Tmnt 2k16 - Tumblr Posts

Megan Fox as April O’Neil!
Somewhat Correct Quotes #1
Alice: Why are people so obsessed with top or bottom? Honestly, I’d just be excited about getting a bunk bed
Raph: I’m gonna tell her
Leo: Don’t you dare!
Somewhat Correct Quotes #2
Mikey: *holds up Alice*
April: Aw, that’s so sweet!
Mikey: TRY HARDER!!!
April: Oh, never mind...
Somewhat Correct Quotes #3
Splinter: *hands Alice a shield* Use this for the terrorists.
Alice: Thank you, Master Splinter.
Splinter: *hands her a bat* And this is in case there’s a piñata.
Alice: Uh.... thanks?
Splinter: Better safe than sorry!
Somewhat Correct Quotes #4
Alice: Man, it’s really muggy out today!
Raph: If I go outside and all the mugs are on your fire-escape, I’ll stop sneaking you out for patrols.
Alice: *sips coffee out of bowl*
Somewhat Correct Quotes #5
Raph: There any word that’s a mix of angry and sad?
Donnie: Malcontent, disgruntled, miserable, desolated...
Alice: Smad.
Somewhat Correct Quotes #6
Buni: Wait, I’m.... grounded??
Raph: Yeah, you’re grounded
Leo: You disobeyed an order, young man
Mikey: *holds up shovel* And now we’re gonna bury you until you learn your lesson!
Buni: That’s not how grounding works!
Somewhat Correct Quotes #10
Alice: Y’know, mutants can be real aggressive, so it’s important to take all the necessary precautions when approaching.
Alice: *blows air horn in Raph’s face* GET FAHKED!
Somewhat Correct Quotes #13
*In the middle of collecting a ghost*
*which is dangerous, by the way*
Alice: LEO!! LEO!!!
Leo: What?!
Alice: *points calmly* This is where I saw the really tall pigeon
Somewhat Correct Quotes #16
Buni: Leo’s ranting to Splinter about how your conduct is very inappropriate. Somethin’ about you butt dialing him during sex.
Mikey: That was actually the sound of me eating spaghetti, but I’m gonna let him think the other thing
Somewhat Correct Quotes #15
Buni: Raph, can we go get ice cream?
Raph: Did you ask Leo?
Buni: Leo said no
Raph: Then why are ya’ asking me?
Buni: ‘Cause Leo isn’t the boss of you
Raph: *internally* it’s a trap it’s a trap it’s a trap it’s a trap it’s a trap
Somewhat Correct Quotes #18
Buni: Oh, fiddlesticks!
Leo: Look, I understand this is a tense situation, but let’s watch the fucking language
Had to reblog cause I love the turtles
Please reblog if you have an active TMNT Tumblr and don't post hate towards any of the versions/incarnations! I would love to spread some Ninja Turtles positivity and love right now!

✨Stupid Turtle Thoughts - With Pepino✨
(This is going to be a random series of stupid questions I ask myself about different tmnt timelines)
So, in Bayverse, if the boys were April’s pets before they mutated, what are they now? Aren’t still technically her pets even if they’re larger than her? Because if she claimed she owned them before they were mutated, then it would make sense that they’d still be her pets. It’s weird but if she considers them her brothers, it wouldn’t exactly make sense because how do you go from owning them to claiming they’re your adoptive sibling? The switch doesn’t make entire sense to me. And Splinter too, wasn’t he also a pet because he was also in that same lab with the turtles, but I don’t think it’s cleared up that Splinter is? We only know that Leo, Raph, Donnie and Mikey are her pets and I’m not entirely sure if they actually cleared it up for Splinter.
(If you want to add anything you can reblog and write, just do not steal. 👍)
✨Stupid Turtle Thoughts - With Pepino✨
For some reason I keep telling myself this. Bayverse Raphael would 100% be a secret Swiftie. Anything he finds in the sewers or above ground that ties to Taylor Swift, he is going to keep. He would most likely be deathly afraid to tell his brothers as he’s supposed to be the tough guy in the group. But sometimes he’s tired of being a tough guy, he needs to fangirl over a music artist as everybody does. If he’s completely alone he’d definitely break out into song, probably singing or humming a T. Swift song. He probably most likely cried to any sad songs.
Literally me with my Bayverse turtles, because those motherfuckers can KILL a human if they wanted to and I’m over here like:
“Mis bebesitos lindos, mis pinches chiquitines I love you so much you guys are so cute I just wanna kiss you and cuddle you, you little shits are my little bebesitos now, no complaints 😚❤️”
(TRANSLATION: “My beautiful babies, my fucking tinies,”)
The 2003 turtles: Incredibly heavy builds, neither look nor sound like teenagers, could probably break the average human's arm without even trying.
2003 fans: Those are my precious babies and I am adopting them.
That’s actually a really cool detail, it’s amazing when people notice tiny details in movies.
I'm bored. So, naturally I decided to rewatch Bayverse, right?
and I just noticed this lil detail in Donnie's goggles when he scans April on the roof.

