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Forced To Believe Chapter 26- Revenge Is Sweet

Chapter Summary: Eva and Morgan continue to have problems. The Wyatts begin to get into The Shield’s business. Morgan begins to be on Luke Harper’s radar
Words: 11,000+
Morgan was stretching her arms backstage as the crowd cheered. While the Philadelphian was stretching, The Shield walk over to her and she turned around.
"Hey." She greeted.
"We wanted to wish you luck tonight. We hope you win." Roman said as she fist bumped him and Seth.
"Thanks guys." She smiled and met Dean's gaze.
Seth and Roman got the memo and left to give them some time alone.
Dean wrapped his arms around her waist as she wrapped her arms around his back and rested her head on his chest. Once he released her, he kissed her
"Good luck in your match tonight." he smiled
"Thank you."
'In the ring'
"This match is set for one fall and it is for the Divas Championship! Introducing first, the challenger, from Union City, New Jersey, AJ Lee!" Lilian announced as AJ skipped down the ring.
"The queen of Crazyville, AJ Lee, sets to take on Morgan," King said.
Morgan's theme came on as the crowd erupted in cheers. "And her opponent, she is the Divas Champion, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Morgan!" Lilian announced.
She walked out in her shield attire and grinned at the crowd. She twirled around while holding up the title.
"Oh, I love it when she twirls." King grinned.
"You say that every time she walks out." JBL retorted.
She tagged some hands before getting in the ring. She got on the turnbuckle and raised up her title as does her taunt with her right hand. She lowered her right hand in front of her and did The Shield's pose before jumping off the turnbuckle.
Morgan looked at AJ leaning on the ropes before she gave her title to the ref. The ref raised the title and called for the bell. The two women circle around each other and lock up.
"The Shield will not be a part of the match up. If Morgan wins, she continues her reign as Divas champion-OH! What a shot by AJ." Cole exclaimed as AJ gave her a spinning kick in the face. She went for the pin but Morgan kicked out at two. "As I was saying, if Morgan wins this match, Stephanie will be forced in the ring with her and cannot force her into any more matches and she must leave her alone."
"We all know that Morgan wants to get her hands on Stephanie. After all she has done to her." King said
Later on in the match, AJ throws Morgan to the turnbuckle and starts unloading on her as the ref pushes her back. Morgan takes advantage and kicks her in the gut and grabs her for a butterfly DDT. She was about to pin her but then Stephanie runs down the ring as the crowd boos.
"What are you doing here?" Morgan asked angrily. She was pretty banged up by AJ's moves.
"I'm watching the match," Stephanie smirked.
Morgan turns around and gets caught in the black widow.
"Morgan's caught!" Cole exclaimed.
"Tap out Morgan! Tap out!" Stephanie yelled. Morgan was about to tap but then Jane ran down the ring.
"What is Jane doing here?" Cole asked before she grabbed Stephanie by the hair and brought her down as the crowd cheered.
"What!?" King screeched.
"Tap! Tap!" AJ yelled as Morgan kneeled.
Jane turned her attention to Morgan. "Come on sweetie! You can do it!"
"Looks like Jane has been playing Stephanie all along," JBL said.
Morgan fights out of the black widow as the crowd cheers. She rolls out the ring but then AJ starts to have a fit. She storms out of the ring and throws Morgan to the barricade.
"You are supposed to tap! That is supposed to be my championship! Mine!" AJ exclaimed before unloading on her.
"AJ! Get back in the ring! 4!" The ref continued to count.
She picks Morgan up by the hair but then Morgan fights back and starts giving her punches to the face and throws her back in the ring. She hits her with some clotheslines before giving her a flying crossbody. She then picks her up and hits AJ with a knee to the gut and hits the backfire on her. She pins her for the win as the crowd cheers.
"Here is your winner! And still your Diva's Champion, Morgan!" Lilian announced as Morgan held her head and got her hand raised.
Morgan grinned and taunted the crowd while Jane jumped up and down, cheering for her.
"Stephanie has to get in the ring with Morgan," King exclaimed as Jane got into the ring to hug her daughter.
Stephanie holds her head and is shocked at the outcome of the match while she is at ringside, on the floor. She gets up and starts to walk up the ramp but then Jane runs out of the ring as the crowd cheers. Jane grabs her and throws her in the ring as Stephanie is on her knees before Morgan.
"Please! Don't do anything!" Stephanie begged and started apologizing as Jane got back in the ring.
"Look at her, trying to suck up. She brought this on herself." Cole said as King agreed. Morgan and Jane look at each other and then back at Stephanie. Then she watched as her mom started to attack Stephanie. "Look at Jane go!"
"That's Jane power right there," JBL said as Morgan looked amused.
After Jane was done, Morgan waits for Stephanie to get up to give her a clothesline. She picks her up and taunts the crowd before giving her a backfire. Morgan spins on her right knee before stopping herself in front of Stephanie's fallen body.
"I know that had to feel good for Morgan and Jane." JBL added
"And the mother-daughter duo has gotten their revenge on Stephanie," Cole said as Morgan and Jane hugged again.
'WWE Exclusive Video'
Renee Young was with Morgan and Jane who were sitting on a crate, laughing at what they did to Stephanie. "Right now I am here with Morgan and Jane Lopez. I gotta say, what happened out there?" Renee grinned.
Morgan chuckled. "It was a plan all along. My mom fooled Stephanie. We made the plan."
"How'd you come up with it?"
"It wasn't hard. Stephanie seems to love to hurt me and do anything to get under my skin but in the end, she started it and I finished it."
"Yes, and I'm really happy this is all over and my daughter can finally continue her career without any more Stephanie drama." Jane smiled.
"We heard this will be your last night in the WWE. Will this be the last time we see Jane in the WWE?" Renee asked.
"No, she'll return one day. For now, she'll just keep supporting me from home." Morgan smiled. "I love you."
"Aw. I love you too," Jane smiled and hugged her
"Well, there you have it. Thanks for taking the time to talk with us." Renee smiled.
After the interview, Renee helped Melanie take a photo of her and Jane hugging and Melanie tweeted 'Stephanie got what she deserved. She will never break our #MotherDaughterBond #ILoveMom #MomsAreTough'
'Later on HIAC'
Melanie and Jane watch Jon's match against Ettore Ewen (Big E Langston). Melanie winced as she saw Jon's chin cut open and Ettore's eye cut.
"Ooh. This match is getting real." She looked on in amazement.
"They are pretty talented," Jane commented.
After Jon's match, Melanie decided to see how he was doing. She started walking to the doctor's office and saw cameras following her. She decided to get in character a little.
Once she went inside the office, she saw Dean sitting down. "Hey. Sorry, I wasn't there to support you." She gave him a small smile and sat next to him.
"It's no problem." He chuckled.
"How's your chin?"
"I've been through worse."
"I'll kiss it to make it better." She kissed his chin but then he yelled 'Ah!' "Oh my gosh, are you okay!? I'm sorry!"
He started laughing. "Just messing with you."
"Dean! That's not funny!" She slapped his arm.
"You fell for it." He chuckled and kissed her on the lips.
'After the show'
Melanie drove Jane to the airport. "Can't believe you're leaving." She frowned as she parked her rental car at the airport.
"Oh sweetie, I'll be cheering you on from home. Plus, your father and I need some loving."
"Oh no! Too much information!" Melanie exclaimed. Jane giggled as they both got out of the car. She grabbed Jane's bags from the trunk and hugged her. "I'm going to miss you."
"I'm going to miss you too sweetie. It was so nice being a part of the WWE for a while. I cannot wait to come back if they want me to. I have to go. Don't want to miss my flight. Love you!" She kissed her on the forehead.
"Love you too." Melanie gave her a sad smile and waved goodbye to her as she walked inside the airport.
'Next day, Raw'
The titantron showed The Shield on the screen. "Tonight could be the most important night in the history of The Shield. I'm being forced to defend my United States Championship against Big E Langston. If Big E has a stock, I'm buying it. He's a human bulldozer and I felt that last night." Dean pointed to his stitched up chin. "But make no mistake about it Big E. It was a privilege to give you a few minutes of my time at Hell in a cell, it was a privilege for you to share a ring with the United States champion Dean Ambrose."
"Last night, we made a mistake. We underestimated the potential of Big E Langston. But tonight we have an opportunity to rectify that mistake. Tonight guys, we get back to basics." Seth said.
"Look, I'm gonna defend my US title successfully, the only championship The Shield has left is the US title," Ambrose smirked. Morgan cleared her throat and The Shield turn their attention to her. He nodded. "Right." He said before looking at the camera again as Roman, Morgan, and Seth look at Dean as he continued to be cocky.
"How do you forget that?" Seth snapped. "She had one hell of a match last night "
"Seth, it's fine." Morgan touched his chest to calm him down.
"I am gonna get the job done like I always do 'cause I'm the United States champion," Dean went on as Morgan glanced at Seth and Roman giving Dean dirty looks. She was getting a little worried. "I am the baddest man alive. Believe that!"
After a long period of Roman looking at Dean, he turned his attention to the camera. "Believe in The Shield!"
'In The Ring'
After some back and forth action, Dean's match against Big E ended up as a DQ once Roman Reigns decided to pull the rope back, making Big E fall out of the ring. The Shield but Morgan jump Big E. Morgan gets in the ring but then the Usos run down the ring and start fighting Roman, Seth and Dean. They throw The Shield out the ring and Morgan looks at them as they turn their attention to her. They all turn their attention to the stage as Eva Marie walks down the ring in her wrestling attire and the crowd boos.
"It's Eva Marie!" Cole exclaimed. Eva smirks while Morgan has her arms out, waiting for her to come into the ring.
"Do something! I'm right here. What are you gonna do?" Morgan taunted as Eva got in the ring and got in each other's faces.
The Shield, Usos and Big E look on intently, wondering if they should stop things or let them argue. Eva and Morgan start yelling at each other until Morgan shoves her face back. Eva turns around and tackles her down as the crowd cheers.
"Catfight!" King screamed in a high pitched voice.
"This is not a catfight; this is a brawl!" JBL exclaimed as both divas relentlessly hit on each other.
The Shield quickly get in the ring to try to break it up. Morgan gets pulled off of Eva by Rollins and gets backed up into a corner by him, while Ambrose and Reigns help him hold her back.
"Get off of me! Get off!" Morgan yelled as she tried to break free of The Shield's hold. Eva was being held back by the Usos and Big E right across from her. "Seth! Back up! Get off of me!"
"Calm down, calm down." Rollins said in a calm tone.
"Wow, you don't see this every week. We should have this more often!" King looked on
"These two really hate each other," Cole said.
"Relax, Morgan, relax," Reigns added.
"Don't tell me to calm down! She needs to get her ass kicked!" Morgan yelled as she tried to squirm her way out of The Shield's hold.
She manages to break free from their hold and run towards Eva. Eva escapes Big E and the Usos hold and spears Morgan to the mat and starts fighting her again.
"It's on!" Cole yelled.
"Woo Hoo!" King cheered
Eva managed to give her a couple of hard hits to the face until Morgan turned things around. Eva's hard hit managed to leave a red mark on Morgan's face. Seth grabs Morgan off of Eva and pushes her to the ropes and holds her tight while holding her and the ropes as she tries to break free. Meanwhile, Dean and Roman were arguing with Jey Uso and Big E.
"Control that ring rat of yours!" Dean yelled.
"We didn't know she was gonna come out!" Jey Uso shouted.
"Seth, get off of me!" Morgan yelled.
"Not until you calm down..." he responded.
There was something about his calm voice that made her less angry. She gave up trying to break free of his hold while Eva Marie got out of the ring. Seth managed to get Morgan out of the ring but quickly grabbed her by the waist before she could run after Eva.
"This ends right here! Right now! Tonight! I'm gonna teach you a lesson!" Morgan yelled.
"Bring it on!" Eva yelled back.
"Hang on! Hang on!" Brad Maddox said, walking on the stage. "Get those women calmed down!"
"Hey, Brad is back," JBL said.
"We haven't seen him since Morgan gave him those chair shots," Cole reminded.
"I got a real simple solution. That match is now a 4 on 4 match. I want to see it right now." Brad said.
"What are you talking about?! I don't have to listen to you!" Seth yelled.
"Brad Maddox just ordered a 4 on 4 tag match. Divas vs. Divas. Superstars vs. Superstars." Cole announced.
"I like it!" JBL said as Raw went to a commercial break.
After the commercial break, Morgan watches as The Shield take control of an Uso. When the Uso fights back and hits Dean with a kick, Eva Marie shoots her hand out for a tag as the Uso looks at her. He decides to tag her in as the crowd boos. Eva blows Dean a kiss as Morgan shakes her head and gets tagged in by Ambrose.
They lock up and Morgan takes control and grabs her by the hair and throws her down.
"Give her no mercy, Morgan!" Dean cheered on.
Eva stands up and elbows her in the midsection. She runs to the ropes but Morgan runs after her and when Eva turns around, Morgan gives her a knee to the gut.
"Nice!" Seth cheered
Morgan drops her down with a backbreaker. She drags Eva to the middle of the ring and is about to put her in the breakdown but Eva manages to grab the ropes. She gets dragged neck first to the middle rope by Eva as she holds her neck in pain. Eva takes advantage and pins her but Morgan kicks out at two. She starts to take control of Morgan and then taunts the crowd by flipping her hair and blowing kisses.
While Eva is taunting the crowd, Morgan recovers and hits her with a clothesline and then dropkicks her. She was about to grab her for the backfire but Eva escapes and quickly tags in one of the Usos.
"Seriously?" Morgan retorted as an Uso got in the ring.
Morgan tags in Seth. While they wrestle, Eva tries to distract Seth while Roman and Dean are wrestling Big E and the other Uso at ringside.
Morgan gets in the ring. "Dude!" She called out before running to Seth.
He caught her and spun her around as Morgan gave Eva a kick in the face as she fell off the apron.
"Wow, what a move!" King exclaimed as Seth set her down.
Morgan gets out of the ring and puts her into the breakdown.
"They aren't even tagged in!" Cole exclaimed.
"Morgan wants to make her suffer." JBL looked on.
"Are you going to stay away from my boys!? Are you gonna stop messing with me!? Are you gonna stay away from my man!? Are you gonna mind your own friggin' business?!" Morgan leaned back as Eva yelled 'Okay!' and submitted.
Meanwhile, Seth brings his knees up when an Uso is about to do a splash and tags in Roman. They were about to double suplex him until the other Uso caught his brother and they hit them with a kick in the stomach. Morgan gets in the ring to help Roman as he leans on the middle rope, recovering from the Usos kick. Seth runs to the Usos but they duck and give him a kick, making him fall out of the ring.
Morgan steps up to the Usos and gives them both slaps in the face which gets them angry. They look at each other and then at Morgan as her eyes widen.
"Grapes!" Roman yelled as she moved out of the way and he went on to spear the Usos.
"Oh! A double spear by Reigns!" Cole exclaimed as Reigns pinned one of the Usos for the win. "Distraction by Morgan gave Roman the advantage."
"Yeah!" Morgan exclaimed as she high fived Roman.
"The winners of this match, The Shield!" Justin announced as Dean gave Morgan her title while he had his title in his hands.
Morgan turned her attention to Eva who was holding her right arm while standing up on the ramp and blew her a kiss.
'At the ending segment of Raw'
Morgan looked amused as Stephanie and Triple H walk down to the ring as The Shield got in the ring too. After Triple H's promo about Randy Orton, Orton gets in the ring. Stephanie was about to speak but she stopped when she heard the crowd chant 'Morgan got you'
Stephanie sighed and turned her attention to the Philly Diva.
Morgan flashed her a grin. "Hey, how ya doing?"
Stephanie rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to the crowd. "Okay, so she beat me up. I'm still standing here. more important things. Randy Orton isn't just our champion, he is everyone's champion. Which specifically means, Randy Orton represents all of you. So I'm asking you to show the WWE Champion the respect he so richly deserves." She said before giving Orton the mic.
"Having this title, being WWE champion, makes me simply put, better than you," Orton said.
"Wow..." Morgan mouthed.
"Do you have something to say, Morgan? Cause I'm tired of you talking behind my back." Orton snapped.
Morgan got handed a mic and spoke as the crowd cheered for her, "Oh trust me, you do not want to hear what I have to say. And I don't talk behind your back. I say stuff to your face. Get your facts straight."
Orton glared at her. But then, The Big Show's theme came on as the crowd exploded.
"What!?" Cole asks. "Can it be "
"It better not be!" JBL exclaimed as the Big Show marched down the ring.
The Shield but Morgan run out of the ring to attack Big Show but then The Usos and Rhodes Brothers attack them. Morgan got out of the ring, running away from The Rhodes brothers and Usos.
The Shield are shown on the titantron. "Jimmy...Jey...I'm getting a little sick of ya." Dean said as The Shield agreed. "The Shield is getting a little tired of the Usos sticking their noses in our business. We've beaten you time and time again, we've proven you're not contenders, you're not threats. Ya'll just speed bumps and's no contest."
"It seems like they can't get the memo. Looks like we have to kick their butts once again." Morgan retorted.
"The Shield united. We can beat any tag team on planet Earth, we've proven it over and over and over, and tonight, we prove that the Usos are no exception." Seth said.
"I'm gonna speak up for The Shield right now." Dean began as Morgan and Seth turned to him while Roman glanced at him. Roman met Seth's and Morgan's eyes while Morgan shrugged at Roman. Rollins didn't look too pleased. "Tonight, the United States champion and Seth Rollins are gonna make sure that justice gets served."
"Believe in The Shield," Roman said to end the segment.
'In the ring'
Morgan and Roman manage Seth and Dean. Dean and Jimmy start the match.
"Come on Dean," Seth said before Jimmy tagged in Jey and they did a double team move on him.
Dean fights back and tags in Rollins but Jey quickly takes control. Once Dean fights back and tags in Seth, Jey throws him to the turnbuckle and runs to him but Seth moves out of the way.
"That's how you do it," Roman said once Seth began to get the upper hand.
"Yeah! Go, Seth!" Morgan cheered.
Later, Jey was outside the ring after Dean threw him out. Roman was walking towards him until Big E's theme came on which made him upset.
"Are you kidding me!? No way! No way! He should not be here! Tell him to leave!" She argued with the ref.
"The Usos got themselves some back up," JBL looked on.
"Do what you want, step up." Big E said to Roman who is standing with Morgan and Seth.
"Get out of here!" Seth exclaimed.
