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Forced To Believe Chapter 37- Meeting Hot Rod
Forced To Believe Chapter 37- Meeting Hot Rod

Chapter Summary: Melanie fangirls as she gets to work with Hot Rod for a segment with The Shield. The Wyatts haven't forgotten about Morgan as Bray gives her a warning. Roman takes on CM Punk.
Words: 5,000+
Author's Note: OK! Last one for today! Trying to post more wrestling chapters hehe.
Morgan tweets 'A lot of rumors going around in the WWE Universe. I'm going to kick you in the face. You know who you are...'
'Later On'
Morgan was backstage with Roman while he taped her wrists for her as the crowd gave them a nice reception.
"Trying something new instead of the gloves?" he asked.
"Maybe just for tonight. The black tape looks interesting with this outfit," she replied.
After he was done, he intertwined his fingers with hers. "Good luck out there."
"Thanks." she smiled and walked away while he watched her with a lingering gaze.
'In The Ring'
Rosa and Alicia Fox were already in the ring with Kaitlyn and Morgan. Kaitlyn managed to apologize to Morgan and the two ended up on good terms again and decided to team up tonight in a tag match.
Morgan watches Kaitlyn start off the match as she quickly dominates Alicia but then Alicia starts to fight back once she pulls Kaitlyn down and onto the middle rope to choke her neck. When Rosa and Alicia began ganging up on her, Morgan tried clapping to hype up the crowd which worked.
When Kaitlyn was about to make a tag, Rosa grabbed Morgan by the leg and brought her down at ringside. She does a loud yell and throws Morgan to the barricade.
"This bitch..." Morgan held the back of her head while Rosa began to taunt her.
"Cheap shot by Rosa! This is not good." Cole looked on.
"And she's dancing again," JBL said.
Meanwhile, in the ring, Alicia hits Kaitlyn with a somersault leg drop and pins her for a 2 count.
"Kaitlyn is still trying to hang on." JBL looked on while Rosa got back on the apron.
Alicia and Rosa continue to dominate her while Morgan gets back on the apron.
"Come on Kaitlyn! Milhouse would want you to fight back! You got this!" Morgan shouted. That motivated her to hit Alicia with three shoulder tackles and a gutbuster. She pins her for a 2 count and runs to the ropes but Rosa kicks her back. "Really!? Really?"
Kaitlyn turns her attention to her and is about to hit her but Rosa jumps off the apron. She turns around to get hit with a kick in the face. Alicia begins to distract the ref while Rosa gets in the ring to start beating on her and choking her on the bottom rope. Morgan had enough and jumped off the apron.
"Not today!" Morgan yelled as she ran towards Rosa, dropkicking her in the face while landing on the apron as Roman does as the crowd 'Ohs'
"That kick!" Cole shouted.
The Philly Diva grabs her by the hair and throws her out of the ring and then into the barricade.
"Morgan! Go back to your corner, now!" The ref ordered.
She decides to obey and that leads to Kaitlyn hitting Alicia with a backbreaker. She crawls over to Morgan and makes the tag as the crowd goes wild. Morgan hits Alicia with 5 clotheslines and tries to kick her but Alicia grabs her leg and pushes her back. Alicia runs to the ropes but gets caught in Morgan's arms as she spins her around and slams her hard on the mat.
"This may be over," Cole said as she pinned her but then Rosa broke it up. Kaitlyn rushes back into the ring and spears her. "Spear by Kaitlyn!"
She gets back on the apron and Morgan tags her in. Morgan hits Alicia with a clothesline while Kaitlyn spears her at the same time.
"What a double team move that was!" Cole looked on
Once Kaitlyn started to pin her, Rosa was crawling on the ropes until Morgan kicked her in the face, making her fall off again.
"Nice finishing touch on that match," JBL said while Morgan jumped on Kaitlyn's back to celebrate with her.
"Here are your winners! Kaitlyn and Morgan!" Lilian announced after she got off her back
For the main event, The Shield take on CM Punk and the Usos while Morgan watches at ringside. She was aware of the incident with them earlier and was going to make sure Punk got hurt.
"That smirk on Morgan's face means trouble," Cole called out while she started to slowly walk around the ring, catching the attention of the Usos and Punk.
"Looks like she's trying to do some mind games," JBL said as Dean and CM Punk started off the match.
"Can you believe Morgan accepted Punk's challenge?" Cole asked as Punk began to take control of Dean and elbowed him down to the mat.
Punk throws Dean to his team and yells "Come on, I wanna know who the weak link is!"
"I actually can. She wants to prove herself. Now, I don't know if she'll win against CM Punk but I believe she'll show some great ring work." JBL replied as The Usos began to take control of Seth.
Morgan stops walking around the ring and begins to watch the match on the side where her teammates are. She watches as The Shield begin to take control of Jimmy Uso.
"And this is where The Shield is dangerous." Cole looked on.
"Come on Uso. Come on." Seth taunted and hit Jimmy with a leg drop.
The crowd begins to chant 'Uso' and that motivates Jimmy to try to make a tag but Ambrose catches him in an arm submission and begins to take control.
"I like it!" Morgan cheered when Dean hit Jimmy with a hard clothesline.
Morgan and Punk begin to give each other eye contact and start taunting each other. He gets off the apron and sees her smirking at him which prompts him to begin walking over to where she was.
"What are you going to do? Hit me? Hit me with your best shot." She asked as the crowd started to get hyped.
He was about to make his way towards her but Roman jumped off the apron and got in front of her as the crowd cheered.
"Oh~" JBL exclaimed.
"Not happenin'." Roman shook his head.
"Things just got a little interesting between these three." JBL looked on in delight.
"Roman Reigns getting in the way of this situation," Cole said.
"I'm sorry, were you going to do something?" She asked with a smug look but then the ref ordered them to back off.
Later on in the match, Jimmy tags in Punk and he begins to hit Seth with his signature moves and strikes Dean with a big boot off the apron.
"Vintage Punk with a running knee and follows it up with a clothesline," Cole looked on. Punk gets on the top rope but Morgan gets on the apron to distract him and Seth takes advantage. "The distraction by Morgan."
The Philly Diva grins in satisfaction and jumps off the apron, high fiving Ambrose. Seth hits Punk with a crossbody but then Punk rolls them over for the Anaconda Vice as the crowd gets hype. Dean breaks it up but gets kicked and punched by one of the Usos. Roman gets in the ring and drops the Uso with a Superman punch and wipes his hands.
Punk was leaning on the bottom rope, face first, near Morgan while Dean started to distract to ref since he was tagged in. She stalks over to Punk and smirks. She quickly lifts her right leg straight up as her boot hits his face, causing the crowd to 'Oh!' at the sound of the impact.
"Good Lord!" JBL yelled.
Morgan started laughing at the pain he was in and showed a wicked grin on her face.
"Son of a..." Punk muttered as he held his head.
Ambrose looks on in delight and blows her a kiss.
"She's lost her mind." Cole declared. "She's possessed by Ambrose. I'm convinced now. Did you hear that laugh?"
Punk gets dragged to the middle of the ring by Dean and gets pinned for a 2 count. Ambrose begins to take his frustration out on him and starts unloading on him near the turnbuckle. He hits him with a butterfly suplex and pins him for another 2 count.
"So close." Morgan looked on.
Roman has his hand out for a tag but Dean ignores him.
"Tag out!" Roman shouted.
Dean grabs Punk and gets kicked by him. Punk puts him in the GTS position but Roman runs in the ring and bumps into Dean. He pushes him out of the way but gets kicked by Punk and is taken out of the ring by the Usos. Rollins gets taken out of the ring as well.
"We're about to have ourselves some flyin' Usos!" JBL exclaimed as the Usos jumped on top of Rollins and Reigns.
Punk hits the GTS on Dean for the win.
"Here are your winners! The Usos and CM Punk!" Lilian announced.
Punk looked at Morgan and pointed to her. "This isn't over," he said while she gave him an irritated look and retreated with her team.
She could see Roman looking annoyed since Dean didn't make the tag.
"We were this close." Roman vented to Seth and her once Dean left the arena. "I wanted him to tag out and he wouldn't tag me in."
'WWE Exclusive Video'
At The Shield's hideout, Roman started pacing around, still annoyed with Dean and his actions. Morgan appeared on the scene, looking worried.
"How many times are you going to pace around? I'm sure he didn't mean to lose the match-" she began.
"Just stop defending him!" Roman shouted and stopped pacing around.
She let out a breath, taken aback by his sudden shout. 'Wow...' she mouthed and looked down, feeling some type of way.
He realized what he had just done and started to feel guilty. "Morgan...I..." he ran a hand through his hair and sighed as he approached her. "I'm-I'm sorry,"
She looked up as a small, sad smile came across her lips. "No harm done,"
"No. You're trying to help me and I'm lashing out at you. You're the last person I should be taking my anger out on. Nor the last person I want to be yelling at. You don't deserve that."
"Roman, it's fine. No harm done, really." She shrugged it off.
She could see the frustration in his body language and eyes. She couldn't blame him for being so upset.
"Raw will be a better time to work things out. For now, let's just sleep it off," she added.
'Another WWE Exclusive Video'
Morgan was in her street clothes backstage putting her hair in a ponytail but then saw Luke Harper leaning on the door, watching her. She gasped and turned around to see no one there.
"Maybe I'm just seeing things." She turned back around but looked in the mirror and it read 'We haven't forgotten about you Rose with Thorns. You're almost ready for us.'
Kaitlyn walked in and she turned around.
"D-did you see that!?" Morgan pointed to the mirror but nothing was there as she was confused and touched the mirror. "No, there was something in the mirror. I saw him, at the door."
"Who?" Kaitlyn raised a brow
"I saw Luke at the door."
"Are you drunk?" She let out a chuckle.
"Kaitlyn, I'm serious." the Philly Diva ran her fingers through her hair. "I'm not joking. No games."
"Maybe you should sleep it off. The Shield did suffer a tough loss. Come on." She replied as they walked out of the locker room
'Next week, Old School Raw'
Hours before the show, Melanie was already ready for the night. She decided to look like Chyna by doing one of her hairstyles and wore shredded black pants and a black corset. She was sitting in catering with Celeste, popping grapes in her mouth.
"Melanie. Melanie, calm down!" Celeste giggled.
"He's here," Melanie exclaimed and continued to pop grapes in her mouth.
"I know."
"You don't understand. He's here! I'm going to meet Hot Rod!" she squealed and continued eating the grapes. "This is so cool. I get to meet my favorite legend of all time!"
"Is she in panic mode?" Jon asked as he sat next to her and Celeste nodded. "Okay, enough grapes for one night." he tried to take the grapes from her but she snatched it and put him in a headlock. "Ah! Mel, knock it off."
"Hands off my grapes!" she shouted as Celeste started laughing.
Later on, The Shield all get ready to meet up with Stephanie for information on the segment. While Melanie was walking near the backstage interview area, she held Jon's hand and held it tightly.
"Melanie, you're going to do fine." He let out a laugh. But then she squeezed his hand harder with nervousness. He stopped walking and made her stop too. "Mel, you're going to do fine." He kissed her cheek.
"Okay." Melanie smiled.
After they get the information on the segment, Melanie hangs around backstage to kill some time before the show. After greeting some legends, she began stretching near the gorilla.
"Well, well, if it isn't Chyna's cousin. Melanie Laurer." A voice called out.
Melanie's heart dropped and began to have butterflies in her stomach.
Could it be...?
She turned around and looked at Roddy Piper, who was grinning at her.
"P-Piper? Oh my gosh..." Melanie laughed but started crying. She went to embrace him as he let out a soft laugh. "Oh my gosh...I can't believe I'm hugging you."
"I finally get to meet one of my biggest fans," he said as they released each other.
"Sorry." She chuckled and wiped her tears. "Fangirling, haha."
"There you two are. I see that you've met." Stephanie walked over to them and smiled
"This is so cool!" Melanie hugged him again. "Your promos are so awesome. It's an honor to be able to work with you."
Once he thanked her again and gave her a kiss on the forehead, squealed, excited to be in his presence. The two walked around backstage as he gave her advice on wrestling and discussed life. They even took photos together that she planned to post after the show. She was on cloud nine.
'In The Ring'
Piper was in the ring, while the ring was set up for Piper's Pit.
"It's Raw Old School. And Hot Rod was old school before old school was cool. Now, I have fought some guys." Piper grinned but got interrupted.
"Well for once The Shield is actually invited," Cole said as Roman, Dean, and Seth walked down the steps. Dean was wearing his belt around his waist and a Shield hoodie. "They are the scheduled guests for Roddy Piper in Piper's Pit. John, The Shield owned 2013 but recently in my estimation and others as well, some cracks have been forming within the team."
"You see cracks because you wanna see cracks. Where is Morgan?" JBL asked.
"I guess we'll find out," Cole said as The Shield got in the ring and Dean grabbed a mic.
"At least there is one person in The Shield that is respectful." Piper chuckled, thinking about their fourth member.
Moments later, Morgan's theme comes on and she walks out as the crowd cheers loudly. She put her hands on her hips and with a confident expression, looking like her cousin.
"There she is! And she's paying tribute to her cousin Chyna. How awesome." JBL said as she tagged some hands and grinned.
She walks up the steps while Ambrose sits on the middle rope so she can get in. She rewards him with a kiss on the cheek and sits next to Roman on the stool who sits next to Seth.
"Sorry, I couldn't interrupt him like that." She said to The Shield and smiled at Piper.
"Someone looks starstruck." JBL looked on.
"I've been informed that Piper is Morgan's favorite Legend. So what will happen if The Shield gang up on him?" Cole asked.
Dean and Piper faced off and Dean looked at the crowd. "Who gave this old man a live microphone?" he pointed at Piper and turned to him. "We're on live television. We were gonna stand around and wait while you ramble on and on if you're gonna say anything...you should be thanking God, that The Shield wasn't around when you were in your prime because if we were, you may not have made it to 112 years old." He grinned while Piper laughed.
Melanie had to keep herself in character because she was just so starstruck. She was in the ring with Piper. The Roddy Piper. It was an experience she will never forget. She got back in character as she was sitting, minding her business since Morgan decided not to get herself into any more trouble.
"First of all, nobody gave me a mic, I took it and this is Piper's Pit, not Ambrose Alley." Piper retorted.
Morgan smiled in amusement.
"Now, if you're finished with the foolishness..." He looked at Seth who was looking at him. "You think I'm cute?" He laughed and snorted while Seth chuckled and nodded.
"I admit, I've been beat up." Piper continued. "I have fought some guys. Oh my goodness...things don't work quite like they used to except for my mind is fine. And there is only one guy that can match me on the microphone and his name is CM Punk." he declared in Dean's face.
Dean responded by giving him a dirty look as the crowd cheered. Roman and Morgan glanced at each other and Dean started to rub his shoulder while the crowd chanted 'CM Punk'
"Punk!" Piper taunted. "Punk! Punk!"
Morgan could see Ambrose seething and was debating if she should calm him down or if he would calm himself down.
"I think you of all people would know to tread lightly in a situation like you're in Piper." Dean began but Seth stood up and held him back.
"Hey, hey, hey, hey!" Seth backed him away from Piper. He chuckled and turned his attention to him. "Hot Rod. Can I call ya Hot Rod?"
"Sure," Piper said.
"Look, I appreciate what you're trying to do here but my friend, it's not 1985 anymore. The Shield is too smart for your little tactics, all right? There are no cracks in The Shield you know what I think it is? I think it's jealousy, all right? Piper is jealous because you." Seth looked at Dean. "Are a better US champion than he ever was." he laughed in Piper's face as the crowd booed him.
Morgan didn't like the disrespect they were showing to Piper but decided to bite her tongue.
"Oh yeah, that's definitely it, that's definitely it," Dean said.
"Well let's just hang on a second. You may be right, I know something for sure. You." Piper pointed at Seth. "One on one, can't beat Punk. You." he pointed to Dean. "One on one, you couldn't beat Punk either."
"I can beat CM Punk." Dean declared. "I can beat CM Punk, you don't know anything about me, I can beat CM Punk."
Piper laughed. "Is it botherin' ya?"
Roman and Morgan glanced at each other again before Roman looked back at Piper and Morgan looked at her boots.
"Well, well, well. Look who we have here. Hello beautiful." Piper grinned as he looked at her.
The crowd cheered and the Outspoken Diva looked up at him as The Shield turned their attention to her.
"Excuse me?" she asked and started to blush.
Piper grabbed her hand and made her stand up. "Look at you. Lookin' like your cousin. Man, you got yourself a flower here, Ambrose."
