Nagasaki - Tumblr Posts
Mushroom cloud over Nagasaki, 9 August 1945
These patterns are featured on the walls of the restored Dutch structures of Dejima in Nagasaki. Dejima was a tiny, artificial island inhabited by Dutch traders from 1640 to the early 19th century. During that isolationist period no foreigners were allowed into Japan. The Dutch were given the island to use as a port for the one ship allowed in a year. Besides introducing countless European products to Japan (billiards, beer, chocolate, tomatoes, clovers, cabbage, coffee, paint, and the piano being the major ones), Dejima was home to an interesting mix of Dutch and Japanese architectural styles. These wallpaper patterns, for example, were based off of Dutch designs but hand printed onto Japanese paper using a Japanese printing method. The effect is gorgeous, especially against the exposed timber of the Japanese-style walls.
Photos taken during my final trip to Nagasaki in July. 7月に最後の長崎への旅で撮られたフィルムの写真。
Sean bienvenidos, japonistasarqueologicos a una nueva entrega de historia nipona en la que os pongo imágenes de los epicentros tras los bombardeos del 6 y 9 de agosto, una vez dicho esto pónganse cómodos que empezamos. - Antes que nada me gustaría poner un poco de contexto histórico para poder entender la situación, Japón estaba perdiendo la guerra y estaban buscando formas desesperadas para frenar el avance norteamericano que se cernía sobre el país del sol naciente. Recurrirán a los kamikazes vía aérea y terrestre de hecho se estaba preparando en Japón unas fuerzas de defensa con mujeres, tras la batalla de Okinawa en los 82 días de combate murieron cerca de 100.000 soldados japoneses, más de 12.000 estadounidenses y al menos 100.000 civiles locales, incluidos cientos que fueron obligados a matarse a sí mismo, también se perdería el Yamato en el último kamikaze. - Ciudad de Hiroshima:6 de agosto 1945, Little Boy fue arrojado desde el Enola Gay, matando a más de 70.000 personas al instante y muchas más morirían consecuencia de la radiación. Ciudad de Nagasaki: 9 de agosto 1945, Fat Man, fue la otra bomba atómica lanzada por el mismo avión, causando la muerte de 49.000 personas el día de la explosión. - Conclusión: Los costos fueron terribles, ya que las propias consecuencias lo fueron aún más, espero que no se tengan más bombas atómicas, ni de cualquier otro tipo, el ser humano debería aprender de los errores de la historia para que se acabaran las guerras. Publicación en memoria de todos los que murieron por las bombas atómicas. - Esperó que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones que pasen una buena semana. - 日本の考古学者の皆さん、ようこそ日本史の新連載へ。8月6日と9日の原爆投下後の爆心地の画像をお届けします。 - まず最初に、この状況を理解するために歴史的背景を説明したいと思う。日本は戦争に負け、日出ずる国に迫りつつあったアメリカの進撃を食い止めるための絶望的な方法を模索していた。沖縄戦の後、82日間の戦闘で10万人近くの日本兵が死に、1万2000人以上のアメリカ兵と、自殺を余儀なくされた数百人を含む少なくとも10万人の民間人が亡くなった。 - 広島市:1945年8月6日、エノラ・ゲイからリトルボーイが投下され、7万人以上が即死。長崎市:1945年8月9日、ファットマンが同じ飛行機から投下され、爆発当日に49,000人が死亡した。 - 結論:原爆投下は、その結果そのものもさることながら、その代償もまた恐ろしいものであった。 私は、原爆や他のいかなる種類の爆弾もこれ以上投下されないことを願うとともに、人類が歴史の過ちから学び、戦争がなくなることを願っている。原爆で亡くなられたすべての方々を悼んで。 - お気に召していただけたなら幸いである。 良い一週間を. - Welcome, Japanese archaeologists, to a new instalment of Japanese history in which I bring you images of the epicentres after the bombings of 6 and 9 August, so make yourselves comfortable and let's get started. - First of all I would like to give some historical context to understand the situation, Japan was losing the war and they were looking for desperate ways to stop the American advance that was looming over the land of the rising sun. They resorted to kamikazes by air and land in fact they were preparing in Japan a defence force with women, after the battle of Okinawa in the 82 days of combat nearly 100,000 Japanese soldiers died, more than 12,000 Americans and at least 100,000 local civilians, including hundreds who were forced to kill themselves, they would also lose the Yamato in the last kamikaze. - Hiroshima City: 6 August 1945, Little Boy was dropped from the Enola Gay, killing over 70,000 people instantly and many more would die from radiation. Nagasaki City: 9 August 1945, Fat Man, was the other atomic bomb dropped from the same plane, killing 49,000 people on the day of the explosion. - Conclusion: The costs were terrible, as the consequences themselves were even more so. I hope that there will be no more atomic bombs, or any other type of bomb, and that mankind should learn from the mistakes of history so that wars will end. Publication in memory of all those who were killed by atomic bombs. - I hope you liked it and see you in future publications. Have a good week.
