🌙OC friendly-pisces-lawful neutral🌙Second profile to divine-buni, so make sure to check that out!Fanfics, headcanons, and that type of stuff. Requests are closed
114 posts
Somewhat Correct Quotes #16
Somewhat Correct Quotes #16
Buni: Leo’s ranting to Splinter about how your conduct is very inappropriate. Somethin’ about you butt dialing him during sex.
Mikey: That was actually the sound of me eating spaghetti, but I’m gonna let him think the other thing
meganthemug liked this · 6 years ago
id-rather-be-a-druid liked this · 6 years ago
More Posts from Spectral-buni
Hey could I add to the monster s/o ask with a succubus s/o
(I'm going to go with the basic look of a succubus:horns, colored skin, forked tail, etc. Just so y'all know)
🎩Black Hat🎩
To him, succubi aren't anything but demons with a slightly higher libido than a human male(his words not mine). But, he may find your demonic appearance intriguing. Also, don't expect many sexy times with him, he may love you, but his sex drive is probably really low.
Despite him being a cold hearted super genius as he often claims, it is so easy to tease him. He's not at all used to someone like you since no one really ever flirts or has been remotely interested in him. So have fun teasing him, he'll definitely like the attention.
Extremely attracted to the whole demon thing you've got going on. She'll constantly want physical contact with you(sexual or not, can vary widely). She'll also brag about you a whole lot. "Is your s/o a awesome demon person?"
Somewhat Correct Quotes #18
Buni: Oh, fiddlesticks!
Leo: Look, I understand this is a tense situation, but let’s watch the fucking language
Somewhat Correct Quotes #12
Black Hat: In light of how you managed to keep a orientation video run relatively smooth, you can hug me for four to five seconds.
Alice: Forty five seconds???!
Black Hat: No! Four to-!
Alice: *already hugging him* No take backs!
Somewhat Correct Quotes #15
Buni: Raph, can we go get ice cream?
Raph: Did you ask Leo?
Buni: Leo said no
Raph: Then why are ya’ asking me?
Buni: ‘Cause Leo isn’t the boss of you
Raph: *internally* it’s a trap it’s a trap it’s a trap it’s a trap it’s a trap
Somewhat Correct Quotes #13
*In the middle of collecting a ghost*
*which is dangerous, by the way*
Alice: LEO!! LEO!!!
Leo: What?!
Alice: *points calmly* This is where I saw the really tall pigeon