"I know I do and I'm proud of it." Ambrose grabbed her to him and put an arm around her.
"I see that. Now, Morgan, I haven't seen you go full out in wrestling yet. If you asked me, I think The Shield is holding you back. I saw you wrestle CM Punk at TLC. And this fool right here." Piper pointed to Ambrose. "Prevented you from wrestling Punk even more."
Ambrose started to get annoyed again.
"I see the potential in you." Piper continued as Morgan looked at him in amazement. "But, a woman so...womanly as yourself surprised me when you wanted to wrestle the WWE Superstars. A hard shot in the ribs, I thought your career was over. You can take some hits."
"Well her career isn't over." Dean retorted and removed his arm from her.
"Was anyone talkin' to you pretty boy? This is between me and this woman right here. Stay out of our conversation." Piper snapped as the crowd cheered.
Seth held Dean back while Morgan stiffed a laugh.
"Speaking of you boys, do you know how embarrassing it would be for you guys if this outspoken beauty..." Piper grabbed her hand and kissed it, making her blush and smile even more. "...Beats CM Punk? Will that make Morgan better than her teammates? Can she outsmart CM Punk? Will that be a crack in The Shield?"
"Don't listen to him," Dean said, glaring at Piper. "Baby, don't listen to him, he's getting in your head."
"He's doing mind games," Seth added. "Don't listen to his crap."
Morgan grabbed a mic and chuckled. "...You're making it hard not to fangirl. I'm like, a huge fan. It's an honor hearing you compliment me."
"Morgan, snap out of the starstruck phase," Dean exclaimed but she ignored him.
"You are so cool! I grew up watching your matches. And it's a real honor to be in the same ring as you." She went on.
"Well, at least there is somebody in The Shield who is a sweetheart and respects me." Piper grinned.
"He called me a sweetheart." Morgan giggled at The Shield as she started squealing, making the crowd laugh at her wholesome reaction.
Roman watched her, amused, as a small smile came across his face.
'Cute...' he thought as he watched her.
Meanwhile, Ambrose facepalmed while Rollins continued to try to calm him down.
"Ha ha, she even got a cute little giggle." Piper snorted as he laughed.
'That she does...' Roman thought but then his thoughts were interrupted when Piper suddenly pinched his cheek, making him glare at him.
"Now...you. You're fighting Punk tonight. Now let me just ask, if you beat Punk tonight, doesn't that you better than them?" Piper asked as he pointed at Seth and Dean. "Would that be like a crack in The Shield? If you and The Outspoken Beauty beat CM Punk, wouldn't that make you two better than these guys? Will that make you a more powerful team? A power couple?"
"It's not gonna work Piper," Seth said and turned to Morgan and Roman. "Don't listen to a word he says."
Roman and Morgan glanced at each other before looking back at Piper.
"Are they holdin' ya back?" Piper asked Roman.
"Listen, man..." Dean started to talk in Roman's ear.
"Crack in The Shield? Huh?" Piper provoked.
"There aren't no cracks in The Shield, Piper," Seth said firmly.
Roman grabbed the mic and stood up. He began walking towards Piper who took a few steps back.
"I'm gonna beat CM Punk tonight. And if you ever touch me again, I'm gonna break your old ass in half." Roman threatened.
Morgan looked at Roman in shock. "Seriously?" She retorted.
"Hey uh, Roman, uh, let's leave a uh, memorable impression on Mister Piper." Dean said as the guys started to gang up on him.
"Mister Piper~" Seth taunted.
Morgan cleared her throat but they ignored her. She cleared her throat louder on the mic and they all turned to her. "No, no no no, no, no no, no." She interrupted as the crowd cheered. "I'll say this right now...nobody is going to lay a hand on my favorite legend."
"Especially you, Roman. If you're going to break him in half...you're gonna have to break me in half first." she went on. "Would you do that to me?"
"Crack," Cole called out.
"Shut up, Cole." JBL retorted.
"Are you being serious right now?" Dean walked up to her. "He needs to be taught a lesson."
"No, he doesn't," she replied, holding her ground.
"Yes, he does."
"Sorry Morgan, but if you don't want to be a part of this, then you can just stay there." Dean turned around as the crowd booed.
Morgan started to look conflicted. She didn't want Piper to get hurt and she wanted to be on good terms with her teammates. After a few seconds of thinking, she decided to distract Dean by turning him around and wrapping her arms around him to kiss him.
"Whoa!" JBL exclaimed as Seth and Roman stopped and turned their attention to them.
Dean was surprised at her throwing herself at him but began to kiss back. Morgan stopped the kiss, leaving him in a daze as she fixed her hair and clothes, clearing her throat.
Piper knew exactly what she was trying to do and mentally thanked her.
She grabbed another mic. "Sorry, I had to get that out of my system. Anyway, let's not gang up on Piper."
Dean snapped out of his daze and started to look at her with lust.
"And...we're about to lose him," Roman stated as Dean began to march over to her.
"And let's whoa-" She got turned back around as she dropped the mic and is smooched by Ambrose as the crowd started freaking out.
"Looks like he couldn't resist her charm," Cole looked on as Morgan got backed up to turnbuckle while he grabbed her waist
"And this is why they are my favorite heel couple. Do you see the passion in their kisses? Wonderful." JBL showed his support as he watched her run her hands through Dean's hair.
Piper looked amused and started to think of a plan to escape The Shield.
"Dean keep it PG!" Seth tried to snap him out of it. "Dean! Dean!"
Roman facepalmed and shook his head. Moments later, Morgan managed to break away from him while Seth held Dean back
"Easy tiger," Seth said.
The Philly Diva caught her breath and put a hand over her chest, chuckling.
While The Shield were all distracted, thanks to Morgan, CM Punk runs down the ring with The New Age Outlaws. Morgan slides out of the ring while The Shield take on Punk and his team. But in the end, The Shield get thrown out of the ring while the crowd cheers.
Locking eyes with Piper, Morgan watched as he nodded in appreciation because she attempted to make sure he wasn't harmed by The Shield.
"You old piece of trash!" Seth yelled while The Shield was over the barricade.
"Hey! Calm down. We got this." She reassured. "We got this."
CM Punk was in the ring while the New Age Outlaws were at ringside to support him. Roman was also in the ring while The Shield was at ringside too.
"Break him in half," Dean said.
"It's go time tonight baby! Take him out! Take him out! He don't stand a chance." Seth added.
"I believe in you, Roman. You got this." Morgan cheered as the bell rang.
She watches as Punk manages to keep a hold of Roman in a headlock.
"Come on big man. Do what you gotta do." Seth said and Roman managed to take Punk down. "That's what I'm talkin' about! You don't stand a chance Punk!"
Moments later, Roman throws Punk over the turnbuckle and onto the floor, hurting his ribs. Dean, who had an arm around Morgan, walks near Punk with Seth but then the New Age Outlaws come to his aid as they begin trash talking each other. Roman took a breather in the ring, while the ref began to count.
Punk manages to get back in the ring and Roman begins to take control of his ribs. Morgan liked the sound of Punk yelling out in pain as she began to smirk in delight. The New Age Outlaws began to try to support Punk but Seth and Dean started mouthing off.
"You shut up! You shut up old, man! Shut up!" Seth shouted.
Punk hits Roman with a crossbody off the ropes and runs to give him a running knee but gets caught in a bear hug.
"Come on, just squeeze the life out of him." Rollins looked on. "Don't let him go."
Punk escapes the bear hug and hits him with elbows but gets taken down by a Samoan drop. Roman pins him for a 2 count and walks to a corner. He punches the mat and waits for Punk to get up, preparing for the Superman punch. When he tries to go for it, Punk moves out of the way and kicks him in the back of the head. Roman looks dazed while The New Age Outlaws and The Shield continue to mouth off.
"Come on Roman." Morgan bangs on the mat, ignoring the boys yelling at each other.
Punk begins to hit Roman with his signature moves and pins him for a 1 count.
"Just one! Not today!" She grinned and put her right index finger out in front of Punk with Dean
Punk looks at Roman in surprise that he got up so quickly from his signature moves.
"Oh~ you better believe that." Seth taunted. "That's one." He high fived Morgan and Dean.
Punk hits Roman with two running knees and pins him for a 2 count. He gets on the top rope while Seth tries to control Dean and his hot head. Roman tries to throw Punk off but gets elbowed off the rope and is hit with a diving elbow.
Seth and Dean started to panic while Morgan kept a cool head. "Guys, he's going to be fine."
Seth nodded and began to bang on the mat. "He's okay. He's okay. Come on Roman."
Punk does the GTS taunt but Dean gets on the apron and tries to distract him. Road Dogg pulls him down and tries to throw him to the steps until Dean reverses it and throws him in the steel steps instead. Billy clotheslines him but then Rollins throws him to the steel post.
"You wanna stick your nose now?" Seth yelled but got hit by Punk's suicide dive as the crowd cheered.
Seth falls over the table where the commentators are while Morgan keeps her distance. Punk gets on the apron and jumps over the ropes, only to be hit by a Superman punch.
"And he got caught!" Cole yelled as Roman pinned him for a near fall, making him look at him in surprise. "CM Punk kicked out! I thought he had him!"
Morgan was shocked too but Roman started to give Punk a stare and stood up as he backed up to a corner.
He roars and runs to spear him but Punk jumps up, making him hit the middle turnbuckle.
"No!" Morgan exclaimed as Punk grabbed him for a roll up.
Roman kicks out and she looks relieved. She goes to help Dean up while Roman gets kicked by Punk and is pinned for another near fall as Punk couldn't believe it.
"Ambrose," Roman called out and was pulled into the GTS position until he elbowed Punk to escape it.
He stumbles to a corner and is hit with Punk's running knee. He grabs him for a bulldog but Roman throws him to Dean and Punk hits him off the apron. But when Punk turns around, he gets speared.
"Spear! Spear by Reigns!" Cole exclaimed.
"Yes!" Morgan shouted and got in the ring with the guys to celebrate his victory.
"By beating Punk tonight, is Roman the best of The Shield?" Cole asked.
"We'll have to find out because Morgan is going to be put through the test." JBL reminded but all of a sudden, another theme surrounded the arena. "What the hell?"
The Shield look confused and turn their attention to the stage but then Jake 'The Snake' Roberts walks out with his sack. Morgan's eyes widen in shock and takes a step back.
"You've gotta be kidding me! John, I-I think I've seen a ghost!" Cole exclaimed. "That's Jake 'The Snake' Roberts!"
Jake throws the sack into the ring while Morgan quickly slides out of the ring.
"I want no part of that," she said, backing up
But then Punk and The New Age Outlaws begin to attack the male members of The Shield and they throw Seth and Roman out of the ring. Punk picks Dean up and begins to spin him around and hits him with the GTS.
Morgan reluctantly watches as Jake takes out Damian and puts it on Dean's face. Jake picks up Damian and she decides to take the opportunity to try to drag Dean out of the ring but Jake tries to throw Damian near her as she stumbles off the apron in slight fear.
Punk gets out of the ring and starts chasing her.
"Come on, Punk! Leave her alone!" JBL shouted.
She manages to retreat with Seth and Roman on the ramp while Punk gets back in the ring to celebrate with the New Age Outlaws and Jake.
Morgan tweets 'S-Snake? Snake? Snake? #SNAKE! #RunForYourLife #JakeIsBack #Moment4Life'
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The Bangtan Gal Chapter 50- Payback

Chapter Summary: BTS film For You. Hobi and the Maknae Line prank Jen to piss her off by acting loud on purpose while she slept. Jennie gives them a taste of their own medicine by using pots and pans to wake them up. Jungkook is on edge as he anticipates Jen's move to prank him.
Words: 7,000+
Genre: Jungkook Fluff!
Author's Note: Remember Bad Girls Club? With Tanisha? I got inspiration from that for Jen's prank! Iconic.
On the set for the For You MV, Jennie wore a yellow hoodie with jeans and Nike sneakers.

With her hair in a messy bun, she also wore glasses, which showed a cuter side of her because of how they framed her face. Hobi and Taehyung kept gushing on how adorable she looked with the glasses, as she tried her best to avoid their teasing.
As a camera filmed her getting her makeup retouched, she spoke about her role in the MV with nervousness. “So, I have a babysitting role in this. Babysitting. I’m going to be with cute, small children. I’m a bit on edge about it, I don’t think I’m good with kids. I have a feeling we’re going to have a tough time filming.”
She was overthinking everything with this music video. She was still emotional over what had happened back at home and now had to deal with making sure her shots were great for the MV.
But will the kids give her a hard time? Will there be any chemistry?
For her role, Jennie was to be filmed babysitting three children who looked around the age of 6 to 8 years old. Two Japanese boys and one girl. Adorable child actors they were. It brought a smile to her face as she watched the little girl with pigtails eagerly approach her and say hi. She seemed the most outgoing.
One of the boys stood next to the girl and introduced himself, asking Miss Bangtan if she was into any “cool boy stuff” and not the “girly stuff”. His eyes lit up when she mentioned all the video games she would play whenever she could, and also the anime she watched. The boy even gave her suggestions of what anime to check out.
It seemed like Miss Bangtan had overthought things because the children were quite enjoyable to be around and she seemed to be at ease. But most importantly, she made them feel comfortable, which was always something she strived for when meeting new people.
“We’re gonna play dress up and dolls and tag and patty cake and...” The little girl went on as Jennie nodded eagerly, amused.
This was going to be an interesting music video.
Jennie turned to the last little boy. As she observed him, she noticed that his cheeks were pink and he averted his eyes from her, trying to keep his distance.
Was he shy?
For some reason, the kid reminded her of Jungkook. Quiet, kept to himself, took more time to open up. She wanted to make the boy feel comfortable, but how?
With Jungkook, she sparked a conversation with him about Iron Man, and things blasted from there. Now the Golden Maknae claimed her as his “Golden Best Friend” and they were inseparable as their bond grew stronger day by day.
As the filming began, it started with Jennie running around with the kids, playing tag in the house. The director wanted her to first look happy, enjoying the fact that she and the others were working hard at their jobs just so their Golden Maknae could get a plane ticket to see his long distance lover.
Filming progressed as Jennie covered her eyes and began to count while the children started to run around to find a hiding spot. After she counted to ten, she instantly knew where they were hiding but pretended to have a hard time looking for them so they could enjoy the game longer. When she caught them, they giggled wholeheartedly.
After taking a brief break, Jen sat at a table with the shy boy. They had a sheet of math homework in front of them, as the camera started rolling. They were told to improvise, no script involved, just enough shots to show her helping him with his homework.
Jungkook, who was watching in the background chuckled softly at the scene as Jimin and Tae joined him.
“Remember she was freaking out when she found out she would be filming with children? She’s doing just fine.” Jimin praised.
The three boys had tried to distract Jennie while she was filming and even made derp faces, which worked because she started to laugh with the shy kid who kept giggling at them.
Getting back on track, filming started again and she began to speak, “Looks like for this homework, all you have to do is addition.” She checked out the paper.
“I don’t like math...” The boy murmured with a frown.
“Why not?”
“It’s too hard. Can we play a little more?” He pouted.
She was tempted to say yes because he was just too adorable, but she remained focused. “After you finish your homework.”
“After the math, I promise we can play, okay?”
“Do you pinky promise?”
Smiling softly she stuck out her pinky and linked it with his. “Pinky promise.”
The Maknae Line had smiled at the cute gesture between her and the little boy. It was always nice to see her like this.
"Jennie would be a great mom," Taehyung said as Jimin and Jungkook agreed. "She's so gentle with him,"
“Now, let’s go to the first question. 4 plus 5.” Jen read.
“Um...” The boy hesitated and stayed silent for a moment.
The table seemed more interesting in his eyes as he ignored the question. Jennie let him be, watching him. With her elbows on the table and palms resting on her upper arms, she remained patient. The boy had looked up at her, noticing her waiting for any type of response to the question as a soft smile came across her face. He shyly looked away and tried to think of an answer, but to no avail.
The Maknae Line continued to watch, admiring her sense of patience with the boy.
“Four and five together.” She spoke softly.
“Can we skip this one?”
She shook her head and let out a chuckle. “Four plus five. You’re adding four and five together.”
“Hm...not quite. You’re close. You added four and four instead of five.”
“Can’t we just use a calculator?”
“We could but this worksheet doesn’t want you to use a calculator. It wants to test your math skills and challenge you. You can do it. Let’s try again.” She put up four fingers. “How many fingers am I holding up?”
“Let’s add five fingers. 1...2...3...4...5.” She counted as she now had nine fingers up. “How many is this?”
