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Started with a muffin

Word 5: Concert
Harry and Ron were walking hurriedly to their last lecture of the day, not wanting to miss another one of them because of the Quidditch practice or they'll hardly make it through the year.
"Have you thought about those tickets you got?" Ron asked in between the conversation.
Harry shook his head, "I was thinking I could skip going to the concert. Just stay in or something."
Ron shook his head almost rigorously, "You've been inside for far too long, I think you should really take this opportunity to go out and have some fun, you know. It's about time you did."
Harry thought about it and he knew Ron was right but he couldn't find it in himself to go. He was deeply unmotivated and to say somewhat even depressed to go to such a happening place but maybe somewhere it won't be so bad so he simply nodded and said he'll think about it.
It went through the whole day after that, Harry not thinking about the tickets all that much until he was walking out of the kitchen and ran into Draco.
"Potter." Draco nodded his head, Harry did the same acknowledging him.
"You should try their blueberry muffin, they're to die for." Draco suggested pointing at the muffin Harry had in his hand.
Harry looked at his muffin then nodded, "Next time when Hermione forces me to study in the library all night long, I'll bring your muffin so there would be something else killing me." But the moment Harry said it, he was worried Draco might take his humour otherwise but to his surprise Draco smiled.
"Good one." Draco said.
Harry smiled back at him, "my source of inspiration." He said as he lifted the muffin in his hand.
Draco chuckled at that, "It must be awful if that's the source of inspiration."
"Hey, you just said you liked my joke." Harry playfully whined.
"it's not the joke. It's the source of inspiration. It's awfully dry." Draco tried.
Harry smiled seeing how that one worked then there was silence for a moment until Draco spoke up,
"I heard you got those concert tickets as a secret santa gift."
"Oh, yeah.. I'll probably pass on that." Harry shrugged.
Draco frowned, "The band is not that awful, you know. They're very low-key so there's not much crowd. If I were you, I'd definitely go just to make a joke over how I can't play guitar because my fingers are too precious."
Harry almost laughed at that but then the school bell rung. It was 10 in the night and they just crossed their curfew.
"Anyways, though. You enjoy your muffin, I'll go." Draco bid his bye after that and started walking away but Harry remained there standing and realised that in all the conversations he's had with people, this one he could really enjoy if he knew Draco well enough, he even liked this one.
So, he acted in impulse.
"Draco, wait." Harry said aloud. Draco turned around.
"I have two tickets, do you want to come with?" He asked.
Draco stood there for a moment then smiled and nodded, "I'll be there, Potter."
"Harry." He corrected.
Draco smiled again, "I'll be there, Harry."
"I'd like that." Harry smiled back and then Draco walked away.
Harry went to bed thinking about Draco's smile.
Tagging some of y'all for a boost, don't hesitate if you're uncomfortable with the tag <3
@phoebe-delia @chinike @elenaxoxo22 @thecornerofbelu @nv-md @cissa-bee @missdrarrydawn @littlebodybigheartttt @harryandginnydeservesbetter @draco-lucious-malfoy @textrovert-01 @inflation-of-mind @dearly-devoted-dawdler @drarrywords @loves-to-read-fanfic

Brb, I'll go and cry 😭
Okay no, over the span of 2 years I've been on this place, I didn't know what I expected but having 1k followers was far from it. So, there are no words but thank you for each and every single one of you who still follows me, who still chooses to read my work even though I may not express it all that well but it means the absolute world to me 💜
New beginnings

Word 4: great hall
'meet me in the great hall at midnight. <3. DM.'
Harry unfolded up the note, checking the timing once again before keeping it back in the pocket. He sneaked past the only few students in the common room and past the gates and approached the Great Hall.
Honestly, Harry had absolutely no idea why Draco called him, after hours especially at midnight when they literally met in the afternoon after Potions. It seemed sort of weird but Harry wasn't placing any bets on anything, to think of it, Draco has been acting a little weird lately anyways and upon asking, he's never said anything, so maybe tonight would be just that.
He walked past empty corridors and finally opened the doors of the Great Hall softly and shut it behind him.
"Draco?" Harry called out.
The Hall was still lit up so he could see around the place at once but Draco was nowhere in sight until the door opened again and he saw Draco walk in.
"Sorry, I'm late. You didn't have to wait for long? Did you?" Draco asked but Harry shook his head.
"What are we doing here? It's way past hours." Harry said with some hand motions.
Draco sighed then continued, "Okay, you know how you've been suspicious that I've been hiding something from you lately or been acting weird?"
"Yeah, it's pretty evident because you walked into the classroom without your robe on and then ran right out to get when you actually never forget wearing the robes because you pretend to be all cool by not choosing to wear the school sweater but you know-"
"Yeah, yeah I get your point." Draco cut him off.
"Get to the point." Harry insisted, shivering a little bit.
"You're cold?" Draco asked but before Harry could answer, he cast a warming spell and Harry's shivering almost went away immediately.
"Draco- why are we here?" Harry asked again.
"You know how you mentioned the other day that you never had a chance to decorate a Christmas tree because your holidays were always far from normal before the war and then you said you've never seen anyone actually decorating the Great Hall tree and you wondered who did it, it's the house elves by the way but this year- we get to do it." Draco explained.
Harry frowned, "You mean students?"
Draco shook his head with a sigh, "No, you and me."
"Why?" Harry asked almost confused.
