stacywaters - Stacy Waters
Stacy Waters

Hello! My name's Stacy :) here I’m gonna be posting my bangtan and TXT fics! I hope you enjoy!! :D

58 posts

Seeds Of Hope (JHOPE) CH4 - An Unexpected Morning

Seeds of Hope (JHOPE) CH4 - An Unexpected Morning

Seeds Of Hope (JHOPE) CH4 - An Unexpected Morning

I woke up and slowly ran my hands through my hair. Pulling out my phone I check the analytics on my most recent chapter of my fan fiction.

"Haha, I really surprised them with that twist!" I laugh to myself, "I'm sure they weren't expecting for Stacy to actually be the one writing it!"

Not bothering to put much effort into my appearance, I grab an oversized sweatshirt and put it on along with some sneakers. Grabbing my keys and my phone, I leave my apartment.

After a short walk, I walk into my favorite cafe. A few people sit at the small tables outside working and drinking their beverages. There's a long line since everyone wants their coffee before their busy day at work. 

After ordering, I wait off to the side of the counter. My drink comes swiftly and I thank them, leaving the small cafe to begin my walk. Not even a few steps out of the building, I trip and spill my drink all over a table next to the doors.

"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to!"

"Oh, no worries!" The man at the table says, showing me a smile. I notice his dimples as he does, immediately recognizing my favorite idol but too afraid to say anything.

I glance to the table now covered with my vanilla latte along with many papers spread onto the small surface.

"Oh no, all your work..." I trail off.

"It's okay, they're still somewhat legible! I'll just copy them onto new paper"

"Can I at least help? I feel so bad, that's so much work to redo"

"Are you sure? I don't want to make you late" He asks concerned, "It's really fine, I can do it"

"I won't be late!" I say, knowing in my head that I will be late, but choosing that Namjoon is more important than my job. 

"Alright! Well first maybe we should pick up the spill to prevent anything more getting damaged..." He suggests.

I ran back into the cafe and got some napkins. I throw away the nearly empty cup and wipe down the table before sitting back down across from him.

"Ah, I guess I never told you my name! I'm Namjoon" He says.

"Y/N" I respond, even though I already know who he is.

I examine the papers on the table, "are these, lyrics?"

"Ah! Yes!" He replies, "They are, I'm a musician"

"That's so cool!" I reply, careful not to reveal that I am in fact an ARMY.

And we stayed like that, copying the work onto new paper until around noon. Just chatting and getting to know each other. I didn't mean to spill my latte all over his lyrics, but secretly I was a little grateful that fate brought me to him. Eventually we had finished, and it was time to say goodbye.

"Well, I hope your song turns out well!" I say, "I read some of your lyrics. They're really good, I can't wait to hear them in music form"

"Thank you" He says a bit flustered.

"I guess, I'll see you around?" I mutter, a bit heartbroken that our exchange is over.

"Wait!" He calls out to me, "C-can I have your phone number?"

I tell him my phone number slowly as he writes it in, pausing to look up at me. 

"Thank you, I'll contact you again soon" He says with a smile.

"Okay! It was nice meeting you today"

"I enjoyed it too, Y/N!"

I awkwardly wave and turn to walk away. Once I'm a few steps further on the sidewalk, I turn to find him still there, and already looking at me. A blush forms on my face as I smile and give one last wave. Then I walk home, the smile still on my face long after I walk through my door.

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More Posts from Stacywaters

1 year ago

Coffee and Violets (SUGA) CH3 - Visiting the Flower Shop

(Yoongi POV)

"Did you talk to her?? Did you like her? Are you guys going on a date soon?" Hoseok bombardes me with questions the second I walk through the door.

"Woah- slow down. We just chatted for a bit, why the rush?" I ask.

"Ah, I should've figured as much." He pouts and goes back to the shipping label he was printing for an order.

"...I did get her number though"



"So she's coming over tomorrow? What are you going to wear?" Hoseok asks.

"The same thing I always do? She's just going to look at my lyrics.., It's not like a date."

"Sure. It's not a date. I believe you."

"It isn't!" I yell back, my face starting to burn red.

"Haha! You're blushing! I told you you'd like her~" He sings while running out of the room.

Damn it, Hoseok. He always overreacts. What's the big deal, anyway? Is it not normal to invite someone over? Or to give them your number?

