1945 Wolverine Vol III
1945 Wolverine Vol III
Logan looks 23/24.
Inspired by this scene from The Wolverine movie.
World War II is nearing it's end. The Marine unit of Victor Creed and Logan has been sent to the invasion of Okinawa. The mood amongst the men in the transport is low, but they are trying to banter and make light.
Logan is surly, not wanting to join in. He is a soldier because he is good at it, not because he enjoys it. He is there to do a job.
Victor is the complete opposite. He seems to be having the time of his life. He laughs raucously at the jokes and chastises Logan for his attitude. He says this is a once in a lifetime opportunity (for some of you) to win a war, beat the enemy…to death. The others, save Logan, cheer at this.
Victor sits with Logan…
V: You should be happy, this is a good life. We do a job we're good at, we make our living from it…you should at least try to enjoy it.
L: You enjoy it too much.
V: Why shouldn't I? I've lost count of my enemy kills, but I know it's higher than yours.
L: Don't you ever get tired of killing?
V: What else are you gonna do? Watercolors? Wildlife photography?
L: …
V: We're made for killing. You certainly aren't much good for anything else.
L: …When we were in Spain-
V: Are you still pissed off about that? Logan that was nearly a decade ago.
L: Those men were-
V: We are not men. We're not like them. You end up caring for them and then get upset when they...
L: Victor-
V: Stop trying to protect them.
The other conversations have died down and the brothers realise they are being listened to.
L: You're damn right I care. What about these men we serve with. Are they not our brothers too? Would you kill them Victor?
V (grinning): In a heartbeat.
One of the marines asks Victor if he's joking. Victor lets out a hearty laugh and the others, save Logan, join in.
Logan knows he means it.
Then we cut to a fighting, moving, sweeping across the Island, capturing an airbase and Logan and Victor's differing-responses-to-the-violence montage. Logan tries hard not to react with sadness when members of their unit are killed. He responds with anger instead.
Then we see the remaining marines pinned down under heavy fire. Victor and Logan become separated from the rest of the unit and try to make ground themselves rather than get shot where they lie.
They come across a pillbox embrasure. They both take some hits. They storm the pill box, get inside and kill the soldiers. Logan is efficient, Victor slaughters them with glee.
Logan starts to admonish him when the pillbox is destroyed by an American shell.
Cut to black.
Logan comes to, heavily restrained in a basic treatment room. There are scratch marks, lacerations and deep gouges on the walls. Also a certain amount of blood.
A young Japanese guard sits, skittish, by the door. Recovering his wits a little, he strains against his bonds.
The guard jumps up and tries to grab his rifle. Snikt! The claws come out. The guard runs out.
Logan can't break the restraints nor angle the claws to cut them. He accidentally cuts himself in the struggle. The pain snaps him out of his instinctive reverie. He retracts the claws. The wound starts to heal.
There is shouting, in Japanese, outside the room.
The officer in charge of the camp, wearing his arm in a sling, enters. He sees that Logan is relatively calm. He sees Logan's fresh leg wound healing up. He remarks that Logan has some unusual gifts. That he survived a direct hit from an American shell. His body was still healing when they brought him in.
He introduces himself in his best English. His name is Ichirō Yashida. He says that he knows his men sometimes talk behind his back, they say he is too lenient. He says they are all men and should be afforded some respect, even in captivity.
He says that Logan is not a man, he is something else. They have had to treat him differently.
Logan asks if he caused Ichirō's injury. He did. He apologises. He says sometimes he is not in control of what he is doing. Instinct takes over.
He asks if anyone else was brought in with him.
Ichirō says there was another. The same gifts as Logan. When he woke he killed three men, injured more, and escaped. They believe he is long gone as there is no sign of him.
Logan says they are both very good at hiding and covering their tracks. He may still be here.
They have a few conversations, Ichirō is trying to get an understanding of the threat level.
I: What is your role in the military?
L: I have been an engineer, saboteur, sapper, sniper, assassin…you name it, I've been it. I started by following men to their deaths, now I lead them to theirs, only I can't die.
L: Killing…it's what I do best.
I: Is that a threat?
L: No. Just a fact…It's the only life I know.
I: Are you here to kill anyone?
L: No. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
I: Are there more like you, in your unit?
L: I only met one other like me, and you said he's long gone.