“So, what is four plus five?”
“That’s right!” She gave him a high five.
“Yay, can we play now?”
“After 19 more questions on this worksheet.”
“Aw, man...” He whined, causing her to giggle.
She looked up to see Jungkook watching them. She flashed him a smile and turned her concentration back to the worksheet. The little boy started to open up to her more. It was her kindness and soft tone of voice she used that made him feel comfortable. She was elated that he started talking to her more.
The next round of filming was to show her struggles while doing her job. The kids were asked to act as chaotic as possible, running around, trying to mess with anything around them, basically giving her a hard time as she tried to get them ready for bed. Jennie portrayed herself as exhausted, restlessly trying to get the kids to calm down and prepare for their bedtime. Even picking them up and carrying them to bed but then they would get out of bed and run around to play.
Once she finally got them settled, she sighed and finally relaxed on the couch. She quickly got off the couch when she heard the door open to see the parents walking in. Once they paid her for the service, she bowed and smiled gratefully.
After filming her shots with the kids, Jennie bowed and thanked everyone for their hard work. Kneeling, she wrapped her arms around the little girl and the outgoing boy who went to hug her.
“You’ll come back to Japan and remember us, right?” The boy eagerly asked.
“We’ll remain friends, right? You’ll come and visit?” The little girl beamed.
Once Jennie answered, happily saying, “You betcha.” She was met with loud yays.
As the two kids left, Jen noticed that the shy boy stopped following the others. Running back to her, he surprised her when he hugged her leg tightly.
“Oh!” She said in surprise, immediately kneeling to hug him back as a soft chuckle escaped her lips.
“Thank you for being a kind babysitter.” He smiled brightly and ran back to meet with the other kids.
She stood up, watching him leave. “Thanks for warming up to me.”

Changing her outfit, for when the group danced, she wore a black and white floral crop top and high waisted pants with a black choker. She still kept her glasses on, as she filmed her individual shots, smiling and showing a softer side.
She started to giggle and feel a little shy with the camera so close to her face and ended up covering her face, to laugh. The director liked the way it was genuine and kept the shot, deciding to put it in the MV.
Taking a break, while the others took turns with their filming, Jen sat down and checked out her messages.
Still no response from her sister, Vienna.
Bummed, she sighed. She’ll just have to wait. Hopefully one day she’ll talk to her again.
Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt a light pat on her head. Looking up, her eyes softened. She stood up to see Jungkook in his bear suit, with a large, adorable bear head on his head.
“Really?” She giggled while watching him dance around.
Jimin had suggested for Jungkook to find Jennie and show off his cute bear suit, portraying a mascot. He figured it would cheer her up since she was still fixated on what happened back at home.
The Golden Maknae opened his arms out, gesturing for her to bring it in, for a hug. She laughed and embraced him tightly. His cuteness with the bear suit, made her forget about her worries about her sister.
The day before they were to go back to Seoul, the members decided to take a trip to a local laser tag place to let loose. Taehyung suggested it and also thought it would help get rid of all the negative feelings Jen was still feeling from what happened at home. She appreciated the guys for trying to distract her and do whatever they could to take her mind off what happened with Vienna. It was working tremendously well.
Team Blue consisted of Jungkook, Taehyung, Yoongi and Hobi. While Team Red had Jennie, Namjoon, Jimin and Jin.
Putting on their gear, Jin helped Jennie put on her vest and adjusted it, making sure it was secure.
“Ready to win?” She asked him.
“Let’s do this, sweetie!"
When the match began, everyone started running, as pewing sounds and fake laser shots were heard. Yells, laughs and screams filled the room, while Jennie decided to take a defensive route and keep her distance from everyone. She could try to sneak up behind someone and take them down.
Jungkook had begun to follow her discreetly, aiming to shoot her vest when she least expected it.
Hearing someone behind her, Jen turned and pulled the trigger, to see Hobi screaming in surprise when his vest vibrated and he was immobilized for a few moments, unable to shoot.
Out of nowhere, Jungkook grabbed her from behind as she gasped in surprise. She squirmed out of his grip, grabbing his gun. She managed to start raising it in the air so he wouldn’t shoot, but his strength began to be too much to handle as he slowly started to lower it back down. He then turned his gun to one of the target spots on her vest, ready to shoot.
“Game over.” He pulled the trigger
“Muscled bunny.” She rolled her eyes when she was immobilized.
As the game progressed, she constantly got clean shots, earning points for her team.
“Freeze!” Taehyung giggled, pointing his laser gun from behind her.
She sighed and put her hands up in defense. “Okay. Okay.”
But before he could aim and shoot, she quickly turned around and smoothly hit one of the target spots on his chest when he was distracted from celebrating.
“Hey! No fair!”
“Gotta be quicker than that, Tae!” She patted him on the back and went to find the rest of his teammates.
When her team won the first round, Jen worked with Jin during the next round. Jin yelling and doing his trademark dance moves to try to distract the members so she could shoot them worked excellently.
But near the end of the round, she finally was shot, thanks to Jungkook and Hobi, who ganged up on her after taking Jin down.
She stared them down, narrowing her eyes as they giggled. “Hee hee, haha. I’ll remember that for the final round.” she pointed at them, unamused.
Jungkook’s team barely managed to win the second round thanks to a last minute shot from Hobi to Jin.
For the final round, Jen decided to go all out, coming for everyone. She was hit a few times but managed to hit more targets this round. Finding Jungkook, she placed her laser gun on his back as he froze.
“Any last words?” She demanded.
“Yeah. You’re too slow.” He responded.
Before she could comprehend what he meant, he quickly grabbed the gun out of her hand as they tried to fight for it. Backing her up against the nearest wall, she started to laugh.
“I win.” He grinned victoriously
“AH HA!” Jimin shot Jungkook. “Never let your guard down Kookie!” He giggled while the Golden Maknae gave him a dirty look, releasing Miss Bangtan.
“Better luck next time, Kook.” Jen patted him on the back and grabbed her gun before heading to another area.
“So...what were you two doing in the corner over here?” Jimin wiggled his eyes.
“Shut up, hyung.” Jungkook crossed his arms, waiting for his vest to recover so he could play again.
“Kookie’s mad that I ruined his moment with Jennie~” He teased.
Having enough, Jungkook wrapped his arm around his neck, putting him in a chokehold. “What was that?” He laughed as Jimin tried to get out of his hold, tapping out.
Back in South Korea, Jen decided to text Hayoon to see if she was free. Hayoon invited her to meet with GFriend in one of the dance studios of Source Entertainment. When she arrived, she was immediately greeted with smiling faces and eagerly watched them practice
“Jennie! Have you been practicing our dances that Hayoon taught you?” Umji asked with a soft smile.
“Ah...a little bit.” Jennie rubbed the back of her neck.
But it wasn’t a little bit, she actually had spent more time trying to perfect the dance because she wanted to get it right, overcoming her embarrassment of acting cute with dances such as this.
“Show us!” Sowon suggested. The rest of the girls eagerly agreed.
“I’m going to be so awkward, but okay.” Jen stood up from sitting against the mirror.
“Yay! Make us proud!” Eunha beamed.
“And don’t forget to smile~!” Hayoon teased.
“And don’t forget to smile.” The Bangtan Girl mocked, getting in position while GFriend watched keenly.
Exhaling, Jen began to move once Glass Bead filled the studio.
‘Feet on point with the music.’ She thought as she started to dance. ‘And don’t forget to smile.’ She immediately had a bright smile on her face.
“Ah...so cute!” Yerin gushed.
As Jen danced the chorus of the song, keeping that bright smile on her face as requested, Hayoon had taken her phone to record her, before posting it on the BTS Twitter. ‘Hacked by Hayoon of GFriend. Jennie is so adorable~! You’ve worked hard!’
Near the end, with Jennie executing the high kick on beat with the song, GFriend watched on with proud smiles on their faces. Despite Jen’s reluctance, she danced well, and in sync with the song. As she finished the dance with the ending pose, she was met with loud cheers and applause.
"I did it! Thank you!" she looked relieved that her performance went well.
Jennie had continued to watch GFriend finish their dance practice and Hayoon had rested her head on her shoulder, resting her eyes.
Grabbing her phone, Jen takes a quick photo and tweets, ‘My shy girlfriend worked hard today. #JEN’
Of course, most fans automatically started shipping them together as a couple which was funny to them as they were always doing skinship. Hayoon was more touchy-feely than Jen after she opened up to her more. Now, she always tended to hug Miss Bangtan whenever she could.
Later on that day, Jennie arrived at the bowling place, to meet with GOT7. Bam Bam was the first to notice her walk in and ran to her, in the middle of a conversation with Jackson.
“Hey! You made it!” He grinned, wrapping his arms around her for a tight hug.
“Of course, wouldn’t miss it! I’m not late, am I?” She asked as she was released.
“Nah, just in time. Come on, the guys are over here.” He grabbed her hand and escorted her to where the rest of the members were.
She was excitedly greeted by the members, with Jackson picking her up and spinning her around.
“Before we play, we gotta pick teams. Teams of two sound good. Who is with who?” JB spoke.
“I pick Jennie!” Bam Bam shouted
“Of course you would.” Jackson teased him, as the rest of the members laughed.
“Jen, he would not shut up about you.” Yugyeom put Bam Bam on the spot.
“Yeah, he kept making sure we were here on time. So rushy.” Jinyoung chimed in.
“He was so excited that you were coming here today,” JB added.
Bam Bam shot glares at his members, who giggled at his reaction.
“Really? That’s so sweet that you really wanted me to be here. Thank you for inviting me and welcoming me here.” Jen spoke.
“Ah, it’s no big deal. I-I just like being around you.” Bam Bam felt his face warm up as he shrugged.
“I like being around you, too.”
The rest of the teams consisted of Mark & Jackson, Jinyoung & JB, and Youngjae & Yugyeom. They all get their bowling shoes and put their names on the monitor.
“What should we call ourselves?” Jennie asked.
“BamJen?” Bam Bam suggested.
“Cute!” She put in the name while the rest combined their names in teams. Sitting down on the couch, Bam Bam sat next to her.
“Hey, Jennie, I heard you have a dog,” Mark said, making her smile and nod. “What’s his name? Do you have pictures?”
“Yeah, he’s so adorable. Jungkook and I are taking care of him. His name is Tony.” She brought up photos on her phone and showed them.
“I want him.”
“Nah, he’s mine, haha. He’s a very friendly dog. I’ll see if I can bring him over, the next time I hang with you, guys.”
“Now that would be great.” He nodded in approval.
As the game began, Jen’s team was the first to bowl. “Ladies first.” Bam Bam gestured.
“Kick ass, Jennie!” Jackson cheered.
“Don’t hit any pins!” JB teased.
“Wait, can we use bumpers? Can we change it?” She asked. She was answered by a chorus of exaggerated Nos, as she shook her head. “Well, damn. Tough crowd.” She laughed and picked up a blue bowling ball.
“I believe in you, Jennie!” Bam Bam encouraged her.
“I hope it makes it in the gutter!” Yugyeom teased, earning a playful glare from her.
Rolling the ball, she anxiously watched it roll down and managed to hit three pins near the end, almost landing in the gutter. Bam Bam and Jackson’s cheering made her jump up and down in excitement.
“Woo! That was luck right there.” She beamed. For her second attempt, she rolled the ball and managed to get two more, and she was pleased that she at least got something.
She watched Youngjae go next, grabbing a bowling ball. He made sure to stand behind the line to turn back to them to say, “I feel a bit nervous.”
“You’ll do fine, just roll with it,” she reassured him. Once he rolled the ball, the ball fell directly into the gutter, while everyone applauded him. “That was just wonderful.”
For his second attempt, the ball fell into the gutter again.
“Can’t believe he did it again.” Bam Bam exclaimed.
Mark & Jackson were up, and Jackson decided to bowl for the team.
“Wang is ready!” Jackson confidently said. He let Mark touch it for good luck and as he rolled the ball, it landed right in the gutter. “This is all your fault!” He said to his partner, over everyone’s laughter.
“He’s not that good either!” Youngjae felt a little better that he was not the only one who was bad at bowling.
For the second attempt, Jackson managed to hit a couple near the end but got blasted by the members, claiming he wasn’t that good.
“No, this was just a warm-up!” Jackson tried to defend himself.
“Very interesting warm-up, that was.” Jen played along.
“I thought you had my back!” He shouted as she laughed
Junior was next and managed to score 9 points, effortlessly leaving only 1 pin left.
“Whoa!” Jen freaked out with the rest of the members.
As the game went on, Bam Bam was next to bowl for his team and got a strike. “Yeah!” she high fived him and hugged him in celebration.
When Jackson bowled again, he hit only a few pins at the end and started to complain. “This lane has a problem!”
“Lame! Don’t blame the game, Jackson!” Jen called him out.
“You’re not good, Jackson.” His hyungs claimed.
“Don’t judge me!” He whined.
Poor Jackson. Today wasn't his day.
As the game progressed, Youngjae rolled his ball into the gutter, yet again while Jennie, Bam Bam, Jackson and Mark, eagerly applauded his efforts.
“I’m angry! I can’t hit any pins!” Youngjae shouted.
Jennie snorted and rested her head on Bam Bam’s shoulder as she started laughing.
Once it was her turn again, she got the majority of the pins and earned a spare on her second attempt after knocking down the rest.
“Aye! We lit!” She celebrated.
“Atta girl!” Bam Bam picked her up and spun her around.
“Cheater! That was cheating!” Jackson playfully complained.
“Don’t hate the player, hate the game.” She said as she got set down.
Once it was Jackson’s turn again and he finally got a strike, making the members applaud him. He acted cool, swaggering as he brushed imaginary lint off his shoulder.
“Take that, Jennie.” He playfully opened his arms, waiting for her to clap back.
“Okay, I see you.” She responded, nodding in approval.
The members noticed that Jackson had ripped his pants while playing, which caused everyone to burst into laughter.
After the game, Bam Bam and Jennie managed to snag second place, and they took a break, eating lunch together. The two decided to check out the small arcade that was also with the bowling alley and played a round of basketball. Bam Bam had filmed her for 15 seconds on his Instagram and posted it.
Then he took a photo of her posing in front of her high score on the basketball game as she tweeted the photo on her phone, ‘Suga would be proud. #JEN’
Back at the dorm, Jungkook was with Jimin and noticed a new set of photos posted on their Twitter. He then glimpsed at her group selfie with GOT7.
‘Making new buddies! Thanks for making my day and spending time with me! Jackson, you’re A-OK in bowling, lol. #JEN’
“Ah...why does he gotta be so close to her like that...?” Jungkook unintentionally thought out loud as he recognized how close she and Bam Bam were.
“Jealous?” Jimin decided to tease when he noticed what Jungkook was grumbling about.
“Whatever you say. But don’t worry. Things will be just fine, Jungkookie.” He reassured.
‘I promise it will. I’ll make sure of it.’ Jimin determinedly thought to himself.
Later that night, Jungkook, Jimin, Tae and Hobi played the Wii in the living room, while Jen went to bed early because she had an early schedule. Goofing around, Jungkook brought up a conversation on what should they do for a prank, for their dorm prank war.
“Why don’t we all work together to mess with someone?” Hobi suggested.
“But who?” Tae asked.
“What about Jennie?” Jungkook suggested.
“She’s sleep though,” Hobi reminded.
“So what? Let’s be loud and wake her.” Taehyung giggled.
“Let’s do this!” Jimin agreed.
As the night progressed, the guys turned the TV up a little louder, started to talk louder and even began to laugh louder than usual.
To Jennie, she grimaced at the loud disturbance that woke her up from her slumber.
“Are you friggin kidding me...?” She grumbled against her pillow
As they continued being loud, she slammed her hand on the pillow and angrily got up from her bed. Swinging her door open, she stomped over to the living room.
“Can you PLEASE keep it down? I have an early schedule tomorrow.” She crankily pleaded with them.
“Sorry, Jennie. We’ll stay quiet.” Hobi responded, watching her adjust her scarf, protecting her hair.
“Yeah, sorry for waking you.” Jungkook chimed in.
“Thank you...” She grumbled and went back to her room.
Getting back under the covers, she tried to go back to sleep. Not even five minutes later, she was disturbed again by loud yelling and laughter.
“GUYS! KEEP IT DOWN!” She yelled from her room.
“SORRY!” She heard Jimin yell back.
“For fuck sake...” She rolled her eyes.
She hated it whenever they would be this loud.
As they continued to be loud, which seemed like it was on purpose, she was fed up and ready to knock somebody out. Swinging her door open again, she marched back to the living room.