...Is it?


I pull my phone from my pocket and read the message.

Y/N: Hey! Just checking to see what time you wanted me to come over tomorrow :)

I blink rapidly, trying to comprehend the text in front of me. I start to type out a response, "Anytime is really fine. We're not busy."

Y/N: Alright! See you tomorrow then! 😃

I set my phone back on the table. Hoseok walks in, "What was that dinging sound earlier? Did she text you?"


"WHAT DID SHE SAY?" He yells while grabbing my phone from the table. As he scrolls through the messages, he says, "You didn't even respond to her. It's rude to leave people on read, y'know."

"There was nothing left to say" I respond.

He starts typing something out and hits 'send'.

"Much better!" He replies.

"What did you do??" I reply, panicked.

He hands me the phone to show the message, reading: I can't wait to see you 😊

"HOSEOK!! I would never say that! That's so dumb, she's gonna think I like her or something."

"Don't you?" He smirks.

We're interrupted by another ding from my phone. Hoseok gets to it before me and reads out the message, "Oh? Catching feelings already?"


(Y/N POV) 

Why did I send that?? I question myself. I hardly even know him, I shouldn't be joking like this.

I type out another message to clarify the previous one.

Y/N: Just kidding. You better not haha

Yoongi: Why? Do you have a boyfriend?

Y/N: I might.

Yoongi: What's his name?

Y/N: Okay, I don't. You still better not catch feelings, I know how tempting I am ;)

Yoongi: I promise.

I set my phone down on the counter, giggling to myself as another customer walks in.

"Hey! What can I get for ya?"


Before I step out of the cafe to go to the coffee shop, I give myself one last look. I'm currently wearing a gray sweatshirt with black jeans and my tennis shoes. Wow. I really chose to not dress up at all.

It's too late to change though and I wouldn't anyways. I step out and walk a step or two before opening a new, different door.

"Hi! Welcome to- OH HEY Y/N!!" Hoseok greets.

"Hi" I timidly grin as I step into the shop.

"Yoongi's just in the back- I'll lead you there!"

I follow him behind the counter into a large room with long, black tables and shelves covered with foliage.

"Yoongi~ your date's here" Hoseok calls to him.

"I'M NOT-"


"Relax! I'm just kidding. Have fun you two!" And with that, Hoseok goes back to the front of the store.

Yoongi turns around and makes eye contact with me, a small smile playing on his lips.

"h-Hey" I say apprehensively, breaking the eye contact and instead glancing down at my worn sneakers.

"Uh, hi. Here, you can sit next to me." He turns away, his face turning a pale pink.

I walk over and sit on the stool next to him. Despite the large room, I still feel too close. I fumble with my hands and bite my bottom lip. I didn't realize this would be so awkward. Why did I agree to this? And why is it so much easier to chat with him when it's over text?

(Yoongi POV)

This was so much easier when it was Hoseok writing the messages... I tap my pencil against the desk while looking over the pages of lyrics in front of me.

"U-um this- er.., these are the lyrics I have so far. They're pretty new so if they don't sound good then-"

"You read my writing yesterday. Don't worry, I'm not gonna judge yours" She smiles sweetly at me while gently pulling the papers from my hands. I watch timidly as she reads through them.

"These are really good" she says, turning back to me, "but- well..," She pauses in thought.

"You can say it, it's okay" I say.

"It's just, well, they leave me a little heartbroken."

Her words surprise me. Heartbroken?

"It sounds like you've been through so much, and I just," her voice wobbles and a tear escapes her eye.

I rest my hand on her shoulder, "Hey, hey, why are you crying? I'm okay, we're fine."

She turns to me, her teary eyes sparkling under the fluorescent lights.

"I don't want you to have gone through that. That's so terrible. I want you... to be happy" She turns away, "You deserve to be happy."

A light laugh escapes my lips, "First of all, you don't know me. Maybe I don't deserve to be happy."

"THAT'S NOT TRUE!! You're a good person and you deserve to be happy! I just know it!"

I gasp at her outburst. Everything, the pout on her lips, the dark blush on her cheeks, her passion, the way she defends me when I can't even defend myself, all of it draws me to her. This is the first time, in so long, that I've felt... loved. She doesn't even know me and yet, her presence feels so warm.