Morgan started to get annoyed and was about to walk up to Big E to hit him but got grabbed by Seth.
"Who do you think you are!?" she yelled.
"Looks like we have the guys all even. The Shield doesn't seem too happy." Cole said before Smackdown went on a commercial break.
After the show comes back on, The Shield takes control of Jey.
"Justice!" Dean yelled on the apron as the crowd boos.
"Come on Uso! You can't handle the best! You can't handle the best." Seth got on the middle rope and jumped off of it but Jey counters and does a Samoan drop.
"You gotta get in. You gotta get in." Roman urged Dean as Morgan agreed.
Jey tags in his brother while Seth tags in Dean.
"Tags are made. Jimmy Uso and Dean Ambrose." Cole said.
Jimmy quickly takes control by doing his signature moves. He hits Dean with a kick in the face and pins him but then Seth breaks it up. Jey gets in the ring and gives Seth a spinbuster. Roman gets on the apron but the Usos hit him with a double kick.
Morgan goes to help Seth and Roman but quickly moves out of the way as Jey dives on top of Roman and Seth outside the ring.
"Cannot catch a break," Morgan mumbled.
Meanwhile, in the ring, Jimmy pins Dean in a roll up for the win.
"Here are your winners! Jimmy and Jey, The Usos." Lilian announced.
Dean takes his frustration out on Jimmy and throws him out of the ring but gets clotheslined by Big E.
Morgan gets in the ring. "Hey! Put him down!" She exclaimed. Big E put him down and turned his attention to her. "This is all your fault! If you didn't come out here, we would have won!" she shoved him.
"I wouldn't do that Morgan," Cole warned.
Morgan pushes him again and then slaps him in the face. She turns around but then the crowd cheers once Big E picks her up.
"Big E isn't gonna stand for that." Cole looked on.
She tries to fight her way out of his arms but then Roman slides into the ring and hits Big E's leg as he kneels and drops her. Morgan crawls over to the turnbuckle and sits at the corner, recovering from what just happened. Roman rolled Dean out of harm's way and went to grab Morgan by her hands to pull her up to her feet.
"You all right?" He asked.
"Yeah, thanks." She responded but then Roman slowly turned around.
He and Morgan turn their attention to Big E and The Usos across from them.
"Come on!" Big E provoked. "Come on!"
"Bring it on!" Roman yelled.
"Wait, wait, Roman, stop." Morgan grabbed his arm. "Don't do this right now. Hey!" she exclaimed as Roman tried to walk towards the three guys but Seth and Dean restrained him.
"Not today! Not today!" Seth tried to calm Roman down.
"I love it! Let him go, let him go! That's a big tough guy, Roman Reigns." JBL said while the crowd was loving it too.
"Morgan, Seth and Ambrose trying to be the voice of reason here," Cole said.
The Shield get out of the ring as the crowd boos, wanting for Roman and Big E to go at it.
'Next week on WWE Main Event'
Tonight, Melanie was planning on dropping the Diva's Championship to April. She was excited to see what Creative had planned for her without the title.
In the ring, Morgan and AJ circle around each other. Morgan was set to defend her title against AJ in a lumberjill match.
AJ and Morgan lock up but then AJ kicks her in the gut and throws her down on the mat as Morgan holds her head. She watches as AJ skips around the ring.
"Mind games are being played," Miz said.
Morgan gets up and clotheslines her as the crowd cheers. She mocks AJ by skipping as the crowd laughs. AJ starts to get angry and runs to spear her but she moves out of the way while AJ runs into the ring post. Morgan starts to take control of her at the turnbuckle and then throws her out the ring. Later on, AJ starts to take control of Morgan and puts her in a headlock submission.
"That champion is going to be mine title is going to come back into my arms. Where it belongs. Not with you." AJ said as she started to get angry and fights out of her hold.
Morgan gets on the apron, about to do a high risk move but Tamina grabs her legs and brings her down while AJ distracts the ref.
"Oh! Tamina taking advantage of the distraction." Josh said.
The face divas start to argue with the heel divas as AJ gets out of the ring and throws Morgan back in. She skips around before pinning her but Morgan kicks out at two. She puts Morgan in a camel clutch and the Philly Diva stands up. AJ wraps her legs around her stomach and holds her neck in a headlock. Morgan grabs her by the hair and throws her on the mat as AJ holds her back.
After AJ and Morgan give each other moves back and forth, AJ kicks her in the midsection and runs to the ropes to try to kick her again but Morgan ducks. She tries to kick AJ but she ducks and AJ gives her a spinning kick in the face as she falls on the mat.
"What a kick by AJ." Josh exclaimed.
AJ pins Morgan for a two count. Morgan gets up but then AJ gets on her back and tries to give her another submission. Morgan sighs out of frustration loudly. She backs up to a turnbuckle to get AJ off of her. She starts giving her clotheslines but then Tamina grabs her legs and brings her down.
All the divas start to fight the heel divas as the crowd cheers.
"And the divas go at it!" Josh yelled.
Morgan gets on her knees but is hit by a shining wizard by AJ. She takes advantage and grabs Morgan into the Black Widow.
"Morgan's caught!" Miz exclaimed. Moments later, she was forced to tap.
"Here is your winner! And the new divas champion, AJ Lee." Lilian announced.
AJ let out a crazed laugh and grabbed the title, raising it up in the air.
Morgan held her arm and looked disappointed while AJ got out of the ring and was greeted by the heel divas.
The Philly Diva glares at Tamina while getting helped by the face divas.
"Because of the distraction by Tamina, AJ is now the new Diva's champion," Miz looked on.
'WWE Exclusive Video'
Morgan is walking backstage, still disappointed in the match. She wiped the tears, threatening to fall from her eyes and saw Seth.
"Come here." he wrapped her arms around her tightly, as she hugged him back.
"I feel like I let everybody down. I let The Shield down, I let Philly down, I let the divas division down, and I let the WWE Universe down." She said with disappointment.
"Hey." He sternly spoke as he released her. "You did not let anyone down. You tried your best. Let it motivate you to continue being the best diva you can be. You don't need the title to prove that you are worthy of being here." He reassured her with a smile and wiped her tears.
"Thank you, Seth. Really. Thank you for always being there,"
Morgan tweets 'Upset that I lost but that motivates me. I lost to the better woman. Congrats AJ. 116 days as Divas Champion. I'm proud of it and I hope I get a longer reign the next time I win the championship back.'
'Next Week, Monday Night Raw'
Orton was backstage in the medical room, being tended by a doctor. The doctor was putting ice on his shoulder. Orton had just been put into a table by the Big Show earlier this evening.
The doctor tries to raise up his arm. "How does that feel?"
"How does it feel? You see what happened to me out there?" Randy retorted, still in a foul mood from getting his ass kicked.
The Shield but Morgan walk over to him.
Dean puts his hand on the doctor's shoulder. "Peace out for a minute. Go take a walk." Dean gestured as the doctor left.
Seth stands next to Dean while Roman stands next to Seth. Morgan arrives and stands next to Roman but The Shield don't notice since they have their attention on Orton.
"Sup man?" Seth greeted with a smile.
"What's up? What's up you say huh? Where the hell were you guys?" Orton asked. "Oh, I don't know about an hour ago? You know when I was in the ring getting my ass handed to me by the Big Show? Did you see what he did to me?"
"Champ..." Dean spoke
"Obviously not because you wasn't there " Orton vented on while Morgan stared at him with a confused expression.
He was out of it. She couldn't believe how much whining he's been doing, blaming others for his problems. She rolled her eyes and ran a hand through her hair
"...You didn't come for my rescue like last week." Orton threw the pack of ice off his shoulder and started to get upset. "We beat his ass last week! And now I'm getting my ass chokeslammed through a table! Where were ya?! What Dean!?"
"'s none of your business where we were."
"Look man...we don't work for Vickie, we don't work for Brad Maddox, we don't work for Kane," Seth added.
"And we damn sure don't work for you," Roman remarked.
"Yeah..." Morgan retorted as she crossed her arms and looked away from the guys.
A pause occurred as the crowd cheered for Morgan. She noticed the silence and looked to see the guys looking at her.
"What? Why is everyone staring at me? Do I have something on my face? What? What did I do?" she looked down at her attire and sighed. "Okay, I look weird in a cowgirl attire, don't judge me. I was doing a photo shoot for Raw Country next week. So, you can stop looking." She waved them away.
The staring began to be too much and she started to blush out of embarrassment. "Okay, awkward! I'm out of here. You, you and you." She pointed at Dean, then Seth and then Roman. "Handle this...big baby." She gestured to Orton and walked away.
Roman and Seth turn their attention back to Orton. Seth noticed Dean staring at Morgan walking away and nudged him as he quickly turned back to Orton, clearing his throat.
"Feel better all right?" Seth said to Orton.
"Heal up," Dean said as they walked away, leaving Orton angry.
'Later, Backstage'
Morgan is walking backstage and gets stopped by Tamina and AJ. "Oh look, it's the bitch who decided to cost me my match on Main Event. What the hell do you want?" She snapped as Tamina was about to step up to her but AJ got in between the two.
Morgan did not like Tamina. Not one bit. She wanted to grab her by the hair and bang her head to a wall. She was so angry at her for making her lose the Diva's Championship.
"No fighting. Anyway, hi Morgan! See this?" AJ showed her the title. "This is mine. And it's back where it belongs. To me."
"Woopy doo." Morgan retorted. "You only won that because of this chick, right here." She pointed at Tamina.
It's been a while since Tamina and Morgan faced each other. Tamina was more intimidating than ever. Morgan was wondering how tough she had gotten in the ring.
She was competition.
"Don't blame me, sweetie, you got distracted." Tamina looked amused.
", you think you can give me cheap shots and get away with it sweetie?"
"I know I can, sweetie."
"Well let me tell you something..." Morgan got in her face as they glared at each other. "You better give it all you got, Snuka."
"Oh, I will and I am gonna hurt you so bad, you'll run back to that boyfriend of yours...who was it?" Tamina looked at AJ.
"Well, I don't know..."AJ grinned at her.
AJ had a feeling another Shield member was getting a little too close with Morgan. She would have to keep a close eye on that for mind games in the future.
"Tamina, I may not be intimidating to you, but I'm gonna make sure you get your ass kicked," Morgan said.
"Oh really? By who? You're gonna make The Shield go after me like you always do?" Tamina asked
The Philly Diva smirked. "Nope. I'll show you on Raw Country. Just watch your back."
Morgan tweets, 'I'm getting sick of Tamina. She better #WatchHerBack on Raw Country. Things are going to get Morganized.'
'Next Week Raw'
Morgan was at ringside while she watched The Shield go at it with CM Punk and Daniel Bryan. She was back in her Shield attire and saw Punk and Dean starting the match. They lock up but Punk throws him to the ropes, only to be taken down by a shoulder tackle. Dean rolls his neck before running to the ropes, only to be kicked in the face by Punk. Punk tags in Daniel and they do a double suplex on Ambrose.
"Let's go, Dean!" She cheered on.
Dean started to gain momentum by taking Daniel down and tagging in Seth. She winces as Seth is put into a submission by Daniel before tagging Punk back in, making Punk kick Seth in the chest.
"Wonder what Morgan has planned tonight. The Authority is on vacation." King said as Roman got tagged in and took control of Punk. "I mean, she lost the championship and she's having problems with Tamina. What do you think is going through her mind right now?"
"Yeah!" She cheered as Roman double clotheslined Punk and Bryan.
She loved the United Kingdom crowd. They were loud and entertaining to listen to.
"I think Morgan is just focusing on The Shield right now. She knows what she's going to do next week on Raw. I'm just curious about what she is going to do with Tamina. It's been a while since they faced each other. They both have improved so much over the months. It's going to be an interesting battle if they face each other in the ring soon." Cole said as Roman took control of Daniel and tagged in Seth.
Daniel manages to fight back and throw Seth and Roman out of the ring. He tags in Punk while Dean gets tagged in. Punk wears Ambrose down with some signature moves and the diving elbow. Punk pins him but Seth breaks up the pin.
"Phew. That was close. Seth look out!" Morgan warned but he got hit by Daniel's diving drop kick.
Seth falls out of the ring and Daniel dives out of the ring, almost throwing Seth into the crowd. As soon as Daniel gets up, he gets clotheslined by Reigns.
"Almost took his head off!" Cole exclaimed as Morgan high fived Roman.
The duo turns their attention to Punk, diving out of the ring, Morgan quickly moves out of the way as Punk attacks Roman.
"Bodies are flying everywhere," King exclaimed.
Punk traps Dean in the anaconda device but then The Wyatt Family's intro comes on out of nowhere as the lights go out. The lights go back on to reveal, Seth and Morgan helping Dean up while they are in between Luke Harper & Erick Rowan and Punk & Bryan.
"Oh my god!" Cole exclaimed.
Punk and Daniel's eyes widen while Morgan turns her attention to the big men. They were so scary looking. She slowly stands up with Seth and Dean. Bray Wyatt was outside the ring, and so was Roman. Punk pushes Seth while he and Morgan stumble into Luke Harper.
"Real mature." She glared at Punk and turned her attention to Luke.
Seth was not happy when Luke pushed him out of the way. She could see Seth breathing heavily out of anger. This was not good. He and Luke faced each other while Seth started to point at him.
"I want them! I came to get them!" Luke pointed at Punk and Bryan. "I don't want you!"
"You put your hands on me!? Who do you think you are!? This is our match!" Seth yelled in his face as Luke showed off a wicked grin and nodded. "I don't know why you're here, what do you think you're doin' out here!? We had a match!"
"I came to get them! I came to get them!" Luke yelled in a hoarse voice. Dean pushed Seth back and tried to calm him down.
Morgan turned her attention to Luke. "Hey! Don't think you can just come here and interrupt The Shield's match!" She was about to hit him but he grabbed her forearm. She was taken aback at the sudden action.
Maybe she should have thought things through. She thought the Wyatts were here to pick a fight with The Shield. Maybe she should have listened to what they had to say.
"Oh no." JBL said. Morgan tried to pull her arm back but Luke wouldn't release her. He pulled her to him. "Morgan maybe should have kept herself out of this situation."
"I am not here to fight you!" Luke yelled in her face.
"I'm not here for you!"
"Then why are you here?!"
He had her forearm gripped pretty tight. There was no way she could escape. She was creeped out by Luke, especially with Erick standing there with that crazy looking mask on. It was like a horror movie. A horror movie she did not want to star in. The way they looked at her creeped her out as well but she saw that they did not want to hurt her.
"I came to get them!" Luke pointed at Punk and Daniel.
Realization hit her. The Wyatts wanted Punk and Bryan. Dean and Seth saw she was grabbed by Luke and quickly came to her rescue. Morgan looked at them with worry. The last place she wanted to be was with a bunch of guys, wanting to rip each other's heads off.
"Get the hell off of her!" Dean and Seth yell while they grab her other arm and try to pull her to them.
Luke grabbed Morgan to him as the crowd was loving it.
"Stop it! I'm not a toy!" Morgan exclaimed. The crowd was chanting 'Yes!' when Luke pulled her to him and 'No!' when Seth and Dean pulled her to themselves.
"Poor Morgan, she's being grabbed like a doll," King said.
"I don't want to die!" She yelled, being pulled back to Luke. "I don't want to die!" She got pulled back to The Shield.
"Wouldn't want to be in her shoes," JBL said.
"Stop! I'm only 26!" Morgan continued to yell as she got pulled back to Luke. "Don't rip me in half!"
She got pulled back to The Shield once again.
"I don't think Morgan would want to be in Morgan's shoes," Cole exclaimed.
"Get your freakin' hands off my girl!" Dean glared at Luke before Luke released her as she stumbled into Dean's arms. "You all right?"
"Yeah." She replied.
Seth started arguing with Luke again before Dean and Morgan tried to push him back.
"Are you kidding me? You're gonna come here and you're gonna put your hands on The Thorn of Justice?" Seth pointed at her.
"He was trying to explain something to me! If you were just friggin' listen!" She tried to explain but then Dean got in Luke's face. "Would you guys calm down for a freakin' second?!"
"I don't even know who you are." Dean said in Luke's face while Seth got in his face as well. "But I'm not going to be nice to the people who touch what I know belongs to me. Touch her again, see what happens."
Morgan was about to give up trying to separate these guys. "This is such a guy thing..." She retorted.
There was no way she could stop this fight if they wouldn't even listen to her.
Luke slaps Dean's hand off his chest.
"Don't you touch me." Luke said.
Erick starts to get provoked and turns his attention to Dean as they both get in each other's faces. The crowd starts to get hyped. Seth and Morgan tried to push back Dean as a shoving match started to occur.
"Dean, listen to me. Calm down okay?" Morgan got in front of him and put her hands on his cheeks.
"All right, all right." Dean said as Seth held him and Morgan released him.
Dean and Luke turn around and back off.
"They aren't gonna do it they are!" Cole yelled as Dean and Luke turned back around and punched each other.
"Oh my god!" JBL exclaimed
"Woo hoo! Woo hoo!" King cheered as the crowd exploded in cheers.
Morgan face palms as Dean & Seth fight Luke & Erick.
"For crying out loud!" She yelled, throwing her arms up in the air. She shook her head and leaned against a corner, crossing her arms. "This is ridiculous..."
"Haha, Morgan looks like she's saying 'Screw it, do what you want, I don't give a damn anymore, you won't listen to me. " JBL said.
While she was watching them fight, she couldn't help but feel a little angry inside. Just because she's a girl does not mean they shouldn't listen to her.
'At Ringside'
"Hey!" Roman yelled, getting Bray's attention.
Bray takes his hat off as Roman walks up to him.
"Get yo' boys and that rose out of here." Bray pointed to the ring, looking at Seth, Dean and Morgan.
"Get their asses out!" Roman yelled. "I'm not gonna ask you again. Get their asses out."
He grabs him by the shirt and shoves him back but then Bray hits him in the face and starts to fight in the ring.
"That is it! Enough!" Morgan screamed.
Roman grabs Erick off of Seth as both teams regroup. The Shield were still trash talking to the Wyatts and Morgan started to get even more irritated.
She turned to The Shield. "Calm down! Calm down, right now! Enough of this BS! Get your freaking act together!" She pointed at them.
Morgan got so frustrated while she kept looking at The Shield and Wyatts argue back in forth that she decided to scream with her hands on her head. It got the Wyatts' attention. The crowd was cheering loudly once again. She removed her hands and was breathing heavily from the yelling and screaming. Some hair was on her face as well. She turns her attention to The Shield again and gives them a stern look.
