Sorry For So Much Txt Posting, Here's Sum Doodles Of My Party For Curse Of Strahd Since The Session Is

sorry for so much txt posting, here's sum doodles of my party for curse of strahd since the session is happening tonite. one of my players hasnt given me their characters apperance yet, so hes nawt there.
these were just made to get. a general gist of their designs.. one day i'll properly draw them bc they are my belobed friends' characters, and what am i if not an art machine for my blorbos
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More Posts from Spotduet
i MISS bloodlines & vtm overall so bad. esp sebastion lacroix... i hate that snobby cunt, he wants me so bad.

today i bring you aba stimming. tomorrow? who knows
sometimes when i see my ex's friends and mutuals, i am so tempted to reach out and be like "hayyy" and provide the receipts for why she is my ex ... instead i let her live peacefully. sucks that she got away with 3+ years of textbook abuse, but at least i got a dicebag from it and the wisdom of an old war veteran (except the war was abuse)

i'm sorry i'm not a villain, i am spiritually ☹️ but the law stops me from what i would Do.
anyways, i don't have people to tag, but any of you guys who wanna :)
Thanks for the tag @rook-of-the-woods 💜💜
1. Do this uquiz.
2. Do this picrew.
3. Tag people.

tagging @gigglesnorts @ligovskaya @sovaghoul @bonegender @moonswounds @cosmicsymbols @saltikatohka @beowulf22121 @run-of-the-milf @sprat-jack @jimothybarnes
don't feel obligated but I feel that these are fun
any wise words, advice or insight?
so i've been decently confident that i have POTS , especially because i started to feel this way about 8-ish years ago after i was bedridden sick.
^ (but for almost as long as i can remember, i never liked standing up for long times, and felt faint often, so i really don't know for sure) more context below cut
even so, i don't move around often, aside from when i'm at work 3x a week (5-6hrs each) or going out with friends. i usually stay in my room crumbled up in my desk chaid or in bed. i also have arfid and so i don't have the best eating habits too
because of this i'm not sure if i an physically built wrong or if the fainting, weak knees & arms, and dizziness (+other POTs-like symptoms) are just a result of my habits? i used to be fairly active in elementary school + middle school, but cannot remember if that ever helped me. i know that even when i was active, by ribs would feel broken with cramps and bruises. so i really can't tell if i was just living like this or only now am feeling it.
my doctors aren't listening too much, but that seems normal for my healthcare system/hj
i find that if i can sit and eat every once and a while during my time i do go out, i can suffice with only a little bit of dizziness, but i still fear leaving the house without any secure way of breaks or snacks, so i'm using the world's most painful hand-me-down wheelchair and i don't even know if i should get a new one because i don't feel justified since i've 'lived long enough' like this without one. (even though, i have to admit, i only stopped leaving the house because of my symptoms over a decade ago)