Draco took a step closer and took Harry's hand's in his own, "because you won't admit it but you hate that you've missed out on the normal parts of celebrations. You've never had a good childhood and you know it and you've always dealt with one thing or the another. You've missed out on being able to enjoy the parts of actually doing thing's before days of Christmas and I see it in you when you say you've never actually heard a choir singing Carol's in front of you or been drunk at a party or just having a fun time watching a Christmas movie or something and Harry, if I could give you one chance at trying to remotely feel what it's like to be in Christmas feels, I'd do anything for it, for you,"
Harry took his words in for a long moment before he smiled at Draco, "You saying all of this and understanding everything means everything to me, Draco. Your gesture is enough you know-"
"No, but we're decorating this tree our own way. We have no choice."
"Why do we have no choice?"
"I quite literally begged the house elves to let us do it. They apparently like doing this but I suppose you can say I bribed all of them with something or the other, so now they've all settled into not decorating it. So, basically we have to do it, whether we want it or not because I'd rather not be killed by a bunch of house elves." Draco explained very monotonously that it made Harry laugh.
"They're not very easy to bribe you know." Draco added.
Harry nodded and kissed Draco's cheek, "You're the most adorable person I know."
"Harry Potter, I'm not adorable. Please, no." Draco pulled off his fake offended look to which Harry rolled his eyes fondly and kissed Draco on the lips.
"You're still adorable." Harry said after the kiss.
"Fine, but only because you call me that." Draco caved in unable to control his blush.
Harry smiled at him then said, "So, shall we decorate the tree?"
Draco nodded.
And they spent an hour there decorating the Christmas tree, all the while Draco putting away thing's Harry was hanging because "it didn't match the aesthetic" and Harry hanging it up regardless but they liked doing it together. They liked the idea of being alone after hours and doing something that was actually fun and somewhat beautiful but most of all, they were doing something Harry missed out on so many years and it was a start of a new beginning. New beginnings they got to make on their own and being able to start those new beginnings with each other was the best part of all of it.
When they were finally done, they stood hand in hand a few feet away from the tree and looked at their work with smiles all over their faces.
"This is actually pretty good." Draco finally said turning to Harry who was already looking at Draco.
"What?" Draco asked.
Harry shook his head, "Just looking at you."
"Because you're the only person who's given this all that much thought and I can't believe that I get to love you everyday. I'm just so lucky." Harry smiled.
Draco smiled at Harry then turned to face him, "I'm the lucky one. What you've done and what you do, it's incredible, Harry. If anyone's the lucky one, it's me. This is the smallest thing I could've ever done." He said as he kissed his forehead softly.
Harry embraced Draco in a hug after that, cuddling into him, "I still loved it. Thank you, Draco."
Draco kissed the top of Harry's head again and said, "Anything for you, Harry. You deserve the world."
I have no idea what I was going for but this is it 😭
Tagging some of y'all for a boost, don't hesitate if you're uncomfortable with the tag <3
@phoebe-delia @chinike @elenaxoxo22 @thecornerofbelu @nv-md @cissa-bee @missdrarrydawn @littlebodybigheartttt @harryandginnydeservesbetter @draco-lucious-potter @textrovert-01 @inflation-of-mind @dearly-devoted-dawdler @loves-to-read-fanfic
I want to write. I have ideas. I open document. I type four of the worst sentences ever created in the english language. I daydream the rest of the scene. I close document.
Under the Christmas tree

Word 3: snow globe
"I'm sorry I'm late" Harry hurriedly said as he closed the door behind him, almost shivering and hanging his coat in the stand, "There was this huge truck that just wouldn't move."
Draco immediately helped Harry with the coat and took Harry's hands in his own and warmed them up.
Harry smiled but they both knew they didn't have a lot of time.
"You're not that late but we only have 5 minutes before he runs down the stairs and starts singing Feliz Navidad or Merry Christmas all over again." Draco kept his tone hushed.
"Did you get it?" Draco finally asked as they moved towards the living room.
Harry held out the package from the other hand and showed it to Draco who took it immediately and skimmed through the bag.
"Now all we have to do is set it under the tree." Draco said and they did exactly that.
And in 2 minutes Teddy came running down the stairs singing Merry Christmas while Harry and Draco pretended to be asleep in their room. So, when Teddy reached the tree, they both knew how excited he was but they said nothing until he came running into their room and started jumping on the bed.
"Teddy, what is it?" Harry asked as he shuffled through for his glasses, turning on the lamp along side.
"The gifts, Uncle Harry. See the gifts." Teddy excitedly sat down between the both of them and started showing his small hands full of gifts.
Draco got up from his fake sleep as well and pushed himself towards the head of the bed and took Teddy in his lap.
"Excited to see your gifts?" Draco smiled and teddy instantly nodded.
"Which one shall we open first?" Harry asked sweetly.
Teddy pointed out a random one and they opened that first, then they opened the next and next until only was left and they finally opened it as well.
It was a snow globe.
"My fourth snow globe. Santa remembered!" Teddy exclaimed as he got all the more excited by the second to take it into his hands.
"Be careful Teddy. It might break." Harry said as he carefully handed him the globe and Teddy took it as carefully as possible and watched it with so much endearment that it warmed both of their hearts.
It was the same gift they had put under the tree at the last minute because they knew how much these snow globes meant to Teddy.
