sorry-i-ship-drarry - Drarry Drabbles
Drarry Drabbles

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Sorry-i-ship-drarry - Drarry Drabbles

sorry-i-ship-drarry - Drarry Drabbles


I-i- t-take it.. It belongs to you ma'am

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More Posts from Sorry-i-ship-drarry

3 years ago
1st September 1991
1st September 1991

1st September 1991

3 years ago

Hi, honey! I'm so sorry you had to face the hate. I feel guilty now😭 I didn't mean to stir up conflict between the-boy-who-bottomed and the rest of the fandom at all. I'm really sad about what's going on right now😭 As an autistic person, it really hurt me that the-boy-who-bottomed added tags incorrectly, specifically to piss off the other Draco! bottom stans. This is wrong. And I really wanted to discuss it with someone. Thank you for listening and supporting me! I'm very sorry that the-boy-who-bottomed received hatred and wishes for death. It's horrible. But that's no reason to feed this vicious circle of "hatred" between the two sides. So if you want to write a hateful message to the-boy-who-bottomed or anyone else, PLEASE don't do it. I think that's all I wanted to convey. Please, can we just be kind and respectful to each other? Love and peace to all! ❤️

Hey dear, only one thing I'd like to correct, i didn't receive hate as i expected or at least not the explicit hate Frankly but I understand what you mean but please don't feel guilty. The supporters outcasts everything else.

Secondly, if you didn't mean it, it sort of happened but I can assure it's settled now.

Thirdly, they have corrected their mistake and will make the improvement of not adding wrong tags and if they do so accidentally, plead forgive them.

I'm always here and I'm glad you reached out to me, not that I believe it became a huge drama but a little one and I think it did at least something. And to be honest if you hadn't reached out I might've never heard their side of the story, so I'm actually thankful for that.

I agree of requesting to not throw hate on them and also my fellow pals who faced it because of me.. it's saddening to see my dear friends like @drarrywords being hated upon when they don't deserve it, nor as well @the-boy-who-bottomed deserves it..

Spread love and peace.

(To the rest of the messages I haven't been able to get back to, I will. I don't want to bother people with the compliments over their feed page)

Still tagging- SHIP AND LET SHIP

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3 years ago

i will admit that i'm still pissed at draco!bottom stans because of the horrid things they said in the comment section of ao3 harry!bottom fics. i feel incredibly bad for all the writers who received death threats, hurtful slurs thrown at them etc. but to base a few idiotic people on the whole fandom and sending others more hurtful things and death threats and all that over again is too much. thank you for speaking out on it.

I'm much glad to have spoken up on it. I wish I could add more but over the span of few days I think I've said a lot about it and this specific message has gotten slightly old and the matter have died out a little.

Thank you for the support though.

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3 years ago

So beautiful 💜

Blunt-Forced Drama

It started innocently enough. In May, Potter invited their entire graduating class to a house-warming party at 12 Grimmauld.

Being the gracious guest he was, Draco arrived an hour late with a bottle of wine, two tins of pre-rolls, and a scented candle that claimed to be "woodsy".

Being the highly-distractible, schedule-free dynasty heir he also was, he arrived on a Tuesday evening. Four days after the party.

Potter shrugged and ushered him in, through the house to the patio. The chair cushions smelled like mildew, but neither of them cared. He lit the candle, then lit a joint off the candle by the time Draco realized they were alone, but that was alright. Preferable, even.

Potter was different away from people. Weirder. He was downright funny after half a bottle of wine, and peculiarly sober when he chased it with most of a joint.

"Did you ever wonder if matter stays still, and our consciousness just moves through it like fingers strumming a harp?"

"Stands to reason, Potty."

Draco, on the other hand, was borderline ridiculous, and moderately obsessed with implausible scenarios and how to handle them. When sober, he'd deny having a rampant anxiety disorder.

"What if my face just... fell right off. Right now. What would you do?"

"Suppose I'd pick it up," Potter said, taking a long swig from the bottle. "But I'd probably put it on my face, take a selfie, then wash it off and give it back to you."

