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Forced To Believe Chapter 41- Making A Statement
Forced To Believe Chapter 41- Making A Statement

Chapter Summary: Surprises happen at the Royal Rumble. Rosa and Morgan's rivalry gets intense.
Words: 2,000+
Melanie was in Colby's hotel room that he shared with Joe. She had a big bucket of ice cold water in her hands when she snuck into the bathroom to hear the shower on. She laughed silently before throwing the bucket of water over the shower and onto Colby.
"Shit!" Colby yelled and jumped in shock while Melanie laughed loudly and heard a loud thump.
"Hahaha! Did you fall?" She asked.
"What does it sound like?" He retorted and got up from the shower floor.
She smiled in victory and walked out of the bathroom.
'WWE Royal Rumble, In The Ring'
Morgan tweets 'Ah...time to whoop some ass. #MorganIsReadyToRumble #BelieveInMe'
The diva Royal Rumble was underway with Rosa, Naomi, Brie, Natalya, Eva Marie and AJ left in the ring. The crowd starts chanting 'We Want Morgan' and they get their wish when she comes out but she walks to ringside and gets on commentary.
"Wait, you aren't in the match!?" King asked, looking at Morgan in her Shield attire.
She shook her head. "I know I want to get back in the ring but diva battle royals aren't my thing...I get jinxed a lot in those diva matches."
"Nice takedown by Rosa as she eliminates Brie! That's shocking." Cole exclaimed.
"She's trying..." Morgan retorted.
Rosa begins taunting the crowd by dancing and swinging her hips.
"Every single time, this is what I can't stand about her. She always dances and doesn't do jack shiz around here." Morgan added.
Naomi hits Rosa with the rear view while AJ eliminates Natalya. AJ laughs at Natalya but turns around and gets hit by the rear view along with Eva.
"Double rear view!" King shouted.
"I love Naomi, she's awesome." she grinned.
Near the end of the match, it came down to Naomi and Rosa. Rosa hit Naomi with a swinging neckbreaker and began to dance again. Moments later, Naomi gets up and hits her with the rear view to eliminate her as the crowd cheers.
"Here is your winner, Naomi!" Lilian announced.
Morgan begins cheering for Naomi but then Rosa begins to attack her. The Outspoken Diva runs into the ring while Rosa slides out and smirks, grabbing a mic.
"You always want to be the hero, Morgan, but you can never live up to be me," she said while Morgan helped Naomi. "Who do you think you are? You think you're so high and great just because you've been a champion and how you are in a big and popular team. One day, I'm going to take that spot. Believe that and Believe in Rosa."
Morgan rolled her eyes, not paying her nonsense any mind and continued to help Naomi. But then Rosa decided to slide back into the ring.
"Morgan, behind you!" Cole warned but Rosa grabbed her by the hair from behind and slammed her down the mat. She begins unloading on her until The Shield rush down the ramp and tries to separate them. "And now The Shield are getting involved."
Ambrose manages to grab Morgan off of Rosa by the waist and drags her back while Seth and Roman hold Rosa.
"You bitch!" The Outspoken Diva yelled. "Get the hell off of me! She needs an ass kicking, now!"
"Try me, chica!" Rosa yelled back.
"You wanna attack me from behind!? Really!?" she yelled while Dean tried to prevent her from going after her.
"This is interesting. But I don't think Rosa and Morgan are done with each other yet." JBL said.
Later on, The Shield was shown on the titantron backstage.
"Night, after night, after night, for over a year now, The Shield has proven to be the most dominant force and the most unstoppable unit in sports entertainment history, and that comes with a price," Dean said. "We don't make friends easy and tonight, the Royal Rumble match, we got 27 enemies in the ring with Seth, Roman and myself. But The Hounds are on the loose tonight and all 27 of those superstars are gonna get tossed, and flung, and dumped, over the top rope."
"Yes sir, one by one they are gonna fly and they are gonna fall," Roman added, earning some cheers from the crowd. "It's just gonna be the three of us, that remain."
"And at that point, it truly becomes every man for himself, now only one of us can go on and main event WrestleMania, we do get that. But when the Rumble is done, and one of us is left standing, The Shield, will still stand united."
"That's what I'm talkin' about. But I gotta tell you, boys, I know you can notice my energy, my swag is off the charts right now. I'm feeling confident that I got the winning number tonight."
Seth made a sound and looked at Dean.
"Oh yeah?" Dean asked.
"Yeah," Roman replied.
"What number you got?"
"You better stay tuned. You'll find out later."
"If I tell you my number, will you tell me your number?"
"That sounds good, go ahead, shoot."
"I'm not gonna tell you my number! How do you know if I don't even have two numbers?"
"Nobody has two numbers..."
"I got all the numbers, all right "
"Hey! Hey!" Seth interrupted. "Look, it doesn't matter what numbers we drew. The only number that matters tonight...three." He put up three fingers.
Morgan 'Hmphs' and the camera showed her sitting down on a chair and looking at her phone as the crowd cheered.
"Thanks for forgetting about me." She looked up at them.
"What do you mean?" Seth asked.
She smirked and stood up. "I just thought you should know that I'm going to be tweeting all night. And I want one of my hashtags to trend. Hashtag, Morgan's Hit List. I have a couple of people I want to take down tonight. And to prove myself. Oh, and by the way Roman..." She stepped up to him while he looked down at her. "Um...you better check your swag 'cause somebody may steal it."
The Shield watched her walk away, wondering what she meant.
"What was that about?" Cole asked.
"Oh, I like this. This is going to be good." JBL said. "I got a good feeling tonight."
"Tell me," King demanded.
"We'll have to wait and see," JBL replied.
"Tell me in my ear." King insisted.
'In The Ring'
In the ring were 3MB, Seth, Punk, Jimmy Uso, Kofi, Jack, Alexander Rusev, Goldust, The Great Khali, and Cody while the Royal Rumble match was underway.
Morgan tweets 'Let me get this straight...3MB are STILL in this match? They should have gotten eliminated when they got in the ring.'
At ringside, Kofi got attacked by Alexander Rusev after he got eliminated and was planted on the barricade.
"Kofi is out the ring but he hasn't been eliminated," Cole said.
"That's right, Kofi is still in it." JBL looked on.
Morgan tweets 'I know something awesome is about to happen. I'm waiting to be amazed Kofi. #Fly'
Kofi stands on top of the barricade and leaps and catches the ropes on the apron as the crowd cheers.
"You've gotta be kidding me!" Cole exclaimed as the superstars looked at Kofi in shock.
"Oh my God." JBL chuckled.
"What!?" King exclaimed when Kofi got back in the ring, getting hyped up.
Morgan tweets 'Holy crap! That was sick! I love it, Kofi! You rock!'
"He's hopped on chairs, he's walked on his hands, he's leaped from the barricade and into the ring," Cole said.
"Unbelievable," JBL exclaimed as the crowd began to count down again. "He's awesome!"
"He's a Royal Rumble Highlight Reel."
"I just said he can't fly but I believe he can," King said.
"Who is number 11? The United States Champion. Dean Ambrose." Cole announced as Dean walked out. Ambrose does the wave with his arm and runs to the ring.
"Well guys, this makes more of an uncomfortable situation," King said while Dean went after Kofi. "Two members of The Shield in the ring at the same time."
Morgan tweets 'My baby! My sexy Lunatic! Go get em!'
"Seth and CM Punk have been in this match up for 15 minutes so far," Cole informed while The Rhodes Brothers tried to eliminate Jack Swagger.
3MB continued to gang up on Khali and they tried to eliminate him but had a hard time.
Morgan tweets 'Please get 3MB out of that friggin ring. #ASAP #ThreeManFail'
The match started to become a back and forth match, with the superstars trying to survive and prevent themselves from getting eliminated. The crowd begins to count down again and Dolph Ziggler comes out to a huge pop from the crowd.
"The Showoff, entering his 6th Royal Rumble match at number 12," Cole said while Dolph ran into the ring and got on the top rope to hit Dean with a dropkick.
"Whoa!" King exclaimed from the impact.
While Dean is leaning on the turnbuckle, Dolph leaps on his and starts punching his face but gets grabbed by Punk and Seth. Dolph stumbles down the mat but begins to fight with Dean and tries to prevent himself from being eliminated.
The crowd chants 'Let's Go Ziggler' before they count down again. R Truth runs down the ring and quickly goes after Dean until Seth and Dean gang up on him.
Morgan tweets 'That's right boys, take out the fresh man early.'
R Truth gets on the apron and punches Seth out of his way but gets dropkicked out of the ring by Dean.
"And R Truth eliminated!" Cole exclaimed.
"R Truth didn't last very long," King said while Jimmy got on the top rope but Seth caught him and Dean threw him out the ring.
Morgan tweets 'There's always 2015 Jimmy #YouCantHandleTheShield'
Dean and Seth regroup while Kofi gets on the apron. Jack Swagger hits him with a big boot but Kofi grabs it and leans all the way down. He takes off his shoe and leans back while having his feet up on the bottom rope.
"Kofi is still in this!" Cole exclaimed while Kofi had Jack's shoe in his hands.
"What do you have to do to get rid of this guy?" JBL asked.
Jack gets in between the ropes but gets hit by his shoe and Kofi gets back in the ring while the crowd applauds him.
Morgan tweets 'Kofi needs to be a back to back Slammy Award winner for Best Escape Plans for the Royal Rumble. That was sweet! Well done! I virtually applaud you.'
"This guy is like a cat, how many lives does he have?" King asked.
The crowd begins to countdown again and this time, they go wild when Kevin Nash's theme comes on.
"Oh!" JBL and Cole exclaim.
"What!?" King yelled in a high pitched voice while Nash walked down the ring. "Are you kidding me!?"
Kevin gets in the ring and eliminates Swagger as the crowd cheers. Dean and Seth regroup and try to go after him but Kevin quickly takes control.
Morgan tweets 'OMG! #ItJustGotReal Go Kevin Nash! He looks great! He still got it even though he never lost it.'
Kevin tries to eliminate Dean while he tries to hold on.
"Ambrose, I don't know if he's signally for help but I don't think anybody is gonna come to your aid Dean," King said while the crowd counted down again.
Seth leans on the bottom ropes while Punk gets in between the ropes and tries to eliminate him.
"He's the muscle of The Shield, Roman Reigns, who said he's gonna headline WrestleMania," Cole announced
Roman jogs down the ring and goes to ringside. He runs towards Punk and dropkicks him in the head to save Seth as the crowd 'Ohs'
"Did you see that?!" King asked.
Morgan tweets 'Damn Roman, those dropkicks are wicked!'
Morgan also tweets 'My boys are all in the ring. I hope they raise hell and dominate. I'm rooting for you! #Represent #BelieveInTheShield'
Roman quickly cleans house and spears Cody. Kofi goes for the Trouble In Paradise but Roman catches him and throws him out of the ring.
"And Kingston eliminated!" Cole exclaimed.
Dolph runs and hits Roman with a DDT. When they both stand up, Dolph runs to jump on his back but Roman grabs the ropes to throw him off. He runs towards him but Dolph gets speared as the crowd 'Ohs'
"God! What a spear by Reigns!" Cole continued. Roman turns around and sees 3MB taunting him. "What are they doing?"
"They are making a stupid mistake." JBL retorted.
Morgan tweets 'Wow...3MB is trying to stand up to Roman. Congrats #YouGrewASet #WantACookie?'
Morgan then tweets 'Actions speak louder than words, #ArmyOfOne #MakingAStatement #HeyEyesOnMe #TheFourthDiva'
Goldust, Roman, Seth, Dean, Cody, 3MB, Dolph and The Great Khali were still in the ring.
"Let's see who is coming out next." Cole anticipated.
'I've had enough I'm taking you down, taking you down.'
"What!?" King screamed in a high pitched voice.
"Yes!" JBL yelled.
"No way," Cole shouted, shaking his head in disbelief. "So this is what she meant by saying that actions speak louder than words."
The Shield snap their heads to the ramp, looking confused. Punk turns his attention to the stage and smirks.
"This is going to be good." Punk said.
Morgan walks out to a big pop, wearing an attire to represent the CZW days which was jeans, a black tank top that stopped above her belly button, a black hoodie with the sleeves pulled up to her forearms and fingerless gloves. Her hair was curly at the ends too.
With the hoodie on her head, she took it off and put her hands on her hips, looking around confidently.
"Whoa, wait a minute, where is her Shield attire?" Cole asked.
"I don't care, Morgan is here! Yes!" King cheered. "One of my favorite divas!"
Morgan shrugged. "Couldn't resist."
"I cannot believe she is in this match! She is in the Royal Rumble!" Cole shouted.
The Outspoken Diva looks in the ring to see all the superstars looking at her. "Ooh, I like the attention." She said and turned to the camera. "I'm the fourth diva! The fourth one. This is going to be interesting."
She gave the camera two thumbs up and turned her attention to the ring. She does her taunt and spins around as the crowd cheers loudly.
"Here we go! The fourth diva to be a part of the Royal Rumble!" JBL announced while Morgan put four fingers up before tagging some hands.
She walks up the steps and slowly gets in by the middle rope while all the superstars stop what they were doing, to watch as she gets on the turnbuckle and does her taunt again.
"Let's friggin' go!" She yelled while the crowd cheered loudly in response.
"When's the last time we had a diva in the Royal Rumble? The last woman was Kharma right?" King asked.
"Oh yeah, and Kharma scared Cole." JBL laughed.
"Not funny..." Cole retorted.
"He had that ridiculous wrestling outfit on too." JBL continued.
The Fans tweet 'Yes! Yes! Morgan is in the Royal Rumble! #NowThisIsBestForBusiness'
'Yep, she's Chyna's Mini Me all right. 4th diva in WWE history to be a part of the Royal Rumble.'
'So that's why she kept putting up four fingers. Go after 3MB! #MorgansHitList'
Booker T tweets 'Oh shucky ducky quack quack! Morgan is in the Royal Rumble and she looking fine tonight.'
Titus tweets 'WWEMorgan101 deserves a five yard penalty for looking fine tonight #SorryNotSorryAmbrose'
The Bellas tweet 'Oh WWEMorgan101, you love to get down and dirty with the boys. We'll be rooting for you! Represent the Total Divas'
Rosa tweets 'So this is the reason you didn't want to be in the diva battle royal WWEMorgan101? How bold, but you won't even last five minutes in the Royal Rumble and that's a fact!'
Bayley tweets 'Yay! Go WWEMorgan101! I'm sending a virtual good luck hug!'
Cameron tweets 'Yeah gurl! WWEMorgan101 betta work!'
Eva Marie tweets 'Once again, WWEMorgan101 takes my spotlight, but oh well, I'll still cheer for her. There is always next year to be one of the divas in the Royal Rumble.'
Morgan jumps off the turnbuckle and looks at the superstars, staring at her.
"What?" She looked confused. "You all are creeping me out. Take a picture, it'll last longer."
3MB takes Khali down and turns to her.
Heath taunted her by having his arms out. "You think you'll last in this match, little girl? This match is for MEN. Not little girls, like you."
"Get out of the ring!" Drew yelled and started to gang up on her but Morgan stood her ground and began to slowly smirk.
"Do we need to make you get out of the ring?" Jinder asked, getting in her face but she pushed him away.
"Step back." She retorted.
"You think we're scared of you?" Drew asked.
"Try me." she motioned them to come at her.
"This is too funny, come on boys." Heath started walking up to her. "Let's teach this woman a lesson."
"Okay, you asked for it!" She hits Heath with a spinning kick in the face, dropping him to the mat as the crowd cheers.
Drew and Jinder look down at Heath in surprise and glare at her. Morgan's legs began to have a mind of their own and went into survival mode while Drew and Jinder lunged at her. She quickly ducks their clotheslines and kicks them down. All of a sudden, Goldust, Cody, and Dolph began to go after her.
"Step away!" She warned while The Shield watched on, still processing that she was actually in this match and didn't tell them.
Goldust, Cody and Dolph were about to lunge at her but she drops them down with a kick to the face too.
"Kick, after kick! She's not messing around, she's serious about this." Cole said.
"She told me she had some unfinished business with Orton," JBL replied.
Morgan looks down at Cody, who was the last person she kicked and runs her right hand through her hair.
She turns around to see Punk and The Shield leaning on the ropes, watching her.
"Hey, how ya doing?" She waved.
