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Forced To Believe Chapter 47- Armageddon
Forced To Believe Chapter 47- Armageddon

Chapter Summary: Morgan and The Wyatts take on The Shield
Words: 3,000+
Melanie met meet up with CM Punk, to go to UFC 170. She decided to be comfortable and wore jeans, sneakers and a Simpsons shirt. After placing her hair in a high ponytail, she met up with Punk, front row for the event.
"Dude!" she beamed.
He grinned and stood up to pull her in for a hug. "Mel!"
"It's so nice to see you again!" She returned the hug. "I missed you!"
"I missed you too. Nice shirt." He chuckled as he released her.
"I blame Celeste." She giggled.
"How you been?" They sat down in the front of the Octagon. Phil got front row seat tickets and they were going to sit with Dana White.
"I've been doing great."
"That's cool. Hey, thanks for keeping quiet about me..."
"No problem." She smiled
She knew he wanted to maintain a low profile after walking out of WWE. He wouldn't return phone calls or texts to anyone but his closest friends and family members. A lot of the people he's close with, including herself have been getting a lot of questions about what he is up to and why he left WWE. It was annoying but she managed to ignore them.
"There they are." A friendly voice said as they were greeted by Dana White.
"It's good to see you! It's been a while!" Melanie grinned. "Thanks for having me sit with you. This sport is my guilty pleasure. I love it."
"Glad to hear. Maybe you could do some MMA or UFC one day." Dana teased.
They all laughed at the thought.
"Haha, nah, I'll stick to wrestling," she replied. "I'd probably get dropped within the first ten seconds."
"Hey, I've seen your kicks. You're pretty good."
"I suffered a lot from her kicks. She's badass." Phil praised. "All that training paid off."
"Haha. Thanks, guys." She grinned.
As the show began, they watched all the matches and then it was time for the main event.
Melanie tweets 'Main event! Go Ronda! #TeamRousey'
Ronda and Sara make their entrances. After they made the announcements, the match was underway. Ronda ate some shots from Sara as they headed near the fence. She watched as Ronda hit Sara with some knees to the body while Sara tried to get away from her. After another hit the the knee, Melanie cringed as Sara dropped down.
"Yikes!" Melanie exclaimed.
Ronda landed a couple of punches before the ref stepped in and stopped the match.
"Good stoppage," Phil said as Ronda celebrated and the crowd gave out mixed reactions.
"Yeah." Melanie agreed. "Being caught in the liver hurts. It was a good stoppage because McMann could have really gotten hurt. Sara is an awesome fighter but the match got stopped at a good time."
After everyone got situated, Dana went in the Octagon as Ronda got her hand raised in victory.
"She is so awesome. So proud of her." Melanie cheered.
After Ronda was interviewed, she left the Octagon with her crew. Phil and Melanie stood up while Ronda's crew began walking past them and congratulated Ronda for the win. Ronda was super nice and even told Melanie it was nice to meet her because she watches her in WWE. The two ended up embracing which caused their sweet moment to trend on Twitter.
Elimination Chamber was already underway as Melanie put on her wrestling jeans, black hoodie, a black tank top that stopped before her belly button, and her black fingerless gloves. Her makeup was back looking crazy and her eye makeup looked even more sinister.
After walking out of the Diva's locker room, she saw Jon doing pushups to warm up before the match. Once he got up to his feet, she jumped on his back and he gave her a piggyback ride.
"I can't wait for the match, tonight!" She grinned.
"Me too." He said as she got off his back.
"Let's kiss for good luck," Melanie said and he gave her a kiss. "Another one." He kissed her again. "Okay, five more." They both chuckled and kissed each other five more times. "I'll see you out there. Let's show them how we do it back in the Indies."
"Damn right."
Morgan tweets 'Who am I? We'll find out tonight. #FollowTheBuzzards'
Bray Wyatt tweets 'Don't take your guns to town son. Leave your guns at home Shield. Don't take your guns to town'
Seth tweets 'It's getting exciting now. Think of everything we've accomplished. Born and bred for war. #SHIELDvsWyatts #BelieveInTheShield'
Rosa tweets 'Don't underestimate me tonight. I have a few tricks up my sleeve. #DivaOnAMission #Motivation'
The Bellas tweets 'Tonight may be the last chance to save WWEMorgan101. Shield, you gotta win. #SaveMorgan #ReleaseTheCurse'
Natalya tweets 'Biting my nails with the Bellas while we wait to watch The Shield go at it with the Wyatts. #WakeUpMorgan'
Celeste tweets 'Waiting for the Joker to wake up WWEMorgan101. Do whatever it takes! #GainControlMorgan #FreeMorgan'
'In The Ring'
"Oh~ here it comes!" King grinned as The Shield walked out through the crowd.
"What are we gonna see?" JBL asks as Justin makes the announcements. The Shield look ready to go as the crowd cheers for them. "This is a collision of a lifetime."
Rosa's theme came on and she got mixed reactions.
"And introducing their tag team partner, Rosa Mendes!" Justin announced as she strutted down the ramp.
She dyed her hair black again and wore black pants and one of her fishnet wrestling shirts.
"Do you think The Shield like working with Rosa?" King asked.
"Well, we heard that Rosa has been training with The Shield to prepare for this night," Cole said as he read Rosa's tweet.
'Training with The Shield has given me a lot of info about WWEMorgan101's wrestling style. This will be a piece of cake.'
"Looks like she's confident," JBL said as she got in the ring.
"Are we ready to serve some justice?" Rosa grinned.
"Just make sure you know what you're doing." Roman bluntly replied and she nodded in response.
This was serious. This wasn't a match...this isn't just some battle...it's a war.
'We're Here.'
The Wyatt Family and Morgan slowly walked out while Bray had a lantern in his hands. Bray sits on his rocking chair and blows out his lantern as the crowd begins to cheer. The Shield and Rosa stare down The Wyatt Family and immediately get into each other's faces while the ref stays in the middle, trying to separate things.
The crowd chants 'This is awesome!'
"Do something, Morgan. I dare you. Hit me." Rosa provoked. "Oh wait, I mean Sister Abigail because you don't have a backbone anymore since you like to follow people now. Follower."
Morgan continued to glare at her as she clenched her fists. She wanted to hit her but something was holding her back, unfortunately.
Bray and Dean start to stare each other down while Dean starts pacing.
"Make your move!" Bray yelled at him.
"Who do you think you're talkin' to? Who do you think you're talkin' to?" Dean asked as Roman and Seth held him as the crowd began to chant 'Lets go Wyatts, lets go Shield!'
The ref starts to calm things down while the two teams separate and go to their corners. All of a sudden, Dean turns around and attacks Bray as the crowd cheers. Roman and Seth help him out as they take control of Luke and Erick. Morgan gets speared by Rosa as she starts unloading on her and gets thrown out of the ring. The Outspoken Diva gets angry and bangs on the apron before taking her hoodie off.
"I am totally pissed off now!" She yelled.
Rosa taunted her while The Shield threw the Wyatts out of the ring.
"And The Shield own the ring!" Cole said as The Wyatt Family regrouped. "And Morgan does not look too happy."
Morgan gets on the apron and so does the Wyatts as Erick gets in the ring. The Shield and Rosa try to calm down Ambrose in their corner.
The Outspoken Diva looked on with sadness but then she felt a spark in her head as she started to remember the days when she would be the one to calm down her teammates. It started to bring back some other pleasant memories but it wasn't enough for Sister Abigail to disappear in her head and break the curse.
Seth and Erick start off the match. Erick tries to clothesline him but Seth rolls away, quickly, like a ninja.
Morgan showed a faint smile. Seth was such a great brother to her. She would remember their tag team moves together. She started to miss that and The Shield. She felt something else spark in her head as she began to remember more of her good times with Seth, but it still wasn't enough.
Rollins starts hitting Erick with punches but he grabs him. Seth manages to dropkick him in the chest, sending him back to The Shield's corner. The Shield start tagging in each other, to take control of Erick. But then Erick pushes Seth down and as soon as he gets up, he gets hit with a monstrous shoulder block that sends him flying.
Morgan cringed at the sight. "Talk about 360..." she mumbled.
"He just bulldozed..." King began.
"And just dragged Seth Rollins into his corner." Cole finished as The Wyatts began to take control of Rollins.
"What do you think is going through the mind of Morgan?" JBL asked.
"I know she's feeling a lot of emotions right now. I just hope she knows what she's doing." King said.
Morgan shoots Rosa a death glare as she watches her hold onto Dean's arm, trying to calm him down. Rosa didn't notice the piercing look Morgan was giving her.