It started out when Harry first came to pick up Teddy from his grandparents and noticed that the only thing Remus and Tonks left behind as a legacy was a snow globe, ever since that day Harry decided that every Christmas he'd buy Teddy a snow globe in return for Remus' and Tonks love he could never get as much.
"I'm going to go and put this on my shelf." Teddy said and immediately took it from Harry's hand and ran back upstairs leaving all the rest of the gifts behind.
It was beautiful to see that he only ever cared for the snow globe, that it was the only gift that held the most meaning even to a 4 year child.
Draco embraced Harry in that moment, bringing him closer in a cuddle and putting away the gifts aside and smiled at him.
"You do an awfully good job at giving Teddy everything he ever needs."
"That's what I'm supposed to do."
"Do you think Remus would be happy at the thought of us raising Teddy together?" Harry asked.
Draco thought for a while and then said, "I think he'd be incredibly proud of us pushing past our history and deciding to raise Teddy as our own."
Harry smiled, "I think he'd be proud of us too."
He kissed Draco one last time before he turned off the lights knowing exactly that he'd never find anyone better for raising Teddy with.
I know this isn't the best but bear with me😭
Tagging some of y'all for a boost, don't hesitate if you're uncomfortable with the tag <3
@phoebe-delia @chinike @elenaxoxo22 @thecornerofbelu @nv-md @cissa-bee @missdrarrydawn @littlebodybigheartttt @harryandginnydeservesbetter @draco-lucious-potter @textrovert-01 @inflation-of-mind @dearly-devoted-dawdler @drarrywords @loves-to-read-fanfic
Heyy I just wanna say that I love your account and that you're such a wonderful writer and I absolutely love your December fics. Keep it up honestly, it's so refreshing to read. Much thanks for writing them. I can't wait for more.
Honestly whoever you are... This means the world to me right now. I've felt down about writing lately and out of my zone but this is exactly what I needed today so thank you so much for this 💜
Remember everything

Word 2: Church
He softly grazes the top of the wooden bench as he breathes deeply.
There's always been some sort of peace he finds in sitting inside the church after hours when nobody comes inside, when it's almost closing down and the bell starts ringing for midnight. He thinks maybe it comes from being brought to church when he was a little boy and would sit quietly. Even as a little kid, he knew it was the most peaceful place in the world and today, he could use some peace.
Somehow the war was not ending. It was growing incredibly harder and harder to stay inside the manor with Voldemort practically living in one of the quarters making all of their lives miserable but what option did he have. He couldn't run away, he couldn't step back, he couldn't fight back, he was pretty much helpless and out of all of this, he was worried sick about Harry.
The ministry was very stuck on trying to find Harry, no.1 wanted criminal but wherever Harry was hiding, it was better that way.
But tonight Draco felt lonely. He remembers the last Christmas he had with Harry and he wishes he could go back in time and live that day over and over again, just because it was the last perfect moment they had.
"I bought you something." Harry said giving a calming smile.
"You really didn't have to, Harry." Draco insisted. Harry had already given him 2 gifts and he was worried Harry might just never stop.
"This is the last one, I promise." Harry said.
Draco sighed and then nodded, "Show me then.".
Harry smiled again and he fetched a small box from his pocket and opened it.
It was a small locket of a snitch.
"This is a replica of the snitch we followed in our first match. I couldn't think of anything but we both love quidditch and we do have some weird recollection of trying to catch the snitch against each other the first time. I want you to have this, as something to remember me by." Harry explained.
Draco was immediately about to cut Harry off and say something like, they don't need remembering or anything but Harry cut him off to that.
"I don't want to be negative but just look at my history. There's somebody inside the castle who's trying to kill Dumbledore and have me for Voldemort. It's always been clear that one day I'll have to face voldemort and I have a feeling that it'll come sooner than I imagined. I always get in trouble every year and you say I have survival instincts of a cat but I'm not trying to be funny- it's just, we both know that this relationship is not bound to be forever, you and I have always been aware of it but I don't want either one of us to forget this. So, this locket represents that I won't forget you and I hope you won't forget me either." Harry said almost too sadly at the end.
Draco felt overwhelmed, a lot. He wasn't a man of many emotions but right now his heart felt so heavy that he wanted to cry. It deeply saddened him because he was firstly betraying Harry and he could never find the courage in himself to tell Harry the truth but also because he knew that he would be the reason why the relationship would end and it would end very soon.
He looked at Harry for a moment then shook his head, "Harry, no matter what, no matter what goes down, I want you to know that I will always remember you, always love you."
But he knew it'd be their last Christmas.
"I love you too, Draco. I'll always remember you and always remember how you loved me."
Draco smiled sadly at Harry then turned away for a moment to discard his thoughts about telling him the complete truth but he knew the damage it'd do to Harry, so he chose not to. He finally said, "Put it around my neck."
And Harry did and they laughed a bit about how it ruined Draco's aesthetics but also fit quite right in but they enjoyed the last few moments in that forest, the togetherness, the warmth, the embrace before the fall.
Until Draco finally touched the locket and said, "I'm never taking it off, ever. I'll carry it with me forever."
And he meant it.
Sitting in that Church in silence, exactly a year after it happened, he traced the locket in his hand, ran circles around it and shed a tear. He rested his head against the bench and whimpered wishing Harry safety and comfort and he just hoped that Harry was still alive. He wanted Harry to win the war so badly. He needed Harry to win the war so they could finally be together again. He needed Harry to win the war for the whole wizarding world, for past, present and the future, for everything.
