Bow down to me peasants for I am like totally awesome.
13 posts
Sneefle69 - Trash Panda Tyrant. - Tumblr Blog
The one thing I really hate about summer vacation is I can’t procrastinate anything. Before I could always tell myself oh I can’t I have school, but now I got nothin. I have no excuse accept to actually work on myself. I just don’t want to, it’s boring. I’m boring.

Ok last post of the day not that anyone actually cares.
But like why do I have an easier time feeling emotions towards nonexistent creatures than my own being.

What do you call it when you think so much that you want to vomit? Not even like bad thoughts just too many.
People when I first meet them: You’re weird
Me, who paces every night to music so I can daydream about nonexistent worlds and forget I live in this one: In what aspect because there are many?

pls rb if you think cuddling doesn't have to be s3xual
im tryna prove a point to my bf's mother help me out
Anyone else cling to movies and shows. Really any form of entertainment just to forget how utterly useless you are. Using the characters from these movies and shows as a type of life support, because if you stop for one second and come back to reality you’ll remember how much you hate breathing. How your life sucks and everything feels utterly meaningless but you need to do these things to live. So you try and focus on these characters and give them meaning in your life because if you don’t you’ll break down and cry.
No? Just me?
(Sorry if that makes no sense)