Minding my business and writing in peace. 26 | Black | Video Games | Wrestling | Bangtan Gal Masterlist | Wattpad | AO3
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Im So Looking Forward To After We Hit Chapter 90 We Halfway There. I Would Love To See Where Jennie And
I’m so looking forward to after we hit chapter 90 we halfway there. I would love to see where Jennie and Jungkook left off I would love to see the first time they have sex together. Can’t wait to see their relationship grow more. I’m just excited for all the new chapters that are coming along. You’re truly doing amazing I’m super excited you don’t even know we halfway there baby. Like YESSSS 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉💜💜💜💜

Yassss!! THANK YOUUUUU! I'm so excited to continue!! I've been combining some chapters too so I'll hopefully get back to where I stopped sooner rather than later!! 💜💜💜
I hope to do well in making their relationship grow! The first time, going public with their relationship, going the the BBMAs and thriving in the USA and so on! Ahhh I'm really excited to bring all my ideas to life for the new chapters!! Thanks so much for the support!!
moooimo liked this · 1 year ago
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The Bangtan Gal Chapter 62- Protection Squad

Chapter Summary: Bam Bam gets bold on Instagram about Jennie. When an anti calls Jen a thot at the airport, the members, especially Jungkook, are quick to lose their cool. Jennie saves Jungkook from fangirls bombarding him at the airport
Words: 10,000+
Author's Note: I hope I'm not spammy with updates. This was done so I was like why not?
September 1st came by quickly as today was Jungkook’s birthday. He was 19 in Korean age and the members were proud to see the Golden Maknae grow right before their eyes. The members had created a birthday V-Live for Jungkook once the clock turned 12 in honor of his birthday and presented him with a cake as he blew out the candles.
With Jennie, she, unfortunately, missed it due to traffic after a small accident occurred a few blocks down. While in the car with Seijin, she already had an Iron Man themed birthday box made specifically for him.
Starting a tradition, Jennie had decided that from now on she’ll post funny derp photos of the members on their birthdays and chose to start with Jungkook.

Posting a funny photo, she tweets, ‘Our Golden Maknae everyone! What a handsome photo ahahaha. Happy birthday, Kook! Can’t wait for those birthday punches #Jen’
She wasn’t expecting him to reply so quickly, assuming that he wouldn’t be on his phone while celebrating with the guys. She read his reply and started to laugh, ‘I am going to kill you one of these days, #JK’
With Jungkook, he had been on his phone the entire time, texting Jennie, hoping that she was safe after she told him what was going on and why she wasn’t there at the moment.
“You look like you’re waiting for someone.” Jimin teased.
“I’m not...” Jungkook lied, continuing to patiently wait for her reply.
“Don’t lie. I know you want to see Jennie. She’ll be here soon, don’t worry.”
“I-I know that!”
As time went by, the members were cooking their meat on the grill and Jimin was filming Jungkook to resume teasing him. “Jungkookie is still on his phone. Still waiting for Jennie to text back, hehehehehe!”

“Ahahahahaha.” he laughed sarcastically, eyes still on his phone.
“Yes, Tae?” they heard Jennie’s calm voice on Taehyung’s phone while they noticed him facetiming with her.
Jungkook’s attention went away from his phone, hearing her voice, prompting a smile to come across his face.
“You sure smiled quickly,” Hobi called out with a chuckle.
“You’re missed! Where are you?” Taehyung whined on the phone.
“There was an accident and traffic backed up ‘cause people don’t know how to DRIVE!” Jen yelled on purpose out the window, making sure the drivers ahead heard her.
The members heard Seijin laugh in the background, telling her to relax and that they were almost there.
“As long as you are safe, that is what matters. We’ll have food waiting for you.” Namjoon mentioned.
“No, we won’t. I might just eat her plate, this meat looks tastier than ever.” Jin interrupted.
“Ennie, I think Jungkookie wants to talk to you,” Jimin added with a sly smile. “He keeps staring at Tae Tae impatiently and-“
“Ahahahaha, that’s enough. Jimin.” Jungkook cut him off.
It wasn’t too long later when Jennie finally came back and ate with everyone. Afterward, Jungkook had gone into his room to see an Iron Man themed box on his bed. His interest peaked once he saw the designs of his favorite superhero. He sat on the bed and examined it.
Happy Birthday to the most golden NERRRRRRD I know! From your Golden, Captain America is better than Iron Man, Best Friend
A soft chuckle escaped him as he read the front of the card. Opening the card that was sitting on top of the box, he realized it was a written note.
Okay...I have written this note so many darn times. This might be even a little corny but I shouldn’t kill any more trees like I already have. First and foremost, happy birthday Kookie! You really grew up right before my eyes. Ugh, they grow up so fast...I am so proud of you and how much you’ve grown as a person. When we met, I already knew there was going to be something special between us. You are a big inspiration to many, especially to me. I have to thank you for guiding me because when I feel like I can’t do anything here, I look up to you because you remind me of myself.
Leaving our parents at a young age, it’s a scary thing. But we went on and did it, and here we are. You turned out quite well and if you can still keep going, then I know I can too. Your hard work for this group is always appreciated. And can we talk about your voice? How sweet it is and how many people melt because of your vocals? Actually, I kinda highkey want you to sing me to sleep tonight, please, lol.
I’ll continue to cherish you like you cherish me. And I hope for many more blessed birthdays to come. I should stop using so many ands in these sentences, haha. One year older, but still the same bunny. I wish you nothing but happiness.
Before he had a chance to open the box, he heard a knock on his door and turned to see Jennie with a small cupcake in her hands. The cupcake had a candle lit on top as she made her way over and sat with him on the bed.
“Happy birthday.” she smiled and presented it to him.
Jungkook looked at the cupcake in awe before looking into her eyes. “The box...the cupcake...all of this is for me?”
“No, it’s for Rapmon.” she teased. “Of course, this is all for you, silly.”
The Golden Maknae felt himself tear up as he quickly wiped his tears with his sleeve which caused her to look in alarm.
“A-are you okay? Was this too much?” she asked
“N-no, no, I love this,” he responded softly with a sniff. “This is really special. I’m overwhelmed with joy.”
“I’m glad.” she watched him stare at the cupcake. “This is where you make a wish, Kook.”
“I’m thinking.”
He looked at the candle and then back up at her.
'I wish...for us to be together soon.' he thought with a smile.
Once he blew out the candle, Jen let out a cheer. “So, what did you wish for?”
“If I tell you, it won’t come true.”
“Touche. I didn’t have time to bake so I bought this for you. But I promise to bake for you once we have more free time.” she took out the candle from the cupcake.
“Can’t wait.”
“Sorry if the note wasn’t as great. I guess writing isn’t enough to tell my golden best friend how lucky I am to know him and that I appreciate him. All the members.”
“I loved it. Don’t apologize,”
She aimed to push the cupcake in his face but his reflexes were better than she expected as he grabbed her wrists. She started laughing nervously when he took the cupcake out of her hands and set it down on the nightstand.
“Okay, I didn’t think that one through!” she yelled as she tried to escape his strong grip.
“I had a hunch you were going to try to do that.” he tried to pin her down and tickle her.
She managed to grab a pillow and cleanly strike him with it, but his grip wouldn’t let up. After a while of struggling, she succeeded in getting him to release her and ran out of the room, with him chasing after her.
After keeping a safe distance, she announced, “Now!” as Taehyung and Jimin attacked Jungkook by spraying cans of silly string at him, halting him.
A chorus of laughter was heard from the three of them while Jungkook stood there, chuckling as he started taking off the strings. After laughing with them, Jungkook dropped his smile.
“You have ten seconds.” he bluntly called out.
Hearing the threat, Jen scurried away while Tae and Jimin widened their eyes. Once the 95 Liners comprehended his words after watching Jen run, they dropped their cans and dashed away to avoid their fate.
School had recently started again as Jennie and Jungkook were in the car, in their uniforms on the way to SOPA. She was lowkey happy the school year was here again because she was one step closer to graduating and her brain needed some education.
Once the van pulled up to the school, she let out a sigh as she noticed the K-Pop news sites and paparazzi taking photos of the idols that were headed to school.
“Really?” she frowned.
“Yeah, we have to go through this again,” Jungkook responded. “Don’t worry, stay close to me and we’ll try to get inside quickly.”
It was a bit tiring to hear loud cameras and flashes so early in the morning but there were bound to be various photographers to capture idols. Students ask for photos and autographs. Some even film and photograph without them knowing. It was like she had to watch her every step in school and she felt a bit smothered by it.
The week was mainly an introduction to the school year and giving students a heads up of what was to come and what they would be learning for the school year. JenKook managed to snag a few classes together. One was a dance class that focused on synchronization and partner dancing. The teacher implicated that sometimes you can pick who you want to dance with and then other times you will be paired up with the teacher’s choice.
Gym was also a class they had together, and the two couldn’t stop chuckling to themselves at how much chaos they were going to deal with since they were stubborn when it came to competition. Hayoon and CLC’s Yeeun were also a part of the class. The last class they had together was a Korean literature class, which had given Jen a little bit of a culture shock.
“Finish the book by Monday and there will be a 7 page assignment due next week on Thursday after we have a discussion.” the teacher informed.
‘Well damn, already?? We just got here! I can’t quite read Korean that well. I should talk to Namjoon about this.’ Jen thought.
One teacher was so evil that he gave the class a pop quiz on what they remembered where they left off in history which drove Jen up the wall. She still was trying to remember and learn more about the history of Korea. Jen wanted to smack herself when she went to her Algebra class because she had forgotten a lot about what happened in the previous algebra class she took. It freaked her out to see her peers get started on the work but she sat there, trying to get her memory back.
‘I changed my mind, I’m not excited to be back.’ she thought to herself as she mentally prepared for the math.
She had another dance class for more up to date dances. For the first few weeks, she would learn how to dance with various props. Her mood was boosted when she found out that they would learn how to dance with a cane first, making her think about J-Lo’s Get Right choreography. As always, there were vocal classes to help improve her singing as well as singing live. She was also gifted with working with some other peers for help on rapping. Getting aid in a class for rapping and then from Yoongi, she appreciated the double help despite it being a tiring process. As she received constructive criticism on her work and guidance on what to improve, she would let Yoongi know and would work on it whenever they had their studio rap lessons.
If J-Hope could get help from Yoongi and Rapmon on rapping and be as good as he is now, then she can do it too.
At least she still had her guitar class at the end of the day to boost her mood if she had a rough time in the other classes.
Since BTS was traveling around for various fan meetings, Jen felt a little claustrophobic from all the bodies swarming around the group as they tried to make their way through the airport safely and together.
She heard a male voice. She didn’t think it was directed at her, so she kept her head forward, with her sunglasses on her face.
“Oh, there she is! Finally, I caught up with you. Jennie! Can you sign this?”
She heard the English speaking voice again as she turned to see a male fan, with one of many BTS posters in his hands. She would have liked to sign, but the members needed to get to their destination quickly and had no time to waste.
“No, sorry.” She responded politely.
“Are you friggin kidding me? I waited here for hours and you can’t even give a loyal fan an autograph?” the guy snapped angrily, catching the attention of the screaming fans and members around them. “This is one of many reasons why I prefer light skins. You dark skins are so undesirable. Maybe you’d act nicer and look prettier if you were a few shades lighter. And these fans were right about you, you are an entitled thot.”
That made her stop walking.
The hell just happened?
He switched on her real quick, and what she thought was hurtful the most was that the guy was black as well.
Just because she said no to an autograph, you want to call her that?
Meanwhile, the Golden Maknae, who understood a majority of what was said, had heard the insult loud and clear as he stopped walking as well. The guy who had said the insult had taken a step back, startled by Jungkook's lethal state.
“You wanna run that by me again?” Jungkook asked with a growl.
Yoongi and Jimin were near Jungkook when they heard the guy call Jen the disgusting comment. They both gave him dirty looks. They were offended and irritated by the guy’s poor choice of words. Yoongi even started cursing in Korean about the guy, losing his cool.
ARMY, catching on with what was going on, was surprised at the facial expressions of the members, but was angry as well at the insults thrown at their female member.
Taking off her sunglasses, Jen looked at the guy in the eyes, feeling her body shake. “You’re a black man and you really going to put down a black woman like this? Try to put women against women due to your preference for skin color? Who raised you? Cause your mother is the same color as I, and I wonder how she would react if you told that to her face. We can be so much better than this. We should support our black queens, not bring them down, like this.” her voice was unsteady as her throat tightened.
Before she could get a chance to speak more, Seijin and security had escorted her to the car. Once the members got in the car, Yoongi informed Namjoon and everyone else about what just happened. Jennie, on the other hand, kept bouncing her leg, with her eyes closed as tears went down her cheeks. Jimin grabbed her hand for comfort while Taehyung pulled her in for a hug, sitting next to her.
Once Jennie got settled in, in the hotel room she shared with Yoongi, she invited Namjoon into her room to talk.
“I just came from speaking to Jungkook,” he said. “How are you feeling?”
She was so fixated on the guy, that she hadn’t even noticed Jungkook coming to her aid as she deeply appreciated that, as well as the rest of the members.
“Better,” she responded.
“I’m not going to sit here and say that I understand how you feel because I don’t. I am not you. I am not your ethnicity. But what I can say is that I understand the frustration when spoken negatively about. I’ve dealt with it for years and I still will. I know it’s frustrating, but we must try our best to control our emotions in public. I thought you handled it quite well. I’m glad you didn’t curse at him. There are people just waiting for one of us to screw up. To act up and have all the media on us, giving us a bad name. I don’t want that to happen to you. I don’t want that to happen to Jungkook or anyone in this group.”
“Yes. I know.”
“Keep your head up. Continue to prove those that doubt you wrong.” he lifted up her chin and smiled. “Miss Bangtan is bulletproof, remember?”
“Hahah, yeah. Always.”
After the pep talk, she went to go see Jungkook in his hotel room. Taehyung had opened the door, and when she walked in, she saw Jin and Jimin eating together. They had asked if she was feeling better and expressed their frustration over the guy. After reassuring them that she was much better, she asked where Jungkook was.
Walking out of the room, and into the balcony, she found him. His broad back to her as the late summer breeze blew past them. The members had decided to give him some space and left him alone ever since they checked in.
“Heh...like Malcolm X said...the most disrespected person in America is the black woman. The most unprotected person in America is the black woman. The most neglected person in America is the black woman.” she quoted.
She watched him tense up more. He seemed angrier than her about what had happened.
“It can be hard because no matter what we do, there’s always something or someone to bring us down.” she went on. “It’s a damn shame. We really do be going through the most. It's sad to say but I’m starting to get used to this.”
"Well, you shouldn't be!” Jungkook exclaimed, slamming his hands down on the railing. “It should never be like that! What he called you, you aren’t like that. You never will be. I hate how you’re being disrespected. There is nothing wrong with your color. There is nothing wrong with you at all. Maybe I should’ve punched him...” his grip tightened.
“Hey. No, you shouldn’t have.” she walked up and wrapped her arms around his waist from behind.
Turning her head to the side, she rested her cheek on his back. Once he felt her arms around him, he calmed down and relaxed from her hug.
“We are idols. Annoyingly, the smallest things can ruin an idol’s career. No matter how much we want to lash out, the media may do anything to twist it," she said. "After talking to Namjoon, we can’t let someone have that power over us. Punching him would’ve been a worse case scenario despite me feeling the same way, wanting to punch him and all. It’s hard but we have to pick and choose our battles and this battle is not worth the consequences, no matter what hurtful things he said to me.”
“Yeah. Hyung told me about that...”
Releasing him, she stood next to him, wrapping her arms around one of his arms, and leaning against his bicep. Jungkook’s eyes had softened when he looked down at her, listening to her talk as she looked on ahead at the view.
“As much crap as they give us dark skinned women, I won't be one to hate my natural self or change myself just because someone doesn’t like the way I look. Despite all this crap that happened today, thanks for having my back.” she looked up at him, meeting his gaze.
"Always..." he whispered.
Jungkook’s body started moving on its own as he slowly started leaning down as their faces inched closer.
“AHAHAHAHAH! HYUNG BUMPED INTO THE LAMP! AHAHAHA!” they heard Taehyung yell as a loud crash was heard.
“What the heck are they doing in there?” Jen pulled away, turning around. Headed back inside, she asked the guys, “What are y’all doin’!?”
Licking his lips, Jungkook exhaled sharply through his nose, gripping the railing. He pressed his lips together in annoyance because their moment was interrupted at the worst time possible. Letting out a deep sigh, he shook his head, looking up at the stars.
“Of course, it wouldn’t be that easy...” he murmured, thinking of ways to murder his hyungs.
But after thinking deeply, he didn’t want to kiss her while they were upset. He wanted to kiss her when they were both in a better mood than what they were feeling right now.

Once Rapmon’s birthday came around, Jennie posted a goofy photo of him with the caption, ‘Happy birthday Nap Monster. We need to think of some remedies to make you stop snoring so loudly my friend. #Jen’
Yoongi had started a V-Live, talking to ARMY about preparing a cake for Rapmon, while Jimin and Jen sat on the floor, preparing the candles. With the cake in Jimin’s hands, Jennie lit a match to light the candles before blowing the match out. Getting up from the floor, they showed the cake on camera, next to Yoongi.
Once Rapmon had walked into the room with the other members, they started cheering as they sang happy birthday to him.
“What is this?” Rapmon happily asked with a bright smile on his face, showing off his dimples.
Yoongi had placed the camera to show off the rest of the members while they continued to sing, “Happy birthday dear Rapmon! Happy birthday to you!”
“I didn’t know about this at all,” Rapmon mentioned while Jin gestured for him to blow out the candles as they crowded around the cake.
“Yeah~!” the members cheered after he blew out the candles of the Doosan, a Korean baseball team bear mascot themed cake.
“It melted.” Jimin laughed, showing off one of the candles to the camera.
“Where’d you get the cake from?” Rapmon asked.
“I didn’t want anyone to buy a cake this time, so I decided to bake one for you,” Jen responded. “Jungkook and Tae helped decorate it.”
“Awe, really? This is great, thanks, everyone.”
“Come on, cut the cake!” she gestured excitedly.
“Cutting a bear...isn’t that a bit violent?” J-Hope giggled.
“It’s a cake. Cakes are meant to be cut,” Jen replied.
“Okay, stick it in his head.” Hobi placed a knife on top of the bear cake, prompting the members to laugh.
“Two years ago, I celebrated my birthday with fans because it was the first broadcast of N.O. But this year, since I’m not spending it with ARMYs, I feel really sad.” Rapmon spoke.
“It’s Rapmon’s birthday, what are all of you going to do for him?” J-hope asked.
“Birthday beating!” Jungkook yelled.
“You want to have a birthday beating?” J-hope laughed
“Just cut this first.” Suga pointed to the cake.
“Ahhhhhhhh~!” J-Hope made loud sound effects while Rapmon quickly cut the bear cake in half. “So cruel!”