“All right, I’m about to kick all your asses. I am not the one, and I am not the number two, I TOLD you to BE QUIET! Shut the hell up! Do you NOT see my door closed!? I should NOT be hearing you when my door is closed!” She shouted at them with irritation.
The guys couldn’t help but laugh at how angry she was. Their prank was extremely successful. But this was terrible timing to prank her because she was incredibly irritable since it was past 2 AM.
“This shit isn’t funny!” She shouted. “I shouldn’t be hearing you right now, go to bed! Got damn!”
She tossed a pillow at them and stormed back into her room. This was going to be a terrible morning with a lack of sleep.
A few days later, finding the perfect day for vengeance, Jennie made an effort to wake up earlier than usual. She warned Yoongi, Jin and Namjoon about what she was planning to do as a prank to get back at the others for disturbing her sleep. Yoongi appreciated the notice and eagerly accepted her earplugs to block out any sound. Namjoon pondered if the guys would be alive after she was done with them, and Jin had warned her that he wasn’t going to clean up any mess she made.
Today, she was going to be petty.
Walking into the kitchen, she went through the cabinets to find a set of pans and a set of pots.
“Pans or pots?” She mumbled, before deciding on the pans.
Placing them on the counter, she filled up some small buckets with ice cold water.
They really thought she was going to let that slide, but they will soon find out that they were mistaken.
Jungkook, Jimin, Taehyung and Hobi slept, enjoying their rest before they would have to get up for an early dance practice. The Dope era was around the corner and it would be soon that they start to film for the MV. Today was one of their last dance practices.
With Jungkook, he slept peacefully, but his slumber was short lived once he heard harsh noises, causing him to stir in his bed.
“Everybody wake up! ‘Errbody up! Rise and shine!” Jen’s loud voice was heard.
Jungkook was not surprised that she wanted to get him and his hyungs back for what they had done days prior. But loud noises aren’t going to annoy him as easily as he endured it.
“If she comes in my room...” The Golden Maknae murmured, plotting what he should do if she decided to mess with him while he was in bed.
Deep down, he hoped she would come to his room. He genuinely wanted her to do something to get back at him.
Meanwhile, with Jennie, she continued to walk around the dorm, making as much noise as possible. “I didn’t get no sleep cause of y’all! Y'all not gonna get no sleep cause of me! I didn’t get no fucking sleep cause of y’all! Y'all not gonna get no sleep cause of me! I didn’t get no sleep cause of y’all!” she shouted in English, thinking about Tanisha from Bad Girls Club.
She proceeded to slam the pans together, walking to where Hobi, Jimin and Tae were, making a lot of racket near their beds. She watched as they tried to tune it out by placing pillows over their heads.
“I’m not done, you think I’m done? This is only the beginning.” She placed the pans back in the kitchen and went to grab one bucket of ice water.
Hobi’s loud screech was heard as she splashed him with the frigid water, causing him to flop throughout the bed from the cold contact. He ended up falling off his bed, tangled in his bedsheets.
Deciding that Taehyung would be her next target, she went over to his bed, choosing to use her strength to toss over his mattress, causing him to roll out of his bed. He started laughing, trying to plead with her to spare him, but she lifted the mattress and placed it on top of him.
Jumping on top of the mattress, she heard him groan in pain from the collision. He tried to yell for help but no one was coming to save him because you don’t mess with Jennie’s sleep.
Once she left the room, Tae thought she was finished with him and decided to place his mattress back where it was on the bed, and lay back down. But without warning, he was met with cold water on his body. Opening his eyes instantly with a yell escaping from him, he saw Jen standing over him, pouring the water. He jumped out of bed and started running around the dorm, to shake off the coldness.
Laughing at his reaction, she went to Jimin’s bed, to find him already awake.
He giggled nervously. “E-Ennie, how are you this morning?”
“Just peachy, Jimin.” She snatched one of his pillows and whacked him in the face with it.
He laughed and tried to move away but she continuously hit him all over his body. Falling out of bed, Jimin decided to run away to escape.
Placing his pillow back on his bed, she decided to wait for him to come back, expecting him by the door with another bucket of cold water in her hands, ready to be thrown. After over a minute, Jimin thought the coast was clear and opened the bedroom door. But he soon fell on the floor when he was suddenly splashed with the freezing water.
“Morning, Jimin.” She smiled, placing the bucket down.
She patted his damp head and walked down the hallway with a satisfied smile.
Now all that was left was...
The best for last.
To Jungkook, he impatiently waited for her.
‘Just come to me already...come to my room. I want to see you.’ He thought to himself, eagerly anticipating her to prank him or do whatever she had done to the others.
Five minutes had passed and he began to feel annoyed.
Why did she decide to mess with Hobi, Jimin and Tae, but not him?
How come she didn’t mess with him, yet?
It began to bother him.
He started to feel envious that she pranked them but not him when he was just as involved with messing with her as they were.
Fed up after 30 minutes, he decided to get ready for dance practice. After he changed, he saw her already dressed for practice, leaning over a counter, eating cereal in the kitchen. Jimin and Taehyung were sitting at the table, conversing, while Jennie played on her phone while it was charging.
Glancing up at the Golden Maknae who walked into the kitchen after the 95 Liners greeted him, she scooped up a spoonful of cereal.
“Morning.” She acknowledged, placing the spoonful in her mouth. She regarded Jungkook staring at her, expectantly and she raised a brow. “You need something?”
“Don’t think I don’t know you’re planning something.” He cut right to the chase, initiating a stare down.
Taking a sip of her water, she responded nonchalantly, “I have no idea what you’re talking about...”
Jimin and Taehyung were making it obvious that they were watching the Maknaes competitiveness clash. They were trying hard not to giggle as they wondered what was going to happen.
Jungkook truly loved the fact that she was keeping him on his toes. She could strike at any moment, but she hadn't. And it annoyed and intrigued him that she had that effect on him. Jennie knew Jungkook would be waiting for her to strike. But she didn’t want to be so predictable this time. She wanted to drive him crazy for a while, see how he’d react. It was working because he was getting frustrated.
“You’re planning something.” He demanded.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She responded calmly, slowly eating another spoonful as she continued to watch him get aggravated.
“Jennie...” He called out in a threatening tone with his eyes closed.
“Jungkook...” She called out mockingly with an amused smirk.
Jimin started to grin at what he was seeing. The tension between these two was getting thicker. He knew how much they both liked to win and get the upper hand. It’s been a while since he had seen Jungkook so eager for a challenge.
Tilting his head to the side, the Golden Maknae gave her a warning. “Whatever you’re going to do, I would reconsider.”
“What? You think I’m scared of you?” She challenged with a laugh
Her statement sparked his interest and he responded with a smirk on his face. “You really want to do this?”’
He watched as her eyes slowly narrowed at him. Meanwhile, Jimin was eating this up. He couldn’t help but give knowing looks to Taehyung as they watched them. He’ll have to stay close to where the 97 Liners are going to be because it’ll only be a matter of time before she pranks him.
“Do I really want to do this?” Jennie repeated, pretending to think. “Yeah, 'cause it’s more fun this way. I like to see a guy on his toes. Let’s see if you can keep up. I’d watch your back, if I were you, Kookie.” She raised her eyebrows and placed her finished bowl in the sink, rinsing the remaining milk off.
She planned to walk past him but he placed a hand on the counter to stop her. Amused, she exhaled and leaned against the counter, crossing her arms.
Looking up at him, she let out a soft laugh. “What’s the matter, Kook? Getting a little nervous when I might strike?”
“So, this is how you want to play?”
“Whatever do you mean?”
He nodded twice and removed his hand from the counter. “Be careful what you wish for. Mercy will be nonexistent when I hit back tenfold.” He left the kitchen.
His threat didn’t bother her. She wanted to do this more often, it was comical to see him on edge over a prank.
After dance practice, consisting of Jungkook watching his back and the 95 Liners giggling to themselves, they head back to the dorm. Jennie was chilling in her room, catching up on her American TV shows when Jimin walked in.
“Hey, Jimin.” She greeted him and went back to her laptop.
“Are you looking for Jungkook?” He eagerly asked.
“No, I’m just chilling. Why?”
Jimin began to grin mischievously. He wanted to instigate and see what would happen between her and Jungkook.
“Well, I mean...if you want to get him back...you could. He’s showering, right now. Don’t you think it’s a good time to get him back? I would if I were you. What better timing?” He left her to think.
Shrugging, Jennie resumed what she was doing. As she progressed in watching her show, she couldn’t get Jimin’s statement out of her head.
He’s showering.
Jungkook is showering.
He’s in the shower.
‘Maybe I should.’ She got out of bed.
She headed to the kitchen, grabbed one of the small buckets under the sink, and filled it up with cold water. Grabbing an ice tray from the freezer, she popped all the ice cubes in it, to make it colder. If she wanted this to be successful, she must be stealthy.
Carefully and silently, she opened the bathroom door. As she snuck her way to where the shower was, she succeeded in pouring the bucket over the shower. She certainly knew her effort was successful when she heard him yell in alarm. A loud thump was heard and she assumed he slipped and fell as a loud laugh escaped her lips.
Dropping the bucket, she ran out of the room, slamming the bathroom door.
Jungkook aggressively slid the shower curtains on one side and stepped out, intending to grab his towel but realized it was gone.
“What the h-“ He searched around the bathroom and found no towels. “Are you...she...” He growled in frustration, running a hand through his soaked hair.
He was getting irritated.
He should’ve known better.
He didn’t dare think she would sneak in while he was showering.
Turning to the bathroom sink, he tried to grab his clothes but noticed that they were gone, too.
“Are you kidding me!?” He yelled.
Once he got out of this predicament he was going to:
Find her.
Catch her.
And punish her.
Thinking of a way to get out of this, he decided to poke his head out the door, to see if anyone was around.
“Oh, hey Kookie!” Jennie happened to walk by and saw him poking his head out of the door.
“Everything good?”
Face flushed, Jungkook glared at her, which caused her to giggle. “You’re dead!”
She nodded. “Let’s discuss this when you’re not yelling at me, naked, behind a door, mkay? Have fun getting out of that bathroom.” She winked and walked past him.
Vengeance sounded so sweet to Jungkook, right now.
After being stuck in the bathroom for 20 minutes, he eventually noticed Taehyung coming out of his room. “Hyung! Can you please bring me a towel? And a pair of underwear and shorts from my room?”
“Heheh, she got you good.” Taehyung watched him suffer as his face was red.
“Shut up, hyung! Please just help me!"
“Don’t worry, I’ll help you.”
The Golden Maknae sighed out of relief once he received what he asked for.
“If I were you...I would get her now. I can help. I could stall her, hehe. I mean, do you really want her to get away with this?” Taehyung provoked the Golden Maknae. “And Jin isn’t here. So, there won’t be any delays.”
“Do it. Now.” Jungkook shut the door and got dressed.
Taehyung giggled and went about his plan to distract Jennie in the kitchen.
Looks like he wanted to instigate too.
After getting dressed, all that was on Jungkook’s mind was finding Miss Bangtan and making her pay for what she had done. Determined, he marched out of the room and found her talking with Tae.
Hearing movement, Jennie turned and started to laugh, immediately taking steps back.
“I got her!” Taehyung grabbed her from behind, causing her to yell out of confusion.
“Tae!? What the hell!?” She struggled against his hold. “Oh hell no, this ain’t fair!”
“Run Jennie!” Jimin jumped on Tae’s back, making him release his grip. “Run Jennie run!”
Taking his advice, she made a run for it, while Jungkook ran right after her around the dorm.
Rushing into her room, she swiftly turned around and tried to slam it in his face, but he stopped the door just in time. The door was centimeters from being closed as both of them, on each side of the door, tried to push. Jen aimed to push it to shut, while Jungkook, with his muscles flexing, aimed to push it open.
“Kook, knock it off! This is what you get, stop being a fart!” She used all her strength to close her door, but his strength happened to overpower hers. He started to lean forward, opening up her door a little more, as a grunt of struggle escaped her lips.
“What did you think was going to happen?” He exclaimed. “Accept your fate.”
“I will when I’m done with you!”
“You’re such an idiot! Don’t make me hit you!”
“If you dare hit the golden maknae, there will be consequences!”
“There will be consequences if you don’t get off my door!”
“Are you threatening me?” He stuck an arm through the opening of the door.
“No, I’m threatening you.” She sarcastically remarked, smacking his arm. “Let go of the door!”
“Stop shutting me out, I’m gonna get you anyway!”
“Like hell you are! That’s what you get for being so loud with the others a few nights ago! Deal with it!”
“All right, I will.” He finally pushed the door open, causing her to shriek and stumble back. He shut the door and locked it. “Let’s deal with it.”
Giggling, she put her fists up, preparing to swing. “Back up!”
When he got too close, she punched him in the chest. She aimed to hit him again but he grabbed her wrist. Jennie ended up smacking his head with a pillow on her bed. He lost his grip on her and she started hitting his body with her pillow.
He snatched the pillow out of her hands and tossed it to the floor. She managed to evade his attempt to grab her and jumped on her bed. He followed her as she tried to escape. Having enough, he grabbed her by the wrist and lifted her over his shoulder, causing her to yell.
“Jungkook! Put me down!” She banged her fists on his back as he unlocked her door and left the room.
She tried to grab onto anything to keep him from walking to wherever his destination was but failed miserably as Jimin and Tae laughed at the commotion.
“Where are you taking me? Hey! Hey! You muscled little shit, I asked you a question! Jungkook! Jungkook!! Put me down, you little shit!” She shouted over the 95 Liners’ laughter.
Her name calling was interrupted when she yelped in surprise after feeling an abrupt hard smack on her ass.
“Hey! Did you just smack my ass!?” She exclaimed as she felt her face heat up from the sudden spank.
She decided to smack his butt in return before trying to squirm out of his firm grip.
“Hehehe, Jungkookie smacked Jennie's butt. He's always obsessed with butts, I'm surprised he waited this long to touch hers," Jimin giggled with Tae.
“Do you need help, Jungkook?” Tae decided to ask after the Golden Maknae walked past them.
“She’s mine. I got this,” he responded, opening the door of the bathroom and walking in.
“Why are we going in here!?” Jennie complained as he shut the door.
Walking over to the shower, he turned it on to the coldest setting. Realization hit her as she desperately tried to avoid his efforts to drop her in the tub.
“You are NOT putting me in there! Jungkook!” She yelled in a high pitched voice.
His strength would be too much for her as he finally dropped her in. She screamed at the cold contact of the water, while he laughed at her. She hastily tried to turn the shower off, but he made sure she didn’t, so she could get soaked entirely. After a while, she finally turned it off and jumped out of the shower, shivering.
“I hope you know that I hate you. A lot. And I’m freezing.” She sat on the toilet seat, watching him continue to laugh.
He placed a towel over her head and began to dry it for her. Despite him acting like a competitive jerk earlier, he was always sweet to her.
"You bring out that side of me. I like doing things like this with you.” He kneeled in front of her after taking the towel off her head while she continued to try herself off.
“I do too when it’s in my favor!"
“Well, we both know that never happens because I always win.” He grinned victoriously. “But nice try. A for effort.”
Jennie looked at him and shook her head. He smiled and brushed some hair that was stuck to her face.
“After all that, you’re still pretty warm.” She noticed from the contact of his warm fingertips.
“Heh, and you’re pretty cold.”
“Oh, I wonder why.” She responded sarcastically.
Posting 3 more Bangtan Gal chapters (Dope, One Person Won’t Ruin This, and I Think I Love Her) and then I’ll focus back on Forced to believe to post a big set of chapters since there’s a handful of filler chapters like Total Divas. Stay tuned! And happy reading 🫡
Forced To Believe Chapter 35- Morgan's Answer

Chapter Summary: Fed up, Morgan finally gives Punk an answer.
Words: 3,000+
------ 'Raw'
"Welcome to the final Raw of 2013! We are live in Richmond." Cole said as CM Punk walked out to the ring. "CM Punk has been so persistent to get a match with Morgan Lopez. I wonder if he will get a match on the final Raw of 2013."
Punk got in the ring and grabbed a mic as the crowd chanted his name. "I am fired up tonight and I am fired up to be here in Richmond, Virginia! This is the last Raw of 2013 and I am excited. 2013...saw a lot of good stuff happen to CM Punk. Saw a lot of bad stuff, happen to CM Punk too. Just like all of you, there's ups and there's downs. We go and wake up every morning with a smile on our face, don't we? Well, I mean, sometimes I don't have a smile on my face but, I started off the year as the longest reigning WWE Champion in the last 25 years. I went one on one with the Great One. Thank you."
