soul-controller - Soul Controller
Soul Controller

An Ever-Changing Writer Creating Transformation Fiction. All Stories Are 18+

223 posts

Together Forever

Together Forever

As Ryan Sullivan entered his bathroom to have one last look at himself before heading out to a local beach, the 18-year-old and recent high school graduate couldn’t resist smirking upon seeing his own reflection. Standing there in just a pair of swim shorts, the man’s well-defined physique was on full display. Surely with a bod like this, every chick is gonna want their hands all over me, he thought to himself.


Upon pulling his phone from his shorts to take some photos of his progress, the man found a brand new text message from his ex-girlfriend Becca waiting for him. “Hey, I’m outside your house. Please talk to me, I’ll be quick I promise,” the message said, which immediately caused Ryan to chuckle and roll his eyes at the girl’s desperation.

Just over a week ago, Ryan spent an entire night smoking weed with his best friends and thinking about his future. Given the fact that he was just a few months away from moving to the opposite side of the country to go play soccer at a major university, it seemed as though Ryan was being offered the opportunity to get a completely fresh start to his life. No longer would he be an athlete living in a small-town with nothing exciting occurring and practically no attractive women around him. Once he made the move to California, he would be a total hunk living in a big city that would surely keep life interesting (especially with a sudden influx of aspiring models eager to get with him). As such, he quickly realized that being tied down to some high school relationship was a waste of time and a piss-poor decision for his sex life given the long distance that they would have to adapt to. So in his impaired state, Ryan stumbled through his words before eventually sending off a to-the-point and brutal text that broke up his 5-year-long relationship with Becca without a hint of remorse.

For several days since sending that text, Ryan found his phone constantly blowing up with texts and DMs from the shunned woman who begged to have a civil conversation so she could gain closure and they could terminate the relationship like the adults they were on their way to becoming. Although she continually stated that she thought that they would “be together forever”, she wasn’t furious and remained quite level-headed throughout the various messages she sent. But the hunk refused to ever respond to the girl’s messages, instead taking screenshots of the messages and sending them off to his friends while framing the messages as a display of how desperate and pathetic she was. Of course, Ryan’s friends weren’t respectful of the couple’s privacy in the slightest, so they continued to pass along the messages to others until practically everyone in their graduating class knew about the breakup and Becca’s pleas.

In the fallout of the breakup, it wasn’t shocking to discover that drastically different mindsets were formed for each individual involved. While Becca continued to be ridiculed by the jocks and other popular kids that they knew, Ryan was being put on a pedestal as if he had done something noble by breaking them up. The jocks were obviously quite supportive of the breakup, informing Ryan of how “lame” and “awkward” they always thought Becca was while also offering to help be his wingmen to get him laid as soon as possible. In the most puzzling tidbit of all though, it seemed as though many women were on Ryan’s side as well as they reached out to send their regards towards the breakup while also throwing their hat in the ring to be a potential rebound for the man. Throughout the entire experience though, Ryan felt no shame for his actions and didn’t even have a single lingering thought about how Becca was handling everything.

As Ryan rolled his eyes once again upon re-reading the latest message from Becca, the man quickly typed out “fine, make it quick bc i’m heading to the beach” and headed down to the front door. Upon opening it, Ryan took a moment to stare at the girl. Although Becca was quite attractive in her form-fitting crop top that showed off her taut stomach and sizable breasts, the clear sight of runny mascara due to the girl’s crying immediately killed any remaining attraction he felt for the girl. In Ryan’s eyes, signs of weakness in women was the ultimate boner killer for him, so as he moved to the side and allowed the brunette to make her way into the house, he couldn’t help but physically cringe at her as he heard a slight sniffle emerge from her mouth.

Upon shutting the door and turning to face the girl, Ryan immediately crossed his arms as he observed his ex. “So, what do you want to talk about,” he said, his voice completely lacking in any emotion.

As Becca stood there with her head narrowed downwards, the girl’s shaky voice finally began to speak. “I- I’m sorry for this Ryan, I just want to be with you for the rest of my life,” she began, immediately rushing up to the man and trying to grip him.

Despite how off-put he was by Becca’s statement, the man’s stone-faced expression finally began to soften as he felt the woman’s dainty arms reaching around his back. The physical sensation instantly reminded the man of the good times that they had throughout their many years together, especially when it came to the incredible sex that the two of them had. Immediately, the wheels in his head began turning as the concept of passionate makeup sex popped into his head. Thinking that he might be able to continue having some kinky sex with the girl under the guise of getting back together (he was still planning on going to California completely single), the man finally unfolded his arms.

As he moved the meaty limbs around the woman’s dainty frame and tightly squeezed her though, there was the sudden feeling of heat that spread through both of their bodies. Not only that, but as Ryan continued to hold her with his eyes closed, the sensation of pressure against his torso was quite apparent. So to find some answers about what was going on, the man opened his eyes and looked down at his torso. To his complete horror though, a large section of Becca’s body had somehow sunken into his body! Screaming in horror, he tried his best to try and flee, but found that his movements only brought along the female who was still tightly clinging around his muscular frame.

“Becca, get the fuck off of me,” Ryan cried aloud, trying his best to pull the woman’s arms away from around him but finding that the arms were unable to be pulled apart. As he attempted to thrash and escape the horrific entanglement he was a part of, the man soon found himself unable to move as a tightness was suddenly forming in the circle of limbs and body that wrapped around him. In one sudden tug, every inch of the woman’s body was quickly enveloped into Ryan’s body.

For a moment, everything suddenly went black for Ryan. But after a few seconds, Ryan’s vision was quickly regained and the man began to ponder whether he was having some gnarly after-effects from the weed that he had smoked the night prior. Eager to head to the beach and escape the twisted experience he had just fantasized about, the man quickly tried to fish his car keys out of his pocket and begin his journey. But although he could see the living room foyer he was in, it seemed as though the man had somehow lost the ability to move given the fact that his arms refused to reach towards his pockets. What the fuck is going on? Am I tripping somehow, he asked himself, trying to find some semblance of rationale behind what was occurring to him. But quickly, it became clear that something impossible was happening as his mouth and body began to move on its own accord…

* * * * *

“Hehe yes! It really worked!” his body exclaimed, taking a moment to tilt his head downwards and see the gorgeous shirtless torso staring back at him. To Ryan’s shock and disgust, he could watch and feel as his masculine and callused hands began to graze along every inch of his muscular build. As his body was continuously felt up and his muscles were flexed, the body invader couldn’t resist girlishly giggling as both them and Ryan picked up on the sudden rise of the man’s prominent manhood. “Oh shit, I’m sorry Ryan! This is my first time becoming a guy so bear with me,” the voice said with a chuckle, immediately causing the man to realize that Becca was now the one in complete control of his body!