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More Posts from Smolwritingchick
I’m so looking forward to after we hit chapter 90 we halfway there. I would love to see where Jennie and Jungkook left off I would love to see the first time they have sex together. Can’t wait to see their relationship grow more. I’m just excited for all the new chapters that are coming along. You’re truly doing amazing I’m super excited you don’t even know we halfway there baby. Like YESSSS 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉💜💜💜💜

Yassss!! THANK YOUUUUU! I'm so excited to continue!! I've been combining some chapters too so I'll hopefully get back to where I stopped sooner rather than later!! 💜💜💜
I hope to do well in making their relationship grow! The first time, going public with their relationship, going the the BBMAs and thriving in the USA and so on! Ahhh I'm really excited to bring all my ideas to life for the new chapters!! Thanks so much for the support!!
Posting one more chapter of The Bangtan Gal today then I’ll be back focusing on the Forced to Believe Chapters! Stay tuned!! 😁❤️ thanks again for reading!!
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 65- Karma

Chapter Summary: Tensions heighten when Jen decides enough is enough and creates a plan to take down Amity and Songstress once and for all. Jennie meets Jungkook's parents
Words: 8,000+
Once the two friends made it to the fifth floor, they walked down the hallway.
"What room is she, again?" Jennie asked.
"Riiight here." they stopped in front of the door.
"Do me a favor and record everything. Live stream it and then end it when you think it's a good time. I'm gonna let this bitch run her mouth a little bit and dig her own grave while you record. It's better for people to truly see who she is in real time before I beat her ass. I'm tired of being nice. I gave her one too many chances. I'm done,"
Angelina prepared her phone and chuckled, "You don't have to tell me twice. I'm proud of you. I know you'll handle business,"
Jennie knocked on the door hard and before she knew it, Trinity opened it up, rolling her eyes.
"Oh, it's the quitter and the dead weight. What do you want?" she grumbled.
"Where is she?" Jennie demanded.
"Why do you want to know?"
"Trinity, I am not in the mood for games. Open the damn door. Right now." she responded in a hard tone.
A little surprised at how her voice went down an octave, Trinity took a step back and let her in as they saw Hailey looking up from her phone, on the couch.
"Ah, it's the quitter! And the thing." Hailey glanced at Angelina with disgust.
"I'm going to let that comment slide," Angelina replied as she secretly live streamed on social media with thousands of viewers popping in.
"So, what can I do for you, quitter? Why are you here?"
The tension was thick in the room as Jennie glanced around, clearing her throat.
Gesturing to her, Jen asked, "So, what's up?"
"Nothing is up," Hailey answered, amused.
"Really? Because I could have sworn that I told you to stay away from my boys. Boys. Plural. That includes Jungkook. That includes Jimin. That includes Jin and that includes Taehyung. Did you forget?"
"I know."
"So, why are you around them when I specifically told you to stay away? They are all extremely precious to me. I don't need this type of bad energy around them. I don't want any of them to deal with you. You are not gonna try to mess with their minds or whatever the hell you talked to them about. And you making Jimin insecure about his weight and making him cry? Real low."
"He cried? Oh my God, what a friggin crybaby! I just said what was true. I guess he can't handle the truth then if he wants to whine after I talked about him going on a diet."
"He doesn't need a diet, he's healthy."
"To you, not to me."
"And making the rest uncomfortable? Especially Jungkook?"
"Here we go...I didn't do anything wrong. Look, Jungkook isn't a baby. I think that people should stop babying him and stop thinking that he doesn't know what he's doing when he's around girls. Like me. And no, I'm not interested in the guy. He's very cute, I'll admit but he's not my type. But after finding out what his type is..." she looked at Jennie up and down. "He certainly has low standards...I just told him some advice, that's all. He can't handle the truth,"
"Why can't you just leave me and the members alone? Why do you have to keep doing this to get under my skin? You already have done enough. First me, then Ang, and now Layla? Come on. Are you really that bored and have no life that you just want to bring everyone down for your own gain? It's getting tiring and it's sad. Grow up. When I left I thought I would leave this mess behind me, but you keep coming back and trying me. I am not the one, Hailey,"
She laughed and stood up from the couch, "And what are you going to do about it? Hit me? We all know you're not going to do that. So, I highly suggest you leave this room before I do something I won't regret."
"Hailey, you know damn well your bum ass can't fight," Angelina called out, causing her to glare at her.
Ignoring Angelina, Hailey turned back to Jennie, "You're weak, quitter. And you're pathetic. You always have been and always will be. If you even think that you'll be able to put your hands on me then you are sadly mistaken. And I want you to ask yourself is your face worth the bruises I'll give you if you want to go that route? When are you going to get it through your thick skull that your stupid group is going nowhere and you left all that success back in America? I mean honestly, I am a way better leader than Rap Monster. He could never touch me. His failed solo attempts prove it. He is nowhere near my level of solos and even Amity's movie songs combined are better than that Fantastic Four song he did."
"Oof...you have done it now..." Angelina murmured, glancing at Jennie who looked up at the ceiling, trying to keep her composure.
She could see that Jen was about to be at her breaking point and was hanging on loose threads to not lash out. Angelina even saw angry comments in the live stream from BTS fans when they heard Hailey speak badly about Namjoon.
"And J-Hope? He is so damn ugly and annoying with his loud ass sound effects. He tries too hard while he dances. Everyone overhypes this guy." Hailey ranted furiously. "It's pathetic and it's nothing special. My girl Trinity dances way better than him and everyone knows it. She can outdo him in any dance battle. Who's next? Jimin, right? I bet he's only there for his abs. Come on, how else is he a member of BTS? He's an insecure, waste of space with low self-esteem and no confidence. With Jin, he's a waste of space too and so irrelevant! He can't sing! He can't dance! He's just there for his good looks. He probably got plastic surgery anyway, why else is he there? To look cute and that's it."
"Oh, and the little weirdo V." she went on angrily. "You see there is something mentally wrong with that alien and he needs to get checked out. I don't understand how anyone thinks his singing is good. It's overhyped and bland. Oh, and Suga...mister Suga. He's a wannabe rapper. His rapping is overrated and I cringe when I hear him rap. I hate every single one of those guys, they are so damn annoying! And then there's you!"
"You're digging your grave pretty deep, Hailey~," Angelina warned, enjoying the frequent comments that were coming in on the livestream.
She noticed that Hailey's phone kept getting a bunch of missed calls since her phone was on silent. It looked like the YouTube video and this live stream was going viral.
"I don't get how anyone can tolerate you! You can't sing, you can't dance, you can't rap, why are you still doing what you're doing?!" Hailey retorted. "Don't you regret the mistake you made? When you left you see just how better and more successful everyone in this room is except for you?"
"Let's not do this, ladies." Layla tried to get in between them, feeling anxious.
"Shut up, Layla!" Trinity snapped.
"Don't tell her to shut up!" Jennie defended her, glaring at Trinity.
"Or what?"
"Trin, don't jump in this unless you want me to do you like I did Hailey in the studio. Don't try it. Sit down and shut your minion ass up!" Angelina called out. "Y'all we are one dysfunctional girl group, huh?" she said to the live stream while Hailey continued to have her attention on Jennie.
"Exactly what big awards has BTS won? None." Hailey confirmed. "What awards has Amity won? I lost count after 20. You're just...there with nothing but in a group with seven annoying guys."
"Ha! Our leader, Hailey, guys. This is what we went through and more." Angelina called out.
"Shut up, Angelina!" Hailey snapped, while she ignored her.
"See what I mean? But none of you wanted to believe me or Jennie or anyone else because you think she is some sort of saint. Oh, and didn't you steal Jennie's songs in her notebook years ago? The songs she worked hard on for weeks alone? Putting them on Amity's new album?"
"Like I said, we made the songs better." she shrugged.
"Wow! Did you hear that? Do you see who this broad really is, guys?" Angelina asked, turning the selfie camera to her before turning it back to Hailey. "Our leader, Hailey, everyone! How y'all doin'?"
Hailey's face turned into fear when she noticed Angelina had been filming the entire time. "W-wait, what is that?! Were you filming!?"
"Ladies and gentlemen, this is our whack ass leader that tormented us for years and isn't who she really is. For all of you giving me and my girl Jennie crap because we left, this was one of many reasons why. And we are fairly doing great without the group. It isn't even a group, anymore. It's Hailey and the backups. And it shouldn't even be like that. A group should be a family and filled with loyalty. Not wanting to outshine everyone. That is not a team. And now you see for yourself. Check out my YouTube video for more tea. Hashtag, Hailey is canceled."
"Wh-what? No, I was just joking! Co-me on, we were all just playing around!" Hailey stuttered and began freaking out, feeling her body flush with embarrassment. "I-I was joking! Right Trin?"
"Yeah, you were joking!" Trinity agreed, nodding frequently.
"Right, Layla? Lay?" Hailey turned to her. "Lay!?"
Layla hesitated. Glancing at Jennie and Angelina for a moment, she turned back to Hailey. After all the crap Hailey had given her, she decided to speak her truth.
"No...you weren't," she answered in a calm tone.
"What?!" Hailey sputtered.
"Really, Layla?" Trinity glared at her.
"Everything Angelina said is true. I've been going through the same mess they had after they left. I spoke about it in the YouTube video," Layla revealed as Hailey dropped her jaw. "How could you take her songs like that?"
"I-I didn't take anything!" Hailey shouted
"You just said we made the songs better and when we finished recording the songs, you said it yourself that you stole her notebook before she left after you kept asking her to use them. But Jennie didn't want you to use them, but you kept pushing her. And you didn't take no for an answer and you just stole it and she couldn't find it when she was about to leave. Those songs meant something to her. And you just took it for a paycheck for our new album. That's foul."
"She's lying! She didn't take anything!" Trinity exclaimed. "Stop trying to play the victim-"
"Why are you lying for Hailey?" Layla called out. "This is disgusting, why are we doing this? We have done enough damage, this isn't even a group, anymore. Paying all these top singers and rappers for collaborations to get more exposure. Paying people more to take collabs away like you did with Angelina and The Weeknd. Like no, I can't do this, anymore. This isn't right."
Hailey scoffed and shook her head. "And I thought you had my back..."
"And I thought you were our friend. Friends don't treat each other like this. Friends don't stoop this low. Friends don't steal things. Friends don't bully each other." Layla turned to Jennie. "Like I told Rap Monster, I even found your notebook."
"There is no notebook!" Trinity exclaimed as she watched Layla go through her bag.
Soon enough, Jennie saw that slightly torn green college-ruled notebook with some doodles on the front, confirming it.
"I found it in Hailey's studio. I swear to you, I had no idea that these were yours until after we recorded the songs." Layla looked at her earnestly and handed her the book. "As soon as I found out, I didn't think it was fair to you and that's when things started changing with me, Trinity, and Hailey. I began to be the odd one out since you two left."
"Worldstar!" Angelina chimed in, with the camera facing her including the girls in the background. "I'm sorry, I just had to say that just once! Again, how y'all doin' today?"
Jen quickly skimmed past blank pages until she found the one song she was grateful that they didn't find. It was near the end of the notebook and somehow Hailey didn't skim through the entire book. Jennie had randomly named the song Thrive and she wanted to make it into a rock song one day and perform the song with her guitar. Maybe now she has the chance to do so if Bangtan has solo songs like Jungkook wished for during one of the BTS Festas.
She began to tear up as she read one line, feeling the memories come back.
Don't ever ever ever take me for granted...
She wrote it a few weeks before she left. The lyrics weren't songwriter status but the words were meaningful to her and that was all that mattered.
Looking up, Jennie murmured, "Thank you."
"I'll take that to show everyone how similar some of the wording is and do you see Jen's handwriting and her initials?" Angelina took the notebook and scrolled her phone through some of the front pages.
ARMY especially was showing no mercy on social media:
'So problematic!'
'OH HELL NO! You made Jimin cry!? This bitch is canceled! I hate her!'
'Congratulations, you played yourself. #HaileyIsCanceled'
'Hailey better have tight security when she arrives back to the USA.'
'A whole mess! GIRL BYE!'
'I knew that piece of trash was problematic.'
'It's what she deserves!'
'I am living for this! Wow! I love this song! Finally getting exposed'
'Hailey who???'
'Hailey, sweetie, you don't want this. Should've chosen your battles wisely'
'She is sooooo annoying and now she finally got shut up'
'I am TIRED! Like I am literally shaking like OMFG!'
'You messed with our Queen and Kings!? Issa problem now! Watch your back when you come back to America!'
'Stealing Angelina's collab with The Weeknd!? Nah, nah, I wanna have a talk with you!'
'Hailey, Hailey, Hailey, you dun lost your muthafriggin mind, hoe!'
'This tea tastes so good today.'
'Na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na, hey, hey, hey! Goodbye! #HaileyIsCanceled'
'SALTY and jealous. I knew there was something shady about her.'
'I called it! I knew she was completely obsessed with Jen and Ang.'
'Good she got exposed! Ain't no way they were going to kiss her ass. She really thinks that she MADE them? Hailey, sweetie, it's not all about you. You can't even sing well! Get vocal lessons and then come talk to my girl Jennie'
'It was at this moment Hailey knew...she fucked up. #HaileyIsCanceled'
'With her autotuned ass, she had the nerve to say that she's better than them? Girl bye!'
'Every time I hear her speak, I just hear bullshit. EXPOSED!'
'Hailey, what's good?'
Hailey clenched her jaw and grabbed her phone, noticing the caller ID.
Daddy <3 is calling...
"Shit..." she nervously murmured. She hesitated before answering, "D-dad-look-I-I didn't know she was filming!" she rambled on, starting to cry as everyone heard loud yelling from her phone. "I'm sorry! I didn't know, okay? I know this looks bad but-pl-okay-dad!"
Ending the live stream, Angelina began cackling at the fear on her face. "Her face is priceless~!"
Meanwhile, Jennie had been listening to Layla's constant genuine apologies for everything that had happened over the years.
"I am so sorry." Layla frowned.
Angelina got on the camera app and started to record a video since she was waiting for Jennie to fight. She had to get it on film. There was no way she was going to miss the opportunity to see Hailey get exactly what she deserved.
"UGH!" Hailey turned back to Jennie, angrily. "You bitches ruin everything!" she turned to Layla, "Do you realize what you have done to us?"
"YOU. Done to YOU and Songstress. It was the right thing to do!" Layla fired back.
"You fucking bitches are the worst!" She threw her phone directly at Jennie, who used her reflexes to catch it and toss it to the side.
Attempting to blindside her, Hailey decided to run up immediately to go for a strike or at least to pull her hair but Jennie evaded her attack and roughly shoved her back.
Taking a step forward, she threw an abrupt right hook and it slammed into Hailey's jaw. The Amity leader let out a yelp. The punch affected her quickly as she began to lose her balance, wincing in pain from the unexpected strike. Jen handed a left hook on the face and then another right against her nose, causing her to cry out in pain and crumble to the floor.
Not done, Jennie ended up on top of her, repeatedly striking her face as she couldn't get a hit in, yelling at her to get off. The sudden altercation surprised everyone in the room before Angelina started laughing loudly. Layla, looked satisfied because that shut her up and Trinity looked alarmed and was trying to figure out how to help her friend.
"Talked all that shit and she can't even fight. All she does is sneak or pull hair. I love it!" Angelina laughed as she watched Jennie beat her up. When she noticed Trinity about to get involved, she shouted, "If you jump in I'm beating your ass! Stand back!"
With her hands throbbing, Jennie got off of her and rubbed them. Seeing the damage she had done, Trinity widened her eyes and quickly went to help Hailey, who had held her bleeding nose with tears in her eyes, stunned at what had just happened.
She wasn't expecting Jen to actually hit her or even do anything at all.
"She's bleeding!? Christmas came early tonight! Wow! Her face is swollen, too. Damn. And you still look pretty," Angelina praised as Jennie looked unfazed with her hair and makeup still intact.
"My nose!" Hailey wailed.
Turning her attention to the beaten up girl, Jennie narrowed her eyes and started speaking to her, "Let me tell you something...Those hits were for the members. Don't you ever disrespect Bangtan, again. J-Hope is handsome and brightens everyone's day with his sound effects. He does try hard because he puts so much effort into his dancing. It's his life and we see that day in and day out when we perform. He is not overhyped. He deserves all the hype he gets for his talent. Trinity is great at dancing, but J-Hope has that unique passion that she does not and I can guarantee that you'll see that in a dance battle between them. Bangtan wouldn't be the same without Hobi. With Jimin, abs or not, he is there for Bangtan for his talents. Not for how he looks. I try my best to boost his confidence whenever he feels overwhelmed or unsure of himself but I know that whatever he does, he does it wonderfully and he improves every day. I always tell him how proud I am of him. So don't you come and say to me that he's a waste of space or that he needs to lose weight. He is fine the way he is. Bangtan would not be the same without Jimin."
