Makingmyway - Tumblr Posts

Find someone that makes you smile, that makes you appreciate every moment together.

Here’s something to remember. All three of these are now my favorite!
I love weekend getaways, and the beach, and sunsets, and this man.
Nothing like a stroll along the beach at sunset 🌅

There are a lot of reasons to be happy, it’s 2020 let’s make this the best year ever!

I absolutely love seafood, being of Greek decent might play a roll, but let’s be honest, food is my passion!

I’m a little late to the #pridemonthchallenge so I guess I’ll pretend like I’ve posted other pics for the 1st & 2nd. I can’t remember the last time I needed a get away more. Happy Pride Month!

Happy Pride Month!

I’m totally digging my new owls, so I’m channeling/searching my inner interior designer to give my home a makeover. COVID-19 is making my life creative, and if you knew me you would be impressed lol

So as I finish up my work day, I sit down on my couch and, boom I had an interesting random thought. As long as I can remember, I’ve had this thing about fireplaces. However, I can’t remember the last time I used one. I’ve moved a lot, all over for work, only two places didn’t have a fireplace, Hawaii & My last place. I wonder if something from my childhood drives this gravitational pull? Like I said, random

As a sibling to three sisters I’m thankful for this legendary warrior. We’ve lost a titan, Rest In Peace RBG

I’m so obsessed with Polar Bears, that I will visit Norway just because s/he loves it. I mean totally legit reason 🤷🏼

Wondering around is always better together. When life throws a curveball always know that the people around you are you support network. When you face things that seem like it’s a global disaster, it’s the people closest to you that lowers the temperature. We all have our struggles in 2020, always remember, but also know that this too shall pass.

I’ve spent a lot, and I do mean A LOT of time inside during 2020. It was nice to get out today and go for a bike ride. 22.5 mile ride through the nature preserve was just what I needed. Together we have accomplished so much, together we have supported each other so much, quarantine has made us stronger, moving into an open country has made us dependent on each other, and together we are stronger.

Sting-A-Ray City in the Caymen Islands is a must. So many interesting facts about these giants. Like the female grows to a whopping 72” from wing tip to wing tip. Her barb is not sharp and is playable. She is smooth as silk, and not aggressive. She has a ridge of tiny spikes on her spine. However, the males do have a sharp and hard barb which they use as a defense mechanism. The males are significantly smaller than the females and usually are gray in color. Sting-A-Ray City is just of the coast on a sand bar with crystal clear waters, and a depth averaging of 36” - 48”.
Magnificent adventure, we were so impressed with our guides. If you find yourself on Grand Cayman, make your way, you will not be disappointed.

Finally we’ve managed to get the tree decorated (and by we I mean the better half of this equation). Fire’s lit, tree decorated, Christmas paraphernalia thrown about the house like a rampage of meddilsome elf’s were sent to spread the holiday cheer, and ready for Santa to make his debut on the wickedly anticipated December 25th.
Now, some of us are constantly running late with holiday shopping, not all of us are as genetically proned to making spectacularly amazing non-procrastinating holiday shopping a priority. However, this year I am happy to report that not only is 70% of my gift shopping complete, but Christmas cards have been mailed!
Now that I sit back and reflect on this, I will have to say, damn 2020 may have been a complete wrech of a year, the whole damn slag of it, but right now I’m feeling a bit in the relived at the moment with the end of things in sight I’m quite content I do believe. 2020 is almost to a close, and it did not defeat me, so take it to the limit shall we!

As the new year unfolds 2021 is starting to look a lot better than 2020. We loaded up our bikes for the 1st time this year (with full entions of doing this on the regular) and headed down to beautiful Sarasota Florida to do the bayfront bike trail, we went off script a little bit and took a detour through downtown. What an amazing area Sarasota is, we absolutely fell in love with this quaint and charming little town, Who knew that this area had so much to offer, not only does it have the Ringling Museum, but also a timeless and magical waterfront community. We stopped for lunch, and we’re wowed by Duval’s Fresh restaurants amazing food (a must if you are in Sarasota). We look forward to having many more adventures in amazing areas like this. If you haven’t already sat out on an adventure for 2021, I encourage every single person to do so. Too long have we been cooped up in our homes, too long have we been listening to the rhetoric, let’s get out and do some thing, Go somewhere, live your life. And remember you are the master of your fate.

On our way to México to spend the weekend for this amazing guys birthday. How lucky am I? As we settle into what only god knows what our new normal travel will look like, we are happy to be going at all. Let’s see what Cancún has in store for us shall we?

I’m starting to like these SnapChat filters.

I spent the day by myself working on my boat. There is something truly relaxing about time spent on the water doing things that I love. It’s been a really stressful 2021, is been emotionally exhausting, taxing, frustrating, and has delivered a lot of hardships.
I’m hopeful that there will be a path that is illuminated for me, a path of meaningful employment that can sustain myself and my family. I have to believe that everything is planned and that this too was a necessary growth stage to help me understand my new path when it presents itself.
I have the most incredible man by my side, showering me with encouragement, love, support, and a powerful winning mindset. Together nothing will stand in our way, I’m going to marry this man.