Gradually they come to an understanding and Logan is released from his bonds and into the camp.
He starts to get to know the guards and other prisoners. He tries to take on more than his share to save the others from hard labour. The guards don't argue because they are scared of him.
Against his better judgement he begins to like the other POWs. He starts to develop a mutual respect with the guards and staff, especially Ichirō.
Then it starts. Late one night a guard is brutally killed, as if by a beast.
They think Logan did it.
Despite his protestations they lock him up in the recovery room like before.
It happens again, two guards this time.
They put him in solitary, down in a solitary underground cell.
It happens again, a POW spots the culprit and is killed too.
The guard in the tower sees it is not Logan and tells Yashida.
Logan knows exactly what is happening and pleads to be let out to face him. Victor is looking for Logan and won't stop until he finds him.
He comes again so they relent and release him. It obviously is Victor and he wants to take out the whole camp. The Japanese who run the camp and any witnesses. Logan is already angry at Vic for his brutality but he cannot countenance any further killing when they could just escape. Victor won't take no for an answer.
They fight having not done so seriously for decades. And when they did Victor would always win.
The fight is epic, brutal and bloody. Vic has the upper hand but is exhausted and totally focused on Wolverine. Ichirō uses this distraction to put a bullet in Vic's head.
Logan says Vic will recover, they have to put him in solitary.
The guards and the POWs are terrified of them both and put them in separate underground cells (I'm pretty sure they only have one in the film but we're having two for narrative purposes).
Then the atom bomb warning comes. The camp is evacuated as per the film.
Yashida hesitates momentarily but then frees Logan. He isn't sure about freeing Vic.
Logan steps forward and cuts the chains. Vic is angry and wants to kill Yashida and get revenge on Logan.
Logan says you want to fight us or you want to try and outrun that bomb?
Vic growls that he won't forget this.
Logan knows.
Vic leaves.
Logan wants to get back in the underground cell. The other officers want Yashida to join them in committing seppuku.
Logan rushes him to the cell and shields him from the blast. He is horribly damaged by the blast but regenerates in front of Yashida.
They spend some time in the cell together and then come out to survey the damage.
They are both left wondering whether Logan or Victor or mankind are most monstrous.
Mid or post credits: Essex, now Sinister, En Sabah Nur's envoy, ushers in another sacrifice. Aaaaah!
wornstory liked this · 1 year ago
More Posts from Sonofcoulson
1942 Captain America:First Avenger
Ah, the first MCU movie to be IAC'd!
This film is not building up to the Avengers Assemble movie (2012) so we can excise the future portion at the beginning as it is no longer necessary.
Starts in 1942 but continues to 1943.
The break in to the Hydra facility to rescue Bucky, Howling Commandos (HC) etc is the same but escape from the can be a lot more in depth with slightly longer fisticuffs between Skull and Cap before Zola separates the bridge section. This gives us a longer, more satisfying action sequence, adds more to the Steve/Bucky relationship, establishes more of a rapport with the HC and more of a rivalry with The Red Skull.
It is also pretty much the climax of the movie now and so has to be impressive enough for that.
Peggy still goes to the pub to call him in for 0800, gets mad, shoots the shield etc.
Ends with Cap leading the Howling commandos into battle for the first time we see the propaganda cameras filming the scene that Peggy watches, though she won't see it now till the next film. Then they find the Hydra base they were looking for and run in and look cool in slo-mo all together and...scene.
CGI of Chris Evans' face on a smaller actor's body should be replaced by Michel Gondry/Peter Jackson style technical wizardry with forced perspective, as the CGI attempt is very distracting.
Howard Stark should be played by an age appropriate John Slattery throughout the MCU films and TV series.
The Germans should speak German to eachother (with subtitles).
Tripp's grandfather has to be one of the Howling Commandos. I think it's Gabe Jones. Seen suggested here.
Post credits: Jim and Namor have teamed up to beat axis troops, tanks, artillery, navy, air force etc and are then approached by Howard who tells them there's someone else he'd like them to meet.

1945 Agent Carter and the Howling Commandos
Feature presentation!
This is Peggy Carter's first and possibly only movie with her name in the title.
Peggy, the Human Torch (Jim Hammond) and the Howling Commandos dealing with Hydra cells left after the war.
Espionage! Infiltration! Fighting bad guys!
We open on a memorial service for Steve. They believe he is lost to the icy waters he crashed into.
