you!"

"Here's your script. You start tonight. Think you can handle it?"

"Oh yeah. I'm ready." She grinned and walked out of his office with a big smile on her face. 

She finally got the job she wanted. To be a WWE Diva. After all the hard training at CZW, TNA, FCW, and NXT, she finally showed everyone she was worthy of becoming a WWE Diva. She wanted to be different from the other divas and bring more life into the diva's matches instead of it being only 2 minutes. She wanted to do stuff with the guys too, to bring a little spice of the attitude era back just like Chyna and Lita did back in the day.

She told Triple H everything she wanted to do in the future of her wrestling career when she was in NXT and now it seems like he was granting her wish, having faith in for to pull it off in the PG era of WWE.

She examined the script. It looks like she was going to be with her best pal, Celeste (Kaitlyn), and then in a storyline with The Shield, which ironically was with Jon, Colby, and Joe. The four of them were together again after the FCW days. It was going to be delightful.

A couple hours before Survivor Series started, she walked down the hallway until she felt someone jumping on her back. "April! No piggyback rides!" Melanie laughs. April (AJ Lee) jumped off and hugged her tightly.

"You're here! I can't believe you finally made it to the main roster!"

"Word travels fast, huh?" Melanie beamed and saw Celeste walking over to them.

"Melanie!" She picked her up and twirled her around.

"Still as strong as ever!" The Philly diva hugged her back before getting set down.

"Congrats on finally joining us as divas. You are gonna be awesome as hell on the main roster, now. Fans are already anticipating your debut."

"I'm so excited. Seems like I'll be managing you tonight, too."

"Yep. I'll also be your guide around here. Let's go to the locker room." Celeste and April escort her to the Diva's Locker Room. "Girls! Melanie is finally on the roster!"

"About time! Girl, I've been waiting for you." Trinity (Naomi) beamed and hugged her.

"How you been girl?" Ariane (Cameron) asked, giving her a hug too.

"I'm still in a state of shock that I'm now on the main roster, so I may pass out, but I'm feeling great." The Philly diva gleefully responded.

Sarona (Tamina) walks into the locker room with Victoria (Alicia Fox). "Are you the new diva?"

"Yeah, I'm Melanie."

Sarona smiled. "Nice to meet you. Looking forward to wrestling with you."

"Me too! Cause we're having a match together, soon." Victoria reminded her. "Don't disappoint me. Give me all you got in the ring."

"You bet! Looking forward to it." Melanie nodded

"Hey, didn't you come here a couple years ago?" Layla asked.

"I try not to remember that. But yeah, I did back in 2010 for a job offer. But I left because they didn't want me to wrestle, they wanted me as a valet and that's it. So that's when I went to TNA."

"That's insane. You're crazy." Victoria pointed out. "I would have jumped on being a manager,"

"Everyone keeps telling me that." Melanie groaned

"At least you're here now," April hugged her tightly. 

'To The Ring'

After the ref raised Eve's hand, she heads straight back to beating on Kaitlyn which caused the crowd to boo. She had already won the match, retaining the Diva's Championship against her but was still trying to cause issues.

"Okay Eve, you've done enough!" Cole exclaimed as she started stomping down on her viciously.

"It looks like she wants to make a statement tonight! Let her prove she is not the one to be messed with," JBL spoke, supporting Eve's actions.

The arena began to cheer loudly once they saw Morgan running through the crowd, jumping over the barricade.

To be honest, Melanie was not expecting such a loud reception from the crowd when she wasn't even announced she'd be here tonight but it made her heart soar as she remained focused on going after Eve and making sure she did what she had to do during her first night on the main roster.

This was her debut. Attack and leave. Even showing shades of what Chyna did to Marlena. It was so exciting to her that she was finally going to make a name for herself on the main roster.

"Look at this!" King yelled in a high voice.

"Who the hell is that!?" JBL asked in confusion

"Look who it is!" King shouted as Morgan slid into the ring.

"Is that-it is! It's Morgan! Morgan Lopez from NXT!" Cole announced happily.

"What!? Morgan!? Did you know she'd be here!?" JBL exclaimed.

She jumps right on top of Eve, making her scream as she attacks her relentlessly. Eve desperately tries to push her away but to no avail.

