UBC 2023 // Commissions Open //insta: @split.sec.tom
78 posts
Splitsecondtomorrow - Split Second Tomorrow - Tumblr Blog

listen to edgelord music and you get edgy art. that’s how it works, lovelies

I fell down to earth// from a hundred miles away and somehow// I still make it work// but it’s overrated and somehow played out

I hope you won't ever lie to me // And if you do, I know I won't be your cry baby

To Bear Fangs
This year I’m going to be focusing on my own work, so here’s one of the characters of a webcomic I’m working on. Her name’s Blanche, she’s cool.

What happens when somebody steals your heart? 👀
They get cardiac arrested

sticker design maybe??? Raihan is a certified cutie

Forget greenhouse gases, you may be the source of global warming.

Lighting practice with the edgelord Yukio

That feeling when you FINALLY edge out a victory over your boyfriend so you can take a sweet selfie about it

Satan from Devilman

Burdened by Voices of Those Gone

“This is... your dream, isn’t it?”