He stayed there a while until it was too late and the lights were starting to turn off and he knew he should leave but he needed to do one last thing.
He took out his wand and cast a patronus.
"Find him and tell him to be safe. Tell him, I miss him tonight the most and that I love him more than life itself. Tell him, I still remember everything and I always will."
And the patronus went right through the window and the final lights shut off casting darkness inside the whole church. Draco stood up as he heard Christmas Carol going off somewhere and thought about approaching those voices. It came from behind the streets and he looked at the choir sing from the far corner, not to be seen by anyone. He was about to leave and go back to the manor when a bright blue flamed stag patronus came in front of him and said nothing but went right through where Draco's locket rested and Draco needed no other words.
He walked back home holding the locket close to his chest, "I remember everything."
Projecting my little sadness into this
Tagging some of y'all for a boost, don't hesitate if you're uncomfortable with the tag <3
@phoebe-delia @chinike @elenaxoxo22 @thecornerofbelu @nv-md @cissa-bee @missdrarrydawn @littlebodybigheartttt @harryandginnydeservesbetter @draco-lucious-potter @textrovert-01 @inflation-of-mind @dearly-devoted-dawdler @drarrywords @loves-to-read-fanfic
A Christmas away from home

Word 1: Forest
"Just a little bit more. Watch your foot, try not to trip." Harry said as he held onto Draco with a blindfold around his eyes.
"Whatever it is, I hope it's as good for all the struggle you're putting me through." Draco said as he took a cautious step.
They walked a little bit more to what Draco could only assume was a forest until they finally came to a halt and Harry softly took off Draco's blindfold.
Harry stood beside Draco for a moment as he took it all in before he stepped ahead and started, "I know it's not a lot. I could only ask Pansy for so much help and I know this won't be as sophisticated as your Christmas but I wanted to give you your own sophisticated celebration with just the two of us so we can have our own type of Christmas celebration."
The thing was, this year Draco was unable to go back home for Christmas because of the ongoing court procedures still running around after the war. Both Draco and his parents believed that it would be better if he didn’t come home that year but It came up only a few days ago in a conversation while they were in the great hall after hours when Draco finally said the the reason he was sad is because he couldn't go home for the holidays and despite being at home wasn’t the best, he liked the warm feeling of decorating christmas tree, hanging around decorations, having a small party of their own and how it is the one day of the year he enjoyed being at home the most because nobody said anything to him. He misses all of that.
Harry came forward and took Draco’s hands in his both his hands and said, “Look, I know this isn’t the same. It probably is not even half as close to the party you may have or the christmas tree may not be as giant as your house but I just couldn’t see you being bummed out because of it.”
“Harry- this is- Why?” Draco couldn’t bring himself to say anything else.
“Why what?”
“Why would you do this? And how? Like I just don’t get it.” Draco fumbled with his own words because he was too overwhelmed.
Harry chuckled, “Because I wanted you to feel at home for Christmas and I’m quite seriously dying to listen that I am unfunny as hell and you haven’t said that in a week.”
Draco gave him a small chuckle and then turned away from Harry as tears glimmered in his eyes.
“Draco,” Harry softly said as he hugged Draco from behind, nuzzling his face into his neck, comforting him and he said after a while, “Will you celebrate Christmas with me?”
Draco finally nodded, pushing away the happy tears that came in his eyes.
“Shall we?” Harry asked when Draco finally turned around and he took Draco’s hand in his own again and intertwined them together. Draco nodded and they walked around the small area Harry had decorated with golden fairy lights, a very small christmas tree and a table in the center with bunch of candles lit over it.
“So, how is this going to work?” Draco finally asked as he took all of it in.
“I’m glad you asked. First, we’ll have dinner which by the way, I did not cook because you and I both know that I am a terrible cook sometimes and I didn’t want to risk a perfect evening. Next, we’ll actually hang a bunch of stuff on that small Christmas tree, then I’ll show the gifts I bought you, and then I have a little surprise for you and that would be the last thing for the evening and finally end today with a kiss.” Harry explained thoroughly.
“I can’t believe you’ve inserted kissing as a part of your masterplan, Harry.” Draco smiled.
“Monsieur, kissing is the most essential part of the evening.” Harry said emphasizing the from the sentence with almost too much pride that Draco wondered how much could he possibly love this man without any reason but there seemed no end.
And as planned, they did all the things Harry had planned for the evening, from dinner to gifts that Draco promised to give Harry the next morning, until it came to the final surprise for the evening.
“So, what’s the surprise?” Draco asked as he stepped closer to Harry and ran his hand through his hair.
Harry visibly blushed but composed himself too soon and accioed the brooms.
“Ever since you took time off Quidditch, I’ve felt very lonely about playing Quidditch because I have no opponent I like but I’ve noticed how much you miss flying and I know that its your favourite thing in the world,So,” Harry took a pause and bought Draco’s hands close and kissed it softly and continued, “Will you do me the honour of flying with me this evening?”
Draco looked at Harry for a moment longer than two, feeling his heart beat louder and his heart growing fonder and fonder for this boy with the most atrocious hair he could ever come across but damn him, he was feeling too many things for Harry at once that he doubted if it was humanly possible to do so.
He smiled at Harry and then nodded his head, “I’d be very happy to fly with you, Harry Potter.”