"Thank you."

Why am I already so attached to her?

Am I...

Falling for her?

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1 year ago

Written in the Pages (RM) CH3

𝄆 𝄞 Namjoon POV 𝄇

"Why do you want to talk to me?"

I froze up. Why do I want to talk to you? Because I like you... But now is too early for a confession like that. Am I that awkward? Is she bored of me? Why is she asking a question like this, is it not enough to just have lunch with someone new?


"Namjoon, we're going to be late! Let's go!" Yoongi calls out from a distance.

I start to follow him as I walk towards my next class, turning around to say to her:





It was the only thing I could think of. That was the reason, after all. I just hope the noise of the crowd around us was enough to block out my unplanned confession. Nervously, I ran to my next class to ensure I'd be there on time, the blush still covering my face as I left.

𝄆 𝄞 Y/N POV 𝄇

As he ran off into the hallways, he said one last thing to me. Though I saw his mouth move, the only words I could make out were 'Because I'. That doesn't really answer my question, but he has a certain look of sincerity in his eyes that makes me believe him. Maybe he doesn't need a reason to be friends with me, maybe I only blend in because I've never tried to stand out. Maybe I'm more than what others have led me to believe.

𝄆 𝄞 𝄇

This evening as I sat at my desk, I scrolled through Instagram on my phone. In the suggested accounts for me to follow, Namjoon's was there. I can tell by the profile picture and posts he made of him and some of his friends whom I met today.

My thumb hovers over the follow button, still trying to decide if it's too soon or not.

Before I have a chance to make a decision, my cat jumps onto my desk and rattles the table. Petting her a few times, I look back down at my phone and realize I accidentally already clicked follow.



When I come back to my room after having dinner, I check my phone, surprised to find two new notifications. 'One new follower' and 'one unread message'. I open up the app and see that he followed me back, but what surprises me more is the DM.

"Hey :)"

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1 year ago

Hidden Behind a Smile (JIN) CH5 - The Message

Hidden Behind A Smile (JIN) CH5 - The Message


I walk into the shop, immediately noticing Y/N slumped over at the register. I walk over.

"Hey! How'd the fan meet go?"

"Ugh," she groans, "I totally embarrassed myself in front of Jin. Again. Last night was a whirlwind of emotions."

"Really? What happened?" I ask.

"So, the other members all went fine, but when I saw Jin I like, stopped breathing?" She chuckles, "He was so gorgeous, you wouldn't even understand, J. He was wearing this red shirt, anyways! So when I got to him, I was so focused on him that I wasn't looking where I was going and totally tripped in front of everyone."

"Oh no!" I said, grinning like a fool beneath my mask that she thought I was so attractive she tripped.

"He was super nice about it though! We joked for a bit and then he signed my album. He was even more amazing than I thought he'd be..." She trails off.

"Is that it?" I question. Surely she noticed my note, right?

"Yep! That's all." She smiles, "It was great though! Thank you so much for the tickets."

"Did you read what he-, what the members wrote to you?" I'm completely fishing at this point. Saturday is tomorrow! I need her to read it if my plan is to work!

"No, I figured they just write their signature or something"

"Really? Well I heard that they write little notes on the photo books. I've seen screenshots of people who's idols even asked them out or gave the fan their phone number! Hey, maybe Jin asked you out!" I tease.

"Oh please, why would Jin like me? He could have any girl."

But I want you...

"Just sayin'. It's worth checking, right?"

"I guess." She mumbles, "Stop getting my hopes up though! I'm just happy that I was able to meet him at all. Now if you will excuse me, I need to get back to work."

I sigh and leave the shop. What if she doesn't read it in time? What if she's disappointed and doesn't show up? What if she realizes it's me and doesn't like me at all anymore?



I clock out of my shift and walk home. On the way, I think about what J had said.

What was that about? Was he trying to tell me something? He seemed so serious about reading the messages...

I brush it off as I walk through my door. After putting my stuff away, I sit down at my desk where I left the album yesterday. Opening up the photo book, I begin reading what they wrote. I laugh and smile reading through them. Memories from yesterday fill my mind and I gush at the amazing experience.

After reading all the others, I flip to Jin's page. Before I begin, I think back to what J said. What if he did ask me out?

"Don't be silly, Y/N. That sort of thing only happens in fan fiction."  Say out loud. I start to read the page.