"I went toe to toe, with The Undertaker at WrestleMania." Punk continued. "I made some friends in 2013, I lost some friends in 2013. I beat a friend with a kendo stick." he coughed twice. "Paul Heyman. But I can't honestly claim that 2013 was CM Punk's year. The goal is for you to always be bigger and better than you were the last year, I just don't know if 2013 was the year of Punk. Take a look at the landscape in the WWE and it's Universe. And there's three guys and one chick that I can honestly claim, that it was their year, and I'm talking about The Shield."
"Let's face facts ladies and gentlemen, back in 2013, The Shield has been unstoppable. Dean Ambrose, currently your United States Heavyweight Champion. Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, former tag team champions. And there's Morgan, former Diva's Champion. I want to end this year right and start the new year off on a good foot. Iron sharpens iron, I have a proposition for The Shield. So at some point tonight, when our paths cross, because I'm sure they're here-"
"Yes, they are," JBL said.
Punk started to grin. "That was almost too easy."
The Shield walk down the steps and through the crowd while Morgan is in front of them. She tags some hands and jumps over the barricade in her Shield attire. Dean throws his title over the barricade and jumps over it while Seth grabs his belt and looks confused.
Morgan shrugs and holds his title when they all get in the ring. She puts Dean's belt over her shoulder and stands near the turnbuckle while the guys stand in front of Punk.
"Finish your thought Punk. Finish your thought, what were you gonna say?" Dean asked. "What's your big challenge? It better be a good one, you better give us a good reason, not to end 2013 by ending you, right now." he pointed at him
Morgan decided to mind her business and chill out. She wanted nothing to do with Punk, right now. He would cause more drama.
"Cool down. Look, the three of you can beat any one man, I think we've established that in the past 365 days," Punk said. "And I'm not taking anything from you as a unit. But when I said, Iron sharpens iron, I live to be the best and I wanna fight the best, one on one, so I wanna know who it's gonna be because out of one of you, out of the three of you, excuse me, one of you is the best."
"Oh~ you wanna do this again? You wanna do it again? Let's do it, right now and this time, I promise, I'm not leaving until I take a piece of you with me. Let's do this right now."
Punk laughed slightly. "Hang on...ha...Dean, I wasn't-I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins."
Dean looked offended and the crowd started to cheer.
"I've already beaten you like half a dozen times," Punk added. "And what I'm saying is, it wasn't easy, but I did it."
"You think that's funny?"
"No, I don't think it's funny"
"You think it's funny?"
"I think it's the truth-"
"You think I'm a joke!? You think you can talk to me like that!?" Dean got held back by Roman while Morgan looked warily at the situation.
"I don't think you're a joke, Dean Ambrose, I just think you're the weak link! And I wanna find out who the strong one of The Shield is. Everybody's talking about Roman Reigns, Roman Reigns, Roman Reigns look at me when I'm talking to you!" Punk demanded while the crowd 'Ohs' in response.
Roman was trying to calm down Dean but turned his head to Punk.
"Is it you?" Punk wondered. "Are you number one in The Shield? Are you the man"
"Hey!" Seth interrupted. "You wanna know who the best is?"
"Yeah," Punk replied.
"You're lookin' at him. I'll fight you, tonight. I'll fight you. Tonight, let's do it." he said as Roman gave him a look.
Morgan looked at them and started to get upset. Punk was just playing with their heads, to try to put them against each other.
"Oh, it's you? Cause all I hear anybody talking about is Roman Reigns." Punk recalled.
Roman stepped up to Seth. "What are you talkin' about?" He asked.
Dean kept pacing around, still annoyed at what Punk told him earlier.
"You don't think I can take him?" Seth asked.
"It ain't that, you're falling for his games right now," Roman exclaimed.
"That's not it."
"You know I'm the best."
"I can take him tonight."
"I'm the man. I'll take him."
"Let me take him, all right? No bones on you my friend. I can beat him, he calls himself the best in the world, I'm better than him." Seth said as Dean stepped up to them, scratching his head. "I want to prove it tonight."
The crowd started to chant 'Roman Reigns' while Seth said "Listen, you'll get your time."
Rollins turned his attention back to Punk. "Let's do this."
"Enough!" Morgan yelled and everyone turned to look at her and the crowd cheered. "What are you doing?! Don't do this!"
"What are you talkin' about?" Seth asked.
Morgan grabbed a mic from a producer and gave Dean his title. "Am I the only one with some sense here? You're falling for his games. He's getting in your head. There's no weak link in The Shield. We don't need to prove anything. Let's not get worked up on this." She tried to reason with her teammates.
"Ah...I forgot about a certain woman..." Punk spoke up as everyone turned to him. The crowd begins to chant Morgan's name. "The Outspoken Diva of The Shield...you kind of remind me of myself, setting off pipebombs and whatnot."
Morgan narrowed her eyes at Punk and turned her attention back to The Shield. "Guys, we don't need to do this. Let's not let Punk get in our heads-"
"Morgan." Punk interrupted.
"He's doing mind games-"
"He's not going to break us apart-"
"Morgan, look at me when I'm talkin' to you! You and I have some unfinished business!"
She started to look annoyed and slowly turned to him. "Your persistence is annoying the crap out of me."
"Oh is it?"
"I don't want nothing to do with you"
"You don't?"
"I don't need to prove myself to you."
"You sure about that? Don't you want revenge on me? To give me a backfire? Don't you imagine slamming me to the mat with the Morganizer? I know you do. You would enjoy that, would you?"
She glared at him. "Whatever you are going to ask me, it's a no."
The crowd started to boo at her answer while Punk began to ponder. To try to get on her good side, he decided to use his charm on her by walking up to her. He grabbed her hand and took her away from The Shield.
"What the hell are you doin'?" Dean's possessiveness started to get the best of him. His irritation started to grow while he got held back by Roman.
"She can handle herself," Roman stated
"Morgan..." Punk decided to get on one knee and held one of her hands as she looked confused. Ambrose started mouthing off as Seth and Roman held him back. "Morgan Lopez...you're beautiful, you're hype, you're wild and I see the passion you have in the ring. Out of these men, you show the most heart and soul. The way you move, the way you take risks, it's one of the reasons you stand out from these men and all the WWE divas. Just like you showed me at TLC...Did I charm you yet?"
"No. That was corny." She replied in a blunt tone.
"Okay. You know...I think about you every night..." He grinned while her eyes widened in shock and the crowd cheered loudly in amusement.
"Uh..." She was about to take a step back but Punk had a strong grip while Dean started yelling at him.
"...I think about you in the ring with me every night." Punk continued. "You charmed now?"
"No, but you've creeped me out."
"Darn...okay, look, you are the only diva that I want to be in this ring with...so, Morgan Lopez, will you...make me the happiest man in the world and have a match with me?" he grinned and the crowd chanted 'Yes! Yes! Yes'
She sighed and ran her free hand through her hair. "What a proposal..." She muttered and looked around at the crowd and then at Punk.
Dean decided to grab her and pull her to him as Punk released her hand.
"She's not doing it." Dean declared.
"Oh, I'm sorry, since when do you speak for her? She has a mind of her own, guy I beat twice." Punk retorted and stood up while Morgan started to look conflicted. "Come on Morgan, don't tell me you're going to say no because of Ambrose. Does the WWE Universe want Morgan and I to have a match?"
The crowd cheered loudly in response. Morgan shook her head, saying no while Dean released her.
"Ah...I guess the guys always want to outshine you. You always want to do their dirty work and don't want to take a risk and shine on your own. It looks like you need your team to be successful." Punk added.
The crowd 'Oohs' and Morgan started to look annoyed. Punk turned around, silently counting down to her breaking point.
Morgan marched over to him and turned him around. "Listen Asshole!" She yelled, getting in his face. "I'm tired of you provoking me, I'm tired of you taunting me. You want a match?"
"Yeah, I do!" Punk replied.
"You want a friggin' match?! You want a match against The Outspoken diva of the WWE?!" She got held back by Dean and Seth.
"You know what? You're on!" Morgan yelled as the crowd exploded. "I accept the damn offer! Happy now!?"
Punk grinned. "Gladly."
"She's nuts," Cole exclaimed. "Going up against CM Punk?"
"She can beat him," JBL said.
"If it means I can shut you the hell up, then I'll fight you, and I'll beat you. If you want to face me so badly, then you got it," Morgan said. "I'm done with this. But let me tell you this...you're going to regret it. Win or lose, I'm going to come at you hard, so don't go easy on me."
"Don't worry, I'm going to teach you some manners since you can't control that mouth of yours." Punk stated as the crowd 'Oohs'
Morgan smirked and was about to lunge at him but got grabbed by Roman.
"Uh oh!" Cole exclaimed.
"Morgan's at her breaking point." King looked on.
"Not tonight. Don't do it." Roman tried to reason as Punk laughed at her.
"Come on, Morgan. Show me what you got. Let's go." Punk provoked as she tried to break free from Roman's hold.
Seth and Dean try to reason with her to calm her down as well.
"Let me hurt him! Let me knock him out! Just one hit, one punch! Let me go!" she yelled.
"Gentlemen and lady, please!" A voice said and Brad came out as Roman released Morgan. "As the general manager of Monday Night Raw and on behalf of The Authority, I'd like to wish everyone a happy new year! And speaking of wishing, why don't we go out in style? Tonight, Morgan, you will go one on one with Rosa Mendes. And CM Punk, you will face, Seth Rollins. So get me a referee out here because that match starts right now!"
Roman and Morgan were annoyed while Seth smirked.
The Shield get out of the ring to watch Seth go against Punk. Punk tries to do the GTS on Seth early but he slides out of the ring and bangs on the announce table.
"You all right dude?" Morgan asked while she walked over to him with Roman & Dean.
"A game. A game." Roman stated as Morgan nodded.
"I got him, all right? I'll take care of business." Seth said
While Seth and Punk have a back and forth match, Morgan keeps her distance from Roman and Dean. She was still heated from Punk's remark and didn't want to lash out at anyone.
"Hurt him, Seth. Break him," she said.
Meanwhile, Dean was biting his fingers while watching the match, still angry about Punk. Punk gets on the top rope but Morgan smirks in delight when Seth throws him off and lands outside the ring.
"CM Punk bouncing off the barricade and just like that, Rollins has taken over," Cole said.
Roman and Dean walk over to Punk and Dean sits down near him, pretzel style.
"Oh, it hurts now, huh? Get back in the ring." Dean taunted.
"I got him, Ambrose," Seth said.
Punk crawls back into the ring and Seth begins targeting his ribs while he yells out in pain.
"Break his back," Roman said as Seth put him in a submission with his knee on his lower back.
Morgan looks on in delight as she watches Punk in pain. She enjoyed watching him suffer. It was music to her ears to hear him yell and scream in pain.
Seth continues to target the ribs by standing on his back. Moments later, Punk begins to make a comeback by hitting him with headbutts but Seth throws him to the ring post. Morgan calms down and walks over to Dean and Roman.
"Are you okay, now?" Roman asked as he and Dean looked at her.
"I'm just peachy," Morgan replied.
Punk throws Seth to the turnbuckle and goes for the running knee but Seth catches him in a powerbomb hold. He throws him to the turnbuckle and pins him.
"Here's the cover and Punk kicks out a two!" Cole exclaimed.
"Damn it!" Morgan banged on the apron. "Son of a grape!"
"Come on..." Seth grumbled. "Stay down Punk. Just stay down!"
The Philly Diva runs her hands through her hair as she watches Seth miss the blackout. Punk tries to kick him but Seth ducks and kicks him in the head to pin him for another two count.
"Put him away. Let's go. End it!" Roman shouted.
Seth does the GTS taunt and is to do the GTS but Punk hits him with a running knee on the ropes and clotheslines him. He rolls out of the way before Punk can do the diving elbow. Punk walks over to him but gets his head thrown onto the middle turnbuckle.
"Smart!" she complimented.
Dean starts to get in Punk's face, but then the ref tells him to back off. Morgan holds Dean's arm and tries to calm him down and moments later, he does. Seth jumps off the top rope to give Punk a crossbody but Punk rolls them over and gives him the Anaconda Vice.
"The Anaconda Vice!" Cole exclaimed as the crowd got hyped. Dean slides into the ring while Punk releases the hold and tries to hit him. "And Ambrose, trying to get involved."
"Dean!" Morgan yelled in annoyance while Roman tried to ask him what was he thinking.
Seth tries to hit Punk with his finisher but Punk counters and puts him in the GTS position again. Ambrose gets back on the apron to distract the ref while Seth hits Punk with the Skywalker and pins him. The ref turns around and starts to count but Punk kicked out at two.
"As I feared." She bit her lip.
Seth turns his attention to his partners and gets annoyed. He starts yelling at them while Morgan shakes her head and facepalms.
"He was tryna help!" Roman noted.
Seth turns his attention back to Punk but gets thrown out of the ring and on to Morgan, Roman and Dean. Punk is about to run through the ropes but Seth hits him with a forearm. He jumps onto the ropes and is about to dive onto Punk but is caught in the GTS.
"The winner of this match, CM Punk!" Justin announced.
Morgan, Dean and Roman recover and she gets in the ring to help out Seth, while Roman gets in the ring to stare down Punk. Dean was at ringside, biting his fingers and silently seething.
"CM Punk surviving tonight," Cole said.
Punk points at Roman and Morgan as he walks up to the stage. Roman turns his attention to Morgan and she looks at him before they both turn their attention to Punk on the stage. Morgan narrows her eyes at Punk while he does his GTS taunt.
"Two members left. Who will face CM Punk next?" Cole wondered.
Morgan was sitting on some steps, wearing a black bandana over her straightened black hair and was deep in thought when Roman arrived and sat next to her. The crowd gives them a nice reception as they sit in comfortable silence and she lets out a sigh.
"I need to stop getting provoked by Punk all the time. You were trying to calm everyone down but he got inside my head after I tried to reason with you guys. But the only question on my mind is...What if I can't beat him?" She asked in a low voice. Roman turned his head to look at her while she looked straight ahead. "Then what? Will everyone move on and forget I exist? Will the fans forget about me trying to wrestle WWE Superstars? That's my fear when I go out there."
"I don't know about you but you would earn my respect. And I know Chyna will be proud of you too." Roman replied as she turned to look at him. "You wrestled guys in the past and you are continuing that in the WWE. Who cares if you lose? Show them you can withstand Punk's moves. Win or lose, I'll be by your side-"
"That's the problem. I don't think I can do it with you guys at ringside. There is a 90 percent chance that Dean is going to interfere-"
"I'll try to make sure he doesn't-"
"Like that will help. I love him but he can get angry pretty quickly. I just don't want that to interfere in the match and cause a DQ." she stood up but Roman gently grabbed her wrist.
"Morgan...I'm not going to let you go through this alone. I know you want to prove yourself, and you will. Win or lose."
She sat back down and sighed. "Thank you." She laid her head on his shoulder.
"Don't thank me." He put his head on her head. "We're a team and we are going to stick by you. We all know how important this match is for you. We know it and we are going to be a ringside, cheering you on."
"You're so good to me."
He looked down at her. "You are too."
"No, I'm not..."
"Why do you say that?"
She stood up and so did he. "Because I can never give anything back to you. All the stuff you do for me; the advice you give me...the support you give me...I don't think I can ever repay that even though I wish I could return the favor. But, maybe one day...one day I'll try to return the favor somehow."
"You don't have to repay me for anything. Just keep a cool head tonight."
"No promises."
Roman chuckled. "I'm not surprised."
"Thanks for listening to me." She fist bumped him and started walking away as the camera followed her.
"Morgan, in action, next," Cole said as they went to a commercial.
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 52- One Person Won't Ruin This

Chapter Summary: Jen figures out a way to meet with the NY VIP fans despite the Hi-touch being canceled due to threats to Rapmon. When hanging with Kevin, Jen forgets about her outing with Jungkook
Words: 6.000+
Genre: Angst in this one :(
"Are you kidding...?" Jennie frowned.
BTS stood backstage for their Red Bullet concert in New York. The members were just informed that their concert would be cut short and that the fan meeting was canceled after the alleged threats towards Rap Monster.
Jen felt like everything was going downhill. Not only did someone have the audacity to threaten her beloved leader, but now the fans had to pay the price. This was not fair. People did not spend their hard earned money only for it to be canceled. All because someone wanted to be stupid enough to do this.
The threats were taken seriously and caused the hi-touch to be canceled. This wasn't what Jennie wanted. She was so excited to finally perform with BTS in her country but now it's not going to happen because of this.