Draco mumbled around the filter of a joint he had to look at with one eye to light. "Generous of you."

It became a regularity.

"Did I miss the party?" Draco would ask, libations raised in offering.

"I don't know. Did you?"

"I've never mourned the loss of a social function in my life, Potter."

The patio furniture paint started to flake off sometime in July, but that was alright. Potter left the candle out in the rain, and Draco made a note to himself to replace it with a candle that actually smelled like a thunderstorm.

"What if the stars all collapsed into black holes? Just... boom."

"Even the sun?"

"Well, except the sun."

"Probably wouldn't affect Earth for a few million years. But then you'd be named after nothing."


Harry extinguished a blunt on his tongue and rubbed the ash against the roof of his mouth.

"Universal ultimate goal..."


"...for everybody..."

"Mm hm."

" to become who you needed."

Draco's head lolled back over the chair, and he pretended to see the stars through the humid streetlight haze.

"Go on."

"I needed somebody to, like, save me, right?"

"Uh huh. Cupboard."

"So I became 'The Saviour'."

"So... I needed... a socialite burnout?"

Harry picked the cork apart with a thumbnail onto the scalloped glass table.

"Nah. You just... you see people. Cuz nobody ever saw you."

Draco frowned at the stars hiding behind the veil of light pollution. He took a breath to ask Harry what that meant, but Harry cut him off with a soft snore. Draco blew the candle out and went home.

Harry never minded a little rain, and Draco didn't mind the humidity.

Draco shook the lighter, flicked it, and drew a slow breath. "What if you lost all your money?"

"I'd be a librarian."

"Hm," Draco hummed around a joint. "That might be nice. Wonder what I'd do."

An animal chittered in a tree, and Harry unscrewed the cap on the bottle. "You'd make wands."

"I'd make great wands."

Harry liked tart wine and indica, and Draco liked the random shit that came out of Harry's mouth.

"I hope there's no afterlife," Harry muttered into the bottleneck. "Sounds exhausting."

Draco sprawled out on a chaise lounge that smelled like wet dirt, tried to blow a smoke ring, and failed miserably.

"I thought you already died."

Harry upended the bottle and caught the last few drops on his tongue.

"Could've been a hallucination."

"What if this is a hallucination?"

"You'd tell me."

"Cuz I see people."

"Yeah, but not like in that movie. You just, like, get people." Harry's chair scraped against the patio, and he flopped down on the damp cushions next to Draco. "What did you get Parkinson for her birthday?"

"Nothing. She only wants things she needs, and she didn't need anything."

"See? What did you get me for my birthday?"

Draco tapped ash onto the ground and stuck the blunt between Harry's lips. "That candle, but that was more for me."

"See? It's perfect."

Draco curled up against Harry and sighed. "What's perfect?"

"You got me the gift of you smelling the candle."

"Didn't even wrap it."

"I hate wrapping."

"Me, too."

Harry drew a breath through Draco's hair. "I like watching you smell the candle."


"It's supposed to rain soon."

Draco pressed numb teeth against his lips against Harry's shoulder.

"What if I just bit you?"

"I'd let you." Harry stubbed the blunt out on the patio.

"Maybe I will."


Harry dipped his chin and pressed his nose between Draco's eyebrows.

"Mm hm," Draco hummed against Harry's chin.

They smelled rain, then heard it, then felt the patter of it against their clothes. It dripped down Draco's hair.

Harry's bottom lip slid between Draco's teeth, and he sucked it in on a relieved gasp. The storm-scented candle sputtered out, and neither of them noticed.

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3 years ago

This is wow !!!!

An Artwork A Day For All Seven Harry Potter Books :)
An Artwork A Day For All Seven Harry Potter Books :)
An Artwork A Day For All Seven Harry Potter Books :)
An Artwork A Day For All Seven Harry Potter Books :)
An Artwork A Day For All Seven Harry Potter Books :)
An Artwork A Day For All Seven Harry Potter Books :)
An Artwork A Day For All Seven Harry Potter Books :)

An artwork a day for all seven Harry Potter books :)

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