Pokemon Swsh - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Isle of Armor Day!

Isle Of Armor Day!
Isle Of Armor Day!

One year since the Isle of Armor DLC came out! I'm glad we got some mean rivals out of it hehe

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3 years ago

" In the darkness of a new-moon night, Gourgeist will come knocking. Whoever answers the door will be swept off to the afterlife . . . '

" In The Darkness Of A New-moon Night, Gourgeist Will Come Knocking. Whoever Answers The Door Will Be

Happy October 1st!

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3 years ago

All my friends are watching, I can hear them talking.

All My Friends Are Watching, I Can Hear Them Talking.

Everyone's favorite nuzlocke protagonist!

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3 years ago

"Watch yourself, Victor/Gloria! Your old rivals are teaming up to take you down!"

"Watch Yourself, Victor/Gloria! Your Old Rivals Are Teaming Up To Take You Down!"
"Watch Yourself, Victor/Gloria! Your Old Rivals Are Teaming Up To Take You Down!"
"Watch Yourself, Victor/Gloria! Your Old Rivals Are Teaming Up To Take You Down!"
"Watch Yourself, Victor/Gloria! Your Old Rivals Are Teaming Up To Take You Down!"

I drew the SwSh rivals for Blacktober!

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2 years ago

I think all of my shiny luck went into this and I’m never going to find another shiny again.

I Think All Of My Shiny Luck Went Into This And Im Never Going To Find Another Shiny Again.
I Think All Of My Shiny Luck Went Into This And Im Never Going To Find Another Shiny Again.

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5 months ago
Sign Ups For The Pokemon Holiday Fanwork Exchange Open On NOVEMBER 1!

Sign Ups for The Pokemon Holiday Fanwork Exchange open on NOVEMBER 1!

We welcome fanfiction and fanart of any skill level, and from any area of the Pokemon franchise. Give a gift, receive a gift, and spread some cheer!

Follow this account to know when sign ups are live! 🎁🌨️

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9 months ago

The sheer PAIN AND AGONY I WENT THROUGH JUST for this pokemon.


For context - doing a SP water types only playthrough (with a soda themed name scheme) and decided I wanted a Milotic (first mistake).

So I went fishing for it in Mt Coronet (second mistake).

Eventually went a bit stir crazy and decided to get it in Sword (third mistake).

Found out there was a fog static encounter, but I didn't realise it was bugged to only spawn as male, and I wanted a female pokemon to balance the team out, so I ran from it (fourth mistake).

I then couldn't get another one to spawn, so started fishing on route 2 (fifth mistake).

I then tried max raid battles to no avail, though I did get some XP candy, so.. (seventh mistake).

Eventually gave up and started asking online/friends, to no avail (sixth mistake).

Then checked my Sword boxes again - I had checked them prior but I THOUGHT nothing had come up. (eighth mistake).

Turns out, I had a Milotic the ENTIRE TIME. Started breeding, but couldn't even GET the right nature, let alone a FEMALE Feebas with the right nature, so I decided to go to the battle tower to get what I thought were nature altering mints (ninth mistake).

They didn't ACTUALLY alter the nature, so the whole plan I had with poffins didn't work out the way I'd hoped (tenth mistake - and don't even get me fucking STARTED on the poffin making - my thumbs were dying by batch 2, and I ended up having to make about 4 or 5!)

Eventually settled on a secret ability neutral nature Feebas and traded her to SP. Fed her poffins and evolved her, traded her back to Sword to give her some EXP candy, then traded her back and gave her some necessary moves via TM/move tutor.

And I finally have my fucking Milotic.

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7 months ago

The world of Pokémon is vast: in the vast regions you journey through, amongst the creatures you grow close to, in various people you meet. Many tales can be told as one makes their way through the generations, no matter what game you begin with or at what age you start. Even if the story ends all the same, it’s the in-between that has entertained many for years.

With every game I play, I like to create little backstories for the MCs I play as. I also like to have one game as a girl and one as a guy. I’ve ever only beaten Gold though since that was the only game I had when I was young. While I’m away from work (due to mental health issues), I’ve been playing a lot of Pokémon lately and I thought I’d share them in this post. Even if no one ends up reading any of this, it’ll be something for me to look back at and maybe add to along the way.

NOTE: I always name my character “Burrows” but it’s treated more like a last name than their given name. Also not every game has a backstory yet because I’ve yet to play them.

Crystal is linked to Legends Arceus because at the end of the battle with Red on Mt. Silver, Kris ends up being teleported to Hisui (if I’m playing a female) by Arceus. She’s also Lyra’s older sister.

Platinum is linked to Legends Arceus because couple of years after Dawn becomes Champion, Lucas ends up being teleported to Hisui (if I’m playing a male) by Arceus.

In HeartGold, Lyra sets off on a journey with the motivation to find what happened to her sister, Kris.

In Sword, Victor is originally from somewhere that’s the equivalent to Germany and has had a crush on Hop since they were kids. In Shield, Gloria is Hop’s cousin.

Brilliant Diamond also has Dawn being related to Barry (since I play as a blonde in that game and I immediately thought of her being related to Barry when I saw them together).

Legends Arceus has been briefly explained already but I also like to imagine an alternate timeline where both Lucas and Kris have been sent to Hisui, with Kris being sent a few years earlier than Lucas.

Both Kris and Lucas came from timelines where they were the assistant to their region’s professor so they’re good with researching for Professor Laventon.

Kris is better at battling than Lucas but Lucas is better with problem solving and is more book-smart to Kris’s street-smart.

Neither lost their memories. They aren’t Fallers since they didn’t arrive to Hisui through a wormhole, Arceus was the one who brought them over (I know you can technically play as if you have amnesia in the game but I like the idea of the MCs retaining their memories better).

Kris doesn’t know who Ingo actually is but Lucas does and it’s pain-! He tells Kris and they both make it their mission to help Ingo recover his memories.

Kris was dropped in Hisui feeling accomplished and is determined to find a way back home. Lucas was dropped in Hisui feeling like he might be better off in the past because at least he’s being appreciated and remembered (things weren’t exactly going great for him back in the Platinum timeline).

Kris and Lucas still meet Rei and Akari in this timeline but they’re kids, not teenagers (makes for some cute bonding moments since they remind Kris of Lyra and Lucas was an only child).

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