“It looks like a cicada now that we’ve cut it. It looks like a ladybug.” Jimin pointed out.
“It reminds me of a milk dud,” Jen added.
“Thanks, guys. For this year’s birthday, let’s all be happier.” Rapmon mentioned.
“Jin, what are you going to do for Rapmon?” J-Hope asked.
“Fighting!” Jin punched the birthday boy on the chest
“What about V Hyung?” Jungkook asked
“I’ll buy him clothes,” V responded. “What about you Jennie-ah?”
“I have a Ryan themed box for you that I made.” she presented it to Rapmon with a sweet smile.
“How come his looks bigger than mine?” Jungkook called out in jealousy, while the members laughed.
“Some of the Ryan themed items I bought were bigger than expected so I had to put it in a bigger box,” she responded while the members teased the Golden Maknae about his small birthday box.
“Ah...I was really looking forward to this.” Rapmon admitted with a soft laugh. “After seeing Jungkook’s and Suga’s, I was hoping you’d make one for me too.”
After the V-Live video, Rapmon sat with Jennie to check out the box. Opening up the card first, was a written note.
You wanna know something? I hated those sunglasses you wore during our debut. I wanted to just see your face. I remember you talking about your insecurities and it always made me sad because what you described to me is nothing that I see. I could care less what these so-called fans say about you and your appearance. You’re not ugly. If anything, you are handsome. And I was so happy you finally took those sunglasses off so I could see you for who you are.
Your passion for music is infectious and it’s rubbing off on me. Keep smiling, those dimples are adorable as usual. Oh, thanks for giving me all those photo creds on those KimDaily photos I have taken of you. I am a great photographer and everyone should know that, ahahaha. I developed a lot with your guidance. Those bike rides and walks around helped me appreciate the world around me like you said. Our deep conversations are always the best, too.
I’ve become calmer thanks to you. Seriously, thank you for existing. You made my life so easy with your leadership here. Thank you for being a great leader and helping us members grow as a cohesive unit. I know how much you love Ryan so I brought you a bunch of things. Just...please...try not to break this Ryan box.
“I’ll be careful.” he chuckled.
“Let’s hope so,” she responded as she watched him open the box.
Once they heard a loud tear, she regarded him halting his actions.
“Annnnnnd I broke it.” he chuckled nervously.
“You know what? I ain’t even mad.”
For the birthday dinner, the members sat around, eating. Deciding to film an Eat Jin special after he lost a rock, paper, scissors game to Jungkook, Jin had to eat all of the wasabi while some of the members started recording.
“Now, Eat Jin’s punishment is starting.” J-Hope happily announced.
“So glad that’s not me right now,” Jen responded, sitting next to Jin as she took a good look at the wasabi.
It was a small portion but the smallest taste was deadly.
“Please start!” V said eagerly
“Dag, let the man prepare for his fate, first.” Miss Bangtan laughed. “You really like seeing him suffer huh?”
While Jimin, Taehyung and J-Hope MC for Jin preparing to eat the wasabi, Jin mentioned that they were MC-ing really well.
“Whoa, no way, are you really eating it?” Jimin asked while Jen cringed at Jin placing the wasabi on a big piece of meat. “It’s bigger than the meat.”
“It’s going, it’s going!” V anticipated once Jin picked up the meat with chopsticks.
“Oh!” They yelled once he placed it in his mouth.
“Oh my gosh, I know he suffering.” Jen pointed out.
“Oh man, holy shit!” Jungkook yelled out of nowhere.

Jin immediately started coughing and flopping his hands around due to the taste of the wasabi while the members started laughing. Once Jen had heard Jungkook speak, she busted out in laughter before coughing since she was eating. Jimin had to pat her back a couple of times as she finished coughing and continued laughing at what Jungkook had just said.
“What is he doing?” Rapmon called out, watching Jin fan himself with his mouth open.
Jin’s high laugh was heard while Jen pulled herself together and tried to help him calm down.
“Spit it out and get hit by me twice!” Jungkook announced
“Have mercy on him, Kook!” Jen called out.
“He has to eat it, he has to,” Suga mentioned.
“A man has to eat it,” J-Hope added while Jin continued whining.
After a fan meeting in Jakarta, the members were at the airport, planning to leave, and were swarmed with screaming fans. It was a scary sight to Jennie, watching all the cameras and various bodies surrounding her, yelling and screaming. All she wanted to do was get on the plane and relax. It didn’t help that she was constantly bumped around with security trying to keep the fans away.
An angry look was evident on her face as she tried to make her way through the crowd. Tonight was not the night for this. She didn’t feel like being surrounded by so many people, she just wanted peace and quiet.
With Jungkook behind her, she turned around to notice fans grabbing him as security tried to stop them.
“Don’t touch them!” she heard fans shout.
“UH! UH! No.” she quickly walked forward and grabbed a strong hold of him, pulling him away from the fans’ grasp, thanks to her strength. “Get in front of me.” she pushed the Golden Maknae forward and turned around.
“AYE YO!” her voice boomed loudly in the airport, gaining the attention of the fans.
From the irritated look on her face, their excitement for BTS went down a bit.
Every part of her wanted to cuss them out but she refrained and sternly replied, “Are you serious? Are you serious, right now? Why are you all up on him like that? Why? Would you want somebody to be grabbing and touching all up on you, all of a sudden? No. So don’t do it to him or anybody else. Respect our personal space. I know you’re excited to see us but you don’t need to be wildlin’ out like this. Just chill. Got damn.”
Getting grabbed by security, she was escorted out of the airport while the rest of the security managed to tame the crowd and keep them away from the members so they could get to their destination.
Catching up with Jungkook, Jen grabbed onto him and made him walk faster. The Golden Maknae felt a pang of joy at how quickly she pulled him away from all those fans. He appreciated her getting him out of that situation. It frightened him a bit.
“Having their hands all over you like that, get the hell outta here with that. Who do they think you are? You’re a human being, not a doll.” he heard her grumble as she kept a strong grip on him.
He fought the urge to smile under his mask at how protective she was of him. If she was like this now, he pondered how she’d be when women get a little too close for comfort when they start dating. And vice versa.
When they start dating...
Always a thought on his mind.
Once ARMY posted tweets and videos on the incident, some criticized the way Jen spoke to the fans, thinking that she was mean in person, but the majority expressed their anger at the fans behaving towards Bangtan and appreciated Jen for protecting Jungkook, calling out the fans.
‘I know Jennie wanted to drag those girls like a bunch of rag dolls.’
‘JENKOOK is real!’
‘She a real one. We need a Jennie in our lives.’
‘I’m really happy that she calls out people on their BS.’
‘This all happened in a span of a week! First Jungkook protecting her, now Jennie protecting him? Please just date! This is too cute.’
‘People don’t know their boundaries...smh...”
‘Shout out to Jen protecting Kookie’
‘I love protective Jennie. 97 Liners for life’
‘Golden Best Friends protecting each other is a MOOD’
’97 Liners’ friendship is the best’
‘I’m so upset at these fans. Don’t mob him!’
‘Get the fuck off of him!’
‘How could they do that to Kookie!?’
‘I know Jennie wanted to lash out. Kudos to her for keeping her cool. She’s so protective of Jungkook’
‘Some Armys need to chill tf out;
‘Bless the fans that said don’t touch him’
‘Bless Jennie for grabbing him away from them’
‘Respect for Jennie! I would’ve cussed them out, but I like how she handled it maturely.’
‘They’re insane!’
‘So rude!’
‘Poor Jungkook’
‘If you’re a real army you should respect their privacy and personal space’
‘At least some of these girls in this world got some sense’
Once they made it onto the plane, Jungkook took off his mask and sat with Jennie. She grabbed his chin and turned his head to make him look at her.
“Are you all right?”
Still a little shocked at being grabbed, he nodded in response.
“You sure?” she asked
He nodded frequently.
“Speak, Kookie.”
“Yeah, I’m all right. Thank you for that.”
When September 30th came, and Ailee’s album was released, Jen was quick to express her excitement on Twitter, fangirling over all the songs and music video.
Posting a screenshot of the album, she tweets, ‘SCREAMING! #Jen’
She then proceeded to post another series of tweets, expressing her fangirling.
‘DEAD #Jen’
When GOT7’s If You Do comeback show came about on October 1st, she surprised them by visiting them backstage on M Countdown with a box of cupcakes she made.
“Hey, hey!” she walked into their dressing room, catching the members by surprise as big smiles appeared on their faces.
“Jennie!” they yelled, rushing up to hug her as she laughed over their yells of excitement.
“I can’t breathe!” she exclaimed and they released her.
“What are you doing here?” BamBam beamed.
“I wanted to congratulate you on a successful comeback. And I decided to bake a little something for you guys.”
“I am so happy right now.” JB happily took the box out of her hands.
Eating cupcakes with them, Jen had brought up that she had been baking a lot lately and was starting to enjoy it as a new hobby.
“She baked for us, you do not understand how happy I am. I have heard so much about her baking from BTS and now here she is.” Youngjae said.
“Were my cupcakes good?” Jen asked.
“Of course they were! Was that even a question?” Yugyeom laughed.
“We missed you. We should plan to do something.” Mark suggested.
“We really need to. Maybe once we’re done promoting comebacks. We should all go out to eat or something instead of hanging around backstage all the time.” she responded.
“I tried to call you!” Jackson called out
“Boy, you call me early in the morning at like 2 am! I’m asleep!”
“Was it during a day off?”
“Go to bed later then so you can hang with me.”
“I’m really happy that you came along to see us.” Junior smiled.
“Me too, I truly missed you guys.”
“Guys, just know that Jennie likes me the most. Ain’t that right?” Jackson grinned.
“Who said that?” she raised a brow, causing everyone to burst out in laughter while Jackson held his heart.
After catching up, Jen took some photos with the members. Yugyeom put up a finger heart in the photo while Jen was in the background sticking her tongue out and winking with a peace sign. He posted the photo on his Instagram with the caption, ‘Thanks for everything hamster girl.’
BamBam had posted a happy photo of himself hugging her behind as they had derp expressions on their faces. ‘I missed her!’
Jackson had picked Jennie up over his shoulder, turning sideways so they could take a photo of themselves smiling goofily at the camera. ‘My great friend, Miss Bangtan is here. You were missed! Thanks for coming to support us. Next time answer my calls you munchkin!’
And with Mark, he posted a selfie of the two of them sitting down on the couch, putting a thumbs up. ‘I haven’t seen this special lady friend in a while. Surprising us today with a visit, made the day better.’
After they posted their photos, fans from both IGOT7 and ARMY commented on how people need a Jennie in their lives since she was so supportive of friends.
On an episode of 2 O’Clock Date with Park Kyung Lim Radio Show, BamBam mentioned her, which caused shippers to have a field day. When her name was mentioned during the show his eyes lit up and he tried not to smile when he heard, “You have a very close friendship with BTS’ Jennie. Which member is the closest to her?”
“BamBam,” JB called out.
“He always talks about her.” Jackson put him on blast.
“Really guys?” BamBam chuckled nervously.
“He always likes her Instagram posts.” Mark teased. “Isn’t she your ideal type since you always rave about her smile?”
BamBam planned to kill his friends after this because he could feel a blush beginning to appear on his face as they talked about her.
“Y-yeah...she’s amazing,” BamBam responded. “Days before the comeback she facetimed me and encouraged me when I was feeling worried about the comeback.”
And then, when GOT7 received their first win on October 9th, BamBam mentioned her again backstage after the show when the members were filmed with their reactions over their first win. He thanked her for being there for GOT7 and encouraging them to never give up.

For Jimin’s birthday, Jen tweeted a goofy photo of him and said, ‘Happy birthday my beloved Jimin!! Stay sweet like you always do. Don’t take my smarties for posting this please #Jen’
In the practice room, the members recorded a V-Live just for Jimin’s birthday, discussing that they all weren’t wearing makeup and embraced their natural looks while pointing out growing beards and acne.
The members sang happy birthday for Jimin, presenting him with a cake as a bright smile came across his face.
“It looks just like you, Jimin, exactly the same.” J-Hope pointed out at the cartoon looking cake that looked like Jimin from the dope era.
“Tell us how you feel,” Rapmon said
“Another year has passed. Thank you for your birthday wishes. Could you guys say something for me?” Jimin asked. “How do you feel on my birthday?”
“You got tons of birthday gifts, so I don't need to give you one,”
“Tell us your birthday wish. Do you want something from anyone?” J-Hope asked
“There’s one thing. I want to drop the honorifics with J-Hope.” he requested
“Yeah, go ahead.”
“Yeah, it’s your birthday, so you can say it.”
“You won’t get away with this.” he giggled with him.
“I want to drop honorifics with Yoongi, too,” Jimin added. “Cute Yoongi.”
“Time really has flown,” Yoongi replied.
The members teased him that he may be crying and that he was too overwhelmed with joy.
“Thank you so much,” Jimin said to the camera for ARMY and the members said goodbye.
In the dorm, Jimin had noticed the Hulk-themed box from Jennie on his bed and opened up the note, holding back the tears as he felt loved and appreciated with the amount of attention he received from the birthday box.
Happy birthday Jimin! You are improving so much. Your growth here has truly shown. You are the most caring in Bangtan. Whenever I was sad or mad, you always were there to comfort me with your famous hugs. You are one of the most talented dancers I know and your vocals are on a whole ‘nother level. I get chills when I hear those high notes. No joke. Your high notes are totally higher than my grade in History class at the moment. I really need to get on that, lol.
I can list a bunch of things that I love about you. Your eye smile, your tiny hands (Still baffled that my hands are bigger, ahaha), that habit of you flipping your hair, you just never fail to make me smile no matter how upset I may be. I hope you remain happy and continue being the cute koala bear that you are. And yes, JenMin is still going strong.
Jimin had gone straight to her room and jumped on top of her, on her bed as she let out a groan.
“Ow...Jimin...get off!” she complained, trying to play her game on her phone.
Ignoring her complaints, he wrapped his arms and legs around her, hugging her tightly as he repeatedly thanked her for the gift, making her smile.
When GOT7 was on Weekly Idol, BamBam brought up Jennie yet again because Doni had said, “What is it about a certain member’s fascination with Miss Bangtan? What’s the scoop on this?”
The members glanced at each other knowingly, with amused smirks as they turnedto BamBam once they heard her name.
“Your ideal type, right?” Coni asked.
“Yes, she’s very pretty when she smiles and I love watching her perform,” BamBam replied with a smile.
“What do you think of her dancing? I remember when BTS was here, she had a random dance of various boy group songs. GOT7’s A came on.”
“Oh yeah, I remember. She looked cute dancing to our song.”
“Yeah, I agree. I think she looked cute, too.” Jinyoung spoke up, which caused BamBam to turn and stare at him, narrowing his eyes.
The members started laughing as Jinyoung put his hands up in defense.
“The death glare! Ahahahaha!” Jackson laughed.
Checking out her notifications, Jennie found out that BamBam wore a Captain America costume and geeked out, commenting about it on a fan page that tagged her.
‘OMG my superhero! Love!’
A fan comments, ‘Who do you think is cuter? Captain America or Captain BamBam?'
Jen replied, making the shippers happy, ‘Captain BamBam of course.’
The next day, while in his Golden Closet, Jungkook was in his own little world, with his headphones in, listening to various songs that he had been getting into. A while ago he had tweeted about a hotline bling cover by Kehlani and Charlie Puth. He loved it so much that he wanted to create a cover for it. The instrumental was recreated but now he wanted someone to sing with him.
His mind had wandered to Jennie.
He really wanted to sing with her. Especially with a song like this but would she want to sing with him?
Putting the thoughts aside, he decided to take a screenshot of the Youtube video of the cover and post it on Twitter, tweeting, ‘Hey Jennie, sing with me. You up for this? #JK’
His tweet instantly got replies from ARMY all over the world.
‘OMG Jennie say yes!’
‘Omg do it!’
‘Golden Duo duet?! DO IT!’
‘We are in for a treat if she says yes’
Jungkook noticed a new tweet from their Twitter account and a smile came across his face once he read her reply, ‘Hell yeah, I’m down! I love me some Charlie and Kehlani #Jen’
Once ARMY saw the tweet they went haywire.
‘When will your ship ever!?’
Before he knew it, Jennie had entered the Golden Closet and expressed her excitement since she is a big Kehlani fan. The two quickly went to work, sorting out who would sing what after warming up their voices. She began to admire Jungkook as she watched him sing. The way he looked so passionate, made her feel a little giddy inside.
“Late night when you need my love. I know when that hotline bling.” Jungkook sang but stopped, shaking his head. “Ah...I know I pronounced that wrong.”
His pronunciation of the words in English still needed some work and he felt discouraged. He wanted to get this right but even though they just started working on the song, he felt like he was slowing them down.
“It’s okay, just sing, I’ll help you with the pronunciation later.” he heard her respond softly, which made him feel a little better.
Jungkook remained dedicated, singing out the first verse as she listened to him and his sound.
“Reputation.” she kindly corrected him.
He repeated the word wrong and she repeated it for him.
“Reputation,” he said correctly.
“There you go. You got it.”
“You sure this isn’t too much for you? Helping me with the English?”
“Trust me, as many times as I asked Namjoon how to pronounce some Korean words, I know firsthand how it feels to mispronounce words in another language. Don’t sweat it. What other word did you have trouble with pronouncing?”
As she continued to listen carefully to his singing, she helped him with any words he had problems with.
“...started wearing less and goin' out more. Glasses of champagne out on the dance floor.” He sang softly. He sighed and shook his head again, feeling his frustration build. He didn’t think he was singing the song like he wanted to. “Sorry, Jennie.”
“Relax, Kook.” she patted his arm. “Come on, let’s take a break and eat. I’m hungry.” she gestured for him to follow her into the kitchen.
After fixing both plates of sandwiches, they sat and ate.
“I thought this would be easy but I can’t seem to sing like I want to.”
“Jungkook, it’s okay to take breaks. It’s okay to not get things right the first time. We will get this right. Let’s take our time, have fun and enjoy this cover. We got this.”
He smiled, feeling reassured. “Thanks, Jennie.”
After their break, they got back to work, singing the chorus together,
You used to call me on my cell phone.
Late night when you need my love.
Call me on my cell phone.
Late night when you need my love.
I know when that hotline bling
“Hm...sing that again, this time by yourself,” Jen called out. She listened to him sing and then sang with him again before nodding. “Yep, I know what’s wrong. All right, you’re doing great, continue that pitch, I’m going to sing lower this time.”
They sang the verse again and this time, their voices harmonized. Jungkook turned to her with a big smile appearing on his face.
“Wow, that sounded great,” he responded, amazed.
“That’s the sound we’re looking for. Harmony on clutch.” she high fived him.
Although Jungkook hadn’t told her yet since they were so engrossed with their singing, he appreciated how patient she was with him. Finally getting things together, they sang the song in one take while recording with Jungkook pronouncing the English words with ease thanks to her help.
“Ever since I left the city, you~! You got exactly what you asked for.” she sang. “Running out of pages in your passport. Hanging with some girls I've never seen before.”