"Do you see that stare, Morgan is giving Rosa? Frightening." King added
"Get your damn hands off of him..." She growled under her breath.
Bray ran his hand through her hair. "This is your new family now. They don't deserve you, Rose. We will win this war for you. You need closure." he reassured as she nodded.
Celeste tweets 'That glare is funny. Looks like someone may still have feelings for a certain eccentric man. Hm? WWEMorgan101'
The Bellas tweet 'Ooh is someone jealous? WWEMorgan101. I hope you don't look at us like that. That's a scary glare.'
"And here comes the patriarch of the Wyatt Family. The man who speaks in riddles." Cole said as Bray got tagged in and began to give Seth hard shots.
He throws Seth to the ropes but Seth slides under his legs and tags in Roman as he gets a big pop. Bray and Roman face off as Bray yells at him. Roman hits him with a big shot in the face and starts unloading on him near the turnbuckle. As soon as the ref pulls him away from Bray, Roman gets hit with a big shot and a headbutt. He runs to the ropes but gets dropped by Roman as the crowd cheers.
Morgan starts to think about the good times she had with Roman. Even though he told her his feelings and everything that had happened, they both decided to cherish their friendship and remain friends. She was always impressed by his recent ring work and accomplishments at Survivor Series and the Royal Rumble. Again, she felt another spark in her head, but it still wasn't enough.
Roman picks Bray up but gets hit by a big shot. Luke tags himself in and tries to pick Roman up for a suplex, three times but Roman suplexes him instead as Morgan shows a faint smile. Roman tags in Dean as Morgan fights the urge to smile widely. Dean starts unloading on Luke in the corner until the ref pulls him back. Luke elbows Seth but gets his tank top grabbed by him as Dean pushes him back into the corner. Dean tags in Seth as he gets on his hands and knees. Seth jumps Dean's back and hits Luke in the corner and throws him to Roman as he gets dropped.
"Big right hand, by Roman. All three members of The Shield involved." Cole said as Roman pins Luke for a 2 count.
Rosa began jumping up and down on the apron. "Let's go, Romeo!"
Morgan rolls her eyes at the lame nickname. The Shield continue to take control as Dean was in the ring. Erick starts yelling at Dean which catches his attention. He tries to hit him but Erick jumps down the apron and turns around to get hit with a dropkick by Luke as the crowd 'Ohs'.
"What in the what in the world!?" King asked as Dean looked dazed.
"When did you ever see Luke do a dropkick?" Cole asked.
"The answer would be never," JBL said.
Bray gets tagged in as he starts unloading on Dean. Morgan cringes as he hits Dean with a huge splash off the turnbuckle. Ambrose falls down and crawls over to the ropes, near the Wyatts' corner and rests in between the ropes.
"This Bray Wyatt is so dangerous," Cole said.
Morgan turns to Dean. She felt like herself a little bit and started to think of a drastic decision. She wanted to provoke him...So, she decided to kick him in the face as the crowd 'Ohs' at the impact.
"What!? No way! That was reluctance! It had to be!" JBL called out.
"I don't think so. Did you hear that kick!?" King exclaimed as Dean held his jaw.
"What the hell Morgan?!" Seth called out as she shrugged.
"He had it coming. He deserved that." She explained as the ref warned her to stay away.
"Morgan! What are you doing!? Why would you kick Dean!?" JBL shouted.
"How that boot taste?" The Philly Diva asked as Ambrose rolled out the ring.
If there was one thing Morgan was sure of, it would have to be that Dean doesn't let things go so easily and that's going to make him more hot and bothered in the ring. Bray looks on with delight and grins before getting out of the ring. Meanwhile, Rosa gets in the ring and starts yelling at her.
"Rosa does not look happy," Cole said as The Outspoken Diva got in the ring but the ref held Rosa back.
"Are you kidding me!?" She yelled as Morgan smirked and did a curtsy in a cocky way with her arms out at Rosa, amusing everyone.
"I am going to get you! You watch!" She screamed as Seth tried to calm her down with the ref.
"Yeah, okay, okay." Morgan bluntly replied and got back on the apron.
"Man! I cannot wait for these two to go at it! Catfight!" King grinned.
"This is going to be a brawl. Not a catfight," JBL corrected.
Celeste tweets 'Rolling on the floor, watching WWEMorgan101 get a little bitchy tonight. Hilarious curtsy!'
The Bellas tweet 'OMG WWEMorgan101! Why'd you kick Dean!? And that curtsy was funny as heck. The claws are coming out'
Fans tweet:
'OMG Is this the end for Ambrose and Morgan? She kicked the hell out of him!'
'That curtsy was priceless! #MorgansCurtsy'
'LMAO! WWEMorgan101 is so entertaining to watch. #TheCockyCurtsy'
'Best curtsy I've seen. WWEMorgan101 is so funny!'
'That kick looked like it hurt. Please don't tell me it's too late for Morgan.'
'Beware Morgan, I don't think Ambrose is gonna let you get away that easily from that kick.'
Bray throws Ambrose back in the ring while he starts laughing.
'Okay...I think I'm ready...' Morgan thought as she tagged herself in by slapping Bray on the back
"What!?" King exclaimed while the fans looked on intently.
"What is she up to now?" Cole questioned.
"She is so unpredictable," King mentioned.
The Wyatt Family turn their attention to her. Bray begins to grin and lets her have her way. Morgan slowly gets in the ring while Dean is in a corner, holding his jaw. He looks at The Wyatts and then turns to look at his former lover.
Ambrose stands up and begins to smirk at her while the fans look on and cheer with anticipation.
"How's that jaw?" She tapped her jaw. "Still hurting from my boot? I guess you really can't take a hit, can you?"
"Dean! Tag me in!" Rosa put her hand out. "She needs to be taught a lesson!"
He glanced at Rosa and walked over to her as the crowd booed. Ambrose put his hand out for her to tag herself in. She was about to slap his hand but he pulled it back and ran his hand through his hair. Rollins and Reigns looked amused as the crowd laughed.
"What!?" Rosa yelled as he swiftly turned around.
"Your ass is mine." Ambrose declared, pointing at Morgan.
"Oh is it now?" Morgan smirked as he began pacing around. She watched as he stopped and stood a few feet from her.
"Wait, why didn't he tag her in?" JBL panicked as Dean gripped his right wrist while Morgan put her hands on her hips. "Wait a minute, why are they in the ring together!? Wait a minute, why are they looking at each other like that!?"
The crowd began to get excited again as Dean and Morgan had an intense stare down.
"This is getting extreme. What are they gonna do!?" King asked.
All of a sudden, Dean and Morgan get a big pop from the crowd as soon as they begin to circle around the ring.
"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. This isn't about to happen. This is NOT about to happen! They are not about to fight! They are not about to wrestle!" JBL shouted as the crowd chanted 'Yes!'. "Dean! Morgan! What are you two doing!? Stop this!" He continued to freak out.
"I think is this what Morgan wanted!" Cole said. "This crowd is loving this. They can't wait to see these two go at it!"
"No way, they're going to face each other!?" King yelled in a high pitched voice.
"Are they crazy!?" JBL shouted
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The Bangtan Gal Chapter 66- BTS GAYO Tracks 3-9

Chapter Summary: Jennie and Jungkook team up to reenact a kiss scene from The Heirs K-Drama. Bangtan continue to play various activities to win and avoid penalties.
Words: 5,000+
GAYO Track 3
Jin announced, “Let’s enjoy good K-Pop with BTS. Bangtan~!”
“Gayo!” everyone announced
“Yay~!” J-Hope started jumping around. “It’s been a while!”
After recapping what happened in the last episode, the members revealed that today’s theme is OST songs.
‘Re-act scenes with great OST. Five chances are given, the team that acts without NG wins.’
Jen was not quite familiar with a bunch of movies and K-Dramas but she’s seen some that should give her some familiar vibes. The members were exposed to each song, bringing up specific scenes from each drama or movie.
“Your roles are in the box.” they were told as everyone went to grab a piece of paper.
“What’s yours Ennie?!” Taehyung rushed over to take a peek at her paper.
“Boy, back up. Don’t touch my paper.” she moved away, bumping into Jimin.
After he saw what was on her paper, he met up with Taehyung and thought of a plan to get JenKook together for this one. They had to rush around to try to sneak glances at everyone else’s papers to make sure JenKook had the same category. As everyone was scrambling around, Jimin snatched Jen’s paper out of her hands.
“H-hey! Give that back!”
“Hehehe, sorry!” he handed her another piece of paper, while Taehyung snatched Jungkook’s paper and got chased by him until he had given him another paper.
After things calmed down, one by one the members announced their K-Drama and character. Jungkook had gotten ‘The Heirs, Park Shin-hye’ while Jimin and Taehyung anxiously waited to see if Jen had the same.