"It looks like Miss Lopez has seen enough! Get her Morgan!" King cheered her on

"Get off of her! Where is security!? Attacking the diva's champion!? What is wrong with her!?" JBL yelled as Kaitlyn watched on with a smile on her face, moving away from the action to lean against a turnbuckle.

Eve managed to shove Morgan away and scramble her to her feet. She tried to clothesline her but missed as Morgan countered with a beautiful spinning heel kick to the face. The champion began to stagger and drop down to her knees. Finishing her off, Morgan ran to the ropes before running towards the champion, knocking her down with a shining wizard.

"And Morgan taking out Eve!" Cole looked on as the crowd cheered while Morgan went back to getting on top of her to attack.

Security guards were quick to rush down the ring to grab a hold of Morgan, keeping her away from Eve. The Philly Diva ended up laughing, proud of what she had done as she was escorted out of the ring by a bunch of security and referees

"Yeah, that's right! Take her out of here! Take her back to NXT!" JBL yelled

"I'm getting word that she is not in NXT anymore, guys. She's on the main roster now!" Cole announced

"You have got to be kidding me! Why!? She is a danger to Eve! Did you see what she did!? She attacked a helpless champion!"

"She was saving her friend, Kaitlyn!" King countered as Eve grabbed her title and jumped over the barricade, freaked out and upset her plan failed

"Security, let her go. She's with me," Kaitlyn announced on the mic as Morgan reluctantly got released and slid back in the ring.

As soon as she got up to her feet, the two girls smiled at each other and embraced tightly.

Kaitlyn then turned her attention to Eve who was in the crowd, processing what had happened, "Eve! Where you going? Your plan backfire? You see I have a little backup of my own. Meet Morgan Lopez. WWE's new Diva on the main roster. My best friend,"

The announcement made the crowd erupt into more cheers as Kaitlyn's theme came on. Morgan waved at Eve, proud of herself with a successful attack.

"Kaitlyn's not alone, tonight! Thank goodness for Morgan," Cole looked

On Morgan's Twitter, called WWEMorgan101, she tweets:

'Ahhh I'm so happy to finally be a part of the main roster of WWE! I promise to give it all I got! #MorganIsHere


'Monday Night Raw'

The next day, backstage, Morgan walked around with Kaitlyn and began to speak her disapproval about The Shield, "Hey, did you see what The Shield did to Ryback, last night? Completely weak of them to jump him like that. I seriously would like them to be in a singles competition instead of it always being 3 on 1."

"You sure? Be careful, The Shield are pretty scary." Kaitlyn replied in a wary tone.

"Not to me." Morgan shrugged.

"Okay. I hope that comment doesn't bite you in the ass."

"What's the worst that can happen?"


Morgan is backstage as she watched The Shield's interview with Michael Cole as they talked about Justice for CM Punk and how The Shield works for each other and not Paul Heyman or anyone else. After the promo, the titantron showed her watching backstage in disapproval as the crowd cheered.

"Really...?" She scoffed.

"You okay?" Kaitlyn stood next to her

"Did you see their little interview? I have never seen people so full of it. They think they run the place because they beat everyone up. What kind of bull crap is this?"

"Don't you know how dangerous they are?"

Morgan shook her head. "They aren't so tough. I give them a month before they start getting their asses kicked." She turned her attention back to the TV, while Kaitlyn appeared worried about her friend talking trash about The Shield.

After the segment, the camera goes back to the commentators. "Oh man, I hope Morgan knows what she's saying," Cole said with worry in his voice.

"What she just did was absolutely stupid. She just dug herself a grave. Stay in a diva's lane. Don't get involved with dangerous men, like The Shield." JBL warned, annoyed with Morgan's choice of words.

"And on Twitter, Morgan even Tweeted, 'The Shield aren't so tough. Bunch of bullies. What else is new? #NonBeliever #IDon'tBelieveInTheShield'" Cole read her updated tweet.

"Oh my God...she dun did it now..." JBL groaned.

"She's picking a fight. She better watch her back." King sighed, wondering what was going to happen next.

"Yeah. On the WWE APP, we have a poll about Morgan and The Shield. Do you think The Shield will confront Morgan about what she has said about them? Vote now and we'll show the results on Monday Night Raw." Cole announced.