Dear Y/N,

Thank you so much for listening to our music and coming to the signing today! Your support means the word to us. I'd like to see you again. Wanna meet at Lotte World this Saturday at 10:00 am?

I'll be waiting for you,

Your Jinnie

If it wasn't on the desk, I would have dropped the book. Jin, THE Jin, wants to meet ME? A random girl who couldn't even afford the tickets to the fan sign? Some worker at a convenience store? Me? He wants to meet me at Lotte World?

"Wait, Friday, Saturday, tomorrow.." I mumble to myself, "TOMORROW IS THE DAY I'M SUPPOSED TO MEET HIM?" I practically scream.

I rush to my closet and flip through the clothes.

"No, no, no, not good enough!!" I yell.

I crumble to the floor. Not because I can't find something to wear, but because the reality of the situation hit me.

"If anything he just thought I was cute, and when he gets to know me he'll find out I'm a total weirdo with 7,000 pictures of him on my phone." Right as I say that, my phone buzzes. I'm relieved to find that J had messaged me.

J: I know you're off your shift by now. Did your sweetheart leave you a message? 😉

Me: J.., This is crazy

J: What? Did he actually?

Me: He asked me to meet him at Lotte World tomorrow..

J: Oh wow! It looks like your crush finally noticed :) congrats!

Me: No!! This is a problem! He's gonna meet me and think I'm insane!

J: And why would he think that?

Me: I can't believe I'm telling this to you...

Me: I have like- a million photos of him,

Me: He's my phone lock screen,

Me: I didn't even buy the ticket myself,

J: I don't see why he wouldn't like you because of THAT

Me: I'm friends with this weird guy named J,

J: Hey! You take that back! I'm the only reason you get to go on a date with Jin tomorrow 😡

Me: You're just jealous because you wish it was you on a date with me ;)

J: Nope. A date with Jin, though, I am jealous of that.

I laugh and set my phone down on my bed. J always has a weird ability of making me feel better. I decide to go to bed to be sure that I'm well rested before my date tomorrow.

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1 year ago

Coffee and Violets (SUGA) CH1 - Hoseok

    You glance up after hearing the bell ring, signaling someone came into the cafe. A boy with dark hair and a bright smile walks in.

    "Hello! What can I get for you today?" you greet.

    "Could I get a caramel macchiato?" He asks.

    "Yep! Will that be for here or to go?"

    "To go, please." He responds.

    You begin to make his drink as he leans against the counter. Soon enough his drink is ready and you package it up, sliding it across the counter to him.

    "Thanks!" He takes a sip of it, "Hey, this is really good! I'll have to come here more often."

    "Thank you!" you respond, proud of your skills.

    "Actually, I've been meaning to bring this up the whole time, but I run the flower shop right next door."

    "No way!" You respond, genuinely surprised. You guess you had a blind spot for that shop, you never bothered to check it out.

    "I'm sorry I never came by! I guess I should introduce myself then. My name is Y/N"

    "Nice to meet you Y/N! I'm Hoseok."

    You two talked about running businesses, funny exchanges with customers, and the struggles of living on your own. Since it was a slower afternoon in the cafe, you welcomed the conversation.

    "So, do you run this place all by yourself?" He asked, tilting his head.

    "Yeah. I tried getting someone else working here once, but it didn't work out too well." you answer. He nods in response.

    "Do you run your shop by yourself?" You ask him.

    "Actually no!" He responds, "I run it with my friend Yoongi. We've known each other for years now, so we work pretty well together."

    "That's awesome!" You say, "It must be nice having a friend you've known for so long"

    There's a pause in the conversation while he seems stuck on what to say. You notice and add, "I'm just kind of introverted, is all. I had a best friend I was really close with in elementary school!"

    "What happened to them?"

    "We drifted apart in middle school. Once we went into high school, she moved away."

    "I'm sorry to hear that..," He says.

    "We weren't really into the same things anymore. I was busy with my writing, she was caught up with other things. We'd only call every few months and when we did, we'd have nothing to talk about."

    "I see" He said before taking a sip of his drink.

    "I'm sorry for rambling on so much! We don't need to have a pity party, that was years ago. I'd be glad to have new friends though. Maybe you can be one?" You trail off, a little embarrassed at your directness.