“The Heirs, Lee Minho,” Jen announced, causing Jimin and Taehyung to grin widely.
“Ahhh they’re doing the rooftop scene~!” Jimin beamed
“Jennie’s the boy, Jungkook is the girl.” Taehyung giggled.
“D-did you want to switch roles?” Jungkook asked her, blushing a little from the guys teasing him.
“It’s cool. I’m sure I can play Lee Minho well for the scene,” she reassured him.
They soon found that J-Hope and V were paired up, Jin and Jimin were paired, and Rapmon and Suga were also a pair.
“Eat the stick cookie until 3cm is left.” Suga read his objections for him and Rapmon.
“Acting is not easy,” Rapmon mentioned
Jen read her objections with Jungkook. It was similar to what Suga had read about the pocky stick.
“Can they not do pocky? Can’t they just kiss for real?” Taehyung blurted out
“Hyung!” Jungkook exclaimed.
“The pocky stick is corny! You two kissed the last time! Kiss again!” Jimin said.
“Since the kiss is abrupt, why not let me place my thumbs on your lips and kiss them?” Jen suggested.
“I-if that’s what you want, we’ll do that.” Jungkook nodded.
“It’s a two-way street. You want to do that?” she asked and once he said yes, she grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the group so they could work on the scene. “This is what I was thinking of.”
She demonstrated by placing her thumbs on his lips. Rising up on her tippy toes, she started leaning in as his eyes widened, becoming Jungshooked. She closed her eyes and kissed her thumbs for a moment before releasing him and stepping back.
Looking at his face, she began laughing as the camera filmed them.
'Jungkook.Exe Has Stopped Working'
“His face!” she walked away, trying to control her laughter.
If the cameras weren’t on them and if they were alone, he’d feel more at ease.
Pulling herself together, they begin to practice the scene.
“Looks like I’ll have to yell at him.” she rewatched the scene on her phone with him.
After practice, each group got to their station, watching group by group perform. First V and J-Hope performed a scene from Secret Garden. V held J-Hope’s feet while he did sit-ups and rose up to meet V’s face closely.
“Mr. V. Since when you’ve been so pretty? From last year?” Hobi acted out. V pushed him and stood up. “Hey, it was a joke.”
Jen had to refrain herself from laughing when V had to pop the balloon on Hobi’s butt. The first kick caused Hobi to jump and yell out in pain while the members laughed. After the third try, V successfully popped the balloon as V high fived Jungkook and Jennie. Next up was JenKook.
“Let’s try to do this on the first try, no mistakes so we can win,” Jungkook told her as she nodded.
Their station had a big table that represented the edge of the rooftop.
“I can’t wait to see this.” Yoongi looked on.
“Can we start?” Jen asked and got the OK.
They begin the scene with Jungkook’s back towards her.
“Are you hurt anywhere?” she acted with concern in her voice. When he had nodded, she approached him. “Let me see.”
“Don’t come! You’re going to get your clothes dirty.” Jungkook exclaimed.
She pressed her lips together and grabbed him by the wrist to turn him around. “Stay still, let me see.”
“I’m fine!” he yelled.
“I said stay still!” she yelled back and checked his hand.
His phone began to buzz and she grabbed it to see who was calling but Jungkook snatched it back, placing it against his chest as she let go of him.
“Don’t! I have to answer it.”
“Don’t answer it.”
“You saw him earlier. Avoiding him and ignoring him doesn’t work. He knows that I’m not rich.”
“It’s okay if he doesn’t. Don’t answer it.” She firmly responded as they stared at each other intently.
“How is it okay? He knows everything!” he yelled
“I said don’t answer it!” she yelled back.
“Wow~!” Rapmon and Yoongi murmur, engrossed by their acting.
Jimin and Taehyung watched with heart eyes as their plan worked. Things were going great.
“She’s so short, and he’s so tall, he’s looking down at her while she takes his phone.” Jin giggled.
The members watched JenKook intently as they acted passionately, and were impressed by their yelling and intense facial expressions.
Jungkook opened the phone to answer it. “Hello-“
Jennie snatched the phone and pulled him close, placing her thumbs on his lips to kiss him while he stood there, shocked. The members started jumping up and down, freaking out once they see their kiss.
Pulling away, Jen said, “Try answering it again. You will see me go crazy. I’m going to kill the person who calls you. I never go halfway”
Jungkook quickly got out of her grasp and walked away, looking troubled while Jen clenched her jaw, watching him leave. After the scene ended, JenKook high fived each other and sat with V and J-Hope while Jin and Jimin prepared their scene from I’m Sorry I Love You.
“Jimin and Jin, action!” Rapmon announced.
Jin covered his face while Jimin sat next to him, pretending to drive but then Jimin began to laugh as J-Hope pointed out mistakes
“NG, NG!” Yoongi called out
They started again with Jimin yelling, “Stop crying! Damn, I can’t do this.”
Jimin hunched forward and got out of his seat, making the members laugh. J-Hope fell back and cackled, clapping his hands. “My voice is not for acting.”
“That team is screwed. They will receive the punishment.” J-Hope declared.
Once they tried it for the third time, Jimin couldn’t do it and everyone laughed again.
“I want to act!” Jin exclaimed.
Starting over again, Jimin finally got it together, “Stop crying! If you cry, I’ll live with you! Let’s eat. Let’s eat something.”
“Stop the car,” Jin murmured sadly
“Let’s eat.”
“Stop the car.”
“Will you eat or kiss me?”
“Stop the car!” Jin yelled while Jennie looked on impressed.
“Will you eat!? With me!? Or die?!” Jimin placed 15 pieces of candy in Jin’s mouth. “Eat! I don’t want to do this again! Eat!”
The members laughed at the way Jimin was yelling.
“He is so cute.” Jen giggled as they finally completed their scene.
Last up was Suga and Rapmon acting out a scene from Architecture 101, Suji and Jehoon’s first kiss scene. Rapmon laid his head on Suga’s shoulder, sleeping while the members burst into laughter because of his acting. Suga placed a pocky stick in his mouth and they chewed it until it was 3cm. But they get an NG because Rapmon forgot his line.
Trying it again, Rapmon said the line and then they had to jump rope together, continuing to get an NG. Their biggest challenge was the jump rope but Rapmon continued to step on the rope.
“AHHHHHH~!” Rapmon yelled and fell to his knees in despair against the wall while Jen cackled.
In the end, Rapmon failed to get the last tissue off the floor.
For the punishment, Suga opened the paper. “Cheesy and corny action. Show your great performance.”
After playing rock, paper, scissors, Rapmon received the punishment and got into character.
“He’s immersed in emotions.” Jungkook pointed out
“Rap Monster scene 1, monologue. Action!” Suga announced.
“I say that my ideal type is a girl wearing Converse high tops.” Rapmon started. “That’s because of you, Red Converse high tops. I lost my mind for your body figure.”
Jennie cringed and pursed her lips together just like the Conceited reaction meme in front of the camera to give ARMY another reaction photo to use while the other members silently laughed at his monologue.
“PD is wearing red Converse high tops?” Rapmon went on. “Be my Converse high tops.”
“AHHHHHH!” The members cringed
GAYO Track 4
“Time for K-Pop with BTS! Bangtan Gayo!” Jungkook announced.
After recapping the previous show, Jungkook revealed the next challenge which was songs by lyrics, Bangtan Karaoke.
Step 1: Memorize the lyrics and sing in turns.
Step 2: Do the missions for special chances
Step 3: Snacks if you finish within 10 tries.
“There’s also a dreadful penalty if you fail. Tasty sand eel.” The PD announced.
“Wow, you are just the person with the good news today, huh?” Jen added while the members groaned at the possibility of the penalty.
She already knew she was going to lose. She wasn’t all that familiar with a bunch of karaoke songs in Korea. Sitting on the floor, pretzel style, Jen sat in between V and Rapmon.
The first song came on as the lyrics blared out, ‘Hey you, look my way. And tell me I’m pretty. Imagining you falling for me.’
The whole time, Jennie had a confused facial expression. She had no idea what this song was. It was announced that it was the follow-up song for FINKLE’s 1st album in 1998.
“When Jungkook and Jennie were two. I recognize the song.” Suga spoke up
“Uh...” Jen murmured, looking confused with Jungkook.
Each member took a piece of paper to choose which number that would be. And of course, with bad luck, Jennie was number one. J-Hope would be next then Rapmon, Jin, Jimin, Suga, Jungkook and V.
“Why...? Just why?” she complained.
For the first attempt, a light and joyful song came on as the members danced around, swaying side to side.