No matter how hard he screamed and begged, Ryan was unable to get his ex’s attention as she eagerly flexed his muscles and tested out her brand new voice.

“Lemme guess Ryan, you’re currently freaking out and begging what’s happening to you right?” she inquired, taking not even a second-long pause before continuing to speak. “Well to put it simply Ryan, you were a goddamn prick that needed to be taught a lesson. Not only did you reject me for no reason, but you spread my messages around and now everyone in town thinks I’m some desperate and pathetic loser! Like, that’s so fucked up of you babe!” she exclaimed, a clear hint of anger in her gruff voice that immediately made Ryan realize the error of his ways. “Luckily for me, I have a friend who’s a witch that offered to help me get some revenge on my heartless dick of a boyfriend. After she cast the spell on me, I was given the ability of possession upon making physical contact with you. All I had to do was squeeze my way in and now I’m suddenly Ryan Sullivan!”

“Don’t worry though babe, we’re gonna be a great team together. With my brains as the class valedictorian and your brawn, we’ll be unstoppable in college,” she continued, beginning to walk down the hallway of the Sullivan residence. Before long, she finally entered Ryan’s bathroom and Ryan was thus treated to the terrifying sight of his reflection moving and speaking without his control. “While we’re going to be a great team, I can’t deny that we’re going to need to make some changes to your life Ryan. You see, while my friend was able to give me your body and other things such as important memories and your innate athletic skill, she was unable to pass along your sexuality and personality to help make me perfectly inhabit your life. So, I hate to say it babe, but I think you’re going to be coming out as a gay man soon. It works out great though that we’ll be heading out to college in a few months though, especially since that means I can be myself and not have to be this angsty and toxic version of Ryan all of the time.”

Upon understanding that Becca was going to completely demolish his life and the image that he had created for himself as this dominant and extremely cocky hunk, the man couldn’t help but scream into the darkest depths of his mind. To him, this was a nightmare come to life! To make matters even worse, it seemed as though there was no way of ever regaining control of his body as Becca made a passing remark while flexing about how the possession was permanent.

For Becca though, the concept of becoming Ryan Sullivan was a dream come true. Although there would surely be a hard learning curve in terms of adapting to having a cock and the near-constant boners she would surely be sporting for the foreseeable future, it was an upgrade in every other way. The Sullivan family was incredibly wealthy, so she would never have to worry about having to work hard in college. Instead, she’ll have all of the free time in college to explore her new body and build more muscle as she turns herself into the hottest gay man on campus. Although it would surely be nice to find a nice and respectful man to spend the rest of her life with, Becca couldn’t deny how happy she was to still have Ryan in her life. In more ways than one, they would now truly be together forever!


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More Posts from Soul-controller

1 year ago

Patreon Update (March ‘23)

Hey there everyone, hope anyone reading this is doing well! It seems as though people really enjoyed the Influencing The Influencer story, which I’m really happy to see. That story was a fun one to write, so I look forward to releasing more entries over the coming months. As for April releases, there will be a part two to the Influencer series dropping along with an additional story so stay tuned for that!

Moving past the impending Tumblr content, here’s a quick little summary of the stuff I’ve released over on my Patreon over the past month. If any of the following stories intrigue you, please feel free to click on the title so you can sign up for the appropriate tier to read it! I’d love to have you join my Patreon and my Discord community, where you can view exclusive photo captions.

Patreon Update (March23)

Finding A Way To Be Loved

This vault story was originally released in February 2022 for the Clarke tier. After a year of exclusivity, it's now become a $5 story.

After a young homeless man discovers a watch while rummaging around in a dumpster, an incident with a cop reveals a strange new ability: the gift of possession. With this power, he realizes that he can now find a way to get himself off of the streets permanently. Upon meeting with a friendly yet gorgeous couple who treat him with kindness, he opts to take advantage of this by using the device to infiltrate their relationship...

Tags: Gender Change, Male To Female, Possession

Patreon Update (March23)

Revenge Of The Nerd I

When the day finally arrives for Mitchell to move out of his small town to a major city for college, the nerd is ecstatic for a second chance to reintroduce himself as he was constantly bullied and tormented by jocks and cheerleaders. To his horror though, Mitchell soon finds himself in class with his main tormentor, a cheerleader named Britney. Upon being paired up for a class project, the nerd finds himself tormented once more and eager to get revenge on his bully. Luckily, help seems to come as a mysterious individual offers his services...

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Sauna Swap I

When down-on-his-luck and aspiring personal trainer Alek is offered a sizable check to train one of the wealthiest men in town, he hadn't expected the client to be the retired and heavily obese Mr. Andrews. In need of the extra cash, he agrees to do the session, unaware of the nefarious plan that Mr. Andrews has to get a second chance at vitality...

Tags: Age Progression, Muscle Theft, Weight Gain, Body Swap

Patreon Update (March23)

S-C Fitness: The Trial Run II

After returning from holiday break to find that his small hometown gym has been suddenly purchased and revamped to become a brand new S-C Fitness location, pudgy gym novice Tom gets an invitation from the new owner for a brand new program he's trying to implement. Upon finding out that not only will he receive a free gym membership for participating, but he'll also get the opportunity to do a workout with his gym crush Dylan, the man instantly agrees. Unfortunately for the duo though, they'll end up finishing their session in different bodies...

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The Body Shop II

Upon being convinced to test out the application of female genitalia to his body, Peter finds himself eager to agree with anything that Theo, the gorgeous bodybuilder-sized owner of The Body Shop, suggests. As such, he agrees to further dabble with a gender transformation and thus allows Theo to add more pieces of the ginger woman bodysuit that he has started to put on...

Author's Note: This story is really starting to lean into the intense sexual attraction between Peter and Theo as the foreplay becomes more explicit and heated between them. So if smut like this (especially when it comes to a man in the midst of being feminized) isn't your thing, I suggest avoiding this series.

Tags: The Body Shop, Gender Change, Male to Female, Mental Changes, Dominance and Submission

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1 year ago

Influencing The Influencer

Hello there everyone, this is a story that I’m pulling from my Patreon vault from March 2022 for public release here on Tumblr. If you enjoy the story and would like to see more content like this, please feel free to click here to subscribe to my Patreon.

For 34-year-old Tom, there was nothing he enjoyed more than helping people become their best selves. Either in-person or through social media, the relaxed and kind individual absolutely loved guiding individuals to becoming their best and truest selves. In fact, there were a fair amount of popular social media influences that he had helped guide, but none of them compared to Chris Nelson.