"Jin's beauty is God given. Surgery cannot make someone as handsome as him," she praised. "He can dance his ass off. He improves with his dancing with every comeback. He tries his best, and Hobi helps him. His dad jokes are the best no matter how cheesy they may be. His cooking is the best and even reminds me of home despite being far away from my family. Bangtan would not be the same without Jin. Rap Monster's solo attempts were not a failure. He is more of a leader than you, that's for sure. He looks out for us and takes care of us which you have never done. His lyrics are meaningful and he has never tried to take the spotlight from the members like you have done. Bangtan wouldn't be the same without Namjoon."
"There is nothing wrong with Taehyung. That guy was the first person I met when I came here. Broken English and still welcomed me with open arms. His singing is great. With that deep voice, his vocals are A-1. He is such a sweetheart and cares deeply for Bangtan. And his silly and loving personality is the greatest. Bangtan wouldn't be the same without Tae. You have a lot of nerve to call Yoongi a wannabe rapper. Can you rap like him? Can you rap as fast as him? Do your lyrics have meaning like his? Like he said, you're pretty lucky that you didn't bump into him today. He contributes so much to Bangtan. It wouldn't be the same without him. How can you hate them if you don't even know them? You just want to see everyone fail so you can be the only successful one. And it shouldn't be like that. Fame is getting into your head. You are not the girl I used to know when we all met each other. As you can see and feel, you just got a well deserved ass whooping. So I'm going to ask you some questions to make sure you got my point across. So, are you going to leave everyone from Big Hit alone?"
Hailey glanced at her as she continued to feel pain all over her face. "...Yeah..." she muttered.
"Are you going to leave Layla alone?" Jen asked.
"Are you going to leave Angelina alone and stay out of her success?"
"Are you going to leave me alone?"
"...I'll leave you alone..."
"Good. I hope after this you can renovate your life and go back to your old self when we first became Amity. Not this jealous girl who will dismiss those who helped her be where she is today. You can't just shut everyone out and kick everyone to the curb while you rise to the top. And this is exactly why this group fell apart. We should've been a team. Worked as a team. This isn't a solo. This is a group. Groups work together. Fail together, succeed together. You didn't get this far by yourself. We all contributed something to make the group great. It's not all about you. In the meantime, good luck getting yourself out of this shit storm that has been bestowed upon you. Good night, ladies."
After exiting the room with Angelina and walking down the hallway, Jennie felt a huge weight lifted off her shoulders.
Angelina held onto her excitedly. "That was priceless! You punched the shit outta her! I caught it on video, Suga will be so proud, to see this! No more bullcrap! We're free from this drama!" she checked Twitter. "Yo...BTS fans are showing no mercy on Hailey's social media. She had to put her account on private, it's that bad. Shit...no Crisis PR Manager is going to be able to save her."
"After what she did to the boys, she had it coming," Jen replied.
"For real! I don't think her career will bounce back after this. It's getting worse. It's the number one trend on Twitter as we speak. Even TheShadeRoom is getting into the tea. Hold on, I gotta rewatch this video of you beating her ass."
Deciding to head to her hotel room first to shower before meeting with the members and Angelina, Jen changed into a hoodie and sweatpants.
Hearing a knock on the door, Jen opened it to reveal Layla.
Layla hesitated. "Uh, hi."
"Sorry, I came here out of the blue, um...could I talk to you for a moment? Please?"
"Yeah. Come in."
She walked in and exhaled softly. "I won't keep you long. I'm uh, actually surprised you want to see my face after all that has happened. I just wanted to wish you all the best in BTS. You guys are really good. Your music is pretty catchy, I listened to a few songs. I can see that Songstress was holding you back. It kinda inspired me to branch out and want to start making my own music like you wanted to do. You seem so happy here and I am happy that you found your home in the music industry. Even if it's in another country. Sometimes things aren't always in America, you gotta travel the world and see what else is out there, y'know?"
"I think it's inevitable that Amity will disband. We all have different mindsets right now, we are not in a group mindset like we used to be. It's not fun like it used to be. I realized that when you and Angelina left." she went on. "I started doing things independently, without anyone knowing and I realized that I can do so much more without Hailey holding me back for her own personal gain. I'm really sorry for everything. It was very wrong of me. I shouldn't have been such a follower back then. I was such a bitch, huh? All those things I said and how I treated you and Ang, it was very cruel. I uh, just came here to apologize for everything. I can't take back what I've done to you and I admit that I have done you and Angelina wrong and today I wanted to give back what is rightfully yours. Your notebook. I hope that you continue to be successful here and remain happy. I'm gonna go now. Good luck in Korea." she smiled awkwardly.
"Hey," Jen called out before she could leave. "Tomorrow...I'm going to get breakfast with Angelina. I'd like for you to come."
"Oh...I don't think I should, I mean after all I've done, I don't even think it'd be a good idea to hang with you guys."
"Layla, I have no animosity towards you."
"Because I had already forgiven you."
"After all, I've done?"
"I don't want to dwell over the past, and I don't hold grudges with anyone. Not even with Hailey. Even though 30 minutes ago I broke her nose and pretty much fucked up her face, I just...want to move forward. What's done is done. No more petty drama. I just want to continue to remain happy. It will take time but I'd like to start over with you."
Layla smiled and nodded. "I'd like that very much."
Later, seated on her bed, Jen thought about everything that had happened. No more sabotaging, no more tormenting. It was finally over. She could finally breathe. No more Amity drama, no more Hailey trying to ruin things for those close to her.
After spending a few minutes to relax, she went back to the members who were all in Namjoon's hotel room he shared with Jimin as they rushed up to her, asking if she was okay.
"Tell us everything!"
"Did you hit her?!"
"Are you hurt?!"
"What happened?!"
There were various questions that she was bombarded with as she sat down. She explained everything and when she revealed that she did beat her up, the members couldn't help but jump for joy.
"There's a video!" Angelina revealed after getting translated on what was going on.
"Did you do the right hook, left hook and then right like I told you?" Hobi asked while Angelina found the video.
"Absolutely." Jen nodded with a smile.
"AHHHHH, I need to see this now! I'm proud of you, munchkin! That's how you have to handle it sometimes."
"She beat the shit outta her~! It was outrageous, I knew she had it in her!" Angelina boasted and showed the video.
"OH!" the boys yelled as soon as they saw the first punch.
Yoongi continuously laughed with some of the members. This was perfect.
"Oh, mah God," Jimin murmured in English as they watched Jennie on top of her, fighting.
"Hey," Yoongi spoke in English, tapping Angelina on the shoulder. "Video. Phone. My phone."
"You want me to send the video to you? I got you. Okay." Angelina nodded.
"O-oh my! Is that blood I see?" Jin widened his eyes, wincing at each punch. "Amazing."
Namjoon dropped his jaw a little bit at the video, bewildered. "W-wow. You really threw hands. It needed to be done. I'm sure she got the message."
"Oh, yes she did. You won't have to worry about her, anymore." Jen reassured.
"Wow, is this really our Ennie? Our Ennie has some amazing strength. Did-did you see her stagger after the first punch?" Taehyung exclaimed. "I love you, Jennie." he wrapped his arms around her for a tight hug.
"Looks like it." Yoongi proudly said. "Finally, that piece of crap can leave us the fuck alone."
Jungkook smirked as he watched the video. He loved this feisty and protective side of Jennie. She was full of surprises and kept amazing him.
"What's going to happen to her?" Jin asked
"Well...last time Angelina and I checked, she along with Songstress are still getting obliterated. SongStress deactivated all their social media. Hailey deactivated hers, too. Layla is fine, she put hers on private for now. Trinity deactivated hers as well," Jen said. "Amity and Songstress are trending on Twitter and it's all over TMZ and other entertainment news. It's a big scandal. They're getting so much heat, it's not pretty. It's safe to say that Songstress won't be promoting anytime soon with this huge hit to their company."
"Good," he replied. "That'll show them."
"I'm just glad it's over and I hope that all of you are okay. I'm sorry for causing all this mess. Sometimes I think it's my fault you all dealt with this. I didn't think this drama would come all the way over here to you guys."
"Hey, it's all right. What matters is that Hailey won't be causing any more problems for anyone. Don't blame yourself for anything," Hobi reassured and smiled.
On social media, ARMY continuously demolished Songstress for what they had done. Especially Hailey with all the things she said about Bangtan. ARMY praised Jennie for what she had done and it made them love her even more. Angelina even posted a small video of the way Hailey tried to attack Jennie and got beaten down which got more praise.
G-Dragon commented on Jennie's Instagram page, 'From now on, I'll hire you for protection.'
Jen had replied, 'That'll be one pack of smarties per hour :)'
His answer made her smile, 'That can be arranged.'
Other idols had commented:
Bam Bam: Go Jennie!
Jackson: My baby Jennieeeee. Proud of U! Glad u took them down! Now answer my calls! I promise I won't prank call u late at night anymore!
Amber: Another reason why you're so loveable. You stick up for those you love. <3 glad she's out of the picture and can leave you alone.
Zico: Now that was self defense! I remember you venting to me about them. You did a great job handling yourself.
Taeil: I always knew you were so awesome. Never let anyone bring you down.
Jessi: Miss Bangtan can fight! Badass <3
Checking her phone, she received texts from her sisters,
Vienna: SIS! Angelina sent me the video of you beating the sheeeet outta Hailey! You know, I would've backed you up if you called me but it seems like you had everything handled. I'm sooo proud! Don't tell Alani but you got them hands from me not her :P
Alani: OMG what is going on!? Are you okay!? CALL ME!
Back in her room, she facetimed Alani while Vienna tried to get into the conversation. "Jennie! You beat the crap out of her! I love you!"
"Shush!" Alani exclaimed. "Are you all right?"
"I'm good. I'm perfectly fine." Jen calmly replied.
"How can you be so calm after all this?"
"She's calm because she whooped that ass!" Vienna yelled in the background.
"Are you hurt?" Alani asked, ignoring Vienna.
"My hands still hurt a bit," Jen answered.
"Because she whooped that ass!" Vienna yelled again
"I have to admit, that was funny. You handle yourself quite well. I never thought I'd see the day of you fighting but sometimes you gotta go that route." Alani replied. "Don't ever let no one put their hands on you or mess with those you love. She learned that the hard way after so many warnings. I can't believe she tried to sneak you and still lost the fight."
"Oh yeah, because she whooped that ass!" Vienna laughed.
Later on, Jennie and Jimin decided to go eat at a local frozen yogurt place with hoods on their heads. They got their yogurt and sat across from each other. As she predicted, Jimin happily had a bunch of toppings on his and ate it with delight as they talked about random things.
"Let me see your hands," Jimin said as he gently grabbed them.
"I'm fine. You should see the other girl," she teased as he let out a soft laugh while he examined her knuckles, rubbing his thumb over them. "Jimin, I want to apologize that you had to meet and deal with her. She said some pretty awful stuff, and I wish you didn't have to go through that. You are worth so much more than how you look and I hope you know that you are very dear to me. Never forget that,"
"Ennie, thank you." he smiled in appreciation and kissed the knuckles on one of her hands. "I really needed this, tonight."
"Glad to hear. And can I just say that I love your cheeks? They're cute." she reached out and pinched one of them as he let out a giggle.
As they spent more time together, Angelina had sent various messages,
Angelina: JEN!
Angelina: JEN!
Angelina: JENNIE! OMFG!
Jennie smiled at the messages. Things were finally going the way that they should for her friend.
Once JenMin arrived back at the hotel, she wanted to play the Wii U with him, so she came with him to his room. But once they had opened the door, they saw Angelina and Namjoon in an intense lip lock, causing Jimin to yell.
"Are you two for real?!" Jen exclaimed, amused while the two rappers turned their heads in shock.
"Shit!" Angelina quickly got off his lap and cleared her throat. "H-hey! How goes it?"
"H-hey, I didn't think you two would be back so soon." Namjoon stood up, flustered.
It was like one plot twist after another, but Jen knew something was going to happen sooner or later. She was happy about it, too.
"Ooooooh, Rapmonie has a girlfriend~!" Jimin ran out to tell the hyungs.
Throwing her arms up, Jennie shook her head and left while saying, "Jesus take the wheel."
At the dorm, taking a break from studying, Jen scrolled on Instagram and came across a comment, 'Jennie! Did you meet Alex Reid from Rania yet!?'
she replied, 'Ughhhh no! I wish!! I want to meet her! She's so cool! Hopefully one day!'
The two were following each other, liking each other's posts and occasional comments here and there. Throughout the day, a fan war went under the comments as people began to compare Alex and Jen, taking sides. Various comments included:
'I don't want her to meet Alex. Jen is the better black girl in K-Pop anyway.'
'No, she's not! Alex has better hair and can rap better!'
'Jen is waaaay more popular than Alex. And is a better singer'
'So!? Alex has more experience and performs better than Jennie ever could. Time for Jennie to pack her bags and leave Korea! Alex is here!'
'BYE! Rania did a BTS and now has a black girl in a group.'
'Um...y'all know you can love and support both of these girls, right? Why do you have to choose one? They're both representing us and are great at what they do'
'Alex can't even speak Korean but Jennie can. Why come to Korea if you don't even know the language??'
'Alex sounds better speaking Korean than Jennie'
'Jen! You're so much better than Alex. Your Korean is way better. You're prettier and you're the best black girl in K-Pop.'
Although the two girls have yet to meet each other, the comments upset them and they both had called out people to stop trying to put them against each other. The comments were toxic and uncalled for.
Shutting everyone up on her page, Jen commented, 'Stop it. Stop trying to put women against women. Alex is amazing at what she is doing. Do not compare us. No one is better than the other. Let's continue to support us beautiful, talented black females in this industry instead of trying to make everything a competition. Support the melanin. We're breaking boundaries. Also support other black people here, too. Like Lee Michelle and Yoon Mi Rae.'
As the day went on, Jen moped around in her room while consistently listening to the song she would have to play for her guitar midterm. Angelina wasn't here anymore and had to cut her time in Seoul short due to the various interviews demanded about the Songstress and various collaborations that were requested. Work was work, Jen knew that. There were times when she planned to go home but had to cancel because of last-minute scheduling, so this was normal.
"I might have to just take this L," she murmured.
"What's wrong?" Jungkook asked.
He had heard her sigh when he was walking past the hallway and decided to check on her.
"It's my guitar midterm. I think I'm going to fail."
"Why do you think that? You're great at the guitar."
"The teacher assigned us songs and of course, I got a hard one."
"What song?"
"It's an IU song."
His eyes lit up as she laughed at his eagerness. "I knew you were going to react like that."
"What's the song? Tell me!" he sat on her bed.
"It's Love of B. The song is great but that guitar...is so fast! The guitar is so powerful in this one. The flow, the intensity, I don't think I can do that. I have never played the guitar like that before. When I performed Tomorrow, that was fine, but something like this, keeping the consistency and flow, making sure I'm on the beat and strumming every single note, I don't think I-"
"You can, and you will. Show me what you have so far."
She sighed and grabbed her acoustic guitar. "This is easier said than done. Like the teacher will take off points if I mess one note up. It's that strict. I gotta make sure everything is on beat and-"
"Relax. Just show me."
After playing it for him, Jungkook pointed out things that sounded a little off as he listened closely. They even had Namjoon, Jin and Taehyung listen too.
"How do you feel now?" Jungkook asked.
"Much better thanks to all of you. I think I'm ready for this."
"Good! Knock it out! I'll make a celebration dinner for you and Jungkook when you both pass your midterms!" Jin offered
Soon enough when it came time for the midterm, Jen passed her guitar midterm with flying colors while Jungkook did well with his. Bangtan celebrated with a big dinner like Jin had promised.
On Instagram, JRE posted a selfie with the caption, 'Sooo excited that I finally get to announce this! Get ready because Jennie will be hanging out with your boy in January! You heard it here first! Send in questions you want her to answer! We gonna have some fun!'
Once Jen reposted his post with smiling emojis, ARMY freaked out and put their thinking caps on, to think of good questions to ask her.
Backstage in the waiting room for their concert, Jennie was knocked out, sleeping wildly while Jimin continued filming her. After poking her and messing around, she wouldn't wake up, so he went to begin annoying Hobi, giggling at how he was laying on the couch, trying to sleep.
"Hobi-hyung sleeps like that? I sleep like this." Jungkook crookedly landed on the couch.