“Okay! Okay! I got this.” Jen prepared, getting into the song.
“1! 2! 3! 4!” the members announced and turned to her to start the song.
Swaying around, clapping her hands, “I don’t know the words but I’m singing on key. You might as well give me that penalty. Cause Miss Bangtan doesn’t know this song~!” she sang out, making the members laugh as her face warmed up.
It threw everyone off track.
“At least she was honest! Hahah.” Rapmon laughed while each member got hit with a hammer.
J-Hope helped her with the lyrics and she tried to remember as she finally sang the right words.
Starting the song properly, J-Hope sang, “Hey you, look my way. And tell me I’m pretty.”
“Imagine me...” Rapmon messed up while the members figured out the song.
Starting again, the members danced around while Hobi did his stretch dance. Jen managed to say the right words but Rapmon kept messing up and as a punishment, they had Jin remove a stocking off his feet within 30 seconds and he did it quickly. As the members continued to bicker around to know the lyrics, JenKook remained quiet, watching the members. But they all kept failing and continued to get penalties.
“I dunno what the hell is going on.” Jen looked at the camera, amused while they all tried to figure out the lyrics.
During their sixth attempt, they made it to Jimin, “Like the movie yesterday, hug me and tell me you wanna kiss.”
“Look my way always in your eyes.” Suga sang in his deep voice. “I’m a little girl.”
“It’s yet awkward to say, love.” Jungkook sang
“But in your heart, I’ve become a lady. My love now-na na na-” V forgot the rest of the lyrics which caused the members to go crazy.
“Ahhhh!” Suga yelled
Jimin and Rapmon threw their pieces of paper and stood up frantically, yelling.
“What are you doing!?” Rapmon yelled. “SHE OPENED HER EYES!”

Jimin marched up to V and started yelling at him, “Opened her eyes!”
“Why can’t you open her eyes!?”
Jennie fell on her back, cracking up before she went over to try to protect V, calming Jimin down. “Leave my baby V alone, ahaha! It’s okay!”
For the seventh attempt, V correctly got the lyrics right and started dancing around.
“Call call give a call!” Jungkook sang
‘Wait, wait, we’re going back!? I don’t know the rest of the song!’ Jen looked on in fear.
Oh, she was screwed. The members were going to kill her when she messed up.
“Whatever you want, I will give.” Rapmon sang.
“In your arms, your arms.” J-Hope messed up the lyrics, causing the members to stare at him.
Rapmon shoved J-Hope away. “You stupid!” he yelled
“You said you knew!” The members rushed up while Jimin and Yoongi stomped on J-Hope.
Jungkook threw a pillow at him to finish him off. Now everyone had to have a shuffle change and this time, Jen would be next to Jin, at the end.
“Okay, so can you help me? What am I singing? A girl does not know this song.” she asked Tae for help as he went over the song with her.
For their eighth attempt, they sang along but once it came to Jin, he messed up before Jen could. For their ninth attempt, Jin finally sang right but when it came to Jennie, she hesitated and messed up the words.
“JENNIE~!” Rapmon yelled while Jimin rushed up and grabbed a hold of her
“Do you wanna die!?” Jimin yelled while the members attacked her with pillows
“I’m sorry!” she shouted, shielding her body from the assault.
Finally getting it during the next try, it was Rapmon who messed up the final line and they opened the next challenge which was to eat jelly on your face without hands. They allowed Jin to do it but he failed when it dropped. Yoongi went next and it fell to his tongue but it fell off. Last up was Jimin who successfully got it in.
For their last attempt, they finally sang the song with no errors as Rapmon dramatically sang the final verse, “Just like this, in your arms, take me.”
“I’m yours!” The members yelled and finally celebrated that they won.
For the penalty drink, they had to take numbers and were forced to get their drink. Everyone drank but then suddenly, it was Jennie who got the penalty drink because she spit it out and started coughing.
“Oh God! Oh my God! No! Lord Jesus, have mercy!” she whined over the members teasing her.
“Bangtan Gayo, see you next time!” Yoongi waved goodbye
GAYO Track 5
“Ayooo, BTS here and it’s time to enjoy some K-Pop music,” Jen announced, standing in the middle with a bright smile.
“BTS’s K~Pop!” she announced with them.
“Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo!” Hobi shouted excitedly.
“Last episode, I had the great pleasure of drinking that gross drink. Thank you. My tastebuds are dead.” she announced while everyone chuckled.
“You look like you were about to cry, smartie. Was it that bad?” Suga asked.
“I mean, would you like to taste it for yourself?”
“Nah, I’m good.” He chuckled
“It was nauseating. My breath still was smelling bad after the mouthwash. Anyway, what’s going on today?” she received the card. “GAYO 5. Association quiz by inference.”
Elders vs Youngsters. It would be the Hyung team vs Maknae team. Guess the other team’s singer and song.
After writing the penalty, they began the challenge. The Makane line sat first while the hyung line stood. For the first question, Suga started blowing in his hands
“Trumpet, maybe?” Jen guessed.
“No, balloon,” V spoke as they watched Jin portray carrying a balloon.
Before they knew it, Jungkook walked up to the camera
“TVXQ’s Balloon,” he answered, getting it correct.
Jen hated games like this because it did take her a while to figure out what was what and she felt like she would slow her team down.
“A-yo!” Rapmon interpreted
“I’ght you goin’ have to give us a little more than an ‘A-yo’,” Jen replied while Jungkook got hit with a hammer after trying to guess.
“Oppa car, bought, pick you up.” Rapmon tried to explain. “Sunglasses.”
Jen was still confused but her team knew it was Jinusean.
“I don’t know anything, man, damn,” she complained as she watched her team try to guess but constantly get hit in the head.
But finally, Jungkook got the correct answer. Next was the Hyung line freaking out like they won something.
Jin suddenly pointed to Jennie. “You were just listening to this song.”
“Oh!” she rushed up to the camera. “First I want to give a shoutout to my boys Block B because the song is Jackpot by Block B.” she rapped some of the song while she got it correct.
After they finished guessing, it took them ten minutes and 31 seconds. Next was the Hyung line and they were easily breezing through all the songs. Once EXO’s growl came on, Jen immediately performed the dance after her teammates were trying to growl around, confusing the Hyung Line.
Jin rushed to the camera. “EXO’s growl.”
It took the Hyung line six minutes and 27 seconds and now it was time for the penalty. Opening up the paper, Jimin revealed it to be closing with 17 candies. So one person had to eat 17 pieces of candy.
“I’ll do it,” Jen announced before her team could play rock, paper, scissors. “I’ve been craving candy today so it shouldn’t be that bad. Let me at em.”
“Wow, this is a first that anyone offered to take one for the team,” Rapmon said.
“Oh that’s great, you’re a lifesaver.” Jimin sighed out of relief.
“Taking one for the team, respect.” Jungkook patted her on the back.
Given the candy, she exhaled, looking at how big they were. “Oh God...”
She placed them all in her mouth as the members started pinching her cheeks. Her mouth was full and she tried to speak but the members teased her for how she was sounding.
GAYO Track 6
Jimin was the MC for this episode while Jennie sat in between Jin and Suga. After recapping the previous episode, they explained that this episode’s topic is Fans’ special vote on BTS’ top 5 dances. Before getting started, it was announced to pick the worst dancers as a warm-up. V had forgotten about the Tomorrow choreography and Jimin spotted his mistake. The members continued laughing at Rapmon’s dancing. In the end, they picked Suga as the worst dancer in his team.
“Really? How come? It’s not fair!” Suga stood up. “Did you pick me for fun?”
“I mean...” Jennie snickered and shrugged, earning a dirty look from him.
“I took a closer look at how Suga danced. It was really funny.” V giggled.
“I pick Smartie as the worst dancer,” Suga called out.
“Me, too!” Rapmon added with a laugh.
“Bish whet?!” she stood up and turned to them as Rapmon, Jin, and Suga laughed loudly and moved out of their seats. “Don’t start something you can’t finish, Suga.”
“You wanna go?” he demanded with a laugh while the members looked back and forth, amused.
“Bring it on, old man, bring it on!”
“Dance battle! Play the music!” Jimin announced.
Danger soon came on, which confused the both of them. It had been a while. And lowkey, she absolutely hated performing the song. It took a while, but then they got a groove and managed to perform in sync with the guys cheering in the background. Jennie ended up missing a few steps, while Suga went on. Needless to say, she was a bit irritated that she messed up due to her competitive nature.
“I guess Suga won,” V said after they finished while Jen and Suga shared a laugh and high fived.
“Everyone decide who won,” Jimin said
“Suga,” Rapmon announced
“Jennie!” Jungkook raised his hand with a bright smile.