He joined in as they sang softly,
You used to call me on my cell phone
Late night when you need~ my love
Call me on my cell phone
Late night when you need my love
I know when that hotline bling
That can only mean one thing
I know when that hotline bling
That can only mean one thing
Call me on my~
They finished in harmony.
“Outstanding! Ahhhhh, we did it! You did amazing!” she lightly shook him and placed various kisses on his cheek as he laughed.
“You really think so?”
“Yeah! You are improving a lot. I am so proud of you! Where’d you get those English skills?”
He grinned sheepishly and shrugged. “I learned from the best.”
Jennie placed a hand over her heart. “Aw, thank you.”
“I meant Namjoon Hyung.” he teased
“Wow! Really? Goodbye!” she playfully shoved him and left his room as he laughed out loud.
The next day, Jennie had chilled in the living room after another early rap session with Yoongi. In just a couple of hours, she planned to prepare to visit Hyuna at CUBE Entertainment.
“Jennie, did you notice something weird in all of our toothpaste this morning?” Jin asked, walking into the room.
On her phone, she suppressed her amusement because she had pranked the entire dorm by numbing their toothpaste with tooth and gum pain relief gel.
“Yeah! My entire mouth was numb! What happened?” she played along.
“I dunno but someone pranked us. Whoever it is, they got us good. I couldn’t even taste anything because my mouth was so numb. It was horrible! But the numbing is going away slowly but surely.”
“I hope we find out who it is soon. Someone better confess because I couldn’t even eat my smarties! And you know how I feel about my smarties!”
“Yes, dear, I know.” he chuckled.
Once she walked into her room, she stood there, stunned when she found photos of Jin all over her entire room. “What the hell is this!?”
“For numbing my mouth with whatever you put in the toothpaste!” Jin responded victoriously
“It wasn’t even me!”
“Sweetie, I know when you lie to me. Enjoy my photos.” he laughed.
“Aye! Clean this up! I’m not cleaning this!” she yelled, kicking some of the scattered photos from her feet.
At CUBE Entertainment, Hyuna had offered to teach Jen methods to enhance her sex appeal on stage, as well as her charisma. They decided to spend the day dancing around in one of the practice rooms.
Wearing a red cropped hoodie and skinny white pants with her hair down, Jen rested with Hyuna, discussing her Roll Deep comeback.
“Girl, who do you think you are with that comeback? You slayed my life! I loved it.”
Hyuna giggled and felt shy, covering her face. “Thank you. You know I’ve been thinking, when I have my next solo comeback, I want you a part of it. We can be sexy together.”
“I’d love to but sexy is not me, though.”
“Come on, you have a great, healthy body, great hips, and so much more.”
“Ah, I dunno...I don’t feel sexy though.” Jen shrugged, laying her back on the dance floor to look up at the ceiling. “I just don’t think I can pull it off. I try but I never felt sexy.”
“Seriously? With the way you look?” Hyuna playfully kicked her.
“I always faked it. I never in my life felt sexy.”
“I know plenty of men and women that think you are. Even if you don’t portray yourself as it. Relax and loosen up. You’re sexy, now show that you’re the girl that people like. Go Jennie!” she cheered while watching Miss Bangtan stand to her feet.
Migrating to the sound system, Hyuna connected Jen’s phone to the speaker and scrolled through her songs.
“All right, what are we doing, now?”
“I want you to dance sexy to partition.”
“What!?” Jen exclaimed, widening her eyes.
Hyuna turned on a V-Live and when ARMY started getting on, they were surprised to see her. She waved and spoke to the fans before pointing out that she was helping Jennie with her charisma and facial expressions when performing. She panned the camera to her. “Say hello Jennie!”
“Wait you’re on V-Live!?” she stumbled back and turned away.
“Mm hm~”
After getting herself together, Jen turned back around to meet her reflection in the mirror.
‘Get it together, girl. You got this.’ she encouraged herself.
Soon as the beat dropped, she began to move her body.
Boy, this all for you, just walk my way
She strutted forward, motioning her finger to come here.
High like treble, puffin' on them mids
The man ain't ever seen a booty like this
Facing her back to the camera, she moved her hips and shook her ass, as it bounced up and down, while Hyuna cheered in the background. She was so proud to see her looking more comfortable. It looked like Jen needed that extra push because as Hyuna watched her, she noticed that the stiffness went away and Miss Bangtan believed that she truly felt sexy. Hyuna knew she was hiding that sexy side deep down. It was a force to be reckoned with and she was doing quite well.
She looked at the comments rolling in,
‘Mmpf I think she’s about to be my ultimate bias. Sorry Jimin’
‘Jennie! Sthapppp that outfit, those hips’
‘Oh my gawd Jennie’
‘I can see why Bam Bam loves her so much! The way she moves her body when she dances is unreal’
‘Okay Jennie!’
‘I’m here for her dancing like this!’
‘She can dance bruh’
‘Damn girl’
‘Bro, this is fire!’
‘This is too much to take in, why did you do this!? Ahhhhh’
‘Jennie, jennie, jennie stop, I can’t take this!’
‘I love this woman’
‘Got damnnnnnn’
The beat switched and her gaze turned into an enticing expression. Hyuna nodded in approval when she noticed that Jen didn’t break eye contact as she would nervously do a few practices ago.
She snapped her fingers to the beat and started to move again.
Now my mascara runnin', red lipstick smudged
Strutting to the front, she began to dance hard as her hair bounced.
Take all of me
I just wanna be the girl you like (girl you like)
Caressing her body, she slowly moved her hips, swaying to the beat.
She felt so comfortable that she was having so much fun dancing to this song. The way her body rolls were, caused Hyuna to stare at her in awe.
Meanwhile, ARMY proceeded to comment relentlessly on V-Live.
‘She killin’ it!’
‘I need to drink a gallon of water after this’
‘Looking like a snack today!’
‘She’s sexy as hell’
Get it girl! Okay!’
I want her so badly, she’s too fine’
‘When she started shaking dem hips, I died’
Over there I swear I saw them cameras flash
Handprints and footprints on my glass
Handprints and good grips all on my ass
Turning around, she placed her hands on her ass before swinging her hair to the side, dancing harder.
Take all of me
I just wanna be the girl you like (girl you like)
The kinda girl you like is right here with me
Seductively running her thumb over her bottom lip, she turned her back to the camera and walked away.
“Ahhhh that was amazing!” Hyuna shouted, pausing the song. She stood up and walked over to her while Jen laughed and covered her face.
“ARMY, how’d I do?” Jen asked, checking out the frequent comments that were coming in, and started laughing at their reactions.
‘Who said Jennie couldn’t dance?!’
‘Currently pregnant by that dance’
‘All right, it’s official. I want her.’
‘Talk to me nice!’
‘I need some holy water, I should not be watching this goddess dance like this’
‘Watch all these guys slide in her DMs after this lmfaoooo’
‘I love you’
‘Put Jennie on timeout! This was too much to handle!’
‘Yes hunny! Represent! Snatched tf outta my edges!’
On Instagram, Hyuna had filmed a small portion of her dancing on Jen’s Instagram, with the caption, ‘HACKED by Hyuna! Look at you go, I knew you were hiding your sexy side. You did an amazing job! Hard work is paying off. I’ll treat you to lunch the next time we hang out.’
BamBam, who had watched the entire V-Live was freaking out as he told Jackson, and once he saw the post, he had to comment. Meanwhile, Jackson had given him a pep talk about him starting to prepare to pursue the girl he was interested in.
BamBam posted a few comments on the video. First were a series of fire and heart eyed emojis and then he said, ‘DEAD!’
Once Jen got her phone back, she posted a throwback selfie that was saved in her photos, 'Part of the Smartie Archive. I miss summer and home...I’ll be back soon America.’
BamBam was quick to comment when saying, ‘DEAD again! So beautiful. Absolutely stunning.’
With fans noticing him in her comment section again, one fan had asked, ‘BamBam are you dating Jennie?? Are you hers?’
Boldly, he decided to reply, ‘I wish...only if she wants me to be.’
After a while, he deleted the comment but fans immediately began freaking out when he posted the sudden comment,
‘Ayoooooo wait a minute! What’s going on here!?’
‘Cuffing season starting early???’
‘Lol he didn’t say kill me this time like he did with Taeyeon in the comment section’
‘NOOOO he’s supposed to be mine!’
‘GOT7 better get him!’
‘I’m mad. Everyone gotta ruin my JenKook ship these days’
‘Nooooo Jennie is supposed to be with Jimin! Where are my JenMin shippers at?’
‘My heart, I’m sad now, but if she makes him happy’
‘Stop, don’t do it! Leave her be, please!’
‘Jennie, BamBam really likes you! Date him!’
‘I hate this ship! I don’t want it to be real!’
‘Date him Jennie!’
‘Ahahah you really like her’
‘Shoot your shot my boi!!’
‘I’m lowkey pissed. I want her to be with Jungkook or Taehyung. I don’t want no other idols pursuing her.’
‘We ALL knew this was coming. This is no surprise’
‘What is it about Jennie and Tinashe that idols love so much? I need one of them to tell me their secret and help a sista out cause I gots to know!’
‘Personality is key. She’s a kind spirit. BamBam has excellent taste. Black girls are winning’
‘I don’t ship it but it’s kinda cute. Not as cute as JenKook tho! Any JenKook shippers?’
‘He wants Miss Bangtan, I told you! He ain’t slick!’
‘BamBam is about to risk it all for Miss Bangtan and I am here for it!!’
‘BamBam about to score a W.’
‘But what about the dating ban??’
‘Finally an idol speaks up publicly about liking Jennie. I bet there are other idols that lowkey feel the same.’
‘The dating ban tho!? I’m sad!’
‘Now I have another ship. BamJen!’
‘I screamed!’
‘She belongs with the golden maknae!!!’
‘BTS are going to have a field day if they find out about BamBam gunning for Jennie’
‘I love when my fav is wanted by other guys. Especially idols, considering her position as a foreigner in South Korea’
‘Who said my boi can’t shoot his shot on Miss Bangtan?’
‘I ship it’
‘Go get her Bam Bam!’
The next day, in the dance studio at Big Hit, Jennie worked on a dance to perform at SOPA while Taehyung, Hobi, Jin, and Jimin tagged along. She decided to participate in an extra credit assignment which was to teach one of the freshmen classes choreography on her own with a song of her choice. She had a few weeks to prepare and prepared something short and sweet. The dance was down packed and just needed some touch-ups.
Throughout her practice, the boys would dance goofily in the background, trying to distract her. After taking a break from the assignment, she asked, “Anyone want to freestyle with me?”
“Hey, actually, for a while now I’ve been curious about some dances that you do in America. Could you show me one since you’re taking a break?” Jin asked, standing up after stretching.
“Yeah! Sure! Hold on, I have just the song.” she went on her phone and scrolled through her music.
Putting on the edited version of Lean Back by Terror Squad, Fat Joe and Remy Ma, she walked back to Jin. “You know how to do the lean back?”
“Hahaha, I’ll show you. Come on. First, let’s loosen up.” she started moving to the beat and he followed her, hesitant at first but soon got into it.
“Go Hyung!” Taehyung giggled, filming in the background.
Jin decided to do his traffic dance to the song, which caused Jen to giggle and she encouraged him to keep dancing.
“It’s simple. Cross your arms like this and lean back side to side but do it with a rock.” she demonstrated. “Add your flavor to it. It’s coming up, follow me.”
Said, my don't dance
We just pull up our pants and do the Roc-away
Now, lean back, lean back, lean back, lean back
Jin and Jennie start leaning back while Jen looks on impressed.
“Look at you, Jin! I see you! Let them know!” she cheered.
I said, my don't dance
We just pull up our pants and do the Roc-away
Now lean back, lean back, lean back, lean back
Jin proudly celebrated the fact that he danced correctly.
“Ennie! What about that dance called the milly rock?” Jimin asked.
“Yeah, I heard of that dance,” Hobi spoke.
“I don’t know how to do it.”
“Wait you guys don’t know how to do the milly rock? Let me show you!” Jen beamed. “The key is all about putting your own flavor into the dance. Make it your own style.” she demonstrated slowly as they followed her.
“How do you do the dance, Ennie?” Taehyung asked
“With me, I tend to go hard and be extra with it cause I get hype to this song.”
“Hard and extra, huh? Show me. I challenge you to a Milly Rock dance-off.” Hobi declared.
She turned to him with a serious expression. “...you sure?”
“Whoa, her eyes.” he held his heart and giggled. “But yes, let’s dance together.”
“All right, you asked for it,”
Once the song began she pushed her cap down to block her face as she got ready. When it came to songs like this, she turned into a whole different person.
Milly Rock
Let's get it!
As soon as that beat drops, she went hard.
I Milly Rock on any block
I Milly Rock on any block
The guys were mesmerized by both Hobi and Jen going in.
Once the verse came on, she rapped in front of him, continuing to dance.
I Milly Rock on any block
In my Polo T and my Polo socks
On top of cars my face hot
I Milly Rock on that Gates block
They got me on their explore page
I've been Milly Rocking for four days
She put up four fingers before milly rocking again with more attitude and speed while Hobi looked on impressed and milly rocked with her.
Let’s get it!
She started milly rocking in slow motion as Hobi followed her, mirroring her movements.
“Jen milly rocks on any block! Hope milly rocks on any block! Jen Milly rocks on any block! Hope milly rocks on any block!” the guys said over the chorus, making the dancers laugh and high five each other.
“Remind me not to challenge you in that particular dance.” Hobi teased. “You did well, munchkin.”
“I want a dance battle with you!” Taehyung got in front of her.
“I got the music!” Jin went to pick a random song.
“You sure, Tae?” Jen warned.
“Yeah, let’s do this.” He responded.
The opening beats of Hello, Good Morning by Dirty Money filled the dance room.
“Okay...but fair warning...you don’t want this work,” she mentioned, walking up to him as they faced off competitively.
Taehyung had his hands on his hips, struggling not to smile.
Good morning...
She watched as Taehyung danced first while his charisma came into place. Tae’s dance skills were no joke and were extremely underrated. He could move. After he was done, he booped her nose, making her chuckle
Once it was her turn, she danced while rapping to the song
'Cause I been leanin on the bar
lookin cleaner than a star
All these broads won't give me my props
Twenty-five on the bag
I be stuntin on they ass and they mad cause the bitch won't stop
She adjusted her shirt and began dancing around him in a circle as he giggled.
"You know, you know, you know we on that!" she booped his nose to get back at him.
Back at the dorm, Jennie was in her room, gathering her things to wash her hair.
“Jennie, I need to ask you something.” Namjoon suddenly walked in.
“Yo! Oh my God, knock first! What if I was undressed?” she scolded.
“Sorry! Sorry!” he apologized. “I wasn’t thinking.”
“It’s cool, what you need?”
“I was wondering if I could use your shower. Everything else is occupied.”
“I was going to wash my hair but you know what? It’s fine. Go use it. I’ll use the sink.”
“The sink...?”
“Yeah,” she responded like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
She grabbed her things and headed to the kitchen. Namjoon’s curiosity got the better of him and he followed her, watching her take out the few dishes from the sink and place her items on the counter.
Turning around, she noticed his confused behavior and called him out, “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“You’re about to wash your hair in a sink. Why?”
“I do this back at home.”
“Yep.” she smiled.
“That’s...normal for you?”
“All the time. You look like you’re dealing with culture shock right now.” she teased.
“I’m intrigued. Could I watch?”
“How about I wash your hair in the sink first.”
“You serious?”
“Yeah, grab your stuff.”
Once he grabbed his shampoo and conditioner, she made him lean his head down in the sink. Running warm water on his head, she started washing his hair.
“My mom would do this to me and my sisters when we were kids,” she mentioned. “I’m so used to washing my hair in the sink, that I would sometimes prefer to do that instead of washing my hair in the shower. It just makes things go by quicker too,"
“Wow, and this is common in your culture?”
“Majority of the time, yes.”
After she gave him a nice scalp scrub and conditioned his hair while combing it out, she rinsed his hair and dried it with a towel.
“You good, Namjoon?” she laughed at his amazed expression
“That...was exhilarating. C-can we do this again? I like this method.”
“Yes, now go shower.” she playfully pushed him away and prepared to wash her hair in the sink.
Forced To Believe Chapter 44- I Lost Her

Chapter Summary: Having enough, Morgan ends things with Ambrose and suddenly goes MIA while The Wyatts continue to taunt The Shield. Melanie visits Celeste
Words: 6,000+
Morgan was at ringside while The Shield were in a 6 man tag team match against Big E, Rey and Kofi. Morgan was feeling like herself and had no worries for tonight but she was deep in thought about the situation with Dean. She wanted a break from him and was trying to figure out how to bring up the conversation with him in private.
"You think Morgan is okay? She blacked out twice. You think a third one will happen?" King asked as the camera panned to Morgan. Her eye makeup looked even darker, this time with dark faint vines appearing down her eyes, like in the vampire diaries.
"Those blackouts are really making me curious as to what's going on. We've been told she's been getting some bad headaches lately." Cole said. "I am interested to know what the cause of these headaches is. And do you see how off she looks? What is going on with her eyes?"
"I truly think The Wyatts are up to something."
Near the end of the match, Roman walks over to his corner and roars as he sets up for the spear. All of a sudden, Dean tags himself in while Roman looks surprised.
"Whoa, what the heck?" Morgan asked as Dean delivered the headlock driver on Big E and pinned him for the win.
Roman slowly gets in the ring, unamused.
"I don't think Reigns is happy," Cole said as he stepped up to Dean.
"What was that?" He asked as Seth separated them
"We won! That's all that matters! We won." Seth said as Roman began to grin.
All of a sudden, the Wyatt Family tune comes on and all 4 members stand in the ring to watch the titantron.
"Shield...come out, come out, wherever you are..." Bray chuckled. "I understand y'all. More than you can possibly comprehend. I got cha...a blueprint...stamped in my brain. And I know what you are...you're pawns...pawns..you move forward, never backwards, you spend all of your useless days, clawing with your aching hands forward just to that beautiful moment! That moment where you sacrifice yourself. In the name of your king. I will build my empire next to the sea, and I will smile from my throne. As I watch, my enemies drown." He laughed.
"Is it worth it? What you three men, fail to realize, is that the rose...has always been the one." Luke grinned and began to whistle while Morgan narrowed her eyes.
"No way." She shook her head.
While Luke continued to whistle, Erick showed his mask at the screen and exhaled. "Run."
Later, in the ring, Bray had just pinned Dolph and began to taunt the crowd while Luke and Erick were in the ring.
"Follow The Buzzards!" He yelled but all of a sudden, the titantron showed Dean.
"Ooh~" Ambrose said in a spooky tone and moved his fingers around, trying to be scary. "We're so scared of you, Bray Wyatt. Listen up bonehead, we don't live in your little fantasy world with monsters and evil spirits and lamb masks and haunted rocking chairs...so take that crap somewhere else!"