Sean bienvenidos japonistaarqueológicos, a una nueva actualidad del país del sol naciente. En este caso os comentaré que se han actualizado los datos del número de islas del archipiélago Japonés, dicho esto pónganse cómodos que empezamos. - La información viene de la agencia Geoespacial de Japón, el número de islas son de 14125 en todo el país, más del doble del número anunciado hasta ahora, en 1987 el cálculo era de 6852 islas. - El número de islas en cada prefectura Nagasaki 1479 Hokkaido 1473 Kagoshima 1256 Iwate 861 Okinawa 691. - ¿Qué opinan al respecto? Espero que tengan una buena semana y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones de Japón - 日出づる国から新しいニュースへようこそ。今回は、日本列島の島の数が更新されたことをお伝えします。 - 国土地理院からの情報ですが、日本全国の島の数は14125で、今まで発表されていた数(1987年は6852島)の2倍以上になっています。 - 各都道府県の島嶼数 長崎県 1479 北海道 1473 鹿児島県 1256 岩手県 861 沖縄県 691 - いかがでしょうか?今週も良い一週間をお過ごしください。また、今後の日本からの投稿でお会いしましょう。 - Welcome to a new update from the land of the rising sun. In this case I will tell you that we have updated the data on the number of islands in the Japanese archipelago, so make yourselves comfortable and let's get started. - The information comes from the Geospatial agency of Japan, the number of islands is 14125 in the whole country, more than double the number announced until now, in 1987 the estimate was 6852 islands. - The number of islands in each prefecture Nagasaki 1479 Hokkaido 1473 Kagoshima 1256 Iwate 861 Okinawa 691. - What do you think about it? I hope you have a good week and see you in future posts from Japan.
Sean bienvenidos japonistasarqueológicos, a un día como, en el que aconteció el 9 de agosto de 1945 a las 11:00 horas de la mañana, B-29 Enola Gay volvió a hacer acto de presencia sobre las cabezas japonesas y lanzó sobre la ciudad de Nagasaki la segunda bomba atómica, conocida como Fat Man. - Dicho acto acabaría con la vida de unas 246 000 muertes, más la que causaría los efectos secundarios, esta ciudad es menos conocida en los restos arqueológicos de su desastre se refiere, pero tienen la misma importancia porque se ve el reflejo que dejó la bomba. - Un saludo y que acontecimientos como este no vuelvan a ocurrir, porque la historia es cíclica ojalá aprendamos de los errores y acabemos con las guerras en nuestro presente 2024 y las del futuro publicación en memoria de los caídos, mis más sincero pésame. - 日本の考古学者の皆さん、1945 年 8 月 9 日午前 11 時、B-29 エノラ ゲイが再び日本人の頭上に姿を現し、ファットとして知られる 2 番目の原子爆弾を長崎市に発射したような日へようこそ。男。 - この行為は約 246,000 人の死者の命を絶ち、さらに二次的影響を引き起こすことになる。この都市はその災害の考古学的遺跡ではあまり知られていないが、原爆が残した反射を見ることができるため、それらは同様に重要である。 - ご挨拶、そしてこのような出来事が二度と起こらないよう、歴史は周期的であるため、私たちが過ちから学び、現在の 2024 年に戦争を終わらせ、戦没者を追悼する将来の出版物で戦争を終わらせることを願っています。心からお悔やみを申し上げます。 - Welcome, archeological japonists, to a day like the one that happened on August 9, 1945 at 11:00 in the morning, B-29 Enola Gay made an appearance again over the heads of the Japanese and dropped the second atomic bomb, known as Fat Man, on the city of Nagasaki. - This act would end the lives of some 246,000 people, plus the one caused by the secondary effects. This city is less known in terms of the archaeological remains of its disaster, but they are just as important because the reflection left by the bomb can be seen. - Greetings and may events like this not happen again, because history is cyclical. I hope we learn from our mistakes and end the wars in our present 2024 and those of the future. A publication in memory of the fallen, my most sincere condolences.
Nagasaki?! NAgAsAkI?!😂🤔
70 years ago today, on the 6th of August, 1945 - 8:15 Hiroshima:
“In less than one second, the fireball had expanded to 900 feet. The blast wave shattered windows for a distance of ten miles and was felt as far away as 37 miles. Over two-thirds of Hiroshima’s buildings were demolished. The hundreds of fires, ignited by the thermal pulse, combined to produce a firestorm that had incinerated everything within about 4.4 miles of ground zero.
To the crew of the Enola Gay, Hiroshima had disappeared under a thick, churning foam of flames and smoke. The co-pilot, Captain Robert Lewis, commented, “My God, what have we done?”
“Japan, the one country to have suffered nuclear attack, has taken the lead in opposing nuclear weapons. I strongly urge you to keep it up.” -Dalai Lama
1945 Wolverine Vol III
Logan looks 23/24.
Inspired by this scene from The Wolverine movie.
World War II is nearing it's end. The Marine unit of Victor Creed and Logan has been sent to the invasion of Okinawa. The mood amongst the men in the transport is low, but they are trying to banter and make light.
Logan is surly, not wanting to join in. He is a soldier because he is good at it, not because he enjoys it. He is there to do a job.
Victor is the complete opposite. He seems to be having the time of his life. He laughs raucously at the jokes and chastises Logan for his attitude. He says this is a once in a lifetime opportunity (for some of you) to win a war, beat the enemy…to death. The others, save Logan, cheer at this.
Victor sits with Logan…
V: You should be happy, this is a good life. We do a job we're good at, we make our living from it…you should at least try to enjoy it.
L: You enjoy it too much.
V: Why shouldn't I? I've lost count of my enemy kills, but I know it's higher than yours.
L: Don't you ever get tired of killing?
V: What else are you gonna do? Watercolors? Wildlife photography?
L: …
V: We're made for killing. You certainly aren't much good for anything else.
L: …When we were in Spain-
V: Are you still pissed off about that? Logan that was nearly a decade ago.
L: Those men were-
V: We are not men. We're not like them. You end up caring for them and then get upset when they...
L: Victor-
V: Stop trying to protect them.
The other conversations have died down and the brothers realise they are being listened to.
L: You're damn right I care. What about these men we serve with. Are they not our brothers too? Would you kill them Victor?
V (grinning): In a heartbeat.
One of the marines asks Victor if he's joking. Victor lets out a hearty laugh and the others, save Logan, join in.
Logan knows he means it.
Then we cut to a fighting, moving, sweeping across the Island, capturing an airbase and Logan and Victor's differing-responses-to-the-violence montage. Logan tries hard not to react with sadness when members of their unit are killed. He responds with anger instead.
Then we see the remaining marines pinned down under heavy fire. Victor and Logan become separated from the rest of the unit and try to make ground themselves rather than get shot where they lie.
They come across a pillbox embrasure. They both take some hits. They storm the pill box, get inside and kill the soldiers. Logan is efficient, Victor slaughters them with glee.
Logan starts to admonish him when the pillbox is destroyed by an American shell.
Cut to black.
Logan comes to, heavily restrained in a basic treatment room. There are scratch marks, lacerations and deep gouges on the walls. Also a certain amount of blood.
A young Japanese guard sits, skittish, by the door. Recovering his wits a little, he strains against his bonds.