Harry grinned back and handed one of the brooms to Draco and he himself took one before both of them mounted it and took off in the air.
They flew far high in the air and in circles, screaming and laughing all it off for far too long until they naturally grew tired and came to a halt next to each other, hanging mid air.
Draco let out a long breath, still smiling, “I never realised how beautiful Hogwarts look from up here.”
Harry smiled as well, “Hogwarts has always been beautiful, its just that this is the first time you’re encountering it during the best time of the year.”
“How do you know this?”
“I came here once during the 6th year, I was just flying to get things clear off my mind when I saw this. Its astonishing really how you can be around something for so long but never realise how beautiful or good it really is.” Harry said.
It was true honestly. Hogwarts looked the most beautiful castle in the whole world at the moment and it wasn’t just about the castle, it was about everything in and out, the lights, the snow, hogsmeade, the giant Christmas tree, it all looked so beautiful and Draco couldn’t believe he has never seen it before. But the most beautiful thing at the time was being in the air with Harry.
Draco kept looking at Harry so fondly for so long that he forgot he had to even look away all the while wondering how did he ever get so lucky until Harry said something about how they should probably go back to the ground. He was in love, not just with him but every little thing, things he does, this moment, being here for Christmas, Hogwarts, with Christmas and for the first time, he finally felt like he belonged somewhere and it was this moment, he belonged to every moment with Harry.
When they finally hit the ground, Harry took away Draco’s broom and his own and leaned it against the tree. Draco sensed the silence in the moment and used it as an opportunity to let everything out of his heart.
Harry turned around and came to stand just in front of Draco, “Yes, love.”
Draco melted and he let out the biggest smile he could ever pull off and without thinking he kissed Harry. Somewhere he thinks he was waiting for this moment all evening but he finally did it and it felt like snow melting away in the sun. It felt like the perfect moment, the perfect time, everything just perfect and that person Draco was kissing, the most perfect of them all.
When they finally separated, Draco smiled at Harry still holding onto his neck and spoke so softly, “I loved all of it today. You have no idea how much all of this meant to me and being able to spend all this time with you, celebrating tonight with you, it was the most perfect thing ever and you made it all so perfect, so, I think I want to say thankyou but much more than that I want to say I love you, in the most real and pure way. I wouldn’t have Christmas any other way.”
Harry smiled back at Draco and gave him a little peck on the cheek and said, “I love you, too and it has never felt more real than now.”
They stood there for a few more minutes holding onto each other until the clock stroke midnight and they decided that it’d be the best to go back inside before the snowfall begins again.
They were finally walking hand in hand towards the castle when Draco finally said one last thing of the evening, “By the way, Harry, Quidditch is no longer my favourite thing in the world, its you.”
And Harry could only smile, “And you’re mine.”
Tagging some of y'all for a boost, don't hesitate if you're uncomfortable with the tag <3
@phoebe-delia @chinike @elenaxoxo22 @thecornerofbelu @nv-md @cissa-bee @missdrarrydawn @harryandginnydeservesbetter @draco-lucious-potter @textrovert-01 @dearly-devoted-dawdler @drarrywords
As December starts tomorrow, here's a list of microfics I'll be working on this month.

1. Forest
2. Church
3. Snow globe
4. Great hall
5. Concert
6. Waffles
7. Car
8. The Weasley burrow
9. Sun
10. Champagne
11. Maroon
12. Snow
13. Paris
14. Blackout
15. Fireplace
16. Seashell
17. War
18. Vineyard
19. Clockwork
20. Rockfeller centre
21. New beginnings
22. Golden
23. Temptation
24. Proposal
25. Cardigan
December generally tends to become that one month for me where I'm too nostalgic for my own good and like last year, I wanted to write some December prompts. I'm really looking forward to writing these prompts as regularly as possible because I genuinely miss writing a lot because I've realised I've almost stopped doing due to my general life. As usual my inbox would be open for any requests, anything that may come to your mind and I'm looking forward to this.. Much love<3
(@drarrywords and I came up with this list for our general writing but everyone is open to use this list and add your own)
Till the sun burns and moon shines

It was in that one moment before he left when his eyes met mine and in that one gaze he said everything he couldn't find the words to say to me. His eyes poured the agony of having to walk away, the hurt, the pain, the ache, the grief of it the tainted history they'll carry.
I never thought we'd meet this end, one last looks kind of end. I always thought if there's one person who's meant to go down forever, it'll be with him but life plays one card so cruelly and from winning the game, you end up losing it all, just one last flip, just one sign, one number of a card that changes everything. For us, it was me forcing him to fall out of love with me.
But I think he knew that I forced him to leave me, I think he knew I never meant when I said I didn't love him anymore because he knows I'll never stop loving him but everything stands against us but Harry, if you don't know this, I hope when you met my eyes, I hope you learnt the words that never left my lips. I hope I told you in my gaze that we were just two people who were meant to meet but never meant to work out, that we were just a product of the right person at the wrong time, I hope I told you that I'll love and cherish everything you ever gave me and I'll never meet anyone like you, that I'll always, always love you and there will never be anybody else, that even if I cross your path one day know that I still love you, that in my dreams it'll only ever be you, that if I wish upon the moons and the stars and the infinity, it's you I'm wishing for but we were not meant to work out.