Hobi sat up and said, "Suga-hyung sleeps like this."
"I'm not sleeping yet," Suga murmured.
Jennie was oblivious to the guys fooling around and even missed Jungkook's hilarious handstand along with Hobi's.
"Ah, this is too funny!" Jimin cackled. "How is Ennie still asleep after all this?!" he panned the camera to her.
"Where is that air horn that was in the dressing room? Let's prank her and run away." Hobi suggested.
It didn't take long to find it as the guys stood a few feet away.
"Three...two...one!" Jimin pressed the button, making her wake up frantically from the loud sound.
"I'm up!" she yelled and fell off the couch when he pressed the button again, near her face.
The guys laughed and ran away while Jen got back on her feet.
"Assholes! You play too much!" she ran after them while Jimin continued to film.
"AHHHHHHHH~!" was the last thing that was heard on the video, revealing that Hobi had been caught first.
After fooling around, the members prepared for the concert. Jen, already dressed, began to stretch until she heard a question blurted out by Jungkook.
"Hey, my parents are here, tonight. Would you like to meet them?"
It was a little over an hour before the concert and his parents came to see the show. It was an idea that had popped in the Golden Maknae's head for a while, but he hadn't meant to ask her so abruptly. He began to worry if it would be a good idea. Maybe he just made things awkward.
Comments such as, 'why would she say yes to this offer?' and 'she probably thinks this is stupid' flowed through his brain. But as he saw her smile eagerly, his doubts went away.
"Your parents? Yeah, of course! Why not?"
Pleased with her answer, along with getting another hit of nerves, he grinned brightly. "R-really?"
"Yeah, really."
"O-okay! Follow me." he grabbed her hand as they walked backstage.
The more they inched closer, Jennie began to feel butterflies in her stomach. But she kept asking herself why. It was just her best friend's parents, it shouldn't be that bad. She gave herself a mental pep talk about being herself. Things will go smoothly.
Before they knew it, they were right in front of them. As Jungkook introduced her, Jennie bowed and smiled kindly.
"Hi, it's nice to meet you!" she beamed, shaking off the nerves.
"Ah, so you're Jennie!" his father pointed out, giving her a friendly aura about him. "My son has told us so much about you."
Jungkook coughed loudly while his mother giggled in the background. Now was not the time for his dad to tease him.
"Oh really?" Jen glanced at Jungkook, amused. "Well, I hope he didn't share anything out of the ordinary."
"I already told them about your losing streak against me in bowling." Jungkook grinned mischievously.
"Of course, you did." she playfully rolled her eyes. "You never give me a chance to win!"
His mom smiled warmly at her and spoke, "Your Korean is very good, and you are very pretty. My son tells us how well you take care of him and the rest of the members. Thank you for looking out for him."
"You're very welcome. And I see where Jungkook gets his kindness from. You're very sweet, thank you." Jen responded. "Jungkook is amazing. I can't even imagine how proud you are of him. I'm very proud of him, too. As we attend our classes together, I help him with English, and that has improved tremendously. It's not easy to learn a new language but he always gets better and better every time he practices. Even on stage too. He works very hard and is always dependable. He's very gifted, that's for sure. It brings me such joy to see him grow so well."
Shooked, Jungkook was astounded by her remark. No one said a word after her statement and she was met with stares. Jennie suddenly felt like maybe she rambled too much after talking so highly of Jungkook like that.
Meanwhile, his parents glanced at each other with knowing smiles. It was official, they adored her. They had never seen Jungkook look so happy before. The way their son shyly smiled and blushed at her words gave them confirmation that everything he had told them about her was true. She truly did make him happy even by just being there, standing there with him. The way he gazed at her lovingly when she wasn't looking gave it all away, too.
Once Jen saw his parents smile back at her, it made her feel relieved as she listened to them express how much they appreciated her for speaking so positively about their son.
"Are you eating well?" his father asked her.
"Absolutely. Living with seven guys and the way that they eat, their appetites rubbed off on me. I eat a lot."
"She bakes pretty well," Jungkook added. "You have to try one of her cupcakes."
"I think it's the icing I use. All I do is follow the recipe on the box," she replied modestly. "I'd love to bake for you if you'd like."
His father nodded instantly in agreement. "That would be wonderful."
"Wow, you and Jungkook really do have the same smile, I see the resemblance. Like father, like son." she shared a laugh with them after seeing them grinning widely.
"Jennie, we need to fix your clothes." a stylist called out from down the hall.
"Well, it was very nice to meet you. I hope you enjoy the show!" she bowed and left.
"What a fine young lady." Jungkook heard his mom speak brightly, watching her walk down the hallway. "You haven't stopped smiling, Jungkook. She is special to you, hm?"
Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck, still blushing as his mom continued to tease him.
"So, is she the one?" his father brought up.
"Yes." Jungkook nodded shyly.
"We adore her."
"You do?" his eyes lit up. "I really...I'm...kind of in love with her."
"We noticed by the way you look at her. My little boy is in love. Have you told her?" his mom asked.
"Ah...not yet. After our promotions are over."
As the concert began, there were various VCRs playing throughout the event. For the individual one, it showed Jen stretching outside on a sunny day and walking around town with her guitar on her back. She then met up with several friends as they chilled at a park on the grass and she had jammed with them while playing the guitar, looking content.
Out of all the concerts they had, this one had to be Jen's favorite. During Tomorrow, she played the guitar the entire time while performing the choreography with a mic attached to her. ARMY thought she looked so cool and had hoped that she would play the guitar more often on stage like this.
With Boys with Fun, the members lightened up the arena as they jumped around and happily performed. While they scattered around the stage, Jen danced around, waving at ARMY and lipsyncing to whoever's verse it was at the moment.
When she sang her verse for the song, she moonwalked down the runway with Jin trying to copy her.
For their other VCR which was their interview, they were asked,
'What were your childhood dreams'
"Oh boy..." Jen laughed softly. "I wanted to do a lot of interesting things. First, I wanted to be a vet because I went to this dog park and fell in love with all these adorable dogs. Then I wanted to be an actress, Rihanna, a teacher, y'know various things. But singing was my calling. I also wanted to be a rock star. I think I'm kind of playing the part now. I'm playing the guitar for some of our songs! It's been a blast."
She tilted her head to the side, pondering, "It was...my sisters who caught me singing in my room one night. I thought no one was home. They recorded me and showed it to our parents. I was so mad. I finally told my family I'd like to be a musician. So, then my dad taught me more about the guitar and I got vocal lessons. And then I took a risk and auditioned for a few companies in Seoul and the rest is history."
'Now that you've become a singer, are you having the most beautiful moment in life?'
"Oh, Absolutely. This opportunity to be here in K-Pop, singing in so many different countries as BTS, is a blessing and it's beautiful to experience. I want to share my vocals with the world. And I'm doing that with BTS. It's amazing."
'Now that your dream of becoming a singer has come true, are you happy?'
"I'm happy where I am right now as a singer, yes. Being somewhere where you have more freedom to show off your creativity, it's worth the blood, sweat, and tears. The fact that people listen to our music is quite touching."
After the show, the Maknae Line chilled backstage, relaxing after the long concert.
"Oh my gosh, your parents are so adorable." Jen nudged Jungkook on the couch. "One day, I have to bring you and the rest of Bangtan to a family cookout in America. It'll be so much fun. I hope that one day we'll have some free time and be able to do that. We're so busy now, we hardly ever see our family and friends. Gosh, I can just see the cookout now...a swimming pool where we can swim with my little cousins and all...it'll be a blast."
"Let's definitely do that. I'm getting excited already!" Jungkook responded. "Hey, so, how did your parents meet?"
"I asked them that a while ago. It's pretty cheesy if you asked me. My dad liked my mom first. They met in high school. Started as best friends...he liked her for so long but kept it to himself. He wasn't a shy guy though, he could talk for hours."
Jungkook smirked softly. "I see where you get your outgoing personality from."
"Are you implying I talk too much?"
"Maybe." he teased.
"Anyway! Haha, he asked her to prom and my mom said yes. That's where they had their first kiss and began to date. My dad always says, who knew the love of my life was my best friend. I always think it's cheesy. Cute but cheesy. He also told me that the love of my life could be right in front of me, watching me and just waiting for the right moment. Ha, do you believe that? Sounds like something out of a romance novel. My mom was kind of in denial at first when my dad told her he loved her. But after some time to think about everything, she realized that he was the one and that she loved him, too, accepting her feelings."
'Sounds like a scenario that I know.' Jungkook thought to himself.
"So, Golden Maknae, how'd your parents meet?"
"To be blunt, my mom fell for my dad first and hit on him."
Unable to control it, Jennie burst out in laughter with Jungkook, while Jimin and Taehyung were listening and watching their conversation closely, sitting next to each other.
"She told me she went after him because he was so good-looking," he added.
"Oh, word? Wow! I love your mom. I bet that's where you got your competitiveness from. I'm sure she let all those ladies know that your dad was going to be hers, huh? I love that. Get your man, girl. I'd do that, too. Let everyone know that the person you want will be yours and no one is going to change that or interfere with your mission."
"Yeah," Taehyung spoke up. "If you want something or someone, you'll do whatever you can to get it. Right, Kookie?"
"Push past everyone to get what or who you want, right Jungkookie?" Jimin added with a smile.
Jen turned to the guys. "Yeah, you're right. Took the words right out of my mouth. Facts."
Jungkook had given the 95 Liners warning glances but took their words to heart. They had a point. He was currently during that, too. He had remembered overhearing a few IKON members talking about Jennie at the Melon Awards. It was backstage, all eyes on her because of that pink dress she wore. One member had complimented on how pretty she had looked that night and some considered maybe one day asking her out.
'Nah, that's Jungkook's girl.' was what Jungkook had heard from them, which surprised him greatly and gave him a boost of confidence. It was getting around that even some idols knew that he wanted her to be his and would be making that move soon.
What amused him was the sound of a lot of disappointed voices from idols when it came to finding out that she was about to be off the market soon. It made Jungkook feel good. Any idols that were lowkey interested in her began to back off because they knew that soon he was going to confess.
Except for one. But hopefully, that will change soon when he speaks with Bam Bam.
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 60- Running Man: The Golden Duo

Chapter Summary: Due to popular demand, Jennie is asked to guest star in a Couples themed Episode of Running Man, bringing Jungkook with her to go up against other groups of two
Words: 6,000+
Genre: One of my favs!! MAJOR Jungkook fluff and things get suggestive at the end with some suggestive Jungkook content!
Author's Note: I wanted to experiment just for shiz and giggles. Hope it didn't disappoint! <3 Lemme know what you think. And thanks again for reading!
All over the K-pop news sites, there had been a poll on who viewers wanted to guest star on Running Man, and surprisingly, Jennie was voted one of the top favorable picks. Viewers were impressed with her athleticism and passion and wanted her back on the show.
Once she was called and asked about being on the show again, she was thrilled and eager to come back. Besides, the Monday Couple wanted revenge on her, so that added to the anticipation.
When told that there would be other guests, competing against each other in pairs due to the episode being a couples themed episode, Jimin and Taehyung quickly suggested that Jungkook should join and be Jennie’s partner.
Naturally, Jen and Jungkook happily agreed, ready to take on the challenge.
‘BTS’ Jennie and Jungkook to guest on an Episode of Running Man’
Running Man announced today through its Instagram that BTS’ Golden Duo, Jennie and Jungkook are currently filming their guest appearance on the show to compete against the Running Man cast and other guest stars in teams.
The article went on to explain that Jessi, 4Minute’s Hyuna and Gayoon, Hayoon and Amber would be joining in the episode to pair with the cast members. Positive reactions were in the comment section for The Golden Duo to be working together again since they made an impact the last time BTS was on the show.
When all the couples were on the set, they were paired out with one another and wore team colors. Jaesuk and Jessi wore green, Haha and Gayoon wore orange, Gary and Song Jihyo wore blue, Sukjin and Hyuna wore purple, Jongkook and Amber wore yellow, Kwangsoo and Hayoon wore brown and JenKook wore red.
Each couple stood by one another, inside a cozy room. They were told that their first mission was to play the pepero game and whichever couple had the shortest stick, would win the round and be one step closer to winning Korean Beef at the end of filming.
“How many times have we eaten pocky sticks together?” Jen recalled while Jungkook let out a chuckle.
Yeah, they had this in the bag.
This would be the second time they were filmed eating pocky together, bringing back Rookie King vibes. It was going to be interesting how things played out at this time.
The Monday Couple were the first ones to go up.
“Golden Duo, watch closely because our stick will be the shortest,” Gary warned
“Wow, tough crowd.” Jen chuckled
The Monday Couple were impatient to get their revenge on them for the tag game the last time they were on the show.
“Don’t get too cocky. We’re dealing with the Golden Duo here. Don’t get them angry. These kids are dangerous.” Jaesuk exclaimed
Jen’s mouth upturned at his statement as everyone watched the Monday Couple munch on their stick at a fast pace. Their noses briefly touched, causing the rest of the couples to giggle. Their lips abruptly touched and the stick fell on the plate, looking around 1.5 cm.
“Golden Duo can’t beat that.” Gary taunted and high fived Song Jihyo.
Jennie and Jungkook glanced at each other and smirked with amusement. It’s best to let their actions do the talking instead of entertaining their comments. They weren’t bothered by the Monday Couple. They’ll still win for sure with a strategy.
Jongkook and Amber were called up next, grabbing a stick. They both were flustered and giggly, trying to take it seriously. Amber couldn’t help but stay still, squinting her eyes, chuckling to herself while Jongkook did all the work. He continued munching forward until the stick fell before he could go further. JenKook took sight of Haha and Gayoon munching on their stick, and they ended up letting their stick be a little bigger than the Monday Couple’s, who were confident in winning because no one had beaten them, yet.
Jungkook took a stick out of the box and met Jen’s gaze.

“Good ol’ Rookie King.” She mentioned, making them laugh at the memories.
After they pulled themselves together, she stood in front of him.
“Go slow and steady,” she advised, getting a nod in response from him.
Jungkook placed the end of the stick in his mouth, leaning down slightly for her to bite the other end of the stick.
They were told and slowly began munching, with their eyes on the stick. Both feeling keen to win and strategic to make sure their stick was the shortest, they ignored any distractions surrounding them which consisted of the Monday Couple playfully trash talking.
Jungkook ended up moving closer to Jennie, cupping her face as the stick got shorter and she slowly tilted her head to the side.
“You ship?” Amber glanced over to Hayoon, off camera.
“I ship,” she confirmed with a giggle.
“I ship too.”
Once their stick dropped on the plate, it was measured as everyone gathered around to see.
It was announced, “It looks like 0.5 cm.”
“No!” the Monday couple yelled.
“I ain’t even mad...” Jessi shook her head while Jen high fived Jungkook.
When it was Sukjin and Hyuna’s turn, they were a giggling mess and their stick accidentally broke in half, which made everyone laugh. Jessi and Jaesuk were finally up, going slow and steady. Jaesuk had accidentally dropped the stick, which made Jungkook place out a hand for Jen to slap for a low five, feeling good that they were still in the lead.
“Why is it so long? It should be shorter!” Jessi playfully scolded, causing Jaesuk to laugh nervously when she grabbed ahold of him.
“I-it was an accident!” he tried to explain
“Accident, huh?” she let go of him, narrowing her eyes.
Lastly was Kwangsoo and Hayoon. Jennie giggled at their banter when Hayoon kept covering her face, trying to get serious about the game. She was so adorable as her face became flushed. When they both had the stick in their mouths, everyone began freaking out when they started to munch. After their stick dropped due to Hayoon pulling back when he got closer, their stick was nowhere near close to JenKook’s stick.
“Winners! Jennie and Jungkook, Team Golden Duo!” the staff announced
Jungkook instantly fist pumped and high fived Jennie once again.
“This is unacceptable!” Gary complained.
“We’ll beat them on the next mission.” Song Jihyo reassured.
When they traveled to the next destination, Amber and Jennie had discussed a date when they would be free to hang out and catch up. Both being busy with their respective group comebacks, they managed to find some time to hang out next week. Jen couldn’t wait to hear what F(x) was working on.
For the second mission, each couple stood on a big platform surrounded by water, located in an indoor swimming pool. The mission was simple. All they had to do was push all members of the opposing teams off the platform and be the last team standing.
‘Round 1’
“I have a plan! Let’s all take out the Golden Duo!“ Gary called out.
Wow, again?
“Man, you thirsty! He’s so obsessed with us.” Jennie called him out.