Peggy Carter, Howard Stark, the Human Torch (Jim Hammond), the Howling Commandos, Colonel Phillips etc attend. Then they share Steve stories at the wake.
Emotions are still raw, especially for Peggy and the commandos.
Howard is still looking for him, the SSR has stopped funding the search so Howard is using his own money. Peggy suggests, however hard it may be, that they try to move on. Howard doesn't believe Peggy, he knows she can't move on. He can't either so he won't give up.
Cut to two young adults being chased down the street in liberated Paris. They are kidnapped. They try to reason with their captors, the young man says, "Do you know who I am?" and the kidnappers know exactly who they are. Not the response he was expecting.
The young woman says "Our father has money, he can pay you". But they are not interested in the money…Hail Hydra.
Back at SSR HQ (or 'the playground') Jim is discussing a mission to locate and take out a Hydra bunker (believed to be in northern Italy) with Peggy and Howard. As they finish Peggy is approached by Lord James Montgomery Falsworth, member of the Howling Commandos, revealed here to be a major financier of the SSR. It was his children, Brian and Jacqueline, that were taken, in Paris, just like their mother. There is no ransom note either, also like their mother.
He is trying to maintain a stiff upper lip but failing miserably. Jim offers to stay and help. Peggy points out that, unfortunately, Hydra won't defeat itself. They resolve to find them. Jim wishes them luck and sets off for Italy.
Cut to Brian and Jacqueline in a holding cell with other prisoners. A Hydra scientist, Werner Rheinhardt, enters carrying the Obelisk artifact in special safety gloves. An armed guard insists one of the prisoners hold it, bare handed. They turn to stone. The stone person is taken away.
They then start harassing Brian to do it, so Jacqueline steps in to volunteer, despite his protests. To their relief, she does not turn to stone. Instead, Rheinhardt utters, 'discovery requires experimentation' and she is taken away as Brian is beaten unconscious with the butt of the guards rifles.
Peggy, Howard and Lord James and the other HCs have travelled incognito, posing as journalists. In their hotel room Gabe and Howard present them with discreet gadgets they designed and produced together. All are impressed with Gabe's hidden talents. Howard laments that he is too well known now to go with them and hopes they don't blow themselves up with the exploding toaster. Jacques excitedly says, "There's an exploding toaster!?". Howard points out that he was joking. Jacques looks disappointed. Howard says maybe next time.
They have traced Brian and Jacqui's last known location to a small café near the city centre. They make discreet enquiries and deduce there is a new waiter who served them on the day and hasn't been to work since.
They go to his address and he seemingly isn't home. Jacques suggests a small controlled explosion to blow the lock. Gabe counters that to be more discreet, then should use the laser disguised as a pack of cigarettes to cut the lock. Jacques is disappointed.
They cut the lock and enter, the apartment is empty but the bathroom window is open. Lord James spies a man on the rooftops who flees. The gang take to the streets while Falsworth squeezes through and pursues across the rooftops of Paris.
The suspect is very good at rooftop running, but not quite as good as Falsworth and they engage in a thrilling chase. Lord James is in constant communication with the team using their walkie talkies disguised as American quarters. Peggy has an idea if he can force the man down to street level.
He is able to corral his quarry down a fire escape and through an apartment window and down the main staircase into the street. The team then begin to cut off his escape routes, through coordination with Peggy, until he is forced down a narrow sidestreet. There he sees Peggy, having not spotted her in the apartment, pleads in French for her help from a gang of pursuing thugs. Je suis désolé, says Peggy pulling out her pistol, my French is a little rusty. The suspect turns away from her to flee again but is punched out by Dugan instead.
Jacques offers Peggy French lessons. She says she lied, she's actually fluent in French, but it was a good line. Jacques looks disappointed.
Falsworth is praised by the group for his amazing free running skills, they ask where he learned them. He says he studied under Georges Hébert who in turn had learned these skills from "indigenous tribes he had met in Africa" (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parkour) for a special military project in WWI.
Peggy surmises that he was the mysterious WWI hero Union Jack. Peggy and the gang are astonished and asked why he didn't show those skills (rooftop running, parkour, amazing feats of agility) before. He says Steve did all that stuff and was better at it too.
Peggy says oh pish posh (or something else peculiarly British like that) and tells Falsworth to take the compliments.