To Tom, there was nothing hotter than a cocky and hairy dude, so it was no surprise that with Tom’s help, Chris became a permanent resident of the #1 spot on Tom’s list of hottest men. With incredibly masculine and intimidating tattoos, the man was easily able to appear cocky and scary upon first glance. But even though it was true that Chris was a fairly self-centered dude, Tom loved it… especially since Chris absolutely had plenty of reasons to be so cocky now! Besides encouraging him to get those tattoos and grow out his body hair, Tom’s forward-thinking mind had helped the man become even more attractive by encouraging him to develop a healthy workout routine at the gym and a prominent self-care routine at home. The end results were absolutely flawless, as Tom’s influence was able to give Chris an incredibly buff physique along with a well-trimmed and thick beard that just further complimented his already attractive face.


While there usually wasn’t any sort of ulterior motive for these acts of kindness that Tom provided, he soon found himself rewarded one day by helping a young man who revealed himself to be some sort of warlock-in-training. His powers hadn’t fully developed to the point where he could transform himself, so Tom’s assistance in terms of helping him begin a gym regime and gain more self-confidence was extremely appreciated and thus deserved to be rewarded.

After talking with Tom for a bit, the warlock soon learned the truth behind Tom’s eagerness to help others: he himself had body image issues and constantly wished that he could be someone else. So, as the warlock suddenly had an “aha” moment, he quickly jumped to his feet and began to flip through the pages of one of his many spellbooks. Upon finding the right one, the warlock instantly cast a spell that gifted Tom with a magical ability: the gift of possession.

Given his general disbelief in all things mystical and magical, Tom still found it hard to believe that he had been gifted with such an ability until the warlock dared Tom to run into him. Unsure yet willing to give it a shot, Tom did as he was instructed and charged towards the man, closing his eyes in preparation of slamming his 220 lbs body off of the equally bulky warlock and tumbling onto the ground. However, just as he braced for impact, he suddenly found himself calmed with a sensation of full-body ripples. Confused, he opened his eyes and found himself still standing upright, but now in the body of the Asian warlock who had dared Tom to run into him.

In complete shock, he desperately flailed about in hopes of freeing himself from the man’s body. Eventually though, he was able to find a solution by pressing himself out of the warlock’s back and returning to his physical form of the black and Alabama-raised Tom. While now armed with such a seemingly powerful gift, Tom decided that it was finally time to be a little selfish and test drive some of the many bodies that he had helped mold into prime specimens of masculinity.

Of course, given Chris’ position on Tom’s list of hottest men, it was no surprise that he was the first man that Tom contacted about meeting up. Not realizing that anything sketchy was afoot, Chris enthusiastically agreed to meet up the next day for a “hang” in the park.

After a rather challenging search for a parking spot the next day, Tom finally made his way out of the car and towards the agreed-upon location in the park. Stopping as he began to enter the gated tennis court, he waved towards Chris to showcase his arrival. As the man ran towards the gate to greet Tom, the magically-gifted man couldn’t help but swoon as he watched the man’s ripped body jog over to him. Staring as the man’s pecs wobbled and his biceps bounced with each footfall was such a turn-on to Tom, but even more so when realizing that soon he would be the one in control of that body.


“Hey dude, how are you doing?” Chris said, taking a few deep inhales and exhales as he looked towards Tom. While he wanted nothing more than to answer the question, Tom’s gaze was permanently transfixed on the man’s complexion as the sweat-induced glistening of his skin indicated that the man had already been working out prior to Tom’s arrival.

Not wanting to waste any more time, the two men finally found themselves on the court and began to play some tennis. In between each grunt and groan of whacking the ball back onto the other side, the two continued to make small talk while catching up on each other’s lives. Tom’s life wasn’t nearly as eventful as Chris’ given the fact that Tom was able to quickly summarize his life in just a few volleys back and forth, but Tom didn’t feel too bad. With his boring life out of the way, this would just allow Chris to continue expanding upon his own life so Tom could as seamlessly as possible continue doing Chris Nelson’s daily requirements.

After two matches where Chris absolutely demolished Tom, the two men opted to take a water break while continuing to make some small talk. While it was nice to continue to make some small talk with the person he helped influence, Tom couldn’t deny that he was just constantly scanning the area for the perfect time to make a move. He wanted so badly to be the resident inside that hunky flesh that it was all he could think about!


As Tom continued to sip on some water, Chris’ cocky self attempted to show off his tennis prowess by bouncing a ball onto the racket while consistently flipping it. Unfortunately though, this plan quickly backfired as the ball fell off of the racket and fell away. Watching as the man turned his back away from Tom to retrieve the ball, the black man finally found the perfect opportunity to possess the tattooed hunk. Setting his water down, Tom immediately ran at a breakneck speed directly into Chris. Groaning in discomfort as a sudden pressure emerged in his back, he could only grimace and twitch as Tom squeezed his entire body into the man and took complete control. While this occurred, Chris’ head dipped downwards as his soul was pulled into a deep state of unconsciousness to leave the body an empty husk.

Not long afterwards though, the man slowly brought his head back up and opened his eyes as he returned to consciousness. However, as Chris looked at his hands and flipped them back and forth before using them to feel up his body, it soon became clear that Tom was now the one in control. “Oh fuck, I can’t believe this is actually happening,” Tom purred, his shorts beginning to immediately tent as he heard the cocky yet energetic voice coming out of his mouth. Lifting his arm up in horny curiosity, Tom leaned his new nose towards the sweaty armpit and took in a moment to smell the natural odor of his new body. Like a child sniffing a marker, Tom felt as if he was experiencing a new kind of high.

Taking a moment to look down at Chris’ tatted up and buff physique, these new hands began to eagerly explore the terrain by squeezing the muscle upon tensing up and flexing. It was just as erotic as he had envisioned, especially given the fact that he had done in broad daylight and there had been absolutely no witnesses. But as his new cock continued to leak pre-cum against his hairy thigh, it quickly became clear that he needed sexual release and he needed it now.

Running towards the fence where both men had left their belongings like their phones, keys, and wallets, the new Chris Nelson scooped up everything in his arms and made his way over to the hunk’s sportscar that he had seen countless times on social media. Unlocking the door and hopping into the front seat, the desire to get off was getting even more intrusive in his mind. Quickly realizing that he had no way of returning home before he’d cum, Tom thanked the heavens that the windows of the car were extremely tinted as he frantically pulled down his shorts to begin beating his meat.