"Bray...real good spewing up little analogies for what you think, is going on," Seth spoke. "But man, you are so delusional, you are a figment of your own imagination. The grandest illusion you've ever come up with is that you think you and your little family can hang with The Shield."
"Take a look around Wyatts. You're standing in The Shield's yard now. And we don't play games. Come Elimination Chamber, play times over." Roman said as Dean began to pound his fist.
"Yeah. Playtime is over. No more games." The Outspoken Diva spoke up as the camera pointed to her. "You want to play a game called evil spirits? Okay then, but know this...You guys are going down. And at Elimination Chamber, The Shield is going to win..." She began to put up her fingers. "1...2...3...you're done. Believe in that."
"And believe in The Shield," Roman said, putting his fist out with his teammates.
The camera went down to their fists as Bray laughed. "I welcome this war! Bring it to me! I welcome this war!"
Later, Morgan was mentally drained and finally found Ambrose to break the news to him. She couldn't do this anymore. She wanted a break. Take some time apart. Figure out if their relationship is even worth it. And with The Wyatts on the loose and dealing with Sister Abigail, she already had enough on her plate.
"Did something happen between you and Rosa?" she demanded.
Ambrose let out a breath. "I wish you'd stop asking me about this."
"Why can't you just answer the question?"
"Because why is that relevant?"
She started to run her hands through her hair. "I've given you one too many chances to be honest with me. I can't do this...I can't do this anymore."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"I literally saw you!"
"You kissed her. I saw you kiss, Rosa!" She turned around and began walking away while his face began to go pale.
"It was a mistake!" He shouted as she stopped walking.
She started to feel something. All that anger and frustration ever since the Royal Rumble finally boiled down to her right hand. She began to seethe and turned around to walk back up to him.
"And so were we." She spat before punching him in the face, making him fall on his butt to much of his shock.
Watching her storm off, he began to rush after her to try to explain.
"Leave me alone!" she shouted but got her hand grabbed.
"Just calm down-"
"Screw you!" she shoved him away and went inside an empty locker room as he followed her.
"Fine, I'll talk!"
"Oh, now you want to talk. Okay, go ahead. Enlighten me." She crossed her arms.
"Look...I just...I was upset...Rosa isn't the one I want. You are. You're on my mind, 24/7...I want to wake up every morning with you. I want to hold you and never let you go-"
"Cut the crap..." She retorted. "I smell BS a mile away...that's not what I want to hear. Grow some balls and tell me the truth."
"You know what? Forget it. I wish you could have been honest with me. Even if I saw the kiss, I expected you to tell me. You lied to me. Straight to my face,"
"I'm sorry..."
"Not good enough. I want the truth. Right now."
Dean sighed and ran his right hand through his hair. "Look, we've been talking. For a while now. Before the Royal Rumble. She started giving me a massage...and told me things I wanted to hear...and we got lost in each other's eyes...I think you know what happened next."
"So...she told you things you wanted to hear. You let her get on your lap...you listened to every single word that came out of her mouth...and you didn't stop her?"
"I can't believe this...She outsmarted me...she did it...she got me vulnerable and made me crumble and fall just like she said she would...I underestimated her...she kept getting in my head about Roman that I failed to notice that she was gunning for you. I've been so stupid..." She exhaled. "Why? Why would you do this to me?"
Dean started to get annoyed. "I'm getting a little sick of you ganging up on me when you're not as innocent either with that you did with Roman-"
"And I'm getting a little sick of you lying to me!"
"You drew me to her!"
"Excuse me? No, you chose to be with her. I didn't do anything to you. Is this about Roman? I told you everything that happened and was honest with you. You couldn't do the same. He and I are just friends. I told you that. Do you want to be with her? Do you want to be with Rosa? I knew something was wrong when you started pushing me away and being distant from me. I knew it! I didn't want to believe it...so I ignored it. But you just couldn't resist her. I don't even know you anymore. You are not the man I'm in love with. I love you. And if you love me too, you would let me go. I can't do this...I need time...I need time alone...from everybody. You. The Shield, everyone. I need a break,"
"Maybe Harley doesn't need Joker after all..."
"Morgan I-"
"Please...don't make this harder for me than it is. I'm done, Dean. This is over. I need you to let me go,"
He looked defeated and rubbed the back of his neck. "I keep hurting the people I care about...I don't think I can forgive myself for this...if you hate me...I understand...You need time? Take as much time as you need..."
She nodded and quickly left the locker room. Dean clenched his jaw and looked down at the floor, processing everything that just happened.
Morgan tweets 'Ladies, it's official. Dean and I are not together anymore. #RejoyceFanGirls #YouCanHaveHim'
"Did I make a mistake or did I make the right choice?" She asked herself after she found a place to sit on the floor alone to collect her thoughts.
She wanted this to be a nightmare but this was real. She couldn't take this anymore. She had to get out of that relationship to get her thoughts straight. She needed time to figure out what her next step was.
"Okay...okay...it's okay...everything will be fine..." She exhaled. "I hope..."
Back with Ambrose, he went back to Seth and Roman, looking somber.
"You look horrible, man. What happened?" Seth asked.
"Where's Morgan?" Roman looked around.
"Yeah, where is she?"
Realization hit Seth and Roman as they looked at each other.
Ambrose let out a breath. "...I lost her..."
As days went by, just like Morgan predicted, some divas started to line up for Dean's attention. Dean was sitting on a crate, getting mobbed Aksana, Alicia, and Eva. Surprisingly, Rosa was nowhere to be seen. Morgan had a bad feeling about Rosa's sudden disappearance after she was the cause of her breakup. Normally, she would be in her face, taunting her.
While she stretched, she glanced at Dean's way and saw his disinterest with the divas. She was a little taken aback at the sight.
'Maybe he really does want to change' She thought.
She thought about the fun times, they had. As much as she hated to admit it, she was still in love with him. But she needed space. She remembered him saying 'Take as much time as you need.' so maybe that's a sign of hope in their relationship. Maybe it is worth saving.
"Looks like Ambrose isn't over her..." Nikki mumbled to Brie.
Nikki saw the looks, Dean was giving Morgan, and the glances that Morgan was giving him.
"Gosh...these two need to screw. They need to get all that frustration out of their systems. Can we lock them in a closet? A locker room? Something?" she pondered
"Nikki, they can't just get back together that easily. They need time apart," Brie replied.
"Yeah...I know."
Dean glanced at Morgan as he saw her stretch. He screwed up and it took a break up to realize what he had. He had no interest in the other divas. Not even Rosa. He just wanted her. He needed her. He wanted to wrap his arms around her waist from behind and tell her how important she was to him. But it was too late. He should have done that before. Moments later, he began to narrow his eyes once he saw Zack Ryder walking towards her.
"Yo, Morgan." Zack grinned.
She stopped stretching and turned around to give him a warm smile. "Hey, dude."
"How are you?"
"I'm doing okay. How are you?"
"I'm awesome. I heard 'bout your break up. Valentine's Day is right around the corner. If you need a shoulder to cry on or if you wanna snuggle, I'm here for you." He grinned, unaware of Ambrose glaring at him with hatred.
Dean was clenching his fists so hard, it made his knuckles white. He wanted to throw Zack into a wall and tell him to back off but Morgan wasn't his anymore.
She wasn't his Harley or Shield Girl.
"Haha. You're really sweet but I'm okay. I'd like this time to just be by myself," she replied.
"Okay. I'm available if you change your mind. Call me." Zack winked and walked off while the Outspoken Diva looked amused.
On a Thursday night in her shared hotel suite with Jon, Melanie had on gray sweatpants and a dark gray hoodie. Under it, she wore a white tank. She put her hair in a messy bun and walked out of the bathroom, seeing Jon watching TV.
"Hey, I thought you left. Not going out?" She asked. "I thought some of the roster were going to check out that new bar. I didn't feel like going. I just want to relax. Were you planning on going?"
"Nah. I didn't want to go." He turned the TV off and gave her his full attention as he stood up.
"Why not?" She asked as he walked up to her.
"Because I want to be with you. I want to spend some time with you. Want to go stargazing?"
"Sounds like fun. The weather should be okay for some stargazing. It's been a while. We should bring a snack." She walked to the kitchen. "What do you want to munch on?"
Jon began to ruffle his hair, which made her smile. She loved it when he did that. "Ah...you pick."
"Yeah, why not?"
"How about s'mores?"
"I like it."
"Great!" She grinned and began to take out Graham crackers and Hershey chocolate bars. "I'll be back, I'm gonna go get a blanket."
After she walked away, Jon started to eyeball the Hershey chocolate bars and decided to steal a few pieces and eat them. Melanie came back with the blanket and looked at him, suspiciously. "Did you just eat a piece of chocolate?"
"No." He said with his mouth full.
"What's in your mouth?"
"Nothing." He finished chewing the chocolate
He laughed. "What? I wanted something sweet."
"Well, these should relieve your sweet tooth." She chuckled and began to make the s'mores. He wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and started to nibble her neck. "I thought you wanted something, sweet."
"You're sweet." He mumbled against her neck as he smelled her fruity perfume. "Hm..I think Moxley wants to play for a while..." He growled in her ear.
"Y-you're bluffing." She managed to say.
She was surprised. She wasn't expecting 'him' anytime soon because Jon would always procrastinate. She wasn't prepared right now.
"Am I now? Do you know what I want to do to you?"
"D-dirty thoughts, huh?"
"You don't even know half the things, I want to do to you right now..."
She closed her eyes and tried to ignore the shiver of pleasure, she felt around her body. She was in a dangerous position and had to control herself. He touched the zipper of her hoodie and began to slowly unzip it. His hands started to roam around her body before he turned her around. Her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him into a heated kiss, which made him smirk into the kiss.
She soon felt herself get lifted up and placed on the counter as they pulled away to catch their breath.
"Game over, Mel. You're putty in my hands, admit it."
Luckily for Melanie, her cell phone rang.
"You are so lucky." He grinned and released her while she began to look relieved.
'Thank goodness for Brie.' She thought as she answered her phone. She would have given in if she didn't call. "Hey, Brie, what's up?"
"Are you coming out?" Brie asked.
"Nah, Jon and I are going to be spending time together before I leave."
"Okay, have fun!"
"Thanks, you do the same." They hang up. "Okay, let me check out these s'mores. And no more funny business or we'll never get out of the room."
"You'd like that, wouldn't you? I just gave you a little taste of what Mox is capable of. Next time, I won't be so merciful."
They decided to head to a nearby park, while it was close to 11:00 PM. Melanie laid the blanket down on the grass and sat down with the plate of s'mores. Jon sat down next to her. His dirty blond hair was messy, and he wore jeans and his Shield hoodie.
He ruffled his hair again and he caught her watching him.
"What?" he asked
She giggled. "You look so cute when you do that."
She straddled him and wrapped her arms around his neck while he put his hands on her hips. She then began to gently run her fingers through his hair.
"Messing with my hair again, huh?"
"I like it when you have your hair messy. It's adorable." She said and decided to feed him a s'more. He licked her fingers as she giggled.
"You know, I love the way you play with my hair and blush when I compliment you. It's cute. I also love making you feel good." He whispered in her ear and started to slowly kiss her neck as she shivered in pleasure.
"We shouldn't be doing all this in public."
"We got dark clothing on." He laid her down on the blanket and he hovered over her.
"Jonny!" She laughed with him as he got up.
"Couldn't resist."
She decided to sit in between his legs while her back was to his chest. He held her by the waist while they looked at the stars.
"So peaceful..." She mumbled.
"Lanie..." Jon whispered as she smiled at the new nickname. She turned her head to look at him. "I love you." He leaned down to kiss her sweetly.
"I love you too. Thank you."
"For what?"
"For spending some alone time with me, tonight."
"I love spending time with you."
"Me too."
"Now...if only I can win that bet..." he said while she chuckled.
"You're not gonna win."
"Really? When Mox came out, you were all hot and bothered. I don't think you're ready for him."
"You suck."
"Oh really? You won't be saying that once Moxley arrives in the bedroom to make you his Mox Girl."
Melanie playfully rolled her eyes while he chuckled. They continued to cuddle while they watched the stars.
The next morning, Melanie stirred in her sleep. She felt warm and comfortable. She didn't want to get out of bed, but she had to get ready for her flight. She opened her eyes and saw Jon smirking down at her. One of her arms was wrapped around his neck and one of her hands was in his hair.
"You were quite the snuggle bug last night. Getting frisky?"
"N-no." She was about to pull back but he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her back to him.
She unwrapped her arm around his neck and placed it on his bicep. Man did he have some nice muscles. Women would melt if they were in her position right now, but she could not lose this bet. And who would want to pass up the opportunity to get a lap dance from Jon?
He hovered over her. "You know...we could do a little bit of...morning cardio." He said in a husky voice as she felt warm breath on her neck.
"Okay. Take me." She whispered.
"Good answer." His hand roamed around her body as he started to kiss her.
Before things got heated, she pushed him off the bed as he grunted.
She laughed and sat up as she looked down at him.
"Oh, I'm sorry, were you expecting something?" She grinned and got out of bed. "You're not gonna win the bet that easily."
"You are so going to pay for that." He sat up.
"Really? How? Is Mox gonna punish me? I'd doubt it, 'cause he probably doesn't have the balls to show me what he got."
Jon grinned. "That mouth is going to get you in trouble."
"I don't think so."
"I know so."
Melanie finally reached Celeste's place with her small suitcase and knocked on her door.
"Knock Knock!" Melanie grinned. Celeste opened the door wearing sweatpants and a sports bra. "What up, Hybrid Diva?"
"Oh my gosh!" She yelled and pulled her in for a hug. "Melanie!"
She laughed and hugged her back. "Hey!"
"How long are you here?"
"I got tonight, Saturday, Sunday and Monday morning!"
"Awesome! We have gotta do a lot of stuff! Let's catch up, grapes." She invited her in and they went to her bedroom. "PJ won't be here for a while so we get to have some girl time!"
Celeste took a goofy photo with her and posted on Twitter 'Look what the cat dragged in! Surprise visit from my Grape Monster, WWEMorgan101!'
"Smackdown should be on. I wanna see what kind of drama, you're in now." Celeste said and turned the TV on.
They were just in time. Celeste made popcorn while they sat on her bed.
The Total Divas were backstage.
"Hey, have you seen Morgan? I haven't heard from her since Wednesday, and I'm getting worried." Brie said.
"She hasn't been answering my calls," Natalya replied.
"Or text messages." Cameron looked at her phone.
"I hope she's okay." Nikki began to look worried.
The camera shifted to Dean who was listening as he started to look a little worried before walking away.
Later on in the show, the camera was back in the ring.
"Reigns and Ambrose of The Shield are set to take on Kofi and Dolph. And we have the third member of The Shield, Seth Rollins, the architect of the group, joining us here at ringside." Cole said. Dean starts off the match with Kofi and begins to take control. "This is the first time, Ambrose and Reigns have teamed together. Is there a reason for this? Do these two not get along behind the scenes?"
"Michael, the important thing about Monday is that we won that match and that's exactly what's gonna happen again tonight," Seth replied.
"Seth, no disrespect but you're avoiding my question. Is there problems behind the scenes between Ambrose and Reigns?"
"I was in the process of answering your question, Micheal, don't cut me off. There are no problems between Ambrose and Reigns."
"Okay, what about Morgan?"
Seth tensed at her name while JBL started to get annoyed.
"Uh oh, I guess you're a taboo subject tonight." Celeste looked on.
"We haven't heard or seen Morgan since Main Event. Do you know if she's okay? I mean, she left The Shield, and now she's a no show on Smackdown. What's going on?" Cole asked.
"I honestly don't know what happened to Morgan and I'm getting pretty worried," Seth admitted. "Even if she did leave The Shield, we still care about her. She's like a sister to me. But I think she just needs her space and hopefully, she'll come back to the Hounds of Justice."
Ziggler knocks down Dean and starts to give him ten elbows to the chest.
"Dean looks like he's not really focused tonight. Is it about Morgan? They did go through a nasty breakup."
"Would you stop talking about their break up?" JBL retorted. "Do not give up on Ambrose and Morgan. They will find a way back to each other. I know it."
"Yeah but, maybe Morgan was right. Maybe she is the glue of The Shield. Now that she's gone, it kind of looks like The Shield are having more problems."
"The Shield are going to be fine," Seth reassured.
"Okay, but what's been going on with Morgan?" Cole questioned.
"Ha! Cole is so persistent!" Celeste laughed.
"She's been blacking out and having headaches, what's going on about that?" Cole asked.
"That's the golden question that is going to make me stay in the middle of this feud with The Shield and Wyatts," Melanie announced.
"Why do you keep badgering me?" Seth asked.
"He does this all the time. Stop it, Michael." JBL scolded.
Kofi gets tagged in. He takes Dean down and dropkicks Roman off the apron. When Kofi leaps up, Dean catches him and throws him on the ropes as he hits his neck. Dean rolls away and tags in Roman. Roman gets off the apron and dropkicks Kofi as the crowd gets hyped.
"Jeez! Celeste exclaimed.
"I know right? I love that move! It's awesome. He gotta teach me that." Melanie mentioned.
"How impressive is that?" Cole asked.
"You wish you had somebody like that, on your side, Michael." Seth bragged.
"How's that bet coming along?"
Melanie sighed loudly. "I'm giving up."
"This man...Does he not know how much I want him to fuck me?" She exclaimed while Celeste busted out laughing.
"Hahaha! That's friggin' funny. How long has it been since you two done it?"
"I lost count after 30 days went by."
"Over a month? Wow, and Valentine's Day is right around the corner. That's like, the day everyone loves to get intimate. Trust me, he's suffering just as much as you are."
"He knows damn well I want him to go to his full Mox mode, but he keeps teasing. Why can't he just give in?"
"Haha, I see. Mel, he knows what you want. He's waiting for you to beg. He wants you to beg him to take you. You need to make him beg."
"How? I'm out of ideas."
"You need to come at him strong. Does he have a fantasy about you?"
"He wants me in a schoolgirl outfit."
"Perfect! We'll go shopping for one. If you wear that, that'll provoke him. Trust me."
"I like the way you think. It's worth a shot."
Dean continues to take control of Kofi and knees him in the stomach.
"I'm always amazed by Jon's character," Celeste said. "And I can't wait for The Shield going up against The Wyatts. That match is going to be awesome."
"I know right? I can't wait either." Melanie replied with a smile.
Dolph and Roman get tagged in and Dolph picks up the pace by giving him a running crossbody.
"Nic is so underrated," Melanie praised.
"I agree,"
Roman counters Ziggler's finisher. He goes to his corner and sets up for the superman punch. Dean gets on the apron and tries to go for a tag but Roman distances himself away from him.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, guys, common." Seth called out, not liking the tension.
"Looks like Ambrose was tryna tag himself in," Cole said.
All of a sudden, Kofi grabs Dean off the apron.
"Oh common, man!" Seth exclaimed. Roman turns around, only to get hit with a DDT. "No no no no no! No no no!" He complained when Dolph pins him.
