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for every “ღ” i get, i will mention someone’s muse i ship/would like to ship my muse with!

“A certain lady comes to mind…”
[[ I’ll be honest with you guys, after watching the anime my brain can’t stop shipping Alisha and Lunarre together.
My belief is that - realistically - unless Lunarre doesn’t tone it down one hell of a lot and get purified it can only hope to be a one-sided affair on Lunarre’s part. A secret admirer who the anime tried to show as being slowly inspired by Alisha’s sheer dedication and determination and, of course, her purity. Lunarre’s not a fool, he knows deep down he’s fucked up and as cool as his powers are it hasn’t done a thing to fix the problems that had been gnawing at him before. Hell, it’s making them worse. But when he’s around the princess…
OK I’ll stop there before I go into essay mode XP Basically, I think Alisha would be the perfect role model and mentor to Lunarre. She could teach him/guide the way for him to be a better man and find peace with himself (as he did in Episode 22 of the anime. Why he didn’t immediately turn back into his human self is anyone’s guess…) which could very well lead to some romance blossoming between them… OK I PROMISE I’LL STOP NOW. ]]
Fandom: Final Fantasy in general?
⊱send me a fandom and i’ll tell you…⊰
am i familiar with it?
Only from playing Kingdom Hearts 2 a while back. Cloud is one character, and I vaguely recall others. I would have to look them up, but off the top of my head I draw a blank. From what I recall, Cloud was a dark/angsty character with baggage. Had a history with a guy named Sephiroth, who was a definite bad guy (???). Sephiroth had black wings (????).
[Edit: On research, the other characters included Cid, Leon, Tifa, Yuffie and Aerith. I liked Aerith’s design in particular. I seem to remember her having some sort of chemistry with Cloud. Cid was fun. Leon was cool.]
do i like the fandom itself?
Nothing other than that (apparently) the general consensus among the fandom is that Final Fantasy 2 is the worst of the games.
who’s my favorite character?
I recall liking Cloud for his anti-hero vibe (I think it was an anti-hero vibe…) when I played Kingdom Hearts 2, and wishing that he was the character I was playing instead of Sora, all due respect to Sora.
if i had to choose, who would i roleplay?
Nobody, on account of my abysmal knowledge of the series. I would have to research like all hell before I even dared. And would have to play at least some of the games. And even then I’d probably stick out like a sore thumb among the hardcore/long-time Final Fantasy fans.
Send me Ⓐ and my muse will rate yours:
“Oh you’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”

repulsive ― hideous ― ugly ― not attractive ― unappealing ― not unattractive ― meh ― no preference ― ok ― mildly attractive ― nice looking ― cute ― adorable ― attractive ― pleasant on the eyes ― good looking ― hot ― sexy ― beautiful ― gorgeous ― hot damn ― would tap that ― perfect ― godlike ― holy fuck there are no words
grating ― irritating ― frustrating ― boring ― confusing at best ― awkward ― unreasonable ― psychotic ― disturbing ― interesting ― engaging ― affectionate ― aggressive ― ambitious ― anxious ― artistic ― bad tempered ― bossy ― charismatic ― appealing ― unappealing ― creative ― courageous ― dependable ― unreliable ― unpredictable ― predictable ― devious ― dim ― extroverted ― introverted ― egotistical ― gregarious ― fabulous ― impulsive ― intelligent ― sympathetic ― talkative ― up beat ― peaceful ― calming ― badass ― flexible
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending ― fuck no! ― never ― no way ― not likely ― not sure ― indifferent ― i’m asexual ― maybe ― probably ― it depends ― fairly likely ― likely ― yeah sure ― yes ― would tap that ― hell yes ― fuck yes! ― wishing that could happen right now ― as many times as possible ― we are already having sex

“Thank fuck.”
Send 💕 and my muse will use The Love Calculator to see how compatible they are. @snickering-kitsune

“It is not meant to be.”

“Ha - too late! But don’t worry, you still have options: you can go into hiding for the next thousand years. Maybe by then everybody would have forgotten what your cock looks like.”

“N-no, do not evince that to the public!”