"That scream. Morgan is angry." Cole exclaimed.
"You all just pissed me off! Every single one of you! Instead of fighting, why don't you three just listen?!" She yelled. The Shield was about to protest but she cut them off. "Get your damn act together. Do you hear me? I said do you hear me!?"
The Shield reluctantly stopped fighting with The Wyatts and obeyed her.
"I'm tired of this, think of a resolution instead of escalating the conflict!" She got in the middle of the two teams and had her arms out, trying to separate them while the crowd chanted 'This is awesome!'
"Enough is enough." She continued.
"Morgan, trying to be the voice of reason here," Cole observed.
"You are going to listen to me whether you like it or not, I will kick each and every one of you if you don't shut up and listen." Morgan looked at both teams. "Now, give them a chance to explain." She said to The Shield, calming down a little.
Bray started to agree. "The rose with thorns is right!" He yelled, still trying to keep his men in check.
She turned to Bray. "State your purpose here, without violence." She demanded.
She was a little intimidated by the Wyatts since they were tall and looked disturbing but she had to be the peacemaker and listen to their side.
"We aren't the ones you want. I'm saying, we have a common enemy! We have a common enemy!" Bray yelled at The Shield and over the crowd cheering loudly.
Realization hit the male members of The Shield as everyone in the ring turned their attention to Punk and Bryan.
"Uh oh." Cole said.
The two teams get out of the ring and go after Punk and Daniel but they slide in the ring. The Wyatts and The Shield surround the ring and jump Punk and Bryan. The Usos, Goldust and Cody run into the ring and brawl with the Wyatts and Shield while Morgan watches from outside. Once
The Shield are thrown out of the ring, she rushes over to them as the faces stand tall in the ring.
"A chaotic ending for Raw. Guys, the question is this though, what will happen when the Authority returns to Raw Country live from Nashville." Cole looked on
"I can't wait for next week. What a night." JBL exclaimed as Raw went off the air.
Morgan tweets 'Never again will I play #TugOfWar with The Shield and Wyatts.'
'Buying myself some lemons, halls and hot tea to soothe my throat. That screaming messed me up. #ScreamQueen!' Morgan also tweets.
'Tuesday morning, at Jon and Melanie's Hotel Room'
Melanie was asleep while Jon was getting ready to go to the gym. "Mel, you gotta get up," he said.
"Five more minutes..." She mumbled and put a pillow over her head.
"You said that 15 minutes ago."
"I'm tired..."
"Well...I had something to do with that." Jon smirked to himself, reminiscing on last night.
"Yeah, it's your fault."
"My fault? You were the reason."
She removed the pillow from her head and sat up with some covers covering her upper body.
"Because of that cowgirl outfit. You almost got me hard while we were working on screen." He confessed as Melanie started laughing. "Not funny."
"Haha, yes it is! Wow, that's a first. I'm taking a shower."
"Can I join?"
"Nope." She stuck her tongue at him and rushed to the bathroom.
"All right, and when you want it, I'll be waiting to hear you beg for it," Jon replied while he leaned on the bathroom door.
"Bluff!" she yelled from the bathroom as he chuckled.
After Melanie was done, she put on green sweatpants, a black sports bra and a green sweat jacket over the sports bra with sneakers. "Ready?" She asked, while she put her hair in a ponytail.
"Yeah." he opened the door. "Ladies first."
"Such a sweetheart." she kissed him on the cheek and walked out the door. The couple hold hands while walking down the hall and after a few moments, they see Joe with a GameStop bag. "Oh my gosh, did you get COD Ghosts!?" She rushed up to him.
Joe chuckled and took the game out. "Hell yeah."
"Yeah!" Melanie high fived him. "I'm playing with you."
Melanie tweets 'Woo! WWERomanReigns got #CODGhosts today. #VideoGameMode #LetsPlay'
A fan asks 'Who's the better gamer WWEMorgan101? You or WWERomanReigns?'
'Lol, the one and only WWERomanReigns. #RomanIsABeast' Melanie replies.
'OMG! Thanks for replying to me! You are so cool!' the fan replies back.
'Aw, no problem. :)' Melanie replies to the fan.
A fan tweets 'I hope WWEMorgan101 gets another title shot.'
Melanie replies 'One day :)'
Another fan tweets 'Can I please get a retweet for my birthday?'
Melanie smiles and retweets and replies 'Happy birthday! Hope you have a rocking day :)'
The fan replies 'Thank you so much! You are the best! You made my day!'
Melanie tweets 'Going to the gym. #NoPainNoGain'
'To The Gym'
Melanie sees Colby chatting with Joe. "Yo dude." she grinned and hugged Colby.
"Aye, it's Melanie. What's up?" Colby asked while she stuck a piece of paper that said 'Kick me' on the back of his shirt.
"Oh nothing, just getting a kick out of you." she released him and kicked him in the leg.
"Ow! The hell was that for?"
"Prank war is back on."
He removed the paper from his back that said kick me. "Slick...don't worry, I'm going to get you back."
"I'll be waiting." She walked away and went to lift weights.
Jon was sitting down on a bench, shirtless and sweating from his workout and watched her.
A few minutes later, she caught him staring. "Take a picture, it'll last longer. Aren't you supposed to be working out?"
"I did, and I saw you staring at me."
"Oh yeah, seeing you sweating and shirtless, really turns me on." She joked again. "Now if you excuse me, I gotta work out."
"Well, let's just say, we're gonna have a workout the bedroom."
"Cute." She chuckled while he walked away. She set the weight down and saw Brie and Nikki walking over to her. "Hey!"
"Hey, Melanie. The girls are working out over there. Wanna join?" Brie smiled.
"Sure." she followed them and met up with Nattie, Eva Marie, Jojo, Trinity, Ariane, Celeste and Victoria. "What's up?"
The divas greet her. "How's the working out coming along?" Celeste asked, sweating from lifting weights.
"I can't do as many weights as you but I'm managing. You do inspire me to work out more."
Celeste smiled at her. "Aw, thanks."
After the divas stretch and do their workouts, they sit down on the floor and have their girl talk. While Melanie was chatting with the girls, Colby walked up behind her. He grabbed a long piece of her hair and she heard the sound of scissors.
"What the-" Melanie turned around and saw Colby smirking at her and holding up a piece of brown hair and scissors that he got from his gym bag. "Colby! You cut my hair!?"
He started laughing and Melanie began to chase him.
"It's a joke, it's fake!" he exclaimed and showed the fake hair with its tag.
"Colby, you jerk!" She slapped him on the arm as he laughed.
"Can't believe you fell for it." Celeste laughed. "Poor Melanie. I don't think you're on your game today."
'WWE Main Event'
Backstage, Dean finished taping up his hands. Morgan walked up behind him and covered his eyes. "Guess who?"
"Hm...Chyna." He smiled.
She laughed and uncovered his eyes as he turned to her. "Cute. Ready for our match, tonight?"
"Born ready."
"Great. Now, let's go slowpoke!" She started walking but then he wrapped an arm around her shoulder and walked with her.
"Who you calling slow?" He smirked.
'To The Ring'
Dean and Morgan walk out. "This is a mixed tag team match scheduled for one fall, introducing first, representing The Shield, Dean Ambrose and Morgan Lopez!" Lilian announced.
Once Dean and Morgan walk through the crowd, Morgan jumps in the ring and gets on the turnbuckle to do her taunt to the crowd.
"Let's go!" She yelled as the crowd cheered.
She grins and lowers her hand down and does The Shield taunt before getting down. She decides to sit on the top turnbuckle while Dean stands in front of her, waiting for their opponents. She massages his shoulders while Dolph Ziggler and Alicia Fox get in the ring. She gets off the turnbuckle while Ambrose holds her from behind and starts whispering in her ear.
"Ambrose and Morgan talking strategy, coming up next, Morgan and Ambrose will face Dolph Ziggler and Alicia Fox, when we return to Main Event," Josh said.
'Ding Ding Ding'
"And here we go. The ladies will be starting this mixed tag match. Morgan Lopez, the first and only female member of The Shield and also the girlfriend of Dean Ambrose is ready to face the foxy Alicia Fox. These two have history together." Miz said as Josh agreed.
Morgan and Alicia circle around each other in the ring. Alicia puts her hands into a heart and smiles at her before breaking the heart and glaring at her.
"Ooh, I'm so scared." Morgan retorted before they locked up.
Alicia grabs her into a headlock.
"What should Morgan look out for while she is in the ring with Alicia?" Josh asked.
"Her legs. Alicia has improved a lot lately. She executes beautiful dropkicks and her scissors kick has gotten more deadly. I fear for Morgan's teeth tonight." Miz answered.
"Alicia takes control," Josh said as she took down Morgan with a clothesline. She goes for the pin but Morgan kicks out at 1. "I have to agree, Alicia's long legs give her an advantage but these two know each other well. They've had a wild rivalry that escalated to a WrestleMania match."
"Yes, and that match was awesome," Miz said. "These two hated each other. They had wild food fights and backstage attacks and brawls. Morgan was not the one to be attacked from behind and she loved getting the last laugh. She showed us." He continued. Alicia throws Morgan to the ropes and dropkicks her. "Beautiful dropkick by Alicia!"
Alicia puts her into a headlock but Morgan fights back and elbows her in the stomach. Morgan starts giving her clotheslines and then throws her to the ropes. Alicia ducks her spinning kick while she is running towards her and kicks her in the mouth as Morgan holds her mouth in pain while she is down on the mat.
"Ouch...I hope Morgan didn't lose a tooth." Josh looked on and cringed.
"Every time Morgan wants to fight back, she can't because Alicia is always in control. She needs to dig down deep." Miz said.
"Come on, Morgan." Dean gripped the ropes. Alicia grabs her by the hair but she quickly counters and stands up. She hits Alicia in the stomach with her knee and gives her a DDT. "Atta girl."
She grabs Alicia and throws her to the turnbuckle. She runs and gives her a dropkick and Alicia slides down to the bottom turnbuckle.
"Morgan's fighting back," Miz said as she hit Alicia with a running knee to the face.
She then grabs her legs while Alicia holds the middle ropes. Morgan pulls her up and slams her down while Alicia releases the ropes.
"Stay on her, Morg." Dean encouraged. "Don't let her go."
Alicia and Morgan were standing up and Alicia decided to punch her in the face. Morgan returns the punch and they start punching each other back and forth as the crowd cheers 'Yay!' for Morgan and 'Boo' for Alicia. They go to clothesline each other but end up clotheslining each other at the same time as they both fall on the mat.
Dean and Ziggler had their hands out for a tag. "Come on, baby," Dean exclaimed as he tried to encourage her to give him a tag.
Morgan and Alicia manage to tag in their partners. Morgan slides out of the ring to recover. Later on, Morgan was back on the apron, watching Dean give Ziggler a knee to the midsection. He puts him on the middle rope near her and starts distracting the ref. Morgan takes advantage and gives Ziggler a kick in the face as he holds his face in agony.
"Ooh! Did you hear that?" Josh asked as the crowd reacted to the sound of the kick.
"She's dangerous like Ambrose. They were made for each other. That's one unpredictable pair." Miz said
Ziggler fights back and gives Dean 10 elbow drops before pinning him. Morgan gets in the ring and breaks up the pin.
"And Morgan saving the match," Josh said.
The ref orders her to get back on the apron and she obeys. Alicia gets off her apron and walks over to her. She grabs her left leg and brings her down but Morgan lands on her feet. Alicia is about to clothesline her but she ducks and kicks her in the midsection. She then throws her to the barricade.
"Not today sweetie," Morgan said.
She gets on the apron and gets a tag from Dean. They both give Dolph a double DDT while the ref was complaining. She gets out of the ring and throws Alicia back in the ring. She picks her up and gives her a backfire. She was about to pin her but stopped herself and looked at the turnbuckle.
"What is she going to do here?" Josh asked as she got on top of the turnbuckle. Morgan executes a moonsault on Alicia as the crowd cheers. "Wow. Nice moonsault."
"3! Ring the bell!" The ref yelled as The Shield's theme came on.
"Here are your winners! Dean Ambrose and Morgan Lopez." Lilian announced.
Morgan gets up and is picked up by Dean as she chuckles. She grins and caresses his face as she wraps her legs around his waist and gives him a long, passionate kiss.
"Guess they can't wait to get a room huh, Josh?" Miz asked as Josh chuckled.
"What a night it has been so far for Main Event." Josh said
Morgan tweets 'You can't run away from justice #JusticeHasBeenServedOnceAgain'
'Next Week, Hours Before Raw Country'
Melanie tweets 'Raw Country! Gonna party tonight! #CowGirlStyle'
Melanie and Sarona (Tamina Snuka) were in the ring. Melanie had a chair in her hands. "Okay, so, hit her like this." Melanie motioned her chair gently to Tamina's back as Stephanie nodded. They were making sure they had everything handled for tonight's diva fight. Melanie and Sarona were both used to being hit with chairs since they'd been practicing all evening.
"Hey, can we practice the part when you push me?" She asked as Sarona nodded and smiled.
Sarona was one of the coolest people she had worked with. She loved her strength in the ring and can't wait to wrestle her again soon. She was so talented in the ring. It was an honor working with Jimmy Snuka's daughter.
'Backstage, Raw Country'
All members of The Shield and Orton were in a locker room, looking at the TV. Morgan had on the same cowgirl outfit she had worn for her photoshoot. Dean was smirking at the TV, watching Big E celebrate with the fans after his win against Curtis Axel. He had just won the Intercontinental Championship. Morgan showed a small smile. She was happy for Big E.
Orton turned his attention to The Shield. Morgan had her arms crossed and was standing next to Roman at the end but the camera didn't show her yet.
"So tonight we have a new IC champion. Let's just hope that on Survivor Series, there is not a new WWE champion. Now I talked to the Authority. We're all on the same page and we have an understanding. You, The Shield, will have my back." Orton said.
"If that's what the Authority wants, that's what they'll get. But if we have your back, you better have ours." Roman replied.
Morgan cleared her throat as the camera revealed her with The Shield and Orton. She unfolded her arms. "As long as you don't whine like a big baby, we'll have your back. Excuse me." She retorted and left while Randy and The Shield watched her walk away.
Orton sighed. "You need to control her."
"S-" Dean began but Seth cut him off.
"She's fine just the way she is," Seth spoke up as Dean and Roman looked at him and then agreed. "And if you weren't so cruel to her, and apologize to her, she wouldn't be acting this way towards you."
Randy knew Seth was right as put his championship onto his shoulder. "I'll talk to her...soon."
'WWE Tout'
WWE decided to let WWE post a tout video of Morgan. "What's up Morganteers? It's The Shield's girl. Morgan Lopez. I just wanted to say that I hope Tamina watches her back tonight. She'll never know what hit her." She winked and walked away.
'Ooh, Musical chairs. My kind of game but without the musical part. #Chairs #TimeForSomeExtremeMeasures' Morgan tweets.
'In The Ring'
The Bella twins theme faded in the arena after they got in the ring. "And last but certainly not least, please welcome, Morgan Lopez!" King exclaims in the ring.
The Bellas, Jojo, Eva Marie, Summer Rae, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Kaitlyn, Alicia Fox, Tamina, and Aksana were already in the ring, in their cowgirl outfits.
'I've had enough, I'm taking you down'
The crowd cheers loudly when Morgan walks out on the ramp with a grin and twirls around while doing her taunt. She starts walking down the ramp. Every time Morgan gets in the arena and hears the fans cheering for her, she can't help but feel blessed. If it wasn't for the fans, she wouldn't be in the WWE right now. She was grateful for everything she had accomplished so far.
"Morgan seems to be in a good mood tonight." Cole said, looking at her grinning and tagging the hands of some fans.
She walks on the steps and gets in the ring by the middle rope. She gets on the turnbuckle and gets on the turnbuckle and does her taunt.
"Let's go~!" She yelled as the crowd cheered. She lowers her hand down in front of her, to do The Shield's taunt before opening her hand, making an explosion gesture with her hand. She jumps off the turnbuckle and gets ready. Tamina glares at her while Morgan smiles at her and waves. "Hey, how ya doing?"
"Hey, Morgan, can I see another twirl? Just one more." King asked.
"Sure." She smiled at him and twirled around again. Alicia, Aksana, Summer Rae and Tamina start hating while Morgan looked amused.
"Thank you. I love it when you twirl."
"Yes, you told me that 8,000 times already."
"Sorry. Well ladies and gentlemen, tonight on Raw Country, we're gonna have ourselves a special little game of musical chairs." King announced as the crowd cheered. The chairs were already set up in the middle of the ring. "It's gonna feature all the divas, the divas from the reality show and the other divas who didn't make it." he continued as the non total divas started to roll their eyes.
"Haters..." Nikki said as Brie agreed.
"Ladies, let's get this game going!" King exclaimed.
The music starts playing but some of the divas start to argue and not move.
"Um, are we gonna move?" Morgan asked. None of the divas were walking around. "M.O.V.E!"
"Who are you yelling at?" Alicia snapped.
"Hello!? Go! March!" she snapped back.
The divas start to slowly move but then the music stops. Morgan quickly sat down, next to Kaitlyn while Natalya was left standing. Natalya looks disappointed and Alicia starts waving goodbye.
"Okay, let's start the music again," King said as Natalya got out of the ring.
The divas stand up while one chair is taken away. The divas start walking around again. The music quickly stops and everyone sits down. Alicia got bumped by Naomi's butt when they were both going for the same chair. Alicia was the only one not sitting down while Morgan was sitting next to Summer Rae.
"Snooze you lose," Morgan said to Alicia as the divas waved bye to her.
The music starts again but then the divas start pushing each other. Morgan decided to remove herself from the conflict.
"Hey, hey ladies." King tried to calm everything down. "Y-you gotta keep walking."
The music stops and Nikki pushes Kaitlyn out of her seat and a fight breaks out. All the chairs were scattered around but just one. Morgan looks around and rushes towards the chair to sit on it as the crowd cheers. She crosses her legs and looks at her nails.
"We have a winner!" King announced
All the divas look at her. Feeling the attention, Morgan looked up.
"What?" she asked.
Tamina steps up to her and pushes her as she falls backward off her chair.
'Oh!' The crowd exclaimed.
"Jeesh!" Cole shouted.
The non total divas but Kaitlyn started laughing at Morgan and that was when the Total Divas attacked the non total divas.
"Now you've done it." Morgan stood up
"Musical chairs has broken down." Cole said. "Divas everywhere. Get out of there King."