Roman kicks out at two. Seth tries to hit Kofi with a sneak attack but he catches him and tries to go for the Trouble in Paradise but he moves out of the way. Dean grabs Kofi from behind and hits him off the barricade.
"You all right?" Seth asked as Dean recovered.
Roman hits Ziggler with the Superman punch and runs to hit him with a spear. Dean gets on the apron and Roman tags him in.
"Go ahead, man." Roman motioned him to get in the ring.
"Haha, I love it." JBL chuckled.
"I'm loving the tension between them." Celeste laughed.
Dean gets in and pins Dolph for the win. The ref raises their hands while Seth tries to calm them both down. All of a sudden, the Wyatt family's tune comes on.
"Yes!" Celeste cheered while Melanie giggled.
"Uh oh!" Cole looked on.
Luke Harper started whistling.
Bray laughed. "Look at y'all...bickering like children...consumed with pride...beating your chest at one another, trying to see who in The Shield...has the sharpest teeth. Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk...fools...they believe me, to be a joke." He chuckled and took off his hat.
"If you can only see the monster that lives behind my eyes...then you'll realize how real I am." Bray went on in a serious tone before putting his hat back on.
"Freaky," Celeste commented.
Dean started mouthing off to his partners about what a joke Bray was and how he was still living in a fantasy.
"And you know what else? We've found your weakness..." Bray smirked and started to laugh. "The Rose...The Rose with thorns..."
That caught Dean's attention as he shut his mouth and began to narrow his eyes at the titantron.
"Do you want to know why she's been blacking out...? Getting those ruthless headaches...? You see my sister...she felt pity for the woman...Sister Abigail yearned to help this woman and I helped her...She's in the rose's head now and has been speaking to her..." Bray explained. "The rose...the rose with thorns...She has been...disrespected...outsmarted...betrayed...that will not happen again...She needed me and she came to me with open arms...she is with a real family now and she shall be treated right...with respect...love...and care..."
Luke looked at the camera. "The rose is safe...safe where she belongs..the rose is home...the rose will be unleashed...She's ready for us...Those that deny us...you will be the first ones to burn..."
"Follow the Buzzards," Bray said.
Bray just got done with his match against Goldust while Erick and Luke stand before him. All of a sudden, Dean is shown on the titantron.
"Wyatts!" Dean yelled while the Wyatts turned their attention to the titantron. "Bickering children? That's cute that you think you can say that to us...but watch it...cause you're talking to the Hounds, Wyatt Family, and you think we're too full of our own pride...you're right...we are...we have a lot of pride...So...you want to talk about Morgan? You say she's ready for you? If you lay a finger on her, I'm going to have your heads on a plate!"
Dean started doing his trademark movements and began doing a little dance.
"I love it when he does that!" Celeste praised.
"I know right!? He's so fun to watch."
"Why? Because we are the best unit in this industry and when we get you in the ring, at Elimination Chamber...we own you." Dean said with a lethal tone.
"And we don't care if you are monsters or if you are men," Seth added. "We are not afraid of you."
"And if I find out you did something to Morgan...I'm gonna scrape the beards off your faces with the bottom of my boot! Another reason is because you cost us the opportunity to be in the Elimination Chamber."
"But you just don't seem to understand...one of us would have become WWE World Heavyweight Champion," Roman said. "So, you want to target The Shield's Girl? I guess you don't understand that she's off limits. And fortunately for us, we know a few methods, for making people understand."
"So now it's time for some justice, boys. Believe in The Shield." Ambrose said as The Shield put their fists out.
"I miss being with them already." Melanie looked on.
The screen showed The Wyatt Family as Bray laughed loudly. "You had your chance! She is safe! Safe with us! Her real family!"
"You are in some hot water." Celeste giggled.
"Yeah, the writer loves to put me in crazy situations."
"I still can't believe you broke up with Dean."
"I know...I mean, some fans don't like it, and I know they probably want to slap the writer so the writer can come to their senses and bring Dean and Morgan back together..."
"They'll get back together one day. Just gotta believe."
On Saturday, Melanie woke up to Celeste jumping on the bed.
"Common, wake up!" Celeste laughed and jumped off the bed.
"Five more minutes." She mumbled and put a pillow over her head.
Celeste decided to drag her off the bed.
"We gotta hang out while we can! Let's go!"
"You're right." Melanie got up and stretched.
"Let's go out and eat some breakfast."
"Sounds like fun."
They headed to a local restaurant. Celeste ordered a healthy breakfast while Melanie eyed the red velvet pancakes on the menu.
"Craving sweets?" The Hybrid Diva giggled.
"It's been so long since I had red velvet pancakes. I gotta get this. I'll do a cheat day."
"You and your sweet tooth."
"These won't hurt." The Philly diva ordered the red velvet pancakes.
"So how's the prank war with Colby coming along?"
"We're taking a little break right now since things are getting a little serious in the WWE. Y'know, the storyline with the Wyatts."
Celeste nodded and before they knew it, their food was here.
"Oh my gosh, this looks so good! I need to take a photo of this." She said as Celeste laughed.
Melanie takes a photo of the plate with Red Velvet pancakes with cream cheese glaze and tweets '#CheatDay! I have been craving this for months now. #SweetTooth'
Colby tweets 'WWEMorgan101 Couldn't resist huh? Shame on you.'
Melanie replies 'WWERollins Hey! I earned this!'
"That does look pretty good," Celeste said as she took a bite out of her food. "So what's up with the Wyatts storyline?"
"Well, Morgan is 'Missing' from the WWE and it's causing a lot of chaos in The Shield. You see, what happened was, Morgan started getting headaches and she kept blacking out whenever she saw Bray Wyatt."
"Oh, so that's why he grabbed your head and gave you sister Abigail's kiss?"
"Bingo." She grinned. "So she's starting hearing voices, getting possessed by Sister Abigail, so the Wyatts can convince her to follow the buzzards. It's really friggin' creepy."
"Interesting. Are you gonna act possessed, again, really soon?"
"Ooh! I cannot wait to see that! I wonder what's gonna happen when Morgan returns."
"Chaos. I'm going to be causing a lot of drama."
"Haha. Do you like being in the middle of situations?"
"Sometimes. It can be fun, but also it can be kind of hectic. But at least I'm entertaining the fans. That's all that matters."
"I like your confidence, grapes. So, what's the deal with Morgan and Dean? Any hope?"
"Maybe. We don't know yet."
"Yikes, and Valentine's Day is on Smackdown. I wonder what's gonna happen between them."
"I wonder what's gonna happen too. I did a Valentine's Day photoshoot with some of the divas. I wore skinny jeans, black boots and a white shirt that was cut up on the shoulders that said 'Believe In Us'. It was cool."
"Aw. I bet you looked awesome."
"They published it on the WWE website." Melanie showed her the photos.
"Oh, I have to wear a dress for Smackdown's Valentine's Day episode."
"Haha. You don't look happy."
"I'm happy but I just don't want to wear high heels. I can't handle wearing high heels. I'm afraid I'll break my ankles. It's crazy what women do when they wear high heels. Did you know some cut one of their toes so they can wear their favorite heels?"
"I read about that! It's insane!"
"I don't get it." Melanie shrugged as she finished her pancakes.
"It sucks that Morgan and Dean broke up. You should see all the tweets the fans said. And you know #BelieveInDeanAndMorgan is trending, right?"
"No way," she said and checked her phone. "Whoa, you're right."
Fans tweet:
'Why!? I hate Creative right now! Why break up one of the coolest couples in WWE History!? WWE fix this! #BelieveInDeanAndMorgan'
'Dean and Morgan can overcome the cheating! Why'd you make Morgan break up with him WWE?!'
'Cried myself to sleep last night because my favorite couple broke up. Damn you WWE. You better do something! #BelieveInDeanAndMorgan'
'Ambrose and Morgan's break up was #PainfulToWatch'
'We need a petition for Dean and Morgan to get back together! #BelieveInDeanAndMorgan'
'Dean and Morgan were one of the most entertaining and interesting couples to watch. Why ruin that!? #BelieveInDeanAndMorgan'
'I swear, if Dean gets a girlfriend that is not WWEMorgan101, I am never watching WWE again. #BelieveInDeanAndMorgan'
'Looks like WWE doesn't like listening to the fans since they want to break up one of the most popular couples in WWE history. #BelieveInDeanAndMorgan'
'I've seen WWE Couples break up onscreen, but Dean and Morgan's breakup would have to be the first one that brought me to tears. #BelieveInDeanAndMorgan'
'I swear...if Morgan and Dean end up having a new lover in the WWE, I am breaking my TV! They belong together! They are so awesome! #BelieveInDeanAndMorgan'
'If Morgan and Dean don't get back together, the WWE Universe is going to #Riot'
"Yikes. A lot of angry fans and sad fans. I didn't think we were that popular." The Philly Diva looked at the tweets in awe.
"Are you kidding? The fans want to see more of you two and they hate how WWE doesn't show you two more like they do with Brie and Daniel Bryan. WWE Creative better fix this because there are a lot of unhappy fans on the outcome of Dean and Morgan." Celeste stated
"I know WWE probably knows that because they are getting a lot of heat on Twitter."
"Oh yeah. All right. Since it's hot as heck today, how about we go swimming?
"Yes! Let's go!"
Once they made it to a local pool, Celeste wore brown sunglasses and a red bikini while Melanie wore a dark blue bikini.
"You look jacked." Melanie complimented.
"Aw, thanks. You look hot!"
"Why thank you! All right, it's been so long since I went swimming, so..." Melanie put her bag down and took her ponytail out. "Woo!" She yelled and performed a cannonball in the pool which got Celeste wet.
"Melanie!" Celeste exclaimed.
Melanie swam up to the surface and saw Celeste soaked as she laughed.
"My bad."
"You are so gonna pay for that." She put her stuff down and prepared to jump in the pool.
The Outspoken Diva shrieked when she jumped in the pool, near her. After they swam around for a while, they decided to play volleyball. Once Celeste won 2 games, they finally got out and lounged on chairs. Celeste put her shades on while Melanie put on a hat to block the sun.
"Let's take another photo," Melanie said.
"Yay, more photos."
Melanie and Celeste grin for the photo and Melanie tweets 'Chilling with CelesteBonin at the pool. #WarmWeatherRules'
Fans tweet:
'Lucky! Have fun in the sun! WWEMorgan101 CelesteBonin'
'That hat and sunglasses though...awesome! WWEMorgan101 CelesteBonin'
'You guys look awesome!'
'Are you still together with Dean off screen? WWEMorgan101'
"How's the wedding planning?"
"It's pretty hard. Harder than I expected."
"Have you tried out a wedding dress, yet?"
"Yep, I posted a photo on Instagram." Celeste went through her phone and showed her a photo of herself wearing a wedding dress.
"Awesome! You look beautiful! Have you picked one out yet?"
"Thanks. Not yet but I will."
"Send me a photo when you do. You're gonna look awesome."
The next day, Celeste and Melanie go shopping at a local mall.
"You sure that'll work?" Melanie asked as looked at the white bag with the schoolgirl outfit, that she just bought to help her in her bet with Jon.
"Yep." Celeste grinned. "Trust me."
"All righty. Hey, let's check out some shoes." Melanie and Celeste head for the shoe store. "I need to buy a couple of pairs of these Nikes." Melanie looks at the Cartoon themed Nikes with amazement.
"I wonder if they have any Simpsons Nikes."
"Yep." Melanie showed her The Simpsons themed Nikes.
"Omg!" Celeste grinned and checked them out.
"They got Spongebob too. I'm liking this."
She took a photo of herself behind a stack of cartoon themed Nikes. They had Hello Kitty, Batman, Dragon Ball Z, Super Mario, and others.
She tweets 'Yep, I'm liking these Cartoon themed Nikes.'
Fans tweet:
'I want them all!'
'OMG! I love those shoes!'
'When are you coming back to the ring!?'
'Get the Hello Kitty ones!'
'Batman! Do they have Joker or Harley Quinn themed ones?'
'Are those Angry Birds Nikes? Get them!'
Colby tweets 'WWEMorgan101 I know you're enjoying yourself down there with CelesteBonin'
Melanie replies 'Haha! You bet! WWERollins'
After they finished shopping in the afternoon, they headed back to Celeste's place and watched DVDs of The Simpsons.
"Hey, how's Celestial Bodiez coming along?" Melanie asked.
"Awesome! I got a prototype for one of the pants." Celeste took out one of the prototypes in her closet.
"That looks awesome!"
"Yep, it's all about the fit of the pants. Here's a photo of me wearing them." she showed the photo on her phone.
"Haha, nice booty."
"Haha. Thanks. Your butt will look nice in these pants too."
"I believe it."
She sighed. "I wish you could be my maid of honor or a bridesmaid. But I know you're busy since you're still with WWE."
"Yeah..." Melanie gave her a sad smile. "But hey, at least I'm coming to the wedding, so that's good right?"
"Of course!"
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 56- BTS GAYO Track 1 & 2

Chapter Summary: The members go through a Girl Group dance quiz and attempt to answer the correct song by listening to the lyrics
Words: 2,000+
------- Gayo Track 1- Girl Group Dance Quiz
The members stood next to each other while Rapmon announced that they would be learning about K-Pop. When he revealed the card, it said, ‘Girl Group Dance Quiz’
It would be the Vocal team which consisted of Jin, Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung VS the Rapper team which consisted of Rapmon, Suga, J-Hope and Jennie.
The members would have to explain the given words with dance moves and there will be a penalty for those who lose the game.
“Do you know any girl group dances?” Rapmon asked
“My second job is teaching girl group dance,” J-Hope mentioned while singing and dancing to Red Velvet’s ice cream cake.
“Don’t you all know this?” V performed Girl’s Generation’s GEE dance.
“Of course, we can’t miss that,” Suga added as some of the other members danced.
“Don’t forget about my girls! Tell me, tell me!” Jennie quickly demonstrated Wonder Girls’ Tell Me choreography, with a bright smile.
“Tell me! Tell me!” Suga sang, trying to perform the dance too which caused Jennie to stop and stare at him with the other members.
‘What on earth is that?’
“Are you doing an aerobic dance?” Rapmon laughed
‘This game is vocal team vs rapper team.’
The members gathered up in their teams and wrote down their penalties before starting the girl group dance quiz. The vocal team began first. J-Hope opened up the book and revealed the first song.
Once Jimin started trying to dance the choreography, Jin quickly went up to the camera and answered, “Something by Girl’s Day.”
V was up next to dance but the vocal line couldn’t comprehend what he was doing.
“What was that?” Jimin laughed. “Dance, will you?”
“Even I know that point dance!” Rapmon pointed out, knowing the answer.
“What’s that!?” Jimin laughed louder, still confused.
“I’ve got it!” Jin spoke up and went to the front. “Bar Bar Bar by Crayon Pop.”
Jin was next to dance which quickly gave the vocal line an answer.
Jungkook quickly scrambled to the front, yelling, “Beautiful by Park Boram!” for the correct answer.
When the Golden Maknae tried to demonstrate the next song, Jimin went to the front. “Full Moon by Sunmi!”
Taehyung was up again and demonstrated a bubble popping with his hands which caused Jin to go to the front to answer, “Bubble Pop by HyunA.”
While Jin tried dancing for the next song, Jungkook dramatically went back to the front again, yelling, “Mister by KARA.”
“I don’t know anything.” Jimin laughed.
“Why Jungkook of all people?” Suga complained.
“Well, he is the Golden Maknae after all,” Jen mentioned. “We shouldn’t be surprised.”
For the last song, Jin answered, “Adult Ceremony by Park Jiyoon.” and the vocal line got a score of six minutes and 45 seconds.
The rapper line settled down while J-Hope stood to begin the game. Taehyung was in the background to reveal the songs.
As J-Hope began the dance, the rapper line continued to look confused before Suga scrambled to the front to say, “Catallena by Orange Caramel.”
Rapmon was next, gesturing a cell phone to his hand.
Suga scrambled to the front and announced, “What’s your phone number by 4Minute.” and got hit on the head with a toy hammer. “Hot Issue by 4Minute?” he got hit again.
“Got it!” Jennie scrambled to the front. “Whatcha doin’ today by 4Minute,” she answered, getting it correct.
“Finally!” Rapmon exclaimed.
She stood up and went to the front, watching Taehyung move the paper to the next song which was, ‘Me Gustas Tu by GFriend’
“Oh gosh.” she hesitated for a moment.
After getting over her nervousness, she began performing the choreography elegantly just like GFriend taught her.
“Ah! Me Gustas Tu by GFriend!” J-Hope shouted and went back up to dance.
“Bad Girl Good Girl by Miss A!” Suga answered.
“This is really easy,” Taehyung revealed the next song while Rapmon stood there, dumbfounded.
Jungkook let out a loud laugh, pointing at him while Rapmon tried to express crazy with his body because he couldn’t remember the entire dance.
“Crazy by Son Dam Bi.” J-Hope answered and also answered, “Abracadabra by Brown Eyed Girls.”
Rap Monster had tried to perform Tell Me by Wonder Girls along with the actual song that he was trying to dance for them to get. It took a while but then J-Hope and Jennie managed to think of an answer.
“My girls!” she shouted and scrambled to the front. “Nobody by Wonder Girls!” she answered to get the final answer.
Unfortunately, the rapper team got eight minutes and 12 seconds.
“Woo!” Jimin yelled happily.
“Are you okay? You’re sweating.” J-Hope placed a hand on Rapmon. “The questions for the vocal team were too easy.”
“How did you not know bubble pop?” Rapmon complained.
“Look who’s talking!” Suga playfully shoved him
“Aye! Aye! Guys, we are all friends here!” Jennie tried to calm them down while laughing.
After calming down, Rap Monster opened up the penalty for the rapper team which was a finger flick on the forehead.
“If Jimin does finger flicks, you’ll be dead. He’s so strong.” J-Hope pointed out.
“We can’t endure it,” Suga added.
The Rap Line began to play Rock, Paper, scissors to see who would get the penalty. Suga managed to win first, eliminating himself from getting hit and then Jennie was second, physically relieved. Rap Monster and J-Hope were back to back and raised up their fists in the air, choosing rock. J-Hope began screaming and jumping around, scared of losing while the members laughed wholeheartedly at him.
They tried it again and this time, J-Hope lost when he chose Rock again. Suga made the dancer kneel in front of Jimin, who prepared for the finger flick. Once he flicked him in the forehead, J-Hope swore and rubbed his forehead.
Gayo track 2- Answer the Right Song by Hearing
“This is BTS’ Banga Banga! Bangtan ga~!” Suga announced
“Are you drunk? Your pronunciation.” J-Hope laughed.
“He’s slurring words,” Rapmon added
“Today, we’re having Bangtan Gayo, 2nd Banga Banga.” Suga spoke. “In the first episode, Rap Monster-“
“No!” the leader cringed at the unpleasant memory
“...thanks to him, we lost. Your thoughts, please.”