But if by chance, life flips me again, gives me another card and gives me one more chance, gives us one more chance, I'll take it and change our fate and that time I hope you take it too, until then you belong with someone else but I'll be yours, for as long as the sun burns and the moon shines.
(yes, I'm still alive, just trying to fix my life somehow)
Tagging some of y'all for a boost, don't hesitate if you're uncomfortable with the tag <3
@phoebe-delia @chinike @elenaxoxo22 @thecornerofbelu @nv-md @cissa-bee @missdrarrydawn @harryandginnydeservesbetter @draco-lucious-potter @textrovert-01 @dearly-devoted-dawdler @drarrywords
Harry: Do you think Shakespeare ever used the word homie
Draco: don't know that but he sure was homo
Harry+ Draco:

(@drarrywords and me when I made this joke)
(Ps. No offense to anyone)
Promises on the Oak tree

"can you hold me?" He asked so simply, so calmly unlike what he truly felt.
They were sat on the bark of the Oak tree in the forbidden forest in the silence of the night after everyone had gone to sleep and they had managed to sneak past the doors to be with each other.
Draco nodded, "of course."
He brought his arms closer and wrapped them around Harry's body while Harry tried to hold onto him. He leaned his face over Draco's shoulder and stayed silent. Draco knew something was up, he had known it all day when he noticed Harry in the great hall in the morning barely speaking to anyone and spending most of his day away from any sort of company but unfortunately he had no idea what had actually happened and he was afraid that Harry would only want silence and peace that day.
They stayed silent for a really long time, long enough for Draco to cast a warming charm on both of them and for his mood to become more worrisome as to what had really happened until he finally decided one had to speak up and it had to be him.
"Harry? Are you okay?"
Harry only nodded but Draco knew after having been together long enough that he wasn't okay, there was something and Harry only wanted a little time and a little more comfort to finally talk about it.
"You know I love you, right?" Draco said suddenly.
Harry looked up at Draco almost confused.
"I don't know what happened but I'm here with you for whatever you want and I love you, I just want you to know that."
Harry shook his head suddenly, "It's just- Somedays are harder than the others."
Draco gently took hold of one of Harry's hands and intertwined their fingers together.
"I- I don't know what happened but I've just been strange all day and Ron and Hermione kept bothering me about it. You know those sort of days where you don't even know what's wrong but you're just- kind of thinking of every possible thing wrong about yourself?"
Draco frowned but Harry didn't look at him.
"I don't know what came over me but something just doesn't feel right.. it's almost like I don't even like myself anymore, that maybe I haven't for a while. These nightmares someday become too real that I start believing that i deserve it, that you-know-who is getting in my head and coming after me, that maybe I deserve it and everyone hates me at school, I deserve it. I know it's wrong but somedays are harder than the others and I forget the lines between what's real and what's not and I delve into that anxiety of never being good enough- and I don't know how to fix that. I've never known how to fix it."
Draco for the first time in their relationship ever wanted to throw Harry off a cliff for thinking he could ever deserve all those things. It made him so mad but he instantly became so upset because Harry was the most precious thing in the whole world and he deserved the absolute best and it was a shame that he couldn't make him believe that.
But Draco nodded, "Some days are worse than the others, I agree but we can't get hung up on those bad days, can we? If we keep falling into what we think we deserve and what we actually deserve, the world would fall into crisis. But we all have those days, you know. I have days myself when I feel so low that I just want to stay curled up in my bed all day and keep thinking over what people in the halls say about me but then I think about you and I realise that in every hall In the world you'll still love me same, my friends would still love me the same and probably my parent's too. The solution is not to sulk into those thoughts but to think of all the people who oppose our fears and I for one can tell you Harry Potter, you deserve the best in the whole universe."
"But how do you get out of that train of bad thoughts?" He asked.
Draco shrugged, "you gotta believe in the people who love you for a reason. Look, I know it's hard but there are people out there who love you for a reason and you have to believe their reasons and I know it's hard because believing the bad things is easier than the good things but we have to let our feelings slide and learn to love ourselves a little more."
"But what if I never learn how to love myself?"
Draco stared at Harry for long enough to feel water prickling at his eyes. How could an amazing person like him remotely even think about not being good enough?
"Then I'll do the loving on both our parts. I'll love you till you learn to love yourself, even if it rakes forever, I'll be here to show you exactly why you deserve all the love in the world."
And then Harry finally met his eyes and gave him a small smile, "I'll never understand why you love me but I'm glad you do."
"I'm glad you're glad I love you."
"you'll be here? For as long as it takes?"
"For as long as it takes."
"I love you, Draco."
And he loved him, too.
I know I'm updating after so long but today I finally had the time and the motivation to write and all I could do was putting first thing in my head in the prompt.
Tagging some of y'all for a boost, don't hesitate if you're uncomfortable with the tag <3
@phoebe-delia @chinike @elenaxoxo22 @thecornerofbelu @nv-md @cissa-bee @missdrarrydawn @harryandginnydeservesbetter @draco-lucious-potter @textrovert-01 @dearly-devoted-dawdler @drarrywords

oil painting of a scene from half-blood prince, draco crying in a bathroom before harry comes and uses sectumsempra
Draco: why is Harry crying?
Ron *eating a sandwich*: oh, that's because he doesn't have his life together
Draco to Harry: Mind if I join?
Two gays crying together 👍
Breaking down and then going to a meeting like my whole life is together? Yes.