Tamina starts fighting with Natalya and takes her down. Morgan grabs a chair and waits for Tamina to turn around. Once she does, the crowd 'Ohs' when Morgan whacks her with it in the face while the Total Divas are throwing out the Non Total Divas. Tamina stumbles and turns around as Morgan whacks her back.
"She just hit Tamina with a chair!" Cole shouted.
"I don't think Morgan cares," JBL said.
Morgan drops the chair and hits the backfire on Tamina, on the chair as the crowd cheers. The Non Total Divas drag Tamina out of the ring as she holds her head and glares at Morgan.
The Total Divas Theme, 'Top of The World' comes on as the Total Divas stand tall in the ring.
" may wanna ice that." Morgan chuckled at Tamina and tapped her head.
"This isn't over!" Tamina yelled.
"You started it! I'm gonna finish it!" Morgan yelled back
Fans Tweet,
'This segment sucked until Morgan hit Tamina with a chair. Highlight of the segment!'
'Worst diva segment ever until Morgan grabbed a chair.'
'Pointless segment until Morgan proved me wrong.'
Morgan tweets 'That looked and sounded like those chair shots hurt TaminaSnuka #ThatsWhatYouGet #NeverMessWithTheThornOfJustice'
'Later on Raw'
The Shield walk through the crowd while Morgan had on her Shield attire. She smiles at the crowd and tags some of their hands while Justin Roberts introduces them.
"It was a year ago at Survivor Series when all 4 members of The Shield debuted." Cole said as they jumped over the barricade and regrouped in front of the announce table.
All of a sudden, the Wyatt family's intro came on.
'We're here'
Morgan watches the Wyatt family slowly walk down the ramp.
"This is going to be interesting." She mumbled with her arms crossed as the lights came back on.
She could hear Bray chuckling as the Wyatt family walked over to The Shield. It was so creepy. That chuckle was disturbing.
The Wyatts meet up with The Shield as both teams stare each other down. The Wyatts looked away to get on the apron but Morgan noticed that Luke Harper was looking at her longer, than the other members, which made her ponder.
'Ding Ding Ding'
"Let's go baby!" She cheered for Dean. He was starting the match against Jimmy Uso. Moments later, Jey and Roman Reigns take on each other. Then, the faces take control of Roman. "Come on Roman!"
The Shield start making quick tags until Luke decided to tag himself in by tapping Seth on the back. Luke gets off the apron to face one of the Usos that was hurt outside the ring.
"What's your problem, huh?" Seth shouted as he got out of the ring.
"Stop. Don't." Morgan held him back.
"We're a team here," Luke said.
"I agree!" Morgan nodded and tried to reason but then Roman and Dean helped her hold back Seth as the Wyatt family came to Luke's aid. They all started arguing while Morgan rolled her eyes. "Forget it...I'm not wasting my breath anymore."
The crowd chants 'Fight' as the argument starts to escalate. The ref breaks it up and the crowd boos once Luke gets in the ring.
"Are we going to hear Morgan scream again? Last week was hilarious." JBL said
"I hope not." Cole replied. "I brought my earplugs just in case."
Daniel Bryan tries to make a tag to one of his teammates since he was beaten down by The Shield and Wyatts tagging back and forth. Seth, Roman and the Wyatts get in the ring and knock down their opponents off the apron. Morgan starts laughing at the opposing team until Goldust stands up and turns his attention to her, walking over her way.
"What? What are you gonna do?" She asked with a smug look. Goldust takes a deep breath and breathes in her face as she stumbles back. She automatically got creeped out. "Back off! What is up with me and mad men this month?" She exclaimed as the crowd laughed.
"Uh oh." JBL said as she backed away from Goldust and started to get chased by him. The Shield try to come to her rescue but Punk and the Usos take them down.
Luke gets out of the ring and stands near the announce table, watching Morgan getting chased
"Get him away from me!" She shrieked as the crowd was enjoying the sight
"Run Morgan! Run!" King cheered on.
She trips and falls near Luke as Goldust starts to stalk over to her. He does his deep breath taunt as she scrambles back.
"Get away from me!" She yelled.
Goldust looked amused until Luke came out of nowhere with a running clothesline.
"What a clothesline!" Cole exclaimed.
Morgan's eyes widen and snaps her head to Luke who has his attention on Goldust. Luke slowly turns to her and stares.
"He just saved Morgan." JBL looked on.
"Why would a member of The Wyatt family want to save a member of The Shield?" Cole asked as Luke had his hand out.
Morgan reluctantly takes it as he helps her up.
"Are you all right?" He asked in his hoarse voice.
"Yeah. Why'd you save me?" She asked.
"I don't know." He vaguely replied and turned his attention back to the match, leaving Morgan in wonder.
Near the end of the match, CM Punk gets tagged in and cleans house.
"Here we go! Air Punk!" JBL exclaimed as Punk hit Ambrose with a diving elbow.
He puts Dean in the GTS position but he escapes it. Bray Wyatt distracts Punk and that allows Dean to grab him from behind. Punk counters Dean's attack and puts him in the Anaconda Vice. Luke and Erick break the submission up but then the Usos throw them out of the ring and hit them with a dive outside the ring.
Dean and Punk get up and bump backs. They quickly turn around and Punk sets him up for the GTS once again before Dean escapes it and hits his finisher on him.
"Yes! Pin him!" Morgan cheered. Dean goes for the pin but Goldust breaks it up. "Are you kidding me!?"
As soon as Goldust stands up and turns around, he gets speared by Roman.
"Spear!" Cole exclaimed.
Cody gets in the ring and hits Roman with the Cross Rhodes. Seth gets in the ring and attacks him with a powerbomb on the turnbuckle. Then Punk and Daniel do a double team move on Seth and throw him out of the ring. And then, Punk hits the GTS on Dean for the win.
"The winner of this match, Jimmy and Jey Uso, Cody Rhodes, Goldust, Daniel Bryan and CM Punk." Justin announced.
Fans tweet:
'Morgan has been attracting some weird guys lately. Lol.'
'Lol, Goldust chasing Morgan. #RunMorganRun'
'Yikes! Luke saving Morgan? Something is not right.'
'Awesome save by Luke for Morgan.'
Morgan tweets 'This is interesting. So, I guess I attract weird, disturbing, crazy, bizarre and eccentric men now. #IAmAttractingMadMen #IDigMadMen'
Favorite Hashtag?
Forced To Believe Chapter 37- Meeting Hot Rod

Chapter Summary: Melanie fangirls as she gets to work with Hot Rod for a segment with The Shield. The Wyatts haven't forgotten about Morgan as Bray gives her a warning. Roman takes on CM Punk.
Words: 5,000+
Author's Note: OK! Last one for today! Trying to post more wrestling chapters hehe.
Morgan tweets 'A lot of rumors going around in the WWE Universe. I'm going to kick you in the face. You know who you are...'
'Later On'
Morgan was backstage with Roman while he taped her wrists for her as the crowd gave them a nice reception.
"Trying something new instead of the gloves?" he asked.
"Maybe just for tonight. The black tape looks interesting with this outfit," she replied.
After he was done, he intertwined his fingers with hers. "Good luck out there."
"Thanks." she smiled and walked away while he watched her with a lingering gaze.
'In The Ring'
Rosa and Alicia Fox were already in the ring with Kaitlyn and Morgan. Kaitlyn managed to apologize to Morgan and the two ended up on good terms again and decided to team up tonight in a tag match.
Morgan watches Kaitlyn start off the match as she quickly dominates Alicia but then Alicia starts to fight back once she pulls Kaitlyn down and onto the middle rope to choke her neck. When Rosa and Alicia began ganging up on her, Morgan tried clapping to hype up the crowd which worked.
When Kaitlyn was about to make a tag, Rosa grabbed Morgan by the leg and brought her down at ringside. She does a loud yell and throws Morgan to the barricade.
"This bitch..." Morgan held the back of her head while Rosa began to taunt her.
"Cheap shot by Rosa! This is not good." Cole looked on.
"And she's dancing again," JBL said.
Meanwhile, in the ring, Alicia hits Kaitlyn with a somersault leg drop and pins her for a 2 count.
"Kaitlyn is still trying to hang on." JBL looked on while Rosa got back on the apron.
Alicia and Rosa continue to dominate her while Morgan gets back on the apron.
"Come on Kaitlyn! Milhouse would want you to fight back! You got this!" Morgan shouted. That motivated her to hit Alicia with three shoulder tackles and a gutbuster. She pins her for a 2 count and runs to the ropes but Rosa kicks her back. "Really!? Really?"
Kaitlyn turns her attention to her and is about to hit her but Rosa jumps off the apron. She turns around to get hit with a kick in the face. Alicia begins to distract the ref while Rosa gets in the ring to start beating on her and choking her on the bottom rope. Morgan had enough and jumped off the apron.
"Not today!" Morgan yelled as she ran towards Rosa, dropkicking her in the face while landing on the apron as Roman does as the crowd 'Ohs'
"That kick!" Cole shouted.
The Philly Diva grabs her by the hair and throws her out of the ring and then into the barricade.
"Morgan! Go back to your corner, now!" The ref ordered.
She decides to obey and that leads to Kaitlyn hitting Alicia with a backbreaker. She crawls over to Morgan and makes the tag as the crowd goes wild. Morgan hits Alicia with 5 clotheslines and tries to kick her but Alicia grabs her leg and pushes her back. Alicia runs to the ropes but gets caught in Morgan's arms as she spins her around and slams her hard on the mat.
"This may be over," Cole said as she pinned her but then Rosa broke it up. Kaitlyn rushes back into the ring and spears her. "Spear by Kaitlyn!"
She gets back on the apron and Morgan tags her in. Morgan hits Alicia with a clothesline while Kaitlyn spears her at the same time.
"What a double team move that was!" Cole looked on
Once Kaitlyn started to pin her, Rosa was crawling on the ropes until Morgan kicked her in the face, making her fall off again.
"Nice finishing touch on that match," JBL said while Morgan jumped on Kaitlyn's back to celebrate with her.
"Here are your winners! Kaitlyn and Morgan!" Lilian announced after she got off her back
For the main event, The Shield take on CM Punk and the Usos while Morgan watches at ringside. She was aware of the incident with them earlier and was going to make sure Punk got hurt.
"That smirk on Morgan's face means trouble," Cole called out while she started to slowly walk around the ring, catching the attention of the Usos and Punk.
"Looks like she's trying to do some mind games," JBL said as Dean and CM Punk started off the match.
"Can you believe Morgan accepted Punk's challenge?" Cole asked as Punk began to take control of Dean and elbowed him down to the mat.
Punk throws Dean to his team and yells "Come on, I wanna know who the weak link is!"
"I actually can. She wants to prove herself. Now, I don't know if she'll win against CM Punk but I believe she'll show some great ring work." JBL replied as The Usos began to take control of Seth.
Morgan stops walking around the ring and begins to watch the match on the side where her teammates are. She watches as The Shield begin to take control of Jimmy Uso.
"And this is where The Shield is dangerous." Cole looked on.
"Come on Uso. Come on." Seth taunted and hit Jimmy with a leg drop.
The crowd begins to chant 'Uso' and that motivates Jimmy to try to make a tag but Ambrose catches him in an arm submission and begins to take control.
"I like it!" Morgan cheered when Dean hit Jimmy with a hard clothesline.
Morgan and Punk begin to give each other eye contact and start taunting each other. He gets off the apron and sees her smirking at him which prompts him to begin walking over to where she was.
"What are you going to do? Hit me? Hit me with your best shot." She asked as the crowd started to get hyped.
He was about to make his way towards her but Roman jumped off the apron and got in front of her as the crowd cheered.
"Oh~" JBL exclaimed.
"Not happenin'." Roman shook his head.
"Things just got a little interesting between these three." JBL looked on in delight.
"Roman Reigns getting in the way of this situation," Cole said.
"I'm sorry, were you going to do something?" She asked with a smug look but then the ref ordered them to back off.
Later on in the match, Jimmy tags in Punk and he begins to hit Seth with his signature moves and strikes Dean with a big boot off the apron.
"Vintage Punk with a running knee and follows it up with a clothesline," Cole looked on. Punk gets on the top rope but Morgan gets on the apron to distract him and Seth takes advantage. "The distraction by Morgan."
The Philly Diva grins in satisfaction and jumps off the apron, high fiving Ambrose. Seth hits Punk with a crossbody but then Punk rolls them over for the Anaconda Vice as the crowd gets hype. Dean breaks it up but gets kicked and punched by one of the Usos. Roman gets in the ring and drops the Uso with a Superman punch and wipes his hands.
Punk was leaning on the bottom rope, face first, near Morgan while Dean started to distract to ref since he was tagged in. She stalks over to Punk and smirks. She quickly lifts her right leg straight up as her boot hits his face, causing the crowd to 'Oh!' at the sound of the impact.
"Good Lord!" JBL yelled.
Morgan started laughing at the pain he was in and showed a wicked grin on her face.
"Son of a..." Punk muttered as he held his head.
Ambrose looks on in delight and blows her a kiss.
"She's lost her mind." Cole declared. "She's possessed by Ambrose. I'm convinced now. Did you hear that laugh?"
Punk gets dragged to the middle of the ring by Dean and gets pinned for a 2 count. Ambrose begins to take his frustration out on him and starts unloading on him near the turnbuckle. He hits him with a butterfly suplex and pins him for another 2 count.
"So close." Morgan looked on.
Roman has his hand out for a tag but Dean ignores him.
"Tag out!" Roman shouted.
Dean grabs Punk and gets kicked by him. Punk puts him in the GTS position but Roman runs in the ring and bumps into Dean. He pushes him out of the way but gets kicked by Punk and is taken out of the ring by the Usos. Rollins gets taken out of the ring as well.
"We're about to have ourselves some flyin' Usos!" JBL exclaimed as the Usos jumped on top of Rollins and Reigns.
Punk hits the GTS on Dean for the win.
"Here are your winners! The Usos and CM Punk!" Lilian announced.
Punk looked at Morgan and pointed to her. "This isn't over," he said while she gave him an irritated look and retreated with her team.
She could see Roman looking annoyed since Dean didn't make the tag.
"We were this close." Roman vented to Seth and her once Dean left the arena. "I wanted him to tag out and he wouldn't tag me in."
'WWE Exclusive Video'
At The Shield's hideout, Roman started pacing around, still annoyed with Dean and his actions. Morgan appeared on the scene, looking worried.
"How many times are you going to pace around? I'm sure he didn't mean to lose the match-" she began.
"Just stop defending him!" Roman shouted and stopped pacing around.
She let out a breath, taken aback by his sudden shout. 'Wow...' she mouthed and looked down, feeling some type of way.
He realized what he had just done and started to feel guilty. "Morgan...I..." he ran a hand through his hair and sighed as he approached her. "I'm-I'm sorry,"
She looked up as a small, sad smile came across her lips. "No harm done,"
"No. You're trying to help me and I'm lashing out at you. You're the last person I should be taking my anger out on. Nor the last person I want to be yelling at. You don't deserve that."
"Roman, it's fine. No harm done, really." She shrugged it off.
She could see the frustration in his body language and eyes. She couldn't blame him for being so upset.
"Raw will be a better time to work things out. For now, let's just sleep it off," she added.
'Another WWE Exclusive Video'
Morgan was in her street clothes backstage putting her hair in a ponytail but then saw Luke Harper leaning on the door, watching her. She gasped and turned around to see no one there.
"Maybe I'm just seeing things." She turned back around but looked in the mirror and it read 'We haven't forgotten about you Rose with Thorns. You're almost ready for us.'
Kaitlyn walked in and she turned around.
"D-did you see that!?" Morgan pointed to the mirror but nothing was there as she was confused and touched the mirror. "No, there was something in the mirror. I saw him, at the door."
"Who?" Kaitlyn raised a brow
"I saw Luke at the door."
"Are you drunk?" She let out a chuckle.
"Kaitlyn, I'm serious." the Philly Diva ran her fingers through her hair. "I'm not joking. No games."
"Maybe you should sleep it off. The Shield did suffer a tough loss. Come on." She replied as they walked out of the locker room
'Next week, Old School Raw'
Hours before the show, Melanie was already ready for the night. She decided to look like Chyna by doing one of her hairstyles and wore shredded black pants and a black corset. She was sitting in catering with Celeste, popping grapes in her mouth.
"Melanie. Melanie, calm down!" Celeste giggled.
"He's here," Melanie exclaimed and continued to pop grapes in her mouth.
"I know."
"You don't understand. He's here! I'm going to meet Hot Rod!" she squealed and continued eating the grapes. "This is so cool. I get to meet my favorite legend of all time!"
"Is she in panic mode?" Jon asked as he sat next to her and Celeste nodded. "Okay, enough grapes for one night." he tried to take the grapes from her but she snatched it and put him in a headlock. "Ah! Mel, knock it off."
"Hands off my grapes!" she shouted as Celeste started laughing.
Later on, The Shield all get ready to meet up with Stephanie for information on the segment. While Melanie was walking near the backstage interview area, she held Jon's hand and held it tightly.
"Melanie, you're going to do fine." He let out a laugh. But then she squeezed his hand harder with nervousness. He stopped walking and made her stop too. "Mel, you're going to do fine." He kissed her cheek.
"Okay." Melanie smiled.
After they get the information on the segment, Melanie hangs around backstage to kill some time before the show. After greeting some legends, she began stretching near the gorilla.
"Well, well, if it isn't Chyna's cousin. Melanie Laurer." A voice called out.
Melanie's heart dropped and began to have butterflies in her stomach.
Could it be...?
She turned around and looked at Roddy Piper, who was grinning at her.
"P-Piper? Oh my gosh..." Melanie laughed but started crying. She went to embrace him as he let out a soft laugh. "Oh my gosh...I can't believe I'm hugging you."
"I finally get to meet one of my biggest fans," he said as they released each other.
"Sorry." She chuckled and wiped her tears. "Fangirling, haha."
"There you two are. I see that you've met." Stephanie walked over to them and smiled
"This is so cool!" Melanie hugged him again. "Your promos are so awesome. It's an honor to be able to work with you."
Once he thanked her again and gave her a kiss on the forehead, squealed, excited to be in his presence. The two walked around backstage as he gave her advice on wrestling and discussed life. They even took photos together that she planned to post after the show. She was on cloud nine.
'In The Ring'
Piper was in the ring, while the ring was set up for Piper's Pit.
"It's Raw Old School. And Hot Rod was old school before old school was cool. Now, I have fought some guys." Piper grinned but got interrupted.
