647 posts
Lunarre, Who Was Sitting Beside Sorey Eating His Own Lunch, Took The Shrimp From The Boys Fingers And

Lunarre, who was sitting beside Sorey eating his own lunch, took the shrimp from the boy’s fingers and bit off the tiny crustacean’s head with his teeth. He then handed it back to Sorey.
“There ya go. No face.”

❛ I… I can’t do this. ❜ Sorey looked away, rubbing his arm. He squeezed his eyes shut and huffed a little, looking quite distraught. ❛ It’s got a face! How am I expected to eat something that’s looking at me!? ❜
Shimp was definitely not for him.
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“Indeed. You failed spectacularly. But still you live on. Surely there is a reason you keep living despite these failures. Let’s say our predicaments are the same. I, myself, failed monumentally and I long for fulfillment. With the shepherd and his little dragon gone, I see an opportunity for both of us to get what we want. Again, I must request your presence in Ladylake so that we may meet face to face.”

Lunarre grit his teeth. The disembodied voice was right - in spite of everything that had happened, he was still living; still selfishly clinging onto the unfulfilled desires left in him. All the people he had known from that time were either dead or seraphim, and wholly oblivious to his continued existence. They owed him nothing, and vice versa.
What had he to lose?
Cursing under his breath, the hellion turned on his heel and began to walk back the way he had came.
Ladylake had changed relatively little in the time since the previous Shepherd had faced off against the then Lord of Calamity, Heldalf. The famed waterwheel was still turning, its cobbled streets as lively as ever, and its shopping district, though altered in content and design, were as busy as they were when Lunarre was stealing from them.
It was almost surreal, being back. Of course, no-one recognised him as he picked his way through the crowds, but that was fine. Natural, considering the circumstances.
Of course, some buildings had come and gone and others had crumbled into disrepair, abandoned by their previous owners. One such building was Bartlow’s mansion.
Creeping inside - an easy feat, thanks to the sorry state of the old front door - Lunarre looked around for the owner of the voice he had heard.
“I know you’re here. Show yourself!”

“Dignity does not consist in possessing honors, but in deserving them.”

Day 2 - Lunarre from Tales of Zestiria. Drawlloween theme today is DEVIL, though honestly I get more of a demon vibe from him, then I notice DEMON is a theme later… Too late. Done with felt to pen. He’s here for DEVIL. 18 days till Zestiria! Woot woot! I think I covered my basis.
Shipping Call - Send me one if you want to plot one or more of these
💚 - friendship 💙 - kinship ( blood or symbolic familial bond ) 💔 - past relationship 💜 - hateship ( they hate each other but can’t stay away ) 💛 - hateship ( enemies ) 💟 - friends with benefits ❤ - romantic relationship
A seraph about Sorey’s physical age glanced out the window, sporting a shiny silver regalia with the ancient crest on it and light blond hair tipped with silver at the ends. He also had an eerie holy glow about him. “Ladylake…. There was a time where this land belonged to the ancient Midgand empire. Humans walked the streets with ancient seraphim, called malakhim at the time, fearing malevolence and turning to the Shepherd of the time…”
He turned to face Lunarre. “So, you’ve come. I bid you greetings, young hellion.”

“Save the pleasantries,” Lunarre spat. “I don’t care about any of that ancient crap.”
This resonance emitting from the cherubic seraph was unlike anything he had ever felt before. It was immense. It was sickening, so much that it took all Lunarre’s concentration to speak without ejecting bile.
Was this a big mistake?
“What do you want from me? Why bring me here?”