They take the suspect for questioning.
Back at the Hydra research facility, Rheinhardt is monologuing to Jacqui about how few people could survive contact with the Obelisk and how they are yet to exactly determine why they do. From what they have discovered by interrogating and dissecting other survivors they believe it is something to do with their genetics being different to other humans. Genetics, muses Werner, you appear to share with your mother. Jacqueline asks if they took her mother, if she is still alive. Werner says she escaped and they don't know how (he is irritated by not knowing things).
He resumes monologuing. There are mentions of a ritual, he says, for beings such as you…to awaken their true potential. The ritual involved crystals and Rheinhardt has actually managed to procure some. He instructs the guard to break it and leaves for the observation room.
The guard follows the instructions and the gas from the broken crystal turns both them and Jacqui into stone. Rheinhardt is disappointed as he believed they were finally getting somewhere. He tells his assistant to put the stone bodies into storage.
Brian, meanwhile, is about to have the latest batch of Hydra brand super soldier serum. It uses the blood of the Obelisk survivors to make up the gaps in Erskine's original formula. After the procedure, they are surprised to see he has survived as the last 47 batches have resulted in death for the test subjects.
Their success is short lived however as Brian, unaccustomed to the super-strength, breaks the lab and accidentally kills the technicians.
The café waiter/suspect wakes up in the basement of an abandoned building. He is interrogated by Peggy (good cop) and Dum Dum (bad cop).
He eventually confesses that he was blackmailed under the threat of being revealed as a Nazi collaborator. An old contact had heard of the Falsworth children coming to Paris. The Café was a favourite of the Falsworths in the interwar years. They had installed the young man as a waiter with instructions to call if they came to the café. They ask for the number and Jim radios Howard to call back to base to trace it to its origin.
The young man says he couldn’t do it before because he was too scared.
Peggy says "Do what?"
The man says that he is now more scared of what will happen if he is found out. He says they are executing collaborators.
Peggy says perhaps they can come to an arrangement, then she realises his intentions. It is too late. He bites the hidden cyanide capsule and dies.
"It's Hydra" says Peggy, "of course it's bloody Hydra."
The number then comes back as Austrian. Howard, glad to feel useful again, will fly them. Dugan realises, entirely too late, they could have used the hand-held hypno-beam disguised as a hair dryer.
The Hydra research facility is masquerading as a grand hotel. Peggy checks in with Howard as he's terrible at espionage and is under strict instructions to keep his mouth shut. Her German is still good and she even manages an Austrian accent. Their disguises are top notch and so they go to their room without suspicion. They do some reconnaissance and Peggy finds an area that is off limits to guests and the staff don't know what's in there.
Peggy goes back to the room and calls reception for help as her "hair dryer" has an American plug. It is secretly the hypno beam. She convinces the receptionist to let the Howling Commandos in the service door. They are disguised as staff and the hypno beam makes the receptionist tell anyone who asks that they are new.
Howard, putting on a slightly different accent, plays the brash American tourist (not a big stretch for him) and wanders into the restricted area and starts taking pictures. The receptionist makes a fuss about not being allowed in there.
The Howling Commandos rush over and Gabe, who also speaks good German, assures them that they'll take care of it. Peggy hurries over with the pretense of rescuing her 'dummkopf' American husband.
The camera is actually a portable x-ray scanner and shows a secret door that is sealed electronically.
The receptionist is starting to get suspicious when Gabe activates the EMP joy buzzer which lets them in the door. They slip away unnoticed in the ensuing chaos. When the lights come back on the receptionist goes to check up on them and they are gone. With no knowledge of the secret door they reason that they simply didn't notice them go past.
They gain access to the underground bunker (it's always an underground bunker isn't it?), stow their gear and change into Hydra uniforms. Jim Morita uses the UHF Pin to radio for backup with instructions on how to get in.
They try to go stealth mode for a while but arouse suspicions when they don't know some of the new Hydra protocols. Howard confirms it with his feeble attempt at a 'Hail Hydra'.
Aware that Hydra research subjects tend not to survive, they launch a full on assault of the facility with back up already on the way.
Jacqueline awakens from what we now realise was terragenesis and has gained pyrokinetic powers. She and her brother make their own way through the compound, with somewhat unintentional violence.