“J-Hope got the penalty.” Jungkook pointed
“I’m still aching here.” J-Hope mentioned. “It’s become swollen.”
“I did it easy but you’re whining,” Jimin added
Suga revealed the theme for the episode, which was to answer the right song by hearing. It would be the vocalists against the rappers again and they will listen to five songs. The staff will play songs and the members will write the song title. The team closest to the right answer will win.
After writing down the penalties, the members began the game. Suga and Jungkook go up against each other first, sitting at their tables, ready to write in their sketchbook. After briefly hearing what was played, everyone was confused.
“What is this?” the members asked amongst themselves while Jimin mimicked the lyrics by mumbling.
After hearing it again, Suga began writing his answer down.
“Do the lyrics have any meaning to it or are they just imitative words?” Rapmon asked.
Once Jungkook and Suga revealed their answers, the staff showed the correct answer which was, ‘I-reon-neoneun-dali-nabbenaiya.’
“What? How is that?” Taehyung laughed, while both teams got it wrong.
Next was Taehyung and J-Hope while their teams stood around them. The song played as they all listened closely and were asked to guess why the singer didn’t go and this place is where kids go after school.
“I played marbles,” Taehyung mentioned.
“I didn’t do that!” Jin laughed.
“You are old school.” Jimin pointed out
“Wait, I think I know.” Jennie leaned down to whisper in J-Hope’s ear. “What about playing video games? Like an arcade?”
“What did you say?” Rapmon asked.
“I think it may be an arcade,” she whispered to her team while J-Hope wrote down the answer. “I usually would go to the park after school but I highly doubt that would be the answer. It should be an arcade, I just have a gut feeling.”
When they revealed their answers, Taehyung had said to eat snacks. Once it was shown that the answer was to play games at the video arcade, the rap line yelled “Yay!” and high fived each other.
“Thank you, Jennie, you saved us.” Suga praised.
“You mad?” she glanced over at Jungkook who wasn’t too happy at getting the wrong answer.
“N-no!” he responded.
Next was Jimin vs Rap Monster for the third round, listening closely and they had to write the lyrics on the beep.
“Hyung, we practiced ‘a-e-i-o-u’ for pronunciation,” Jimin called out. “A-e-i-o-u.” he continued stating with Taehyung.
“Shhhhh!” Jen placed a finger to her mouth and they giggled at her.
“I think we will win.” Jimin confidently asserted
“What are you saying? I think I’ll be closer to the answer.” The leader replied and they both showed their answers.
The crew examined their lyrics.
“Rappers 10, and vocals 8.” the crew revealed the rappers winning by two letters as the vocal line looked disappointed.
“Yeah!” Suga cheered
“Ganjang-Gongjang-Kongjangjang~!” the rap team teasingly sang while Jungkook placed his fingers on the bridge of his nose, unhappy with the results thus far.
“There are many chances for us winning,” Taehyung called out.
“I dunno ‘bout that my friend but you can try.” Jennie grinned confidently as she took a seat next to Jin for the fourth round.
The song began to play as everyone listened closely, and gathered around their teams.
“Oh mah God,” Jimin exclaimed in English, thinking about how difficult this listening test had been.
Jennie, confused, tried to write what she could with her team giving her ideas.
Once both teams revealed their answers, Jen saw that Jin had written, ‘Yes, yes, give me out.’
“Damn, I think I’m wrong. That sounds right.” she scolded herself, shaking her head.
“Ah, don’t sweat it.” Rap Monster placed a hand on her shoulder.
“The right one is...vocal team!” the staff announced as Jin scrambled out of his seat in excitement.
The rest of the vocal line started celebrating while Jennie pressed her lips together, displeased.
The vocal line started to sing the song, in front of the rap line to tease them, “Yes, yes, give me out, give me out, give me out, yes, yes, give me out, give me out, give me out.” which caused Miss Bangtan to cross her arms, rolling her eyes.
“Give me out! Give me out! Give me out!” Taehyung sang in her face while giggling, causing her to playfully smack him on his head.
Suga vs Jungkook went up again for the fifth round as they listened to the lyrics.
“Now, how much is an early morning discount on weekdays?” the staff asked for them to write down the answer.
Once they revealed their answers, the rap line celebrated their victory when their answer was the closest to 6,000 won.
“WOO!” J-Hope shouted as his team applauded.
“Hey, what was that they were saying earlier? Oh right.” Jen called out to her teammates. She began to sing and dance with the rap line in a teasing manner for the vocal line, “Give me out, give me out, give me out, give me out.”
“If rappers win, double the penalty.” The staff explained. “If the vocals win, the penalty is another question.”
Suga and Jungkook got the bonus question as they listened closely to the lyrics, having to write down how many As were in the phrase. Both Rapmon and Jungkook answered 12 and were given a chance to change.
“Trust your judgment and gut feeling. Don’t change it.” Jen advised while they debated.
The right answer was 12 and they both got it correct.
In the end, the rappers won.
“Ayeeee! Give me out! Give me out! Give me out! Aye, aye, give me out! Give me out! Give me out!” Jennie began moonwalking across the set while the members laughed at her enthusiasm.
The rap line followed her movements to celebrate, feeling good to finally win. After the vocals read their penalty, which was to drink a coke with their mouth filled with mentos, they were in for a rude awakening when J-Hope revealed that he would also flick Jimin’s forehead with one finger, for revenge.
“I’m going to be hit?” Jimin widened his eyes.
After the vocal line played rock, paper, scissors, Jimin lost and was forced to endure both penalties as the members yelled in surprise.
“Hahahaha, this is your lucky day, Jimin.” Jennie patted him on the back while he cringed at his fate.
Jimin kneeled before J-Hope, squinting his eyes, preparing for the worst. After he was flicked on the forehead, he groaned.
“Ah....” He murmured.
Taehyung prepared the coke with mentos, popping some in as it quickly began to overflow. Jimin grabbed the bottle and began to drink as it burst into his nose and mouth.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~!” The members cackled at his suffering and then applauded Jimin for being a good sport.
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 61- Tense

Chapter Summary: Still shooked by the dream Jennie begins to feel awkward around Jungkook and her unusual behavior does not go unnoticed
Words: 6,000+
Author's Note: D.E.N.I.A.L lol. Also, If you played Cards Against Humanity (highly recommend), then you know things get suggestive so if you are not about that life, just skip it. Also there is foreshadowing at the end! :)
Jennie didn’t get much sleep that night, still shaken from those events that appeared in her dream. This was not good and she kept mentally kicking herself for letting her mind imagine something so inappropriate about her best friend.
Near morning, she was the first to go into the kitchen and sought to distract herself with a bowl of cereal and games on her phone.
“Morning, sweetie!” Jin’s voice was heard as she looked up with a timid smile.
“You want me to make you anything?”
“Nah, I’m almost done with my cereal. But I’ll help you cook breakfast.” she got out of her seat.
Helping him fix a big meal for the members, they set up plates around the table. Before she knew it, Taehyung, Namjoon, and Hobi made their way into the kitchen to eat. Gathering her dish after eating another bowl of cereal, Jennie advanced her way to place the bowl in the sink.
“Hey, morning!” Jungkook’s cheerful voice filled the room.
Flinching, she inadvertently dropped her bowl on the floor, causing the glass to shatter.
“Crap...” she quickly kneeled to try to carefully pick up the pieces.
“Aw, hyung! Another thing broke?” Jimin walked in, complaining.
“It wasn’t even me! It was Jennie!” Namjoon exclaimed, pointing at her.
“You all right?” Hobi asked, earning a soft “yeah” from Miss Bangtan.
“Hey, I got it.” Jungkook quickly went to help her.
Her hand brushed against his, causing her to flinch again. She immediately stood up and cleared her throat.
Jungkook shot her a worried look. “Hey, you all right?”
“Y-yeah, yeah. Just accidentally cut my finger,” she responded quickly. “I need to use the bathroom, I’ll be right back.” she hastily left while he cleaned up the mess with Hobi.
Walking into the hallway bathroom, she shut the door and placed her hands on the sink, exhaling slowly. She wished she didn’t feel so clumsy around him because of a dream.
‘Should I just tell him?’ she thought to herself. Shaking her head, she added, ‘No way. Keep this to the grave. It’ll take some time but I’ll get over this.’
At least, she hoped she did.
After washing her hands, she sat on the toilet seat. She can’t hide in here forever. She’ll have to leave sometime. She just needed some time to regroup and put on a fake smile.
“Ennie, are you all right?” Taehyung knocked on the door.
“Yeah, you can come in,” she answered.
“Let’s take care of this.” he grabbed the first aid kit from under the sink and kneeled in front of her, taking her right hand.
“I could’ve done this.”
“I was worried.”
“It’s just a little cut, Tae.”
“Still.” he placed some antibiotic ointment on the cut and placed a small band-aid on her right middle finger. “There, all better.”
She chuckled as she watched him cutely kiss her bandaged finger a few times. “Thanks, Tae.”
“Now let’s head back to the kitchen.”
“R-right. The kitchen.”
Where Jungkook was...
Strolling back into the kitchen, she locked eyes with Jungkook, who waved. “Jennie, I saved your seat. Sit next to me!” he gave her one of his cute bunny smiles.
“Thanks,” she murmured and sat next to him with the rest of the members around the table.
Boy, she wished she could hide right now as her cheeks warmed up.
While the members were immersed in conversation, Jennie tried to distract herself by going on her phone. But it was short lived when Namjoon grabbed it and placed it on the table. She shot him a ‘What the hell’ facial expression.
“If Jin had to take my phone away, your phone would be taken too. No phones at the table. We’re both suffering,” he responded.
Jungkook had been watching her the entire time. She seemed...off today ever since she dropped her bowl.
“Hey, are you all right? You seem jumpy today,” he murmured to her.
“O-oh, I’m fine. It’s just that time of the month.” she laughed nervously.
“I thought it doesn’t start until the following week. We’ve been keeping track, remember?” Jin called out.
‘For fuck sake! Really Jin?!’ she complained in her head, struggling not to glare at him. “It’s irregular today. Must’ve been something I ate. It’s okay.”
“Maybe it was the beef? Does that happen? Females eat something and their cycle acts up?”
“Jesus...let’s stop talking about periods, it’s too early for this.” she rubbed her temples.
For the next few days, Jennie proceeded to be on edge as the members started noticing her change in demeanor. Her voice would go up an octave and she often laughed nervously at the most basic things. There was one time when Hobi had brought a box of pocky and asked if she wanted some. She yelled a loud “No!” unexpectedly, causing him to yelp. She had apologized profusely for it. She couldn’t even look at Pocky because it made her think of Jungkook.
Following dance practice, Jungkook had decided to address her. He regarded that she wasn’t as chatty with him and spent even less time with the other members, remaining quiet. He began to feel jealous of the lack of attention, poking the inside of his cheek when he watched her avoid conversation all day.
“Hey, did I...do something wrong?” he asked, watching her place her bag over her shoulder.
Jennie took a small step back, feeling intimidated by their closeness. “Huh? What you mean?”
“Something is bothering you and it’s starting to bother me. I don’t like seeing you so troubled.” he crossed his arms.
Concern was clear in his voice and facial features as she nervously looked at him in the eyes.
“What makes you think I’m troubled?”
“I dunno you just seem kind of...distant...I hope I didn’t do anything wrong. If I did, I’m sorry.”
Her eyes softened. He truly was a sweetheart. She was being so unfair to him and she didn’t want him to be upset like this.
“Y-you didn’t do anything wrong. Don’t worry about it. I’m just a little tired. I’ll be fine. I uh, watched this horror movie, that’s why I’m a bit on edge.”
“What movie?”
‘Crap...’ she thought. “T-The shining. It’s an American movie. Y-you know, hereeeeee’s Johnny!” she started laughing anxiously as he raised a brow.
'Something is definitely off.' he thought but decided to let her slide.
He chuckled and shook his head. “You’re so goofy today. Maybe you should stick with action movies. I also think you ate too many smarties.”
“Yeah, smarties. That’s it.”
The next day, Jennie had tried to get her mind off things by going to a private gym, early in the morning. Wearing her Nike jacket zipped halfway, over her sports bra, she also had the sneakers and leggings on. She sat on the bench, wrapping her hands in a pair of MMA gel hand wraps.
After stretching and running on the treadmill for a warm up, she switched to the weights. Once she was done, she turned to the punching bag to take out all her frustration by punching and kicking aggressively.
“Get! Your! Act! To! Get! Her! Stop! Think! ‘ing! A! ‘bout! Him!” she muttered after every punch and kick.
“How come you decided to go to the gym without us?” Jimin whined, walking in with Jin.
Stopping her punch, she turned to them, trying to keep her nervousness in check. "I-I sorry. I wanted a head start,"
She noticed that almost two hours had passed and her entire body was perspiring and aching. Grabbing a towel, she sat on a bench and wiped her face. Jimin and Jin had begun using the weights while she watched them, occasionally speaking while in their conversation. After her little break, she went to do squats with dumbbells in her hands.
She shouldn't still be working out for this long but anything to distract her from her mind wandering back to her best friend in her bed.
Jungkook was also located in the gym, finishing up his set of chin-ups on a bar. Looking up, he noticed Jennie, catching a glimpse of her bending down for another squat. His gaze lingered on her rear, watching closely. He didn’t know how long he was staring for but he couldn’t look away.
“Hey, Jungkook!” Jimin patted him on the back, causing the Maknae to jump. “Whatcha staring at?”
“N-nothing.” he stuttered, feeling his face get flushed.
“Staring at her again, eh?” he teased.
“N-not at all.”
Jennie turned around and widened her eyes in alarm when she saw Jungkook speaking with Jimin.

‘Time to go!’ she yelled in her head, gathering up her things hastily.
“H-hey, where are you going?” Jin called out, getting off one of the machines.
“Something came up! Gotta go! See you in the dorm!” she raced out of the gym.
“W-we just got here! I thought we were going to do Zumba!” he yelled, catching the attention of Jimin and Jungkook.
“What happened?” Jimin asked.
“She just left out of the blue...now, who is going to teach us Zumba?”
“I can!” Jungkook raised his hand.
“Jennie does it better than you, though.” Jimin dismissed him, causing the Maknae to playfully hit him
After working out, Jungkook had gone back to the dorm, to lay on his bed. He couldn’t get that image of Jennie out of his head as his mind began to wander.
It was a summer afternoon in the dorm with Jennie chilling on the couch, in the living room, on her phone. He noticed that she was in her gym clothes and he was too, so he assumed they’d be working out together. Her hair was down, which he always liked. Whenever she put her hair in a bun, he always had the abrupt urge to take it out.
“Hey! There you are. Before we go, I’ve been itching to play this game. It’s called Cards Against Humanity, ever heard of it?” she beamed.
“Yeah, never played it though.” he sat next to her.
“It’s simple, I’ll show you. Seijin isn’t coming to drop us off at the gym for another hour, so you want to play to pass the time?”
“Yeah, why not.”
He watched her get up and get the box of cards from her room. Sitting back on the couch, she shuffled the cards.
“All right, this game can get sexual and inappropriate. It’s not your average kiddy game,” she informed him. “And it can be offensive. It’s been a while since I played this and I’m really bored, so do you mind? Only if you’re comfortable with it.”
Jungkook nodded. “It’s fine.”
“This game is supposed to have at least three players, but let’s just have fun and see what crazy combinations we can come up with. And be 100% real with me. It’s just us. No judging. Let’s have fun, and get our teenage minds flowing. What happens here, stays here. And be as random as possible in this game so I can have a good laugh.”
“All right, you’re on.”
“The black cards are the question cards, which is basically a statement. The white cards are what we can use to answer the statement as you can see there’s a word to fill in for it. Usually, the person with the best white card answer will win the black card.”
She placed a black card on the couch and it read ‘There’s an app for that’
Jennie placed down, ‘Feeding Rosie O’Donnell’ while Jungkook put down, ‘bitches’
“Really...?” she deadpanned.
“What?” he smiled sheepishly.
“That’s a dry answer, Kook. Don’t give me these wack answers.” she playfully scolded.
As they continued to play, their combinations got funnier as Jungkook loosened up and enjoyed himself in the game. Their answers were so random that they had to google what some words meant because they hadn’t heard of them before.
‘And the Academy award goes for...goes to...’ said the black card with two white cards that needed to be placed for the statement.
Jennie placed down ’72 virgins’ and ‘Batman’ for her answer, while Jungkook suddenly placed down, ‘Firing a rifle into the air while balls deep in a squealing hog’ and ‘sperm whales’
“What the actual hell?” she cackled. “Jungkook, what is going on with your mind today?”
“I dunno about that.” she teased.
‘Maybe she’s born with it. Maybe it’s...’
Having terrible cards, Jennie decided to get rid of her ‘Hot Pockets’ card for her answer, while Jungkook chose ‘Sexual Tension’
“So, how does a girl be born with sexual tension?” she asked.
“I guess when she automatically gives the guy sexual tension?” he shrugged.
“Fair enough.”
‘I drink to forget...’
Jen put down ‘Horsemeat’ while Jungkook put down ‘Pulling out’, causing her to stare at him, surprised.
“Wow, Jungkook.” she shook her head as he let out a shy laugh.
‘Why am I sticky?’
Jennie chose ‘Judge Judy’ and Jungkook placed down ‘Fingering’ for the next card.
“Wow. You have a very dirty mind, Kook.” she asserted, checking out her white cards.
Jungkook had felt his face warm up at her statement.
Well, she wasn’t wrong.
As they continued to play, Jennie laughed again when Jungkook had put down, ‘Doing the right stuff to her nipples’
“You’ve been hanging around Namjoon too much.”
“It-its just a game! I’m trying here!” he stuttered.
“That’s what they all say. I guess that mouth of yours doesn’t just sing and rap, huh?”
‘If it’s for you, I’ll do whatever you want.’ he thought to himself.
“You wanna kiss?” she asked out of the blue.
“Yes,” he answered immediately.
Taking out a small bag of Hershey Kisses, she handed him a few in a small ziplock bag. “Jeez, you’re really eager for chocolate, aren’t you? Well, I don’t blame you. We all need a little chocolate in our lives. It’s good for the soul.”
‘Oh, this was what she meant.’ he examined the candy. “Let’s eat the chocolate later. We’re going to be going to the gym soon. Don’t want to upset our stomachs.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
While the game continued, Jungkook had randomly placed down the ‘Reverse Cowgirl’
“Huh. You appear to be familiar with that position, Kook,” she spoke in a serious tone, meeting his gaze. “Is there something you want to tell me?”
“U-uh...” he averted his eyes, hearing her giggle.
“I’m just messing! I don’t judge.”
“Y-you need to stop teasing me with the answers I choose.”
“Or what?” she taunted, raising a brow. “What are you going to do Jungkook?”
Part of him was tempted to just say screw it, toss all the cards aside and kiss her but he refrained himself.
Getting back into the game, he put down, 'Bouncing up and down.'
Jennie, out of nowhere asked, “On what exactly?"
Jungshook appeared as he shifted in his seat, unable to look at her in the eyes.