'Next Monday, on Raw'

Morgan tweets 'First match! So ready to go. #It'sMorganTime!'

In the ring, Morgan came out to spin the bottle with Kaitlyn following her from behind. The two walked out to a very warm reception from the crowd which made the Philly diva smile wider. For her entrance, she had her right hand up, open in the air with her index finger and thumb sticking up a little and twirled around. She put her hand down and began walking to the ring with determination and excitement on her face. It was her first televised match on the main roster. She wanted to make a big impression on everybody.

"This is a singles match scheduled for one fall! Introducing the challenger, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Morgan Lopez!" Justin Roberts announced.

"Woo hoo, we get to see Morgan! And would you look at that beautiful grin? She's ready to go!" King called with excitement.

"This is Morgan's first match on Monday Night Raw and let's see how she does with Alicia Fox. Now, last week, Morgan may have said some words that she might regret. On Raw, she said 'What The Shield did to Ryback was weak.' and on Smackdown, she said 'The Shield are annoying and aren't so tough.' And on the WWE APP, we had a poll and the question was, Will The Shield confront Morgan about what she has said about them? A haunting 82 percent has said yes, while 18 percent said no." Cole informed.

"Yeah...I have a bad feeling about tonight. I hope Morgan watches her back." King murmured with worry.

"Do you really think Morgan can stand up to The Shield? They are a dangerous team." JBL retorted.

Morgan got in the ring and stood on the turnbuckle. She screamed 'Yeah!' as she raised her right hand up in the air again and the crowd got hyped. Alicia Fox glared at her while she got off the turnbuckle, unimpressed.

"You ready?" The ref asked Alicia. She nodded, keen to discourage Morgan and her dreams of staying long on the main roster. "You ready?"

"Yes," Morgan replied, nodding her head.

"Ring the bell!" The ref yelled

'Ding Ding Ding'

Morgan and Alicia circle around each other. "Here we go! Morgan's first match." Cole said. They lock up and Morgan starts kicking her multiple times before assaulting her with a spinning kick to the head as Alicia falls down on the mat, stunned.

"I think she learned a bit from Daniel Bryan." King joked as Morgan pins her, only to get a 2 count.

"You got this Morgan!" Kaitlyn cheered on.

Alicia gets up and kicks her hard in the midsection as Morgan clenches her stomach and stumbles to the turnbuckle. Alicia walks over and puts her foot on Morgan's neck, choking her for as long as she can. The ref tries to tell her to stop but then starts counting.

Alicia breaks the hold when the ref yells 4 as Morgan slides down the turnbuckle and coughs, rubbing her neck. Alicia taunts the crowd as the crowd starts to boo her. Getting up, the Philly diva waits for Alicia to turn around as she runs and spears her down.

"Wow! Look at that spear! We need a replay of that." King exclaimed

"Looks like Kaitlyn must have taught her a thing or two," Cole said as the girl cheered for Morgan and grinned. She picks Alicia up and gets her into the kick out DDT position. "And Morgan calls this move, the backfire. She got it!"

"Yes!" Kaitlyn yelled.

All of a sudden, the crowd cheers loudly and starts looking up to see The Shield, in the crowd, staring at Morgan from afar.

"What is going on­-oh my gosh, it's The Shield! The Shield is out here!" Cole yelled.

"I knew this was going to happen! I knew it!" JBL added.

Confused at the commotion, Morgan turns and looks around. After a couple seconds, she finally finds The Shield, slowly walking down the steps, through the crowd. Damn, they were that bothered by what she said? For real?

"Are you kidding me?" she mumbled to herself, failing to hide her surprised expression, widening her eyes a bit.

They picked the worst time to distract her. This was her first match and she didn't want to lose in her debut. Morgan's mind began to race as she tried her best to stay focused but as they got closer, the harder it became.

"Oh no!" King exclaimed as Kaitlyn started to panic. She began backing up to the ramp once The Shield reached the barricade.

"Morgan, Kaitlyn! Get outta there!" Cole shouted. "Get out of there, Morgan!"

"Ohhhh The Shield look upset," JBL warned

"Gosh...the look on Ambrose watching Morgan like prey is alarming. She needs to get out of the ring, right now!" King exclaimed.