After a heated discussion, it was announced that Jennie was ranked at the bottom for dancing and would be the special MC with words of consolation.
“Ooh, I get to MC? Let’s get it!” she quickly made her way to Jimin as he dramatically presented her the mic. “Thank you, my good sir.”
“You’re welcome. Thank you for taking my MC position.” He responded with envy
“You are quite welcome.” she laughed and ruffled his hair. Turning to the group, she happily smiled. “Gentlemen, I’ll be your awesome MC for today. So, let us see the top 5 dances of Bangtan voted by the fans. Write down your answers on the board. First up, let’s think of the number one dance.”
After writing, they revealed their answers and surprisingly it was between I Need U and Dope.
“To me, Dope is the most awesome,” Suga said
“I Need U has very artistic choreography,” Jungkook argued.
“Oh, wow...am I the only one who thinks it’s neither of those?” Jen spoke. “I was thinking of maybe Bulletproof or Tomorrow.”
“Why you think it’s tomorrow?” Jin asked.
“Because it’s sexy and every time we body roll, 'errbody goes crazy and screams.” she shrugged.
“But fans would vote for something that looks fabulous,” Rapmon added
“Exactly. Us body rolling and so on in tomorrow is quite fabulous from all them screams if you asked me.” she let out a soft chuckle. “Anyway, let’s see what it is. The first choice is...”
‘I Need U’
Jungkook and Jimin immediately started laughing because they were the only ones who chose that song and 42% of fans voted for that as their number one dance. Jimin began running around, yelling in celebration while the rest remained bewildered that it wasn’t Dope.
“Let’s guess the 4th best dance,” Jen announced.
After a while, the members revealed their answers and it was a variety of different dances about Danger, MBC, No More Dream, and Tomorrow.
“Number four is...one of my favorites, Tomorrow! Now with number three, it comes with a punishment so...choose wisely~!”
After they revealed their various answers, the members were offered the choice to change their answers. It amused Jennie how conflicted they looked as they tried to ponder if their answer was right or if they should change it.
“He says nothing,” Suga called Jin out who remained quiet the entire time.
“Hey, focus on the show.” J-Hope laughed at Jin.
“Doesn’t he need to change?” Suga pointed at Jin’s board which had No More Dream written on it.
“Why? You stick to your way!” Jin stood up. “Why do you ignore No More Dream?” he pointed his arm forward and danced, making Jen’s eyes widen and Jimin lean forward with laughter.
“What was that!?” she laughed and mimicked the dance move he had done.
Before she knew it, the boys began to have another heated discussion about the dances, as she tried to restore order.
“Aye! Aye! Aye! Relax!” she yelled, getting their attention. “Let’s see what ARMY said. Number three is...from the 2014 Korea Music Festival.”
“Yeah!” Jimin yelled, jumping in celebration while he was the only person that got it right.
“Always go with your gut guys, don’t get influenced by each other.” she reminded and gave Jimin a high five. “What is behind door number two!”
As soon as Dope was revealed, Jin jumped up and repeatedly yelled “jjeoreo!”
Since there were only two stockings, Jungkook and V would have to dance battle and then Rapmon and Jin would have to as well.
“We should be able to see something new. A fresh version of the choreography.” J-Hope announced.
When Dope came on, V and Jungkook dance battled. The members began to get hyped and laughed when Jungkook was extra as usual with his dancing.
“Are you okay!?” Jennie laughed when Jin fell on his butt. She helped him up and patted him on the back.
In the end, Rapmon and V were the ones who received stockings on their heads as Jennie placed one on Rapmon’s head and Jimin placed the other on V’s.

“That stocking reminds me of Rookie King.” She laughed. “Remember when Jungkook had a stocking on his head?”
The members laughed at the fond memory and began to portray how he was with the stocking.
GAYO Track 7
For this episode, the topic will be songs of male singers based on dance. They were split up into teams after playing the palm-up or palm-down game. Team Red consisted of V, Jennie, Jimin, and Suga, while Team Black and White had Rapmon, Jin, Hobi, and Jungkook. It will be a speed quiz between the two teams. They would have to explain the song and the singer by dance and body language.
Jennie, Suga, and Jimin sat by the table while V had the sign with the songs as Jungkook’s team went first to begin guessing. Team Red was bewildered at how fast the opposing team was getting the dances right.
“Are we going to lose?” Jennie asked
“No! We will win! Stay optimistic!” Jimin exclaimed and shook her.
As soon as Rapmon came up to dance around, their team began to struggle because they could not get anything until J-Hope finally got it after a while. Jimin and Jennie held onto each other while laughing once Jungkook spaced up and struggled to try to think of what to do for the next song. After they were done, Jennie sat in between V and Jimin while Suga began to explain the first dance.
“BANG BANG BANG!” Jen yelled over V and Jimin, causing the guys to laugh.
Running up to the front, she watched Jungkook turn the page.
‘Uh...how did it go...?’ she pondered as her body began to move on its own to perform the choreography as she hit her head multiple times.
“Don’t hurt yourself.” Jin laughed.
“Mamacita by Super Junior!” Jimin called out and rushed to the front.
“EXO’s Growl!” Jen, V and Suga answer while Team Black and White complain about how easy their songs are to guess.
As Team Red continued to rush to the front while answering correctly, Team Black and White continued to complain about how easy it was for them. Jennie looked confused when Suga was back up, throwing his hands up but Jimin answered it correctly.
“This is it.” V made a dramatic face
“Oh! It’s my boys! Block B’s Her!” Jen answered and went back to the front.
As soon as she leaned forward and started snapping, the boys immediately yelled, “Sherlock by SHINee!”
Next was Suga but they continued to struggle on the song.
“Go away!” Jennie stood and shoved Jungkook away after he continued to dance the choreography of Bang Bang Bang to ‘help’ out. Jungkook’s loud giggling filled the room while she went back to her seat to focus on Suga.
But in the end, they weren’t able to get the right answer and lost the game. After playing Rock, Paper, Scissors, V, and Jimin were sitting in front of each other while the members surrounded them. Soon after, a flustered Jimin went to kiss V on the cheek and then began to run around.
GAYO Track 8
After recapping the previous episode, the members find out that they will learn trot songs that represent Korea. The rules were to have V read the trot song lyrics and the others would say the title and signer. The guessing team that sings it right will win the round. The first team to get three out of five will be declared the winner. Team Tall consisted of Jungkook, Jin and Rapmon while Team To Be Tall had Jimin, J-Hope, Jennie and Suga.
Once they heard the first song, the members laughed once V started dancing and singing with his gold jacket.
“Sing it!” Jen cheered.
“V’s trot class. Everyone is ready to learn about trot?” V announced, sitting in between the two teams.
The first lyrics were, ‘I called dibs on an attractive girl. Her appearance is so sexy. Her face is dazzling. Her body is dazzling.’
Jungkook and Suga immediately rushed to the mic. Suga got to it first and answered, “Park Hyun-bin. The song is Dazzling Dazzling.”
“Trot singers have dancers behind them!” J-Hope announced as the members danced behind Suga when he began to sing but he forgot the lyrics. Soon after, Jungkook took over, dancing around with his teammates.
“Dazzling, dazzling. She’s so smoking hot. I’m so attractive that everyone loves me. I called dibs on a girl.” Jungkook sang, and glanced right at Jennie, “Beautiful, her appearance.”
While Jennie was snickering at how extra Team Tall was, she had caught him looking at her while he sang as her face warmed up. After he finished singing, Team Tall won the first round.
‘If others call me, I will think about it. If you call me, I will run unconditionally. I’ll run to you unconditionally’ was the next set of lyrics as Jungkook walked up to the mic.
“I don’t know who the singer is.” He answered as everyone laughed.
“Isn’t it Park Sang-cheol?” Rapmon asked.
J-Hope rushed up to the mic, “Park Sang-cheol’s Unconditionally.”
When the song came on, J-Hope sang while his team stood next to him and danced in the background. But apparently, he got the lyrics wrong so they redeemed themselves to sing it correctly.
“Whether it’s day or night, I will run to you anytime! I will run unconditionally! Jajara, jarajara, janjanjan!” Team To Be Tall sang and jumped up and down.
As the game went on, the two teams were tied 2 and 2. Now it was the final round and a random song would be played and if anyone knew it, they would have to sing it. As soon as they heard the music, Team Tall rushed to the front and answered with Kim Soohee, A South Bound Train, which was correct. Jennie kept nodding her head at how passionately Jin was singing but then V interrupted the team when they sang a lyric wrong.
“We’ll take that, thank you.” Jennie walked past Team Tall with the rest of her teammates as Suga smoothly grabbed the mic out of Jin’s hands.