Looking down upon dropping his underwear to the floor of the car, the man was immediately impressed by the girthy and long manhood jutting up towards him. Chris easily had a dick that could rival that of porn stars, with Tom estimating that the man was at least 10 inches long. “Fuckkkkk,” he moaned as he wrapped his right hand onto the throbbing manhood and began to slide it up and down the shaft. Despite so much real estate to cover with his hand, it only took a minute max before Chris was shooting out thick ropes of cum that immediately coated his still-glistening body.

After a quick search through Chris’ gym bag, Tom was able to quickly clean himself and speed off out of the park and towards his brand new life as Chris Nelson.

* * * * 

Since his possession of Chris Nelson over a month ago, Tom had been quick to adapt to the life he had so easily taken over. Of course though, everything wasn’t complete smooth sailing as he struggled to fully replicate Chris’ cocky and occasionally intimidating personality. But through a quick conversation with the warlock who had gifted him this power, Tom was able to learn how to pull up parts of Chris’ repressed personality and memories to help him better acclimate to his new life.

As a result though, after a week of struggling, the fans were relieved to see that Chris Nelson was seemingly back to his old self of creating humorous TikToks and making weekly podcast episodes. But while the fans were certainly happy to see this return to form, they were even more excited to find that the man was feeling even more liberated when it came time to showcasing his body. Given Chris’ already inflated ego merging with Tom’s own ego, this new Chris Nelson was quick to recognize just how damn sexy he was. Due to this, his socials soon began to lean in even further to the thirst traps that he posted, but now instead of every couple of months, it was practically every other day! No one was complaining though, especially as the fans were quite eager to share their own demands for Chris to open up his own OnlyFans and share more of his glorious body to his adoring fans.


While Tom was rather fluid when it came to his sexuality, Chris’ overbearing ego and heterosexuality was making quite a dent in terms of his desired sexual partners. While it was still hot to imagine using this bulky body of his to top a man, Tom was allowing Chris’ personality take charge and help him understand more about just how great straight sex was. Although the intercourse was still something he was adapting to, Tom absolutely loved the power trip that he felt when he would bring back women to Chris’ place and take charge in the bedroom. Watching their dainty hands and well-manicured fingers run along his buff and sculpted torso was quite erotic to watch, especially since it just made him feel even bigger than he already was.

Even though the idea of living life as Chris Nelson forever seemed like a dream come true, Tom couldn’t resist the concept of trying out another body soon. He still had quite the repertoire of men that he helped mold into the undeniable hunks they are today, so it seemed that soon enough he would be leaving Chris to give another man’s body a test drive…

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1 year ago

Influencing The Influencer II

In the two months since first possessing his friend Chris Nelson, Tom had been absolutely thriving in his new life as a hunky influencer. While the man’s gift of possession afforded him the ability to tap into the real Chris’ memories and persona from time to time, he had still expected to encounter some roadblocks along the way. But alas, the possession was an absolute success and Chris’ life was one that Tom was seamlessly able to take over.

In fact, Chris’ normal routines had become so easy to adapt to that they were second nature to Tom. Every morning, he would wake up and do Chris’ usual breakfast routine and workout before taking advantage of his apartment complex’s swimming pool. Of course it was a blessing to cool off into the calming and chilled water, but it was even more fun for Tom to watch his fellow neighbors stare at him and his gorgeously buff and tatted-up body. Eager to put on a show to give them more reason to stare, Tom wasn’t afraid of lifting up his arm to “accidentally” flex his biceps or allowing himself to get rock hard from the attention to cause his prominent manhood to strain against his swimsuit.


Although Tom himself hadn’t really been a super cocky individual, the time spent in Chris’ body had quickly corrupted him. While this was surely not only due to him tapping into Chris’ own confidence and inflated ego when it came time to go into “Chris Mode” and record content for his followers, a lot of this ego was gained from Tom’s own experiences in such a buff body. Everywhere he went, he was treated like a king amongst peasants, so it was no surprise that the man began to feel even more cocky and proud of the body he had hijacked. Every time he saw a mirror, this newfound narcissism was on full display as he admired his gorgeous tanned and tattooed skin, buff physique, and bright and perfectly aligned smile.

Upon finishing up and gathering all of his desired attention, the new Chris made his way back to his apartment to shower and get ready for the real work of the day. Of course, he often found himself distracted by his nude body, which caused him to jerk off multiple times to his own reflection, but he moved as fast as he could despite the vanity-centric hindrances. Upon drying off and getting dressed, Tom finally sat himself down at his sound-proofed office and began to record a slew of content that consisted of TikToks and podcasts with Chris’ friend Jay.

But unlike the real Chris Nelson, the new one was eager to build upon Chris’ follower count and came up with the perfect plan to do it. Throughout the past two months, the man had reached out to several other popular influencers or social media personalities in hopes of doing a collaboration. While most of these influences and his fans had assumed that this was just due to Chris’ desire to grow more popular by interacting with just as popular individuals, Tom had an ulterior motive behind these collaborations. In reality, Tom was working ahead by establishing connections with potential possession victims to hopefully make it easier for him to possess them himself. Given the fact that Chris would likely remain his host body to live as and possess others with, Tom had to regain connections with the people he used to know back when he was a 34-year-old Alabama native. Luckily, his plan had worked out well as he was able to get the large majority of his ideal possession choices to hang out and create content with him.

Although this posed several options for him to become someone new, Tom still found himself struggling to leave Chris’ life to take over someone else’s. But as he finished up his work for the day and sat back in his office chair, he finally told himself that the time had come to move on and become someone else for a little while. So, as he scrolled through his contacts list, the man ultimately decided on the perfect choice for his next body and fired off a message asking if they’d be up to collaborating the next day. After receiving a response that approved the idea, Tom smiled to himself as he tucked his phone back into a pocket of his shorts.

Now with the rest of the day free, Tom decided to go out with one last hurrah as Chris Nelson (at least for the time being). As such, he decided that the best course of action would be to head out to his favorite bar and get absolutely wasted. Of course, there was also the additional goal of finding a woman hot enough to go back home with him. Although Tom himself hadn’t been interested in women prior to possessing Chris, he had allowed himself to tap into the man’s psyche and become an almost exclusively heterosexual man. While Tom would have loved nothing more than to be his homosexual self and thus use such a gorgeous body to attract the attention of equally attractive men, he didn’t want to completely shake up the man’s life just in case he decided that he wouldn’t want to become Chris permanently one day.

So given his own kindness, Tom was forced to not only adopt the man’s own heterosexuality but also his specific taste in brunette women as well. As he arrived at the building and walked up to the bar to place his drink order, the man wasted no time then scanning for suitable partners for the night. By the time he had finally received his drink, his mind was already made up and thus wasted no time downing the shot and making his way over to a girl sitting by herself. Throughout the journey, he took the opportunity to alter his stance to try and look as impressive as possible to the girl (mainly through puffing out his chest so his skin-tight clothes looked even tighter on his body).