Rollins and Reigns had some intimidating glares on their faces, aimed at the Philly diva as she tried her best to ignore them. But what had got to her was Ambrose's demeanor. He tilted his head to the side a little, having a sick smirk on his face. The predatory gaze sent shivers down Morgan's spine and it began to freeze her in shock. The way he was staring at her was different from his teammates and she didn't like it one bit.

While this was happening Alicia managed to recover from Morgan's finisher. Seeing that all her attention was on the three men, she took advantage and rolled her up from behind for a pin.




"Here is your winner! Alicia Fox!" Justin announced as the crowd booed.

Morgan looks around in surprise. Did that just happen?

"No way! No friggin' way!" she shouted in protest.

That did NOT just happen. They did NOT just cost her the match like that over some tweets and words. The Shield smirked to themselves, satisfied with the results of the match as they watched her freak out.

"Oh, you think that's real friggin' funny, huh? Seriously? Seriously!?" Morgan screamed at them. She shook her head and stormed out of the ring with Kaitlyn quickly following her

"Morgan is not happy. I don't think she's going to live this down." King watched on.

"Is this the last we've seen of The Shield distracting Morgan? You think she got the message?" Cole asked.

"I hope so." JBL replied

Morgan tweets 'Stupid Shield interfered in my match. #WEAK!'


'WWE Main event'

Morgan is in the ring with Kaitlyn at ringside, again, as Alicia Fox is getting in the ring.

"Morgan is here for her rematch against Alicia Fox after what happened with The Shield." Cole recapped.

"Yeah, The Shield cost Morgan her match. Her debut match. I just hope they don't do it, again." King mentioned with worry.

'Ding Ding Ding'

Alicia kicks Morgan in the midsection and slams her onto the mat. Morgan groans and holds her head before Alicia pins her for a 1 count. She continues to get the upper hand and then puts her in a headlock submission as Morgan struggles to get out of it. Kaitlyn begins banging on the mat and the crowd claps for Morgan, motivating her to get out of the submission and fight back. She starts to get the upper hand and clotheslines Alicia. Climbing up the top of the turnbuckle she waits for Alicia to get back on her feet.

"What is she doing here?" Cole questioned, anticipating her next move. Suddenly, Morgan jumps and hits a cross body on Alicia. "Oh!"

"Awesome!" Kaitlyn cheered as Morgan pinned Alicia for a two-count.

"That was impressive." King looked on while Alicia was still down, recovering. Morgan waits for her to get up. When she does, she goes to kick her but Alicia ducks and counters with a sickening kick to the face, making the Philly diva fall flat on her back. "Gosh...I think Alicia may have laid Morgan out."

Alicia pins Morgan, only to get a two-count.

"Really?" Alicia complained to the ref, getting annoyed that Morgan wouldn't stay down. They start to have a back-and-forth match but then Morgan kicks Alicia in the stomach and does the backfire and pins her to win the match.

"She did it!" King cheered as Kaitlyn ran inside to ring to hug her friend

"Here is your winner! Morgan Lopez!" Justin announced, but her celebration was cut short when The Shield was in the crowd again, putting the divas on edge. They stood on the steps, while Ambrose had a mic in his hands.

"Well well, Morgan finally wins her match. Congratulations, darling..." Dean rasped out. "You know why we came out on Monday? It's because you are an injustice. You left an opportunity in the WWE years ago and you think you can come back and try to change? How about you leave, just like you did before. You don't deserve to be here. And that is why The Shield will make sure to take care of you since we call you, the Morgan problem."

Morgan scowled at him. He had a lot of nerve. She didn't want to be a manager when she was offered a contract in WWE years ago. Now that she is here, she gets to be the wrestler she always dreamed of being. If they think that's an injustice, so be it. But it was also clear they seemed bothered by what she said and on social media.

"Morgan problem? Morgan problem?" she retorted as Kaitlyn held her back. "I'll show you a friggin' problem! You really messed with the wrong one!"

Dean looked amused at her yelling and left with his teammates.

"She brought this on herself, she should have kept her mouth shut." JBL criticized her actions.

"Yeah but the WWE Universe has been waiting for someone to really step up to The Shield. Do you think Morgan has what it takes?" King asked.

"Has what it takes? She's a Diva. A woman. What can a woman do to The Shield?"

"Looks like we'll have to find out," Cole said before the commercial break.