“I agree, they can’t win again,” Kwangsoo added. “Let’s take them out.”
“Geez, what is this? Survivor?” Jennie pondered
“I think they’re just jealous,” Jungkook added.
When the game started, Gayoon had decided to make the first preemptive attack, going after Hyuna. She succeeded in shoving her off the platform as she watched Hyuna fall into the water, giggling. She was clearly unprepared and wiped the wet hair from her face. She’ll get her revenge on her group member in the next round.
Gayoon had tried to push Haha off and they began to try to overpower each other. The other teams had been watching their match and finally got into the game, going after each other. Jongkook effortlessly began shoving people off the platform with his muscular arms.
Cornering Hayoon, Jennie bumped her hip against hers, causing the GFriend member to lose her balance and fall into the pool.
“Hips for days. Sorry Hayoon, love you.” Jennie waved.
“I’ll remember that!” Hayoon called out.
Due to the slippery water and her shoes, Jennie yelped, about to fall. Jungkook was quick to scoop her up, bridal style in his arms and she held onto him. The sudden action made her stomach flip as she locked eyes with him.
“Careful,” he mentioned with a reassuring smile.
Carrying her, they decided to go after Kwangsoo when he was distracted by trying to push Jaesuk out. Using her feet, Jennie kicked Kwangsoo on his back to make him fall off the platform. The motion caused everyone to start laughing at Kwangsoo and JenKook’s unique teamwork.
“I wasn’t ready!” Kwangsoo yelled, with his guard down.
Getting set down, Jennie watched as the rest of the teams were all up on each other, grabbing and pulling, trying to shove each other off. Sadly, Jen ended up getting pushed off due to Song Jihyo tripping her.
Swimming back up to the surface, she watched the rest of the match, rooting for Jungkook. When it was down to him and Gary, Jungkook had easily shoved him off the platform to win the round.
“Yes!” Jennie got helped back up on the platform by Jungkook and happily celebrated their victory.
“This cannot happen again!” Gary complained.
For Round 2, Jennie went on a defensive route, surviving with Jungkook as she managed to protect him. She would constantly get in front of him, shoving anyone back who tried to go after him. Jongkook, the tiger, began to get ganged up on, as most of the teams strived to shove him and Amber off the platform. Once they failed to shove Jongkook and Amber off, they went straight after the Golden Duo.
“Oh gosh.” Jennie stood back to back with Jungkook.
After she took in the sight of what was going on, Jen made her move, grabbing a hold of Hyuna’s manicured hands. Miss Bangtan used her strength to shove her into the pool. Turning her awareness to Kwangsoo, he let out a yell, staring at her in horror.
“Nope! Nope! Nope!” he ran and jumped off the platform
Meanwhile, Jungkook had worked on pushing Sukjin and Jaesuk off the platform. JenKook regrouped and stood in front of Jongkook and Amber. Jennie and Amber go after each other, clasping their hands together, attempting to push each other off while giggling at each other. Amber slipped on the platform and Jen took advantage by rolling her to fall into the pool.
Turning to Jongkook, she noticed that Haha was trying to shove him off, ignoring Jungkook and she helped Jungkook up, bringing him to safety. The two managed to shove Haha and Jongkook off and happily high fiving each other.
“How many people have they taken out so far?” Amber laughed.
As the round progressed, Jungkook was shoved out by Song Jihyo. He was annoyed that he had lost but rooted for Jennie to win the game for their team.
Jessi had attempted to push her off the platform.
“Sorry, hon. You gotta go.” Jessi said but Jen stood her ground and managed to push her off instead with the help of using her feet to trip her.
Distracted from Jessi, Jennie felt a strong push on her back and fell into the pool thanks to Song Jihyo.
“Yes!” Gary happily shouted, applauding her.
"Darn it..." Jennie swam up and Jungkook pulled her into his arms.
"Take that Golden Duo!" Song Jihyo smiled victoriously.
"We told you we'd beat you!" Gary added as the audience laughed at how passionate the Monday Couple was about beating The Golden Duo.
"Don't worry about it. We'll get 'em. Good job," the Golden Maknae reassured Jennie with a smile and gently moved some of her wet hair from her face.
In the end, Song Jihyo won the round for her team.
For the final round, everyone ganged up to take out Jongkook first, creating a big group on top of him. Jennie avoided the chaos with Jungkook and decided to start pushing people off who were near the edge to increase their chances of winning.
Standing in the middle of the platform, Gary and Song Jihyo faced off with the Golden Duo, as they tried to push each other near the edge.
“Jennie! I will get my revenge!” Gary yelled, grabbing a hold of her. "We are going to win this! We are not going to lose! We are not going to lose!”
Miss Bangtan laughed, evading his attempts to shove her off the pool.
Song Jihyo shrieked when Jungkook easily picked her up over his shoulder and tossed her into the pool. With Jennie, she used her hips to bump Gary off the platform.
“Nothing personal.” Jennie shrugged, feeling victorious despite the Monday Couple’s complaints.
Kwangsoo had crawled away from them, on the platform but ended up getting rolled off by JenKook.
Near the end of the round, it was down to Jennie and Amber. They caught their breaths and stood in the middle of the platform. Going to strike, Amber had tried to trip Jennie, but Miss Bangtan evaded her move. It was a back and forth battle between the two, pushing and pulling each other, near the edge of the platform. In the end, Jennie caught an opening when Amber began to lose her balance on the edge. She then did one final push and watched as Amber fell into the water.
“Yeah!” Jennie cheered and jumped off the platform, landing into Jungkook’s arms.
He embraced her and spun her around as they celebrated their victory.
“Great job, Jennie! You did it!” He giggled, wiping some of her wet hair from her face.
"Woo! That is what I'm talking about!" she giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.
“ARMY is going to be very happy to see them winning on behalf of BTS.” Jaesuk chuckled.
“They really want this Korean beef,” Jongkook added.
“Why do they always win?” Kwangsoo complained.
"This is not fair!" Gary complained as the audience laughed.
“I think we should just give them the beef. They already won.” Gayoon giggled.
For the last mission, everyone was scattered around a mall, by themselves. Jennie stood near an emergency exit, with her Korean spelled name tag stuck to her shirt.
On the speaker, it was announced that they would need to find their significant other. Once they reunite with their partner, they must team up and find the correct key. After they find the key, they must find the room where the key opens, and find a platform to land on while avoiding getting their tag ripped. If one person gets their tag ripped, the entire couple is eliminated.
“Gosh...really?” Jen cringed at the camera. “That’s...a lot of work.”
Once she heard the buzzer, the game began and she let out a breath. “ARMY, time to find our Golden Maknae.” she gave the camera a thumbs up and started walking with a cameraman following her.
With Gary, he carefully walked around the mall on the second floor. “I must find Jennie or Jungkook. We need to take out the Golden Duo, so they can’t win. Hopefully, I can convince everyone else.”
He was so fixated on making sure the two teenagers lost this time. They won too many battles. It was time to lose for a change.
With Hayoon, she chose to hide in a changing room that was in one of the clothing stores.
“I’m going to hang in here for a little while,” she spoke on camera.
Back with Jennie, she walked slowly, looking at her surroundings.
“All right...so far so good...” she mumbled.
She recognized Gary walking by and immediately leaned against the wall, making sure he passed her, unnoticed. She let out a sigh of relief and quickly left the area to avoid being detected.
With Haha and Gayoon, who had found each other, they go to each store to find the correct key. They came across three sets of keys, but none were the right ones.
“Found you!” Gary called them out, causing Gayoon to yelp in surprise. “Wait! Wait! I don’t want to fight. Let’s work together.”
“Why should we trust you?” she pointed out.
“I want to get the Golden Duo out, so they won’t win. Don’t you want to get them out too? Let’s work together, find Song Jihyo and take down the maknaes.”
“Well, those maknaes are insane.” Haha started to become convinced.
“Okay, we’ll work with you.” Gayoon agreed and the three of them began walking together around the mall to find keys and search for Jennie or Jungkook.
It looked like JenKook was in trouble if Gary continued to convince other teams to join him to take them out.
With Amber, she walked around, seeking to find her partner. “I have a feeling someone is hiding around here,” she murmured, going inside the store that Hayoon was hiding in.
Hayoon had heard a noise and remained quiet while Amber walked around to see if anyone was hiding. In the end, Amber couldn’t find her and ended up finding a key, but it wasn’t the right one. The rapper continued her hunt for Jongkook by leaving the store and going up the escalator.
Hayoon, still hiding in the dressing room, placed a hand over her heart. “Thank goodness. I don’t want to get my tag ripped anytime soon. Ah...maybe I should go find Kwangsoo. But I’m so scared. What should I do?”
With the Golden Maknae, he kept a low profile as he went to find keys.
“Ah...I wish Jennie was here with me, right now. They are doing well to keep us apart. But I will find her. And we’ll win for sure.” he said to the camera, determined.
“Hey!” the sound of Jessi’s voice, caused him to look Jungshooked.
He immediately began backing up while she walked after him. He ended up giggling at her as she tried to grab onto him to rip his tag off. His strength overpowered her attempts and he escaped. Jessi tried to run after him, but he was too fast and she stopped running.
“I don’t know why I even tried.” she shrugged on camera, chuckling as the audience laughed.
Back to Jennie as she unsuccessfully discovered the right key in a shoe store, she came across the row of Nike sneakers.
“Daaaaaamnnnnn, how much are these?” she exclaimed in English and picked up one of the shoes to check them out. “Yo...I need to get this after the show.”
Distracted, she was unaware that Hyuna and Sukjin had spotted her. Hearing footsteps, Jennie quickly set the shoe down and ran out of the store, with them high on her tail.
“Jennie!” Hyuna laughed and grabbed a hold of her.
“This is so cheap. You gonna run up on me when I was looking at Nike shoes? Really?” she evaded her attempts to grab her tag, defending herself against them both.
“Let us oust you, Miss Bangtan. We need to win this.” Sukjin responded.
“Sorry, but I didn’t come here to lose. I appreciate your determination. Not enough to take me out. Jungkook and I are going to win this.” she managed to push them away and escape.
She ended up losing them, and she hid in another store to catch her breath, hiding behind the register.
That was too close.
“Ah...I hate this. I want Jungkook. The heck, is he?” she complained.
Turning her head, she found another small box and opened it to find a key. Examining it, she realized that it was not the right key and placed it back. She abruptly heard Hyuna and Sukjin yelling in panic and loudly running past the store she was hiding in. She realized that Jongkook had found them and started chasing after them.
“So glad I’m not them right now,” she murmured.
As the game progressed, Gary managed to find Song Jihyo with Haha and Gayoon, discussing strategy when they found Jen or Jungkook to eliminate them. Unfortunately for them, they had bumped into Jongkook who had been chasing after Hyuna and Sukjin. The two teams instantly run with Hyuna and Sukjin, yelling and screaming all over the place.
Hyuna got in an elevator but unluckily none of the others made it inside with her. When the door opened on the next floor, she saw the Golden Maknae quickly looking up from his feet, widening his eyes.
“Oh no!” she shrieked as he rushed in, grabbing a hold of her. “Wait, wait, please! The game just started!” she pleaded but unfortunately for her, he ripped her tag off to eliminate her and Sukjin from the game.
“Sorry, Noona.” Jungkook bowed and grinned.
‘Hyuna out. Hyuna out.’
Back to Hayoon, she still was hiding in her hiding spot. When she heard the announcement, she sighed out of relief when it wasn’t her partner. Out of nowhere, she shrieked when she suddenly saw the dressing room door swing open, locking eyes with her best friend, Jennie.
“Really?” Jennie laughed and took a seat next to her.
“Aw...it was nice when it lasted.” Hayoon pouted.
“Have you seen Jungkook?”
“I heard him in here a while ago. I have no idea where he went. Thankfully he didn’t find me.”
“Thanks. Okay. See you.” she stood up.
“W-wait, you’re sparing me?”
“Yeah.” Jen nodded. “I love you, that’s why.”
Hayoon smiled at her answer and felt a little flustered.
“Just try not to get caught," Miss Bangtan warned. "And if we meet again, I won’t hesitate to take the tag off.”
“Gosh...you and Jungkook are so scary when competitive. Reminds me of our dodgeball game at school.”
“That’s riiiiight.” she kissed her forehead. “Be safe out there.”
“You too!” Hayoon watched her leave.
Standing up, she decided it was time to move around and find Kwangsoo and some keys. No more getting scared. It was time to play the game.
As the game went on, Amber and Jongkook had found each other and were running after the rest of the teams that were plotting to find Jennie and Jungkook.
“Run faster! Run faster! They’re here! They’re coming!” Haha yelled.
“Ah...we are in deep trouble!” Jaesuk huffed
“This was not part of the plan! Work with us to take out the Golden Duo!” Gary pleaded.
Jungkook had found himself in the mix when Song Jihyo spotted him and started running after him. Now it was Gary, Song Jihyo, Haha, Gayoon, Jessi, and Jaesuk running after Jungkook while running away from Amber and Jongkook.
“Get Jungkook! One team has to sacrifice themselves so we can oust Jungkook!” Jaesuk shouted.
“Go! Go! Go! We’re losing him!” Gary yelled, determinedly.
Out of breath, Jungkook came to a stop and had to fend for himself desperately as he saw the three teams halt in front of him. The three teams were distracted because they wanted to focus on Jungkook but Jongkook and Amber were behind them and they weren’t sure what to do.
Out of nowhere, Jennie jumped into the fray, grabbing a hold of Jungkook from behind. He widened his eyes in surprise when he turned to see her, gesturing for him to run with her. Everyone noticed that Jennie and Jungkook were finally reunited and freaked out.
“No! This was not supposed to happen!” Gary whined as all the teams scattered to go after them and escape Jongkook and Amber.
“Ah! Separate them!” Haha shouted.
“They’re headed downstairs! Go down!” Jessi yelled.
Song Jihyo managed to grab a hold of Jungkook’s arm, which made Jennie get pulled back with him.
“Uh, uh, not today! Kook and I will live to see another day! Get off of him!” Jen made her lose her grip before running away with her Golden partner.
“Aish...these kids...they’re too fast,” Jaesuk called out.
“We are dealing with two pains in the asses here.” Jessi chuckled, shaking her head. “These kids need to go but they run so fast. So how are we going to beat them?”
Once Jennie and Jungkook found a safe area to hide, he wrapped his arms around her tightly for a hug.
“Are you all right?” she asked.
“I am just very happy to see you, right now.”
“Feeling is mutual. I really thought I wasn’t going to be able to make it. Catch your breath, I know you’re tired.”
They sat on the floor as he tilted his head back, making it rest on the wall. Jennie laid her head on his shoulder and rested with him while keeping her eyes and ears alert for anyone walking by.
Finally, they found each other and can work on winning.
After resting for a while, they walked around the mall to find the keys. As they strolled down the hallway, they heard a loud noise behind them. Jungkook was quick to grab her to safety by wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her against his chest. He looked both ways to see if anyone was there.
“That scared the crap outta me,” Jen said in English, exhaling sharply with a hand on her chest when they noticed that one of the camera crew had knocked over a plant by accident.
“What are we going to do? Everyone is after us. Should we go stealth?” Jungkook suggested as they continued their search for keys.
“No, I don’t think we should do stealth this time.”
“Yeah because they aren’t focused on getting the key, they’re focused on getting us out. They’re gonna do anything to eliminate us. They’ll try to corner us, distract us, this, that, and the third. We need to be quick and on full offense. No more messing around. We gotta win this. So, let’s find this key and if anybody runs up on us, we’ll rip the tags off. No more running away. I won’t let anyone rip your tag off. I promise.” she reassured him, placing a hand on his shoulder. “I got you, Jungkook.”
A bunny smile appeared on the Golden Maknae’s lips, motivated by her words. “I got you, first. Now let’s go.”
As time went on, the Golden Duo searched around, undetected, and managed to find the right key. All they had to do now was find the room to open the door and stand on the platform.
Walking to the door that leads to the stairwell, Jennie opened it and walked in with Jungkook, only to spot Jaesuk, Jessi, Kwangsoo and Hayoon, Gary and Song Jihyo trying to get each other’s tags after they all had turned against each other.
The sight of JenKook caused Kwangsoo and Hayoon to rush down the stairs in panic while the rest of the teams were caught off guard and ran down the steps to avoid them. JenKook had decided to dash after them, going after the Monday Couple first for revenge.
Running through a door, the Monday Couple had pushed to close it shut, only to have JenKook push forward to push it open.