Jennie decided to stay at the Best Buy Theatre while the other members left. Diana also stayed with her while Sejin tended to the others.
"If they checked everyone's bags and items for any weapons, they're unarmed, right? There's tight security." Jennie tried to explain to the staff members. "If my president has threats coming to the White House 24/7, every single day and still goes out to do what he does, then I don't understand why I can't."
"Jennie, I understand your concerns and how eager you are to meet the fans but someone's life was threatened. You're acting foolish, right now. What if you get hurt? Who will be responsible?" One of the BTS reps firmly responded.
"The person that did this made this into a dumb prank. It wasn't funny and I hope this person gets caught. Every fan in that audience went through security. There were no weapons found at all. Let me see them. Please. Bring a row at a time, to my dressing room. I have five security guards with me. That's enough to protect me, right? Do I need more? Aren't there also police here? Want them to be around me too, so these fans can at least see me, one member of BTS? Then let's do that. I am not letting one person ruin this." She firmly asserted.
"I don't want our bond with International ARMY to be broken because of some punk ass bitch on the internet that decided to threaten my amazing leader for a prank." She added. "Those people have been waiting so long for Bangtan to come to America. And I don't want to come back to America with Bangtan fearing for their safety or other K-Pop acts feeling hesitant to come here for a concert. We always have concerts in Seoul, and the one time, we finally come to my country, to perform, shit wants to hit the fan, and I gotta suffer not being able to see my fans in my own country. I'm not giving up on seeing my American fans."
Diana knew that when Jen felt strongly about something, she wasn't going down without a fight. Jen would become outspoken and passionate about the things that she wanted to do when someone told her otherwise.
The BTS rep sighed and left the room, while Jennie angrily sat on the couch.
"You want to just do something with the fans, tomorrow?" Diana suggested.
"Diana, there are people that traveled to New York to see us! There are probably fans out there that don't even live in this area, that came here to see us! That spent their hard earned money to see and meet us!" She snapped. "Money does not grow on trees. People have different financial issues and statuses. There were probably families that sacrificed and saved up just enough cash for their child to see their favorite K-Pop group. And those people that traveled to New York tonight, they're probably going home, tomorrow. How unfair will that be if I'll get to see only a majority of people that brought a Hi-Touch ticket, while the rest are already on the road or on a flight to go back to where they live? No. I want to see all of them tonight."
"Of course, you'd say that." She sighed. "You remind me of that time Angelina did something like this when there was a threat at one of Amity's concerts. Hang tight, I'll see what I can do." She left to go find the BTS rep.
Meanwhile, for the audience, the fans that had a hi-touch ticket, the staff members on site walked out to let them know what was happening. The fans protested instantly when they feared for the worse and once they were told that the Hi-Touch was canceled, all hell broke loose. Some even cried.
When fans saw Jennie's manager walk out with the BTS rep, they watched them discussing something that looked important.
"Okay. The first row, follow me, please." The staff member gestured, as everyone in the audience, looked confused.
Where were they going?
With Jennie, she stayed in the room with five security guards, making small talk, instead of just sitting in silence on her phone.
Diana walked back into the room with a couple of police officers and the BTS rep. "One of these days, you're going to make me lose my job." she joked. "I'm just kidding. I managed to talk him into letting you do what you want to do with the fans."
"A-are you serious?" Jennie's eyes lit up as she stood up.
"We're allowing you just once, to let a row at a time, come in here and see you. This won't happen again, and there will be police here to make sure there's no funny business. One time only, under strict supervision. Before the fans see you, they'll only bring in their phones and take off any jackets. And they will be checked by security for any threats just in case."
Jennie happily grinned and hugged her. "Thank you! Thank you, so much!"
Eagerly waiting for the fans to walk in, Jennie sat by the dressing room vanity, with her phone in her hands. She started recording the mirror in front of her, to show the reflection of herself, and behind her was the door where the fans would be walking in.
As soon as the first batch of fans walked in, they turned and immediately pointed her out. Screams of excitement as some covered their mouths and teared up, made Jennie start to smile and laugh. She always got a kick out at how fans reacted to BTS, and it always made her laugh joyfully because it made her happy.
"I think they're shooked," Jennie said on camera and stopped the video, posting it on her Instagram. Getting out of her seat, she placed her phone down and waved, giggling at their reactions. "Hi!"
Some started crying harder and it touched her heart that she had that impact on them.
"Are you real!?" One asked with tears in her eyes.
"I hope so." She grinned sheepishly. "All right, about the hi-touch that's been canceled...y'all pissed aren't you?"
She was met with a loud yes.
"Yes! We are! Do something! This is unfair!" And so on were statements the fans yelled.
"I know. I know. So am I. I'm pissed too." She replied with a frown. "I don't want my country to seem like a violent place where we can't have any more K-Pop events, here. I know you guys wanted to meet all eight of us, tonight. Unfortunately, there will be no hi-touch but would you like to get a Miss Bangtan hug and selfie from me instead?"
She received screams of excitement as she started to laugh softly at their reaction. "I'll take that as a yes. All right, let's form a line."
As they got in line, it would be one person per photo. Jennie knew how frustrating it is to be with a group of fans to take a photo with their favorite K-Pop group. The tight security made sure nothing was suspicious that could harm her before they let a fan approach her.
Call it foolish.
Call it not a wise idea and she may get hurt, but she put her trust in the extra security around her and wanted the fans to go home happy, not disappointed. Not feel like they wasted their money.
These fans spent their hard earned money on a VIP ticket, they should be regarded as a VIP ticket holder, not having to cancel the entire concert.
Meanwhile, with the fans still waiting in the audience, they checked their Twitter and began sharing the news that the first row was actually with Jennie, in BTS' dressing room.
"OMG! They're with Jennie!" A girl screamed, showing her friend.
The statement caught the attention of the rest of the fans, as they started asking questions and checking their Twitter.
"Check her Instagram! She just posted a video!" Another fan shouted.
Someone who was in line tweeted various tweets about what was happening, and it caused everyone waiting to feel excited and their night got better.
"This is why she is my bias." One fan exclaimed.
On social media, some fans were complaining about her stupidity in pulling this stunt. Thinking it's a dumb idea and they wouldn't risk their lives for their fans if there was a gun threat around. Some questioned what if she got hurt and who would be to blame. But others praised her on social media for her bravery despite the gun threat and for her passionate love for her fans. Fans were so grateful that they got to meet at least one member.
This is just another reason why she is one of the most popular members of BTS in her country and why she is one of the idols who provided the best fan service.
"Hey! How you doing?" Jennie embraced the next fan in line for the fourth batch of fans.
"I'm doing better now that I'm meeting you. It's my birthday, today. So thank you for making my night."
"Aw, happy birthday. How old are you, today?"
"Really? Wow, enjoy your teen years. It'll be a wild ride. You're definitely going to learn a lot about yourself in your teen years. It may even be a little scary but continue to love yourself and have fun."
"I will. I'll remember that." The girl lifted up her phone for a selfie. "Can we take a silly one?"
"Yeah! I'll make a meme face."
Back in Philly, Vienna, who had yet to contact Jennie since the incident at her play, had gone to the financial aid office, to pay the next payment for her tuition on her payment plan.
"Miss Walker, your tuition has already been paid for, for the next semester."
"What?" Vienna raised a brow in confusion. "My parents didn't say anything about paying. There must be some sort of mistake."
"Someone else already made the payment."
"Who did?"
"Uh..." The man checked his papers. "She personally said, and I quote, 'Your awesome little sister who you are still mad at. I love you and I'm sorry.' Her name is Jennifer Walker."
Vienna exhaled. Jen was something else and the fact that she helped pay for college with whatever money she got with BTS, made her feel even more sad about all the things she said that day.
"You have got to be kidding."
"Well, indeed she strolled right in here. Such a kind young lady and sweet sister to help you with your tuition. Beautiful smile, too. Enjoy the Fall semester and have a great summer."
"Yeah, you too." Vienna left the office. Taking her phone out, she dialed a number. "Hey, what's BTS' schedule like?"
The next day in Chicago, Jennie wore camo jeans, a black beanie with glasses and a jean hoodie, at a local skate park to meet up with Kevin. She found him skateboarding around, effortlessly sliding his board off one of the rails.

"Hey!" Her happy greeting gained his attention as he jumped off his board.
"Jen! You're here!" He smiled and embraced her, lifting her off the ground as she laughed. "Why'd you want to meet here of all places?"
"Well, a skatepark is where we met and besides, I want to skate. I've been practicing. Let me show you."
"Oh really?" He chuckled, not convinced. "Let me see."
"Watch and learn." She stepped on his skateboard and rolled around, maintaining her balance. She managed to do a small kickflip on the board. "How was that?"
He couldn't hide his smile, impressed by her efforts. "Okay, that was all right."
"Oh, shut up!" She playfully pushed him. "You know that was good."
"But I can do it better."
"Such a bragger. So! What's been going on?"
"Lot of things." He took a seat on the bench and she sat next to him. "I'm starting college in September."
"Oh snap! Any idea what your major is?"
"Business. I'm also going to be playing Basketball."
"I need to go to one of your games, one day. Hopefully, I won't be too busy with Bangtan so I can visit."
"Or I can visit you in Seoul if I have a break or something. We'll figure it out."
"Yeah, we still got time. Man, starting college and on the basketball team? Your family must be so proud."
"Yeah, my parents ask about you from time to time, asking if we still keep in touch and if the group is still going strong. They started to get into your music. They're hooked on BTS." He shared a laugh with her.
"Yes, join us. Once you're in K-Pop you'll never get out. It's just too addicting."
"Yeah, I'll admit. I got some of my friends into it, too. They're hooked."
"Good, the more the merrier."
"So any guys dating you, yet?"
"Nah. Not yet."
"Really? I'm surprised. That needs to change before this year is over."
"We'll see. One day. I'm just trying to be mindful of people's true intentions, y'know? Not just smash and leave. I'm not about that life."
"Good. Keep that good head on your shoulders. If any guys give you problems, let me know. I'll set them straight."
Jennie smiled at his statement. "I'll get that in mind, Kev. So, what about you?"
"Nah, no lady tied me down, yet. But what I can't wait for is all these college parties and hooking up."
"Really? But you're ugly, why would any girl want to sleep with you?" She teased, causing him to playfully narrow his eyes. "Ahahaha!"
"You're not funny." He chuckled. "You planning on going to college?"
"Yeah, I want to. I just have no idea what I want to do in my life yet. I won't be singing and dancing forever, I would like to get a college education. I'll think about it when that time comes."
"Yeah, don't rush yourself. I still don't know what I want to do with the business major, yet. How long you here for?"
"Around a few hours and then I'm going to hang with Jungkook."
"Ah, Jungkook. I remember him. He kept glaring at me during the music video shooting." He laughed at the memory of American Hustle Life.
"What? No way. He doesn't do that, does he?"
"It's nice to see that the members are protective of you. I remember seeing them ask you questions about me. The reason I asked how long you'll be here is that I was wondering if you wanted to learn more about skateboarding."
"Heck yeah! Let's do this." She eagerly stood up.
Time flew by quickly as he taught her. As she learned more basic tricks on making sure how to stay safe from falling and stopping the skateboard, Kevin helped her with turning around on the board.
She stumbled when she tried it for the 5th time and he caught her by placing his hands on her waist. "Careful. Lean side to side this time, you'll get it. Just maintain your balance."
Once she tried it on her 9th attempt, she successfully turned and continued doing it again and again.
"Sweet! This is pretty easy, now."
"Told you."
As they continued to skate, a few ARMY had found Jennie while they were walking around the neighborhood and eagerly approached her. "Jennie!" They shouted, happily.
Turning around, Miss Bangtan saw three fans rushing up to her. She gleefully talked to them and took some selfies and they even asked Kevin to get into it too. The fans told her how stoked they were about the Chicago Red Bullet concert and how nice it was for her to see the fans after the New York show, despite the threats. One fan even told her that she inspired her to go back to playing the guitar and work on her old songs that she's kept on her laptop for years.
Although fans always tell their favorite idol that they love them and their work, it's more rewarding to Jennie, to hear fans tell her that she inspired them. She liked being a positive influence on her fans and it's a humbling feeling.
"Are you two dating?" One of the fans boldly asked.
Jennie and Kevin glanced at each other and shared a chuckle.
"She is someone very special to me," Kevin answered briefly, causing the girls to giggle at his response.
"I think you almost killed them with that statement," Jennie added.
After saying goodbye to the fans, Kevin and Jennie decided to take another break, to chill on the bench. Jennie took a funny selfie with him as he sat behind her, with his chin on her head.

'He needs to admit that my skating skills have improved since AHL. Don't front, you know I got better :P #JEN'
ARMY immediately began to freak out, as they positively enjoyed seeing the two together.
'Relationship confirmed!?'
'Ya'll so damn adorable!'
"Oh crap!" Jennie shouted, hastily getting to her feet.
"What's wrong?"
"I was supposed to meet with Jungkook 2 hours ago!" She grabbed her bag. "We'll text! It was so nice seeing you, today!"
"Ooooohhhhhhh, you're in trouble~!" He laughed.
"Shush!" She made a phone call so Diana could pick her up.
Once at the hotel, Jennie made her way to Jungkook's room to see him gaming. "Kook! I am so sorry!" She exclaimed.
"It's fine. Don't worry about it." He shrugged.
She watched him. Nothing was fine. She knew he was upset. "Are you mad?"
"It's fine, Jennie." He paused his game.
"You're mad. Look, I'm so sorry. We can hang out tomorrow, okay?"
"Where were you, anyway?"
"I was with Kevin. It's been so long since we've seen each other, that I wanted to catch up. I lost track of time."
Jungkook exhaled and frowned. "So, you blew me off for him?"
"No way, that was not my intention. I just wasn't periodically checking the time when I was with him. Look, let's hang out tomorrow. Okay? Wherever you want, we'll go."
And Jungkook agreed to that.
The next day, in the afternoon, Yoongi walked into his hotel room to see Jungkook gaming on the bed. The confusion appeared on the Daegu rapper's features as he closed the door and strolled up to him.
"Weren't you supposed to meet with Smartie?"
"Uh huh."
"Well, why aren't you with her?"
"I changed my mind, hyung." The Maknae bluntly replied.
The Daegu rapper stood there, genuinely dumbfounded. As many times as the Maknae chewed his ear off about spending time with her in America, now he changed his mind?
Something wasn't right.
"This isn't like you at all. Why would you not go?"
Before Jungkook could reply, they heard pounding on the door
Yoongi heard Jennie's angry muttering on the other side of the door, "...'bout to kill him. I swear if he is in this got damn room, I'm going to kill him."
Once she was let inside by Yoongi, she greeted him, "Hey, Yoongi. Is Kook here?"
"By the bed," he said.
"Bed..." She walked in, setting her bag on the floor.
Jungkook paid her no mind as he proceeded to game. Yoongi observed how thick the tension in the room was between the 97 Liners. It was never like this. Something bad must've happened because Jennie and Jungkook had never acted like this.
"Yoongi." She called out, interrupting his thoughts. "Can you give us a minute? Alone?"
"You sure I should leave you two, alone?"
"Yoongi, for once, please just listen to my request."
The rapper exhaled. Jennie wasn't messing around. He knew that the tone of her voice meant business.
"You kids are going to be the death of me. Don't kill each other...I really don't want to explain to Jin or Namjoon about how Bangtan went from eight members to six." He grumbled as he grabbed his notebook and exited the room.
Jungkook continued to mash the buttons on his controller, ignoring her presence as she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. Jen didn't know if she wanted to smack him or cuss him out because of what happened today.
"Kook." She called out.
No answer.
No answer.
"Jungkook." She called out louder.
Still no answer.
She laughed dryly. "So just because I unintentionally forget about our outing, you don't want to show?"
"I forgot." He shrugged as his attention was still on the TV.
Exasperated, she marched up to him and snatched the controller out of his hands, tossing it on the bed. "Bullshit, Kook."
Poking the side of his cheek with his tongue in annoyance, he stood up, fed up. "How is that bullshit? I said I forgot."
"Yeah? Well, I said I was sorry. I tried to make it up to you, and you don't show. The heck is wrong with you?"
"Nothing." He shrugged.
Exhaling sharply, she closed her eyes for a moment. "Jungkook...you get on my nerves."
"Oh really? Well, the feeling is mutual."
"You know what? You blowin' my shit, today. You really be doing the most."
"And you don't?" He retorted.
"No, I do not. And you are starting to piss me the hell off and I am not in the mood for this. This is childish."