As the song replayed again, the team sang the song but then messed up when they said: “for the South.” Instead of “In the South.”
During Team Tall’s second attempt, they sang the wrong lyrics again. Suga and J-Hope went up to the mic while they made Jimin stay behind because he messed up the song before.
“Hey, bring Jimin, this is a team effort. Come on, look at the face.” Jen pointed out.
“Smartie, do not fall for that puppy dog look of his,” Suga replied.
“But it’s Jimin, you can’t say no to him or reject him.”
“Park Jimin, do not come over here.” J-Hope pointed.
“’ight then I’m staying with Jimin.” Jen stayed in her seat with him as he laughed.
“Jennie, get over here!”
“No one leaves Jimin behind,” she answered firmly.
“Aish...fine. Bring him.” Suga gestured as she and Jimin stood with them by the mic.
In the end, Team To Be Tall won the game while Team Tall sat there in defeat. For the punishment, Team Tall would part their hair 2:8 and sing dramatically while everyone laughed.
GAYO Track 9
For Track 9, the members were seated. Jen sat in between Jin and Jungkook and the members would have to guess the top five BTS songs selected by fans. On top of that, they would have to get the rankings right and they only have three chances to do so. If they fail, they’ll be punished. The members have to guess ranking 2, 4 and 5.
“What do you think J-Hope?” Suga, who was the MC for this episode, asked.
“I personally think our title songs would get more votes.” He answered.
“Don’t underestimate our B Side songs though. It’s tricky.” Jen added.
“What do you think Jennie?” Suga asked.
“I think Tomorrow is on here.”
“You always talk about tomorrow.” Rapmon laughed
“What? It’s a great song!”
“Why thank you,” Suga said with appreciation.
After the members were talking about which songs they thought were on the list, they began to write their answers down. Jennie wrote down Tomorrow for number 2, Dead Leaves for number 4 and Bulletproof for number 5. She remained quiet for the majority of this episode, concentrating hard on what songs she thought were the right ones.
“Tomorrow is number 2,” Suga revealed.
“YASSSS~!” she tossed her board down and got up to dance in celebration while the rest of the members tossed their boards down, annoyed that they got it wrong.
As a punishment for Jin, he wore a tight shirt which made the members laugh. When it was time to guess the fifth song, which was revealed to be BTS Cypher Part 3, the majority of the members got it correct while Jen sighed in defeat. So far I Need U was number one, Tomorrow was number two, and Let Me Know was number three. Lastly was the fourth song while Suga announced that the punishment is to drink an unknown beverage.
“I’m staying away from drinks. I don’t feel like dealing with what happened on Track 4,” Jen said.
After being given five seconds to answer, Jen kept the song that was on her mind as they all revealed their answers but in the end, Miss Right was the correct one. Jennie facepalmed while the members talked about the rest of the top songs on the list.
OK after this Bangtan Gal chapter, I'm going to edit and post more Forced to Believe chapters.
I'll make sure to post a bunch of chapters for it this time! Stay tuned! Thanks for being so patient :) have a great day!
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 70- Jungkook's Confession

Chapter Summary: Passion runs high when Jungkook finally makes his move to confess his love to his best friend
Words: 4,000+
Author's Note: I have reread and edited this so many damn times. I get so nervous about this chapter. Like if it was worth the wait and if it would be well received. Like damn 70 chapters to get to this point? But I wanted to focus more on building the friendship and how feelings slowly came about. I hope you enjoy it! We are finally here! This is one of my favs. And mannn Alina Baraz was getting in my feelings when I was listening to her music.
Trust the process. We are almost there! Happy reading :)
------ Finally knocking, the anticipation killed him as he anxiously waited for her to open the door.
He was ready.
No turning back, no regrets. Confess and leave, that was the plan. Nothing more, nothing less. At least that was what he thought would happen tonight.
From Jimin and Taehyung's words about getting carried away, Jungkook didn't think he would. However, being alone in a room with Jennie after telling her his feelings could lead to some tension. He hoped that it wouldn't be anything bad and she'd take his words well. He had a lot of negative thoughts on how she would react. If she would feel awkward and say that she didn't feel the same or if she liked someone else.
Jungkook needed to push through. This had been building for so long, that he was beginning to wonder if his hyungs' words were true.
Was he going to be able to go by his plan or let his actions speak louder than his words?
Once the door opened, his heart skipped a beat when he was greeted by that smile he loved. Her hair was down, which was something he always adored as it framed her face beautifully. He noticed that she was on her phone, speaking to a friend as she let him in. He also regarded that she was already dressed and ready to leave soon for the airport.
"Yeah, we'll definitely have that sleepover soon," she spoke in her native tongue while Jungkook shut the door behind him. "Hey, Amber, I'll call you when I'm back home, all right? Love you girl!"
After hanging up and putting her phone in her pocket, she turned around, smiling brightly. "Kook! I'm happy to see you!"
"I'm uh...happy to see you, too." he smiled nervously. "You forgot your lotion."
"Ah! I was looking for this! Thank you!" she took it and packed it in her bag.
Jungkook watched her and smiled softly as she rambled, "I love me some cocoa butter. I would've been so upset if I forgot it. Ah...I can't wait to go home. It's nothing like going back home to see your family and friends, right? I'm very fortunate that Big Hit allowed this. It's going to be pretty busy. A little interview with Billboard and hanging with JRE, I'm super excited. BTS is really moving up and getting that exposure. I believe 2016 will be a great year for us."
"Yeah...I believe so, too."
"So, what's up?" she faced him with a smile.
"I uh, wanted to see you."
"You saw me." she teased. "Came here to game before I leave? I think Tae has the Wii U. I'm sure we can play one quick round."
She always made time for him and never complained. It was something he always appreciated.
Jungkook shook his head and sniffed. "No, not right now. I wanted to speak with you."
"All right. What is it?"
"There's something that I uh, wanted to tell you for a while, now. Something I wanted you to hear at least once from me, personally."
"Spit it out, don't keep me in suspense." she grinned. Jennie couldn't help but notice him looking a little off and her face slowly changed to concern as she spoke again, "Hey...you good?"
Jungkook tilted his head to the side before rubbing the back of his neck. "Th-there's something that I've been trying to tell you for a long time now,"
His nervousness came back at the worst time. He was already stumbling over his words. He needed to keep himself composed and not mess this opportunity up.
"There's that look again," she called out. "Just like when I told you that you looked like you needed to say something important. What do you need to tell me? You know you can tell me anything."
"I-I know but this has been harder than I thought it would be. And I know you're about to leave and this is going to be terrible timing but..." he exhaled and shook his head. "But I won't chicken out, anymore. No more getting nervous. I need to say what I need to say to you...I can't bear to let you hear this from someone other than me when almost everyone knows but you."
"What are you talking about?"
"I was wondering when I'd be man enough to finally tell you how I feel...about us. Our friendship. Everything. I know this isn't going to be perfect or like I planned out in my head countless times but I can't hold this in, anymore. I've watched from afar for too long and I can't help but think if I don't say this now, I'll be too late." he paused, letting out a shaky breath. "What I'm about to tell you is going to be extremely selfish. But I need you to know."
Jennie watched him. He was acting so weird, just what was the problem?
"Kook, I think you're freaking out over nothing. What can you possibly say to me that is making you this nervous? Just say it." she laughed lightly, trying to lighten the mood.
Jungkook hesitated, looking down at his feet. Jennie, deciding not to pry, waited for him to speak again with a patient smile. Whatever was on his mind, was clearly serious.
Before he knew it, the words slipped out of his mouth as he met her gaze.
"I can't think of you as a friend, anymore."
As he predicted, her face slowly fell and her lips parted in shock. The entire room went silent as he watched her try to comprehend what he just told her. It felt like minutes went past before he eventually heard her speak.
Furrowing her eyebrows, she stuttered, "Wh-what?"
"I can't think of you as a friend, anymore," he repeated.
"What?" she responded incredulously.
"I can't...see myself as your friend."
Did he mean he didn't want to be friends, anymore? Or did he mean...
"I-I think Jimin and Taehyung hit you a little too hard while you were play fighting-"
"My mind is here and made up. I don't want to just be friends, anymore, Jennie."
She looked at him, puzzled. "...why?"
"Because I...I want more than what we have," he said softly.
"Kook..." she said, slowly shaking her head. "...don't go there..."
"I need to go there. We're not kids, anymore. I can't just stand here while other guys are considering asking out the girl that I want to be mine. I can't just stand here and not tell you how much I want you. I can't just stand here and not say how you make me feel."