“No! It won’t end like this!” Gary yelled.
“Don’t let them in!” Song Jihyo shouted.
Jennie, using her strength, gripped the doorknob and placed her foot on the wall, slowly pulling it back as the door gradually opened. Jungkook took advantage by grabbing Song Jihyo’s arm. He pulled her to him and used his other hand to search for the name tag on her back.
‘Song Jihyo out. Song Jihyo out.’
“Ah...I can’t believe this.” Song Jihyo slid down and sighed in defeat with Gary.
After bowing and thanking the Monday Couple, Jennie and Jungkook continued their search for the platform.
“Are you okay?” Gary helped Song Jihyo up.
“Wow...the Golden Duo is no joke,” she mentioned, bewildered.
“They have to be the strongest guests we ever had. Iron Man and Captain America strength. This won’t be the end. We will get them next time.”
Near the end of the game, Jennie and Jungkook finally found the door. Managing to open it with no problems, they quickly jumped onto the platform as confetti popped out from the ceiling, making them the winners of the game.
All the teams had met up in the room to recap on the episode and congratulated JenKook on their successful win despite the odds not being in their favor.
Receiving Korean Beef as their prize, Jungkook happily announced, “We’ll eat this proudly. Jin Hyung, prepare to make this for us when we get home!”
“Ahhhh, they came to our show and won everything. They cannot be beaten.” Haha shook his head as everyone laughed
Once Jennie and Jungkook went back to the dorms with Seijin, the members greeted them with loud cheers when they saw the Korean beef in their hands.
A victory dance commenced between the members and afterward, Jennie showered and helped Jin cook the beef.
After dinner, Jennie chose to turn in early due to the full meal and long day of filming. Wearing a white tank top with black shorts, she dozed off in her warm bed.
Buzz Buzz Buzz
Stirring in her sleep, Jen slowly woke up and grabbed her phone off the nightstand. Squinting her eyes at the high brightness of the screen, she turned her brightness down and checked out the message.
Kookie: You awake? I have a headache. Could you massage it away?
Jen: Sure. Drink water and then stop by
She sat up and stretched her limbs. Turning on the lamp, she turned to look at the time. It was past 1am. It looked like Jungkook was done gaming for the night with the rest of the Maknae Line.
Noticing that her bun was messy, she realized that her bonnet had fallen off while sleeping. Yawning, she took out her bun and shook her hair out, deciding to fix it after massaging Jungkook.
Hearing a firm series of knocks on her door, she called out with her voice filled with sleep, “Who?”
“Golden Maknae in need of Miss Bangtan’s famous massages.”
His bright voice made her smile. “How much are you paying?”
“I’m sure we can negotiate with smarties.” he quipped, making her giggle softly.
“You got me there. Enter my realm.”
She watched him walk in with a big smile as he closed the door. She noticed he was wearing one of his many white shirts and a pair of shorts that came to his knees. His hair was messy, too, it made him look even cuter.
She scooted over as she felt the bed dip when he got on the bed to lay down next to her.
“I told you don’t eat so much candy. But what do you do? Eat a lot of candy. Now, look at you. Suffering from a headache.” she scolded.
“The candy Hyung buys is really good. I can’t help it.”
“I can’t help it.” she mocked in a low voice, making him chuckle. “How much did you even eat after dinner?” she let him lay his head on her lap as she gently began to massage his temples.
“You don’t want to know.” he let out a content sigh, closing his eyes.
“No more eating a lot of sweets, especially before you go to sleep. Those sugar headaches are killer. And make sure you drink more water and take aspirin."
“Yes, ma’am.”
“You’re a handful.”
After a while, he ended up falling asleep, with his headache nearly gone. She gently removed his head from her lap and let him sleep next to her. Moments later, Jen decided to play on her phone, to pass the time until she felt herself getting tired.
After ten minutes, she glanced over at the Golden Maknae, watching him sleep as his chest rose and fell slowly. Placing her phone on the nightstand, she turned to her side, to continue observing him. Her hand slowly ran through his soft hair. Gently brushing her fingertips against his cheek, she absentmindedly ran her thumb over his bottom lip. Glancing at his lips, she quickly shook the thought away and removed her hand.
‘The heck was that Jen?’ she looked away from his lips but couldn’t help but look back at them.
Jungkook had grown up. His vocals get better and better throughout each comeback. He had gotten so much taller, it was like it was yesterday when they were almost the same height. His English skills improve day by day, making her proud of his efforts. And he had become so handsome over the years.
Her body began moving on its own as she found herself slowly leaning down. She stopped midway, looking at his gentle face. Closing her eyes with hesitation, she pulled back.
Jen laid on her back and looked up at the ceiling, inhaling and exhaling deeply. She didn’t understand what she was doing. What this strange feeling was.
Turning her head to the side, she looked at him, falteringly.
After a moment, she turned her body on her side and leaned forward to press her lips to his. She kissed him softly while closing her eyes. His lips were softer than she anticipated, taking her off guard. Nonetheless, she felt something strong from the kiss.
When she realized what she had done, she pulled away, confused by her abrupt actions.
‘What the hell, Jennie? Why did you do that? Stupid, stupid, stupid. I am such an idiot.’ she thought to herself, touching her lips.
She was so fixated on thinking of what she had done, that she didn’t even notice Jungkook slowly opening his eyes.

Consequently, he knew exactly what she had done and when she met his gaze, her stomach dropped.
She stiffened, widening her eyes while her face felt flushed. All she wanted to do was crawl into a hole. She had no excuse for her actions and couldn’t even think of coherent thoughts without making a fool out of herself.
“...u-um-I’m...” she hesitated, averting her eyes from him. “I-I’m sorry, I don’t know what got into me. I think I’m gonna go get something from the kitchen.”
She began scrambling to get out of bed but felt his warm hand, firmly grabbing her wrist to stop her from getting off the mattress.
“Don’t leave,” he whispered.

Jen let out a sharp gasp when he gently pushed her down on the bed, feeling the soft, warm sheets under her. Her heart raced quickly as she watched him slowly climb on top of her, placing his palms on the bed, next to both sides of her head.
She couldn’t look at him in the eyes as she felt a mixture of crazy emotions while still feeling awkward by her previous actions.
“Look at me,” her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his low voice.
She nervously held his gaze, unable to ignore his request. She didn’t understand where this sudden desire to kiss him was coming from and it bothered her.
It bothered her because she shouldn’t even be in this foreign position with him.
It bothered her because the way he was staring at her made it harder to resist him.
It bothered her because he looked so enticing and she anticipated what he was going to do to her.
Her chest rose up and down with the butterflies in her stomach getting worse. She watched him take a good look at the position they were in.
From his face, it seemed like he was contemplating if he should risk it all. It was like he was struggling to suppress the urge to do whatever his mind was thinking of doing to her. She regarded that he had licked his lips and placed his bottom lip in between his teeth as his eyes traveled down to her bare, thick legs. When he locked eyes with her, she felt her nervousness intensify.
He slowly leaned down, pressing his body against hers, gently kissing her softly. She froze, widening her eyes as she felt his lips move on hers while he tilted his head to continue kissing her slowly.
‘What the hell? What the hell are we doing? What the hell are we doing?’ she thought in panic.
His lips were tender and he pulled away briefly, leaving her breathless. Jungkook moved some hair from her face before leaning down to crash his lips against hers again.
Part of her wanted to push him off.
Tell him that this should not be happening.
But his kisses were too much to handle and she found herself kissing back, uncertain. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Gradually, she became in sync with his lips, finding a rhythm, despite her lack of kiss experience.
With a hand in his soft hair, she ran her fingers through it. Shortly after she felt his large hands caressing her legs and she hitched a breath.
Jungkook’s hands were all over her. Places that a friend shouldn’t be touching but he was so gentle that she couldn’t help but melt into his touch. They slowly eased back from their lingering kiss to catch their breaths.
Jennie, unable to resist and giving in to this heated encounter, sat up with him to straddle him on his lap. The sudden gesture made him grunt softly as she gripped onto his shirt.
The way he looked at her looked like he was giving her permission to do whatever she wanted. Sensing her hesitation, he ended up guiding her hands to remove his shirt before tossing it to the side.
'Oh my God...' she thought as she ran her hands down his chest and then took his face in her hands. 'What's gotten into me?'

She resumed kissing him again as she felt warm and tingly. Each kiss felt better than the last one, making her feel good. Their kissing got heated as he slowly ran his hands down her back and squeezed her hips. He was starting to drive her crazy as he continued his frisky behavior when his hands slowly traveled down to squeeze her rear. The sudden gesture made her jump and let out a squeal of surprise before resuming their heated kissing.
Once they pulled back to breathe again, a thought in her mind made her place a hand on his chest, as the doubts came back.
‘We shouldn’t be doing this...I should not have kissed him. This isn’t right. But it feels right. But friends don’t do this. We need to stop. This can’t go any further. I need to get out of this.’ she thought, feeling conflicted with everything that was going on.
Jungkook noticed her pulling away and closed the gap by pulling her back against his body.
"Don't. It's okay," he murmured and swiftly laid her back on the bed, climbing on top of her to kiss her again.
Jungkook made her forget about the doubts as he deepened the kiss, causing her to softly moan. It made her feel embarrassed that an abrupt sound like that came out of her since she never made a sound like that before. She felt his strong hands grab her wrists, pinning them on the bed, beside her head. His hands gradually slid up to her hands slowly intertwining his fingers with hers. He kept a firm grip, making her unable to escape his passion.
Jungkook took his time, placing sweet kisses on her face. From her cheeks to her jawline, he made her feel wanted and cared for. He needed to stop kissing her like this. Every time he kissed her sweetly, he would glance at her lovingly before doing it again. His kisses were making her heart pound. She couldn’t take much more of this.
Turning her head to one side, she closed her eyes and let out shaky breaths when she felt him shift down to her neck. His nose nuzzled against her neck before placing, soft and gentle kisses around it, leaving her panting from the foreign feeling.
‘Oh God...why am I enjoying this?’ she thought as she threw her head back against the pillow.
She tightened her hands against his, writhing underneath him while trying to fight back any sounds. Of course, with Jungkook pinning her down to the bed, focused on her neck, she failed miserably, becoming undone. Jungkook appeared to be satisfied with his efforts and her reactions because he let out a low chuckle in response.
“Jungkook,” she whispered breathlessly as she felt his warm breath against her ear.
“Relax, baby girl...” he whispered, feeling her squirm from all the overwhelming and foreign feelings in her body.
This was torture, what he was doing to her, and she couldn’t do anything as he held her down.
"Do you trust me?" she heard him ask in her ear, making her shiver.
"Y-yes," she breathed out.
Suddenly he let her go and began kissing down her neck and started to move lower, making her feel flushed
"W-wait...where are you going?" she stuttered with her breathing increasing as she placed her hands in his hair when he continued to travel down to her stomach.
Never would she think that Jungkook would ever do this, especially to her.
Jennie ended up falling off her bed with a big thump. She quickly got back to her feet. Snapping her head from side to side, looking around, she noticed that no one was in her room but her.
“What the hell...?” she placed a hand on her hair, which was still in a bun, and checked her phone to see no messages from Jungkook that indicated that he needed a massage tonight.
She then realized that she was just dreaming.
“Oh no. Oh my gosh, please. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.” she started pacing around, in panic. “No. No. No.” she shook her head repeatedly, trying to get the thoughts out of her mind.
It startled her that she just dreamed about her friend this way.
“That meant nothing. That had to mean nothing.” she tried to convince herself. “No way. No way this would happen. Why did I dream of that? Why? Am I drunk? Did I eat one too many Smarties? Get it together!”
She slapped her cheeks with her palms. Going into her small bathroom, she splashed her face with cold water and sat on top of the toilet seat, to collect her thoughts.
That imagination...came out of nowhere.
Jungkook would never think of this, would he?
He would never think of her like this, right?
So why did she think of him like that?
He probably never dreamed of her like that, either, so why did she?
He would never think about making out with her, would he?
She was so confused.
Friends don’t just make out with each other like they did in that dream and she shouldn’t be having these types of thoughts of him.
“This is wrong. We can’t...we’re friends.” she reminded herself. “Best friends. In a group. We are in a group, working together. Professionally. This...can’t happen. It meant nothing. It meant nothing, Jennie.” she tried to convince herself as she worked on pretending that the dream didn’t happen.
Boy, it was going to be hard to act normal around Jungkook in the morning.
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 61- Tense

Chapter Summary: Still shooked by the dream Jennie begins to feel awkward around Jungkook and her unusual behavior does not go unnoticed
Words: 6,000+
Author's Note: D.E.N.I.A.L lol. Also, If you played Cards Against Humanity (highly recommend), then you know things get suggestive so if you are not about that life, just skip it. Also there is foreshadowing at the end! :)
Jennie didn’t get much sleep that night, still shaken from those events that appeared in her dream. This was not good and she kept mentally kicking herself for letting her mind imagine something so inappropriate about her best friend.
Near morning, she was the first to go into the kitchen and sought to distract herself with a bowl of cereal and games on her phone.
“Morning, sweetie!” Jin’s voice was heard as she looked up with a timid smile.
“You want me to make you anything?”
“Nah, I’m almost done with my cereal. But I’ll help you cook breakfast.” she got out of her seat.
Helping him fix a big meal for the members, they set up plates around the table. Before she knew it, Taehyung, Namjoon, and Hobi made their way into the kitchen to eat. Gathering her dish after eating another bowl of cereal, Jennie advanced her way to place the bowl in the sink.
“Hey, morning!” Jungkook’s cheerful voice filled the room.
Flinching, she inadvertently dropped her bowl on the floor, causing the glass to shatter.
“Crap...” she quickly kneeled to try to carefully pick up the pieces.
“Aw, hyung! Another thing broke?” Jimin walked in, complaining.
“It wasn’t even me! It was Jennie!” Namjoon exclaimed, pointing at her.
“You all right?” Hobi asked, earning a soft “yeah” from Miss Bangtan.
“Hey, I got it.” Jungkook quickly went to help her.
Her hand brushed against his, causing her to flinch again. She immediately stood up and cleared her throat.
Jungkook shot her a worried look. “Hey, you all right?”
“Y-yeah, yeah. Just accidentally cut my finger,” she responded quickly. “I need to use the bathroom, I’ll be right back.” she hastily left while he cleaned up the mess with Hobi.
Walking into the hallway bathroom, she shut the door and placed her hands on the sink, exhaling slowly. She wished she didn’t feel so clumsy around him because of a dream.
‘Should I just tell him?’ she thought to herself. Shaking her head, she added, ‘No way. Keep this to the grave. It’ll take some time but I’ll get over this.’
At least, she hoped she did.
After washing her hands, she sat on the toilet seat. She can’t hide in here forever. She’ll have to leave sometime. She just needed some time to regroup and put on a fake smile.
“Ennie, are you all right?” Taehyung knocked on the door.
“Yeah, you can come in,” she answered.
“Let’s take care of this.” he grabbed the first aid kit from under the sink and kneeled in front of her, taking her right hand.
“I could’ve done this.”
“I was worried.”
“It’s just a little cut, Tae.”
“Still.” he placed some antibiotic ointment on the cut and placed a small band-aid on her right middle finger. “There, all better.”
She chuckled as she watched him cutely kiss her bandaged finger a few times. “Thanks, Tae.”
“Now let’s head back to the kitchen.”
“R-right. The kitchen.”
Where Jungkook was...
Strolling back into the kitchen, she locked eyes with Jungkook, who waved. “Jennie, I saved your seat. Sit next to me!” he gave her one of his cute bunny smiles.
“Thanks,” she murmured and sat next to him with the rest of the members around the table.
Boy, she wished she could hide right now as her cheeks warmed up.
While the members were immersed in conversation, Jennie tried to distract herself by going on her phone. But it was short lived when Namjoon grabbed it and placed it on the table. She shot him a ‘What the hell’ facial expression.
“If Jin had to take my phone away, your phone would be taken too. No phones at the table. We’re both suffering,” he responded.
Jungkook had been watching her the entire time. She seemed...off today ever since she dropped her bowl.
“Hey, are you all right? You seem jumpy today,” he murmured to her.
“O-oh, I’m fine. It’s just that time of the month.” she laughed nervously.
“I thought it doesn’t start until the following week. We’ve been keeping track, remember?” Jin called out.
‘For fuck sake! Really Jin?!’ she complained in her head, struggling not to glare at him. “It’s irregular today. Must’ve been something I ate. It’s okay.”
“Maybe it was the beef? Does that happen? Females eat something and their cycle acts up?”
