Jade Harley - Tumblr Posts

The ladies (and theydies) had a blast helping the birthday girl choose her outfit for the day! (Below is a non-bubbled June in case thats more your style :D)

Here's to another year. You have a feeling it is going to be a very long day.
Fifteen Years.


if i had a room like that id fill it with an alchemiser

tried using the thicc paint tools on artrage since idk, sounded fun. was fun.

413 go brr,,
guess whos going trick or treating as jade
B33 < rant ? about june though, so its positive !! :3
:33 < ithink a really interesting headcanon is headcanonning june as having long hair due to the fact that she probably no longer has a pair of scissors to actually cut her hair
:33 < like yea, sure, they have daves sword, but that wouldnt make for a clean cut, and itd be pretty funny if they all tried cutting their hair years ago but realised the haircut looked bad and never tried it again (though maybe if theres any character who wouldve liked the wonky, uneven hair cut its rose ifeel like they wouldve enjoyed it idont know why)
B33 < either that or they just dint cut their hair as a whole :oP more long hair daves !! more long hair john/junes !! more long haired men !!

Day One’s Cosplay pics
I saw so many cool cosplays just in the first day and I wish I’d had the courage to say hi to a few more. I’ll credit as many of you guys as I can now, but if you see yourself here then feel free to send me a message so I can do so. And thanks to the all you guys for letting get a photo of you and the cool Booker for letting my pal Gumshoe hold his Gravity Gun.
Jake English - Me
Detective Dick Gumshoe - territorialoak’s brother
Maggey Byrde - territorialoak
Calliope - xteacupx
Vriska - Lots of Lydia
There will be more pics to come for day 2 cosplays and merchandise and pre/post con pics

Now for part 2! Honestly you guys really made the con for me, I was feeling abit isolated and worried about socialising with anyone and you rally helped a ton. And the effort that went into these cosplays really blew me away. Thanks so much for being a bunch of real stand up guys and gals you all rock and I would love to see you guys again at some upcoming conventions (though I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to that).
Sorry again about the blurry photo’s my phones camera isn't great but thankfully this time we had a big tumblr-exchanging-fest so tagging should be easier.
Jake English - Myself
Jade Harley - thefangirlgoddess
Callie Ohpeee - xteacupx
Nepeta Leijon- whoiscatherine
Vriska Serket - midgetkiwi
Dave Strider - eren-jaeger-the-bombastic
Rose Lalonde - maidofsalt
Terezi Pyrope - Unkown (sorry)
Flower Crown Dirk Strider(Our amazing photographer for many of the great pics you should see soon) ectoplasmicghost (Instagram: ectoplasmicghost)
God Tier Dirk - gunns-n-robbies
Roxy Lalonde - probablyjupiter
Homestuck dub in 2024???? more likely than you think!!!!!!!!!!
Closed temporarily.
Hey there homestucks!!!! i am thinking of making my very own homestuck dub!!!!! but in order to have a new dub i am gonna need voice actors!!!! just dm me @ini_vinnie on discord asking for one of these characters with a audio clip of you voicing said character here is the list:
Narrator: Me :33
John/june: waiting on voice clip
Rose: @mulchergeist on discord
Dave: @Bana_biohazard on discord.
Jade: @sugar_rave_rabbit
Jane: free
Dirk: @nyazzy.wad on discord
Roxy: waiting on audio
Jake: free
TROLLSSS (dancestors included)
Karkat: @chewychows
Kankri: free
Aradia: pending voice
Damara: free
Tavros: free
Rufioh: free
sollux: free
Mituna: free
Nepeta: free
Meulin: @auenknown on disc
Kanaya: @aeroargonic on discord.
Porrim: free
Terezi: me >:]
Latula: @auenknown on disc
Vriska: @sunnyskulls on discord
Aranea: free
Equius: free
horuss: free
Gamzee: @spoopybois903 on disc
Kurloz: @spoopybois903 on disc
Eridan: @spoopybois903 on disc
Cronus: @bardofhope on discord
Feferi: free
Meenah: free
Calliope: free
Caliborn: free
I will edit this when voices get taken!!!!!
also just letting you know i am a minor and if you aren't comfortable with that do not audition.
Homestuck characters that would make the perfect rp discord rotation:
Calliope, Nepeta, Dave, Jade, Kanaya, Aradia, Feferi
Homestuck characters who would make a hellish rp discord rotation:
Dirk, Eridan, Caliborn, Bro, Gamzee, Nannasprite, Arquissprite, Rose
(this is solely my opinion based on how the characters either react to the concept of rp in the comic or how well or horribly the characters would cooperate in an rp,)