"Drop it. I'm done talking about this. I don't feel like arguing."
"Well, I'm not done talking because I'm still waiting for a not so half-assed excuse as to why you didn't show up today."
"I just didn't want to. End of discussion."
"Seriously? And you couldn't have called? Text?"
"Oh, okay. So, you just want to ignore the fact that you did the same to me? How do you think I feel? I really wanted to spend time with you."
Miss Bangtan rolled her eyes. "I don't have time for this. Jungkook, we always spend time together!"
Jungkook frowned and shook his head in disapproval. "You just don't get it." He muttered softly.
"Then explain!" She shouted.
"I wanted to spend time with you, alone!" He shouted back.
"We always spend time together, Kook. It's no big deal, stop being so uptight."
The Golden Maknae stared at her with hurt. "No big deal, huh? Then maybe I'm wasting my time."
"Are you kidding me?" She frowned. "Jungkook, I haven't seen him in what? A year? I lost track of time, we were catching up. I missed him. He's my friend."
"Well, I'm your best friend. I found a beach nearby. I thought it would be cool to hang out there that day. Walk on the beach in America, just like we planned, right? We planned this for so long. I waited and you didn't show. It sucked without you there. That hurt. So how do you think that made me feel? We were talking about this on the plane for hours. And somehow he just took up all your time and made you forget, right? Cause that's how it usually goes."
She exhaled and started feeling the tears coming as she quickly blinked them away.
Why did that make her heart ache?
"Don't do this to me. You are not listening-"
"I don't need to." He cut her off and walked past her.
She turned around to follow him. "Excuse me! Don't you walk away from me! Jungkook!" She heard the bathroom door slam, right in her face. "OH-my God!" She banged her fist on the door out of frustration.
"You are so childish! Open the door so we can discuss this!" She yelled.
When she didn't get a reply, she sighed in exasperation. "Okay, ignore me. Because that's what we do, right? God, you are acting like a jerk, right now."
Swinging the door open, Jungkook walked past her. "Well, what does that make you?" He questioned as she followed him back to where the beds were.
She scoffed. "Me? Are you kidding? I swear to Gosh, I can't stand you sometimes!"
"Good because I can't stand you, either! Do you know how annoying you are!?"
Jen stared at him in disbelief while she let out a sharp breath.
She didn't know how much those words could sting until she heard him say it to her. But instead of being sad, she became angrier.
"WOW~! Tell me how you really feel!" She threw her arms up in the air.
Closing his eyes, he ran a hand through his hair. "You know I didn't mean that..."
"No, no, go ahead! Tell me exactly how you feel!"
"Enough." He muttered.
"No, tell me everything, I am all ears, Jungkook! I'm ready, I can take it! Let me know! Let me know, right now! Tell me how you feel about me!"
"Jennie..." He reiterated, trying to relax.
"Tell me how you feel about Jennie. The eighth member of the group. The one that still gets dragged for being a girl in BTS but doesn't give two shits anymore because I'm letting people ruin what I love doing. I'm not letting that hate get to me anymore because I am above all that and why should I waste my life worrying what haters think about me? That Miss Bangtan. That Jennie. What is your honest opinion on Miss Bangtan?"
"Jennie. Enough."
"No, it's not enough! So, don't tell me this is enough!" She raised her voice to him. "So lemme know, Jeon Jungkook. Spill your guts out to me. I want to know your feelings for me. I want to know exactly how you feel since we're being honest here. You go first and then I'll go. So, what do you have to say?"
"It's not the time for this!" He growled in frustration at the fact that they were arguing with each other.
"Yes, it is, since you're obviously being honest with me! So, what's next?!"
No answer.
"What's next!?" She made a fist and banged it against his chest as she started feeling tears develop in her eyes. Composed, Jungkook took it, standing his ground as he felt her strike faintly.
"Let me know. Be honest!" She hit his chest.
"Say something!" She hit his chest, again.
More silence.
"Why aren't you saying anything?!"
"Enough!" He gently, but with a firm grip, grabbed her wrist before she could hit him again. Her back hit the wall softly while his free hand rested its palm next to her head. "Enough..." He repeated softly as she held his intense stare.
She saw hints of frustration, sadness and something else that she couldn't put her finger on.
Releasing her wrist, he glanced to the side, trying to calm down his anger. Meanwhile, Jen's heart was beating faster than usual as she noticed the closeness she had with Jungkook. All they could hear were the faint sound effects and voice acting of the game Jungkook was playing on the TV.
Jungkook turned his attention back to her, placing his forearm on the wall and his face got closer to hers. Crossing her arms, she angrily turned her head to the side.
'Just stop fighting me...there are a lot of things I want to say to you...more than you think...but now is not the time. And at this rate, I'm not even sure when anymore.' Jungkook thought to himself.
It was what he wanted to say out loud, but couldn't bring himself to.
They heard a click on the door while Hobi walked in. Jungkook backed up from her while Jennie glanced to the side, uncrossing her arms. The 97 Liners felt a sensation of annoyance by the fact that they were interrupted during their heated discussion.
Hobi spoke to them in a chill voice, "Uh...Yoongi forgot his headphones. Wanted me to go get them. Now I kinda understand why he didn't want to come in."
He felt the tension in the room as he awkwardly headed over to Yoongi's bed to grab the headphones.
Turning around, he observed them. Jungkook had his hands in his pockets, impatiently waiting for Hobi to leave as a vexed facial expression was visible on his handsome features. Jennie glanced around random areas of the room, trying to keep her emotions in check.
"All right, I need to ask. Is...everything all right with you two, kids?" The rapper demanded.
The 97 Liners glanced at each other and then turned their attention to Hobi.
"Yeah..." Jennie murmured.
"We're fine, hyung," Jungkook answered in a grumble.
"All right then..." Hobi nodded, unconvinced and left the room.
Jungkook turned to Jennie who was still angry. "Babygirl-"
"Don't call me that." She spoke sharply, remembering why she was upset with him in the first place. "You lost the right to call me that."
"Don't be like that." He frowned.
"No. How about you don't be the way you were by not showing up."
Feeling his anger come back, Jungkook shrugged. "Well, now you know how I feel."
"Oh, so you just did this to get back at me? You are such a big baby, grow up, Kookie."
"You grow up. And you lost the right to call me Kookie, so don't call me that."
"You know what? Fine, I don't care." She shrugged. "You are so condescending!"
"You are so dramatic." He muttered.
"No, the hell I am not! I'm so sick of this and I'm sick of you!"
"You really want to go there?"
"Well, I'm sick of you too!"
"I don't need this bullshit!" She turned, aiming to leave.
"You're the one acting like a brat." He bluntly called out.
Feeling something in her snap, she turned around. "And you're the one acting like an asshole!"
As soon as she said that, Jungkook froze. His eyes stung sharply as the tears threatened to fall. As soon as she saw the hurt on his face, she immediately regretted her words.
Out of retaliation, he retorted sharply, "Sometimes I ask myself why you can't be like our friends in GFriend. Why you can't be like Eunha or Hayoon."
That was the fatal blow.
She stared at him in disbelief, feeling a large lump form in her throat. She shut her eyes to stop her tears before they fell.
Those words cut her like a knife.
Her shoulders relaxed as she slowly exhaled, opening her eyes. He won this argument and she had nothing else to say.
What could she say after that?
She replayed the statement in her head and briefly pondered how he felt when she yelled hurtful things at him, moments ago.
Jungkook saw the pain on her face and he began to regret his words, too. He didn't mean it. He just wanted to win the argument. They both did, not caring how much their words would hurt each other. Their emotions got to them. They were still young, stubborn teenagers. This was bound to happen. When you're angry, you say things you don't mean. You say things to hurt the other to get back at them.
Jennie wanted to scream at him. Scream that she hated him or something more hurtful but she couldn't do it. She couldn't hurt him more than she already had with the previous hurtful words she yelled. She strongly felt like her heart couldn't take it. Her heart was already freaking out ever since the argument started.
Jennie nodded slowly, accepting what he had told her. "Okay...I get it." Her voice trembled.
Watching her place a hand on her other one, Jungkook's stomach dropped when he watched her take off the friendship ring he had given her. When she was right in front of him, she placed the ring in his hand.
"I don't want this, anymore. Take it back. Give it to someone else."
Her sudden statement caught him off guard as he stared at the ring he had given her a long time ago. When he told her that they'll cherish each other until the end.
While Jungkook thought about the day he had given her the ring, his tears threatened to fall as he met her sad gaze.
"Maybe Hayoon or Euhna will like it instead. I'm sure they'll fit your Golden Best Friend qualifications. I'm gonna go before I say something I'm going to regret." She grabbed her bag and left in a hurry.
Frustrated, he grabbed a pillow and aggressively threw it across the room.
"Damn it..." He growled, running his hands through his hair in frustration. 'I'm such an idiot...why did I say that? I just ruined everything...'
Meanwhile with Jennie, outside the room, in the hallway, she leaned against the wall, next to his door. She exhaled sharply and threw her bag on the ground.
"Damn it..." She huffed. 'I didn't mean to say all that...why did I call him an asshole? Why did I hurt him even more by giving him back the ring?'
She felt her chest tighten and her tears began to flow as she silently started crying. Sliding down on the wall, she sat on the floor, with her knees against her chest.
Jungkook, who had been crying too, wiped his tears with his arm. He tried to pull himself together while sitting on the floor, against the wall, next to his door, which happened to be where Jennie was on the other side of the wall.
'I never want to see that again.' He thought. 'I never meant to make her upset, I just...'
Jennie wiped her tears with her hand. 'He was about to cry...I never want to see him like that. I didn't mean what I said, I just...'
She hoped that he would open the door and apologize.
He had also hoped that she would knock on his door and apologize.
Because they both were too stubborn to be the bigger person and apologize. Hoping that the other would, so they can let things go back to normal.
'It's normal for friends to fight, right? But why does this hurt so much more than the fights with the other members?' She thought to herself. 'Why does this hurt so much? Why does my heart feel so damn heavy? What is this feeling? I hate it, it's too much. Just make it stop already.'
Jungkook turned his head to the door, contemplating if she was still there. 'She probably left...'
Sniffing, Jennie cleared her throat. Standing on her feet, she turned to the door. She contemplated knocking but decided not to, despite her heart aching to knock on the door.
'He probably doesn't want to see me...he's angry, why would he want to see me?' She thought with a frown
"Sweetie, are you all right?"
Turning around she saw a hotel maid. She looked like she was in her mid-40s with dark skin and black hair styled in a bun.
"I heard some arguing when I got my cleaning products, couldn't help but look to see you out here. Is everything all right?"
"Oh God, I am so embarrassed..." She groaned.
Looks like the lady also knew Korean.
"Bad fight with your boyfriend?" The woman assumed in an understanding voice.
The word boyfriend caused Jen's stomach to feel weird as she felt her face heat up.
"Oh, uh...he's...he's not my..." She trailed off.
"I get it. Not yet I presume."
"I-it's not like that." She shook her head.
"You sure?"
Jennie hesitated. After a moment, she nodded. "Yes."
"Hm...I dunno, you don't fool me, for a second, honey. I was like this when I had my first fight with my husband. We started dating when we were in college. Stubborn, the both of us were that day." The woman chuckled softly at the memory. "All the bickering and pettiness. Took us a few days to make up. Both of us didn't want to be the bigger person and apologize first. But arguments are normal, don't worry about it. It seems like things are falling apart and you both are hurting. But just give it time. It's not as bad as it seems. Before you know it, you two will rekindle."
Jen gave the woman a weak smile and nodded. "Thank you for that. I'm Jennie, by the way."
"Just call me Miss Joyce. You have a blessed day, now." She smiled sweetly and walked away to begin her shift.
Heading to her hotel room, Jennie made sure to wipe her tears and clear her throat before she walked in. Hopefully, Taehyung wouldn't notice anything.
Walking in, she was greeted by his boxy smile. There she also saw Jimin with him who happily waved as he sat with Tae on his bed, with random American snacks.
"Ennie!" Jimin beamed. "Look what we got! Smarties! I saw some when Tae and I went to the store. You got us hooked on them. You want some?"
Jennie gave them a fake smile, still feeling the effects of the argument. "No thanks." She responded and went straight into the bathroom.
Jimin raised an eyebrow, looking dumbfounded. "No thanks...?"
"What?" Taehyung glanced at Jimin with worry.
Jennie never rejects Smarties.
Not even when she's sad. The candy always cheered her up. This was a red flag and the 95 Liners were anxious to find out what was wrong so they could resolve it.
"Something isn't right." Jimin assumed as he heard the shower turn on.
"Ennie..." Taehyung murmured sadly.
Forced To Believe Chapter 32- That Was A Miracle

Chapter Summary: The Shield face CM Punk at TLC. Ambrose continues to be on thin ice with Morgan
Words: 4,000+
Roman was pounding his fist at Punk while the crowd chanted 'CM Punk'. Meanwhile, Ambrose and Punk were talking trash to each other and ended up locking up. Dean tried his best to get Punk near his team but failed.
'Smart...' Morgan thought as Punk hit Ambrose with an arm drag.
"Hey! I already beat you twice, give somebody else a shot." Punk said.
Ambrose tags in Rollins while Punk gets out of the ring and takes a breather. Seth gets out of the ring to go after him but Punk slides back into the ring.
"This is a simple game of cat and mouse." JBL looked on as Seth got annoyed.
"You think this is funny huh? You think you're real funny!" Seth angrily yelled at Punk while he grinned at him.
"What do you think is going through the mind of Morgan?" Cole asked as the camera showed Morgan's blank expression towards Punk while he wrestled Seth in the ring.
"Hard to tell but I really want to see her get in this ring already," King said.
Punk hits Seth with two neckbreakers and continues to isolate him from his teammates. But Seth manages to tag in Roman after a while.
"Uh oh. The big guys in the ring." JBL said.
Roman picks up Punk and throws him to his corner. He stomps on him as the ref starts to count. When he tries to go after Punk again, he gets kicked in the face. Punk elbows Dean and Seth off the ring while Morgan ducks his attack.
"She ducked that with ease." King complimented.
Punk turns his attention to Roman but gets dropped by him. He tags in Seth as Seth takes control of him.
The crowd started chanting 'CM Punk' again and then began to chant 'We Want Morgan'
"Uh oh. Here we go!" Cole listened to the crowd.
The Philly Diva watches as Dean gets in the ring and stomps on Punk's lower stomach.
'The ribs...' Morgan thought as she continued to observe.
Dean throws Punk to the corner and tags in Roman. He throws Punk out of the ring, near the announce table and once Punk gets up, Roman grins. He runs to spear Punk but runs into the announce team and hits his eye on JBL's chair as the crowd gets hyped.
"Roman!" She yelled.
This was not good. Seth gets off the apron to check on him while Dean has his hands on his head in shock.
"Roman Reigns sent over the announce table!" Cole exclaimed as King cheered and Punk rolled back into the ring.
The doctor goes to help Reigns and sees that his eye is cut.
"Oh no," Morgan murmured as Roman started holding his eye.
When he gets back in the ring so he won't be counted out, Punk starts to take control of his eye as Roman yells out in pain.
Morgan did not like what she saw. She was getting worried about Roman's wellbeing and it began to make her angrier and motivated her more to want to get in the ring.
After throwing Punk out of the ring, Roman holds his eye, saying "Ah Shit..." and tags in Seth.
Morgan gets off the apron to go comfort Roman with the doctor while Seth and Punk wrestle in the ring.
Dean gets off the apron as well to check on Roman. After Roman explains what happened, Morgan and Dean get back on the apron.
She was hoping that Roman would be able to continue the match. She hates to see him hurt like that.
Seth picks up Punk but he fights out and throws Seth into Dean, as he falls off the apron. When Seth turns around Punk kicks him and pins him for a 2 count.
'We Want Morgan' chants surround the arena again. After Punk recovers, he turns his attention to the Outspoken Diva as the crowd cheers. Morgan shoots Punk a blank stare before slowly smirking at him as he points at her.
"You're next."
"Okay." She replied, not bothered by his words.
Seth recovers and rolls over to his corner but sees only Morgan on the apron. Dean gets back on the apron while she has her hand out for a tag. The crowd chants 'Yes!' once Seth and Morgan make eye contact.
"Tag me in," Dean demanded with his hand out.
The crowd chants 'No' once Rollins looks in Dean's direction
"What's it gonna be? Is Rollins gonna tag in Morgan?" Cole looked on.
"Do it, Seth! Tag her in! Don't tag in Ambrose!" King cheered on.
