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Poor Mason (God rest his soul). The only reason any of us give a single shred of a damn about him in the first place is because Sorey and Mikleo care about him.
By the time we get to his part in the story we care enough about our two boy leads that we want to see them happy rather than sad. By virtue of Mason being part of their large seraph family, it is obvious to us as viewers that Mason’s death would make them both sad.
And it does, and we feel bad. But then Sorey and Mikleo get over it (not in as quick and insulting a manner as in the pilot episode, thank God) and beyond Elysia Mason is never mentioned again - as far as I know - and his existence is entirely forgotten.
Lunarre gets off scot free in both the game and the anime, hammering home the fact that Mason is not really a character so much as a plot device to get Sorey and Mikleo started on their journey (finally, after much milling around in happy angel village). He is basically a giant boot kick in its general direction.
Oh, and a meme.
Mason surviving in the anime actually does a disservice to the other purpose of his existence in the narrative: showing Sorey and Mikleo - and by extension us, the players - just how fucked up and dangerous hellions can be. And that humans are capable of becoming them.
I’m happy that the manga decided to forgo all that nonsense and have Sorey and Mikleo encounter Lunarre along with Alisha in the ruins, efficiently killing two birds with one stone. Mason doesn’t even have to get a scratch on his body. Actually, that makes Mason’s role in the original game and anime entirely pointless.
Oh God.
Poor Mason.

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Artist : 黒色素 (pixiv / twitter)

R.I.P Lunarre’s pancreas, and any other organs irreversibly damaged by Sorey.

I presume by ‘back then’ Mikleo is referring to when Lunarre first joined the Sparrowfeathers.
This brings up two problems - a smaller one about the logic of this theory vs the bigger one about malevolence.
1. The Smaller. Lunarre’s ‘Lie’
Mikleo wonders if Lunarre was a hellion from the beginning (joining the Sparrowfeathers two years prior) and had been lying his arse off to explain away his past and whatever strange occurrence that may have cropped up in the next two years as a result of him being a hellion.
There are several problems with this logic.
Firstly, we find out a little earlier from Rosh that when Lunarre, then a thief, tried to steal from the Sparrowfeathers, they responded by giving him a beating.
Would a hellion take that? Would a hellion like Lunarre not retaliate upon being attacked? Would a hellion anything like the one that ATE A MAN WHOLE continue to peaceably follow around the very people who beat him up?
Secondly, at the point Lunarre encounters/joins the Sparrowfeathers, Dezel has been with them for three years. He has been solo, bent on vengeance, and capable of using Rose’s body as well as acting on his own to suit his purposes. He is ruthless, uncompromising and will tolerate no threat to Rose or the guild, and certainly not a hellion. And because he is using the ‘pure’ Rose as his vessel, he can do literally anything and get off scot free.
Dezel would have known Lunarre was lying to the Sparrowfeathers and that he was a hellion (Dezel may be blind, but he could still sense these things!) right from the off.
Mikleo’s theory suggests that Dezel allowed Lunarre, a HELLION, to join the guild and STAY THERE for two years under his watch. Dezel let a dangerous threat like that just hang and hope he wouldn’t try anything funny?
No. Sorry. Dezel would have killed him first. He would never have allowed Lunarre near the guild if he had been a hellion at the time.
Thirdly, if Lunarre had been lying about being happy to be part of the guild, having been alone practically all his life prior, a lowly thief, then all of his actions as a hellion in the story make absolutely no sense.
His obsession with killing Alisha alone, his fear of Rose, his attempts to explain himself, his rage at Rose’s references to him as part of the family, his rage towards Rose in general and so on. Being set off by the mentions of family, and his comments towards Rose when she stabs him, also entirely lose their meaning. Unless Lunarre was so far gone that he began to believe his own lies after having just made them up on the spot.
Nope. Not buying that either.
2. The Bigger. Malevolence.
We know from an early scene in the game in which Sorey and Mikleo encounter a child thief in Ladylake. Said child has become a hellion. The child even expresses interest in eating the two of them, a sentiment often expressed (and acted upon) by Lunarre.
From this we can see it is possible for Lunarre to have already been a hellion when he joined the Sparrowfeathers prior to the events of the story. Like the boy he had also been a thief since childhood, alone.
From what I gather from playing the game, malevolence gathers from the darkness/negative emotions in a person - anger, guilt, grief, etc.
There is also the factor of inner conflict, or lack thereof. If you believe yourself to be vindicated and right in what you’re doing then you accumulate no malevolence, as happened with Rose (even though she stated that murder is a ‘sin’ ... nevermind).
But by this logic, shouldn’t both Lunarre and the thief boy have been vindicated and thus pure? Presumably both were thieving because they had no-one else (Lunarre definitely had nobody else to depend on) and believed that was their only means of survival. Yet the thief boy and, at some point Lunarre, became hellions and someone like Maltran - who chose her path to darkness and felt vindicated - kept her human form?
Later on in the final confrontation with him, Lunarre cannot be purified because he feels so damn strongly that he is right to feel the way he does. If that was the case, why did he even become a hellion in the first place, regardless of whether here that he only became on after joining the Sparrowfeathers or before? He felt absolutely justified, yet unlike Maltran he became a monster with no hint of internal conflict whatever.
The whole thing just makes the concept of malevolence, the particulars, so much more confusing than it already is. You can plot the end of the world and still be pure as long as you believe in yourself/your actions (same goes if you commit mass murder *cough* Rose *cough*), but you steal a purse and you’re a monster regardless of whether you’re vindicated.