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1 year ago

Geez I have a folder with almost 2K photos/gifs I gotta go through for Bangtan Gal. I found so much in my hard drive. So bear with me with the upcoming chapters since I like to add gifs and stuff in it.

Also I’ve been combining some chapters so some may be longer than others 🫡

Geez I Have A Folder With Almost 2K Photos/gifs I Gotta Go Through For Bangtan Gal. I Found So Much In

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1 year ago

The Bangtan Gal OC Profile (BTS 8th Member)

The Bangtan Gal OC Profile (BTS 8th Member)

Face Claim: Ryan Destiny

Name: Jennifer Walker

Birthday: November 10th

Age: 15 during debut

Hometown: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Nicknames: Smartie (since she loves the candy)

The Bangtan Gal OC Profile (BTS 8th Member)
The Bangtan Gal OC Profile (BTS 8th Member)
The Bangtan Gal OC Profile (BTS 8th Member)

Spotify Playlist

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1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 9- The Shield Isn't Unstoppable

Forced To Believe Chapter 9- The Shield Isn't Unstoppable

Chapter Summary: Melanie continues to do well performing as a heel. Morgan is conflicted for a brief moment about Orton, The Shield lose their first match

Words: 3,000+



When Morgan comes out, she comes out in her black attire and slowly twirls around on the stage and has her right fist up in the air and looks at it. She brings it down and starts to walk down the ramp. When she gets in the ring, she goes on the turnbuckle she does her original taunt and smirks at the crowd. She gets off and looks at Layla.

'Ding Ding Ding'

"Man...I miss Morgan's grin. She's just been acting so mean these past weeks." King recalled all the negative things she had done.

"All right Layla..." Morgan started off and sat on the middle rope, motioning her to get out the ring. "Get out of my ring."

Layla looks at her and shakes her head. No way she was just going to up and leave. She was ready for a match.

"I'm warning you. Last chance." Morgan warned but ended up getting dropkicked out the ring

"Ooh!" Cole exclaimed at Morgan's impact on the concrete floor at ringside. 

She gets up and glares at Layla as she mocks her. She gets in the ring and starts to chase her around until Layla quickly kicks her in the face in the ring. She goes for the count but Morgan kicks out at two.

As the match progresses back and forth, Morgan picks Layla up and hits the backfire on her for the win. 

"Here is your winner! Morgan Lopez!" Justin announced as she gets her hand raised by the ref


The Shield were taking on Kofi and Team Hell No. When Daniel tags in Kane, he takes control of The Shield. When he pins Reigns, Ambrose breaks it up but then Kofi gets involved and clotheslines him out the ring. Daniel gets in the ring and then he and Kofi on each side of the ring get ready to do a dive off the middle ropes.

"You good?" Morgan asked as she helped Ambrose up. 

Ambrose looks straight ahead to see Daniel running toward them about to dive. He pushes Morgan out of the way as he gets hit by Daniel.

"Look at this!" King exclaimed

"Saving The Shield's Girl, I love it," JBL praised.

Seth, Morgan and Ambrose are down as Kane and Reigns wrestle in the ring. Ambrose and Daniel start to fight out of the ring as Seth and Kofi start to fight out of the ring. In the ring, Rollins gives Kane a cheap shot with a knee to the head and Reigns spears him for the win. Morgan recovers and gets in the ring to celebrate with The Shield.


During Kofi's match against Dean for the US title, which Ambrose won at extreme rules. Morgan watches from ringside along with Rollins and Reigns. When Kofi gets on the top rope, Rollins tries to throw him off but gets kicked in the face. Then Kofi jumps onto Roman outside the ring. Morgan backs up and has her hands in defense. 

"Stay away Morgan. And get back in the ring Kofi!" The ref yelled.

"I didn't do anything. I'm just chilling," she replied with a shrug

When Kofi gets back in the ring, Rollins comes in and Kofi turns his attention onto Rollins and starts beating on him. The ref ends up calling for the bell. 

'I hear voices in my head'

Orton's theme comes on as the crowd screams. Morgan snaps her head towards the entrance as her eyes widen. Randy runs down the ring and starts to get attacked by The Shield.

Morgan quickly gets in the ring, feeling worried for Orton.