Jennie's stomach had dropped as soon as he said that. She had been trying to avoid any type of feelings for him for months. She thought she managed to get over them but now he comes by and says this to her, screwing up those plans? Taking her off guard and he says this when she is minutes away from going to the airport?
"Don't play with me," she murmured in a tight, shaky voice, waiting for him to say that this was a prank.
He was not going to do this to her like this. Not when she was about to leave. He was not going to drop this on her, right now. This wasn't funny.
As she waited, that same serious expression was on his face and she realized that he wasn't joking.
"Kook?" she called out nervously as he kept his head up high. "Jungkook...you have no idea how much our friendship means to me,"
"I'm fully aware."
"You're fully aware? Then why are you...why are you...Kook we...I..." she hesitated and looked away. "We can't-"
"Don't do that." he interrupted softly.
"...do this...this shouldn't happen, Kook."
"Is that your doubts in your head or your heart speaking?" he questioned firmly. "I've been observing you for the last couple of months. And thinking back to the day we kissed under that mistletoe...how you act around me ever since you told me you had a weird dream about a friend...how you were looking at me during Season's Greetings...how jealous you were when we went to the costume store in America and those girls were flirting with me...how you act with me compared to other guys, it just makes me believe that this isn't one-sided. And it kind of makes me think that you want me just as much as I want you. Maybe deep down...you want me more than you think."
She couldn't bring herself to reply to that, tongue-tied as she averted her eyes. It was like he just punched the wall she was trying to hold up between them.
But was he right?
Did she want him just as much, if not more than him? After all this time?
Jungkook noticed that she hadn't disregarded anything he had said, and it gave him the confidence to continue to speak.
"Your heart is racing, isn't it? And you're feeling all these crazy emotions? Do you feel confused? Maybe a little scared? I'm feeling that way, too. It's weird, I know. I thought this was a little crush and I'd get over it after a few weeks, but no. My feelings for you have only gotten stronger." he went on. "Do you have any idea how you make me feel? Do you have any idea how much I am...deeply in love with you?"
'Jungkook...' she thought, overwhelmed as tears began to develop in her eyes.
It was like she couldn't even breathe. How can he be in love with her?
Why her?
"Every day I beat myself up for taking this long to finally tell someone as special as you that I want you to be mine. I want to kiss you. I want to cuddle with you. I want to take my time with you and show you how wanted and amazing you are. I want to go on dates with you. I want to have disagreements with you and work through them together. I want to wear matching outfits with you and surprise you with smarties. I want to see you in my white shirts and other clothes that are clearly too big for you but you would make them look cute."
Tears streamed down her face and she quickly wiped them away. Why did he have to say this now when she was about to leave?
"I want to be as cheesy as we can possibly be together, and I even want you to be my Pepper Potts while I am your Tony Stark. And as much as I love Tony...I'll even be your Captain America again if you asked me to. But as long as you promise me that you'll dress up as Iron Man, one day. I can see your reaction now, the cutest thing." he chuckled at the thought, glancing at the floor for a moment.
Looking back up, he added, "And the smiles that you give me are the cutest thing I ever seen. I even get a little jealous when you smile that way with other guys because I want that specific smile all to myself."
'Kook...please...' she begged in her head.
She wanted to get out of the room because everything that he was telling her began to overwhelm her and it was too much for her heart to handle.
"You have this...adorable habit of scrunching your nose which I love. Your eyes sparkle when someone mentions Smarties, Ailee, or Nike, too. And I meant what I said back when we ate lamb skewers for the first time. Your black skin is beautiful. Always. And as I see us dating, I think about the playfights we'll have together. The debates about Iron Man and Captain America. And I know it was me you were dreaming about."
That prompted her to look at him in surprise.
How'd he find out?
Was it her body language?
Did she make it that obvious?
But like he said, he had been observing her for a while, putting the puzzle pieces together. She felt her cheeks flush at the dream she had tried to put behind her.
"I have those dreams about you, too," he admitted as she proceeded to look at him in surprise. "You were who I was talking about when we spoke about the dream in your studio. You were the one I was thinking about when I said that she'll know I'm far from being a baby behind closed doors. So, when we get serious and when we are ready...I want to be your first in other ways besides being your first boyfriend. Showing you what I'm capable of. Showing you how special you are to me. Only if you'd let me."
'Give me the strength...' she thought while exhaling as his words stuck in her head.
There were so many women who were head over heels for him. But come to find out he only wanted her? And after all this time she finds this out?
"I even want to act dorky together, show you memes, and play video games with you, too," he added. "All of this, and more that I want to do, not as your friend. But your boyfriend. As the guy that is in love with you."
He slowly approached her and grabbed her hands, holding them as he gazed down at her with teary eyes.
"Every time I see you, do you have any idea how hard it is to not kiss you? That seeing you smile makes my day 100 times better? Do you realize how happy I get when I am the one who brings that cute smile to your face? How jealous I get when guys give you more attention than usual and I have more competition?"
Seeing him gaze at her like this made her heart flutter. Her skin felt hot as he gently held her hands. This was too much to take.
"I can't even explain it but you just make me so happy when I'm with you. I feel like myself when I'm with you," he went on. "You always encouraged me and never gave up on me no matter how much I become frustrated when I don't sing like I want to or when I don't dance like I want to. You are always there. It's always been you. It's insane how one person can make you so happy and bring such joy to your heart. And that person that does that to me is you."
After a moment of silence, he squeezed her hands, murmuring, "Please...talk to me. Say something."
She hesitated and released his hands. Turning around, she walked away from him to collect her thoughts.
Not every day your best friend shows up out of the blue to pour their heart out to you.
The tension started to become too much for her as her emotions were all over the place. The atmosphere, being alone in the room with him, she didn't know how much more she could take.
Turning around, she spoke, "I am about to go home and you really are going to tell me this, now?"
"Now? What are you doing?"
"Something I should've done a long time ago."
"I...I don't...understand, I just...you can't just...you...you can't just say things like that. You can't just say things like that when you know I am about to leave."
"I just did," he responded softly. "I meant every word and I'm not taking it back. I'm sorry I waited this long but I needed you to hear it just once. Bad timing and all."
"And what about the fans? I really don't want to be the cause of us losing fans. Backlash and all, I don't want to put you through that mess. I don't want to put you through that stress. All that drama on Bangtan and Big Hit, let's just..." she exhaled shakily and blinked her tears away. "L-look, I really think that we should just stay professional, okay? So just...please..."
"With you being alone with me in this room and the way you are looking at me, I doubt you just want to stay professional." Jungkook caught her in her explanation as she avoided eye contact yet again.
He caught her red handed. She couldn't deny it, he saw right through it. Jennie wanted to kick herself for how obvious her nervousness was becoming as he called her out on everything.
"You really want to go through all of that? All for me? What if you regret it?" she asked, managing to look back at him. "Dating me. I always used to think about that when it came to dating here. Like if someone would still want to hold my hand in public or if they would feel embarrassed to be seen with me because of who I am. Because I'm not their ideal type in this area. And then some of my family members are always nagging about when I'll date a black guy and stay within my race but it's like...it's just...it's overwhelming and annoying. It could be a whole mess if something goes wrong."
"What we have will overcome the drama. Us against the world? I'm standing next to you through it all. You deserve all the love you're getting," he declared. "They can try to do whatever they can to divide us but it won't work. I refuse to let that happen. I'm going to be right here, okay? I promise. And those fans we'll lose are not real fans of Bangtan, just closed-minded people. I want to do what makes me happy. Being around you makes me happy and making you mine will make me happy. Only if you'd let me."
The tension was starting to become unbearable for Jennie. She felt like needed to get out of this room, ASAP. The way his words made her feel emotions she never felt before, the way he was looking at her, the way she tried not to glance at his lips, the way he looked so good in that white shirt of his, everything made her want to do something that she felt like she shouldn't.
"It won't be a mess with you and me," Jungkook assured. "So, no more ifs when it comes to us. Being in love with you has been my biggest contentment. I have no regrets when it comes to you and I never will if you become mine."
He was so persistent. He had an answer to every single one of her apprehensions. She was desperately losing the battle to resist these feelings.
'Why is he making this harder for me?' she thought.
Jungkook could see that she was about to crack. She couldn't dodge this forever. The way she was looking at him, he knew and based on their heightened emotions, she could snap before he did. He was so close to snapping himself as he kept glancing at her lips.
"Just...just give me one...one good reason why I shouldn't just kiss you, right now and show you how I feel." he courageously requested.
His bold statement caused her to widen her eyes.
In Jungkook's mind, the only good reason he thought of was if she said she didn't feel the same way. She was right where he wanted her and it was only a matter of time before she was unable to resist. The wall she had between them was cracking fast.