"Well for once The Shield is actually invited," Cole said as Roman, Dean, and Seth walked down the steps. Dean was wearing his belt around his waist and a Shield hoodie. "They are the scheduled guests for Roddy Piper in Piper's Pit. John, The Shield owned 2013 but recently in my estimation and others as well, some cracks have been forming within the team."
"You see cracks because you wanna see cracks. Where is Morgan?" JBL asked.
"I guess we'll find out," Cole said as The Shield got in the ring and Dean grabbed a mic.
"At least there is one person in The Shield that is respectful." Piper chuckled, thinking about their fourth member.
Moments later, Morgan's theme comes on and she walks out as the crowd cheers loudly. She put her hands on her hips and with a confident expression, looking like her cousin.
"There she is! And she's paying tribute to her cousin Chyna. How awesome." JBL said as she tagged some hands and grinned.
She walks up the steps while Ambrose sits on the middle rope so she can get in. She rewards him with a kiss on the cheek and sits next to Roman on the stool who sits next to Seth.
"Sorry, I couldn't interrupt him like that." She said to The Shield and smiled at Piper.
"Someone looks starstruck." JBL looked on.
"I've been informed that Piper is Morgan's favorite Legend. So what will happen if The Shield gang up on him?" Cole asked.
Dean and Piper faced off and Dean looked at the crowd. "Who gave this old man a live microphone?" he pointed at Piper and turned to him. "We're on live television. We were gonna stand around and wait while you ramble on and on if you're gonna say should be thanking God, that The Shield wasn't around when you were in your prime because if we were, you may not have made it to 112 years old." He grinned while Piper laughed.
Melanie had to keep herself in character because she was just so starstruck. She was in the ring with Piper. The Roddy Piper. It was an experience she will never forget. She got back in character as she was sitting, minding her business since Morgan decided not to get herself into any more trouble.
"First of all, nobody gave me a mic, I took it and this is Piper's Pit, not Ambrose Alley." Piper retorted.
Morgan smiled in amusement.
"Now, if you're finished with the foolishness..." He looked at Seth who was looking at him. "You think I'm cute?" He laughed and snorted while Seth chuckled and nodded.
"I admit, I've been beat up." Piper continued. "I have fought some guys. Oh my goodness...things don't work quite like they used to except for my mind is fine. And there is only one guy that can match me on the microphone and his name is CM Punk." he declared in Dean's face.
Dean responded by giving him a dirty look as the crowd cheered. Roman and Morgan glanced at each other and Dean started to rub his shoulder while the crowd chanted 'CM Punk'
"Punk!" Piper taunted. "Punk! Punk!"
Morgan could see Ambrose seething and was debating if she should calm him down or if he would calm himself down.
"I think you of all people would know to tread lightly in a situation like you're in Piper." Dean began but Seth stood up and held him back.
"Hey, hey, hey, hey!" Seth backed him away from Piper. He chuckled and turned his attention to him. "Hot Rod. Can I call ya Hot Rod?"
"Sure," Piper said.
"Look, I appreciate what you're trying to do here but my friend, it's not 1985 anymore. The Shield is too smart for your little tactics, all right? There are no cracks in The Shield you know what I think it is? I think it's jealousy, all right? Piper is jealous because you." Seth looked at Dean. "Are a better US champion than he ever was." he laughed in Piper's face as the crowd booed him.
Morgan didn't like the disrespect they were showing to Piper but decided to bite her tongue.
"Oh yeah, that's definitely it, that's definitely it," Dean said.
"Well let's just hang on a second. You may be right, I know something for sure. You." Piper pointed at Seth. "One on one, can't beat Punk. You." he pointed to Dean. "One on one, you couldn't beat Punk either."
"I can beat CM Punk." Dean declared. "I can beat CM Punk, you don't know anything about me, I can beat CM Punk."
Piper laughed. "Is it botherin' ya?"
Roman and Morgan glanced at each other again before Roman looked back at Piper and Morgan looked at her boots.
"Well, well, well. Look who we have here. Hello beautiful." Piper grinned as he looked at her.
The crowd cheered and the Outspoken Diva looked up at him as The Shield turned their attention to her.
"Excuse me?" she asked and started to blush.
Piper grabbed her hand and made her stand up. "Look at you. Lookin' like your cousin. Man, you got yourself a flower here, Ambrose."
"I know I do and I'm proud of it." Ambrose grabbed her to him and put an arm around her.
"I see that. Now, Morgan, I haven't seen you go full out in wrestling yet. If you asked me, I think The Shield is holding you back. I saw you wrestle CM Punk at TLC. And this fool right here." Piper pointed to Ambrose. "Prevented you from wrestling Punk even more."
Ambrose started to get annoyed again.
"I see the potential in you." Piper continued as Morgan looked at him in amazement. "But, a woman so...womanly as yourself surprised me when you wanted to wrestle the WWE Superstars. A hard shot in the ribs, I thought your career was over. You can take some hits."
"Well her career isn't over." Dean retorted and removed his arm from her.
"Was anyone talkin' to you pretty boy? This is between me and this woman right here. Stay out of our conversation." Piper snapped as the crowd cheered.
Seth held Dean back while Morgan stiffed a laugh.
"Speaking of you boys, do you know how embarrassing it would be for you guys if this outspoken beauty..." Piper grabbed her hand and kissed it, making her blush and smile even more. "...Beats CM Punk? Will that make Morgan better than her teammates? Can she outsmart CM Punk? Will that be a crack in The Shield?"
"Don't listen to him," Dean said, glaring at Piper. "Baby, don't listen to him, he's getting in your head."
"He's doing mind games," Seth added. "Don't listen to his crap."
Morgan grabbed a mic and chuckled. "...You're making it hard not to fangirl. I'm like, a huge fan. It's an honor hearing you compliment me."
"Morgan, snap out of the starstruck phase," Dean exclaimed but she ignored him.
"You are so cool! I grew up watching your matches. And it's a real honor to be in the same ring as you." She went on.
"Well, at least there is somebody in The Shield who is a sweetheart and respects me." Piper grinned.
"He called me a sweetheart." Morgan giggled at The Shield as she started squealing, making the crowd laugh at her wholesome reaction.
Roman watched her, amused, as a small smile came across his face.
'Cute...' he thought as he watched her.
Meanwhile, Ambrose facepalmed while Rollins continued to try to calm him down.
"Ha ha, she even got a cute little giggle." Piper snorted as he laughed.
'That she does...' Roman thought but then his thoughts were interrupted when Piper suddenly pinched his cheek, making him glare at him.
" You're fighting Punk tonight. Now let me just ask, if you beat Punk tonight, doesn't that you better than them?" Piper asked as he pointed at Seth and Dean. "Would that be like a crack in The Shield? If you and The Outspoken Beauty beat CM Punk, wouldn't that make you two better than these guys? Will that make you a more powerful team? A power couple?"
"It's not gonna work Piper," Seth said and turned to Morgan and Roman. "Don't listen to a word he says."
Roman and Morgan glanced at each other before looking back at Piper.
"Are they holdin' ya back?" Piper asked Roman.
"Listen, man..." Dean started to talk in Roman's ear.
"Crack in The Shield? Huh?" Piper provoked.
"There aren't no cracks in The Shield, Piper," Seth said firmly.
Roman grabbed the mic and stood up. He began walking towards Piper who took a few steps back.
"I'm gonna beat CM Punk tonight. And if you ever touch me again, I'm gonna break your old ass in half." Roman threatened.
Morgan looked at Roman in shock. "Seriously?" She retorted.
"Hey uh, Roman, uh, let's leave a uh, memorable impression on Mister Piper." Dean said as the guys started to gang up on him.
"Mister Piper~" Seth taunted.
Morgan cleared her throat but they ignored her. She cleared her throat louder on the mic and they all turned to her. "No, no no no, no, no no, no." She interrupted as the crowd cheered. "I'll say this right now...nobody is going to lay a hand on my favorite legend."
"Especially you, Roman. If you're going to break him in're gonna have to break me in half first." she went on. "Would you do that to me?"
"Crack," Cole called out.
"Shut up, Cole." JBL retorted.
"Are you being serious right now?" Dean walked up to her. "He needs to be taught a lesson."
"No, he doesn't," she replied, holding her ground.
"Yes, he does."
"Sorry Morgan, but if you don't want to be a part of this, then you can just stay there." Dean turned around as the crowd booed.
Morgan started to look conflicted. She didn't want Piper to get hurt and she wanted to be on good terms with her teammates. After a few seconds of thinking, she decided to distract Dean by turning him around and wrapping her arms around him to kiss him.
"Whoa!" JBL exclaimed as Seth and Roman stopped and turned their attention to them.
Dean was surprised at her throwing herself at him but began to kiss back. Morgan stopped the kiss, leaving him in a daze as she fixed her hair and clothes, clearing her throat.
Piper knew exactly what she was trying to do and mentally thanked her.
She grabbed another mic. "Sorry, I had to get that out of my system. Anyway, let's not gang up on Piper."
Dean snapped out of his daze and started to look at her with lust.
"And...we're about to lose him," Roman stated as Dean began to march over to her.
"And let's whoa-" She got turned back around as she dropped the mic and is smooched by Ambrose as the crowd started freaking out.
"Looks like he couldn't resist her charm," Cole looked on as Morgan got backed up to turnbuckle while he grabbed her waist
"And this is why they are my favorite heel couple. Do you see the passion in their kisses? Wonderful." JBL showed his support as he watched her run her hands through Dean's hair.
Piper looked amused and started to think of a plan to escape The Shield.
"Dean keep it PG!" Seth tried to snap him out of it. "Dean! Dean!"
Roman facepalmed and shook his head. Moments later, Morgan managed to break away from him while Seth held Dean back
"Easy tiger," Seth said.
The Philly Diva caught her breath and put a hand over her chest, chuckling.
While The Shield were all distracted, thanks to Morgan, CM Punk runs down the ring with The New Age Outlaws. Morgan slides out of the ring while The Shield take on Punk and his team. But in the end, The Shield get thrown out of the ring while the crowd cheers.
Locking eyes with Piper, Morgan watched as he nodded in appreciation because she attempted to make sure he wasn't harmed by The Shield.
"You old piece of trash!" Seth yelled while The Shield was over the barricade.
"Hey! Calm down. We got this." She reassured. "We got this."
CM Punk was in the ring while the New Age Outlaws were at ringside to support him. Roman was also in the ring while The Shield was at ringside too.
"Break him in half," Dean said.
"It's go time tonight baby! Take him out! Take him out! He don't stand a chance." Seth added.
"I believe in you, Roman. You got this." Morgan cheered as the bell rang.
She watches as Punk manages to keep a hold of Roman in a headlock.
"Come on big man. Do what you gotta do." Seth said and Roman managed to take Punk down. "That's what I'm talkin' about! You don't stand a chance Punk!"
Moments later, Roman throws Punk over the turnbuckle and onto the floor, hurting his ribs. Dean, who had an arm around Morgan, walks near Punk with Seth but then the New Age Outlaws come to his aid as they begin trash talking each other. Roman took a breather in the ring, while the ref began to count.
Punk manages to get back in the ring and Roman begins to take control of his ribs. Morgan liked the sound of Punk yelling out in pain as she began to smirk in delight. The New Age Outlaws began to try to support Punk but Seth and Dean started mouthing off.
"You shut up! You shut up old, man! Shut up!" Seth shouted.
Punk hits Roman with a crossbody off the ropes and runs to give him a running knee but gets caught in a bear hug.
"Come on, just squeeze the life out of him." Rollins looked on. "Don't let him go."
Punk escapes the bear hug and hits him with elbows but gets taken down by a Samoan drop. Roman pins him for a 2 count and walks to a corner. He punches the mat and waits for Punk to get up, preparing for the Superman punch. When he tries to go for it, Punk moves out of the way and kicks him in the back of the head. Roman looks dazed while The New Age Outlaws and The Shield continue to mouth off.
"Come on Roman." Morgan bangs on the mat, ignoring the boys yelling at each other.
Punk begins to hit Roman with his signature moves and pins him for a 1 count.
"Just one! Not today!" She grinned and put her right index finger out in front of Punk with Dean
Punk looks at Roman in surprise that he got up so quickly from his signature moves.
"Oh~ you better believe that." Seth taunted. "That's one." He high fived Morgan and Dean.
Punk hits Roman with two running knees and pins him for a 2 count. He gets on the top rope while Seth tries to control Dean and his hot head. Roman tries to throw Punk off but gets elbowed off the rope and is hit with a diving elbow.
Seth and Dean started to panic while Morgan kept a cool head. "Guys, he's going to be fine."
Seth nodded and began to bang on the mat. "He's okay. He's okay. Come on Roman."
Punk does the GTS taunt but Dean gets on the apron and tries to distract him. Road Dogg pulls him down and tries to throw him to the steps until Dean reverses it and throws him in the steel steps instead. Billy clotheslines him but then Rollins throws him to the steel post.
"You wanna stick your nose now?" Seth yelled but got hit by Punk's suicide dive as the crowd cheered.
Seth falls over the table where the commentators are while Morgan keeps her distance. Punk gets on the apron and jumps over the ropes, only to be hit by a Superman punch.
"And he got caught!" Cole yelled as Roman pinned him for a near fall, making him look at him in surprise. "CM Punk kicked out! I thought he had him!"
Morgan was shocked too but Roman started to give Punk a stare and stood up as he backed up to a corner.
He roars and runs to spear him but Punk jumps up, making him hit the middle turnbuckle.
"No!" Morgan exclaimed as Punk grabbed him for a roll up.
Roman kicks out and she looks relieved. She goes to help Dean up while Roman gets kicked by Punk and is pinned for another near fall as Punk couldn't believe it.
"Ambrose," Roman called out and was pulled into the GTS position until he elbowed Punk to escape it.
He stumbles to a corner and is hit with Punk's running knee. He grabs him for a bulldog but Roman throws him to Dean and Punk hits him off the apron. But when Punk turns around, he gets speared.
"Spear! Spear by Reigns!" Cole exclaimed.
"Yes!" Morgan shouted and got in the ring with the guys to celebrate his victory.
"By beating Punk tonight, is Roman the best of The Shield?" Cole asked.
"We'll have to find out because Morgan is going to be put through the test." JBL reminded but all of a sudden, another theme surrounded the arena. "What the hell?"
The Shield look confused and turn their attention to the stage but then Jake 'The Snake' Roberts walks out with his sack. Morgan's eyes widen in shock and takes a step back.
"You've gotta be kidding me! John, I-I think I've seen a ghost!" Cole exclaimed. "That's Jake 'The Snake' Roberts!"
Jake throws the sack into the ring while Morgan quickly slides out of the ring.
"I want no part of that," she said, backing up
But then Punk and The New Age Outlaws begin to attack the male members of The Shield and they throw Seth and Roman out of the ring. Punk picks Dean up and begins to spin him around and hits him with the GTS.
Morgan reluctantly watches as Jake takes out Damian and puts it on Dean's face. Jake picks up Damian and she decides to take the opportunity to try to drag Dean out of the ring but Jake tries to throw Damian near her as she stumbles off the apron in slight fear.
Punk gets out of the ring and starts chasing her.
"Come on, Punk! Leave her alone!" JBL shouted.
She manages to retreat with Seth and Roman on the ramp while Punk gets back in the ring to celebrate with the New Age Outlaws and Jake.
Morgan tweets 'S-Snake? Snake? Snake? #SNAKE! #RunForYourLife #JakeIsBack #Moment4Life'
Favorite Hashtag?
Forced To Believe Chapter 43- Sister Abigail

Chapter Summary: Morgan begins to start getting headaches which doesn't look like a coincidence as The Wyatts begin to get in The Shield's way
Words: 4,000+
Author's Note: It's still an Ambrose x OC storyyyy. Sister Abigail's lines will be in bold. Just trust to process :) I changed some things up a bit.
"Morgan, I've yearned for you since day one but Dean took the opportunity to sweep you off your feet before I could get the chance. It sucks that I only chose now to do something about it but I can't help myself,"
"Morgan, I want you. What guy wouldn't?" he asked. "Don't hate me..."
"Why would I hate you?"
"Because I need to get something off my chest that I've been wanting to do for a long time now."
Before she had a chance to respond, he began to lean in and she realized he was going in for a kiss. She was so angry at Ambrose that she didn't even care anymore and allowed him as she felt his lips against hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him closer as his hands grabbed onto her hips, continuing to kiss passionately. Before she knew it, she was lifted up against the wall with him holding her securely as she wrapped her legs around his waist.
He then moved to take a seat as she straddled him.
This was a little dangerous.
OK really dangerous but when they pulled away and looked into each other's eyes, she felt something.
"I know you're with Ambrose...but just allow me to be a little selfish right now," he said as he felt her place her hands on his chest.
Once he said Dean's name, the negative thoughts came back and she got off of him to recollect herself.
"Right now, I can't even think about relationships at the moment. Especially with what just happened with Dean and Rosa," she said with a frown.
"Ambrose and Rosa...? What happened?" he asked, raising a brow.
Morgan scoffed and crossed her arms. "He had Rosa on his lap with his tongue down her throat."
"I saw them and the kiss didn't look like it was a first one..."
"This is not okay."
"It's fine, don't worry about it."
"No, it's not fine, Morgan. That's not fine at all. You need to talk to him,"
"Oh, I will. He's about to say goodbye to the Outspoken Diva. I'm breaking up with his ass very soon. Screw him. But tonight I am just not in the headspace to face him. I am just really stressed out at the moment and overwhelmed with everything that just happened,"
Roman took a good look at her. "I know you may want your space but if you need a friend, I'm here. And if you need a stress reliever, I can be that for you,"
The way he said stress reliever sounded more sensual as she met his gaze.
"Roman...I like you. A lot. You're tempting. I just don't want to play with your feelings or anything. That's not right. I know how you feel about me but I don't think I can be with anyone right now. Especially since I still have love for Dean even though I'm mad as hell and ready to call it quits with him,"
"I know...but one night is all I ask. To get it all out of my system and to take your mind off of things. You can take all your frustrations out on me. I can handle it, don't worry."
She looked at him, contemplating her options. Maybe...maybe one night wouldn't hurt.
"Room 512," she announced.
"Are you sure?"
She nodded.
"I need you to use your words, Morgan. Are you sure?"
"Yes. I'm sure,"
'Raw, WWE Exclusive Video'
Morgan's appearance looked a little different as she had black eyeliner around her eyes, taking more of a dark appearance than what she normally looked.