They are heading away from the labs, towards the centre of the huge underground complex of corridors and tunnels. Peggy's team are heading down through the tunnels to reach the labs. They all converge near the centre of the complex.
Lord James is obviously thrilled that they are both alive and seemingly well.
His kidults tell him to stay back and relay some of their harrowing experiences. They are both afraid of their powers.
Human Torch arrives. He destroyed the Italian base and left an SSR clean up crew. He followed a lead from that base to Austria. Word in Italy was that Werner Rheinhardt is the last head of Hydra.
Seeing Jacqui's fear, the Torch remembers his own struggles in learning to control his own powers.
He reassures her that she can't hurt him and he will help her learn to control it.
Brian wants to be left behind and is distraught at all the death he has caused. Peggy and Lord James convince him to join, albeit reluctantly.
Rheinhardt has escaped to a storage facility.
As it turns out, the kids powers prove useful in accessing the escape tunnel, though the transport is long gone.
Werner is desperately trying to load up as many artefacts as he can before he escapes, especially the Obelisk. He laments that he cannot experiment further on Jacqueline as she not only survived but gained powers too. He is relieved to hear they have more samples of the batch of serum that gave Brian his powers.
Peggy's team arrive, with backup (and the Torch) and get the drop on Werner. They arrest him and his goons. Peggy volunteers to interrogate him.
In the chaos of securing the base, Brian is able to destroy the whole batch of serum. Howard is livid at losing a possibility to complete Erskine's work. Peggy however, approves. She believes that Steve was unique and worries that they could end up with hundreds of Johann Schmidts running around instead.
She sees that Brian has recognised that risk too and that says something about his character.
Peggy arrives at the Playground after her first interrogation of Rheinhardt at the Rat.
Colonel Phillips has been leading the debrief. He notes that Jacqueline and Brian have been reunited with their father. He says their presence here indicates they have some degree of control over their powers.
Jim Hammond says their training is going well. Jacqueline says she hasn't set anything on fire today, at least, not by accident. The two are clearly getting on well.
Brian is more reticent. He hasn't managed to get through a training session without injuring an instructor. Peggy volunteers to help him as she has some experience with super soldiers.
Phillips asks if she got anything useful from Rheinhardt. She says he may have lost his marbles, he keeps going on about blue angels. Besides, she has seen the results of his experiments for Hydra and isn't sure if gaining his knowledge is worth the moral cost.
Colonel Phillips says there are two big announcements. First, after days of research and fact checking and double checking, it appears Hammond was right. Werner Rheinhardt appears to be the last head of Hydra. It's over.
(Many congratulations all around. Apart from Peggy who shakes her head).
Second, he is retiring.
(Various reactions).
He'd been thinking about it and, with the last piece of news, it just seemed like a good time.
He hands over to the new Agent in Charge, John Flynn.
Flynn: Hello everyone. A pleasure to meet you. If I could get straight to business…with the war over and Hydra defeated-
Peggy (interrupting): Don't be so sure they're gone. We have to-
F (interrupting back): Settle down, sweetheart.
P (standing): What did you just say to me?
Howard manages to convince her to stand down. Flynn continues. They will be relocating the SSR base from London to New York. Effective immediately. Everyone will have to relocate. Uproar. Colonel Phillips settles everyone down.
Flynn says the Falsworth children will need to stay on base until they are deemed to be safe. The Falsworths are not happy.
Flynn is starting to get flustered. He apologetically tells Howard that they can longer justify spending SSR funds on a futile search for Captain Rogers. Howard points out they are his funds and he can damn well do what he pleases with them. He walks out. Peggy follows him, leaving the debrief in chaos behind her.
Howard apologises and said he had heard rumours that Phillips was retiring but didn't realise he was being replaced by a moron. He says they should have asked her to take charge. She agrees. This lightens the mood somewhat.
Howard: Listen I was thinking of starting up my own agency.
Just think…you, me, the boys. If Union Jack over there comes with us we can run it our way, the right way. Be like a shield of armour around the world.
Peggy: I'll think about it…
Will you really keep looking for Steve?
H: I have to.
P: You can't move on?
H: I can't. He was my friend.
P: I suppose I can't stop myself helping broken soldier boys either.
Howard leaves her to consider her future with the SSR.
Mid credits:- Lord James Falsworth has just agreed to join Howard's new project and is trying to get the SSR to release his children. Jacqueline and Brian approach him with a theory about their mother.