He's not looking at them at this moment, does that mean... They actually have implants that are connected to his goggles? Theories, theories...
Greetings! How're you doing?
I saw that your requests are open and I couldn't help but ask: How would the boys react if their S/O tells them they have a child, but actually their child is a pet? 🐈⬛🐕
Please and thank you! Your writing is amazing 💕
I'm doing well! Thanks for asking :)
I love this request so much! Let's get into it ;D
(Sorry if it seems a bit rushed!)

Leonardo You and Leo had been together for a little over a year, so when you sat him down and announced that you had a 2 year old "baby", so was very shocked to say the least. He was pretty much speechless during the entire conversation, so he didn't think to ask any extra questions, other than if he could meet them. Of course, you accepted. So here he was, on your fire escape, teddy bear in hand, about to meet your baby. He took a deep breath and stepped in you apartment, and his jaw immediately dropped to the ground.
You were currently sitting crisscrossed on the ground, playing with a little golden retriever. You looked up and gave him the biggest smile.
"Leo! This is Daisy, my precious baby girl!"
He pretty much stopped breathing at this point. Poor baby could only get one single sentence out.
"So your a dog?"
You violently shook your head no. "Nope, this dog is my baby."
He couldn't help but chuckle at that, you were so happy. He suddenly remembered the little gift that he had gotten.
"Well, I had April pick this up for me. It's for Daisy."
You stared at the adorable little teddy bear in awe as he handed it to you. "Leo this is adorable!"
You handed it to Daisy and she immediately started playing with it like it was the most entertaining thing in the whole world.
"I'm glad she likes it." Leo smiled.
He then took a seat next to you and Daisy and started playing with her as well, sort of relieved that you didn't have an ACTUAL baby.
That would definitely be a lot more for him to process.
You might as well have slapped this man across the face.
"Y-Ya have a baby?"
You nodded. Yes, he just turned 3 a few weeks ago.
You two had known each other for seven months, and been dating for five. There's no way you had a one year old without him noticing...right?
So here he was, in the middle of your living room. Gaping at your little ginger cat named "Jasper".
You looked up at him with the most innocent look on your face.
"What's wrong?"
He looked over at you, and smirked.
"Absolutely nothin' sweetheart.
"You shrugged his odd behavior off.
"Wanna pet him?"
You were currently sitting in Donatello's lap as he worked on something on his computer. He seemed so focused, but was completely baffled by you saying-
"Do you want to meet my baby?"
He froze, then looked down at you.
"Your what now?"
"My baby girl, Violet."
You two had only been dating for three weeks, so he was quite surprised at this...but he went along with it. In all honestly he was just happy you were willing to introduce him to someone so important to you so early on in you two's relationship.
"Of course darling." He answered with a sweet kiss on your forehead.
So now that he was in your bedroom, watching you play with your little puppy, he felt a bit dumb to say the least. But hey, at least you were happy.
"Do you wanna play with her?"
He shocked expression faded, and turned into a soft one.
"I'd love to dove."
"You have a baby angelcakes?!"
Poor baby almost went into catatonic shock when you mentioned your baby boy after six months of dating your sweet pizza loving turtle.
"Yeah, his name is Vince! You should meet him he's the sweetest thing."
Unlike the others, Mikey was pumped to meet your kid! He never exactly said anything, but he's always wanted to have a baby of his own someday, and now that you have one you could raise them together!
Now what he didn't expect to see is you playing with a tiny grey kitten when he entered your apartment.
"Mikey! This is my baby boy Vince!" You beamed at him with the biggest smile.
He was a bit sad at first, but he quickly cheered up when he saw how happy you were!
"Awe he's so cute! Can I pet him?"
I headcannon that Bayverse April only owns granny panties. Like she only gets the little cheap Hanes undies. Same goes for bras, not an ounce of spice in her collection. And they’re all either tan, black, or grey. No other color.
Vern almost got her an expensive set for her birthday before she met the boys (Yknow, to flirt with her) but he chickened out last minute and got her a gift card to Starbucks.
Thats it. That’s the post. :)
Ok. I think I’m ready again.
I am opening up my requests for Bayverse TMNT!!🤭
It’s been a long time since my requests have been open but I think I finally have the space to write again :)
I am down to write smut requests, just don’t be a minor.
I also enjoy writing a good fluffy fic too!
Send me your requests, and don’t worry about them being too long, I appreciate detail!