Why Do I Do This To Myself - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

When your sad so you decided to make fake scenarios to cheer yourself up with comfort characters. Then you remember their not real which hurts even more.

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1 year ago

Word of advice for all the Top Gun and Broadway fans alike: don't listen/watch "For Good" while watching Maverick and Ice's scene in TGM. Just don't, unless you want to cry buckets of tears.

I mean, just look at them...!

Word Of Advice For All The Top Gun And Broadway Fans Alike: Don't Listen/watch "For Good" While Watching
Word Of Advice For All The Top Gun And Broadway Fans Alike: Don't Listen/watch "For Good" While Watching

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2 years ago

It’s always “regulus fell first but James fell harder” but what if James fell first and regulus fell harder?

Regulus, not sure why James potter, popular, bold and loud, was interested in him. Regulus feeling things he’s never felt before and wondering why he felt like that. Regulus realising that he loved James, his love for James becoming all consuming, him being scared because he’s never felt like that before, nor has he ever had someone feel love for him that James potter did.

Regulus loved James so much he gave the ultimate sacrifice for him, but he didn’t realise that James loved him just as much as he loved James, he didn’t realise that what he did would affect him in the way it did. Why would he even think about it? No one had cared about him before. But James potter loved regulus black more than anything, and a part of him always would.

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11 months ago


Lee-Eul being cute...

Lee-Eul Being Cute...
Lee-Eul Being Cute...
Lee-Eul Being Cute...
Lee-Eul Being Cute...
Lee-Eul Being Cute...
Lee-Eul Being Cute...
Lee-Eul Being Cute...
Lee-Eul Being Cute...
Lee-Eul Being Cute...
Lee-Eul Being Cute...

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7 months ago

I cannot send to this him, I can't lower my self-respect anymore it already in the ground (It's been 6 months of no contact after he rejected me and I blocked him)

I am really anxious. Can you talk like you did that day. Anxious like my bones are shaking. I am about to do something crazy and super important but I don't think I possess the guts to do it. So before that I am going something crazier so that the thing I will do next will seem pretty normal compared to this. Dude I miss you. You have no idea how many times I have dreamt of you. It's like you have left my life but still with me almost every night. I promised myself never to say your name again but it is your name that I see everywhere. Like it's impossible to forget you. There are times I suddenly miss you a lot like my brain is only capable so saying your name and then it appears that you posted something on social media or changed your profile pic. Like I get this intuitive hit that you have posted and I need to give my brain my dose of dopamine by seeing that picture. You said you were never interested in me. OK fine maybe not in this lifetime but maybe in the next. Or maybe after that one. I don't care. Just stay with me for one life out of the many you and I are going to have. And I don't need us to be humans also. You can be a monkey and I can be your favourite stone that you keep with forever till the day you die for all I care. I just mean that in any life we meet again, do not ever dare leave me again once you come in my zone of awareness. It will take me half a lifetime to forget you and I don't want to go through this agony again

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6 years ago

Me looking through all of Seunghyun’s Instagram posts for the 99245th time

Me Looking Through All Of Seunghyuns Instagram Posts For The 99245th Time

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8 months ago

Man, I got heatsroke because I decided to walk home today. Its like 34 degrees out. Y'know... this gives me an idea for a new group of bots.... (pls send help I might be addicted to c.ai so much so that I'm thinking about it even at a time like this-)

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Coming back later to say that it did in fact take over my entire existence….

Dang it!

Me about to watch something new: Hope this doesn’t overtake my entire existence…

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3 years ago

I've played so much Elden Ring that I come out of my room less then before some how

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7 months ago

Adina wandered into the beach hut to escape the crowds. It was hard enough to pretend to organize the event, never mind the terrible sex she had with Milan or the fact she’s never see her beloved spy ho again. She just needed to hide from the crowds (she was certain Perach and Emily was among them) for a while, until she could muster up the energy to smile again.

And then she saw her, in that striped 1910s swimsuit.



[Lee turned around at the sound of the door opening, slightly annoyed.]

Yo, chick, dis place is occupiUUUUUUUH-DINA!!

[She jumped in surprise and her appearance changed several times - Adam, Vienna, Sadie, then her usual form again. Lee laughed nervously and immediately waved at Adina.]


UM, I-I MEAN- Heyyy babe, cool event!!

[She became even more nervous when she saw that Adina didn't have her usual smile on her face.]

[This is all your fau-]

Uh, ya want dis hut, yeah? I'm leavin' already!! -🍬

[Lee tried to get past the seraph straight to the exit.]

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11 months ago

When to an arcade, dance my ass off, im fucking dieing over here know for the fact im fat

When To An Arcade, Dance My Ass Off, Im Fucking Dieing Over Here Know For The Fact Im Fat

This about be me with my friend

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6 years ago






Her little brother:2 months

Eden and her sibling's mom die, the moms last wish was for eden to protect her little brother at all costs and never trust anyone. Mom Never named him, so Eden did: Poseidon.


Eden: 12


4 years later they bounce village to village until they get to a school that housed them for a couple of years that taught them the essentials of survival and education.



Poseidon: 14

10 years later, still traveling village to village, they now have an objective; find the traveler so they can help humanity. They face many threats along the way, but they're almost there. Eden has a strong bond with her brother and still protects him, getting stronger each day just for him.


Poseidon: 20

6 years later, Eden is gone, and now Poseidon has to fend all for himself, find the traveler all alone, He's never been so alone until now.

But he'll find the traveler for his sister and the rest of humanity.


MMMmm there you go.

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1 year ago

Of all the people I have felt miserable for, the one I always forget to put on the list is myself. All the pain that broke me into pieces always made me feel like I kind of deserved it....

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7 months ago

The book I’m reading: the next couple of week were full of soft and happy moments.

Me: …. Oh no….

(Five minutes later)

Me (sobbing): but h-he’ll come back right?….right? He isn’t dead right?

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4 years ago

Yang and Blake are my babies

My angsty head-canon is that Blake still, even after volume 6, and after getting rid of Adam, continued to blame herself for what happened to Yang. To the point where, whenever they aren't busy saving Remnant and have time to themselves, Yang goes out to train, Blake follows after her. She lays down in an area where she can watch Yang; hear her sounds, the laughs she lets out when she, idk, uses brute force to cut down a tree! Her blonde her tied up for those few seconds. Red eyes glowing. Blakes' book would be forgotten, until Yang turns around to look at her, eyebrow raised; childish grin on her face. Blake's eyes drift down, her ears twitch.

She wouldn't look back up at her, but she would remember the moment they met. Yang asking her name, introducing herself, giving her hand out to shake. She would remember how she tried to ignore her, how dismissive she was, and how warm her hand felt. Blake would look up, staring at Yang, her hands, the way she moves with no hesitation, the sound of her punches. While her ears press against her head, she would stare, feeling guilty, knowing that Yang didn't blame her.

But each time she watched her train, she would think of the day she willingly refused to grasp her hand in her own. How she lost a single happy memory with her. I imagine when it gets that bad, Blake would walk over to Yang -- whose adrenaline at that point is through the roof, chest heaving, covered in sweat, hair flowing down her back in a nest of tangles. Saying nothing, Blake would stand in front of her, till Yang, smiles with complete joy, dragging Blake closer to her by her waist, pressing her hand against her dark hair. Breathing against her hair, while her heart and breathing rate calms down. While Blake wastes no time, hugging her back, promising to never let go of her.

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