Post credits:- From a deep dug mass grave in a forest (with Hydra's grand Austrian hotel dilapidated in the background) a person digs their way out. They spend a moment processing their survival. Then they notice they look different from how they remember. It is…Baron Blood!
so i have a mildly popular “reblog and put in in the tags” post going around and its. very clear how many people don’t know how to interact with a tumblr post
so, first of all, tumblr’s culture has changed a lot in the past couple years. there’s a genuine community effort to not start any drama, and ironically a lot of the current hostility is an effort to keep things calm. there’s also a change in how people interact with posts, so if you haven’t been here in a while please skip down to the tags/replies/reblog with text section.
for newcomers: you should be reblogging posts about as liberally as you would like something on twitter. if you only like stuff, people will think you are rude/a bot. you’ve probably heard people talk about “cultivating your dash,” and thats because this platform is 100% centered around your dashboard. trending matters less, unfollowing and blocking in order to shape your dash into it’s best form is widely accepted, the majority of the content you’ll find and interact with will be because of your dash, and the only way to put things on your dash is to reblog them. tumblr users are deeply distrustful of algorithms and have largely turned off the “see posts your friends have liked” function (i recommend you also turn of the various algorithms in settings → general settings → dashboard preferences).
so, once you’ve reblogged a post, there’s three ways to add content to it. the tags, replies, and reblogging with text. all of them have different connotations
the tags: an inside voice. originally they were meant for organizing your blog (and they’re still used for this), but they’ve also morphed into a way to share thoughts that aren’t funny/insightful enough for non-followers to be interested in. when in doubt, put your comment in the tags
replies: basically talking to your friends in class. your followers have no way of finding your replies (they don’t pop up on the dash, nobody gets notified except for the original poster) so chances are, only the person who made the post is gonna see your comment. it’s for quick one-offs that you’re okay with other people overhearing, but really is only made for one person. they’re like a public dm
reblog with text: an outside voice. you’re getting up on a stage in town square and entertaining people. make sure it’s funny or insightful— bottom line, add something new to the conversation. you should use this the least
general rules of thumb:
when in doubt, reblog. people will judge you if your blog is only personal posts and you only interact with other content by liking it.
the only things people will judge you for reblogging are personal vent posts. leave a like to give a little virtual hug
if a post is asking about your personality/opinions (i.e: tell me what’s the last tv show you watched, that kind of thing) put it in the tags
also if you see a nice edit, gifset, or art, reblog and say something nice in the tags! it’s that nice sweet spot of common enough that no one will notice but uncommon enough to make the artist’s day

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anyway switch to Firefox
1945 Captain America: Super-Axis
Need a better title…
We open with the scene from Captain America: The First Avenger, where SS officers demand to see Schmidt as the Führer wants the tesseract weapons for regular soldiers, not just Hydra. In addition he is worried about the growing threat that Schmidt poses.
Here we see that he means to conquer the world, including Berlin. He kills the officers, shocking Arnim Zola.
This scene would be cut from CA:FA and put here instead as, up till now, he has had the support of the Nazi party.
He now needs to bring his plans forward before he loses the element of surprise. He goes to visit Lady Lotus.
She has Hydra goons waiting on her, hand and foot. Schmidt remarks that she seems to be making herself very comfortable (implying that she is mind controlling them (which she totally is)). She says if she's going to be stuck with Hydra she may as well make the most of it.
Schmidt asks her to enact the next phase of their plan as the murdered officers will be missed soon and the Nazis will investigate their "disappearance". They can't allow any disruption after all they have worked for. She reminds him that it is not her plan. He says her parents are not safe in the internment camp so she should do as she is told. She agrees through gritted teeth.
She has installed sleeper agents at the London SSR base and also in Talokan. They had been in Hydra's custody but were 'liberated' by the allies and Invaders in the previous movie.
She activates them by psychically reciting a series of seemingly unconnected words to them, similar to Captain America: The Winter Soldier. This means she doesn't have to control them all the time they just follow more general psychic instructions (e.g. you work for Hydra now).
The brainwashed Talokanil free the captured Meranno and Krang who lead them in an assault on Talokan. Namor, Namora and Attuma lead a resistance.
The brainwashed SSR agents free the captured Warrior Woman and Master Man who lead them in an assault on the SSR base in London. Agent Carter, the Human Torch and Howard lead a resistance.