One more punch and the wall will break.
Truth be told, she couldn't find a good reason. She was just scared on the inside as she thought about the idea of giving someone her heart. Being vulnerable with someone.
Would it work?
Him and her together?
Dating her best friend?
Would anything change if they date? Will they be able to keep things on the low to ensure the public does not know about them until they are ready to announce it?
"Jennie, I am not letting anyone change my mind on how I feel about you. No media, no ARMY, no one will change how I feel. And if ARMY really loves Bangtan like they always say, they will accept that I love you and support us. I refuse to let anything, or anybody try to take what we have. A relationship is between two people. I want a relationship with just you and me. No media, no rumors, no negativity, none of that but just us. I've seen so many couples get ruined because of that and I refuse to let our relationship follow that path. I love you too much to let something like that take you away from me."
That was love right there. Jen couldn't deny that. Everything he had said was something that she had always wanted.
This was real.
"This was what you meant...this was what you wanted to tell me that would change our friendship. All this time...it was me," she confirmed, turning her back to him. "All those talks we had...all those comments that I remember you saying...the random stares I get from other idols when you are around me...those weird feelings I get when we get so close...all because of this. What are you doing to me? Why? Just..."
Watching her, he began to slowly make his way to her, step by step. He heard her stop rambling and felt her tremble when his firm chest was against her back. As he slowly wrapped his arms around her, Jen's heart rate quickened. She felt a sense of security in his arms and even though she enjoyed being like this, her mind continued to have an endless battle between staying in his arms or escaping.
"You can't think of a good reason, can you?" he asked.
After he said her name against her ear, it was game over because her body reacted on its own by turning around to look up at him. Before she could get a word in, he gently cupped her face and kissed her sweetly like he had something to prove. His nose had bumped into hers and he tilted his head to the side while his soft lips caught her by surprise.
Unable to fight it anymore, she gave in, kissing back as she closed her eyes.

It was like Jungkook became a new person. He couldn't control himself, he had to kiss her. He wasn't that little boy, any more and was determined to let her know that he loved and wanted her.
She felt his hands slowly move down to wrap his arms around her body as she held onto him and placed a hand on the back of his head. Jennie then placed her hands on his firm chest and deliberately ran her hands down.
As much as she was enjoying this, her mind continued to go crazy with various thoughts.
'I shouldn't be doing this...but this feels right...but he's my best friend...but his lips feel so right on mine...but we've been friends for so long...but maybe this was meant to be...why don't I want to this end?'
Feeling her slowly pulling away, Jungkook firmly grabbed her back by her hips to pull her against him. She let out a gasp before being silenced by his lips as he deepened the kiss.
As they kissed repeatedly, she felt everything that he was feeling while she wrapped her arms around his neck, letting him show her how he felt. As the kissing intensified, she let out a soft moan. He was so gentle as he caressed her, making her shiver. She felt like she was high as her heart proceeded to pound.
This just wasn't fair. After all this time trying to avoid this, she found herself in his arms. But her heart didn't want to be anywhere else.
After pulling away, Jungkook soon looked down and shook his head. "I'm sorry, I got carried away."
Part of him felt guilty for going this far. He didn't mean to kiss her so suddenly. He didn't mean to kiss her at all. That was not a part of the plan tonight. He just wanted to confess and leave but his heart had other plans. Something in him just couldn't let her leave without showing her how he felt.
Was this what his Hyungs meant?
That emotions will run high and you'll get carried away?
"What was I thinking?" he thought out loud, shaking his head.
Abruptly, Jennie grabbed him by the hand when he was about to turn around, exclaiming, "Wait!" as they both looked surprised by what she had done.
Jungkook glanced down at their hands and back at her. She immediately let go of his hand and tried to think of an explanation while his gaze on her intensified.
That assuredly changed his mind.
Looks like he didn't ruin anything after all.
Jennie was flustered at what she had just done. She didn't know what had gotten into her to grab him so suddenly. Various questions swarmed her mind.
Why did she stop him? Why is his stare so enticing? Why did she have the desire to kiss him again? Why does he look so damn good, tonight? Why is she thinking of her best friend like this?
Before any of them could speak, they heard a loud ring and vibration. They realized it was Jennie's phone in her pocket and she took it out. She was actually waiting for Sejin to call her so he could take her to the airport, but it wasn't him. It was one of her friends who wanted to catch up.
Something changed in Jungkook's demeanor which caused him to gently grab her hand.
"Don't answer it." he took the phone.
Rejecting the call, he immediately put it on airplane mode and tossed it on the bed.
"Everyone is always interrupting. Ruining any type of alone time I have with you," he spoke. "But not anymore. They can wait. This time just focus on us."
And she did as she spontaneously grabbed him by his shirt to pull him in for another kiss. It briefly shook him that she took the lead so suddenly. She then walked forward until his back was against the wall.
'Wow.' he thought in wonder.
His curiosity grew and he decided to let her do whatever she wanted to him. When she grabbed him, it confirmed everything that Jungkook had said. He knew she wanted to stay like this. He felt everything and enjoyed her hands wandering all over him with no shame as she pressed up against him.
Jennie allowed herself to be vulnerable. No more walls between them. Each time they kissed, it was like they were kissing to make up for all those moments of emotions building. The doubts and hesitation went away. She relished the closeness and felt euphoric when she was with him.
Jungkook flipped their position easily when he promptly turned them around. A thump was heard when her back connected to the wall. She had her moment of leading, now it was time to resume where he left off. She soon felt his warm breath against her ear.
"You're mine." she heard him say in English.
That statement made her shiver as her heart fluttered.
After pulling back to look at her, he gently lifted her chin to close the gap to kiss her deeply again as their eyes closed. All that was on his mind was her as he felt her hold onto him tightly. After all this time, he was finally able to kiss her the way he wanted. With no cameras around, with no one to interrupt them.
They were alone. Together.
Their kissing got so passionate that Jen's knees began to feel weak. She had mentally prepared for the embarrassment of dropping to the floor but Jungkook bent down slightly with his hands under her thighs. He effortlessly hoisted her up as she said his name breathlessly and wrapped her legs around his waist. He didn't want her to go anywhere. She wasn't going to slip away when they were alone like this.
As he held her, he thought about how right it felt and how she fit right into his hands. As he kissed her, he thought about how her lips felt right on his.
Jennie completely underestimated him. She didn't think he would do all of this. And she didn't want him to stop what he was doing as she found herself enjoying this position, being pinned against the wall by him. Being kissed so sweetly like this.
Restricted by his large body and broad shoulders, she took his beanie off, dropped it to the floor, and ran a hand through his soft hair. One of her hands soon caressed his cheek as he continued to kiss her with determination to show her that his feelings were real. She continued to kiss him with the same amount of emotion.
Was this love?
Everything that she was feeling?
This unexplainable happiness?
Losing track of time, she noticed she was slowly getting set down. They both were catching their breath as their chests rose up and down heavily. Jen was so speechless at what they had done, that she couldn't move.
'You're mine.' she thought about his words as the butterflies in her stomach came back tenfold.
Jungkook pressed a forearm over her head and looked at her, lovingly. His face felt flushed from their previous actions but he was proud that he finally told and showed her how he felt.
"I don't want you to give me an answer now. We're emotional and I know you are about to leave," he said. "I want to hear it from you to confirm it. So, take all the time you need to think about this. I'll wait for your answer when you come back. I just needed to get this off my chest. If you say no, I'll understand. I would never force you to be with me. I'll still cherish you as my friend because I love you that much. But if you say yes to me, I'll be the best boyfriend you'll ever have,"
He removed his forearm and gently cupped her face.
"I love you," he whispered in English and kissed her softly one last time before leaving the room.
Leaning against the wall, Jen stood there, stunned for a few minutes, trying to grasp what just happened and what she had just done with her best friend.
Trying to understand what had gotten into her to do all that she did as she thought about her feelings.
She put her fingertips on her lips, reminiscing on the kisses he had given her, and let out a breath. Sliding down on the wall, she sat on the floor with her knees against her chest and pushed her hair back with her hands.
'I love you...' was the only thought on her mind.
What was she going to do?
How would Jennie react to G-Dragon getting caught up in the drug scandal? Would she defend him knowing he is innocent, or would Hybe tell her to keep out of it?
Be worried for him that’s for sure. And angry at the media for turning on him, causing all this damage.
That is her friend and mentor 💜❤️ she will 100% support him and will be vocal about it for sure. She will be defending him always and won’t care what any antis have to say.
G-Dragon, fans and VIPs will appreciate the support for sure.
I see Jennie becoming more vocal and outspoken as the years go by in the story.