She tied her black boots and looked at herself in the mirror to see a white piece of paper on it. She grabbed it to examine it.
'You're blooming my're almost ready for us...soon.'
Morgan couldn't help but feel a headache coming as she decided to ignore the Wyatt Family's message.
Later, Rosa was getting her makeup done and caught Morgan walking by. She immediately got out of her chair and caught up with The Outspoken Diva to annoy her.
"Morgan!" Rosa grinned
She rolled her eyes and turned to face her. "...What...?"
"How are you doing?"
"You got a lot of nerve to come up to my face like this,"
"Why are you getting so worked up? Are you upset because you're the cause of The Shield having problems? Dean is mad at you...The Shield are having major problems because of you. You're going to be the cause of their downfall."
"No. You keep instigating and I'm tired of it. I saw you kissing Ambrose," she began to glare at her.
Rosa gasped before smirking, "Wow! So you finally figured it out? That I was after him all this time? Wow. It took you long enough. You see, I'm enjoying watching you crumble and fall. You know, you're changing. You're not that wild girl anymore. Are you losing your touch? You know, when I kissed Dean, it felt so good. He is such a good kisser. And you know what? He wasn't even thinking of you when he slept with me. He was thinking of me."
Something inside Morgan snapped.
The Outspoken Diva began to see red and grabbed Rosa, throwing her across the makeup table. She began screaming as Morgan started unloading on her with strikes to the face. Roughly picking her up, Morgan began tossing her against the wall and into the soda machine back and forth before pinning her against a table with her hands around her neck.
"Morgan! Morgan! Calm down!" Brie exclaimed as the Total Divas rushed to grab her off of Rosa while the Non Total Divas helped Rosa.
"Get off of me!" Morgan screamed as she was dragged into the Diva's Locker Room.
Sitting on the couch, the Outspoken Diva silently seethed.
"You threw her around like a doll. Jeesh! That was awesome!" Nikki cheered
"Nikki!" Brie scolded and turned her attention to Morgan. "Are you okay?"
"No, I'm not okay!" Morgan snapped and then started holding her head.
"Morgan? Are you all right?" Naomi asked with concern.
"Ah..." Morgan hissed as she started to come back to her senses. "What the hell was that?"
What had gotten into her?
What did she just do?
'That beating you gave her felt good, didn't it?' The same voice was heard.
Morgan looked up, looking around in confusion.
"Did you say something?" She asked but the girls said no.
"Wanna talk about the argument?" Natalya suggested.
"I-I need to leave." She quickly got up and walked away.
"I'm getting concerned. She never tells us anything anymore. Something is wrong."
'In The Ring'
"We are back on Monday Night Raw for the main event. The Shield, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, and Roman Reigns, along with Morgan, take on John Cena, Daniel Bryan and Sheamus. The winning team will qualify for three of the six spots at the Elimination Chamber match." Cole explained.
The bell rings three times as Morgan, at ringside, sees Dean and Cena start off the match. 'Lets go Cena! Cena sucks!' chants surround the arena as Cena drops Dean down. He stumbles into his corner and Seth tags himself in.
Suddenly Morgan holds her head as she starts to get another minor headache.
"What is going on?" She mumbled.
"Morgan, are you okay?" Dean asked as he and Roman looked down at her from the apron.
"Yeah, just a headache, I'm fine."
Dean and Roman nod and turn their attention back to the match.
"Does Morgan look troubled to you? I'm kind of worried." King said with concern. "She just tonight."
"I can't tell," Cole replied as Cena hit Seth with a hard right hand.
Later in the match, Dean gets Brogue kicked by Sheamus while Sheamus gets kneed in the head by Rollins.
"Come on Seth!" Morgan cheered and banged on the mat but then Seth and Daniel collided into each other.
Cena and Roman get on the apron and have their hands out for a tag. They both get tagged in and Roman gets caught in the STF as the crowd gets hype. Roman manages to power out, surprising the crowd.
All of a sudden, The Wyatt Family's tune comes on and the lights go out. Morgan stands at the end of the ramp while the lights come back on and sees Luke and Erick attacking Cena. The ref calls for the bell as Sheamus and Daniel come to Cena's aid. Meanwhile, Bray begins stalking Morgan as he walks down the ramp.
"Look at Bray Wyatt!" Cole exclaimed. "Morgan, watch your back!"
Morgan looked at the action in the ring with shock but felt a disturbing presence behind her.
'Don't turn around. Whatever you do, do not turn around. Don't look back.' She thought.
"Turn around," Bray ordered.
Her body began to have a mind of its own as she reluctantly turned around to meet his stare. She took a step back but got her head grabbed.
"What in the world!?" King exclaimed.
"What are you doing!?" Morgan yelled as Bray started to squeeze her head slightly.
She tried to fight out of it but failed. He began whispering 'Obey' several times and gave her Sister Abigail's kiss on the forehead before releasing her. He began to grin and let out a disturbing laugh as The Outspoken Diva started to feel weak and fell on her knees.
"Is she okay!?" King shouted.
"What did Bray Wyatt just do?" Cole asked.
"This is not good," JBL looked on.
Morgan began to have a massive headache and started to scream as she held her head, before blacking out.
Morgan woke up and saw that she was tied up to an examination table.
"What the-" She saw the Wyatt Family surrounding her. "What is going on!? Let me go!"
"I'm afraid we cannot do that, Rose," Bray replied. "You know, she taught me...she taught me from a young age...she said you gotta get them before they get you, she said. And we all understood her...she leads us with love, but she taught us, that the fires, well they were our friends too."
He caressed her face as he went on, "The world is an evil place, she said...and we agreed...and I was there...I was there when she took her final breath! She pulled me in close...and she said you're the one...she said they chose you, long before you ever existed. And I understood what she meant...her touch could save the world...but her kiss...burns it to the ground." He grabbed her face as she tried to escape his hold.
"No." She begged.
"She yearns for you to follow the buzzards...she has watched you for a while now. You are ready for us."
"No, please, don't do this."
"It'll all be over soon, Rose." He grinned and turned to Erick and Luke. "Hold her."
Unable to move around as she was held by the two freakish men, Morgan began to freak out
"No no please-" She began before she started screaming as Bray gave her Sister Abigail's kiss on the forehead.
'WWE Exclusive Video. In The Trainer's Room'
"Morgan! Morgan!" She heard a voice as she woke up.
"Stop it! Get away from me!" She started kicking and screaming but got grabbed by Seth as he pulled her in for a hug. "Get off of me!"
"Calm down! Calm down. You're safe." he reassured. After he felt her relax, he went on, You're okay."
She started to burst into tears and wrapped her arms around his neck for another hug.
"Please, don't leave me. Please don't leave alone." She held him tightly.
Whatever just happened scared the hell out of her. What did The Wyatts do?
"You blacked out during the match. You're safe. I'm not going to leave you."
She sniffed and wiped her tears as she began to calm down, pulling away from him. "W-where's Roman and Dean?"
"They had to do some stuff to do. I came to check on you. What happened? After the match, we saw you down and out. You gave everyone a scare."
"The Wyatt Family. They did something I-they did something. You gotta believe me. Something is wrong. I keep getting a headache and I think Bray did something."
"You are correct." She heard a voice.
Morgan looked around. "Wait, did you hear that?"
"Hear what?"
"I heard something."
"Morgan, you are in shock. You should sleep it off and everything will be okay." The doctor announced in the background.
"Maybe he's right." Seth agreed.
"I know what I saw! I know what I heard! The Wyatts kidnapped me! Bray gave me Sister Abigail's kiss! You gotta believe me! We gotta take care of the Wyatts!"
"I believe you." Seth put a hand on her shoulder. "We'll take care of them."
She exhaled. "What happened to me?"
"You blacked out while we got screwed by the Wyatts. Cena, Sheamus and Daniel are now in the Elimination Chamber."
"Damn it...I should have done something. I just got distracted-"
"It's not your fault. We'll get them. The Wyatts are going to believe."
Hearing him say that made her relax a little. "Totally,"
"I gotta go. Sleep it off, okay?"
"See you later." He kissed her cheek and left the room along with the doctor.
Morgan sighed and laid back down.
"Something is not right..." She started to hold her head again as she began to get another headache. "Ow...ow!" She sat up, holding her head.
"Obey...obey me..."
She started screaming but after a while stopped. She slowly raised her head and had a blank look on her face. In wonder, she looked at her arms and body before leaving the room. While walking, she heard Roman call out for her.
"Hey, Morgan. Are you okay?" he asked.
She turned around and smiled. "I'm fine. I was just about to go to the Diva's Locker room."
"Okay, you sure? We thought we heard screaming." Dean said with concern.
"Screaming? I don't think so. Maybe you're hearing things. I'll see you later." She quickly waved goodbye and turned around.
She walked away with a smirk on her face, leaving The Shield confused.
"Is it me, or is something about her a little off?" Seth asked.
Morgan walked over to a dark area and saw Bray sitting on a rocking chair. Erick and Luke kneel before her and put their hands out.
"Stand." She commanded and they obeyed.
She turned to Bray as he grinned and stood up. "You're here. I love you, Sister Abigail."
"And I love you, Brother Bray." She smiled. "This Morgan girl needs a real family...a real home...The Wyatt Family can give her that...not The Shield. She deserves better and we will give her that. By any means necessary. Understood?"
'After Raw, Backstage'
Melanie was still in her Shield attire and on her phone, talking to her mother.
"Tonight was awesome! I loved it! I cannot wait to see The Shield and The Wyatts." Jane exclaimed.
Melanie chuckled. "I can't wait either! There is going to be a lot of twists and turns in the upcoming storyline."
"I know! So you're playing Sister Abigail?"
"Yep. Bray Wyatt and his supernatural stuff. It's kind of weird but interesting. It's a cool storyline and I can't wait to entertain you and the fans."
"When are you going to wrestle in the ring again?"
"Well, Creative wants me to rest since I wrestled the guys at the Royal Rumble. Plus, I got a nosebleed and they don't want me to risk anything."
"That's smart. Hey, I saw you and Roman getting a little cozy ~" Jane laughed.
"Mom, it's acting. It's not real."
"I know! I know! I just can't believe Dean cheated on Morgan! And Morgan and Roman got together that night as well. When is Morgan going to confront Dean!? The fans are anticipating it. There's a lot of talk on Twitter about it too. They even trended #DeansInjustice. It's getting to be a hot topic."
"Patience is a virtue!"
"I can't wait!" Jane screamed.
"Ow! Mom!"
She laughed. "You know I get excited about wrestling. Oh, I have to tell you something. I'm thinking of working again."
"Really? What do you want to do?"
"I don't want your father to be the only one working. I'm thinking of working as a baker. Maybe try and get a store and show off my baking skills. Cakes, cupcakes, pies, cookies, all that jazz."
"Go for it! I'll help you out."
"You would do that for me? Aw, thank you, sweetie!"
"No problem! Jon and I gave Dad his new dance studio, so it shouldn't be a problem, helping the coolest mom in the universe."
The Shield were in the ring while Cole began talking about Roman's performance at the Royal Rumble.
Morgan's appearance looked different once again as she had black eyeliner and now black eyeshadow around her eyes, taking more of a darker look. It looked uncharacteristic of her and seemed like a darker persona was trying to take over.
Roman smiled at the titantron and looked at Seth. "Every man for themselves, man."
"The Elimination Chamber is a structure, and a match custom made for The Shield, so make no mistake about it, the stakes on Monday night, couldn't of been any higher," Dean said. "Because the Universe knows, The Authority knows, and Randy Orton knows, that if The Shield was unleashed inside that chamber, one of us would have walked out, WWE World Heavyweight Champion." He continued in his raspy voice as Roman showed a confident look and nodded while Seth patted his chest.
Dean took note of Roman's look and stepped up to him. "You think it would have been you?"
"Here we go..." Morgan grumbled.
Roman raised the mic up to his lips. "I don't think so, Dean. I know so."
"Oh, you think just because you set some record for eliminations at the Royal Rumble, you would have walked out of the Elimination Chamber, champion? I don't think that. I don't think that at all, bro." Dean replied as Roman rolled his eyes. "Hey, you know what? I don't apologize for trying to throw you out of the Rumble."
"Well, I'm not gonna apologize for throwing you out of the Rumble and making a move on Morgan when I had the chance. It was every man for himself so stop complaining."
Morgan's eyes widened while the crowd cheered and began freaking out. But the look on Ambrose's face was priceless as she couldn't help but smirk at his shocked expression.
She had no regrets. Roman was everything she needed and more and she was grateful.
"I knew it! I knew it!" JBL yelled. "Why would you do this to Dean, Morgan!? Why!? What is wrong with you!?"
"And did you forget about Ambrose and Rosa?" Cole added
"Listen! Morgan has some explaining to do!"
"And so does Ambrose regarding Rosa. Don't blame Morgan for all of this,"
Dean began to grin and turned to Morgan as she crossed her arms and glared at him. "Really Morgan? Wow, you sure move on fast when it comes to an argument." He retorted.
"Heh, so do you..." She retorted back as the crowd cheered.
He decided to walk up to her and stand in front of the side of her. "I'm sorry, what was that?"
She exhaled and turned to face him. "I do you."
"You damn well know what you did," Roman added, narrowing his eyes at Dean.
Dean walked away from her and turned back to Roman. "Don't change the subject Roman." He countered. "Do you think Morgan is impressed by you? I don't think that. I may have lost the Royal Rumble just like you did but I'm the United States Champion and I'm her champion in the bedroom."
Roman began to smirk at the comment, thinking about what he did with her that night. "That's not what she said Sunday night,"
"What!?" JBL shouted.
Rollins glanced at Roman and Morgan in surprise. The poor guy was out of the loop with everything. What the heck happened?
Ambrose clenched his jaw and turned to Morgan, getting angry. "So that's how it is? You and him?"
"Yeah. Yeah, it happened," she answered.
He let out a dry laugh and turned back to Roman, restraining himself from punching him. "Do you actually think she's going to leave me for you?"
"Possibility if that's what she wants. She needed a friend. I helped her. In a lot of ways. You know what you did, Ambrose. Are you going to say it?" Roman asked.
Ambrose narrowed his eyes at him and changed the subject again. "Hey, next time, you put your hands on my girl, I'll make sure to take matters into my own hands. And next time, maybe I won't sneak up behind ya, maybe next time I'll do something right to your face." He got closer to him.
"Like this?" Roman got in his face as the crowd got hyped.
"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Seth interrupted.
"Guys! Stop it! I don't want this! Stop the fighting!" Morgan yelled, separating them. "Look, I admit it. We were together that night. And it felt good. I enjoyed it. Roman confessed to me and I told him I still love you, Dean, and he understands that. We're friends and it's going to stay that way. You didn't turn to someone for comfort, did you? Am I the only bad guy here?"
She looked at him, wondering if he was going to admit that he was with Rosa. The crowd began to have a yes and no chanting battle if Dean was with someone else.
Ambrose remained silent and averted his eyes. "I didn't have nobody..."
She looked at him in surprise. He just lied to her face.
Yeah, that breakup was right around the corner.
"You son of a-" She shook her head.
"Hey! Relax! We are the most dominant force in the history of this company. This is our yard and we have intruders!" Seth yelled. "I'm talking about Luke Harper, Erick Rowan, Bray Wyatt, The Wyatt Family. And they are the reason, that we are not in the Elimination Chamber match. And I don't know why they did what they did on Monday...frankly, I don't care. What I do know, is that they with!"
Seth turned his attention to Dean and stopped him from pacing around. "Hey, Ambrose you listen to me. You are the greatest United States Champion, I've ever seen. No one even has the guts to challenge you for that belt. Roman." He turned to him. "You've been spearing people since day one! You had John Cena's hands apart, right before they screwed us. We had em! We were this close!"
Morgan nodded and Seth turned to her. "And Morgan, you are the Outspoken Diva of the WWE. You prove day in and day out that you are one of the most entertaining, and interesting Divas in the history of the WWE. Come on, you're a Twitter sensation. You earned that title because you wanted to stand out and be original. No one can touch you when it comes to Social Media. The Wyatts are our main concern."
"If The Wyatts want a new world, we'll give em a new world. If The Shield, isn't gonna win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at Elimination Chamber, then we'll do the next best thing." Dean began to rub his shoulder and looked at the stage. "We'll do the next best thing...and we will wipe the Wyatt Family off the face! Of the earth! And Wyatts, consider that, a challenge!"
"That's what I'm talkin' about!" Seth got hyped while Ambrose started pacing around.
"Excuse me!" Vickie's voice was heard around the arena as the crowd booed. She walked out to the stage. "Excuse me! Ladies and Gentlemen, that's a brilliant idea! That's a match, no one ever dreamed would happen. So, as the general manager of Smackdown, I am going to make history-" she suddenly gets cut off by Triple H's music.
He walked down the ramp and went into the ring. "I understand where you're coming from, and I get it, okay?" Triple H said. "The Wyatts cost you guys an opportunity to be in the Elimination Chamber. The Wyatts effectively cost one of you the opportunity to be the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. But here's the thing,'s water under the bridge, all right? Let it go."
Morgan stepped up to him. "No." She looked at him straight in the face as the crowd cheered. "If my boys want a match with the Wyatts...give them a match with the Wyatts. If the fans want to see this match...give them the privilege to see this match."
"Let it go," he stressed as she glared at him while Roman grabbed her back. "Trust me on this. There's no profit in it. There is nothing to benefit. There's nothing to gain. Okay? Wrong place...wrong time...bad situation...but all there is in this is lost. all there is in this is more problems. Just let it go."
"I'm not hearing this man right now." Dean looked at his partners.
"Hunter, with all due respect, you gotta look at this from our perspective," Seth said. "The Wyatts-"
"With all due respect, Seth, I looked at it from your point of view. But with all due respect, it wasn't a request." Triple H stated as Dean started to get angry and paced around. "I'm telling go."
Roman stepped up to Triple H as the crowd cheered. "I don't think you understand Hunter...we're not asking for your approval..." he stated as the crowd chanted his name.
Triple H smiled. "All right, I can see by the look in your eyes, there's no talking you out of this, I guess right? That's the way it's gonna be? If this fight is gonna go down, no matter what...then I might as well profit from it. This what you want? Is this what you want?" He asked the crowd and they cheered in response. "You want to see The Wyatts and The Shield, go at it? Then I'll do what's best for business. At the Elimination Chamber will be 3 male members of The Shield against all three members of the Wyatt Family."