Meanwhile Captain America and the Howling Commandos have just gone radio silent as they hunt down Zola, who is still on the Hydra train. The train scene proceeds as per the movie. Bucky is lost.
After 3 films showing Bucky and Steve's friendship, the fall will have more emotional weight.
Not knowing who is friend or foe, Namor's Tri-Team are forced to flee Talokan. They head to London.
Steve and co arrive at the SSR base early on the second day of the siege, Namor's team in the evening and turn the tide of the battle. Members of Super-Axis escape.
Peggy and the team are forced to fight their friends, some of whom are killed. Those who survive activate their cyanide capsules and die. The London base and the surrounding area is badly damaged.
This gives more urgency to the Zola interrogation scene and more poignancy to the blast damaged pub scene between Steve and Peggy.
Zola gives up Schmidt's last stronghold. The whole team head out there to stop him using his tesseract powered weapons of mass destruction on the world.
Steve gets them in and they spread out, looking for a way to defeat Super-Axis and stop Red Skull. Peggy and Jim find Master Man and Warrior Woman and a battle ensues. Jim goes toe to toe with Master Man and his personal squad of Hydra lackeys. Julia plays a game of cat and mouse with Peggy. It gets perilous for Peggy at times, but she is canny and manages to wound her with her pistol. Willie is bested by Jim again. Both the super soldiers retreat.
Steve and the Howling commandos are mopping up Hydra minions and pursuing Red Skull.
Howard and the Tri-Team find Lady Lotus with her brainwashed Hydra goons. Attuma and Namora easily defeat the goons. A furious Namor tries to kill Lady Lotus (she cannot control him). She turns Attuma and Namora against him.
Howard calls for them all to stop and listen.
He manages to convince Namor that despite her actions she is also a victim of the Red Skull, that she's not really had a choice. That she told him at least part of the truth when they captured her before. That her parents really are interred in California and Schmidt has been using them as leverage.
Howard suggests releasing all the brainwashed Talokanil in return for her release. Namor cannot countenance this. Howard says if she removes her control, you can defeat Meranno without fear of harming your people. He tells him about the harrowing scenes at the SSR base and the cyanide capsules.
Namor says he cannot let her go after what she has done.
Howard says why would she release your people if you don't.
Namor thinks. He says if she betrays him he will find her and kill her.
She releases Namora, Attuma and all the others. We have a very brief scene of Meranno, about to have himself crowned king of Talokan, being turned on by dozens of formerly brainwashed subjects. He flees.
Lotus says what about my parents?
Namora says, why not get them yourself? There aren't many who could stop you.
She says what about Red Skull?
Howard says leave Red Skull to us.
Steve meets up with Peggy and Colonel Phillips in the hallway as per the movie and they get after Schmidt, Steve stowing away on the plane.
Meanwhile, Meranno has arrived and joined up with Super-Axis and the remaining Hydra soldiers. The SSR team converges on their position. We cut back and forth between their battle and Steve's infiltration of the plane.
The fight between Cap and Skull should be huge as this is the last time they will fight.
Peggy manages to finish what she started and caps Julia (not before kicking some SSR butt though). Willie tries to get to her and gets caught in the crossfire. As she dies, Julia calls him an idiot.
Willie appeals to Jim as they were friends. Jim is conflicted as he has the real Jim's memories, but ultimately decides that that isn't really him and leaves Master Man to die alone. Meranno and the other Hydra forces are holding their own, but then the pursuing Talokanil turn up and the base is overrun.
Red Skull acidentally makes himself disappear with the tesseract at the climax of the battle. Steve takes control of the plane.
Peggy joins him on coms. Crash. Downer.
Red Skull has now been an impressive antagonist 3 times in a row for Cap, much better.
1st Post credits:-
We see an older Japanese American couple playing Go while others internees mill about and chat etc.
We see the guard outside wandering off.
We zoom out and see ALL the guards wandering off.
We see the residents start to realise something is going on. They look out the windows. The older couple look up momentarily but then continue their game.
We see Lady Lotus enter and say (in Japanese), "Nothing ever interrupts your Go game, does it…"
They finally look up and see who it is, their daughter.
"Hasu chan!"
They embrace. Everybody else crowds around. She smiles and says (in Japanese), "Let's go"