Making his decision, Rollins decides to tag in Morgan as the crowd erupts into loud cheers.
"What the hell, Seth?" Dean angrily asked
"Morgan's tagged in!" King exclaimed.
"Ambrose doesn't look too happy!" Cole yelled.
"The Outspoken Diva has been chosen! It's time!" JBL shouted
"Chill out. Let her have her time to shine." Seth retorted to Dean as Morgan slowly got in the ring.
When Punk was about to run after her, Seth quickly picked her up and spun her around as she hit Punk with a kick in the face.
He stumbles back as he goes to the corner across from The Shield's corner. Seth gets on the apron as Morgan looks at Punk. Punk holds his mouth and looks at the crowd.
"I got my wish." He said as the crowd cheered when they circled around each other. "Let's see what you got,"
They lock up and Punk throws her to the ropes but misses his trademark kick as she holds on to the ropes.
"Smart girl. Impress me more." He said as she released the ropes.
"Looks like Morgan has been watching Punk's moves. She knew what was coming," JBL said.
Punk steps up to her but she manages to kick him in the gut as he winces and holds his stomach.
"She's targeting the ribs. That's a good advantage." Cole looked on
"Listen to me. Do not ever wrestle me gently because I'm a woman. Wrestle me like you would do with a WWE Superstar. Don't hold back against me." She said before kicking him in the stomach again and grabbing him for a butterfly DDT.
"Stay on him. You're doing great!" Seth cheered on.
She tries to hit Punk with a bulldog but he pushes her away. When she turns around, they both kick each other as their legs cross but she stumbles back since Punk's kick had more of an impact. He throws her to the turnbuckle and gives her a chop to the chest as the crowd 'Woos' and he does it three more times until she reverses it.
"Look at this!" King exclaimed as she hit him with a few chops and then hit him with a neck choke with her foot while the ref counted.
Punk manages to grab her leg by the ankle and walk away from the turnbuckle as Morgan hops back.
"Uh oh." King looked on
He trips her down and she falls on her back. Punk was about to strike with an elbow but she moved out of the way.
They look at each other and Punk nods.
"Interesting..." he said.
Morgan runs to Punk but he strikes her with a hip toss and puts her in a headlock on the mat as she tries to fight out of it.
"Come on Morgan. I know you can do better than this." He provoked her as she managed to stand up.
She knees him in the stomach as he falls and holds his ribs. She drags him to the middle rope and gets on the apron to give him a running knee to the face.
"Yikes! That may have hurt Morgan a bit." Cole said as she held her knee from the impact.
"You're hardheaded." She complained before getting back in the ring.
She waits for him to get on his knees and she runs to the ropes to hit him with a shining wizard, pinning him for a 2 count.
"Atta girl." Seth cheered on while Ambrose watched, still upset she was in the match.
Morgan decides to go onto the ropes and goes for a moonsault but Punk moves out of the way as the crowd 'Ohs'
"And nobody home. Could this be it?" Cole asked as Morgan held her stomach.
She holds on to the ropes, near her team's corner and sees Dean.
"Tag me in," Dean demanded as he had his hand out.
She shook her head as the crowd continued to support her. "I got a lot to prove."
When she stands up, Punk puts her in a waist lock from behind and lifts her up and she counters with a falling facebuster.
"What a counter!" Cole exclaimed as she quickly pinned Punk for a near fall.
Punk rolls away from her and holds his mouth.
"Clever girl." he complimented as she smirked.
"Save it. Get up and wrestle," She said as he got up.
They run to each other to give each other a clothesline but Punk brings
her down since he is stronger. He pins her for a two count. Then he grabs her up and throws her to the corner and strikes her with a step up high knee. He follows the move with a clothesline as she holds her mouth and gets pinned for a 2 count.
"She's still kicking out. Maybe Punk underestimated her." JBL said.
Punk grabs her but she fights back and manages to hit him with the backfire as the crowd cheers. She decides to get back on the top rope and hit him with a crossbody and pins him for a 1 count.
"She's flying all over the place," King said as Morgan got back on the top rope and hit Punk with a dropkick.
She waits for Punk to get up from behind and puts him in a crossed arm choke like a straightjacket and brings him down as his back hits her knees.
"She's got that locked in. What is this move? A new breakdown?" King looked on
She releases the hold and positions him for the breakdown as she leans back to put pressure.
"This would be an upset if Punk taps out," Cole said. Punk escapes it and grabs her for the Anaconda vice as Morgan tries to go to the ropes and the crowd gets hyped. "Anaconda vice!"
Dean tries to distract the ref as Punk releases the hold. He turns his attention to Ambrose who yells at him.
Morgan holds her head and looks at Dean.
"I am so not surprised..." She retorted as she recovered.
Not cool. She didn't want anybody to distract her opponent. She wanted to do this fairly.
Punk turns his attention back to her and throws her back to the turnbuckle. He runs to her but she uses her legs to stop him and trap his neck in between her legs. She hits his head on the back of her right leg making him stumble back.
She throws him to the turnbuckle across and hits him with a handspring back elbow as the crowd cheers.
"Shades of Chyna are showing in Morgan's moveset," Cole said as she threw him away from the turnbuckle. "Going high risk again,"
She goes for another cross body but Punk catches her and puts her into the GTS position. The crowd gets excited but Morgan fights out of it. She leans on the ropes near her teammates
"So close. I underestimated you. Show me more." Punk said as he motioned her to come at him.
She was about to go after him again but Dean tags himself in by tapping her arm and the crowd boos, clearly displeased that she wasn't wrestling Punk anymore.
"What? I wanted to see more of Morgan." King exclaimed as Morgan turned to Ambrose, irritated.
"Really?" she exclaimed as she had no choice but to get on the apron. asks and gets on the apron as the crowd chants 'We Want Morgan' again.
"You've done enough. Just rest up." he responded over the loud 'We Want Morgan' chants.
"I wasn't done with her." Punk pointed to her while she had just rolled her eyes at Ambrose.
"I don't care. You're going up against me now." Dean retorted.
Morgan felt her adrenaline running. She just wrestled the Best in The World and loved every second of it.
It was an honor.
Later in the match, Punk puts Dean in the GTS position but Seth runs in the ring and gets hit with the GTS instead. Punk turns his attention back to Dean and puts him in the GTS position again but Dean escapes as Roman gets in the ring. He runs towards Punk about to spear him but Punk moves out of the way as Ambrose gets speared. The crowd goes wild as Morgan's eyes widen and puts her hands on her mouth.
"Dean!" Morgan exclaimed after removing her hands.
"Oh my God! Oh my God!" King shouted.
"Punk sidestepped him!" Cole exclaimed as Morgan got in the ring and grabbed Punk from behind. "What is she doing?"
"Roman!" she called out as he held his eye and looked in her direction to see her holding Punk.
He runs, attempting to spear him but Punk escapes the hold as Morgan gets speared instead. The crowd went wild as she sold the spear well and made it look even more devastating
"No!" King shouted
"Oh my gosh!" JBL exclaimed.
"Two in a row!" Cole yelled as Roman was hovering over Morgan.
"Morgan!" Roman shouted as realization hit him.
"Oh my God! What have we just witnessed? He just speared Morgan! She's probably broken in half." Cole looked on.
Reigns looks at what he did in disbelief. He just speared Morgan. One of the people most important to him. He couldn't forgive himself for this.
"Morgan, are you all right? I'm sorry!" He exclaimed and held her head but then got thrown out of the ring by Punk.
Punk pins Ambrose to win the match and runs out of the ring while the crowd goes wild that he has managed to win.
"Here is your winner! CM Punk!" Lilian announced.
"That was a miracle," JBL said as Roman looked at the damage he had done, feeling disappointed once he got back in the ring.
"Morgan is really hurt," Cole said as she held her stomach in pain.
"Morgan. Morg are you okay?" Seth asked as he went to comfort her with Roman.
"Roman, it's not your fault," Rollins reassured and put his hand on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry..." Roman said to her.
She looked at him and shook her head. "It's fine." She managed to say. "It wasn't your fault."
Once Ambrose got back up and saw her down, he kneeled before her, yelling, "What the hell happened!?"
"He accidentally speared her," Seth explained as Dean started to look upset.
"Punk moved out the way," Roman said as Ambrose held his stomach, still recovering from his spear.
"Could have been worse." She said as a doctor came into the ring.
"Is she going to be all right?" Seth asked as the doctor checked her stomach.
"It's definitely her ribs." The doctor explained while Roman's face began to show even more guilt.
Seth sighed out of disappointment.
Dean was seeing red and growled, "Damn it! I'm going to kill Punk for this."
"Let's focus on Morgan for now," Seth replied. "Calm down."
"This is my fault..." Roman grumbled.
"Roman, it's okay. It's not your fault." Morgan spoke as she winced in pain.
"We need to get her backstage and into the trainer's room." The doctor said as he was about to help her up
"Don't...I can walk..." She managed to help herself up with the ropes and held her stomach. "I can walk."
The crowd cheered to support her. But when she tried to take a step, she stumbled and fell into the arms of Rollins.
"I'll help her," Seth said as he gently held her while Dean was still hurt from Roman's spear and Roman's eye was still messed up.
"I feel weak now..." She said, disappointed that she had to be carried out the ring.
"Morgan, you showed guts out there. You're not weak." Seth reassured as they went backstage.
"I hope Morgan is okay," King said.
"I hope so too but don't be surprised if she has her stomach taped up," JBL added.
Morgan tweets 'No pain no gain right? #TLC'
Punk tweets 'WWEMorgan101 you've impressed me at TLC. You put your words into action. But, don't think this is over between us. I still want a match once you're cleared.'
Morgan replies 'I'm Honored. CMPunk'
'So, is that a yes?' Punk tweets.
'Maybe...' Morgan replies back.
'At The Shield's Hideout'
The Shield were recovering after their match with CM Punk during TLC. Roman was sitting on a crate, trying to fix his eye, Dean was holding his side and Morgan was standing next to Seth.
"It happens every once in a while, okay? It's not a big deal." Seth said.
"I agree," Morgan spoke. "You don't have to be upset about it, it's just-"
"Oh yeah." Dean interrupted. "Ah. Yeah, my best friend spears me and I get a broken rib..."
"You act like I did it on purpose. You know I pull the trigger. If I see a spot, I take it." Roman replied.
"Ah~" Dean held his ribs.
"I didn't mean to. I can't see anything right now..."
"Hey! Look! Come on. CM Punk didn't beat The Shield." Seth said.
"What do I look like? Do I look like a target?" Ambrose asked Roman, still bothered as Seth and Morgan glanced at each other.
"Chill out!" Seth exclaimed. "Sit down and calm down. The Shield beat The Shield, but guess what? People win the lottery every single week. You know what? Even the Cubs win the World Series once a century."
Dean groaned and held his stomach again as Morgan was amused at his actions. He was being too dramatic.
"CM Punk is the luckiest man alive. Look, this thing is gonna heal." Seth pointed to Roman's eye and then Dean's ribs. "These are gonna be all right."
"I'm pretty lucky, you speared the crap out of me," Dean grumbled. "Ow..."
"We are still the most dominant force in this industry," Seth went on.
"Does it look bad?" Dean lifted up his shirt.
"Dean, you're fine," Morgan replied with a hint of irritation in her voice because of his constant complaining.
"Yeah, you'll be fine, man. Take it easy. Nothing's gonna stop us. Not tonight, not ever all right?" Seth added.
"Just watch where you're going next time, huh?" Dean said to Roman.
Morgan rolled her eyes. "Oh my gosh..."
"I can't see anything. I got all kinds of fluids floating out of my eye." Roman explained.
"It looks horrible." Dean went on.
"Hey! Focus!" Seth patted Dean's chest.
"Don't touch me like that right now," Dean replied
"Believe in The Shield, guys. Come on," Seth put his fist out and his three teammates bumped fists with him. "We run this joint. We-we fine, chill out, jeesh man. Morgan got speared too and she's quiet as ever. And look at my eye for crying out loud. Common, I got busted in the face. Look at this. Pff," he pointed to his eye
"Pff, yeah, you did." Roman chuckled at him after taking a look at his bruise.
"You should spear him next time, see how he likes it." Dean pointed to Seth who was walking away.
'WWE Exclusive Video'
Morgan was in the trainer's room while the doctor was taping her stomach. She saw Seth walking into the room and smiled. "Hey."
"Hey. How are you holding up?" he asked.
"I'm doing okay. It could have been worse. Thanks for supporting me out there."
"No problem. It was your time to shine. Dean needs to stop being so protective and let you do you. You have what it takes to take on WWE Superstars. Just keep doing what you're doing. I'll support you no matter what. I'll always have your back."
She chuckled as the doctor finished taping her stomach. "Thanks. I really appreciate it."
Seth kissed her forehead. "Feel better all right? You were a tough chick out there. Keep shining. I'll see you on Raw," he gave her a wink and left the room.
Morgan touched the tape on her stomach and sighed, turning to the doctor. "How long?"
"You should be cleared before Tribute to the troops." The doctor replied as she nodded.
"Guess I'm going to be out of the ring for a while."
Moments later, Roman walked into the room as the doctor walked away. "Hey, Morgan,"
"Hey. How's your eye?" She asked as she placed a hand on his cheek to get a good look at his face.
He smiled and placed his hand over hers before gently removing it from his face. He ended up holding her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.
"It's doing okay but more importantly, how are you doing?"
"I'm out of the ring until Tribute to the Troops..." She sighed.
"I'm sorry..." He looked down.
She gave his hand a gentle squeeze in return as he looked back up at her. "Hey. Don't apologize. I'll be okay."
"I'll get him on Raw for you. Punk needs to pay for this."
"You don't have to do that."
"I have to do that. He can't get away with that, Morgan. I'm going to spear him in half and make sure he feels what you felt. That spear was not meant for you. It was meant for him and he got lucky. On Raw, he won't get lucky."
"I know. I forgive you. It's not your fault."
"I promise I'm going to give Punk a spear for you and make sure it hurts. Badly."
"That sounds great-"
"Morgan." Dean's voice interrupted the two as they quickly removed their hands.
"I'll talk to you later. Feel better." Roman said and left once Dean approached them
"How long are you out?" Dean asked.
"Mostly likely until Tribute to the troops." She replied.
Dean sighed.
Morgan knew that sigh.
'Here we go...another lecture...' She thought.
"You see the stuff you get yourself into? You always keep having targets on your backs and now look where it got you."
"Okay, let's back up a second. I knew the risk and I'm not surprised I got hurt. Jeesh Dean, I wish you would at least support me just a little bit more, instead of being so protective. I can handle myself."
"Really? Well, what I saw out there thought otherwise. You shouldn't have gotten yourself involved."
"First of all, what Roman did was an accident, and second of all, I'm not going to just sit back and watch the men of The Shield do everything. I'm The Shield's girl for a reason and I'm not going to sit there and be weak or be eye candy. I'm not Eva Marie. Seth and Roman agree with me on that. So if you think I'm going to be somebody's bitch around here, that's not happening. I'm tired of you being overprotective. Let me face the challenges."
"Who said you were anyone's bitch? I treat you like a queen."
"When your anger doesn't get in the way. You're a different person when you're angry, just like right now. Fix it and check yourself before you lose me. For the past few weeks it's been about you, you, you, you and not us. We're wrestlers, Dean."
"It's about me? I don't see you doing anything around here. Since you lost the Diva's Championship, you've been just sitting and watching our matches, attracting guys like you just don't care."
"You're losing your mind, right now. Do you hear yourself? This is not you at all. You think I like having the Wyatts stalking me? You think I like having Goldust kissing me? And do you think I like having CM Punk target me? I hate it but I'm willing to grin and bear it. I'm not going to back down from anything or anybody. I'm going to face the consequences. Dean, what is triggering your anger right now? Is it because Punk is calling you the weak link? Are you still jealous of all the men after me? Dean, I'm not going anywhere. No one is going to take you away from me. I don't love anyone else but you."
"I'm not the weak link. You just keep bringing yourself into problems that The Shield can handle on their own."
"I cannot believe what I'm hearing from you, right now. So, are you saying that just because I'm a woman, I can't go and wrestle guys and can't deal with targets on my back? So, I guess you are also blaming me for The Shield losing the match, huh?"
Ambrose tried to calm himself down as he let out a sigh. "No...look, I'm sorry."
He placed a hand on her cheek but she removed it from her face.
"No. You've said enough. Now I want you to listen to me and listen to me good." She got off the seat and looked up at him. "Get your act together before you make an enemy out of me."
Once she walked past him to leave the room, Ambrose sighed out of annoyance and glared at the floor.