"Wait! Guys wait a second, don't hurt him all right?" she spoke up as the boys turned to her

"Don't tell me you're still soft for him after all this time," Rollins exclaimed.

"Look, let's just go. He's not worth it," she replied, shaking her head.

Sheamus comes running to the ring and then The Shield fights Kofi, Sheamus and Orton as Morgan gets out of the ring and watches with worry. 

"We got a brawl!" Cole exclaimed 

The Shield gets thrown out the ring and Morgan meets up with them. Teddy long comes out.

"Just a minute! Just a minute playas. Now this show is not going to end like that. Now since all six of you all are in there, we are gonna have ourselves a six man tag team match!" The crowd cheers.

"And it is going to start right now!" Teddy said as his theme comes on.

"It just got electric here on Smackdown!" Cole announced.

The Shield starts thinking of a plan but then Ambrose turns to Morgan.

"I don't want you out here, anymore, tonight." he said

"What?" The Philly Diva looked on with confusion. "Why not?"

"I don't want you out there tonight. You'll get distracted by Orton."

"No, I will not. I'm fine!"

"We all know that's a lie. You need to get your head in the game. You're sitting out tonight." Reigns declared.

"We don't want to deal with your soft spot for Orton." Seth added.

"I don't have a soft spot." she exclaimed.

"Then why'd you stop us in the ring?" Rollins raised a brow.

Morgan frowned. "I still care."

"Well un-care about him and go back to the locker room. We got this handled." Ambrose said and got on the apron. 

Morgan reluctantly leaves as the crowd boos and starts to chant 'We want Morgan' 

Randy looks irritated that she left the ring. 

Dean smirks at him. "Aw, what's the matter? Sad that she's gone?"


Fans tweet:

'Make a choice! Choose the viper and go back to the #GoodSide!'

'Morgan defends Ambrose then Orton? I'm confused. Who is she going to end up with?'

'Wish Morgan would go to the feisty dark place and attack The Shield like she did at TLC.'


'Next Week on Smackdown'

Morgan and Roman are at ringside watching Seth's match against Kane who has Daniel Bryan at ringside. 

Rollins catches Kane on the turnbuckle but then Kane punches him off and does a high risk move off the turnbuckle. Roman gets up on the apron to distract Kane but then Kane grabs him for the chokeslam hold. He pushes him off the apron and turns around. 'Oh!' The crowd exclaims as Seth kicks Kane in the face. 

Morgan clapped for him. "Yeah!" 

As the ref tries to get Roman to get off the apron, Seth goes on the turnbuckle but then Daniel pushes him off.

"Are you kidding me!?" Morgan yelled and was about to walk up to Bryan but the ref told her to go back to where she was. "Injustice!"

Kane delivers the chokeslam on Rollins to win the match as Morgan face palms. Roman and Morgan get in the ring as Roman argues with the ref.

Morgan glared at Daniel and yelled, "This is all your fault you goat face! Seth had it won until you interfered!

"And Morgan and Roman look upset with Daniel and the official," Cole observed

Seth recovers and he goes to ringside with Morgan as they start to watch Roman's match against Daniel.

"Give him hell!" Morgan yelled.

During the match, Daniel catches Reigns in the No lock.

"He's got it!" JBL shouted.

"No!" Morgan shouted as she and Seth yelled at Reigns to not tap out. 

"Is Reigns going to tap!?" Cole exclaimed. Rollins pushes the rope toward Reigns so he can grab it to get out of the submission as the crowd boos. Morgan gives Rollins a pat on the back. She turns to see Kane walking their way and she quickly runs to the other side of the ring. "And Kane had enough!"

Kane strikes Rollins with a big boot while Bryan releases the No lock and complains to the ref about it. Reigns punches Kane and then Kane gets fed up and punches him. The ref sees it and calls for the bell as Roman wins by interference.

"Oh no." Cole exclaimed. 

Roman gets out of the ring as Seth and Morgan meet up with him to celebrate his win. 


Morgan is prepping for a match as she puts on her fingerless gloves. Ambrose walks up to her with his US Championship on his shoulder.

"Isn't it about time you've gotten gold?" he asked.

"No, because it's not my time. I want to earn it and I'll do it my way. Not The Shield's way." she answered.

Dean smirked. "Fine. Have it your way."

"Good. We're done here." Morgan stated and walked away as the camera followed her.

"Morgan, in action, next," Cole announced as Smackdown goes to a commercial.

'In The Ring'

When Morgan gets in the ring, she twirls around with her right hand up and then gets in the middle of the ring and has a fist pointing up in the air

'Ding Ding Ding'

Morgan and Layla circle around each other. Layla starts to laugh with the crowd as she starts doing Morgan's taunts. Morgan scowls, looking at her in disgust. 

"Layla trying to do some mind games with Morgan." Cole observed. 

She tries to hit Layla but she moves out of the way and takes control of her. They start to have a back and forth match and at the end of it, Morgan moves out of the way when Layla does the crossbody. She then picks her up to do the backfire on her and pins her for the win.

'Later on the night'

Morgan is in Dean's corner as she watches his match against her friend, Randy, looking slightly worried. She really missed working with Randy and being by his side but she was now a part of The Shield and he needed to let it go.

"You lost at WrestleMania Orton. She's ours now. She is a part of The Shield and she will stay in The Shield." Ambrose smirked as Orton started to glare at him. "And don't worry, I'm taking good care of her­-" he gets cut off when Randy snaps and attacks him. 

Later on in the match, Morgan winces at the sight of Ambrose getting a DDT on the apron from Orton.

"What was that?" JBL asked.

"That was vintage Orton." Cole said.

Ambrose rolls out of the way and then Rollins and Reigns run in the ring to attack Orton but he fights them off. The ref calls for the bell. As The Shield jumps Orton, Team Hell No runs to clear the ring as Morgan looks on outside the ring. 

She looks on in shock as Daniel Bryan takes on the Shield by himself. She helps Ambrose and Rollins outside the ring after Ambrose gets hit by a high risk move off the turnbuckle from Bryan. 

Daniel runs and hits another dive, hitting all three of them, and then stands up, yelling 'Yes!' as the crowd cheers with him. 

"A dive on all three of them!"

"All three!? Is Morgan okay?" JBL asked

"She looks fine to me." Cole said as she recovered quickly from the assault.

"We need to leave. Right now." Morgan said as she helped Rollins and Ambrose

'Got hit by Daniel's dive of the apron. #Sweet! #WhatARush.' Melanie tweets.

'Next week, RAW'

Morgan is walking backstage but stops as an arm is on the wall, in her way. She sees that Randy is in front of her as the crowd cheers. 

"What?" Morgan sighed.

"Is this an act?" He asked

"What are you talking about?"

"You seem so...happy to be a part of The Shield."

"Happy? I am. At first, I was trying to grin and bear being in The Shield since you couldn't beat them at WrestleMania. But then I grew to love being a part of the team,"

"You shouldn't have agreed to the stipulation,"

"I didn't have a choice,"

"Yes, you did. Look, I wanted to try again." 

"Try again? What makes you think I want your help after you failed to decide my fate at WrestleMania? And as far as I'm concerned...I don't want you to try again. You are my enemy, now. And I love being with The Shield,"

"Are you saying this because you've been around Ambrose? He's clearly screwed with your head."

"I know what I'm doing. And I won't let you stop me or The Shield. I'll stand up to you if I have to. My mind is not screwed up." She stated and stormed off.

'In The Ring'

The Shield take on Team Hell No and Randy Orton. During the match, Morgan watches as Randy gives Rollins a dropkick as he is diving off the turnbuckle and later she watches as Daniel takes control of Ambrose. 

"No way!" Morgan yelled as she saw the crowd going wild when Daniel was on the turnbuckle with Rollins. 

Ambrose is lying down on the mat and gets hit by Rollins landing on him after Bryan's hurricarana. Morgan has a hand on her mouth and looks in awe.

"And Daniel Bryan is all over the place!" Cole exclaimed after he dived off the apron onto Reigns

Bryan does a mistletoe dropkick on Ambrose and pins him but he kicks out a two. He gets Ambrose into the No lock as Morgan starts to panic. Rollins and Reigns break it up but then Kane grabs them for the chokeslam. Seth kicks him off of them and Kane gets speared by Reigns. Rollins starts talking trash to Kane as he rolls out of the ring and turns around to get hit with an RKO. 