@drarrywords is incredible and cute, nobody's telling me otherwise 😭
“I saw you in my dream the other night You couldn’t move, but you spoke. Made a joke I don’t know what it was I just remember laughing. You loved to make me laugh Maybe tonight you’ll come back with another joke. And leave out the punchline Or you could tell the same joke, again and again, I promise I’ll laugh every time (you know I always laugh. You loved to make me laugh.) I saw you in my dream the other night. Woke up with a belly-full of it So much like you, to leave With a fucking joke.”
The way that I am tired and how I'm going to be tired, I should sleep but..... No.
I realised today how much we put ourselves into our own writings, be it a mere fascination of something we once had, be it our most rational fear or traumas, but I'm in love with the saying "we put a piece of ourselves into our works." Our works resonates us, in every sense of these words. We actually put too many pieces of ourselves, fragments of our past in every character we write, in every action of a role into our works and it amazes me because more often than not we don't realise just how much we do that. We know in the back of our heads that it is exactly how we'd do it but we never learn the courage to say it out loud if not embodied in someone else in writing and the whole time we end up looking for pieces of our own selves. We leave shreds into our works because maybe a part of us is afraid to let those things out because we're afraid what would happen if we did say it out loud.
It's that we leave homes in what we write, we create home in every story/fiction/fanfiction/book/art we've ever written or worked on and even if we may never look back at it again, we know it's still there, that home still exists. The idea of our works being our first home is one of the most beautiful thing ever.
The fanfic you never realised was actually your journal?
Devil wears Prada and wine?
Fluff // Because my sleep schedule is ruined within a week of staying at home and I told this dumbass I'd write for her, so here it is... (@drarrywords happy now?)

"Thank you guys for coming over, it was all really beautiful, I couldn't have asked for a better way to celebrate it." Harry said as his friends started walking out of the door.
Yes, Harry got appointed as Head Auror, the post he's been trying to reach for weeks, month's even. This was his ultimate goal and only he knew how much he had to work his ass off for that one position and he celebrated that night with his friends with some champagne, wine and the best food in town and this was finally the time when all his friends left. He really couldn't have asked for better friends.
"We really went through 6 bottles of wine today." Finally Draco said as he cleaned up the table.
Harry sighed as he walked towards Draco and helped clear up the table as well, "Yeah, that's still less for a celebration. If this celebration was exhausting, imagine actually throwing a party with all the office peers. I'm dreading it already."
Draco chuckled coming out of the kitchen with napkins, "yeah, well sir you should, you're a big man now. These parties are going to be really frequent from now on."
Harry pulled a chair out of the dining table and said as he sat down, "no way out, huh?"
Draco shook his head with a smile, "not anymore."
"Do you think I made the wrong choice?" Harry asked suddenly.
Draco stopped wiping the table off for a moment and looked at Harry with a frown, "Wrong choice? Why would you say that?"
"I don't know, I never thought about it all that much but it's coming to me now that it's all going to be really exhausting, working on the field, then coming back and handling the office. Blaise even pointed out the other day that Bailey leaves his office at 7 in the evening, to think about it, Draco, imagine his life, no wonder he's so happy retiring now- I don't know, maybe, I'm just having second thoughts- maybe I won't be able to manage all of it and I only did it because I thought I could but it's all becoming real now." Harry shrugged. He'd be lying if he said these fears didn't linger in the back of his head but for the first time, he spoke these things out loud with the only man he ever trusted the most.
Draco frowned and sat down in the chair next to Harry's and asked, "I don't get it, you've never been afraid of responsibilities, why suddenly?"
"It's not responsibilities I'm afraid of, it's everything else, the expectations, the work and I didn't want to say it but I fear I won't have enough time for anything anymore, to go out on weekends with Ron, meet Teddy on Sunday brunch, spend time with you, I feel like it'll all slip away from my hands eventually and the more I think about it, the more I realise that it already is slipping away. I don't want to get into work and regret it." Harry shrugged as if it was very casual thing to say but even he knew he was very scared for all of it.
"Harry, you're just fearing change."
"very much."
Draco pulled his chair closer to Harry and took Harry's hand in his own and said, "I have known you for years and I know you fear that something might go wrong and you'll fuck up but you don't realise that you won't mess up. Messing up isn't your thing, Harry. I know you're scared of everything but it'll all be fine, you don't have to start thinking about things immediately, you just got the offer of being the Head Auror, Harry-"
"No, be here, in the moment. You've wanted to do this ever since you were 15 and I can't imagine one person who knew what they wanted to do since they were 15, it's a big deal, you've always wanted this. You've always liked being an Auror, you've always loved being on the field, you've always loved being James bond and catching bad guys,"
Harry chuckled lightly and Draco smiled at him,
"I mean no way you're as cool as James Bond, but you're good enough." Harry hit him lightly on his arms and Draco let out a low chuckle.
"But what if I'm not cut out for this?" Harry asked after a while.
"It's fine if you're not. You have your whole life ahead of you, Harry. You can be anything you want to be. You don't always have to fit in, you don't always have to be the best guy or the guy who has it all figured out. So what, if in 2 month's you realise that being Head Auror isn't as appealing, you can always change your job, take up another post. You can't always know exactly what you want. You have endless possibilities and you are never going to run out of time, okay, not with people that you care about."
"okay, yes all that is fine, but what if I won't be able to manage giving time to people I actually care about?"