The guard jumps up and tries to grab his rifle. Snikt! The claws come out. The guard runs out.
Logan can't break the restraints nor angle the claws to cut them. He accidentally cuts himself in the struggle. The pain snaps him out of his instinctive reverie. He retracts the claws. The wound starts to heal.
There is shouting, in Japanese, outside the room.
The officer in charge of the camp, wearing his arm in a sling, enters. He sees that Logan is relatively calm. He sees Logan's fresh leg wound healing up. He remarks that Logan has some unusual gifts. That he survived a direct hit from an American shell. His body was still healing when they brought him in.
He introduces himself in his best English. His name is Ichirō Yashida. He says that he knows his men sometimes talk behind his back, they say he is too lenient. He says they are all men and should be afforded some respect, even in captivity.
He says that Logan is not a man, he is something else. They have had to treat him differently.
Logan asks if he caused Ichirō's injury. He did. He apologises. He says sometimes he is not in control of what he is doing. Instinct takes over.
He asks if anyone else was brought in with him.
Ichirō says there was another. The same gifts as Logan. When he woke he killed three men, injured more, and escaped. They believe he is long gone as there is no sign of him.
Logan says they are both very good at hiding and covering their tracks. He may still be here.
They have a few conversations, Ichirō is trying to get an understanding of the threat level.
I: What is your role in the military?
L: I have been an engineer, saboteur, sapper, sniper, assassin…you name it, I've been it. I started by following men to their deaths, now I lead them to theirs, only I can't die.
L: Killing…it's what I do best.
I: Is that a threat?
L: No. Just a fact…It's the only life I know.
I: Are you here to kill anyone?
L: No. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
I: Are there more like you, in your unit?
L: I only met one other like me, and you said he's long gone.
Gradually they come to an understanding and Logan is released from his bonds and into the camp.
He starts to get to know the guards and other prisoners. He tries to take on more than his share to save the others from hard labour. The guards don't argue because they are scared of him.
Against his better judgement he begins to like the other POWs. He starts to develop a mutual respect with the guards and staff, especially Ichirō.
Then it starts. Late one night a guard is brutally killed, as if by a beast.
They think Logan did it.
Despite his protestations they lock him up in the recovery room like before.
It happens again, two guards this time.
They put him in solitary, down in a solitary underground cell.
It happens again, a POW spots the culprit and is killed too.
The guard in the tower sees it is not Logan and tells Yashida.
Logan knows exactly what is happening and pleads to be let out to face him. Victor is looking for Logan and won't stop until he finds him.
He comes again so they relent and release him. It obviously is Victor and he wants to take out the whole camp. The Japanese who run the camp and any witnesses. Logan is already angry at Vic for his brutality but he cannot countenance any further killing when they could just escape. Victor won't take no for an answer.
They fight having not done so seriously for decades. And when they did Victor would always win.
The fight is epic, brutal and bloody. Vic has the upper hand but is exhausted and totally focused on Wolverine. Ichirō uses this distraction to put a bullet in Vic's head.
Logan says Vic will recover, they have to put him in solitary.
The guards and the POWs are terrified of them both and put them in separate underground cells (I'm pretty sure they only have one in the film but we're having two for narrative purposes).
Then the atom bomb warning comes. The camp is evacuated as per the film.
Yashida hesitates momentarily but then frees Logan. He isn't sure about freeing Vic.
Logan steps forward and cuts the chains. Vic is angry and wants to kill Yashida and get revenge on Logan.
Logan says you want to fight us or you want to try and outrun that bomb?
Vic growls that he won't forget this.
Logan knows.
Vic leaves.
Logan wants to get back in the underground cell. The other officers want Yashida to join them in committing seppuku.
Logan rushes him to the cell and shields him from the blast. He is horribly damaged by the blast but regenerates in front of Yashida.
They spend some time in the cell together and then come out to survey the damage.
They are both left wondering whether Logan or Victor or mankind are most monstrous.
Mid or post credits: Essex, now Sinister, En Sabah Nur's envoy, ushers in another sacrifice. Aaaaah!
do I hate imperial japan? yes. does that mean I support the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings? fuck no.