“Jesus...let’s stop talking about periods, it’s too early for this.” she rubbed her temples.
For the next few days, Jennie proceeded to be on edge as the members started noticing her change in demeanor. Her voice would go up an octave and she often laughed nervously at the most basic things. There was one time when Hobi had brought a box of pocky and asked if she wanted some. She yelled a loud “No!” unexpectedly, causing him to yelp. She had apologized profusely for it. She couldn’t even look at Pocky because it made her think of Jungkook.
Following dance practice, Jungkook had decided to address her. He regarded that she wasn’t as chatty with him and spent even less time with the other members, remaining quiet. He began to feel jealous of the lack of attention, poking the inside of his cheek when he watched her avoid conversation all day.
“Hey, did I...do something wrong?” he asked, watching her place her bag over her shoulder.
Jennie took a small step back, feeling intimidated by their closeness. “Huh? What you mean?”
“Something is bothering you and it’s starting to bother me. I don’t like seeing you so troubled.” he crossed his arms.
Concern was clear in his voice and facial features as she nervously looked at him in the eyes.
“What makes you think I’m troubled?”
“I dunno you just seem kind of...distant...I hope I didn’t do anything wrong. If I did, I’m sorry.”
Her eyes softened. He truly was a sweetheart. She was being so unfair to him and she didn’t want him to be upset like this.
“Y-you didn’t do anything wrong. Don’t worry about it. I’m just a little tired. I’ll be fine. I uh, watched this horror movie, that’s why I’m a bit on edge.”
“What movie?”
‘Crap...’ she thought. “T-The shining. It’s an American movie. Y-you know, hereeeeee’s Johnny!” she started laughing anxiously as he raised a brow.
'Something is definitely off.' he thought but decided to let her slide.
He chuckled and shook his head. “You’re so goofy today. Maybe you should stick with action movies. I also think you ate too many smarties.”
“Yeah, smarties. That’s it.”
The next day, Jennie had tried to get her mind off things by going to a private gym, early in the morning. Wearing her Nike jacket zipped halfway, over her sports bra, she also had the sneakers and leggings on. She sat on the bench, wrapping her hands in a pair of MMA gel hand wraps.
After stretching and running on the treadmill for a warm up, she switched to the weights. Once she was done, she turned to the punching bag to take out all her frustration by punching and kicking aggressively.
“Get! Your! Act! To! Get! Her! Stop! Think! ‘ing! A! ‘bout! Him!” she muttered after every punch and kick.
“How come you decided to go to the gym without us?” Jimin whined, walking in with Jin.
Stopping her punch, she turned to them, trying to keep her nervousness in check. "I-I sorry. I wanted a head start,"
She noticed that almost two hours had passed and her entire body was perspiring and aching. Grabbing a towel, she sat on a bench and wiped her face. Jimin and Jin had begun using the weights while she watched them, occasionally speaking while in their conversation. After her little break, she went to do squats with dumbbells in her hands.
She shouldn't still be working out for this long but anything to distract her from her mind wandering back to her best friend in her bed.
Jungkook was also located in the gym, finishing up his set of chin-ups on a bar. Looking up, he noticed Jennie, catching a glimpse of her bending down for another squat. His gaze lingered on her rear, watching closely. He didn’t know how long he was staring for but he couldn’t look away.
“Hey, Jungkook!” Jimin patted him on the back, causing the Maknae to jump. “Whatcha staring at?”
“N-nothing.” he stuttered, feeling his face get flushed.
“Staring at her again, eh?” he teased.
“N-not at all.”
Jennie turned around and widened her eyes in alarm when she saw Jungkook speaking with Jimin.

‘Time to go!’ she yelled in her head, gathering up her things hastily.
“H-hey, where are you going?” Jin called out, getting off one of the machines.
“Something came up! Gotta go! See you in the dorm!” she raced out of the gym.
“W-we just got here! I thought we were going to do Zumba!” he yelled, catching the attention of Jimin and Jungkook.
“What happened?” Jimin asked.
“She just left out of the blue...now, who is going to teach us Zumba?”
“I can!” Jungkook raised his hand.
“Jennie does it better than you, though.” Jimin dismissed him, causing the Maknae to playfully hit him
After working out, Jungkook had gone back to the dorm, to lay on his bed. He couldn’t get that image of Jennie out of his head as his mind began to wander.
It was a summer afternoon in the dorm with Jennie chilling on the couch, in the living room, on her phone. He noticed that she was in her gym clothes and he was too, so he assumed they’d be working out together. Her hair was down, which he always liked. Whenever she put her hair in a bun, he always had the abrupt urge to take it out.
“Hey! There you are. Before we go, I’ve been itching to play this game. It’s called Cards Against Humanity, ever heard of it?” she beamed.
“Yeah, never played it though.” he sat next to her.
“It’s simple, I’ll show you. Seijin isn’t coming to drop us off at the gym for another hour, so you want to play to pass the time?”
“Yeah, why not.”
He watched her get up and get the box of cards from her room. Sitting back on the couch, she shuffled the cards.
“All right, this game can get sexual and inappropriate. It’s not your average kiddy game,” she informed him. “And it can be offensive. It’s been a while since I played this and I’m really bored, so do you mind? Only if you’re comfortable with it.”
Jungkook nodded. “It’s fine.”
“This game is supposed to have at least three players, but let’s just have fun and see what crazy combinations we can come up with. And be 100% real with me. It’s just us. No judging. Let’s have fun, and get our teenage minds flowing. What happens here, stays here. And be as random as possible in this game so I can have a good laugh.”
“All right, you’re on.”
“The black cards are the question cards, which is basically a statement. The white cards are what we can use to answer the statement as you can see there’s a word to fill in for it. Usually, the person with the best white card answer will win the black card.”
She placed a black card on the couch and it read ‘There’s an app for that’
Jennie placed down, ‘Feeding Rosie O’Donnell’ while Jungkook put down, ‘bitches’
“Really...?” she deadpanned.
“What?” he smiled sheepishly.
“That’s a dry answer, Kook. Don’t give me these wack answers.” she playfully scolded.
As they continued to play, their combinations got funnier as Jungkook loosened up and enjoyed himself in the game. Their answers were so random that they had to google what some words meant because they hadn’t heard of them before.
‘And the Academy award goes for...goes to...’ said the black card with two white cards that needed to be placed for the statement.
Jennie placed down ’72 virgins’ and ‘Batman’ for her answer, while Jungkook suddenly placed down, ‘Firing a rifle into the air while balls deep in a squealing hog’ and ‘sperm whales’
“What the actual hell?” she cackled. “Jungkook, what is going on with your mind today?”
“I dunno about that.” she teased.
‘Maybe she’s born with it. Maybe it’s...’
Having terrible cards, Jennie decided to get rid of her ‘Hot Pockets’ card for her answer, while Jungkook chose ‘Sexual Tension’
“So, how does a girl be born with sexual tension?” she asked.
“I guess when she automatically gives the guy sexual tension?” he shrugged.
“Fair enough.”
‘I drink to forget...’
Jen put down ‘Horsemeat’ while Jungkook put down ‘Pulling out’, causing her to stare at him, surprised.
“Wow, Jungkook.” she shook her head as he let out a shy laugh.
‘Why am I sticky?’
Jennie chose ‘Judge Judy’ and Jungkook placed down ‘Fingering’ for the next card.
“Wow. You have a very dirty mind, Kook.” she asserted, checking out her white cards.
Jungkook had felt his face warm up at her statement.
Well, she wasn’t wrong.
As they continued to play, Jennie laughed again when Jungkook had put down, ‘Doing the right stuff to her nipples’
“You’ve been hanging around Namjoon too much.”
“It-its just a game! I’m trying here!” he stuttered.
“That’s what they all say. I guess that mouth of yours doesn’t just sing and rap, huh?”
‘If it’s for you, I’ll do whatever you want.’ he thought to himself.
“You wanna kiss?” she asked out of the blue.
“Yes,” he answered immediately.
Taking out a small bag of Hershey Kisses, she handed him a few in a small ziplock bag. “Jeez, you’re really eager for chocolate, aren’t you? Well, I don’t blame you. We all need a little chocolate in our lives. It’s good for the soul.”
‘Oh, this was what she meant.’ he examined the candy. “Let’s eat the chocolate later. We’re going to be going to the gym soon. Don’t want to upset our stomachs.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
While the game continued, Jungkook had randomly placed down the ‘Reverse Cowgirl’
“Huh. You appear to be familiar with that position, Kook,” she spoke in a serious tone, meeting his gaze. “Is there something you want to tell me?”
“U-uh...” he averted his eyes, hearing her giggle.
“I’m just messing! I don’t judge.”
“Y-you need to stop teasing me with the answers I choose.”
“Or what?” she taunted, raising a brow. “What are you going to do Jungkook?”
Part of him was tempted to just say screw it, toss all the cards aside and kiss her but he refrained himself.
Getting back into the game, he put down, 'Bouncing up and down.'
Jennie, out of nowhere asked, “On what exactly?"
Jungshook appeared as he shifted in his seat, unable to look at her in the eyes.
"What? Is it a bed? A trampoline?”
“Ah, is Seijin here?” he grabbed his phone to change the subject.
Jungkook sensed something thick in the air and felt flushed all over. As if on cue, Seijin did arrive and the 97 Liners were dropped off at a private gym where they wouldn’t be disturbed. After stretching and warming up, they stood on a series of mats to practice wrestling. Although ISAC was over and she dominated in wrestling, she still wanted him to teach her a few more moves, just in case they have it again.
With the both of them sweaty and trying to pin each other down, they got up close and personal. After their sparring, Jungkook went to go bench press, laying on his back while Jennie told him she would be on one of the machines.
Placing the bar back, he took a break, resting on his back. Promptly, Jungkook felt pressure on his lap. Widening his eyes, he realized it was Jennie straddling him.
“W-wh-at are you do-ing?!” he stuttered.
“I’m aware of what’s going on here,” she responded, placing her hands on his chest, and getting comfortable. “I’ve seen you staring.”
He was so tongue-tied that he couldn’t speak anymore as he stared at the enticing view. Whatever she was starting, he hoped that she’d finish because his self-control was slim to none the longer she sat on his lap.
“I-I’m sorry, I shou-”
“Why are you apologizing?”
“A-aren’t you angry?”
“Who said I was mad?” her hands slowly moved up his shirt to take it off. “The only thing I’m wondering about is why you haven’t taken the initiative yet.”
He watched her unzip her jacket and place it on the floor.
“So, I guess I have to be the one to make the first move,” she added.
Feeling her move against his lap, his breathing quickened.
“I’ll admit, this is a nice view,” she remarked, watching his face scrunch up in pleasure. She grabbed his hands and placed them on her hips. “But it’ll be nicer if you’d relax and tell me what you want me to do.”
And he did and Jungkook woke up, on his bed, drenched in sweat. He regarded a tightness in his pants, quickly making his way to the shower, to take care of himself and clean himself up.
The next day, Jennie managed to avoid the weird dreams of Jungkook, distracting herself with other things to keep herself occupied.
Unfortunately for her, Jungkook began to notice her distance and spoke to Namjoon about it.
“Jennie is acting strange. I dunno what is going on. She’s not herself and I feel like I did something wrong. Could you...maybe talk to her, Hyung?”
Namjoon had fulfilled his request when he found Jennie in her studio.
“Hey...what’s up?” she asked, taking off her headphones.
Namjoon even noticed she wasn't acting like herself, especially with the way she greeted him.
“Jennifer, I want to talk with you,” he spoke in a serious tone, closing her door and grabbing a seat next to her.
From the tone of his voice, she knew that she was in trouble with something.
“What did I do, now?”
“Jungkook approached me today.”
‘Oh God...’ she cringed at his name as all the thoughts came back. ‘I thought I was doing so well.’
“He says you seem on edge about something,” Namjoon added. “We all see it. You've been acting strange. I want to know what is going on. Are you all right?”
She hesitated. “Why is everyone so worried about me? I’m fine, all right?”
Namjoon frowned. “You know you can always tell us what’s wrong. No matter what it is. We’ll work through it together.”
“I know and I will if there’s a big problem. I promise,” she responded truthfully.
Jennie decided to keep it to herself because she wanted to speak with Amber, Hyuna, and Hayoon about it first when she went to meet them. Get a girl’s perspective before taking that risk to tell Namjoon if she feels like she really should.
“Llama~!” Jennie jumped right on Amber’s back, holding onto her like a koala while Amber laughed loudly.
She met up with her outside of her place. After getting off her back, Amber picked her up and spun her around.
“Smartie~!” she copied the way she greeted her and set her down. “We are gonna have so much fun today. I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too. So, where to first?”
“I want ice cream. Oh, I’m also filming for my YouTube channel, so I want you to be in it.”
“Okay, fine by me!”
Once Amber started rolling the camera, they walked around. “Ahhhh it’s such a nice day~! Everyone! Guess what!? My best pal, Jennie is here~!” Amber grabbed her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.
“Ayeeee! What up!?” Jennie waved.
She always loved speaking with Amber because they could speak English freely and she felt like she could express herself better when speaking in her native language.
“We all know Jennie from BTS, isn’t she amazing?”
“Isn’t Amber amazing?”
“We’re going to get ice cream.”
“Yeah, because we’re very sweet people.” Amber removed her arm from her.
“My body is sore.”
“What did you do prior?”
“I went to the gym.”
“I need to go to the gym more. I’m out of shape.”
“We’re both out of shape. Let’s plan to go sometime together.”
“Sounds like a plan. Ah, have I told you guys that I really love my friends?” Amber asked on camera. “They are my family.”
“I’m your family?” Jennie asked in an emotional voice
“Yes, you are my family, I love you.”
“I love you too~!”
Arriving at a local ice cream shop, they ordered a big banana split with some fruit on top to share. Jennie carried it over to the booth they sat in.
“Oh yeah....get-in-my-belly~!” Jennie stared at the ice cream with love while Amber giggled, filming her. Eating a big spoonful, Miss Bangtan moaned in delight, savoring the taste. Raising her arms, she looked up at the ceiling. “Hallelujah!”
Amber mocked her moan and yelled, “Hallelujah!” which caused the duo to giggle wholeheartedly.
“We’re weird, we know,” Amber said to the camera, setting it down.
“So how’s the upcoming album?” Jen asked with a smile as they shared the ice cream.
“4 Walls is getting together. I love it. It’s going to be great. We have this song called Papi, I want to send you the instrumental so you can practice it to help your DJ skills.”
“Oh snap, that kind of song, huh? Okay, I’ll do that, thanks.”
“How’s Bangtan’s album going?”
“Slowly but surely we’re getting things down. We’ve been recording and stuff. I think this is going to be my favorite comeback by far. Our title song is called Run. I’m not sure what our music video is going to be about yet, it’s too early to tell but the song is really good.”
“Awesome, can’t wait to hear it. Any goals for this comeback?”
“I hope we get to have some wins for the song. And maybe some awards for it. That would be great. Either way, I’m proud of our work so far for it.”
“I’m rooting for you.”
“I should’ve had some rocky road with this. There are no nuts in this ice cream.” Jen pondered about ordering the ice cream flavor.
“Oh, I have some nuts.”
“Deez nuts.” Amber started giggling while Jennie deadpanned, shaking her head.
Grabbing the plate of ice cream, Jennie started eating it by herself while Amber tried to pull it back to the middle of the table.
“I am so over you,” Jennie called out
“I thought you loved me!”
“Not at the moment!”
“Guys, she doesn’t love me anymore.”
“We’re getting a divorce.”
Amber pouted to the camera. “We will find a way to work this out.”
After finishing the ice cream, there was one piece of strawberry left on the plate and they aimed to grab it with their spoons. They grabbed onto each other’s arms while trying everything they could to take it.
“Hey! Hey! Mine! Mine!” Amber exclaimed.
“Come on, let me have this one, it’s a strawberry.”
“No way, I saw it first.”
They ended up giggling, moving around as they tried to grab the fruit. In the end, Amber leaned down and grabbed it with her mouth
“Weak!” Jen complained while laughing, setting her spoon down.
“Better luck next time!”
After they left, they rented bikes to ride around the bike trail. Amber was standing next to her, continuing to film as they prepared.
“Hamster and Llama ready for biking!” Amber dramatically announced.
“Yeah! That’s how we do!”
“Wow, look at the beautiful view.”
“Me?” Jennie placed a hand over her heart, touched by her words.
“No, the sky.” Amber deadpanned.
