“It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.” William Ernest Henley
121 posts
Making My Way Downtown Walking Fast Faces Pass And I'm Home Bound Staring Blankly Ahead Just Making My

Making my way downtown walking fast Faces pass and I'm home bound Staring blankly ahead just making my way Making a way through the crowd My Trip to see my best friend and the boys in Michigan, day trip to Plymouth.
More Posts from Spartacus80

We be strutting along like we da bosses

As I am trying to remain calm while waiting for the return of Game Of Thrones to HBO, I’m obsessed with all the teasers!

Take a look at this chillin pup. Did not move from his rested position for over a mile until we came to a stoplight and I rolled down my window to take his mugshot. It’s a relaxing Sunday and he’s definitely enjoying his day.

Wash it away

It’s just as I remember it. It’s like no time has passed and I just seamlessly eased right back into the city hustle and bustle. NYC, let’s have an amazing week together shall we?