    "Of course! Let me give you my number."

    You pull out your phone and he types in his number. He sends a quick text to himself before grabbing his own phone to save the contact.

    "You said you were a writer?" He asks.

    You nod in response. "I have been since I was young, but as I got older I became consumed in my fictional worlds. I'd always be drafting new plots or naming new characters. Sometimes I'd even draw my own characters, though I'm not much of an artist" You laugh.

    "That's so cool! I'd love to read your work sometime!"

    "Yeah! That'd be nice" You respond.

    "Alright. I better get back to the shop, but I'll talk to you again soon, 'kay? Maybe next time I can bring Yoongi along."

    "Sure! Enjoy your drink" You smile.

    He leaves the shop and you sigh to yourself, delving into your thoughts. That was so much fun, I haven't had a conversation like that in forever. Maybe it'll be nice having a new friend to talk to.

You pull out your phone and check your recent messages. His name had been saved as 'Hoseok :)'. You laugh to yourself. "His positive vibe sure is contagious."

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1 year ago

Seeds of Hope (JHOPE) CH2 - Sunlight

Seeds Of Hope (JHOPE) CH2 - Sunlight

My heart dropped. No, shattered. How could she say that? And in front of me? Doesn't she know by now that I'm a dancer?

"Well, I kinda like dancing... Maybe I could help you! Er-you know, if you want. Just as, like- to repay you for the seeds."

"I don't know... it's due tomorrow-"

"Stacy! Who was at the door?" A voice from inside called.

"Oh-uh, no one mom!" she responds.

Stacy... It's a nice name. A foreign one though, I wonder where she moved here from.

Her mom comes to the door anyway, and greets me with a warm smile.

"Hello! I'm Stacy's mom. And who might you be?"

"I'm a friend of Stacy. I was talking with her about her assignment in her dance class." I said.

"Oh really? I thought you said you didn't have any assignments due soon?"

Stacy's perspective:

My mom turns to look at me. The seeds weren't his fault, but he's seriously ruining my day now. Why did he have to tell her that?

"I was just coming by to return something and ask if she wanted any help on it, since I'm a dancer."

"Oh wow! That would be great, right Stacy?"

I hum in response, but it is not okay. I don't know him and I don't need more people seeing my awful coordination.

"You can come in and practice in Stacy's room if you'd like. Thank you so much for helping her!" My mom continued enthusiastically.

She motioned him in. Without any time to clean up my messy room, here we both are. I anxiously clear my throat and he hovers near the door.

"So... what choreography is it? Do you have instructions or..." he trails off.

"Yeah we have a video. We're supposed to like... memorize it." I say as I open up my laptop and pull up the video. 

He's actually a really good dancer. After watching the video just a couple times, he was able to do most of it. He helped me memorize the full choreography, spending more time on challenging parts. I thought it would be really awkward, but once we started dancing it got much easier to talk to him. 

After going through the entire choreography with no aid from the video for the last time, we both collapse onto my bedroom floor. 

As I catch my breath, I mumble, "we did it... we actually finished"

He's also out of breath, but on his face is a huge smile.

"That was a lot of fun. Great job us!"

"Yeah. Thank you for helping me, I might actually pass now." I laugh as I say.

"Are you kidding? You'll do great! You give yourself a hard time, but I think you did an amazing job." He encourages.

I feel myself blush a bit as he says it. I'm not used to people complimenting me, especially with something like my dancing. Shyly, I give a slight nod.

We exit my room and are shocked to find it dark outside. We lost track of time.

"How did it go? You guys have been practicing for a long time." My eomma says.

"Shoot, don't you need to get home?" I ask him, a bit of panic in my tone.

"Actually, I live next door to you guys! Surprise~" He announces.

I can't even give a response, just a shocked expression before my mom speaks.

"That's crazy! In that case, why don't you ask your parents if you can stay for dinner?"

"Oh." He says. "Actually, it's just me."

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry!" My mom rapidly apologizes.

"No no no! They're not dead or anything!" He clarifies. "They live in Gwangju. I'm new to Seoul, I moved here because I'm training to be an idol!"

"Really? That must be a lot of work. And it's a big apartment to stay in, all alone..." She trails off in thought.

"We insist then. You must stay for dinner!" My eomma pressures.

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