Upon arriving at the girl’s table, Tom used his countless knowledge about Chris and his content that discussed talking with and seducing women. As such, the man was practically on autopilot as he said all of the right things until he was given access to sit at the booth with her. Upon sliding into the seat, the man took the opportunity to display his gorgeous physique by spreading his legs out into the aisle and tensing up his arms. To his amusement, the woman was easily transfixed by his thick and defined quads and thus couldn’t help but stare at the small and tight black shorts he was wearing. While he was amused by the woman’s clear desire to know what was contained beneath the piece of fabric, Tom was a glutton for admiration and thus caused the woman to spend equal time admiring his tattooed arms by tensing his arms and even flexing for the woman in between the several rounds of shots that he had ordered for the both of them.


After these additional rounds of drinks, it was safe to say that both members of the incredibly photogenic duo were quite inebriated and extremely horny. Before they even made it to the Uber awaiting them outside that Tom had ordered a few rounds prior (he already could tell that she was more than willing to go home with him), the woman had fully jumped up and wrapped her arms and legs around Chris’ impressive physique. Knowing that the woman was essentially putty in his hands, he wasted no time moving his hands to her backside to cup her perky ass while continuing to passionately make out with her tongue and all.

Upon being accosted by a few bartenders to get out before they started fucking on the tables of the bar, the couple hurled some slurred insults back at the workers before finally exiting the bar and entering their Uber. Throughout the entire journey back towards his apartment, Tom kept a cocky smirk on his face while maintaining contact with the mousey twig of a driver as he continued to peer into the rear view mirror to look at the backseat. While most times Tom would have been quick to tell the man to keep his eyes on the road, he couldn’t blame the man for wanting to glimpse it all. After all, he was an absolute stud with an equally gorgeous woman still wrapped around him. In his drunken state, it would have pissed him off more if the man hadn’t been watching him.

Before either Chris or the woman were aware of what was going on, the driver was already parked outside of the apartment complex and telling them to get out. While both of them could have been pissed by the man’s bluntness, they weren’t going to complain about it too much since it just allowed them to get to the main event sooner. By the time Chris had unlocked the door and entered his residence, the two of them were back at it making out and peeling off each other’s clothes. While she was quick in removing the man’s shirt, Tom was feeling especially cocky and thus eager to put on a show for his female companion. So, with his thicker hands, the man purposely fumbled with the woman’s button-up top for a few minutes before deciding on a much hotter alternative. Licking his lips while staring down at the shorter woman, the man suddenly grit his teeth as both hands wrapped around the top of the shirt and tugged. Immediately, the fabric split down the middle, creating casualties in the form of small buttons that popped off of the garment and tumbled down onto the man’s tiled floor.

To the man’s amusement, the woman attempted to stifle a moan at the erotic display of strength. These moans only began to grow more intense as Tom took the opportunity to unclasp the woman’s bra and free her sizable breasts. Smirking at her exposed and perky melon-sized breasts, Tom took a moment to give her a reward by getting onto his knees and running his luscious lips down her chest and across her nipples. As the woman groaned and moaned above him from such undeniable pleasure, Tom showed no plans of stopping as he progressed down the woman’s taut torso and found himself staring face first at her lace-covered crotch. Despite not actually being into women prior to becoming Chris, Tom’s tapping into Chris’ personality had caused him to start second-guessing his identity as a gay man. So with an animalistic desire filling his mind, the man couldn’t resist moving his lips up to the waistband of the panties and lightly biting down on them before pulling them down. Keeping his eyes staring upwards at the gorgeous brunette, he couldn’t help but chuckle through the fabric in-between his teeth due to just how horny she looked. It was erotic as hell to visually see how much pleasure he had given her before he had even fucked her senseless!

But upon letting go of the panties and allowing them to tumble onto the floor, the woman was quick to step out of them and prepare for the next round of foreplay. With such an inflated cockiness within him now, Tom was eager to have his ego stroked by the woman. So as he got back up onto his feet, the woman was totally content with having him take control and force her down onto her knees. “That was fun, but now it’s your turn to put in some work. How about you start admiring these muscles to show just how much you want me…” he slyly teased, relieved as the woman was quick to jump into action.

Tilting his head back, deep moans began to escape from Chris’ mouth as the woman eagerly did as she was told. This hadn’t been the first time that Tom had his female companions worship his gorgeously buff body, but this woman was by far and away the best at it. Her lips and tongue were a killer combination as they ran along the curved musculature of his biceps and even ventured deep into his sweaty armpits. Continuing downwards, the woman peppered kisses from her bright red lips as she went from the man’s pumped up pecs to his cobblestone abs. At her lower elevation, it wasn’t much of a shock that her mouth took advantage of the opportunity and began toying with Chris’ thick manhood. “Aw fuck,” Tom groaned, turned on by just how well the woman was pleasuring him while using her well-manicured nails to grasp onto his firm yet perky ass cheeks for support.

Given the fact that he felt himself rushing towards orgasm, he was quick to pull the woman away from his cock and instead lead her directly onto the bed. As such, the two individuals didn’t even bother to grab a condom before he plunged his thick rod into the woman’s tight pussy. As the two of them grunted and groaned in near-unison, it only took a few minutes before the main event had finally ended and Tom had shot a thick load deep within the woman.

After such a physically intensive day even before their rendezvous, it wasn’t much of a surprise then that the two of them were quickly growing tired from the exhaustion. Still eager to be a gentleman, he allowed the woman to stay the night as they both fell back into the bed and almost instantly fell asleep. While the woman’s final thoughts before passing out considered the potential of a future relationship with Chris, the man next to her wasn’t thinking the same things. Instead, he was thinking about an even better relationship on the horizon, the one that would begin tomorrow when he possessed a brand new man and took over his life…

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1 year ago

Influencing The Influencer III


As Tom made his way out of the bedroom and towards the front door of his hotel room, the magically-gifted man couldn’t help but take a moment to check himself out of the mirror one last time. It had been over a month since his bar hookup, which had originally been meant to be his last hurrah as Chris Nelson before Tom moved onto a new body the next day. Unfortunately for Tom though, the man he had planned to possess had to cancel at the last minute, so he was left for the next few weeks trying his best to find a replacement body to take over. 

While there were certainly countless men in North America that Tom could have taken over, the time he had spent trying to find a replacement body had caused him to begin expanding his scope until it became an international endeavor. Although this only added more potential men for him to become to his list, Tom soon found himself quickly narrowing down his selection until there was only one man left: Max Biechl. 


Given the fact that there would be no reason behind their meeting since Max had a career as a German real estate agent, Tom found himself trying his best to formulate a plan that would allow them to meet. Despite Chris’ popularity as a content creator, the man wasn’t obscenely rich since Tom was still forced to continue Chris’ night job as a security guard at a bar. But after pulling a few strings and dipping into the man’s savings, Tom purchased a one-way flight to Germany and secured a meeting with Max under the guise of wanting a European home for him to visit whenever he was free. Obviously Tom had no intention of purchasing a house from the man, but Max was completely clueless as to the real reason behind their meeting. 

So as he exited his hotel room and made his way out to the busy streets of Cologne, Tom quickly hailed a taxi and gave the address to the location where he was going to meet Max. Given the fact that he wanted to keep his attempt at purchasing a house realistic, he opted to pick the cheapest residence that Max had for sale. Upon arriving at the residence and exiting the cab though, Tom could understand why the house was the cheapest place as the house was fairly rundown in terms of the exterior and looked incredibly small in comparison to the other houses that lined the block. 

But once Tom took note of the front door opening, the man continued his performance as an interested buyer while watching Max and a well-dressed female step out. Eager to meet such a hunky and well-dressed man, Tom quickly extended a hand towards Max and smiled as the man nodded and shook it back. “It’s a lovely house huh?” Tom said with a slight chuckle, awaiting for Max’s response but coming up empty-handed. 

Turning his attention towards the woman, she kindly informed Tom that Max isn’t well-versed in English and she was asked to tag along to be the translator between them. As such, she quickly dominated the conversation with Tom as she allowed Max to lead the way and translate what he said to Tom. Throughout the entire tour, Tom found himself less interested in the house and more focused on the deep Germanic tone coming out of his mouth. To the American, nothing seemed hotter than a hot stud speaking a foreign language, so he was understandably annoyed as the woman’s voice continued to overpower it while explaining what he was saying. Given his annoyance, he wanted nothing more for her to disappear so he could finally possess the hunky and oblivious realtor. 

Luckily, Tom found his wish coming to fruition sooner than he expected as the tour finished and the woman asked the man about whether she needed to get the purchasing paperwork from her car to finalize the deal. Realizing that this was the opening he was looking for, Tom enthusiastically replied  “I’ll take it!” before smiled at both individuals. 

“Excuse me for a moment then, I’ll be right back,” the woman said with her accented voice, turning on her heels and quickly pacing out of the residence. With a prime opportunity for possessing the man emerging with the woman now out of the way, Tom couldn’t resist smiling slyly as he slowly shifted orientation towards Max. Watching as the German man had his back turned towards him while doing something on his cell phone, Tom quietly slinked up closer like a predator preparing to pounce on their prey. With his grin widening to extreme levels, the man closed his eyes and dived straight into the man’s back. 

“Scheiße!” the man cried out, frantically tensing up and arching his back while trying to resist the intense pressure that was permeating through his back. But despite how frantically he flailed his arms behind him to try and stop whatever was happening, Tom’s skill at possession meant he was unstoppable against the German man’s feeble attempts. Given the fact that the woman would surely be coming back soon along with Max’s continued grunts and loud cursing, Tom found himself no longer delaying the inevitable and finally pushing the entirety of his bulkier body into the smaller German man before being consumed by total darkness. 

While inside Max’s body, there was an intense feeling of discomfort and extreme tightness that Tom picked up. Given their clear size difference and Chris’ own bulkier build, the possession of such a lankier man was the source of clear discomfort for Tom. But as time went on, this feeling slowly melted away as if his bulky frame was being stripped of its innate musculature for the time being to be a better fit for his new host. As that tightness finally faded from existence, a sudden sensation of tranquility and comfort pulsated through Tom as the process completed and he found himself in complete control of a brand new body. 

Opening up his eyes, Tom instinctively looked down and chuckled as he saw the man’s snazzy suit covering up his taut and buff body along with the pair of outstretched light white hands. Tom’s enjoyment of the racial change element was on full display, his eyes fully focused in on those hands as they traveled up his clothed torso to feel the muscle underneath. Not surprisingly, the factors of his possession and racial change were quick to elicit a physical response through the man’s new cock, which became rock hard in a blink of an eye and strained against the form-fitting dress pants that made no attempt to cover that bulge. 

Both overly joyous and turned on by his new form, Tom couldn’t keep his mouth shut any longer and thus decided to verbalize his own enjoyment. But as he tried his best to talk about how hot this experience was and how eager he was to become Max Biechl, his eyes widened as foreign words escaped his lips. “Verdammt, das ist so heiß! Daran könnte ich mich sicherlich gewöhnen,” the man said instead, causing his eyes to widen and mouth to go agape at the revelation of his new primary language. While it was certainly understandable looking back why he would have gained the man’s natural desire to speak in German, there was a slight moment of panic at the man due to the disconnect between his mind and mouth. His mind allowed him to properly think in English, but no matter how hard he tried to verbalize it, German was the only thing that could come out. Hell, Tom even struggled to say his real name, hearing his now-accented voice falter over the simple first and last name! 

As the sudden noise of heels clacking against the wooden floors of the residence, the new Max Biechl shifted his attention towards the source. With the assistant returning with a bunch of papers and manila folders in hand, she wasted no time cutting right to the point. “Where did the American go?” she asked, Tom smirking to himself as he grew relieved by the fact that he could comprehend the woman’s German speaking with his mind immediately translating them to English for him. 

Upon fixing one of his lower buttons and adjusting the suit jacket he was now wearing, Tom took a moment to formulate a quick plan to explain the sudden disappearance of Chris Nelson. “Oh, he had to go back to his hotel. Some sort of emergency, I guess,” Tom offered up, trying his best to still hide his awkwardness about being a native German speaker for the time being. It was still quite an erotic aspect of the possession, but Tom couldn’t help but wish that he’d adapt to the language shift as soon as possible! 

After her trip to go get all of the paperwork, the assistant was understandably furious about the man leaving before she could have returned to secure the deal. In fact, as the two of them made their way out of the property, locked it up, and returned to Max’s car, the woman was still going on her rant about “ignorant Americans” and talking about how she warned him about taking the meeting with “Chris”. But as he entered the car and prepared to drive off, Tom found himself instantly transfixed by his own reflection in the rear view mirror to the point where her words faded away into nothingness. As such, the man was quick to pull out the cell phone tucked into the pocket of his dress pants and take a few celebratory selfies to upload to his social media later before driving off and returning to the real estate office. 


Upon making his way back to his new workplace, Tom’s hopes of getting an easy day were quickly dashed as Max’s secretary gave him a slew of notes from people that needed to be handled as soon as possible. So as he made his way to Max’s desk, Tom found himself tapping into the man’s memories and personality sooner than expected as he began to handle the overeager or frustrated clients. Throughout the next few hours, Tom easily slipped into the role of Max Biechl and began to understand why he was one of the top realtors in the country; he had a natural confidence that meshed well with a cool and collected personality to make him instantly desirable by anyone. 

Seamlessly juggling phone calls between clients and inspection agencies or renovators, Tom was growing quite turned on despite the rather mundane work. So when the time for his lunch break arrived, Tom found himself eager to handle his sexual appetite rather than the hunger in his stomach. Using his desk chair to roll away from his desk, Tom made his way out of the room and towards his restroom with an obvious swagger in his step. Given how many people said hello to him and complimented his designer suit, Tom found himself having more and more reason behind this natural cockiness. 

Once he reached the men’s restroom, Tom quickly pulled open the door and closed it before twisting the lock to provide no interruptions. Making his way towards the long mirror that ran along the wall of sinks, the man licked his lips and smirked to himself as he began to give himself his own private show. Slowly undoing each button of his suit jacket, the man’s cock began to throb as he pulled off his suit jacket to reveal the physique that filled out his dress shirt quite nicely. Using his hands to traverse across the luxury fabric, pre-cum began to leak into the man’s underwear as he gripped and squeezed the man’s firm biceps and cupped his modest pecs. 

With his hands continuing to move down his torso, the man shivered in pure pleasure as he felt the ridges of his washboard abs until he reached the waistband of his pants. Unable to resist, he untucked his dress shirt and quickly undid his belt before tossing it aside. Gripping onto the top button of the pants, he once again put on a show by teasing himself and slowly undoing it before pulling down the zipper. As he tugged the pants down after getting stuck around his rather perky ass, Tom audibly gasped as he took in the rock-hard bulge jutting out against his tight athletic underwear. In all honesty, he had expected Max to be on the smaller side given his smaller size, but based on what he was seeing, he was even bigger than Chris in the manhood department! 

Now with a clear sight of his throbbing manhood, Tom’s striptease began to hasten as he grew eager to get to the main event. So upon quickly unbuttoning and pulling off the black dress shirt, Tom only momentarily took in the sight of his tattooed physique before pulling down his underwear and getting to work. Taking a moment to quickly spit into his hand, Tom lubed up his cock and began to passionately stroke it while staring into the mirror. Turning to his side while continued to jerk himself off, Tom reveled in the sight of his new buff white body. 

With one hand still furiously stroking himself, the man made his non-dominant hand move towards his rear end and grip onto those perky ass cheeks reflected back at him. Curious about why the man had such a perky ass, a quick search through Max’s own memories provided the information that the man had experimented between men off and on for a few years. With this revelation, it left Tom eager to revive that aspect of Max’s personality while he was in control. Clearly based on how well-built he was in both the cock and ass department, he had amazing potential as a versatile gay man. With these thoughts continuing to run through his head, this was the final trigger that caused Tom to reach climax and coat both the sink and mirror with several thick streams of cum. 

After quickly cleaning up his mess and beginning to put his clothes back on, Tom took a moment to pull his underwear and pants back on. Staring down at his torso, he couldn’t resist pulling out his phone and once again documenting the moment with a sea of selfies. While he was certainly unsure of how long he’d want to remain a hardworking (yet hunky) realtor, Tom was relieved to know that the plane ticket and other various expenses had been worth it. Although there were certainly potential issues he would experience in terms of adapting to living in Germany, Tom was relieved that he at least had Max’s memories and personality that he could pull from. So after pulling his clothes back on and adjusting his suit jacket once more, Tom gave a wink to the mirror before heading back out to his office to finish his shift.


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1 year ago

The Baseball Team’s Newest Switch-Hitter

Throughout his many years of working in residence life at the University of Kentucky, Craig never hated anything more than being sent to handle rowdy students by his superiors. As a fairly non-confrontational and chill guy who stood at a modest 5’7”, it was safe to say that the 34-year-old black man couldn’t seem intimidating no matter how hard he tried. No matter how hard he tried to drill this fact into his superior though, it seemed to not matter in the slightest as Craig found himself traveling throughout the dorm to handle the issue of Seth Lewis. 

As one of the most valuable players at the university’s baseball team, Seth had been able to get away with nearly every possible violation in the dorms. Given the fact that the university didn’t want to jeopardize losing a star player and tanking their currently undefeated season, the university just continued to issue countless threat-less warnings to the pitcher without so much as a slight slap on the wrist. But after getting wasted the previous night to the point of drunkenly causing a ruckus and barging into another student’s room and destroying their property, the university found themselves forced to finally dish out some rightly deserved punishment. 

Upon talking to countless university higher-ups, the hall director of the dorm decided that the best fit would be to kick the student out of his housing and shift him into some temporary apartments that the university owned for the time being. As such, Craig was directed to go confront the jock and help him pack a bag before leading him towards the new lodging he had been given. So as the man made his way up the stairs and stood outside Seth’s door, Craig attempted to calm his anxious heart as he finally knocked a few times. 

Hearing some shuffling on the other side of the door, Craig waited patiently as the door finally was opened and his nose and eyes were immediately bombarded with the sight and smells of a messy college student. Not only was Seth standing there shirtless in the doorway, but he also had a joint between his lips that he took a deep inhale of. Doing his best to ignore the man’s indecency, Craig found himself just taking note of how the room smelled of sweat and weed. Looking past the jock and into his room, this wasn’t surprising as he noticed just how cluttered the dorm room was. Clothes were strewn about on the floor along with takeout bags and half-eaten pizza boxes, causing the man to physically cringe at just how old and disgusting the slices looked. Before his eyes could wander further though, Craig’s attention was regained by the jock as he was hit with a one-two punch of weed smoke to the face and dialogue directed towards him. 

“What the hell do you want?” Seth dryly said, looking the man up and down another time before taking another hit of his joint and leaning against the open door frame. 

“Uh, I-, I work for the dorm here. I regret to inform you that after what you did last night, the university has been forced to finally take action,” Craig said, trying his best to keep his composure and seem somewhat stern despite noticing Seth’s narrowed eyes. “Due to your actions, the university has opted to remove you from your dorm room and move you into a nearby university property until we can find a new permanent living situation for you. So I’m here to help you pack a bag and take you to this new location,” he continued, deciding to take a break and allow the baseball player to comprehend everything he was saying. 