"If they all care about you as well, they'll understand. Look, we'll drive down every Saturday to meet Teddy, you can always meet Ron on Friday night's for the game, discuss how shitty both of your lives are. What I'm saying is, you'll just be fine. I know you're scared and worried but it's all going to be fine. You can enjoy the moment right now." Draco tried to reassure Harry as he ran circles on his palm with his thumb.
Harry sighed as he relaxed a little, "What if it doesn't work out the way I want it to?"
Draco shrugged then said, "We'll figure it out, together. No matter what, we'll figure out anything that comes in your way. It's okay to be scared, Harry but you're not alone, you have me, you have Ron, you have your other friends, we're all here. And I don't know why you're scared that you won't be able to give me time because I'm always going to be here, everyday you come back from work, I'll be right here because I'm not going anywhere, Harry, really. You're not getting rid of me that easily."
Harry finally smiled for the first time after a while and relaxed further. He soon leaned forward and kissed Draco's cheeks, "What would I do without you?"
Draco snorted, "Die, obviously. You are a human cat, Harry. You need me."
Harry rolled his eyes while shaking his head but he was so sure that he could only ever do it fondly, "Idiot."
Draco smiled and said, "And you're a dumbass."
So, If in that moment Harry was scared for what might happen next or everything that may come his way or every change that would happen, he was sure of one thing and it was that, Draco was never going anywhere, he would always be there for him, always and he didn't know how he ever got that lucky but he did and he would never want anything or anyone else.
"Now, come on, we still have the living room to clean up and I am not going to miss out our re-watch on Devil wears Prada with wine." Draco said as he got up and quickly started cleaning up again.
Harry chuckled, shaking his head, he was in love with an idiot and he really wouldn't have it any other way.
Tagging some of y'all for a boost, don't hesitate if you're uncomfortable with the tag <3
@phoebe-delia @chinike @elenaxoxo22 @thecornerofbelu @nv-md @lilthislilthat @cissa-bee @missdrarrydawn @harryandginnydeservesbetter @draco-lucious-potter @textrovert-01 @dearly-devoted-dawdler
In the whole wide world, only you

He had been sitting on the couch for the most part of the evening, reading, like he normally did whenever he was alone. He liked the silence in the flat but only the light traffic from outside he could hear, he liked those moments of being alone. He enjoyed them while it lasted and It was one of his silent alone nights until he heard the door open and the keys being kept on the counter with a long sigh and he just knew. He smiled to himself and waited for the man he loved too dearly for his own good to appear at the door of the living room and soon he did.
Harry looked at him with exhaustion before Draco put his book aside on the coffee table and said, "Long day?"
"You wouldn't believe." Harry sighed.
Draco smiled lightly and sunk a little further in the couch to make some space for Harry and opened his arms for him to join, "Come here and tell me all about it."
Harry walked slowly and tiredly towards the couch shaking his head, saying that he didn't want to talk about his day and instantly collapsed over Draco upon reaching the couch, making him laugh,
"You're gonna crush my bones, Harry." He laughed lightly.
"Well, now you know what my insides feel like." He muffled against his chest.
Draco threw his head back a little unable to control his chuckle. He wrapped one of his arms around Harry's torso and the other one in his hair and kissed the top of his head softly, "You're too exhausted, my love."
Harry hummed without moving a single inch.
Draco gazed at him fondly then shifted a little more closer so Harry could be a little more comfortable and ran his hands through his hair.
"Do you want me to make you some coffee?"
Harry only shook his head and slid sideways so he laid beside Draco now.
"Are you sure?" He asked again and Harry shook his head again.
Draco gave up his question then and only wrapped his arms around Harry and kissed his forehead again, "You really don't want to talk about today?"
Harry shook his head, "I just wanna stay here with you and cuddle and forget the world exists." Harry replied closing his eyes and cuddling into Draco.
Draco smiled and nodded, "Fine then, we'll stay here as long as you want and forget the world ever existed."
Draco wrapped one his arms around Harry's body, pulling him closer while with his other hand he turned the recorder on, Can't help Falling in love by Elvis played instantly and he turned his volume just by a notch. He drew small circles on Harry's back and whispered soft reassurances to him like he often did, telling him to not work so much while Harry only hummed and even though Draco knew Harry wasn't actually listening, he almost never did yet he still would tell him because he knew Harry needed to hear those words.
That was the thing about their love, those unspoken words, the understanding in coming home at night and just staying there with each other. Their love wasn't made out of glass or metal or anything, hell they didn't even care about what it was made of because it didn't matter. In that moment, in that time, they loved each other more than they have ever loved anyone else and that's all that ever mattered. Their happiness was in coming home to being two arms wrapped around each other and soft music playing until they would fell asleep right there on the couch and it didn't have to make sense to the rest of the world because their world was right here, in that apartment they bought together and that was all that mattered.
What a 5 minute idea turned into
Tagging some of y'all for a boost, don't hesitate if you're uncomfortable with the tag <3
@phoebe-delia @chinike @elenaxoxo22 @thecornerofbelu @nv-md @lilthislilthat @cissa-bee @missdrarrydawn @harryandginnydeservesbetter @draco-lucious-potter @textrovert-01 @drarrywords
Washing hair at almost 10 in the night without thinking of the consequences about getting sick? Yes.
Me watching my comfort character die for the 100th time because I watch the same shows over and over again: