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57% Rebel
The Rebel is comfortable throwing caution to the wind—and bucking the system—if that means getting their point across.
33% Explorer
The Explorer is drawn to the unknown, whether that’s a Himalayan peak or the road not taken, and have a thirst for adventure. They take journeys, not vacations.
10% Athlete
The Athlete's focus and drive are unparalleled. Staying healthy and being fit are paramount to them (as for winning, that doesn't hurt, either).
lionsxhowl liked this · 7 years ago
More Posts from Snickering-kitsune

“Well that’s a difficult question.” Kimuri huffed before soon thinking more on it. “Maybe a small amount of miasma? It’s a mix of that and just a heavy feeling. Not really comfortable if you think on it.”
Taking a moment to pull on his shirt collar to more prove the fact he soon asked his own question, having his own curiosities.
“But now what about you Lunarre? Why aren’t you attempting to attack me? I know most hellions seem to lose their old will yet you still seem to hold onto is in some way.” Folding his arms he tilted his head curiously.
“I know there’s the Lord of Calamity but still…I think it’s more or less a rare thing. But I won’t complain on that too much. I rather not fight in fear on losing track on just where I’m heading.”

Lunarre shrugged, beaming from ear to ear.
“Dunno. I guess I’m just special.” He snickered.
There was the possibility he was correct, or partially so, but Lunarre was only joking. He hadn’t a clue what made him different from the other hellions he had encountered, but it didn’t really matter.
“I’ve never met a guy like you before,” he added. “You interest me. Besides...” Lunarre stood up, looking into the forest stretched out thick and dark behind them. “I’m tailing someone. I can’t waste too much time dawdling.”

A sketch from the Zestiria Official World Guidance - Jesus Christ Lunarre’s posture is so bad! Must be all that hair weighing down on his back. He’s stupidly fast as it is - imagine if he cut all that off? He’d break the fucking speed of sound!!
I love how the artist gave him a smile and ‘yo’ hand gesture tho XD

Art by: 藍
※Permission to upload this was given by the artist. Please, rate and/or bookmark their works on Pixiv and do not repost without the artist’s permission 🌸

Well, it appeared the fox went for the bait. If not for the danger that would soon come, then perhaps Mikleo would have been amused, and maybe sighed in relief. This one was a hellion, a beast, and all he wanted to do was wreak havoc and gobble up human and seraphim as he so pleased. He couldn’t let that happen. As much as being near the other froze his breath in his throat, he had to swallow his fear back and try to keep Lunarre back. Especially when he was after Alisha. Sorey and the others would arrive soon. They had to.
A fireball soon hit a branch he was perched on before he could make his jump, and it was quickly engulfed in fierce, blue flame. The water seraph had to grit his teeth as he pushed himself up from where he had stumbled, feeling a pain shoot through his body. Dammit. He hadn’t landed too well there.

“Unless you would prefer entire body a frozen statue, I suggest you back off now.” He threatens, leaning on his staff a slight. “I’m not playing these games of chase with you. It won’t be just your foot alone next time.”
Lunarre laughed. It was shrill and wild. Somewhere in his mind there was the memory of a different laugh, echoing from a different life. Lunarre pushed it further back into the dark.
This was his life now. Here he was alone, but powerful. Alone, but happy. Singing, laughing, tap-dancing happy.

But devouring the little seraph brat would make him that little bit happier.
Blazing balls of blue fire erupted into existence and burned in the palm of his hands as he faced his enemy down. The little magic trick had worn off, and the seraph was now in plain sight.
“I agree,” Lunarre said, grinning. “Playtime’s over. But your ice won’t touch me again.”
Lunarre had been taught to spot weakness in others for as long as he could remember. Weakness that would equal an easy target that would equal a job well done. It had served him well in his thieving days, and his time with the Scattered Bones, and so it continued.
The seraph had not got off without injury from his fall. He favoured one foot over the other, and his staff was doubling as support. There was a weakness, and any weakness could be readily exploited.
One as alone in the world as Lunarre could rely on that universal truth alone.
Seizing his moment, Lunarre lunged forward, using his superior speed to catch the seraph off-balance. With a sweep of his arm, he unleashed an arc of flame that fanned out low across the grass, singeing the green blades black. No matter where the serph went, left or right, the weak spot should be hit. Such was the hellion’s thinking.