"What? Is it a bed? A trampoline?”
“Ah, is Seijin here?” he grabbed his phone to change the subject.
Jungkook sensed something thick in the air and felt flushed all over. As if on cue, Seijin did arrive and the 97 Liners were dropped off at a private gym where they wouldn’t be disturbed. After stretching and warming up, they stood on a series of mats to practice wrestling. Although ISAC was over and she dominated in wrestling, she still wanted him to teach her a few more moves, just in case they have it again.
With the both of them sweaty and trying to pin each other down, they got up close and personal. After their sparring, Jungkook went to go bench press, laying on his back while Jennie told him she would be on one of the machines.
Placing the bar back, he took a break, resting on his back. Promptly, Jungkook felt pressure on his lap. Widening his eyes, he realized it was Jennie straddling him.
“W-wh-at are you do-ing?!” he stuttered.
“I’m aware of what’s going on here,” she responded, placing her hands on his chest, and getting comfortable. “I’ve seen you staring.”
He was so tongue-tied that he couldn’t speak anymore as he stared at the enticing view. Whatever she was starting, he hoped that she’d finish because his self-control was slim to none the longer she sat on his lap.
“I-I’m sorry, I shou-”
“Why are you apologizing?”
“A-aren’t you angry?”
“Who said I was mad?” her hands slowly moved up his shirt to take it off. “The only thing I’m wondering about is why you haven’t taken the initiative yet.”
He watched her unzip her jacket and place it on the floor.
“So, I guess I have to be the one to make the first move,” she added.
Feeling her move against his lap, his breathing quickened.
“I’ll admit, this is a nice view,” she remarked, watching his face scrunch up in pleasure. She grabbed his hands and placed them on her hips. “But it’ll be nicer if you’d relax and tell me what you want me to do.”
And he did and Jungkook woke up, on his bed, drenched in sweat. He regarded a tightness in his pants, quickly making his way to the shower, to take care of himself and clean himself up.
The next day, Jennie managed to avoid the weird dreams of Jungkook, distracting herself with other things to keep herself occupied.
Unfortunately for her, Jungkook began to notice her distance and spoke to Namjoon about it.
“Jennie is acting strange. I dunno what is going on. She’s not herself and I feel like I did something wrong. Could you...maybe talk to her, Hyung?”
Namjoon had fulfilled his request when he found Jennie in her studio.
“Hey...what’s up?” she asked, taking off her headphones.
Namjoon even noticed she wasn't acting like herself, especially with the way she greeted him.
“Jennifer, I want to talk with you,” he spoke in a serious tone, closing her door and grabbing a seat next to her.
From the tone of his voice, she knew that she was in trouble with something.
“What did I do, now?”
“Jungkook approached me today.”
‘Oh God...’ she cringed at his name as all the thoughts came back. ‘I thought I was doing so well.’
“He says you seem on edge about something,” Namjoon added. “We all see it. You've been acting strange. I want to know what is going on. Are you all right?”
She hesitated. “Why is everyone so worried about me? I’m fine, all right?”
Namjoon frowned. “You know you can always tell us what’s wrong. No matter what it is. We’ll work through it together.”
“I know and I will if there’s a big problem. I promise,” she responded truthfully.
Jennie decided to keep it to herself because she wanted to speak with Amber, Hyuna, and Hayoon about it first when she went to meet them. Get a girl’s perspective before taking that risk to tell Namjoon if she feels like she really should.
“Llama~!” Jennie jumped right on Amber’s back, holding onto her like a koala while Amber laughed loudly.
She met up with her outside of her place. After getting off her back, Amber picked her up and spun her around.
“Smartie~!” she copied the way she greeted her and set her down. “We are gonna have so much fun today. I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too. So, where to first?”
“I want ice cream. Oh, I’m also filming for my YouTube channel, so I want you to be in it.”
“Okay, fine by me!”
Once Amber started rolling the camera, they walked around. “Ahhhh it’s such a nice day~! Everyone! Guess what!? My best pal, Jennie is here~!” Amber grabbed her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.
“Ayeeee! What up!?” Jennie waved.
She always loved speaking with Amber because they could speak English freely and she felt like she could express herself better when speaking in her native language.
“We all know Jennie from BTS, isn’t she amazing?”
“Isn’t Amber amazing?”
“We’re going to get ice cream.”
“Yeah, because we’re very sweet people.” Amber removed her arm from her.
“My body is sore.”
“What did you do prior?”
“I went to the gym.”
“I need to go to the gym more. I’m out of shape.”
“We’re both out of shape. Let’s plan to go sometime together.”
“Sounds like a plan. Ah, have I told you guys that I really love my friends?” Amber asked on camera. “They are my family.”
“I’m your family?” Jennie asked in an emotional voice
“Yes, you are my family, I love you.”
“I love you too~!”
Arriving at a local ice cream shop, they ordered a big banana split with some fruit on top to share. Jennie carried it over to the booth they sat in.
“Oh yeah....get-in-my-belly~!” Jennie stared at the ice cream with love while Amber giggled, filming her. Eating a big spoonful, Miss Bangtan moaned in delight, savoring the taste. Raising her arms, she looked up at the ceiling. “Hallelujah!”
Amber mocked her moan and yelled, “Hallelujah!” which caused the duo to giggle wholeheartedly.
“We’re weird, we know,” Amber said to the camera, setting it down.
“So how’s the upcoming album?” Jen asked with a smile as they shared the ice cream.
“4 Walls is getting together. I love it. It’s going to be great. We have this song called Papi, I want to send you the instrumental so you can practice it to help your DJ skills.”
“Oh snap, that kind of song, huh? Okay, I’ll do that, thanks.”
“How’s Bangtan’s album going?”
“Slowly but surely we’re getting things down. We’ve been recording and stuff. I think this is going to be my favorite comeback by far. Our title song is called Run. I’m not sure what our music video is going to be about yet, it’s too early to tell but the song is really good.”
“Awesome, can’t wait to hear it. Any goals for this comeback?”
“I hope we get to have some wins for the song. And maybe some awards for it. That would be great. Either way, I’m proud of our work so far for it.”
“I’m rooting for you.”
“I should’ve had some rocky road with this. There are no nuts in this ice cream.” Jen pondered about ordering the ice cream flavor.
“Oh, I have some nuts.”
“Deez nuts.” Amber started giggling while Jennie deadpanned, shaking her head.
Grabbing the plate of ice cream, Jennie started eating it by herself while Amber tried to pull it back to the middle of the table.
“I am so over you,” Jennie called out
“I thought you loved me!”
“Not at the moment!”
“Guys, she doesn’t love me anymore.”
“We’re getting a divorce.”
Amber pouted to the camera. “We will find a way to work this out.”
After finishing the ice cream, there was one piece of strawberry left on the plate and they aimed to grab it with their spoons. They grabbed onto each other’s arms while trying everything they could to take it.
“Hey! Hey! Mine! Mine!” Amber exclaimed.
“Come on, let me have this one, it’s a strawberry.”
“No way, I saw it first.”
They ended up giggling, moving around as they tried to grab the fruit. In the end, Amber leaned down and grabbed it with her mouth
“Weak!” Jen complained while laughing, setting her spoon down.
“Better luck next time!”
After they left, they rented bikes to ride around the bike trail. Amber was standing next to her, continuing to film as they prepared.
“Hamster and Llama ready for biking!” Amber dramatically announced.
“Yeah! That’s how we do!”
“Wow, look at the beautiful view.”
“Me?” Jennie placed a hand over her heart, touched by her words.
“No, the sky.” Amber deadpanned.
Miss Bangtan dropped her jaw and Amber couldn’t help but snicker at her reaction.
After their banter, Amber set her camera down. “Let’s go, rawrrr~!” she made a funny sound effect as they began to ride around.
“Woo hoo~! When Captain America throws his mighty shield, all those who chose to oppose his shield must yield~!” Jen yelled out, over Amber’s laughter.
Once they went back to her place, Hyuna and Hayoon arrived to spend some time together. The four girls shared stories of what had been going on with their idol lives and Jennie shared the funny stories of Bangtan’s current prank war.
“I plan to numb their toothpaste this time,” Jennie announced.
“That’s evil! I love it! If you can, film their reactions!” Amber laughed.
“I will! I will!” Jennie turned to Hyuna. “Girl! Your comeback! What the hell?”
Hyuna giggled and covered her face. “I’m happy you love it. Roll Deep is so fun. We still need to figure out a date so I can teach you ways to improve your charisma on stage.”
“I’ll keep you posted.”
“Are you ready to go back to school?” Hayoon asked Jennie.
“Honestly, I am a little bit. I kind of like school. The main thing I’m looking forward to is my guitar class.”
“Me too. I found out that Jungkook is in my math class, this semester. Hopefully, the class won’t be too hard.”
Hearing Jungkook’s name caused Jen’s stomach to drop again. As the girls talked, Jennie became tense again.
“Hey, are you all right? You seem distracted.” Amber nudged her.
“Uh...a little. A lot on my mind.” Jen murmured
“Share! What’s going on?” Hyuna asked.
“I hope it’s nothing bad,” Hayoon responded.
“Have you guys ever had...weird dreams about someone close to you?” Jen asked.
“I’m pretty sure we all have weird dreams,” Amber reassured her. “But what’s the deal? Who’d you dream about?”
“I had a dream about Jungkook...”
“About...?” Hyuna gestured for her to continue speaking.
“We were...making out...on my bed and it was very physical,”
“O-oh...oh! Oh dear.” Hayoon widened her eyes, while Hyuna and Amber were just as surprised.
“We did some...sinful shit man...” Jen went on. “I feel so dirty. I don’t even wanna know what would’ve happened if I didn’t wake up when I did.”
“This escalated quickly,” Hyuna murmured.
“Yeah, this was not what I thought about when you said weird dream,” Hayoon added.
“Wow...that is awesome!” Amber called out, applauding.
“Awesome!?” Jennie stared at her with fear. “That’s not awesome! I am freaking the frick out!” she grabbed a hold of Amber and shook her rapidly while she giggled in response.
“Are there more details to this? I want to know exactly how this came about.” Hayoon spoke.
“Yoon, what the hell!? You’re encouraging this!?” Jennie yelled.
“I mean...maybe it’s a sign. Right, Amber?”
“Yep.” Amber smiled.
“Ah...I-I don't think so. I don’t know what to do.” Jen exclaimed, shaking her head. “I should not be having those dreams. It just came out of nowhere and I don’t know why. I’ve tried my best to avoid him-“
“D-don’t avoid him!” Hayoon scolded. “That is unfair to him.”
“What else am I gonna do?! I can’t face this guy! Every time I see this guy’s face or hear his name, I think back to when he was smooching up on me. That is not an image I should have of my best friend, man! Ugh! What is wrong with me? Dirty! This is so dirty!” she covered her face
Hyuna and Amber started laughing at her comment.
“What is so funny!?” Jen called out.
“The way you said smooching up on me.” Hyuna giggled.
“Ugh! He would never do that, that is so not like him.” Jen mentioned.
"You sure about that? You sure about that?" Hayoon asked.
“I mean, you never know what Jungkook is capable of,” Amber claimed. “People shouldn’t underestimate him. He is called the Golden Maknae for a reason.”
“I agree,” Hyuna replied. “I’m sure when he’s good, ready, and comfortable with someone, he’ll be golden in that department of activity, too.”
“There was always this saying that I hear...” Hayoon remarked. “What was it? Oh, yeah, it’s always the quiet ones-“
“PLEASE for the love of smarties! Stop! You’re giving me weird thoughts!” Jennie covered her ears.
“I think you should speak to him about it,” Hyuna suggested.
Miss Bangtan shook her head vigorously. “No. Absolutely not. Hell no.”
“Jennie...do you think you like him?” Hayoon wondered.
Miss Bangtan hesitated.
Jennie averted her eyes for a moment, thinking about the question. "N-no...why would I?"
Hayoon and Amber glanced at each other with knowing looks before giving Hyuna the same look.
“Say, Jennie do you think the dream meant something?” Hyuna inquired.
Jennie hesitated again. “I-It meant nothing. It was probably just some silly dream. I just wish I could stop thinking about it.”
“I’m gonna say it. I think you are in denial.” Amber announced.
“Wh-what!? No! N-no way! I’m not! I am not in denial! Nothing is going on between us! Okay!?” Jen’s sudden yell caused the three girls to glance at each other, surprised.
“Whoa. Relax.” Amber put her hands up in defense.
“I am relaxed!” she argued.
“Your voice doesn’t sound relaxed.” she giggled, trying to calm her down. “We get it. Nothing is going on yet-“
“Oh my gosh, c-can we just drop it? We’re friends. Always will be. Maybe I just went to bed before my food was digested and a weird dream came up. I don’t like him, okay? We’re friends. Best pals. I gotta pee.” she stood up and went to the bathroom.
“D.E.N.I.A.L.” Amber murmured, taking a sip of her water.
“Yeah...looks like she’s in the denial stage. Sooner or later she’ll realize and accept these feelings.” Hyuna guaranteed. “What do you think we should do?”
“We should plan accordingly.”
“Jennie and Jungkook...it’s going to happen. We just need to remain patient.” Hayoon said. “I know it’ll be worth it in the end but let’s also make sure we don’t force it and let nature take its course. It’s happening but at a very slow pace. It will progress. They will be together soon. So, let’s tread lightly on the matter. She's in denial now...but sooner or later something big is going to happen that will make her see that these feelings are real.”
“Duly noted.”
After the week went by, Jennie proceeded to feel more like herself as she decided to dedicate herself to her work, getting her mind off things. After working on some covers, she jammed in the studio, practicing the guitar notes for Charice’s Before It Explodes, humming the song.
A series of hard knocks on her door made her place her guitar down.
“Who?” she called out.
“It’s your golden best friend,” Jungkook murmured against the door.
Her stomach dropped at the sound of his voice. Of course, it was him.
She couldn’t avoid him forever. It wasn’t right. But she just couldn’t face him. She felt so ashamed and awkward.
But she knew she had to confront him sometime. Might as well do it now.
Clearing her throat, striving to act as normal as possible, she responded, preparing for the worst, “You can come in.”
Jungkook had stormed into her studio, upset. He noticed that she didn’t even say her trademark, ‘Enter my realm’ comment, which made him angry because something was definitely up.
“What is it-” she was cut off when a sharp breath escaped her lips once Jungkook vigorously grabbed the back of her chair and turned her around to face him.
He slammed his hands on the armrests, making her flinch and widen her eyes.
“J-Jesus, Kook, what is your problem?” she stuttered, feeling her heart rate quicken.
“My problem?” he scoffed, shaking his head. He grabbed another chair and sat in front of her with a frown. “My problem is you and I’m not leaving this room until you tell me exactly what is going on,”
Averting her eyes, she murmured, “Nothing is going on-“
“Don’t lie to me.” he firmly cut her off. There was a brief pause as she couldn’t bring herself to speak. “Look at me.”
‘Don’t say that please.’ she thought to herself, thinking back to the dream. After a while, she reluctantly met his gaze. “L-look, nothing is going on-”
“You’re avoiding me.” he cut her off again.
“I’m not avoiding you.”
“Please don’t lie to me,” he said softly with a hint of sadness.
“Let’s just drop it. I have some work to do.” she spun around in her chair to face her desk but he turned her back around.
“What did I do so wrong? Tell me. Did I miss something? Was there a special anniversary for us regarding our friendship? Your birthday didn’t pass yet so that’s out of the question. Is something going on back at home? Are your sisters all right? Is your family okay? Did someone try to hurt you? Did another guy try to say something inappropriate? Did I say some-“
“Stop, stop, you didn’t...you didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Then what happened? Just tell me!”
She exhaled loudly. She might as well just say it.
“Look...I uh...ugh, this is going to be so random but have you...ever had weird dreams about a friend?”
“What do you mean?” he raised a brow.
“I have this friend...she uh....dreamed about making out with someone close to her.”
Jungkook nodded, figuring it out. “So, you dreamed of making out with a friend.”
She widened her eyes and shook her head frequently. “I-I didn’t say it was me!”
“It was you,” he responded calmly.
“No, it was not!”
“I know you. I can tell when you lie to me. I see it in your eyes.”
Jennie felt her embarrassment intensify as she couldn’t say that he was wrong.
“You need to stop paying so much attention to me,” she complained.
A smile came across Jungkook’s lips briefly. “Can’t help it. So, this is what this is all about? A dream about a friend? Is that it?”
“Well...do you...think it’s weird to have that type of dream? I mean, have you...dreamed of someone like that? The dream was pretty intense. Out of character,”
Jungkook, averting his eyes, shyly looked down as his anger went away.
‘If only you knew...but you would probably think I’m creepy for thinking of you that way.’ he thought to himself.
His mind drifted back to that dream he had. When he first had a crush on her, once in a blue moon he would dream about what it would be like to date her. Going on arcade dates, picnics, the whole thing. As he got older, falling in love with her, the dreams turned to kissing and more kissing. And then things went way further.
He thought about her in many ways, including the intimacy. A lot of fantasies came to mind. Back at Yamen TV, when Jimin called him the golden perv, he knew exactly who Jungkook was thinking about when he watched those videos that Namjoon would download. Like Jimin had said, he couldn’t help himself. The way his body reacted when he thought of her that way. Jungkook freaked out big time when Jimin caught him months ago. He felt guilty about it but Jimin had reassured him that things were fine and that there was nothing to be ashamed of.
Jungkook wasn’t ready for that type of activity and neither was Jennie he was sure about. However, he always hoped to be her first, doing everything he could to make her feel cherished once he grew more confident in himself.
His thoughts were interrupted by her voice.
Getting his thoughts together, he chuckled awkwardly. He should be honest with her.
“It’s...not as weird as you think.”
“Have you...”
“Y-yes, I have.” he could feel his face warm up as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Really?” she asked, surprised. “Wow, I’m not the only one?”
She watched him nod in response. It made her feel much better but she still felt a little weird for dreaming of him in that way.
“Do you think your dream meant something to you?” he asked her.
“You know...my mind is saying that it didn’t. But something else is screaming that it did. I think what frightens me most is I get this lowkey feeling that it did mean something, no matter how much I don’t think it should.”
“Who did you dream about?” he asked curiously.
His question made her hesitate. She just couldn’t tell him.
“I...don’t want to answer that, Kook. I’m just...confused, right now. My mind is all over the place.”
Jungkook decided not to pry her about it. He wouldn’t be able to tell her that he dreamed of her anyway. Jealousy crept up on him again as he thought about Kevin and Bam Bam being the person she might’ve dreamt about. He hoped she wasn’t catching feelings for either of them. While he was in his thoughts, he noticed that she was rambling.
“...and that dream was too fast-paced.” she met his gaze. “Ah, I dunno why I’m thinking about it but with making out with someone or whatever, I’d want to take things slow. I’m not used to this kind of stuff. I’m not even ready for any of that type of intimacy. But when I am ready, I just hope it’s special.”