Somewhat shockingly, Seth didn’t put up much of a fight. Instead, he turned to his side and motioned for the man to come into his room. As Craig made his way into the room, he found himself once again bombarded with another puff of smoke that covered his entire head for a moment. Due to his annoyance about enduring this for multiple instances, the modest man attempted to stand his ground and enforce his superiority. “You know that’s not allowed on campus or in the dorm rooms, correct? Put that out immediately, we need to focus on moving you out of here,” he said, which elicited a slight chuckle from Seth. 

“Alright sir,” he said, his tone clearly exhibiting some light snark as he closed the front door. 

Although Craig immediately made his way over towards the closet to help the jock begin packing his belongings, his eyes remained narrowed and transfixed on the still-lit joint in Seth’s hand. To his relief, Craig wasn’t forced to repeat his demand for him to put it out as Seth moved over towards a ceramic bowl on his bedside table and quickly pressed the joint down on it to stifle the flame. 

With that issue now handled, Craig directed his attention back towards the man’s closet as he began to speak once more. “Alright Seth, c’mon over here and let’s get some clothes picked out for you to take to your new place. We’ll get some workers here at the dorm to help pack up your remaining items and bring them to that new location.” 

Despite his attempt at being nice to the jock, Craig found that Seth was unresponsive towards his plea of getting assistance picking out some clothes. Instead, he just stood there with his arms crossed and a dopey grin on his face. “Seth, what are you doing? Are you going to help me start packing your stuff or not? I’m not the most stylish person, so you better help me out here or I don’t think you’ll enjoy the selections I make,” he continued, adding a slight chuckle to try and prevent the student from interpreting that last sentence as some sort of threat. Given the fact that he was standing there in a patterned dress shirt and a pair of older khaki pants, he assumed that Seth had already picked up on the fact that he wasn’t stylish in the least. 

After a moment of prolonged eye contact, the jock finally began to break his silence and respond to the worker’s words. “You know, you really need to chill out bro,” he said, not even attempting to hide the judgy tone in his voice. “I’ll help you do all of that shit, but just like, take a second and relax for a bit.” 

Although Craig was eager to get out of this gross dorm room, Seth’s words had seemingly made an impact on the man as he realized that he was right. Countless students and even co-workers had called him rather stuffy and focused more on beating deadlines rather than just taking his time, so the man couldn’t deny that there was some validity in terms of what Seth had said. As such, the man couldn’t help but nod his head at the jock, turning away from the closet and moving back towards the middle of the room. 

“Yeah, I suppose you’re right. It would be nice to take a break for once,” Craig said, his voice trailing off as he mentally envisioned taking a nice nap or just reading a nice book next to the fireplace in his apartment. 

“Now that’s the spirit bro,” Seth exclaimed, chuckling as he made his way towards Craig and quickly patted him on the shoulder. “Go on and take a seat on that other bed,” he said, extending his hand outwards towards the bed in question. “Even though I’m paying for a single dorm room, I’ve been stuck with this stupid spare bed all semester since no one from the dorm will come move it out for me.” 

Upon moving aside some of the discarded clothes that were piling up on the bed, Craig finally took a seat and found himself staring directly across from Seth. For several minutes, the two of them just found themselves staring at each other, with Craig mainly just focusing on slowing his breathing and just taking a moment to relax while Seth observed the older man with an inquisitive look on his face. 

As Craig finally calmed himself down to the point where there was a wide smile emerging on his face, Seth finally decided to break his silence. “You know, I never noticed this before, but you’re like… totally buff and tall dude. You must have been one hell of an athlete when you were in college!” 

Due to hearing such a crazy thing, Craig couldn’t help but chuckle at the concept of him being an athlete. Growing up, he was too shy and small to do any sports, instead opting to do after-school clubs for his extracurriculars. While remaining lost in thought regarding his past, Craig was seemingly oblivious to the fact that Seth’s words had initiated a transformation for himself. As he sat on the edge of the bed across from Seth, the man paid no attention to the fact that he was growing eye-level to the baseball jock due to his height increasing several inches until he was an exact 6’0” tall. 

Upon finishing up this shift in height, the dorm worker’s body continued to change as he suddenly found himself losing over 40 lbs of flab to make the man become rail-thin. However, due to what Seth had said, this wasn’t the final stop on the man’s bodily transformation as his form began to suddenly bulk up with muscle. His twig arms began to quickly thicken, shifting into an intimidating pair of biceps and thicker forearms that had him beginning to tear the sleeves of his dress shirt. After this, his flat chest began to plump up by the second, with more and more muscle being pumped into the sad-looking chest until he had a nice pair of pecs. Although they certainly weren’t at the size to rival those of the biggest bodybuilders, their manifestation was quite apparent as the size caused his shirt to tighten to the point where his nipples were protruding out of the fabric. Continuing down his body, Craig’s flat stomach quickly gained a light six-pack to complete his upper torso’s transformation into that of an athletic individual. 

As he sat there, the sudden inflation of Craig’s ass cheeks caused his vision to once again shift a few inches higher as a perky bubble butt was the first indication of his lower body’s transformation. With haste, his legs were the next things to transform, with his thighs bulking up with muscle while the man’s calves grew much firmer and more prominent to finish up his transformation into a jock. 


“So, tell me more about the sports you played?” Seth asked, leaning back in his bed with a smirk as he watched the dorm worker break out of his trance. 

Although Craig was feeling more relief now that his memories had been changed to match his new buff physique, the man was still adamant about getting this whole endeavor over with so he can return to his office and just relax. As such, he wasn’t interested in entertaining Seth’s inquiries. “Eh, that’s not important right now. I’m here to do my job, and that is to help you move out of this dorm room. So let’s get back on our feet and get to work,” he said, his voice no longer wavering. 

“Bro, what the hell are you going on about? You don’t have a job, you’re a student here just like me…” 

As Craig tried to comprehend what the jock had just said, he was oblivious to the fact that his 34-year-old body was quickly de-aging. Wrinkles faded away, the beginning stages of a receding hairline were quickly repaired, and the man suddenly began to feel a lot more energetic as a result. Despite this, he was still unwilling to believe such a thing. “Uh, that’s not true… I should be 34,” he stammered, which elicited a chuckle from Seth. 

“No dude, you’re a college sophomore. You don’t remember us being paired together so I could help you adapt to college living back in freshman year? Sure I’m only a year older, but I think I did a pretty good job helping you adapt,” he said with a smirk, knowing that his phrasing would only help the man further embrace his identity as a 19-year-old jock. But as he sat there looking at what he had created so far, Seth knew that he was just getting started…

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