"That's what I'm talkin about! That's what I'm talkin' about!" Seth yelled and started to get hyped while Morgan smirked and Dean & Roman looked satisfied.
"Hope you guys know what you're doing." Triple H left the ring.
"This is huge!" JBL exclaimed as The Shield did their pose.
'At The Shield's Hideout'
"I'm sorry for putting you in the middle, Seth," Morgan said.
"It's fine," Seth reassured while Roman and Dean prepared for their upcoming match.
"Can we have a team meeting?" she requested as they all looked at her. "Look, we all need to stick together and take the Wyatt family down. Okay? We're in this together. We need to be strong and have no more conflicts. Can we get through this? Can we get through this as a team? And leave the issues on the back burner?"
After much consideration and a pep talk from Rollins about the situation, the group agreed.
'In The Ring'
The Shield were in the ring, waiting for their opponents to get in the ring. Morgan was standing next to Seth but all of a sudden, the Wyatt Family's tune comes on and the lights go out. The titantron shows the Wyatts as the crowd cheers.
"I...admire...your courage...surely normal men lose sleep at just the thought of war...justice...a game...I dig it...I like games too. War? Hm...that's my favorite..." Bray said as The Shield looked at the titantron.
Bray began to laugh and it didn't sit right with Morgan.
"That laugh..." she felt a chill go down her spine.
"My soul smiles at just the thought of your quivering hands...waving those white flags." Bray went on.
Luke walked up to the screen. "You reap...what you three boys...picked a beautiful die on..."
"I'll advise y' be careful inviting the devil in your backyard. Cause, he may just like it, and decide to stay." he laughed again and left with Luke.
Erick's mask is shown. "Run."
The promo ends and the lights come back on to show Morgan on her knees, holding her head.
"What is going on with Morgan?" JBL asked.
"What is going on with my head!?" She screamed as The Shield looked alert and came to her aid
"Morgan! You all right?" Seth kneeled before her.
'Stop resisting me...'
"Never!" She stood up, angrily.
"Never? What's going on?" Roman asked but then managed to catch her before she fell as she blacked out again.
"This happened twice now. Do you think The Wyatts are using Morgan as a decoy?" Cole asked.
'Trainer's Room'
Morgan woke up and sighed loudly. "Darn it! Why do I keep blacking out!?"
"Maybe you were right. Maybe these headaches are more serious than we thought. We need to do some more tests on you. I'll be right back." The doctor left.
"Are you ready to talk?" A voice asked.
"Who are you? I'm tired of hearing voices. I'm not crazy." Morgan grumbled.
"Patience is one of my virtues. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Sister Abigail."
She looked around, confused. "That can't be possible. Aren't you dead? Oh my gosh, I'm talking to a dead woman...I have completely lost my mind..."
"I'll take that as a compliment, my child."
"Why do you keep bothering me? In fact, why do the Wyatts keep bothering me? Just leave me alone, already."
"Not until you follow the buzzards."
"Ain't gonna happen."
"You need them."
"I don't need anybody."
"You will hear the truths, soon enough."
"If you say so..."
Forced To Believe Chapter 45- She Belongs To Us Now

Chapter Summary: Morgan returns but things seem to be off about her
Words: 2,000+
'Ding Ding Ding'
"This contest is set for one fall, and it is for the United States Championship," Justin announced.
"Dean Ambrose, gonna defend the US Title tonight. It's been a while." Cole said as The Shield walked out and got in the ring. "Dean issued an open challenge in the locker room here tonight."
The Shield's theme faded and they waited for Dean's opponent.
All of a sudden, Mark Henry's theme comes on, and Dean makes a shocked facial expression, putting his hands to his mouth as Roman and Seth look amused. Mark Henry walks out with a grin while Dean looks on in disbelief.
"Oh boy, The World's Strongest Man, Mark Henry. A former World Heavyweight Champion." Cole continued.
"Dean Ambrose is thinking, take back, take back," King said.
Roman tries to give Dean some supporting words while Mark gets in the ring. After Justin makes the announcements for the match, Morgan's theme comes on as the crowd erupts in loud cheers.
'I've had enough, I'm taking you down, taking you down'
"Yes! She's back!" King cheered.
"I was wondering where she was!" JBL said.
"And Dean's night just gotten worse." Cole declared as The Outspoken Diva walked out.
She was wearing her Valentine's Day outfit with the 'Believe In Us' top. She proceeded to wear her dark makeup with the veins under her eyes more visible, similar to the vampire diaries.
She begins to grin at the crowd and tags some of the fan's hands before walking over to ringside. Her theme fades as the bell rings.
"Morgan! You're back!" King grinned as she sat on commentary.
"Yes, I am." She smirked softly
"How come you're out here?"
"I want a front row seat for this. This is going to be entertaining."
"Morgan, where were you?" Cole asked
"Home." she replied.
"What is going on with your eyes? Are you all right?"
"Why weren't you on Smackdown?" JBL asked as Seth and Roman glanced at one another and then back at Morgan.
She looked like she was still recovering. Maybe The Wyatts were just messing with them, to provoke them. Roman looked back in the ring and started to look amused at Dean.
"He's got him. He's got him!" Seth reassured.
Dean glanced at Morgan and was glad that she was okay. He thought The Wyatts had gotten a hold of her. Even if they did break up, he still loved her and wanted to make sure she was safe. He cared about her a lot and will continue to, no matter if they were dating or not.
"So Ambrose versus Mark Henry for the US Championship," Cole looked on.
Dean starts to look reluctant in the match which makes Morgan laugh.
"He amuses me so much. I really want to see him get his ass kicked." She said.
"Morgan! You don't mean that." JBL exclaimed.
"I do."
"I'm sure you two can work it out. You two just need time."
"I don't think so..." She retorted as Dean tried to lock up with Mark but he pushed him down. "Ha!"
"And there's the strength of Mark Henry," Cole said as he also mentioned Henry's left elbow being taped up.
Dean recovers and gets himself together. He tries to lock up with him again but Mark pushes him down. Ambrose slides out of the ring and recovers as Seth and Roman try to give him some support.
"So is it true, you've been hearing Sister Abigail in your head?" Cole asked.
"What is going on there?"
"She says that she is helping me."
"Do you agree with her?"
"I don't think I have a choice. She's been there for me and she tells me all these positive things and it makes me feel stronger. Mentally."
"I got a bad feeling about that..." King said with concern.
"You don't need to worry about me. I'm fine." Morgan reassured.
"You sure? I mean, you just broke up with Ambrose. And it was a nasty one." Cole recalled.
She sighed. "I'll overcome the pain and sadness. I just need time. I'll be okay."
Dean manages to hit Mark on his injured elbow but gets hit with a big boot. Mark throws Dean to the turnbuckle and begins toying with him around the ring. Mark throws Dean into the steel post while Morgan cringes at the sight. She felt concerned for Dean, even if she didn't want to admit it. She still cared about him after all this time
"You all right?" Seth asked Dean.
Later on, Mark throws Dean out of the ring as Seth and Roman help him. Mark continues to take control but picking Dean up and throwing his back into the steel post as he yells out in pain. Morgan shows a small look of concern.
"You okay, Morgan? You're quiet." Cole pointed out.
"Oh, I'm just enjoying this, while you call the action." She replied.
Mark begins to squeeze Dean's head off the steel post.
"He's squeezing his head like a grape," King exclaimed.
Dean slides back in the ring but Mark begins to stretch his body off the steel post.
"Oh, man." Cole chuckled.
"Well, your body isn't supposed to bend in that direction,"
Mark slides back in the ring while the crowd chants 'CM Punk'
Seth grabs a mic while Dean hits Mark with a DDT.
"CM who? Huh?" He asked the crowd while Dean began to take control.
"Are you serious?" Morgan asked.
"That's Dean Ambrose right there! That's the United States Champion!" Rollins yelled as the crowd booed. Seth walked over to the announce table and looked at the crowd. "That's the man, you wish you could be! And that's the man, all you ladies wanna be with tonight! Especially you, Morgan! You're in denial!"
The Outspoken Diva narrowed her eyes at him, annoyed that he called her out.
"" She retorted on commentary before he went back to ringside, next to Roman. "I am not in denial. I don't want him, anymore,"
Dean turns his attention to the crowd and blows a kiss as the crowd gets hyped with 'CM Punk' chants.
"Gosh...I just wanna hit him with a chair or something!" She exclaimed as she started to glare at Dean. "I am not in denial!"
"I dunno, Morgan. On the WWE App over 70 percent of the WWE Universe thinks that you are still in love with Ambrose." Cole mentioned.
"I'll show you tonight that I'm not in love with Dean, anymore. Okay? Will that shut you up? I hate him. I can't stand him!" She snapped.
"I don't think that's true," JBL said. "I am shocked by your words. Why would you say that? Can't you two stay cordial?"
"Nope. And expect the unexpected, cowboy." She retorted and put JBL's hat on his head, before looking at her nails.
"Someone's in an angry mood tonight." Cole chuckled as Mark got put in an arm submission by Ambrose.
Dean gets on the top rope but gets thrown off by Mark. Mark begins to gain some momentum and gives him a power slam. He throws Dean to the ropes and hits him with the World's Largest Slam as the crowd gets hyped.
"Oh! Is it enough!?" Cole exclaimed as Mark pinned him but then Seth broke up the pin.
"Gosh...every single time...every time." Morgan rolled her eyes as the ref called for the bell.
Roman and Seth begin to gang up on Mark but he manages to throw Seth and Roman out of the ring. Mark gets out of the ring and tries to go after Ambrose outside the ring but Seth jumps on his back.
"Get off him!" Seth shouted but got thrown off his back.
Mark turns around and gets hit with a spear as Roman roars.
"You all right? You all right?" Roman asked his team.
"Let's get outta here," Seth said as Dean got his belt.
"Dean Ambrose is still the champion but would he be if the other members of The Shield didn't get involved?" King asked.
"Nope," Morgan replied.
"I don't think so," Cole said.
All of a sudden, The Wyatt Family tune comes on as the crowd cheers. The lights go off.
'We're Here'
The Wyatts slowly walk out as the crowd cheers. "This is interesting," Cole said as The Shield stood at the barricade.
"They may clash in two minutes," King said.
The lights came back on and The Wyatts stood at the end of the ramp. The crowd chanted 'Fight!' and they got hyped once The Shield went back over the barricade and walked over to ringside.
"They're coming back!" JBL exclaimed as The Wyatts stared The Shield down.
Bray smirked and looked ahead of them. He locked eyes with Morgan and nodded, making her stand up at his command.
"Wait, where are you going?" Cole asked. "Wait a minute. Bray Wyatt just glanced at Morgan and she automatically stood up. Is she possessed?"
"I'm afraid so," JBL said, fearing the worst.
"Looks like Bray is doing some mind games."
The Wyatts began walking down to the apron. The tension was high as the crowd chanted 'Yes!'. The Shield got on the apron and moments later, so did The Wyatts.
"You can feel the tension," Cole looked on.
"No kidding. But I'm really curious about Morgan. Her facial expression looks emotionless." King said.
Roman got in the ring and the crowd got excited again. Bray grinned and got in between the ropes but got back on the apron as the crowd booed. Bray motioned Luke and Erick to get off the apron as Seth and Dean got in the ring.
"Wait a minute." King looked on
Bray laughed and The Wyatts backed off and began to walk backwards up the ramp.
"Come on!" Seth growled
The crowd cheered once Morgan got in the ring while The Wyatts stood in the middle of the ramp to watch.
"This is scary," King said
Dean narrowed his eyes at Morgan who continued to give The Shield a blank stare.
"What happened to you?" Ambrose asked, taking a step, but she remained silent.
Seth and Roman glanced at each other before looking at her.
"What's wrong with her?" Roman looked puzzled.
"Morgan, what's wrong?" Seth asked.
"What in the world?" Cole looked on, confused.
Her body language started to show some restraint but it wasn't enough. Dean decided to step up to her as the crowd cheered.
"What's wrong with you?" He asked while Seth and Roman were getting concerned at her demeanor.
Ignoring him, she kneed him in the stomach as the crowd ohs.
"What!?" King yelled in a high pitched voice while Dean clenched his stomach and fell on his knees.
Seth and Roman look at Morgan in shock
"What the hell, Morgan!?" Rollins yelled
"What are you doing!?" Roman exclaimed while Bray looked on in delight.
"She just hit Ambrose!" Cole shouted.
"I...I don't know what to say, right now...I just..." JBL was at a loss for words.
She picks Dean up for the backfire position and slams him down on the mat.
"No way!" King exclaimed while she rolled out the ring, as soon as
Roman and Seth tried to help Ambrose.
"Morgan, what are you doing!?" JBL yelled as she looked at The Wyatt Family.
Bray grinned and motioned her to come to her, before putting his arms out. She responded by taking slow steps towards him.
"Dean! You all right!?" Roman asked.
Ambrose held his head and looked at Morgan with The Wyatt Family. He started to glare at The Wyatts. But realization hit him as he started to remember her reluctance to attack him. The Wyatts did do something to her. Whatever type of supernatural spell or voodoo crap Bray did on her, he was going to make sure she gets out of it, no matter what.
Morgan stood next to Bray while he grinned. "We've found your weakness boys." He announced and placed a hand on the back of her head. "Make your move. She belongs to us now."
"I think Bray made her his puppet," Cole looked on with concern. "What is going to happen, now?"
Forced To Believe Chapter 49- That Supernatural Stuff Don't Work

Chapter Summary: Morgan is freed from Sister Abigail as she reunites with The Shield
Words: 4,000+
On Raw, Morgan was sitting backstage as the crowd gave her a positive reaction. She no longer had any of the dark makeup on her. She looked like her regular self.
Moments later, the Wyatts walked over to her and she stood up.
" look well," Bray said as she showed a faint smile and nodded. "How do you feel?"
"It felt good to get closure from The Shield, didn't it?"
"You accept Sister Abigail's truths?"
"Yes, I accept her truths."
"And did it satisfy you to slam that boy down the mat, off the top rope, last night? All the pain and frustration you had in your took it out on him and it felt great didn't it?"
"I have a request, for tonight's ceremony,"
"What is it?"
"Sister Abigail has always dreamed of wearing a wedding dress to a ceremony. I want her to receive that gift. I want to summon Sister Abigail and give her one last goodbye before we all move on from her. I want you to take her place, tonight. Her work is done. She saved you and you are a true follower of the Buzzards. Now we must thank her for her sacrifices. Will you do it?"
The crowd chants 'No' while Morgan starts to smile at him.
"Of course." She replied as the crowd boos.
"Excellent." Bray grinned. "The ceremony will begin tonight, in the ring. Rosa will help you with the dress. And I know Sister Abigail wants to wear her favorite color. You remember right?"
"How could I not?"
"Good." He kissed her forehead and let out a dark giggle.
Once the Wyatt family left, Morgan slowly dropped her smile and began to frown, narrowing her eyes, which caused the crowd to get excited.
"Uh oh...was that..." Cole trailed off
"Wait a minute..." King looked on, intrigued.
Later, Morgan was walking backstage and stopped once she heard the voices of The Shield. She leaned on the wall and turned her head to the side as she listened to them.
She saw an irate Ambrose, wearing his Shield hoodie and black tape on his hands. His hair was messy and damp. He was still that egotistical man that stole her heart. She continued to look on as she saw the fearless architect and the powerful enforcer looking at the erratic man. The situation did not look pretty. Dean had his hand on his shoulder and looked down at the ground.
"So walk me through this, one time." Seth trailed off.
"I've been repeating myself!" Dean interrupted.
"Where were you last night?"
"I've been repeating myself for 24 hours now, all right? I'm gettin' a little sick quite frankly, of you two ganging up on me..."
"We're not ganging up on you "
"And I'm gettin' a little sick of explainin' myself! So, if uh, if all that's not good enough for you two, and if you don't trust me, then whatever, whatever."
"That's not what I meant...That's not it!"
"I lost my girlfriend! I lost the best thing that ever happened to me because of my stupid mistake! I have a lot on my mind right now!" Ambrose confessed as Morgan looked down. "And now she made her choice to stay with The Wyatts. She's gone. Forever. I'm not gonna even bother with this anymore. I lost her. It's too late. She doesn't need saving anymore, so forget about The Wyatts. I'm outta here..." He walked away.
"I dunno if I believe him...I want to, it makes a lot of sense but so many times now? It's just...over and over and over..." Seth sighed while Morgan walked away from the scene.
As she walked backstage, deep in thought, Rosa found her.
"Morgan! Oh, Morgan! I know you hear me!" she skipped over to her and dragged her into a locker room to show her the two dresses for the ceremony. "Look at these! Bray said he wants you to wear the dress that's Sister Abigail's favorite color."
"Oh don't worry, I know exactly which one to wear," Morgan answered
Before they could continue to talk, The Bellas barged in and shoved Rosa out of the room, slamming it in her face as she complained.
"What the hell is your problem?" Brie asked as she looked at Morgan.
"What...?" Morgan bluntly asked.
"You're not gonna go along with this, are you? Don't do this. Open your eyes!"
"Guys, my eyes are open and I know what I'm doing-"
"Morgan! What happened to you? You're a totally different person! This is not the Morgan we know." Nikki exclaimed. "Please just walk away from this-"
"Stop." Morgan retorted. "I know what I'm doing."
Brie and Nikki glanced at each other and nodded. All of sudden, Nikki slapped her in the face as the crowd 'Ohs' at the impact.
"Did it work?" She asked, looking hopeful.
Morgan rubbed her cheek, narrowing her eyes at them. "Ow...what was that for?!"
"Oh my gosh, it didn't work. Morgan! You would have ripped my head off if I slapped you. Come on, you gotta wake up!" Nikki exclaimed.
"Look, I am awake. I'm fine, okay? Calm down, you don't need to help me. I know what I'm doing." she reassured
"Looks like we can't save you..."
"I never needed saving!" She snapped, catching the attention of Bellas.
Nikki smirked at the sound of her voice and nodded.
"Okay. Suit yourself." Nikki looked happy and left with Brie.
Morgan sighed loudly and sat down on the couch. Moments later, she looked at the two dresses.
After changing into her dress, Melanie prepared herself at the Gorilla while Randy walked by with an amused smile
"Here comes the comes the bride." He sang.
"Shut up! I'm not getting married." she giggled
Brie and Nikki giggled as they helped her get ready.
"You kind of remind me of Lita when she wore her dress during her wedding with Kane," Nikki said.
"Why does everyone think I'm getting married?" Melanie chuckled.