Miss Bangtan dropped her jaw and Amber couldn’t help but snicker at her reaction.
After their banter, Amber set her camera down. “Let’s go, rawrrr~!” she made a funny sound effect as they began to ride around.
“Woo hoo~! When Captain America throws his mighty shield, all those who chose to oppose his shield must yield~!” Jen yelled out, over Amber’s laughter.
Once they went back to her place, Hyuna and Hayoon arrived to spend some time together. The four girls shared stories of what had been going on with their idol lives and Jennie shared the funny stories of Bangtan’s current prank war.
“I plan to numb their toothpaste this time,” Jennie announced.
“That’s evil! I love it! If you can, film their reactions!” Amber laughed.
“I will! I will!” Jennie turned to Hyuna. “Girl! Your comeback! What the hell?”
Hyuna giggled and covered her face. “I’m happy you love it. Roll Deep is so fun. We still need to figure out a date so I can teach you ways to improve your charisma on stage.”
“I’ll keep you posted.”
“Are you ready to go back to school?” Hayoon asked Jennie.
“Honestly, I am a little bit. I kind of like school. The main thing I’m looking forward to is my guitar class.”
“Me too. I found out that Jungkook is in my math class, this semester. Hopefully, the class won’t be too hard.”
Hearing Jungkook’s name caused Jen’s stomach to drop again. As the girls talked, Jennie became tense again.
“Hey, are you all right? You seem distracted.” Amber nudged her.
“Uh...a little. A lot on my mind.” Jen murmured
“Share! What’s going on?” Hyuna asked.
“I hope it’s nothing bad,” Hayoon responded.
“Have you guys ever had...weird dreams about someone close to you?” Jen asked.
“I’m pretty sure we all have weird dreams,” Amber reassured her. “But what’s the deal? Who’d you dream about?”
“I had a dream about Jungkook...”
“About...?” Hyuna gestured for her to continue speaking.
“We were...making out...on my bed and it was very physical,”
“O-oh...oh! Oh dear.” Hayoon widened her eyes, while Hyuna and Amber were just as surprised.
“We did some...sinful shit man...” Jen went on. “I feel so dirty. I don’t even wanna know what would’ve happened if I didn’t wake up when I did.”
“This escalated quickly,” Hyuna murmured.
“Yeah, this was not what I thought about when you said weird dream,” Hayoon added.
“Wow...that is awesome!” Amber called out, applauding.
“Awesome!?” Jennie stared at her with fear. “That’s not awesome! I am freaking the frick out!” she grabbed a hold of Amber and shook her rapidly while she giggled in response.
“Are there more details to this? I want to know exactly how this came about.” Hayoon spoke.
“Yoon, what the hell!? You’re encouraging this!?” Jennie yelled.
“I mean...maybe it’s a sign. Right, Amber?”
“Yep.” Amber smiled.
“Ah...I-I don't think so. I don’t know what to do.” Jen exclaimed, shaking her head. “I should not be having those dreams. It just came out of nowhere and I don’t know why. I’ve tried my best to avoid him-“
“D-don’t avoid him!” Hayoon scolded. “That is unfair to him.”
“What else am I gonna do?! I can’t face this guy! Every time I see this guy’s face or hear his name, I think back to when he was smooching up on me. That is not an image I should have of my best friend, man! Ugh! What is wrong with me? Dirty! This is so dirty!” she covered her face
Hyuna and Amber started laughing at her comment.
“What is so funny!?” Jen called out.
“The way you said smooching up on me.” Hyuna giggled.
“Ugh! He would never do that, that is so not like him.” Jen mentioned.
"You sure about that? You sure about that?" Hayoon asked.
“I mean, you never know what Jungkook is capable of,” Amber claimed. “People shouldn’t underestimate him. He is called the Golden Maknae for a reason.”
“I agree,” Hyuna replied. “I’m sure when he’s good, ready, and comfortable with someone, he’ll be golden in that department of activity, too.”
“There was always this saying that I hear...” Hayoon remarked. “What was it? Oh, yeah, it’s always the quiet ones-“
“PLEASE for the love of smarties! Stop! You’re giving me weird thoughts!” Jennie covered her ears.
“I think you should speak to him about it,” Hyuna suggested.
Miss Bangtan shook her head vigorously. “No. Absolutely not. Hell no.”
“Jennie...do you think you like him?” Hayoon wondered.
Miss Bangtan hesitated.
Jennie averted her eyes for a moment, thinking about the question. "N-no...why would I?"
Hayoon and Amber glanced at each other with knowing looks before giving Hyuna the same look.
“Say, Jennie do you think the dream meant something?” Hyuna inquired.
Jennie hesitated again. “I-It meant nothing. It was probably just some silly dream. I just wish I could stop thinking about it.”
“I’m gonna say it. I think you are in denial.” Amber announced.
“Wh-what!? No! N-no way! I’m not! I am not in denial! Nothing is going on between us! Okay!?” Jen’s sudden yell caused the three girls to glance at each other, surprised.
“Whoa. Relax.” Amber put her hands up in defense.
“I am relaxed!” she argued.
“Your voice doesn’t sound relaxed.” she giggled, trying to calm her down. “We get it. Nothing is going on yet-“
“Oh my gosh, c-can we just drop it? We’re friends. Always will be. Maybe I just went to bed before my food was digested and a weird dream came up. I don’t like him, okay? We’re friends. Best pals. I gotta pee.” she stood up and went to the bathroom.
“D.E.N.I.A.L.” Amber murmured, taking a sip of her water.
“Yeah...looks like she’s in the denial stage. Sooner or later she’ll realize and accept these feelings.” Hyuna guaranteed. “What do you think we should do?”
“We should plan accordingly.”
“Jennie and Jungkook...it’s going to happen. We just need to remain patient.” Hayoon said. “I know it’ll be worth it in the end but let’s also make sure we don’t force it and let nature take its course. It’s happening but at a very slow pace. It will progress. They will be together soon. So, let’s tread lightly on the matter. She's in denial now...but sooner or later something big is going to happen that will make her see that these feelings are real.”
“Duly noted.”
After the week went by, Jennie proceeded to feel more like herself as she decided to dedicate herself to her work, getting her mind off things. After working on some covers, she jammed in the studio, practicing the guitar notes for Charice’s Before It Explodes, humming the song.
A series of hard knocks on her door made her place her guitar down.
“Who?” she called out.
“It’s your golden best friend,” Jungkook murmured against the door.
Her stomach dropped at the sound of his voice. Of course, it was him.
She couldn’t avoid him forever. It wasn’t right. But she just couldn’t face him. She felt so ashamed and awkward.
But she knew she had to confront him sometime. Might as well do it now.
Clearing her throat, striving to act as normal as possible, she responded, preparing for the worst, “You can come in.”
Jungkook had stormed into her studio, upset. He noticed that she didn’t even say her trademark, ‘Enter my realm’ comment, which made him angry because something was definitely up.
“What is it-” she was cut off when a sharp breath escaped her lips once Jungkook vigorously grabbed the back of her chair and turned her around to face him.
He slammed his hands on the armrests, making her flinch and widen her eyes.
“J-Jesus, Kook, what is your problem?” she stuttered, feeling her heart rate quicken.
“My problem?” he scoffed, shaking his head. He grabbed another chair and sat in front of her with a frown. “My problem is you and I’m not leaving this room until you tell me exactly what is going on,”
Averting her eyes, she murmured, “Nothing is going on-“
“Don’t lie to me.” he firmly cut her off. There was a brief pause as she couldn’t bring herself to speak. “Look at me.”
‘Don’t say that please.’ she thought to herself, thinking back to the dream. After a while, she reluctantly met his gaze. “L-look, nothing is going on-”
“You’re avoiding me.” he cut her off again.
“I’m not avoiding you.”
“Please don’t lie to me,” he said softly with a hint of sadness.
“Let’s just drop it. I have some work to do.” she spun around in her chair to face her desk but he turned her back around.
“What did I do so wrong? Tell me. Did I miss something? Was there a special anniversary for us regarding our friendship? Your birthday didn’t pass yet so that’s out of the question. Is something going on back at home? Are your sisters all right? Is your family okay? Did someone try to hurt you? Did another guy try to say something inappropriate? Did I say some-“
“Stop, stop, you didn’t...you didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Then what happened? Just tell me!”
She exhaled loudly. She might as well just say it.
“Look...I uh...ugh, this is going to be so random but have you...ever had weird dreams about a friend?”
“What do you mean?” he raised a brow.
“I have this friend...she uh....dreamed about making out with someone close to her.”
Jungkook nodded, figuring it out. “So, you dreamed of making out with a friend.”
She widened her eyes and shook her head frequently. “I-I didn’t say it was me!”
“It was you,” he responded calmly.
“No, it was not!”
“I know you. I can tell when you lie to me. I see it in your eyes.”
Jennie felt her embarrassment intensify as she couldn’t say that he was wrong.
“You need to stop paying so much attention to me,” she complained.
A smile came across Jungkook’s lips briefly. “Can’t help it. So, this is what this is all about? A dream about a friend? Is that it?”
“Well...do you...think it’s weird to have that type of dream? I mean, have you...dreamed of someone like that? The dream was pretty intense. Out of character,”
Jungkook, averting his eyes, shyly looked down as his anger went away.
‘If only you knew...but you would probably think I’m creepy for thinking of you that way.’ he thought to himself.
His mind drifted back to that dream he had. When he first had a crush on her, once in a blue moon he would dream about what it would be like to date her. Going on arcade dates, picnics, the whole thing. As he got older, falling in love with her, the dreams turned to kissing and more kissing. And then things went way further.
He thought about her in many ways, including the intimacy. A lot of fantasies came to mind. Back at Yamen TV, when Jimin called him the golden perv, he knew exactly who Jungkook was thinking about when he watched those videos that Namjoon would download. Like Jimin had said, he couldn’t help himself. The way his body reacted when he thought of her that way. Jungkook freaked out big time when Jimin caught him months ago. He felt guilty about it but Jimin had reassured him that things were fine and that there was nothing to be ashamed of.
Jungkook wasn’t ready for that type of activity and neither was Jennie he was sure about. However, he always hoped to be her first, doing everything he could to make her feel cherished once he grew more confident in himself.
His thoughts were interrupted by her voice.
Getting his thoughts together, he chuckled awkwardly. He should be honest with her.
“It’s...not as weird as you think.”
“Have you...”
“Y-yes, I have.” he could feel his face warm up as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Really?” she asked, surprised. “Wow, I’m not the only one?”
She watched him nod in response. It made her feel much better but she still felt a little weird for dreaming of him in that way.
“Do you think your dream meant something to you?” he asked her.
“You know...my mind is saying that it didn’t. But something else is screaming that it did. I think what frightens me most is I get this lowkey feeling that it did mean something, no matter how much I don’t think it should.”
“Who did you dream about?” he asked curiously.
His question made her hesitate. She just couldn’t tell him.
“I...don’t want to answer that, Kook. I’m just...confused, right now. My mind is all over the place.”
Jungkook decided not to pry her about it. He wouldn’t be able to tell her that he dreamed of her anyway. Jealousy crept up on him again as he thought about Kevin and Bam Bam being the person she might’ve dreamt about. He hoped she wasn’t catching feelings for either of them. While he was in his thoughts, he noticed that she was rambling.
“...and that dream was too fast-paced.” she met his gaze. “Ah, I dunno why I’m thinking about it but with making out with someone or whatever, I’d want to take things slow. I’m not used to this kind of stuff. I’m not even ready for any of that type of intimacy. But when I am ready, I just hope it’s special.”
“I’m sure you and your guy will learn a lot about each other together once you begin dating,” he responded. “He’ll be patient with you and I know that you will be with him, too. Don’t worry about it too much. You’ll be fine.”
“Thanks, Kook. I’ll trust your words. I just hope that whoever I end up with...he’ll wait for me until I’m ready.”
“He will,”
A chuckle escaped her lips. “You’re so confident with your answer, Kook.”
“Nine times out of ten, he probably will want the same thing you want. He’s probably not ready for that either and wants to go slow, too.”
“You think so?”
“I know so. He’ll wait for you.”
She smiled softly and nodded. “And what about you, International Playboy, you seem to be interested in anyone these days?”
She regarded his body language change and noticed his face getting pink.
She widened her eyes and playfully hit his arm. “You do! Tell me!”
“Ah, I will when I’m ready. Not today.”
“Do I at least know her?”
“Is she pretty?”
“Pretty isn’t even the word to describe her.”
“Does she have your heart like IU does?”
He smiled softly. “She has my heart more than IU.”
“Wow, this is serious then. Nothing comes in between you and IU. I have to wait to know who she is? Why not just tell me? What’s the problem?”
“I just...think about your reaction when I end up telling you.”
“Because when I tell you, it’ll change our friendship forever.”
She looked at him earnestly. “Kook, I’ll be happy either way for you. Nothing is going to change. What can you possibly say to me that would change our friendship forever? You’re fine, don’t stress over it, too much.”
As much as he wanted to tell her right then and there, he didn’t think it was the right time and he thought about rejection. He feared it. There would be times when he felt like he wasn’t good enough to be her boyfriend or ruin a great friendship because of his growing feelings for her. He didn’t want to lose her. He cherished her so much.
He had negative thoughts about her reaction. And if she did reject him, it’ll just be awkward and it’ll take a while for them to act normal again. When he was ready, he wanted her to take time to think about it and not give him an answer right after he told her how he felt. He knew it wasn’t going to be like it was in the movies.
With Jennie, deep inside, she felt a bit...disappointed that he was becoming interested in someone. It also bothered her that she felt this way because she shouldn’t feel this way. She should be happy for him.
Another part of her felt hopeful because she thought maybe this could help her get over that whole dream situation.
They were great friends and she appreciated that in the group. She felt as though she should not be dating anyone around here. She should stay professional and focus on BTS. Jen thought it would never work if she had dated anyone in the industry. And with these crazy “fans”, she didn’t want whoever she ended up with to deal with any drama. The way “fans” reacted to Kai & Krystal dating, Baekhyun & Taeyeon dating, Tao’s departure from EXO and various other breaking news on K-Pop sites that were claimed as ‘scandals’, it’ll only be ten times worse for her, she assumed.
She wouldn’t even call them fans because they were so ruthless with their reactions to idols dating. It made her angry because fans should be happy for their beloved idols. And when she does date, she vows to never apologize as some idols have done for dating someone.
What was there to apologize for?
For being happy?
Never would she bring herself to do that. Idols are human and deserve love.
Jungkook noticed her expression change into a frown while deep in thought. “Hey,” he grabbed her hand as her head swiftly turned to him, surprised.
“You okay? You look angry.”
Her pondering about those negative fan reactions had gotten her worked up. “Sorry, deep in thought again.”
They sat in a comfortable silence, pondering about random things.
“I wonder when you’re ready for that stage with whoever you’re interested in if you have any idea how you want it to go...” Jen blurted out randomly, thinking out loud. She looked up and shook her head. “I was just rambling. You can just ignore me.”
After a pause, Jungkook spoke after looking up at the ceiling. “Yeah...I thought about it.”
“It’s not how it would be in the movies,” she recalled as they locked eyes.
“Yeah, nothing like the movies. Thinking about it, I just...want it to be special for the both of us. Away from the Hyungs that's for sure. A nice place alone...with a comfortable bed. I would want to plan it all out. Decorate the room nicely. I'd want it to be romantic if I could. Maintain eye contact when I’m with her. Take my time for sure, let her know how much she means to me with my actions, not just my words.” he said, thinking about it with a smile. "I hope that one day, I’ll grow more certain in myself and can show her how manly I am when we’re both ready. When we are, everyone can continue calling me a baby but she’ll know that I’m far from that when we’re together behind closed doors.”
Jen looked at him, astonished. For a second she thought he was speaking to her directly.
She lowkey wished that she could have something like that one day. She even tried to fight the little thought in her head that she wished it was her he was talking about.
They don’t seem to make guys like Jungkook anymore. He was always so sweet and respectful. She never wanted him to change. She adored everything about him.
“Do me a favor...” she spoke.
“Don’t ever change. For anyone. If someone can’t accept you for who you are when you’re not portraying your stage persona, then that person doesn’t deserve you. You are great just the way you are. Your shyness included. We’re all a work in progress, sprinkled with unique traits. Your future girlfriend will appreciate you for who you are. I’ll admit, I’m lowkey jealous.” she spun around in her chair, going back to her computer.
Jungkook let out a soft chuckle, smiling as he watched her.
‘There’s no need to be jealous of yourself, Jennie...’