all the swaps in one!

A resident of Ladylake with high resonance spotted Lunarre!
This pops up before Sorey and Mikleo encounter him again and have their big fight in the alley. Went back to the beginning of the game just to capture this comment. I love these little details you hear passing by people.

I’m going to hell for this aren’t I?

Testing my new drawing tab
TOZ Alice & Wonderland AU
Alice - Alisha (duh)
Alisha’s older sister/ or mentor/ or mother - Maltran
Cheshire Cat (er, fox) - Lunarre
Queen of Hearts - Rose
King of Hearts - Sorey
Knave of Hearts - Mikleo
White Rabbit - A white Normin?
The Caterpillar - Edna
Mad Hatter - Zaveid
March Hare - Eizen
Dormouse - Dezel
Duchess - Lailah
The Doorknob - Mayvin
That’s all I got for now!

Lunarre: WHAT?
Lunarre: WHAT?
Lunarre: Heh, my ears are fine, I'm just screwin' with ya. Later fuckers! *runs away*

Movin’ time.

It appears Rose is worried Lunarre would tattle to the authorities as to the identities/whereabouts of his former guild and have the authorities raid their hideout. Lunarre could have done this, but didn’t, because bugger logic. Yes he does get some Scattered Bones members captured and sentenced (to death I believe) but very... very late.

Um, Lunarre was with you people for two years, I’d think he’d have an idea.
Now would be a good time for Sorey to ask what the hell happened.
Any minute now.

The ‘leeetle bit rough with her people’ line sounds like key information for me. This and more tells us that Rose the Boss was like another personality inhabibiting Rose’s body. Methinks Lunarre saw more of Rose the Boss than Rose the Person that Sorey and co. got to know.
Methinks Rose’s chipper happy-go-lucky front was just that for the most part, just a front. I always got that feeling, which made it difficult to really like her like other people did. It was somewhat unsettling. From the conversation Sorey and co. after the final battle with Lunarre, they seemed to think so too - that Lunarre found such a disconnect between the two Roses and the guild as a whole unsettling, and that and other things probably shattered the family image he had initially liked them for.

Not if he finds you first.
Now would be a REALLY good time to say something Sorey. Lunarre is a very dangerous hellion, and you don’t know he’s not still hunting Alisha. He also has reason to hunt Rose and the guild, and you. HE ATE YOUR FRIEND. HE’S PROBABLY EATING OTHER PEOPLE RIGHT NOW.

New fav ToZ AU (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Milkeo and Sorey speedpaint!

I got Volume 3 of the Zestiria manga today...
Sorey: Mikleo, have you found Alisha?!
Mikleo [deadpan]: Yes, Sorey, about half an hour ago. But now I've hidden her again so YOU can find her.
Sorey: What did you do to Mason?!
Lunarre: I ate him.
Sorey + Mikleo: !!!
Lunarre: Don't worry, I killed him first. I'm not a monster.

Watch out, there’s a FOX about.