Arnim Zola - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

1942 Captain America:First Avenger

Ah, the first MCU movie to be IAC'd!

This film is not building up to the Avengers Assemble movie (2012) so we can excise the future portion at the beginning as it is no longer necessary.

Starts in 1942 but continues to 1943.

The break in to the Hydra facility to rescue Bucky, Howling Commandos (HC) etc is the same but escape from the can be a lot more in depth with slightly longer fisticuffs between Skull and Cap before Zola separates the bridge section. This gives us a longer, more satisfying action sequence, adds more to the Steve/Bucky relationship, establishes more of a rapport with the HC and more of a rivalry with The Red Skull.

It is also pretty much the climax of the movie now and so has to be impressive enough for that.

Peggy still goes to the pub to call him in for 0800, gets mad, shoots the shield etc.

Ends with Cap leading the Howling commandos into battle for the first time we see the propaganda cameras filming the scene that Peggy watches, though she won't see it now till the next film. Then they find the Hydra base they were looking for and run in and look cool in slo-mo all together and...scene.

CGI of Chris Evans' face on a smaller actor's body should be replaced by Michel Gondry/Peter Jackson style technical wizardry with forced perspective, as the CGI attempt is very distracting.

Howard Stark should be played by an age appropriate John Slattery throughout the MCU films and TV series.

The Germans should speak German to eachother (with subtitles).

Tripp's grandfather has to be one of the Howling Commandos. I think it's Gabe Jones. Seen suggested here.

Post credits: Jim and Namor have teamed up to beat axis troops, tanks, artillery, navy, air force etc and are then approached by Howard who tells them there's someone else he'd like them to meet.

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