"Okay, you're getting ready for a ceremony with the Wyatts. Happy now?" Brie grinned.
"Much better," Melanie replied.
Rosa, Luke, Erick, and Bray were in the ring and the crowd gave them mixed reactions.
"Tonight...tonight you shall witness the summoning of a woman who has guided Morgan and has shown her the truths. Rose...I command you to come out here and reveal yourself." Bray announced.
The Wyatt Family theme came on as everyone looked at the stage.
They waited a few moments but no one came out.
"Is she coming out?" King asked but then the crowd started to cheer loudly.
Rosa's jaw dropped while Erick and Luke stood with blank stares. Morgan slowly walked out in a Black Dress. She had black flowers in her hands and her hair was pinned up in a bun
"She-she's wearing black!" King announced.
"And Bray does not look happy," Cole stated as Bray slowly started to look at her with a scowl.
Morgan stood on the stage and looked at the crowd before looking back at The Wyatts. She started to look annoyed as she made her way down the ring. She wasn't fond of wearing dresses like this. Especially if a dead woman wanted to wear one.
"Maybe black isn't Sister Abigail's favorite color," King said as Morgan exhaled and tightly gripped the bouquet. "At least she's wearing Sister Abigail's necklace with her favorite color."
Celeste tweets 'Ha! That's the color a certain eccentric man loves on WWEMorgan101.'
The Outspoken Diva slowly walked down the ramp, looking straight at Bray.
Bray could not believe what she was wearing. He said Sister Abigail's favorite color, not black. He started pacing around while she walked up the steps and slowly got in the ring by the middle rope. The theme faded out as the crowd chanted Morgan's name.
A dramatic pause occurred as Morgan and Bray stared each other down. "...I thought I told you to wear Sister Abigail's favorite color," he said.
"I know but I-"
"I told you her favorite color."
"I told you the story about how Sister Abigail always dreamed of wearing a bridal dress one day. disrespected disrespected the family. are rebelling."
"It's just a slight change. I thought it would be better. I'm sorry I disobeyed you."
Bray eyed her down. "That kiss...that kiss was more powerful than Sister Abigail's kiss, wasn't it? Is that why you rebelled?
"Do you still believe in The Shield?" He asked as the crowd screamed loudly
"In the hot seat now," JBL said. "Say yes! Please!"
"No...I don't believe in The Shield." Morgan replied.
"Then go back and change," Bray ordered.
"What?" King asked.
"Please don't do it," JBL said.
The crowd chanted 'No!' while Morgan sighed and got in between the ropes. She stopped and got back in the ring as the crowd cheered.
"On second thought..." She said. "No."
"Whoa!" King exclaimed as Bray glared at her.
"Change. Right now!" He ordered but she shook her head.
Bray's temper started to get the best of him. He was a leader and was not used to such disrespect...other than Daniel Bryan rebelling against him in that steel cage, a while back.
"No. You do not disobey me! You do not disobey me!" He yelled. "If it wasn't for me, you would be nothing! I made you into the woman you are today!"
"Is he kidding me?" JBL asked.
Celeste tweets 'Oh hell no! Did he just say he made WWEMorgan101? Injustice!'
The Bellas tweets 'How dare he!? Bray needs to shut his mouth. He didn't make WWEMorgan101 at all!'
Morgan narrowed her eyes at him while Bray started pacing around while venting.
"If it wasn't for me, you would be broken and hurt by The Shield!" He shouted. "I did everything for you! I comforted you! I made The Shield feel the same way you felt when they betrayed you! I made you get closure! I made you stronger and wiser!"
Celeste tweets 'WWEMorgan I know you aren't gonna let this man speak to you like this!'
The Bellas tweets 'Why are you taking this? You don't deserve this WWEMorgan101. Speak up!'
"You are just like that cousin of are ungrateful...ungracious..."
"How dare he? That is the Outspoken Diva he is talking to! She deserves some more respect than that!" JBL yelled.
Celeste tweets 'What the fudge!? Are you kidding me!? I know you are not gonna take that WWEMorgan101!'
The Bellas tweet 'He talked about your family. You better do something about that WWEMorgan101!'
"You belong with the family." Bray declared.
The Bellas tweet 'No! #MorganBelongsWithTheShield'
"And you will obey me. You came to me for guidance and I shall give it to you. And I will guide you by commanding you to change so we can get this ceremony out of the way." Bray went on.
Morgan slowly began to smirk at him, tilting her head to the side.
"Is she about to break?" Cole asked while Roman and Rollins were spotted in the crowd. "Uh oh! It's Roman and Seth!"
"Where's Dean!?" JBL exclaimed as The Wyatts turned their attention to the crowd.
Bray starts to order Erick and Luke to make sure they don't come into the ring.
Turning to the stage, The Outspoken Diva drops her bouquet as she sees Ambrose walking down the ramp.
Nikki tweets 'So comes Morgan's Knight and Shiny armor...and he's wearing leather. That's hot. Go get her!'
Ambrose meets up with Seth and Roman as they surround the ring.
"This is gonna be good!" JBL looked on.
While the Wyatts and Rosa are distracted by The Shield, Morgan slowly takes out her hairpins and lets her hair down.
"What is going on!?" Bray yelled, still focused on The Shield who got on the apron.
All of a sudden, Morgan quickly grabs Erick and Luke, putting them in the double backfire position.
"Yes!" JBL yelled as Morgan spun on one knee and stopped to turn her attention to Bray and Rosa while Luke and Erick rolled out of the ring.
She stands up while Bray looks on in shock. The Shield smirk at the sight while Morgan rips off Sister Abigail's necklace, stomps on it to destroy it, and begins to slowly smirk at Rosa and Bray.
"Yes! Yes! She's back!" King shouted.
As soon as The Shield get in the ring, Bray quickly escapes the ring while Rosa looks at the Wyatt Family at the end of the ramp.
"Where are you going!?" She yelled.
The crowd cheers as she slowly turns around and looks at The Shield and Morgan giving her dirty looks.
"Hi Rosa, remember me? Grab that bitch." She demanded as Seth and Dean grabbed her.
"No! No!" Rosa screamed.
She was kicking and screaming and did not want to face that angry Samoan who was glaring at her. She was more afraid of him than Morgan. Roman still had some unfinished business with her because of that low blow.
"No! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Let me go!" she begged.
All of a sudden, The Wyatts slide back in and attack The Shield. Rosa gets released while Morgan spears her as the crowd cheers.
"Here we go!" Cole shouted as The Philly Diva started unloading on her.
"Everybody is going after everybody here!" King looked on.
Morgan picks Rosa up to put her in the backfire position but she quickly escapes and runs out of the ring.
"You better run!" Morgan yelled.
That chick has a beating with her name on it. She can run but she can't hide.
Turning around, she strikes Bray with a spinning kick but then he grabs her by the neck.
"You do not betray me like this!" He yelled while she tried to make him release her.
He was stronger than she thought.
But then Ambrose gets in the way and attacks him while Morgan falls down and leans on the bottom turnbuckle to watch the action as her hair is in her face. Ambrose throws Bray out of the ring while Seth and Roman throw out Luke and Erick. Seth and Roman slide out of the ring as they begin to mouth off to The Wyatts while Bray restrains them.
"And The Shield hold the ring," Cole announced as the crowd cheered while Morgan and Ambrose were the last two in the ring.
Morgan moves her hair from her face while Ambrose catches his breath and then turns his head to her.
"Come on Morgan." JBL looked on in anticipation.
Ambrose then rolled out of the ring and grabbed her gently to pick her up bridal style as The Shield's theme came on around the arena.
"Yes! Thank you! I love it!" JBL cheered
Nikki tweets 'This is so hot. Nothing like Dean Ambrose in a leather jacket picking you up bridal style. #FangirlsBeJealous'
"You okay?" Dean asked.
"Yes," She nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck. She felt herself begin to smile as the feeling of his strong arms made her feel safe
The Wyatt Family and Rosa watch on while Bray begins to glare at them
"The Shield staying strong," Cole said as the former lovers glanced at each other and then looked at the Wyatts.
"And Morgan is still a believer!" JBL grinned
Morgan tweets twice 'Looks like the faking paid off. I was free since that kiss. Supernatural stuff don't work on the Outspoken Diva. Sorry #YouFailed #ImFree'
'Follow the buzzards? #GetTheFOuttaHere #TheShieldAllDay!'
Bray replies 'You shall pay for your sins WWEMorgan101'
'WWE Exclusive Video'
Morgan had her bag with her, walking backstage.
"Leaving without saying goodbye or a thank you?" She turned around and looked at Ambrose who was leaning against the wall.
"Thanks..." she replied
"When did you come back to us?"
"The kiss," she answered. "Although I couldn't say what I wanted you to do, you knew. So I appreciate it. Wrestle me and kiss me. Sister Abigail screwed around and found out. I had to pretend to still be a part of The Wyatt Family for a bit after. After I broke free, my energy just went to zero. Must be a side effect of Sister Abigail unpossessing me. But...I'm ok now. I'm fine. Thank you,"
She needed time alone to get her head on straight. Dean understood that and surprisingly wanted to wait for her.
"Good. I'm glad you're back. I missed you,"
She smiled softly. "I missed you, too. See you," she walked away as he smirked softly.
The Shield were shown right after the Wyatt Family promo.
"Listen to the Wyatt Family, boys, listen to em! Making outrageous claims sounds stupid to me." Dean retorted. "Stupid ugly beards, and your stupid camel masks..."
"Whoa whoa whoa," Roman spoke up.
"Tryna scare somebody..." Dean went on.
"What?" Seth asked.
"Camel mask?" Roman questioned.
"Camel mask on his head." Dean declared.
"It's a llama mask, bro." Roman corrected.
"What?" Seth asked in a high voice. "What are you talkin' about?"
"I just went to the zoo, it's a llama mask," Roman mentioned.
"It's a camel," Dean said in a low voice.
"Hey! It's a lamb." Seth spoke up. "And that's beside the point."
Roman and Dean start mouthing off, what animal they think the mask is but they get cut off by a feminine laugh.
"Haha oh my gosh...Did you-did you just say camel? Llama? Lamb? Okay, you all are wrong. It's a sheep. S.H.E.E.P." Morgan stated.
"No, it ain't." Seth disagreed.
"No way." Dean shook his head.
"Sheep? Naw, It's a llama." Roman replied.
"Oh my gosh, I've been near and closer to The Wyatts these past few weeks, I know the animal when I see it. Ha, I guess I'm the smartest one in The Shield, now. 100 points for Morgan!" She showed a thumbs up at the camera and grinned. The Shield gave her playful dirty looks. She turned her attention to Dean and nudged him in the side. "Don't worry buddy, don't be sad that I'm right and you're wrong. "
"It's a camel!" he exclaimed.
"Nope." She grinned.
"Llama!" Roman shouted
"Lamb!" Seth exclaimed.
"Are you kidding me? I think I know my farm animals." Dean said.
"Haha, you think!" She pointed out.
"I know. It's a camel. Read it and weep, sweetheart."
Morgan scoffed and stepped up to him. "Are you challenging me?"
"Uh oh," Seth looked on, amused.
"Maybe I am. It's a camel." Dean said.
"Sheep," Morgan stated.
"Camel." He smirked.
"All right, that is it!" She put him in a headlock. "Say it's a sheep!"
"Ah! No! It's a freakin' camel!"
Roman and Seth start laughing at them. Morgan missed this. The good times she would have with The Shield. It made all the troubles go away.
"Say it!"
"Say it's a sheep!"
"All right! It's a sheep!"
Morgan grinned and released him. "Thank you. So, anyone else want to disagree with me?" She turned to Seth and Roman while Dean rubbed the back of his head.
"Sheep it is." Roman nodded.
"Sheep it is, Morgan." Seth sighed.
"Awesome. See how easy that was?" she grinned.
"Anyway, the point is, The Wyatts did not lay the foundation at NXT. They refer to me as the architect for a reason." Seth said. "I was the first ever NXT champion, and we laid the foundation for the future of this business, how we do that? By taking out The Undertaker, The Rock, John Cena, Sheamus, every single person...that goes in our way."
Roman chuckled at his statement.
"Over the last year, we dominated and we have become the emergent leaders of the next generation. Believe that...and believe in The Shield." Seth continued.
"And sheep!" Morgan grinned.
"All right, it's a lamb!" Seth argued.
"Sheep! Oh my gosh, do you not know your animals?" she shouted as The Shield started to protest again.
During Smackdown, Rosa was in the makeup area, bragging about herself to the makeup artist who was working on her face.
"I should be Divas Champion because I'm one of the most dominant women in this company. I am one of the most talked about divas now. I betrayed The Shield...I was with the Wyatts...I am on top of the world. My career is going so well." She grinned.
Morgan walks over to her from behind and the make-up artist backs away.
Rosa had her eyes closed. "I wonder what would happen when I am in the Hall of Fame. I wonder who I want to induct me..." Rosa wondered.
The Philly Diva rolls her eyes and opens a container of blush, beginning to shake it on her.
"What in the-what is this!?" Rosa quickly got out of the chair and brushed the blush off her body. She turned around to see Morgan smirking at her. "What are you doing!?"
The Outspoken Diva throws the blush on her face and tackles her onto the table as she starts unloading on her.
"Morgan! Morgan!" The Total Divas ran and grabbed her off of Rosa.
"Get off of me!" Morgan yelled as she tried to fight her way out of their grasp.
"I am gonna get you, you bitch! You do not put your hands on me! I want you in a match tonight!" Rosa screamed while Cameron and Naomi held her back. "Get off of me!" she pushed them off.
"Oh hell no!" Cameron yelled.
"Are you kidding me?" Naomi exclaimed and then they started attacking her.
"All hell has broken loose!" Cole yelled.
"Let them fight!" JBL shouted as some of the heel divas came to Rosa's aid and fought the rest of the Total Divas.
The refs and some superstars try to break up the chaos while Morgan storms off.
"What the hell is going on!?" Triple H yelled. "Stop this right now! Enough!"
"It was all Morgan! She attacked me out of nowhere!" Rosa shouted.
"You started it! Don't put this on Morgan!" Cameron yelled while Triple H looked annoyed.
At The Shield's Hideout, Dean, Roman and Seth were getting themselves together.
"You got yourself together, tonight? Or are you gonna go rogue on us, again?" Roman retorted.
"Ah!" Dean yelled and turned to face him. "Always telling me that I need to relax, all right? Is he still mad about the DQ thing?" he turned to Seth.
"The DQ thing?" Roman asked.
"He's bringing that up again..."
"It's a thing?"
"Look, I don't know what you want from me, all right?"
"A DQ is a loss. Two losses in under a year and a half. Two losses in one week, why? Because of you."
"Maybe if you aren't always yellin' at me, all the time!" Ambrose yelled.
"Hey! Hey! Zip it, all right?" Seth exclaimed.
"Would you take care of this?" Dean pointed to Roman.
"You know what? You lost all right? You got knocked down. You're a grown man, pick yourself up, move on." Seth said to Roman. "You know who's moving on? Bray Wyatt thinks he's moving on."
"No, he's not," Roman said.
"He thinks we're ashes in the way, on his path to John Cena. In case you don't remember, we were left for dead at the Elimination Chamber. Well, let's show Bray Wyatt, that it's not that easy to get rid of The Shield. Let's show Bray Wyatt that we're not, three lone wolves, that we are the hounds of justice and we run together always. Let's show Bray Wyatt that when you provoke the hounds, you get the teeth!"
"Strap up boys!" Roman yelled as Dean started laughing. "It's time to hunt some Wyatts."
"Well, not just the Wyatts..." Morgan reminded as the crowd cheered. She walked over to them as they turned around.
"Where were you?" Seth asked.
"I had a fight. I kind of caused the whole divas locker room to fight." She confessed.
"I'm not surprised." Roman chuckled.
"Don't judge me. It was all Rosa's fault. Speaking of Rosa...she's on top of Morgan's hit list, and I know she's on The Shield's hit list too. So...I have a plan. I got a match with her tonight and I think it's time to serve some justice."
In the ring, before Morgan and Rosa can have their match, The Wyatts arrive after the lights go out. When the lights come back on, they appear in the ring while Morgan slides out of the ring, wisely.
"Common Morgan! Are you scared?" Rosa taunted.
"No, I'm just not alone," The Outspoken Diva replied.
"Oh no! Here we go!" Cole exclaimed as The Shield walked through the crowd and jumped over the barricade.
"Haha, I love it." JBL grinned as The Shield and Morgan get on the apron.
They have a stare off with Rosa and The Wyatts but then Triple H's theme comes on as The Shield get annoyed.
Triple H walked out on the stage. "Enough. This is not gonna happen now. I have too much time and money invested in all eight of you, to let this war happen again, right here right now. At least not without some promotion. This war...can take place this Monday. The Wyatt Family and Rosa versus The Shield and Morgan. But until that time...Shield...stand down." He ordered as the crowd booed.
"And ladies, you've already caused enough damage for the night. You ruined the makeup area, and the whole diva's locker room got involved. It's not funny Morgan!" Triple H snapped as Morgan smirked in amusement. "This is serious... Shield...stand down. Now."
Once he went backstage, Bray chuckled as The Wyatts and Rosa got out of the ring. Bray was on the apron. "Come on, you heard your daddy."
The Shield and Morgan get in the ring as the crowd gets hyped while they stand before Bray. Morgan glances at Dean and Seth. Seth nods at them and the three of them run through the ropes. Seth hits Erick, Dean hits Luke and Morgan hits Rosa with a suicide dive. Seth and Dean slide back in the ring and stand before Bray with Roman while Morgan gets on the apron, behind Bray.
"What now!?" Seth yelled. "Come on! Let's do this thing!"
Bray backs up but gets grabbed in the Morganizer position after she gets in the ring.
"Uh oh!" Cole exclaimed but Bray quickly escaped it as the crowd booed.
"This close..." Morgan said as Bray smirked and did his signature pose while the Wyatt Family theme came on.
What's everyones favourite wwe rivalry/storyline??

(My phone camera was a but dirty when talking this, apologies)
To be honest.. I don't know how people can really decide, and choose one...
The brothers of destruction...that had one of the best plots i had ever seen in wrestling...and hearing the themes when you were younger, the whole screen going was amazing.
However, the first betrayal in the shield hit the deepest..
And we can't forget about the wrestlemania streak... and that guy in the audience, lol.
There's also the wyatt family... then the firefly fun house...and also dx...
I don't know. There's just too many stories or close to stories you choose from.. What do you guys think?