Reigns goes to attack Orton but he moves out of the way and is about to do the RKO but gets pushed in Bryan. Ambrose takes advantage by doing his finisher on Bryan while Reigns takes his fight with Orton outside

"Good night!" JBL said as Ambrose pins Bryan for the win.



During Morgan's match against Naomi, Naomi hits the rear view on Morgan as she holds the side of her face. Naomi pins her and Morgan kicks out and rolls out the ring to recover. 

"Don't judge me! I need a few seconds." Morgan retorts to the crowd who booed her 

"Get back in the ring!" The ref yelled and started to count

Morgan put her right index finger up. "In a minute! In a minute."

Cameron walks towards her and grabs her by the hair as the crowd cheers, watching her throw her back in the ring.

"What was that!?" Morgan yelled but then turned and got hit with another rearview. 

Naomi pins her for the win. Morgan glares at Naomi and Cameron as she holds her mouth and decides to attack them.

"That's right Morgan, show them no mercy." JBL supported. 

She throws Naomi out the ring and hits the backfire on Cameron. She smirks at them and puts her fist out.

"Believe in The Shield!" She yelled, putting her fist out with a smirk on her face

"She's acting like a sore loser," Cole looked on

'Next week, Raw'

"Look like we have diva action starting off tonight's show," Cole said as Morgan watched Cameron get in the ring with Naomi by her side. 

The Philly diva rolls her eyes and then begins to argue with Cameron and Morgan about what happened on Smackdown. 

"I should break that pretty little face of yours and snap you like a twig." The Shield's Girl threatened.

"Girl bye!" Cameron slapped her across the face as the crowd cheered. 

As Cameron takes control, she tries to toss Morgan out the ring but Morgan lands on the apron. When Cameron comes to hit her, she blocks it. Morgan grabs her head and jumps down on the apron as Cameron holds her neck and falls on the mat in the ring. Getting back inside, she hits her with the backfire on her to win.

Smirking victoriously, Morgan goes through the crowd after blowing Cameron and Naomi a kiss


Backstage, Kaitlyn is having a nervous breakdown after she attacked the ref during her match and Morgan walks up to her. 

"Kaitlyn! You need to calm down!" Morgan yelled and held her by her shoulders. "Hey! Listen to me! You need to get it together, cause right now, this is ridiculous. You attacked the ref. How are you going to beat AJ with an attitude like that? She's getting in your head. She wants that to happen. Don't let it happen." 

Kaitlyn starts to calm down and glances at her. She then shoves her to the floor as the crowd oohs.

"Seriously?" Morgan exclaimed as she got up and looked at her in disbelief. 

Kaitlyn attacks her and starts unloading on her as the refs and divas come to break it up. She tried her best not to fight Kaitlyn since she was still her friend but it was getting hard as she tried to shove her away

After a few moments, the refs and divas separate them.

"Get off of me!" Morgan yelled. "This is why I hate being nice!" She storms off as Kaitlyn starts to have another nervous breakdown while being held back by the refs.

'In The Ring'

During The Shield's match with Team Hell No and Orton, Morgan watches in shock as Kane blocks Roman's spear outside and throws him to the timekeepers area. Then he chokeslams Ambrose into the timekeepers area. She marches up to Kane and pushes him. 

"What do you think you're doing!?" She yelled but then Kane grabbed her in the chokeslam hold and threw her on top of Ambrose and Reigns.

In the ring, Bryan takes control of Rollins as the crowd goes wild. Morgan crawls out of the timekeepers area. She recovers and watches Rollins get on the turnbuckle but then Kane pushes him off, making him fly into an RKO. 

About to run into the ring to stop the No Lock that Bryan had applied on Rollins, Randy grabs her tightly to stop her. 

"Randy! Get off of me!" She yelled.

"No can do." He let out a chuckle as she was forced to watch Rollins tap out. 

The crowd goes wild while Orton releases her and gets in the ring with Kane.

"They did it! They did it!" Cole yelled.

"Really!?" Morgan yelled at Randy as Team Hell No and Orton celebrated.

"The Shield is not unstoppable." Cole exclaimed.

Morgan gets on the apron and Bryan turns to her. 

"No!" She yelled.

"Yes!" Daniel yells back at her, chanting with him.








"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" Bryan yelled while Morgan scowled at him.

"Unbelievable..." She grumbled.


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