“I’m sure you and your guy will learn a lot about each other together once you begin dating,” he responded. “He’ll be patient with you and I know that you will be with him, too. Don’t worry about it too much. You’ll be fine.”
“Thanks, Kook. I’ll trust your words. I just hope that whoever I end up with...he’ll wait for me until I’m ready.”
“He will,”
A chuckle escaped her lips. “You’re so confident with your answer, Kook.”
“Nine times out of ten, he probably will want the same thing you want. He’s probably not ready for that either and wants to go slow, too.”
“You think so?”
“I know so. He’ll wait for you.”
She smiled softly and nodded. “And what about you, International Playboy, you seem to be interested in anyone these days?”
She regarded his body language change and noticed his face getting pink.
She widened her eyes and playfully hit his arm. “You do! Tell me!”
“Ah, I will when I’m ready. Not today.”
“Do I at least know her?”
“Is she pretty?”
“Pretty isn’t even the word to describe her.”
“Does she have your heart like IU does?”
He smiled softly. “She has my heart more than IU.”
“Wow, this is serious then. Nothing comes in between you and IU. I have to wait to know who she is? Why not just tell me? What’s the problem?”
“I just...think about your reaction when I end up telling you.”
“Because when I tell you, it’ll change our friendship forever.”
She looked at him earnestly. “Kook, I’ll be happy either way for you. Nothing is going to change. What can you possibly say to me that would change our friendship forever? You’re fine, don’t stress over it, too much.”
As much as he wanted to tell her right then and there, he didn’t think it was the right time and he thought about rejection. He feared it. There would be times when he felt like he wasn’t good enough to be her boyfriend or ruin a great friendship because of his growing feelings for her. He didn’t want to lose her. He cherished her so much.
He had negative thoughts about her reaction. And if she did reject him, it’ll just be awkward and it’ll take a while for them to act normal again. When he was ready, he wanted her to take time to think about it and not give him an answer right after he told her how he felt. He knew it wasn’t going to be like it was in the movies.
With Jennie, deep inside, she felt a bit...disappointed that he was becoming interested in someone. It also bothered her that she felt this way because she shouldn’t feel this way. She should be happy for him.
Another part of her felt hopeful because she thought maybe this could help her get over that whole dream situation.
They were great friends and she appreciated that in the group. She felt as though she should not be dating anyone around here. She should stay professional and focus on BTS. Jen thought it would never work if she had dated anyone in the industry. And with these crazy “fans”, she didn’t want whoever she ended up with to deal with any drama. The way “fans” reacted to Kai & Krystal dating, Baekhyun & Taeyeon dating, Tao’s departure from EXO and various other breaking news on K-Pop sites that were claimed as ‘scandals’, it’ll only be ten times worse for her, she assumed.
She wouldn’t even call them fans because they were so ruthless with their reactions to idols dating. It made her angry because fans should be happy for their beloved idols. And when she does date, she vows to never apologize as some idols have done for dating someone.
What was there to apologize for?
For being happy?
Never would she bring herself to do that. Idols are human and deserve love.
Jungkook noticed her expression change into a frown while deep in thought. “Hey,” he grabbed her hand as her head swiftly turned to him, surprised.
“You okay? You look angry.”
Her pondering about those negative fan reactions had gotten her worked up. “Sorry, deep in thought again.”
They sat in a comfortable silence, pondering about random things.
“I wonder when you’re ready for that stage with whoever you’re interested in if you have any idea how you want it to go...” Jen blurted out randomly, thinking out loud. She looked up and shook her head. “I was just rambling. You can just ignore me.”
After a pause, Jungkook spoke after looking up at the ceiling. “Yeah...I thought about it.”
“It’s not how it would be in the movies,” she recalled as they locked eyes.
“Yeah, nothing like the movies. Thinking about it, I just...want it to be special for the both of us. Away from the Hyungs that's for sure. A nice place alone...with a comfortable bed. I would want to plan it all out. Decorate the room nicely. I'd want it to be romantic if I could. Maintain eye contact when I’m with her. Take my time for sure, let her know how much she means to me with my actions, not just my words.” he said, thinking about it with a smile. "I hope that one day, I’ll grow more certain in myself and can show her how manly I am when we’re both ready. When we are, everyone can continue calling me a baby but she’ll know that I’m far from that when we’re together behind closed doors.”
Jen looked at him, astonished. For a second she thought he was speaking to her directly.
She lowkey wished that she could have something like that one day. She even tried to fight the little thought in her head that she wished it was her he was talking about.
They don’t seem to make guys like Jungkook anymore. He was always so sweet and respectful. She never wanted him to change. She adored everything about him.
“Do me a favor...” she spoke.
“Don’t ever change. For anyone. If someone can’t accept you for who you are when you’re not portraying your stage persona, then that person doesn’t deserve you. You are great just the way you are. Your shyness included. We’re all a work in progress, sprinkled with unique traits. Your future girlfriend will appreciate you for who you are. I’ll admit, I’m lowkey jealous.” she spun around in her chair, going back to her computer.
Jungkook let out a soft chuckle, smiling as he watched her.
‘There’s no need to be jealous of yourself, Jennie...’
Forced To Believe Chapter 40- If Only You Knew

Chapter Summary: Rosa continues to be a thorn in Morgan's side. Morgan continues to warn Roman to stay focused. The Shield get hyped for the Royal Rumble.
Words: 2,000+
----- 'Next Week On Raw Backstage'
Jon and Melanie were getting ready for the show. He was shirtless and taping up his wrists while Melanie was staring at his muscles and chest.
"Done staring at me, yet?" he teased.
Caught off guard that he noticed her staring, she averted her eyes. "I have no idea what you're talking about. I wasn't staring at you."
"Aren't you supposed to be wearing your vest?"
"Why? Can't handle it?" He asked while she reluctantly stopped looking at him.
He put on his vest and dumped water over his head. She sighed and looked at his muscles again. She really wanted to jump his bones.
"You may wanna wipe your mouth. I see drool." he teased
"Forget you. I can handle it. You're gonna have to try a bit harder if you want to win this bet. Looks like I'm going to have to make Moxley come out soon."
He whispered in her ear. "Trust me, you don't want to see Moxley. I mean, unless you don't want to walk for a week. I'm going easy on you for now. Next time, I won't be so nice."
"That's a bluff! I know it!" Melanie exclaimed as he laughed and walked away.
'In The Ring'
The Shield walk through the crowd. Morgan wore her Shield hat this time and when they jumped over the barricade, Dean gave her his sweatjacket to wear. They get in the ring to take on CM Punk and The New Age Outlaws in a rematch.
Roman smirked at Punk. "How you feel?"
"Roman got The Shield back on the same page and they have been flawless, this past Friday on Smackdown." Cole said while Morgan stood by at ringside.
"Ambrose, Rollins and Morgan couldn't defeat CM Punk but all by himself, Roman Reigns did." King said.
While the match progresses, Punk begins to take on The Shield but gets pulled onto the middle rope by Seth. Roman gets tagged in and a fan girl screams loudly for him, as Morgan chuckles out of amusement. Punk lays on the bottom rope while Roman runs and dropkicks him on the head.
"Oh!" Morgan and the crowd exclaim.
"The highly athletic powerhouse of The Shield." Cole said.
"That was awesome! Freakin' awesome! That was sick!" She high fived Roman while he grinned and slid back in the ring.
"He's been called the punisher of the group," Cole informed and Roman pinned him for a 2 count.
While The Shield continued to take control of Punk, Morgan could see that Roman's dropkick took a lot out of Punk since he was still holding his head.
"Don't forget about that eye," Seth said on the apron while Dean stepped on Punk's stomach. "Don't forget about that eye, Ambrose."
The crowd tries to motivate Punk but Dean prevents him from tagging his partners and throws him out of the ring. Ambrose gets out of the ring and taunts him.
"Please don't get reckless, this time." The Outspoken Diva warned.
"Don't do anything stupid. We got him right where we want him." Seth added.
Dean tries to throw Punk to the steel steps but Punk reverses it and Dean gets hit instead. Punk rolls inside the ring while the ref begins to count. Roman picks Dean up and throws him back in the ring as he tags in Seth. Punk manages to dodge Seth's attack off the top rope and hits him with a one leg clothesline. Punk tries to crawl to his partners but Roman gets tagged back in and drags him back to his corner. He walks up to the New Age Outlaws and mocks them by doing the DX taunt.
But when Roman turns around, Punk roundhouse kicks him. The New Age Outlaws try to hype up the crowd while Punk crawls over to them. He gets up and jumps for a tag but they jump off the apron.
"What?" She exclaimed while Punk looked on in shock and the crowd 'Ohs'
"Wait a-what is this?" King asked. "Guys, what are we seeing here?"
Punk stands up and turns around to look at Seth, Dean, and Roman surrounding him around the ring. Morgan was a little taken aback that the New Age Outlaws would betray Punk.
"Punk is alone," Cole said.
Punk hits Seth off the apron and hits Roman with a neckbreaker. He hits Dean off the apron and Seth runs back into the ring, only to be thrown out of the ring, near the announce table. Punk turns around, only to be speared by Reigns and pinned.
"And a spear by Reigns! The numbers game." Cole looked on
"Here are your winners, The Shield!" Lilian announced as they all got in the ring.
"Let's go!" Roman yelled and motioned Seth and Dean for the triple powerbomb.
"Uh oh," King said. "That's enough, you've done enough damage."
Roman roars while Punk struggles to get out of Dean and Seth's hold. Morgan motions them to stop what they are doing and they hold Punk down on his knees for her.
"Stop struggling, it'll only make things worse. Take it like a man." She said and kneed him in the face.
"That did not look pretty at all!" Cole exclaimed.
"Ouch," King cringed.
The Shield pick him up and does the triple powerbomb on Punk.
"Punk's been decimated."
Morgan tweets 'Yep...Once a DX member, always a DX member. Looks like the #KingOfCrap wants to get #Punked by CMPunk'
"Please welcome my guests, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Morgan Lopez, and Roman Reigns, The Shield." Renee said. Morgan, Seth, Roman and Dean stand before Renee and Morgan greeted her with a smile. "Now for the male members of The Shield, it's every man for themselves at the Royal Rumble and as Vickie said, brother versus brother, with the three of you being entered in the Royal Rumble match, I just wanted to know if you guys have devised a plan to remain a unit."
"The Shield is a finely crafted machine that does not break down, the real question, is how are the 27 other superstars in the Royal Rumble going to compete against the most dominant force in WWE," Dean said. "Trust me darlin', we're all on the same page."
"Are you all on the same page, Dean? I mean if it came down to it and you had to throw Seth Rollins over the top rope, to win the Royal Rumble." Renee began while Seth chuckled, Dean put his hand over his heart, and Morgan & Roman looked on with interest. "To go on and headline WrestleMania, for the WWE World Heavyweight championship, would you do it?"
"Do I not look like a trustworthy person to you? These are my best friends, I can never bring myself to do something like that, absolutely not. Never, I could-"
"Well." Seth interrupted. "Dean, that's very kind of you but let's be real here, you couldn't throw me over the top rope if your life depended on it."
Roman and Morgan look at Dean with amused looks while the crowd 'Ohs'.
"Wow..." Morgan murmured.
"I would toss you over in a second if it meant that I got a shot at the main event at WrestleMania," Seth added.
"Okay, first of all, I was kidding, of course, I would throw you over the top rope," Dean stated. "And second of all, you would go sailing kid! Sailing over the top rope! Work on your landing, all right?" He exclaimed while Morgan face palmed.
Roman stepped in front of him. "We're talking about headlining WrestleMania here, boys. I'd throw you both over the top rope in an instant. Regardless, one of us is gonna win the Royal Rumble, we'll still be united and we'll still be The Shield." Roman put his fist out while Seth, Morgan and Dean put their fists out too.
The Shield left, while Morgan decided to stay.
"Morgan, what are your thoughts about the Royal Rumble?" Renee asked.
The Outspoken Diva replied with a simple smirk, shaking her head. She walked away, leaving Renee in wonder.
"I wonder what's going through Morgan's head." Cole pondered.
"Hi~ Morgan!" Rosa grinned, standing backstage with her while Morgan rolled her eyes. "Oh don't be like that. I came to talk to you. I got some good news. I'm untouchable now."
Morgan narrows her eyes. "How so?"
"Didn't you know Roman and I are dating?"
Morgan felt the urge to laugh and refrained as she saw right through the lie. "No, I wasn't aware. Are you trying to taunt me? It's not working..."
"Don't lie. You're angry...I can see it in your eyes. You hate the fact that I'm with him, don't you?"
"I am mad because you're trying to do mind games. I should mop your face with the floor right now," she replied and got in her face. "I won't say it again. Leave my team alone."
"Don't you mean, leave Roman alone?"
"Don't try to change the subject."
"I'm not. It's all about Roman, isn't it?"
"Just leave him alone. Don't get inside his head and don't distract him."
"Are you jealous?"
"What? Don't make me hit you. You're talking nonsense."
"I don't think so. And if you hit me, Romeo isn't going to like that very much."
"Romeo? Really? You're full of it."
"At least he lets me call him that. And he likes it." she grinned and strutted away
'Next Week, Raw'
Morgan tweets 'Can't wait to see him in action at the Rumble. #BatistasBack'
Morgan also tweets 'You do not know how much I want to get back in the ring right now. #MyTimeIsComing #StandOut'
Morgan was at ringside while The Shield was in the ring with Cody, Goldust and Big E in 6 man tag team action. Big E's team begins to take control of Seth. When Cody kicks Seth in the gut while he is leaning on the ropes, he goes for the disaster kick but he rolls out of the ring.
"Enough of that!" Seth yelled and held his stomach while walking over to The Shield's corner.
"You okay?" Morgan asked, walking over to him but Seth quickly pushed her away when Cody got on the top rope and jumped on him so she wouldn't get hit.
"And there's Cody Rhodes taking out Seth Rollins!" Cole exclaimed.
Roman and Dean jump off the apron and come to Seth's aid while Cody quickly slides back into the ring. Big E and Goldust stand next to him to face off with the two members.
Later on in the match, after The Shield began to take control of Cody, Dean and Big E got tagged in. Big E clotheslines Roman out of the ring after he hits Dean with a belly to belly suplex. Dean gets up but gets knocked back down.
"What a collision. I love it!" JBL said.
Big E picks Dean up for the Big Ending but Seth pulls him off and gets thrown out of the ring. Goldust keeps him down by jumping off the apron. Meanwhile, Dean goes on the top rope and jumps off, only to be caught and hit with a throw. Big E runs to the ropes and gives Dean a big splash and pins him.
"Kick out!" Morgan exclaimed and luckily Roman broke it up.
Cody slides into the ring and goes for the disaster kick but gets dropped by a Superman punch. Goldust gets in the ring and hits Roman in the face.
He runs to the ropes but gets speared.
"Spear!" Cole exclaimed.
"That'll knock your make up off," JBL said.
When Roman turns around, he gets clotheslined by Big E while Dean recovers. Big E runs to the ropes but Dean knees him in the stomach and rolls over to tag in Seth. Seth drops him with the blackout.
"Yeah!" Morgan cheered.
"I think he has him!" JBL said.
"The winners of this match, The Shield," Justin announced while they celebrated.
Roman stared down Big E, still annoyed with the clothesline he received. The Shield get over the barricade while Morgan, Dean, Roman and Seth put their arms around each other.
"Best team on planet Earth! No one can touch us! No one can touch us!" Seth shouted.
The Shield were shown on the titantron, in their hideout.
"In two days, 27 other superstars will enter the Royal Rumble with hopes and dreams and aspirations of headlining WrestleMania." Dean said. "And there is that notion that anything can happen in the WWE, where dreams can come true. But this year, it's not like that because this year, The Shield is in the Royal Rumble son, and these dogs are hungry!"
"And all time, and all of history, the Royal Rumble match has never seen anything like The Shield. We are gonna dominate every single second we are in that match. Any superstar, who steps through those ropes, lends themselves a casualty." Seth added.
"And after that, the big dog here is gonna win the Royal Rumble match," Roman said while Morgan and Seth glanced at him and then glanced at each other. "And I'm gonna go on and I'm gonna headline WrestleMania, believe that and believe in The Shield." He pushed the camera away.
Morgan tweets 'Really can't wait to get back in the ring. Sunday can't get here fast enough. #WrestleToYourHeartsContent'
'WWE Exclusive Video'
Backstage, Rosa was confronting Morgan. "I hope you don't think you're going to win the diva battle royal. You're going to lose, and I'll be the one to eliminate you."
Morgan laughed. "I'm sorry but I cannot take you seriously. All you do is dance around, shaking your hips. Show a little bit more toughness in the ring and then we'll talk when I actually feel like you're competition."
"Excuse me?"
"You annoy the heck out of me and the next time you get in my face, I'm going to rip that blond hair off your head. You're no threat to me at all."
She started walking but then Rosa grabbed her by the hair and threw her to a locker nearby. Morgan held her head and slid down but then a box fell on her head.
"Ow..." She winced in pain and rubbed her head
"I guess you can't do the battle royal with a little concussion." She smirked but then saw The Shield rushing over to them. Rosa quickly changed her facial expression and looked concerned. "Oh my gosh, Morgan, are you okay?"
"What the hell happened!?" Dean rushed over to Morgan and kneeled at her. "Baby, you okay?"
"We were just talking and she knocked into that locker," Rosa explained. "I feel so bad, it all happened so fast."
'Later, In The Trainers Room'
Morgan was lying on the examination table. "Stupid Rosa..." She retorted. The door opened and Roman walked in. "Hey! About time you visited me."
"Seth and Dean already visited?"
"Damn. I'm sorry." he walked over to her while she sat up.
"You're here now, that's all that matters. Thank you."
"Anything for an Outspoken Diva like you. So what happened?" He ran his fingers through her hair.
"You wouldn't believe me, since you're too attracted to Rosa." She said her name with disgust while Roman removed his fingers from her hair.
"I'm not attracted to her..."
"I like someone else."
"Oh really? Who's smitten the beast?" She grinned. He looked at her for a few moments and looked away, continuing to be silent. "Ah ha! So, it is Rosa. Good grief, Roman, why?"
"Why not?" Roman countered, trying to keep his emotions towards her in check.
Morgan was slightly taken aback by his comment but shrugged. "I told you to be careful..."
"I am."
"If you say so. I just don't want you to..." She sighed and held her head, feeling more pain.
"What happened between you two?"
"She threw me to a locker and something fell on my head." She mentioned and Roman sighed.
"I'll talk to her."
"Talk? No need. We need action! Let me kick her ass!"
"Morgan, that's not necessary."
"Why are you defending her?"
"She's not important right now, you are."
"Thanks," she replied and sniffed. "Are you using Pantene?" She touched his hair.
Roman chuckled. "I think you hit your head too hard. Rest up,"
"Possibly..." She laid back down to take a nap.
He smiled down at her and brushed some hair from her face, glancing at her lips. He tore his eyes from them and kissed her forehead instead.
"If only you knew..." He whispered and left the room.
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